Bit2109 Bac2104 Professional Issues in It 2 PDF
Bit2109 Bac2104 Professional Issues in It 2 PDF
Bit2109 Bac2104 Professional Issues in It 2 PDF
a) When working with IT systems it is important that an organisation’s management has both
legal and ethical policies in place. Explain BOTH the terms ‘Legal’ and ‘Ethical’.
b) What action would you take if you suspected that software being developed by your
company might be harmful because it had not been rigorously tested for reasons of
minimising cost? (4 Marks)
c) Briefly discuss whether technology determines society or if society determines technology
(4 Marks)
d) Describe the essential elements relating to conduct that identify a professional activity
(4 Marks)
e) Using relevant examples describe two ethical theories (2 Marks)
f) How can information and information systems be used to gain power and, thereby create
additional ethical issues? (6 Marks)
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g) Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works,
and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Identify the key forms of
intellectual property (4 Marks)
a) Differences between countries may hinder attempts to regulate global computing activities.
Explain using the headings below, with an example in EACH case, how a computer based activity
that might be routinely accepted in one country might be unknown or unacceptable in another
b) Do you think that it is ethically defensible for ISPs and government agencies to keep records of
all Internet activities undertaken by individuals? Give reasons for your answer. (5 Marks)
c) Discuss how Personality Traits and Attitudes, Moral Development, and the
Situation affect Ethical Behavior at the work place (6 Marks)
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b) As an IT professional working within the industry you will be expected to follow a code of ethical
conduct through your working life. Each individual needs to have their own code which should
cover conduct: Socially ,Legally and Professionally For any TWO of these categories give an
example of an IT moral or ethical dilemma and an appropriate response to it.
(6 Marks)
c) The "magical" experience of browsing the World Wide Web often lulls users into a false
sense of security. The Web seems like a "virtual" space, where neither personal identities
nor consequences for behavior exist. Discuss with reference to ethical and morality issues
raised by anonymity (8 Marks)
a) Is there any relationship between business ethics and corporate governance ? If so, how do
business ethics influence governance process in a company ? (6 Marks)
b) Explain if White Hat is an ethical form of hacking or a person using his or her hacking
abilities under the pretence of doing a good deed to extort companies out of money
(4 Marks)
c) “There exist the tension between businesses interests in maximizing profits and the public’s
interest in receiving complete, truthful, and non-misleading information about products that
they purchase” Discuss (10 Marks)
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