312 - GOI - 36924075 Final Copy: Updated On 24/01/2023 Printed On 24/01/2023 312-36924075

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312|GOI|36924075 Final Copy: Updated on 24/01/2023 Printed on 24/01/2023 312-36924075

Shipper's Name and Address Shipper's Account Number Not negotiable

Air Waybill
GOA, GOA 403802 Issued by
INDIA InterGlobe Aviation Limited, Registered Office: Central Wing,
4445410002 Ground Floor, Thapar House, 124 Janpath, New Delhi - 110001,
Consignee's Name and Address India. F 011-43513200. Email:[email protected]
Consignee's Account Number
Pan Card: PAN No. AABCI2726B
Copies 1,2 and 3 of this Air Waybill are originals and have the same validity
INTERIM DOMESTIC COURIER TERMINALNEAR It is agreed that the goods described herein are accepted in apparent good order and condi on
GATE NO.07NSCBI AIRPORT (except as noted) for carriage subject to the condi on of contract on the reverse hereof. The
KOLKOTA, WEST BENGAL 700052 shipper's a en on is drawn to the no ce concerning carrier’s limita on of liability, in the event
of non-declaration of the value of goods. The carrier’s liability under any circumstances would not
INDIA exceed INR 350/- per kilogram of goods. Shipper may increase such limita on of liability by
9330794762 declaring the actual value in case it exceeds INR 350/- per kilogram and pay a supplemental
charge, therefore.
This AWB is not a tax invoice
Amount of freight men oned here is as per published rate and does not represent the
transaction value for GST purpose.
This is for informa on only and the invoice on the basis of the transac on value as per
the agreement shall be issued separately.

Issuing Carrier's Agent Name and City

Agent's IATA Code Account No. Accounting Information

Airport of Departure (Addr. of first Carrier) and requested routing

To By first Routing and Destination To By To By Currency Chgs WT/VAL Other Declared Value for Declared Value for
Carrier Code PPD COLL PPD COLL Carriage Customs
Requested Flight/Date Amount of Insurance
Airport of Destination XXX
CCU-KOLKATA 6E6526 25/01/2023
Handling Information
MANUAL. | SHC:GEN:General Cargo
No. of Gross Weight Kg/lb Rate Class Chargeable Rate / Total Nature and Quantity of Goods
Pieces Commodity Item Weight Charge (incl. Dimensions or Volume)
30 600.00 K Q GEN 600.00 40.00 24,000.00 PLASTIC CAPS
DIMS: 39.00 * 39.00 * 58.00 * 30 * Cms;

30 600.00 24000.00
Prepaid Weight Charge Collect
Valuation Charge

Total other Charges Due Agent The shipper cer fies that the par culars on the face hereof are correct and, agrees to the
CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE HERE OF, accepts the carrier's liability is limited as stated on the
2,950.00 reverse hereof and accepts such value unless a higher value for carriage is declared on the face of
hereof subject to an addi onal charge and that insofar as any part of the consignment contains
Total other Charges Due Carrier dangerous goods(hazardous materials) such part is properly described by name and is in proper
condi on for carriage by air according to applicable na onal government regula ons and for
4,946.00 interna onal shipments,the current Interna onal Air Transport Associa on's Dangerous Goods
Signature of Shipper or his Agent
Total Prepaid Total Collect
Currency Conversion Rates Total Collect in Dest. Currency
24/01/2023 19:05 GOI Mani Shankar
INR EXECUTED ON (Place) Signature of Issuing Carrier or its Agent
Charges at Destination Total Collect Charges 312-36924075
For Carrier Use only at Destination
Air Waybill - Conditions of contract for cargo services for Non-international Carriage
Non-International Carriage of Cargo (other than Baggage and Mail)

1) InterGlobe Avia tion Limited (”IndiGo”) hereby ma kes the following pa rty a ris ing out of non-delivery or mis -delivery or negligence or for a ny
Regula tions rela ting to the conditions of Non-Interna tiona l ca rria ge of other rea s on wha ts oever s ha ll not exceed Rs . 350/-(Rupees three Hundred
Ca rgo (Other tha n Ba gga ge a nd Ma il) performed by IndiGo na mely: a nd Fifty only) per kilogra m of Goods a nd in compa ris on to the invoice
1. Short Title: va lue, whichever is lower. This limita tion of lia bility of the Ca rrier will
a . Thes e regula tions ma y be ca lled the IndiGo Non-Interna tiona l be a va lid defens e a ga ins t cla ims ma de a ga ins t it either by the Shipper,
Ca rria ge of Ca rgo (Other tha n Ba gga ge a nd Ma il) Regula tions a nd/or cons ignee a nd/or a ny third pa rty.
2006 (hereina fter “Regulations”). d. The Shipper hereby a grees tha t it ha s ta ken a ppropria te ins ura nce
b. It s ha ll come into force from 4thAugus t, 2006 cover a nd s uch ins ura nce cover is a pplica ble on a door to door
ba s is ca rrier s ha ll ha ve the right to a s k the Shipper a copy of s uch
2) Definitions : ins ura nce certifica te a t its s ole dis cretion.
In thes e regula tions , unles s there is a nything repugna nt in the s ubject or context: e. The Shipper hereby a gree to indemnify a nd hold ha rmles s the Ca rrier a nd
a . “Government” mea ns the Government of India ; / or it’s officers , a gents , employees , cons ulta nts etc.in the event of
b. “Non-Interna tiona l Ca rria ge” mea ns ca rria ge a s defined in the a ny da ma ge to the cons ignment when the s a me is not in IndiGo’s pos s es s ion.
Ca rria ge by Air Act, 1972; 6) There s ha ll not be a ny time limit fixed for the completion of ca rria ge
c. “Ca rgo “ in this context will not include ba gga ge a nd ma il; hereunder a nd the Ca rrier ma y without notice s ubs titute a lterna te
d. “Air wa ybill” mea ns Air Cons ignment note; ca rrier or a ircra ft.The ca rrier does not a s s ume a ny obliga tion to ca rry
e. “Shipper” mea ns “cons ignor”, the Goods by a ny s pecified a ircra ft or over a ny pa rticula r route or to
f. “Ca rria ge” mea ns tra ns porta tion of ca rgo by a ir; routes or to ma ke connection to a ny point a ccording to a ny pa rticula r
g. “Ca rrier” mea ns the ca rrier (tha t is IndiGo), is s uing the Air Wa ybill a nd; s chedule, a nd the Ca rrier is a uthorized to s elect, or devia te from the
h. For the purpos es of the exemption from a nd limita tion of lia bility route or routes of s hipment, not with s ta nding tha t the s a me ma y be
provis ions s et forth or referred to in the Air Wa ybill, “Ca rrier” s ta ted on the fa ce of the Air wa ybill. The s hipper s ha ll gua ra ntee the
includes a gents , s erva nts or repres enta tive of the “Ca rrier. pa yment of the cha rges a nd a dva nces .
3) a . Ca rria ge hereunder is s ubject to the rules rela ting to lia bility es ta blis hed 7) The pa cka ge s a id to conta in the Ca rgo, des cribed on the fa ce of the Air Wa ybill
by Ca rria ge by Air, Act, 1972, ( 69 of 1972 ) a s extended to s ha ll be a ccepted for Ca rria ge from it’s receipt a t Ca rrier’s termina l ora irport
Non-interna tiona l ca rria ge with certa in exceptions , a da pta tions a nd office a t the pla ce of depa rture to the a irport a t the pla ce of des tina tion.
modifica tions vide Government, Minis try of Touris m a nd Civil Avia tion 8) The Ca rrier ha s the right (but s ha ll be under no obliga tion) to pa y a ny
Notifica tions No. AV-11012/8/72-A da ted 30th Ma rch, 1973 publis hed in duties , ta xes or cha rge a nd to ma ke a ny dis burs ement with res pect to the
Pa rt II Section 3, Sub Section (II) of the Ga zette of India da ted Ca rgo, a nd the Shipper, owner a nd cons ignee s ha ll be jointly a nd
30th Ma rch, 1973, a nd modified by Governments , Minis try of Touris m s evera lly lia ble for reimburs ement thereof.
a nd Civil a via tion Notifica tion no. AV-11012/5/79-A da ted 5th July 1980 9) Expect a s otherwis e s pecifica lly provided in the Air Wa ybill, delivery of
publis hed in Pa rt II Section /, Sub Section (II) of the Ga zette of India 19.7.1980. goods will be ma de to the cons ignee na med on the fa ce of the Air Wa ybill
b. Ca rria ge hereunder is s ubject to:- or the cons ignee’s a uthorized a gent a ccompa nied by the
i) Applica ble la ws , Government regula tions , orders , a nd requirements . cons ignee’s copy of the Air wa ybill. Notice of a rriva l of the goods , will in
ii) Provis ions herein s et forth. the a bs ence of other ins truction, be s ent to the cons ignee by regis tered
iii) Applica ble ta riffs , rules , regula tions a nd timeta bles (but pos t. The Ca rrier will be not lia ble for the non-receipt or dela y in receipt
not the time of depa rture a nd a rriva l therein) of the Ca rrier,which of s uch notice.
a re ma de pa rt hereof a nd which ma y be ins pected a t a ny of its In ca s e of urgency, the Ca rrier ma y deliver the Goods to the cons ignee or
office a nd a t a irports from which it opera tes its regula r s ervices . Cons ignee’s a uthorized a gent without production of the cons ignee’s copy
c. The a greed s topping pla ces . (which ma y be a ltered by the Ca rrier in of the Air Wa ybill upon a bond being furnis hed.
ca s e of neces s ity) a nd thos e pla ces , except the pla ce of The va lue for purpos e of the bond will be ca lcula ted a t the ra te of Rs . 350/-
depa rture a nd the pla ce of des tina tion ,s et forth on the fa ce of (Rupees three hundred a nd fifty only) per kilogra m of the weight of the
a irwa ybill or s hown in ca rrier’s timeta ble a s s cheduled s topping cons ignment, when no va lue is decla red. Where the va lue is decla red for
pla ces for the route. ca rria ge of good, va lue for purpos e of the bond would be the va lue of the
d. The Shipper a cknowledges tha t he ha s been given the opportunity Goods s o decla red.
to ma ke a s pecia l decla ra tion of the va lue of the Ca rgo before The delivery of the cons ignment in the a fore mentioned ma nner s ha ll be a
being a ccepted by the Ca rrier, a nd tha t the s um entered on the complete dis cha rge of a ny res pons ibility or lia bility of the Ca rrier.
fa ce of the Air Wa ybill a s “Shipper’s / Cons ignor decla red va lue for 10) a . Receipt of ca rgo without compla int a t the time of delivery s ha ll
ca rria ge” if in exces s of Rs . 350/- (Rupees three hundred a nd Fifty be prima fa cie evidence tha t the cons ignment ha s been
only) per kilogra m cons titutes s uch s pecia l decla ra tion of va lue delivered correctly a nd in good condition;
a nd ha s pa id a s upplementa ry s um it the ca s e s o requires ,In tha t b. No a ction s ha ll be ma inta ined in the ca s e of da ma ge to Goods
ca s e the ca rrier will be lia ble to pa y a s um not exceeding the unles s a compla int is ma de to ca rrier in writing by the pers on
decla red s um, unles s s hipper proves tha t s um is grea ter tha n the a ctua l entitled to delivery. Such compla int s ha ll be ma de;
va lue of the cons ignment a t delivery. i) Of vis ible da ma ge to the Goods immedia tely a fter
4) In s o fa r a s a ny provis ion conta ined or referred to in the Air Wa ybill ma y dis covery of da ma ge a t the time of delivery a nd la tes t
be contra ry to the ma nda tory la w, Government regula tions , orders or within 7 (Seven) da ys from the da te of receipt of goods .
requirements , s uch provis ions s ha ll rema in a pplica ble to the extent tha t it ii) Of non-delivery of Goods , within one hundred a nd
is not over-ridden thereby. The inva lidity of a ny provis ion s ha ll not a ffect twenty (120) da ys from the da te of the is s ue of the a irwa y bill.
a ny other pa rt thereof. c. Any rights to da ma ge a ga ins t the Ca rrier s ha ll be extinguis hed
5) Except a s the provis ion of the s econd s chedule of the India n Ca rria ge by Air unles s a n a ction is brought within two yea rs a fter the occurrence of
Act, 1972, (69 to 1972) a s a pplica ble to Ca rria ge by a ir not being the events giving ris e to the cla im.
interna tiona l ca rria ge with exceptions , a da pta tions a nd modifica tions 11) The Shipper s ha ll comply with a ll a pplica ble la ws a nd other government
thereof or other a pplica ble la w ma y otherwis e require:- regula tion including thos e rela ting to the pa cking ca rria ge or delivery of
a . The Ca rrier is not lia ble to the Shipper or a ny other pers on for a ny the goods , a nd s ha ll furnis h Such informa tion a nd a tta ch s uch
da ma ge, dela y or los s of wha ts oever na ture (hereina fter collectively documents to the Air Wa ybill a s ma y be neces s a ry to comply with s uch
referred to a s “da ma ge”) a ris ing out of or in connection with the Ca rria ge la ws a nd regula tion. The Ca rrier is not lia ble to the Shippers or a ny other
of Ca rgo, unles s s uch da ma ge excluding dela y is proved to ha ve been pers on for the los s or expens e due to Shippers fa ilure to comply with
ca us ed by the negligence or willful fa ult of the Ca rrier a nd there ha s been this provis ion.
no contributory negligence of the s hipper,cons ignee or other cla ima nt. 12) No a gents , s erva nt or repres enta tive of the Ca rrier ha s a uthority to
The Ca rrier will not be lia ble forda ma ge ca us ed by dela y in the ca rria ge. a lter, modify or wa ive a ny provis ion of the Air Wa ybill.
b. The ca rrier is not lia ble for a ny da ma ge directly or indirectly a ris ing 13) The opera tor/ ca rrier s ha ll a lwa ys be entitled to open up the cons ignment
out of complia nce with a ny la ws , government regula tion, orders or to ens ure the correctnes s of its contents s ubject a lwa ys to it being
requirements or from a ny ca us e which is beyond the ca rrier’s control. clea rly unders tood tha t by doing s o the Ca rrier s ha ll not underta ke a ny
c. The cha rges for ca rria ge ha ve been ba s ed upon the va lue decla red by res pons ibility or lia bility for a ny contra vention of rule 8 of Aircra ft Rules 1937
the s hipper, lia bility s ha ll in no event exceed the Shipper’s decla red va lue by the Cons ignor for which, the Cons ignor a lone s ha ll continue to be lia ble.
for Ca rria ge s ta ted on the fa ce of the Air Wa ybill, a nd in the a bs ence 14) This Air Wa ybill is a non-negotia ble document a nd by tendering Ca rgo
of s uch decla ra tion by the Shipper, the lia bility of the Ca rrier for a ny los s , for tra ns porta tion by the Ca rrier, it is deemed tha t the Shipper a grees to the
either direct, indirect or otherwis e to the Shipper, cons ignee or to a ny third terms a nd conditions s ta ted herein.
Notice of carriage of prohibited / restricted article on board aircraft
Carriage of arms, explosive or dangerous good which are prohibited under sub-rules 1 of rule 8 and class of good the carriage of
which is permitted subject to provision of sub-rule(3) and (4) of the aircraft rule 1937, shall not be carried or cause or permitted to be
carried in any aircraft and contravention of this condition shall entail penal consequence under section 10 of the aircraft Act 1934. For all
purpose, consequence and the liabilities shall always be determined according to the real nature of goods carried / sent irrespective of
any decoration regarding the nature of goods. A list of prohibited / restricted articles is available at all our cargo booking offices in case
of any doubt as whether the carriage of any goods. is prohibited and are permitted subject to any condition, necessary information may be
obtained at all our cargo booking offices.

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