The Implementation of Integrated Financial Management Systems Ifmis
The Implementation of Integrated Financial Management Systems Ifmis
The Implementation of Integrated Financial Management Systems Ifmis
“"The implementation of the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMIS) has proved a real
challenge. Are there any cases of successful implementation? And what factors contributed to this
success? Did the success lead to reduced corruption and improved PFM?"
Purpose: Summary:
We are currently working with a partner government to Emerging Information and Communication Technology
develop an IFMIS Programme and are facing a number (ICT) can play an important role in fighting corruption in
of challenges which are delaying implementation. public finance systems by promoting greater
comprehensiveness and transparency of information
Content: across government institutions. As a result, the
introduction of Integrated Financial Management
Systems (IFMIS) has been promoted as a core
Part 1: Benefits and Challenges of component – and in many cases a driver- of public
IFMIS financial reforms in many developing countries1. Yet,
Part 2: Experience with IFMIS experience shows that in spite of the considerable
Implementation amount of resources allocated to such schemes, IFMIS
Part 3: Issues to Consider in projects tend to stall in developing countries, as they
Designing and Implementing face major challenges of institutional, political, technical
Part 4: Further Reading
U4 Expert Answers provide targeted and timely anti-corruption expert advice to U4 partner agency staff
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS)
and operational nature. Case studies of more What are the Benefits of IFMIS?
successful countries such as Kosovo, the Slovak
Republic, Tanzania and Ethiopia indicate that factors Expected Benefits
supporting successful implementation of IFMIS include
a clear commitment of the relevant authorities to There are a number of ways in which IFMIS can
financial reform objectives, ICT-readiness, a sound improve public finance management, but generally
project design, a phased approach to implementation, a IFMIS seek to enhance confidence and credibility of the
project management capability, as well as adequate budget through greater comprehensiveness and
resources and human resource capacity allocated to transparency of information.
the project.
They seek to improve budget planning and execution
Part 1: Benefits and Challenges of by providing timely and accurate data for budget
IFMIS management and decision making. IFMIS allow a more
standardised and realistic budget formulation across
What is an IFMIS? government, while promoting better control over budget
execution through the full integration of budget
The introduction of Integrated Financial Management execution data. They also allow for the decentralisation
Systems (IFMIS) has become a core component of of financial functions and processes under the overall
financial reforms to promote efficiency, security of data control of the Ministry of Finance, force financial
management and comprehensive financial reporting. discipline, decrease operating costs by reducing
administrative tasks and civil servants’ workload.
IFMIS provide an integrated computerised financial
package to enhance the effectiveness and In addition, IFMIS also seek to strengthen the efficiency
transparency of public resource management by of financial controls by making comprehensive, reliable
computerising the budget management and accounting and timely financial information available to the Auditor
system for a government. It consists of several core General, parliament, investigative and prosecutorial
sub-systems which plan, process and report on the use agencies, etc., as they improve accounting, recording
of public resources. The scope and functionality of and reporting practices through the provision of timely
IFMIS can vary across countries, but sub-systems and accurate financial data, a standardised integrated
normally include accounting, budgeting, cash financial management reporting system and an
management, debt management and related core upgraded computerised accounting system. When they
treasury systems. In addition to these core sub- work well, they make bank reconciliation automatic and
systems, some countries have chosen to expand their allow a closer monitoring of outstanding bills and cash
IFMIS with non core sub-systems such as tax in bank accounts.
administration, procurement management, asset
management, human resource and pay roll systems, Impact on Corruption
pension and social security systems and other possible
areas seen as supporting the core modules. There are no systematic assessments of the impact of
IFMIS impact on corruption. However, the literature
The scale of IFMIS may also vary and be limited to considers that IFMIS can have a deterrent function on
specific country-level institutions such as the Ministry of corruption by increasing the risks of detection. A well
Finance. However, IFMIS is generally meant to be used designed IFMIS can provide a number of features that
as a common system across government institutions, may help detect excessive payments, fraud and theft.
including in the more ambitious schemes for federal, These include, for example, automated identification of
state and local governments. The integration of IFMIS exceptions to normal operations, patterns of suspicious
across the board ensures that all users adhere to activities, automated cross-referencing of personal
common standards, rules and procedures, with the identification numbers for fraud, cross-reference of
view to reducing risks of mismanagement of public asset inventories with equipment purchase to detect
resources. theft, automated cash disbursement rules, identification
of ghost workers, etc. 2
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS)
In Sierra Leone, for example, the introduction of IFMIS beyond mere technological risks of failure and deficient
and subsequent improvement of record management functionality. A 2005 IMF working paper on introducing
helped uncover anomalies in personnel records of 2000 Financial Management Information Systems more
civil servants, leading to 16% of the subset employees specifically highlights a number of challenges that
being immediately suspended from the payroll as a explain why IFMIS projects tend to stall in developing
result of the exercise. (Please see: countries. (Please see: sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=888065).
Institutional Challenges
In addition, high speed comparisons of data can help
identify promptly weaknesses and exceptions and alert The introduction of IFMIS involves more than the
managers to suspicious patterns of activities. “simple” automation of public finance tasks and
processes. IFMIS imply both efficiency reforms and
However, some authors are relatively cautious about reforms that change existing procedures. They should
the impact IFMIS can have on reducing corruption, as therefore be seen as an organisational reform which
many corrupt transactions and cases of abuse of office deeply affects work processes and institutional
never enter the system. A paper by Bill Dorotinsky arrangements governing the management of public
suggests that, although it can be a very powerful tool finance. Failure to undertake parallel reforms required
against corruption, one should be aware of its by IFMIS is one of the reasons that often impede
limitations. (Please see: successful implementation. A USAID practical guide on IFMIS implementation published in 2008 identifies a
-1129947625190/billTransprencyandIFMS.doc). series of issues that commonly accompany IFMIS
Although it may facilitate ex post detection and reforms (Please see:
prosecution, it is unlikely that IFMIS will prevent high- PNADK595.pdf):
level corruption. Furthermore, while IFMIS can expedite
the production of reports and transmission of data, it • Legal framework – IFMIS must be
does not provide a guarantee that data is complete and underpinned by a coherent legal framework
reliable if incentives for data recording are not present governing the overall public finance system.
or the human systems and capacities surrounding the • Business processes – IFMIS generally imply
technology are not supportive. In addition, for IFMIS to fundamental changes in operating procedures
have a remedial impact on corruption, the justice and should be preceded by a detailed
system must have the capacity to follow up on cases of functional analysis of processes, procedures,
fraud and abuse, which is not always the case in user profiles and requirement that the system
developing countries. will support.
The paper further underscores that IFMIS may even be • Budget and account structure –
associated with new corruption opportunities through Implementing IFMIS requires that many
the monopolisation of information access and control. government structures start working with
Computerisation provides more access and control for common tools. For the information to be
those with required IT (Information Technology) skills. coherent, all administrative units at national,
The integrated nature of IFMIS means that all regional and local level need to adopt a
information from sub-systems are stored and managed common language in the form of unified
in a single database, with only a few specialists having budget classifications and charts of account.
control over accounting, budgeting, cash management This can be a very lengthy and cumbersome
and debt management data (often including payroll and process, which for example took more than
procurement system information). five years in Vietnam.
• Centralised treasury operations – IFMIS
What Are the Implementation reform is often accompanied by the
Challenges Involved? consolidation of all government financial
resources in a single treasury account or a set
Implementing and maintaining IFMIS is a complex task of linked accounts.
that involves the Ministry of Finance and all line
ministries. There are many risks involved that go far 3
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS) 4
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS) 5
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS) 6
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS)
for such projects to be low due to the technical nature The paper concludes that since the basic designs of
of the intervention. public financial systems are reasonably sound in Africa,
there is a strong base and potential from which to
However, some authors argue that there need not evolve using a process change approach.
necessarily be high-level commitment to reform for
successful implementation. The Ethiopian case study A Step by Step Approach
shows that what matters most in the process is the mid-
level management’s commitment to reform, as the Although the process should be made flexible to fit the
changes ultimately have to be implemented at this local context, an USAID practical guide on
level. The above mentioned paper concludes that implementing IFMIS details the various steps involved
projects that are to some extent “obscure” evade high in such schemes, drawing from the lessons learnt from
expectations, scrutiny and micro-management which experience (Please see:
tend to impede technical proceedings. In Ethiopia, PNADK595.pdf). The guide covers issues relating to
senior management contribution to the reform was the preparatory phase including concept design with
limited to securing funding at critical phases of the organisational and institutional assessment and
project, accepting the advice of the chief technical feasibility study, followed by the design phase of the
assistance advisor and monitoring the project’s project that outlines the functional specification and
progress. information technology related issues, as well as
procurement and implementation. The guide identifies
Process Change vs Process key implementation steps, including:
• The preparation of the initial need
In many cases, IFMIS reforms have been introduced as assessment;
a process innovation involving a radical and
• Requirement gathering and delivery of system
comprehensive restructuring of procedures to jumpstart
and improve the financial management system. In such
an approach, IT is being used as the driver of change • The design and delivery of a uniform chart of
rather than in support of the financial management accounts across the public service;
reform process.
• The preparation and delivery of accepted rules
and procedures for the new system;
Some authors challenge this approach by arguing that
financial procedures set out in most countries’ statutory • The evaluation, selection and procurement of
and regulatory frameworks are generally likely to be software and hardware applications;
sound, and it is both possible and desirable to pursue a
• The system integration, testing and
strategy of process change focused on improving what
exists rather than replacing it. Experience shows that
improvements are best made through gradual • The audit/evaluation of project progress and
strengthening of processes and skills. This strategy is results.
more likely to mitigate the risks associated with IFMIS
reforms, as it works with existing requirements, Appropriate Technological Choices
developed knowledge and user capacity which are
usually relatively limited in developing countries. Another key condition of success is the need to make
the right technical choices for the automation process.
Taking Ethiopia as an example, the above mentioned Ultimately, the effectiveness of IFMIS depends on the
Kennedy School of Government paper argues that IT robustness and flexibility of the technological solution.
should support and not drive financial management The technology chosen must be flexible to adapt to
reform, using a process change approach where IT is evolving conditions and allow the system to be
used in a supportive role to evolve rather than replace smoothly extended to other parts of government.
existing procedures. In other words, here a strategy of
improvement has been favoured over a strategy of To support the decision-making, IFMS design phases
replacement with a successful outcome, while more typically start with an in-depth analysis of the existing
radical attempts such as in Ghana or Uganda have budget and expenditure management processes. User
failed to deliver the expected changes. 7
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS)
requirements must be thoroughly identified as the basis In any case, it is important to allocate enough time to
for soft and hardware development. An assessment of assess and identify the most suitable and cost -
capacity and needs of IT-personal is also an important effective IT-solution to meet the needs of the country.
element to consider at this phase of the project.
Adequate Project Management and
All studies recommend choosing simple IT-solutions. Oversight
Complex large-scale IT-platforms increase the risk of
failure and under-performance of that platform and by Project management goes beyond managing the
extension, the system as a whole. Experience indicates technical aspects of implementation. An adequate
that systems which started small and progressively project implementation team should be set up, ideally
expanded are less likely to fail because associated comprising a project manager, a public finance
risks can be better managed. economist, a qualified accountant, a change
management/training expert, IT-system experts and
As mentioned before, a key issue to consider is logistic experts. It is recommended to set up a steering
whether to purchase Off-The-Shelf (OTS) systems and committee to oversee the process at the highest level,
customise them or to develop own “custom-build” chaired by a high-level figure, such as the Minister of
systems. Most studies recommend OTS solutions as an Finance, that meets regularly and produces minutes on
international best practice. The process of developing issues and milestones.
tailor-made systems is demanding, complex and costly,
including writing specifications for all the programmes Sequencing the Implementation
required to support government functions and
operations, testing and maintaining the platform.
Upgrading the old system also requires major
knowledge and resources, often resulting in systems There are high risks involved in implementing too many
that are too complex and fragmented. components of the reform at once and practitioners
believe that risks can be mitigated with a phased
approach that rolls out across government institutions
However, the Ethiopian experience challenges this
in a gradual and flexible process. Large IT-projects
assumption, by showing that in some cases it is more
require substantial investments in equipment, training
appropriate to use tailor-made IT solutions. OTS IFMIS
and infrastructure, and involve high risks of delays and
usually impose standardised procedures, often
failure, because of interdependency of the various
originated from developed countries and from
project components. It is recommended to favour a
commercial instead of public applications, implying
pragmatic step-by-step approach to reform, based on a
even higher customisation costs. By contrast, custom-
detailed assessment of existing conditions and needs.
build IT-solutions seek to fit the information system to
the local conditions rather than the opposite, where
rigid and standardised approaches force the public The process should therefore start by a comprehensive
sector to adapt to the system. assessment of the current institutional conditions (what
is needed and can be reasonably achieved?), including
an analysis of the current governance system, ICT-
Appropriate ICT-solutions must also be identified in
infrastructure, incentives structure, legal framework in
countries facing specific logistical challenges such as
place, and human resources available. The analysis
unreliable power supplies, telecommunications and
should also cover the training needs and potential
capacity. A case study conducted in post-conflict
implementation challenges.
countries such as Rwanda or Sierra Leone suggests
that simpler, web-based financial management systems
with easy interface may be considered. The study The system should only be rolled out once it has been
recommends piloting a web-based IFMIS supported by pre-tested with real data, to assess the way the chart of
a simpler software package installed in stand-alone accounts, the software and integration processes,
machines and building up an incremental network. recording of real transaction and producing report work
(Please see: in practice.
o%20Draft%20-%20Sequencing%20ICT%20in%20 The roll-out strategies should ensure that: 1) reform is
Post-Conflict%20Countries%20Undergoing% built around clear benchmarks and milestones; 2)
20Decentralization.pdf) reform is divided into self-contained modules and 3) 8
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS)
IFMIS implementation is broken down into definite reform. A broader and permanent training programme
steps. should also be developed and implemented. 9
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS) 10
The implementation of Integrated Financial Information
Management Systems (IFMIS)
• Inadequate planning;
• Poor communication between implementers,
donors and government;
• Shortage of management capacity and
• Changes in system design without full
agreement of all;
• Poorly implemented trainings. 11