Methods of Research

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In my opinion, for a research to focus on a specific conclusion, research

methods should be used separately. Use one specific method of research to
come up with the conclusion. If the research suggests that quantitative and
qualitative data are not sufficient to answer the research question, then mixed
methods research will be the right choice.

There are several common reasons for using mixed methods research:
Generalization: Qualitative research usually has a smaller sample size, and
thus is not generalizable. In mixed methods research, this comparative
weakness is mitigated by the comparative strength of “large N,” externally
valid quantitative research. Contextualization: Mixing methods allows you to
put findings in context and add richer detail to your conclusions. Using
qualitative data to illustrate quantitative findings can help “put meat on the
bones” of your analysis. Credibility: Using different methods to collect data on
the same subject can make your results more credible. If the qualitative and
quantitative data converge, this strengthens the validity of your conclusions.
This process is called triangulation. As you formulate your research question,
try to directly address how qualitative and quantitative methods will be
combined in your study. If your research question can be sufficiently
answered via standalone quantitative or qualitative analysis, a mixed methods
approach may not be the right fit.

2. Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to test

or confirm theories and assumptions. This type of research can be used to
establish generalizable facts about a topic. Common quantitative methods
include experiments, observations recorded as numbers, and surveys with
closed-ended questions.
Qualitative research is expressed in words. It is used to understand concepts,
thoughts or experiences. This type of research enables you to gather in-depth
insights on topics that are not well understood. Common qualitative methods
include interviews with open-ended questions, observations described in
words, and literature reviews that explore concepts and theories.

3. Qualitative psychological research is based on the idea that the human

experience cannot be understood by reducing it to numbers; the experiences
of immigrants and refugees is a common area for qualitative research for this

Example: Acculturation, Self-esteem, Depression and Substance Abuse Among

Hispanic Men
“The purpose of this pilot study was to describe the relationships among
acculturation, depression, self-esteem, and substance abuse among a
community sample of Hispanic men in South Florida”

Quantitative research in psychology approaches increase our knowledge by

gathering data that can be manipulated mathematically. This allows us to
answer questions about the meanings of psychological concepts, as well as to
deter-mine their levels and variability as well as the relationships among them.
Quantitative research approaches may be contrasted with qualitative
approaches, which tend to collect data expressed in non-mathematical,
symbolic representations sometimes referred to as thick descriptions, and
place less focus on estimating the strength and form of relationships.

The data associated with quantitative approaches can result from simple
measurement operations such as counts or categorizations, or from more
complex operations that may involve the creation of measurement scales that
function as psychological yardsticks. For example, quantitative research
approaches have allowed industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists to
develop self-report measures of a construct called job satisfaction (JS), to
determine that JS has a variety of different aspects or facets (such as
satisfaction with pay, supervisor, or work setting), and to study its
relationships with conditions such as organizational culture or leadership that
make its general level higher or lower.

4. Research plays a pivotal role in improving our critical thinking skills which
enables us to make sound decisions, enhances our problem-solving abilities,
refining our research skills, polishes our creative skills and it stimulates
curiosity. In terms of innovation, research is used to discover new
technologies for a society’s fast-growing demand. In medical field, it helps to
formulate medicines and enhancing medical management of various
diseases. The COVID19 Vaccine is the best example of one of the recent
products of a research. As research is highly beneficial for people and their
daily lives, research also plays a significant role in future-proofing. It helps us
to come up with strategies to avoid or minimize the risks of the events that are
likely to happen in the future.

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