Aajonus Questions and Answers
Aajonus Questions and Answers
Aajonus Questions and Answers
First Edition
Copyright (c) 2018 Optimal Ways of Living Trust. All rights reserved.
The material in this book is a source of information and education only. It is not intended
for the diagnosis or treatment of disease, nor should it replace advice from a qualified
medical professional. There is no promise of healing any disease or condition.
Reading this book is motivated by your own free will. We make no representations or
warranties of any kind, stated or implied, related to the collection of information
contained herein. Opinions expressed by Aajonus are his opinions, not the opinions of
the publishers. Some of the views expressed are controversial, and are expressed in
conjunction with a comprehensive nutritional strategy.
The publishers disclaim any liability for any adverse effects caused or allegedly
caused by the information in this book. The publishers are not liable/responsible for
any effects resulting from the use or misuse of the information herein, nor are the
publishers liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages.
Aajonus devoted the greater part of his life to researching in the field of health. From his
research he developed the very effective and workable Primal Diet, writing two books
and 31 newsletters on the subject, as well as making 2 DVDs. He also gave thousands
of consultations to his many clients and taught workshops all around the world.
And he devoted a great deal of his time to answering people’s questions. People would
phone him or e-mail him and ask about their health problems and he would answer.
To our tremendous loss, he died on Aug 28, 2013 from an accidental fall.
After his death, it was discovered that his computer and his backup drives held a
tremendous number of his e-mail responses to people’s health questions. Unfortunately,
most of the backup drives were damaged and could not be accessed. But one of the top
companies in the field of data recovery was employed and they were able to recover the
data on all but one of Aajonus’ hard drives. It turned out that the recovered drives
contained thousands of his invaluable e-mails wherein he answered almost every
conceivable health question.
Aajonus wanted us to have access to all of his knowledge and information so that each
one of us would be able to achieve and maintain optimal health. This is what he said to
a group in Los Angeles on April 4th, 2011:
"I will have all the information in books. ... They won't need me when I have all
the information; that's what I'm working on. Everybody will be able to take care
of themselves if I give everybody enough information."
Accordingly, we are publishing his answers to many of the health questions posed by
his followers.
They have been edited for clarity and to preserve people’s anonymity.
They are presented in date order and can easily be searched for the answers to your
health questions, using the search function of your PDF reader. Type in the word or
phrase you want information on and it will pull up every place in this book where that
word or phrase appears. Also, try synonyms or related words, if the search doesn’t find
everything you are looking for. If you still can’t find it then, probably, your answer will be
found in one of the subsequent editions of this book.
We hope you will benefit from the knowledge herein and thereby attain optimal health.
Very bad.
And how bad is it if I were to have 1/3 or 1/2 a banana a day in my smoothies?
I find the berries (all types) still give me a bad stomach (pain and discomfort) when I have them in the
The berries should pull toxins into the stomach. As the toxins pass through the stomach wall, cramps or
other discomfort sometimes occurs.
And how about half an apple sometimes with bits of cheese as a convenient snack?
Then have your smoothie without fruit; just milk and eggs, and honey if you can tolerate it.
When I explain the diet to others, and the weight gain, I never know the precise reason for the weight
gain and loss. Could you explain that to me? That would be very helpful. I have been passing on
information about this diet to a lot of people ever since our consultation.
The body cannot properly remove embedded toxins from tissue, including bone, unless excess fats are
present to be utilized as solvents and binders for toxin removal. After the excess fats have dissolved,
neutralized and chelated with some of the embedded toxins, the compounds must be eliminated, just as
dirty oil must be replaced in an automobile engine.
Is there anything else I can do to keep my weight down? My body composition is already about 30% fat.
Most bodies need to gain fat to absorb toxins that have been stored in the tissues for years. I now use a
technique that involves cyclic weight gain and weight loss.
I suggest that people gain from 12-30 lbs. over what their normal weight should be. Then they go on a
weight-loss regime to lose it. Most people are able to do the cycle in 16-30 weeks. For example, they may
take 10 weeks to gain it and 10 weeks to lose it. Some people do it in as little as 6 weeks; mostly these are
men: 3 weeks to gain it and 3 weeks to lose it.
They continue to utilize this technique for 15-40 years. It takes 40 years, approximately, to detoxify and
reconstruct the body. There is not a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You receive the benefits as you
You may do the weight-loss regime in whatever time frame is comfortable for you. I strongly suggest,
however, that you do gain at least 12 extra pounds each time before going on the weight-loss regime. The
controlled weight loss and weight gain is an effort to maximize detoxification with maximum clarity and
The program varies per the individual, but here are two examples:
Example 1)
DAY ONE: Throughout the day, alternate drinking 8-9 oz. of green vegetable juice and 1 whole egg, eaten
Rocky-style. Do not drink the juice and eat the egg together. After each time that juice or egg is eaten, wait
until very hungry before consuming the next juice portion or egg. Always begin the day with the vegetable
juice; it will alkalinize the blood after a night of turning acidic.
DAY TWO: Throughout the day, alternate drinking 8-9 oz. of green vegetable juice and a golf-ball-sized
amount of meat. Do not drink the juice and eat the meat together. After each time that juice or meat is
eaten, wait until very hungry before consuming the next juice or meat portion. Red and white meats should
be alternated but any one of them may be consumed more than another. All meats should be consumed
regularly, i.e., beef, lamb and/or buffalo, seafood, and fowl.
EVERY FOURTH OR FIFTH DAY: Consume 8 oz.. of raw milk before bedtime to help calm and relax the
nervous system.
Repeat this cycle throughout the 90 days of this regime.
Example 2)
This suggestion is for people who are more inclined to be emotional and/or suffer insomnia:
DAY ONE: Throughout the day, alternate drinking 8-9 oz. of green vegetable juice and 1 whole egg, eaten
Rocky-style. Do not drink the juice and eat the egg together. After each time that juice or egg is eaten, wait
until very hungry before consuming the next juice portion or egg. Always begin the day with the vegetable
juice; it will alkalinize the blood after a night of turning acidic.
DAY TWO: Throughout the day, alternate drinking 8-9 oz. of green vegetable juice and a golf-ball-sized
amount of meat. Do not drink the juice and eat the meat together. After each time that juice or meat is
eaten, wait until very hungry before consuming the next juice or meat portion. Red and white meats should
be alternated but any one of them may be consumed more than another. All meats should be consumed
regularly, i.e., beef, lamb and/or buffalo, seafood, and fowl.
EVERY FOURTH OR FIFTH DAY: Consume 8 oz. of raw milk before bedtime to help calm and relax the nervous
1. All kinds of fresh meat: beef from Australia, local pork, chicken and goat.
I don't know where the tuna and salmon are from.
4. There are a couple imported brands of honey, but not sure if I trust them.
All Taiwan honey is pasteurized???!!!!
6. All kinds of fresh fruit, mangos, papayas, guava, watermelon and avocados
(summer only).
Young coconuts are great for digestion and improved fat utilization. If you want older coconuts with plenty of
fat can you simply ask for some?
Fruits cause much water retention and emotionality. Since my book was published, I considerably reduced
my intake of fruit and drink mainly green vegetable juices (consisting of 60% celery, 20% parsley, and 20%
zucchini or other summer squash).
Re: Sunburn
I tried your suggestion of putting oil on the skin the night before, not washing the next day and
sunbathing and got somewhat burnt. Why is this?
I was out for 3 hours in the hot sun and got burnt after 1 ½ hours, so then I had to put some normal
sunscreen on, on certain areas, to avoid further burning. I am burning today, the day after all this.
The first outing without sunscreen of each year might result in some burn with peeling. Some people seem
as if they burn because they feel burned, but within a few days it eases without peeling. After the first burn
of each year, a burn is rare. If you continue to burn and peel on the next two outings, it may be an
indication that you already have enough oil in the skin to prevent sunburn. In that instance, as it is with me,
you may not be able to sun with any other fats on your skin than those that are transported naturally inside
your body -- that includes the butter or cream/ginger mixtures. I cannot put any oil on my skin for 24 hours,
and I cannot bathe for 24 hours prior to sunning. I always feel burned for a day and then it fades to a tan
without peeling. The first outing should be regulated with no more than 20 minutes per side per flip.
Raw cream on the skin will soothe and nourish the skin, and help the skin absorb the sun that has been
captured in the skin.
A client with red hair and very white skin who has been on the diet for almost 10 years, but has been afraid
to sun because she had cancer and has always had a problem with second+ degree sunburn prior to the diet,
came to LA last week and spent a few hours on the beach without putting anything on her skin the night
before. She thought she had burned. She turned bright red and was very sore. She put raw cream on her
skin to soothe the burning feeling for 36 hours afterward. She called me Thursday and said the redness and
soreness disappeared after 3 days and no sign of peeling at all. The first time in her 42 years. Now she will
be able to utilize the sun more easily for the rest of the summer. I have not known any clients with your
coloring who continue to have sun problems that cause peeling.
Re: Viruses
Are all viruses produced by the body or can one get them from other sources, for example: this virus that
is meant to come from the mosquito, or malaria or any other disease?
In a person who is in a very weakened state of health, it is possible to propagate an introduced virus if the
body needs it. How the body handles it and the aftermath depends on the condition of the body and what
that body is fed.
The study of viruses is extensive, but basically they alter cellular and/or serum conditions of the body. Some
even eat entire membranes, but with much less aggression than parasites. Man-made viruses can be
dangerous to a weakened immune system in someone who does not eat properly.
On tuberculosis, did people get this from milk in the past or is this also a fallacy?
Mostly, when milk was contaminated with tuberculi, it was contaminated by the milker coughing while
milking the cows. Since milk was somewhat predigested in the mammary glands, sometimes the tuberculi
passed through the mouth, throat and/or esophagus where it could be propagated if the body wanted to
utilize it for cleansing the pulmonaries. Only people who were very weakened in the pulmonary area
experienced severe symptoms or, in some cases, death.
Q2. If so, then when in relation to my program, how much and with what other food, if any?
In place of milk. I recommend only one cup per day. The colostrum should be consumed after it reaches
room temperature. If you are drinking colostrum within an hour after eating a meal, the meal that precedes
you drinking colostrum should be meat. If you are drinking colostrum within an hour preceding a meal, the
meal that succeeds you drinking colostrum should be meat.
I realize that because of limited availability, colostrum is not a regular part of my program. Someone said
that colostrum should be sipped over a 5-day period, but they weren't sure.
See above.
Q3. Regarding smoothies: at my consultation with you, you said that I should have 3 smoothies/day. The
1st smoothie comes between my 1st and 2nd juice. The 2nd smoothie comes with my 3rd meat meal. So
I assume that the 3rd smoothie must come after my 3rd meat meal and before my 4th juice?
Do I have the orange + 1/2 an avocado in lieu of a smoothie, between my 2nd and 3rd juice?
Correct. Therefore, on days that you consume the orange and avocado, I suggest only 2 smoothies a day.
Q4. Regarding weight: I am still at about 195lbs and I am barely 5' 8". I can hardly fit into my clothes;
most I cannot. When can I get onto some weight reduction program that you would prescribe?
Q5. I have been drinking the juice combination on the following schedule: 10 straight days of 20%
summer squash group, 20% parsley and 60% celery; then, 3 straight days of white/green cabbage in lieu
of the summer squash group; then I repeat the 10 day/3 day pattern, etc. Is that correct?
Sept 27, 2000
Q1. On my specific program, am I allowed to have wheat grass in the ratio of 3 oz. of wheat grass to 28
oz. of milk, i.e. "wheat grass/milk combo"?
Yes. I suggest that you drink it at least 1 hour from any other food, and no more than 1 cup per day.
Q2. If so, then how much at any one time of wheat grass/milk combo?
See above.
Q4. Can this combo be consumed with any other food on my program, e.g. at a meat meal?
It is not recommended.
See above.
Are there any other comments about this you'd care to make?
When I talk to people about the diet and you, etc., it would be helpful to have some statistics on reversal
rate of illness from acupuncture,
and herbalism.
About 22%.
Do you have any reasoning as you did with the body's own natural reversal rate versus the medical
approach and macrobiotics. Why do some people report improvements from these?
In most cases those therapies create toxic and/or traumatic conditions that cause the previous
detoxification and its symptoms to either stop or diminish.
And why have the Chinese been using acupuncture and herbalism for thousands of years?
Only the peasants and aesthetes, who were all poor, could not afford meats and dairy. They had to do
whatever seemed to cause distraction, whether actual or conceived.
Dec 12, 2000
Dear Aajonus,
I have a father and son who are over here from Houston getting treatment for the 21 year old son who
has bone cancer. They are staying in my building at the moment.
The son had chemo and consequently his kidneys are bad and he is on dialysis. He must be in a bad
It sounds like he experienced anaphylaxis to the chemo. That means he is in terrible condition.
I feel that some people are put off by having to read your book first before making an appointment. Or
some people do not get around to it or are in a rush to do something quick. I feel it is better they book
an appointment with you and then you ask them to read your book before the appointment. Instinctively,
I feel it is a deterrent to making an appointment.
Best wishes.
Your view is very compassionate and true. But it is a great drain on my life. When people do not read the
book first, I spend an enormous amount of my time and energy explaining my approach and then they don't
act on it. I wrote the book so that people could decide for themselves, without usurping my life. I believe if
their spirits are in favor of and have chosen that their earthly manifestation is to live, then they will read the
book first. I can only work and help so many people. I have made my life as efficient for this purpose as
possible. One of my efficiencies is that people read the book before contacting me.
Jan 12, 2001
Re: Flu
(See also Jan 12, 2001 Re: Kidneys)
Do you mean a wonderful flu? A flu is a bacterial detoxification. Fever is a way that the body lowers its
bacterial levels to slow down or end the detoxification processes. Fever is also an indication of healing, that
is, regeneration of tissue, so that you may become 30 again.
nausea, vomiting,
Indicates that the poisons being detoxified are caustic and dangerous, usually consisting of caustic bile.
When toxic bile is removed, the body is much freer to heal and become more energetic. Vomiting is the
quickest and best way to eliminate dangerous poisons. Next is diarrhea.
Good. More toxins expelling through the mucous membranes bound in the mucus where it cannot escape
and damage other live cells.
This is the season when bacteria are able to grow to high levels and help us detoxify. It is the cooler
temperatures and atmospheric conditions that allows for greater colonies of bacteria to help us.
I am very proud!
I recommend that you eat egg and/or raw cream with OJ. I hope that you can get some raw cream and/or
unsalted raw butter.
You may want to eliminate garlic if you notice that garlic increases sensitivity and swelling.
raw honey and bee pollen, but I can't keep the bee pollen down. Ha.
The bee pollen allows for the removal of more toxins. Reduce the amount of pollen and be sure to eat
cheese with it.
Should I do the green drink?
No. But I recommend that you eat 6 oz. of chicken each day while your body detoxes intensely to make sure
that you are healing properly.
My daughter has the same, except her excruciating pain is all in the throat and head, while mine is in the
spine and kidneys; so we are sharing the pain. Ha.
You are detoxifying from the neck down to the coxic and she is detoxifying from the top of the skull to the
clavicle or ribs.
I have lost so much fat on my hips and thighs the last few years it is baggy. YUK!
As I said, you are detoxifying down to your coxic, so some of that extra skin and connective tissue is
Eat lots of fat with your protein, after your detoxification settles. That is, eat eggs, raw cream, unsalted raw
butter, avocado, etc. with meat.
How do you feel about a colostrum powder that is not heated over 115 degrees, as they claim?
I can take herbs but wanted to know what you say about any raw food. I do get a lot of fat from avocados,
flax seed oil, meat and whole milk, but I think I need more help making the body mind.
I suggest that you do not ingest flax oil during your intensive detoxification. As I suggested, get some raw
cream and/or unsalted raw butter.
I know this diet makes you younger, as look at you; but considering my age, I just wondered if you have
any more suggestions.
You are doing wonderfully. Every time I got the flu, which was not often enough, the detoxification took 3
years off my appearance.
I have noticed my flesh is much more dense, which is great. I am basically not willing to grow old
gracefully, but don't feel ready for a new model, yet.
In two more weeks I will be ready to start up the fat diet, again.
Re: Kidneys
(See also Jan 12, 2001 Re: Flu)
I realized since last night that this severe pain is a kidney infection, especially on the right side. The only
thing that worries me is I am not urinating hardly at all, though I drank several glasses of Gerolsteiner in
the night – I hope it is not all blocked up or something. I haven't turned yellow yet, I don't think. Now I'm
drinking some warm regular lemon water as that's all I have. If you have a suggestion for this, please let
me know. I don't think I could eat much yet, but will try. Thanks so much for all the great data and
It’s probably not a kidney detoxification. Probably toxins that have discharged through the kidneys causing
irritation to the kidneys. However, that may have caused some kidney tissue detoxification. Better to drink
smoothies with many nutrients than nutrientless water.
Since I have been on the diet, I have had very few days when I am not exhausted and very wiped out
with a fluey feeling. It seems like a never-ending cycle. Over Christmas, I was aching for days and days
with a bad head and was very very tired. Now, I am not aching but feel very hot and swelled up and
fluey and washed out, and I have felt like this since Christmas. Overall, I feel I have improved since
September in health and energy levels, but I do get a lot of symptoms and the above. Other people on
the diet seem to go for 6 months with no detox symptoms, and then they might have 2 weeks of being
out of action. I am in action but with an awful lot of symptoms and exhaustion and extra symptoms of
flueyness and a funny head, like at the moment, which just goes on and on for weeks. I might have
relief for few days, and then it occurs again. Right now, I just want to sleep and sleep and yet, at night, I
lie there awake for hours. I get very cold in the day. I look very tired and have spots and have swelled
up and my hair is limp. Everything seems an enormous effort.
Both. There are some people, like me and you, who cannot afford to eat cooked food.
In an ideal world, a recipe for health is created when the effects on a person’s well-being are considered
first and taste second. I considered both within all of the recipes in the recipe book. However, appetite for
food is either habitual or instinctual, or both.
When conditioning prevails on hunger, we eat what we are used to eating and may not consider what helps
our bodies to function best. Most people are conditioned to eat processed food that lacks enzymes,
vitamins and unadulterated minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, even if enriched with supplements.
Supplements are always drugs and not food, even if derived from food. Most supplements are not derived
from food. The worst case of this is the fact that 99% of the Vitamin E manufactured is a waste byproduct
of developing film. Because the chemical waste has a similar structure to Vitamin E, film-developing
companies and/or waste-disposal companies and marketers sell this chemical waste as Vitamin E and
make huge profits instead of paying a fortune for its hazardous disposal. Virtually, most supplements are
derived from waste products. In other words, profiteers are making industrial polluters rich by getting
people to purchase and ingest toxic waste. Vice versa, foods rendered into waste products, after vitamins
and other supplements are chemically extracted or processed, are then made into foods, such as chips and
cereals, or animal fodder. That subject alone is a volume of books that I am not going to go into here.
The concept of extracting nutrients and consuming them to balance deficiencies produced in cooked and
processed food is futile. Organisms in all of nature have thrived on the ability to propagate, grow and live
disease-free with the ingestion of the raw food that is complete with particular combinations of enzymes,
vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Our bodies have evolved for millions of years
digesting foods that are complete within themselves.
If we were healthy beings that allowed pure natural instinct to answer hunger, we would eat what is best for
our bodily functions. Instinct, in a natural world without pollution, is when animals thrive on eating raw
food, rich in nutrients, that appeals to their sense of smell and/or taste. But, when we eat from the
muddled combination of instinct and habituation in this industrial-food world, we eat in a turmoil that
creates disease, as you know.
Often, our instincts are not pure and cannot lift us from realms of disease. Most animals who thrive on
instinct eat only one type of food at a time. Our nutritional deficiencies and toxicity are so great that, most
often, we need to eat concentrations and combinations of fats and meats that contradict our conditioning
that fats and meats are bad and cause obesity and a myriad of diseases.
There are two factors in the cause of our rampant diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity
and heart disease. The first factor is eating cooked and/or processed food void of live nutrients and full of
toxic byproducts of cooking, such as heterocyclic amines and lipid peroxides. The second factor is the
industrial and chemical revolutions that have created bizarre foreign chemicals that our bodies must try to
process as food and air, but have failed, causing toxic accumulations within our bodies.
Our bodies have innumerable chores to complete every minute. Each eats, digests, transports, utilizes and
assimilates food to generate energy, lubricate membranes, regenerate and reproduce cells, and replace
dead cells that it must then collect, transport, dissolve or disassemble, sort through for usable substances,
and finally discard; and collect, transport, and finally discard the byproducts of metabolism. The
innumerable raw enzymes and vitamins found in raw food are the helpers necessary to accomplish these
tasks to avoid disease. When we eat raw food we have zillions of helpers to accomplish all of those tasks.
When we cook and/or process the food, we have massacred our helpers, causing our bodies to have to do
all of the chores on their own, as well as clean up the toxicity from the massacre. Our pancreases must
produce and distribute hormones that leach vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates
from every cell to clean up the massacre and perform all of the innumerable tasks. Over many years, this
leaching causes, in most people, the gradual but marked decrease in strength and ability of each and every
cell and the increased toxicity that produces diseases of all kinds.
A plain and simple analogy is: We have a mansion (our body) in which we live. We must run it and keep it
clean. Our maids, gardeners, food preparers, handy persons and house managers help accomplish all of
the chores necessary. If we massacre the help (cook and/or process our food), not only do we have to
clean up the massacre, we have to do all of the chores of the mansion ourselves. As we can imagine, that
would be impossible. We will not properly accomplish any and all of the chores. Garbage will collect and
create a toxic environment within the mansion, and the mansion will deteriorate.
To further encourage the consumption of raw food, take into account that the tribes that have been, or
were, disease-free ate abundantly and primarily unsalted raw meat, unsalted raw fats and/or unsalted raw
dairy products. Raw-food fats are the primary substances that can dissolve toxicity and bind with toxicity,
protect our cells and immune systems, and deliver the greatest strength and energy. In an ideal world we
wouldn’t need as much fat as we do in our polluted, disease- ridden, human world. We are not living in an
ideal world, so we need to eat plenty of raw fats. Most people cannot regenerate cells to either reverse or
prevent the aging process of deterioration without eating plenty of raw meat in combination with raw fats.
Because we are so conditioned to eating burned flesh and fats, our taste buds have been conditioned to
like burned flesh and fats. Eating non-burned (raw) meats for some people is nearly impossible, unless it is
made into a familiar, flavored recipe. Therefore, most of the recipes I present in the recipe book are to
increase the appetite for raw meat. When I refer to raw meat, I mean any flesh food, whether it is seafood,
fowl, beef, lamb, venison or buffalo. Other recipes, such as raw cheesecakes, demonstrate that
wonderfully delicious raw recipes can be created and reproduced.
Fresh raw foods are not spoiled and usually have delightful tastes. They do not require seasoning for their
enjoyment; however, because we are accustomed to certain flavors we may want to combine and season
our raw food, creating familiar tastes. Each raw food tastes uniquely different, especially if heirloom rather
than hybrid. One tomato may taste slightly different from another tomato from the same vine. Therefore,
each time a recipe is made it will have a somewhat different flavor. This is the ultimate dietary variety that
is the spice of life. You may have noticed that most processed food when chewed loses its flavor and
palatability within 5 or 6 chews. That is because the flavor is artificial.
Most processed foods are from spoiled, rancid, and repulsive-tasting vegetable, grain, dairy or meat
products. For example, ninety-nine percent of all store-bought tomato sauces and tomato soups are made
with spoiled tomatoes, robust with fermentation and molds. Food processors season the spoiled tomatoes
with “natural” and artificial flavorings to hide the rotten tastes and make the spoiled tomatoes taste
appealing. But, basically, we are eating rotten tomatoes and paying a fortune for them, and they make our
bodies toxic and advance our bodies toward disease. A little spoiled, raw food has been proven to be
beneficial to health, but diets resplendent in spoiled, cooked and processed foods have proven to create
Since taste is in the palate of the masticator, the desirability of recipes depends on each individual. And,
since the health of an individual depends on what she or he eats, the benefits of recipes depend on an
individual’s needs. So, the foods necessary for us to regain or maintain good health may not appeal to our
palates. This is the conundrum that I faced when I developed recipes that please our adulterated
processed-food-craving palates. Some of us have retained some of our natural instinct and easily
appreciate raw food without palatal conflict. However, most of us live in palatal conflict.
I have raw food every day – I eat about 80% raw. I do still, unfortunately, get cravings for sugar and eat
it, especially when feeling this low in energy and fluey. I was eating more cooked food over Christmas
but less now. What do you feel my symptoms are? Are they detox?
Ill symptoms are always detoxification. When you eat cooked food, you will spend plenty of your raw
nutrients detoxifying the cooked. When you eat raw food, any cleansing is the detoxification of old, stored
toxicity. I prefer to cleanse the old and make my body healthier every moment, rather than delay my
progression toward the best of health.
Am I just someone who is detoxing at a more intense rate than others and therefore feels it more, or
someone who is reacting to the 20% cooked food?
Both. I just looked at your irises from June. Although I have seen a lot more toxicity in individuals, a lot of
seriously toxic compounds have stored in your glands. Without proper hormonal function you are likely to
be fatigued until you discharge enough of those compounds from the glands. Your pattern is to move the
toxicity from the glands through the muscles, rather than through the lymph. That causes aching and
fatigue. Your lymph system is congested and cannot stay ahead of its chores of detoxification.
Another question: my gums bleed an awful lot. What would help this, and why is this?
I suggest that you stop using your nutrients on detoxifying cooked food by ceasing to eat cooked food. And
drink ½ - 1 cup of green cabbage juice per day until it stops.
3rd question: Before my period, for 7-10 days, I get constant indigestion and reactions to a lot of food.
Before, it was cooked food, but now it is some raw food too. This time I reacted to bananas and
unpasteurized goat's yogurt with the same bad indigestion and stomach pain. In the past, I could eat
both without reactions; now it seems I cannot. What is this?
The female body utilizes menstruation for detoxification. Many toxic substances will pass into the blood
stream, causing a need for more nutrients and enzymes to enter the blood in order to dump the toxins
through the uterus. Difficult foods, like bananas and cultured dairy, require complex enzymes and white
cells for proper digestion. Since the blood has required and taken so many from the digestive tract,
complex foods are more difficult to digest. I rarely eat banana because of that problem. I never eat
unnaturally cultured yogurts or kefir because the bacteria on which they are cultured need a lot of
enzymatic assistance from the pancreas. When I want to eat cultured dairy, I simply let it stand until the
natural, fresh bacteria, that naturally exist in raw dairy, predigests it.
4th question: my nose seems blocked a lot of the time – not fully, but enough to notice I never seem to
breathe well. What can I do about the nose?
The air has been drier than usual; many people have been complaining of the same thing. Foods that help
produce lubricating mucus are most important, such as the Lubrication Formula made with unsalted, raw
And is this lack of oxygen causing some of my fatigue?
Thank you.
With best wishes.
Feb 6, 2001
In my search for eternal youth, I heard a couple of things you were supposed to have said about the HGH
effect, and wondered if they were accurate and if you had any more tips. I heard that you said 2 ounces of
wheat grass juice in a glass of raw milk works to release HGH. And if so, how often?
I suggested 3 ounces of wheatgrass in 28 ounces of raw milk. I suggest consuming 1 glass per day for four
days. Then, off for a week and on for 4 days.
Then I heard fat on meat works towards that end. I put flax seed oil or avocado or cream with my meats,
as it is so good.
Flax and olive oils will not work to that end. Pressed oils are mainly used by the body as solvents to dissolve
toxicity for removal. Animal fats with meat help regenerate tissue.
Feb 8, 2001
I have that loss of estrogen feeling with the hair on the chin and some other familiar symptoms.
So, I am looking into herb roots like wild yam and licorice that I might be able to juice, as I don't take the
herb tinctures anymore. They helped, but they are all cooked, I'm absolutely sure.
They are.
I am trying to find where to get these roots and tubers, as they would be juiceable and I hope to find how
much to take, too. If you have any data on this, let me know.
Herbs are medicinal and should constitute no more than 5% of your juice and no more than 2 ounces per day
unless suffering severe illness.
Jacob has, since yesterday morning, had his left side go numb. He does not have control over it. It
started with the hand, then the leg. Today it is also the face somewhat – the face is lopsided and one side
is drooping. He had the liver from the last buffalo the night before, if that has anything to do with it.
Raw buffalo liver could not cause such an effect unless contaminated. I ate from the same buffalo and it
was wonderful.
The only thing he has done differently, recently, is that he went on a fruit fast: dried fruits and no liquid for
2 days and then another day of fresh fruit. This is a fast according to Professor Ehret in the 30s. He does
say it is a horse fast.
There are side effects to fruit feasts. Advanced glycation end products form and collect, blood-fat levels
drop dramatically causing lesions to the nervous system, muscles and sometimes glands. Dried fruit is all
sugar with few, if any, active enzymes, and severely taxes the pancreas, kidneys and nervous system.
Collectively, this causes dryness of tissues, creating lesions in all tissue which can result in temporary and
partial paralysis, especially if it occurs in the brain.
Yes, it is a detoxification, but probably as much a detoxification of the sugar feast as old toxins.
Secondly, I wanted to ask if it is normal or expected that my sex drive should go ever since I went to that
fasting clinic last January and did the Mayr Cure, which was a fast of an air-dried bread roll with a bit of
milk or yogurt, twice a day, and then nothing after lunch until the following morning. I did this for 3 weeks
and then continued a reduced diet on the same food with some processed fats (cheese, sour cream,
butter and yogurt) for another 5 weeks and lost 30lbs in that period. I would not do this again and now
know it is not a nutritious fast. I lost my libido and have not got it back since then (one year now). Is this
usual or not? How long do you think it might take on the raw diet to get it back?
That is the worst mono-style fast/diet of which I have heard. It clogs the intestines and plaques the heart
and glands. If you want to regain your libido, you might have to gain some excess weight to afford the
hormones necessary for sex drive. In many women, if the body does not have enough fat and protein,
hormones will not be afforded for extracurricular activity, if you know what I mean. In the future, if you want
to lose weight be sure to ask me about my latest weight-loss program if you do not already have it.
Thirdly, how have supposed experts on fasts done so well with their health. Example: Shelton, Ehret and
Fry. They have all written on it extensively and have helped and healed thousands of patients this way,
with fruit fasts and then a lifelong diet of green raw vegetables, fruit and nuts and seeds. How have they
managed to do so well and look so well and get rid of their illnesses like this?
If you knew them in person, you would not want to have been around them. They were hyperactive, impatient,
often irritable and sometimes extremely scattered thinkers. They had no fat on their bodies to allow natural
relaxation and too much sugar in their systems that over-excited their nervous systems. They all had forms of
I know you say fruit diets make you hyper and very hungry and detox the body too rapidly. Are fruit fasts
OK for a few days?
I have done 3 days of a fruit fast, just now, and feel good, although I can feel a detox going on. Is this
bad for someone with diabetes?
Fruit overtaxes and stresses the pancreas. Raw fat and protein are the only foods that allow the pancreas to
Raw juice and raw egg together cause severe detoxification. Milk and egg, with a little honey, is a preferable
Jacob went to the hospital today on the insistence of people at the church, as they are all worried.
That is a shame because they will prevent him from proper healing as they explore him. X-rays can prevent
proper healing for up to 18 months. Since he has had some neurological damage, that was not a good
idea. If he scars, rather than heals properly, he will be slightly paralyzed for a long time.
Any paralysis is a break in the flow of neurological transmissions from the brain to the body, whether
caused by a clot that breaks off from a wall during detoxification or the temporary shutdown during
detoxification. Regardless, the only proper way to address the condition is to nourish the body so that it
may continue to detoxify the brain and properly heal.
And they obviously feel it is from his high blood pressure and that he has not been taking his blood
pressure medication, or not all the time (he does sometimes when he feels his blood pressure is bad).
A half to a whole grapefruit normally resolves high blood pressure. How much does he follow the diet? As I
mentioned, a fruit feast (fast) is counterproductive, especially during fall and winter.
There is no clogging on the brain, but they want to do a neurological test tomorrow. Do you really feel it
is from the fruit fast of dried fruit and no liquid, not his high blood pressure or stress?
Sugars, natural or not, clump together when dried. High blood pressure is necessary for people with
plaquing in or on the arteries. It stretches the arteries. If they weren't stretched, very little blood would
pass through them.
He feels it is pressure and stress. How can he get off those high blood pressure pills safely forever?
The pills are more damaging than the high blood pressure. The blood pressure is high for a good reason.
For his condition, I don't think he should do anything less than 100% until his arteries are clean enough.
Would he need to do it 100%, or have more of something to get off them completely?
Whether he gets on the diet 100% or not, the pills could cause neurological toxicity that can cause the
problem he now faces. Go to www.rxlist.com and enter the medication that he is ingesting and
discover the side effects.
And what about those crippling headaches he has DAILY? He can't get off the headache pills as the
pain and effects get too bad. He says the pain formula did not work when he tried it. What can he do??
That is a very long answer. I will have to give it to him when he calls.
I was sent an e-mail, which said that deodorants are the leading cause of breast cancer. What do you
think? It is inaccurate is it not?
Yes, it is accurate. This information has been available to me for over 26 years.
Yes, I know deodorants are toxic, but I thought the reason breast cancer occurs by lymph nodes is
because that is where the toxins build up, in piles so to speak, over time, whether using deodorants or
Deodorants advance and accelerate that buildup. In some cases, the buildup would not have occurred and
caused breast cancer if it were not from the toxicity of deodorants.
Does that apply to crystal deodorant? I thought that was natural and OK.
Not completely. The mineral crystal somewhat clogs the pores. It is better to apply lemon or lime onto the
armpits and wipe.
Mammograms have been proved to be cancer-promoting. See the work of Dr. Hardin Jones of the University
of California, Berkeley and in The Healing of Cancer by Barry Lynes.
I have been introduced to another perspective on health and the causes of illness by Dharma King
Dechan Jueren Master Yu Tianjian. He is an advanced Master from China to whom I have been going
for spiritual healing this year. He is a realized soul or, in other words, has attained enlightenment.
Master Yu does have control over his body and mind and can choose death and incarnation at will. He
runs a mystery school here and has come over from China to heal and preach Hanmi Buddhism, which
could be said to be the original or most pure form of Buddhism and predates Tibetan Buddhism. It went
underground in 700AD and was only passed from Master to Master. He is the first to bring it into the
He teaches that our emotions cause imbalances in our internal systems and that if you want to attain
health and beauty, you have to first learn to adjust your inner emotions. And that you have to change
your own mind and heart, the way you are thinking and your lifestyle. He says that meditation can aid
the human body return to its natural functioning and regain its regulatory ability; and that you will then
have health and you can help others regain their health.
I observed for the last 33 years that people, who did not change anything in their lives when they were
injured or diseased, continued to heal regardless of what they did, unless they took a deadly poison like
cocaine, speed, other drug, or food with concentrated processed carbohydrates, especially table sugars.
From this I learned that the body always tries to heal itself.
I spent from 1969 to 1981 exploring and believing the concepts presented by Master Yu. I found that
blaming disease on emotional states and trying to correct the physical via the emotional state rarely
affected natural healing time. The rate of reversal of disease, and healing, while practicing emotional
disciplines, was little different than when people changed nothing.
The father of medicine wrote, and I will paraphrase: The greatest healer is one who can entertain his
patient while the patient's body takes the time to heal itself.
Through experimentation and observation I learned that the degree of reversal of disease, and healing
depended mostly upon what a person ate. If a sufferer ate cooked food, reversal and healing of disease
averaged 45%. I discovered that feeding the body in the principles I advocate on my Primal Diet affect
reversal of diseases, healing and prevent progressive degeneration properly and considerably faster and
more efficiently than if an individual changes nothing, or does other diets or disciplines.
From the truths within the four paragraphs above, I learned that if you can teach a person to distract
her/himself from her/his disease or injury, as Master Yu does, or convince her/him not to worry and trust
the body, as I do, while her/his body heals itself, the person is not likely to panic and consume harmful
medications administered by medical doctors, homeopaths, herbalists and nutritionists, or seek harmful
surgeries. If s/he eats a diet abundant in raw fats and meats, and some vegetable juices, her/his diseases
will properly reverse and heal, and progressive degeneration will cease 90% of the time.
The Buddhist and Chinese Dharmic disciplines are extremely similar. They were established when dynasties
only allowed the lackeys to eat grains and little or no meat. The high-carbohydrate food kept the lackeys
(slaves) emotionally unstable with sugar imbalances so that they would always be in turmoil within
themselves, with family members and with neighbors. They would never be clear-headed and emotionally
stable enough to overthrow the government, even though they vastly outnumbered the ruling and guarding
classes. Royalty, rulers, guards and warriors ate mainly meat and fat for clarity and strength.
Dharmic and Buddhist masters created disciplines that would allow lackeys (slaves: everyone who was not
royalty, rulers, guards and warriors) to live somewhat happily or, at least, with disciplined inner peace. If
masters were caught teaching that meat-eating was the way to health and spiritual attainment, they were
put to death. Healers were allowed to use meat in the worst diseased conditions only, and only for as long
as healing was required to put a person back on her/his feet. Refraining from eating meat became part of
Dharmic and Buddhist disciplines, except in crippling diseases. Masters taught the people to develop and
use psychic powers to help themselves, but with the brain obstructed from diet, it was very difficult for
people to achieve the goal sought. That is why very few people ever achieve those supernormal abilities;
there are very few truly healthy people following those disciplines; and there is rarely a master. Here is an
analogy: There are very few master athletes in this world because of physiological conditions. Billions may
train very hard and diligently at it but never reach mastery because it is simply beyond their bodies' abilities.
I take it it is fine for Jacob to stop his medication all at once and suddenly, and not need to do the gentle
bit by bit approach the doctors always talk about to come off drugs.
High blood-pressure medications should normally be reduced over a two-week period. I suggest
reducing it by half every five days until eliminated.
Do you have any suggestions for ill plants. I have a couple of large ones that always get sick in my
apartment. Even when I buy new ones and put them in the same area where the other ones got sick, the
new ones get sick too. They have sticky stuff and white stuff and hairy stuff all over them. What can I do
to prevent this; and then once it happens, what should I do?
Per quart of good water, add 1 tablespoon of blood from a steak, and 6 oz. of raw-milk whey (milky water
left after milk solids separate from milk); and let that stand for 48 hours before feeding it to your plant. Do
this every 3 months.
So many people I have gotten on the diet are afraid to eat fish like tuna and swordfish because of the
mercury that's being talked and written about.
I have heard organic minerals from plants are harmless and good for you, so I guess this is the same from
the fish who eat the seaweed, but just wondered if you have something to send around with that data in it
so I can calm their fears.
I presume the fish, especially the lower chain ones, eat the seaweed and it is not like having the fillings in
your mouth. I don't know if the big fish, like tuna and swordfish, eat seaweed or little fish or both and
where they get the mercury.
I just would love to have something in writing on e-mail that I could send to them. It seems to be such a
big issue right now, and even in health books.
I suspect the ADA puts this out to distract from the mercury filling danger.
Metal toxicity can be attributed to a childhood + of eating canned, processed and chemically treated food.
My tests showed, 10 years ago, that if meat (seafood, fowl, white and red meat) were consumed raw, that
98 percent of the toxicity that existed in it passed through the body, contained within relatively unaltered fat
My tests also showed that toxic minerals from cooked and chemically contaminated food store in the bones.
It takes at least 7 1/2 years to replace every cell in the bones. Logically, according to Pottenger's work, it
takes at least 5 generations to cleanse all of the toxicity out of tissue. Since most toxic minerals store in
bone, it is probable that it could take as long as 40 years to clean out all of the metal poisoning stored in
The oceans are only 1% polluted, and that is usually within 1/2 mile from shore. Land is over 20% polluted.
Mercury in fish I have not found to be harmful as long as the fish is eaten raw. Cooking of any kind causes the
fat that fish bodies use to protect themselves (from poisons) to detach, resulting in the poisons (mercury)
being released (free-radical). The mercury in swordfish is a natural element in that species that helps its
mobility. Eating raw swordfish will educate a body on how to utilize mercury efficiently. I eat mainly
swordfish without ill incidences or ill symptoms of mercury toxicity.
Foods that are high in raw minerals and fats help the body detoxify toxic minerals in bones. If someone eats
foods that are high in minerals and fats, like seafood, s/he is promoting this detoxification.
While living on Jekyll Island, I consumed up to 7 pounds of raw seafood a week, including shrimp. The waters
were known to have been contaminated to some degree, including mercury. The raw seafood helped me
recover from the poisonous mushroom. It helped Owanza recover from 63 tumors.
The best detox a person could do to rid her/himself of metal toxicity, including mercury, would be to eat raw
fish. I have observed that eating lots of raw cream and coconut (or coconut cream) helped soothe tissues
disturbed during toxic metal detoxification. Those creams also protected tissue from mutation.
I wonder if we expect the body to cleanse and repair itself in less than the projected 40 years it may require
to cleanse and heal to optimal. Are we too impatient? Instant gratification is not logical concerning the body.
The FDA publicizing the dangers of mercury in fish seems suspicious at best and conspiratorial at worst.
What the story is not telling us is that the FDA has allowed millions of pregnant women and children to be
poisoned with mercury from vaccinations and other injections. Does it make any sense that the poisoning
from medications exceeds that of their estimate for eating fish by thousands of times, and they are so
hysterical over food poisoning?
It appears to me that this "fish story" is a smoke screen to throw people off the track: that they suffer
mercury poisoning from medical therapies rather than eating fish. Did you notice that this story follows the
lawsuits filed in the last year regarding mercury poisonings from medication and the FDA's decades of
approval of the medical mercury poisoning?
I was curious if those numbers are expected to go down as my body gets more acclimated to the change?
I do not give credence to the analysis of blood content. We do not test for quality, only quantity. Some
people require very high cholesterol levels. I have an Olympic gymnast who has to maintain a 327 level or
she cannot function as an athlete. When she maintained the 327 level on cooked food she got colds and/or
flus every 3-6 weeks that caused her to loose training time. On raw fats, she functions very well.
Other people have high cholesterol levels because they have toxic cholesterol in transit (leaving the body) as
well as the fresh cholesterol from daily intake of food. Most of the toxic cholesterol cannot be properly
utilized and is drawn from tissues and discarded.
I offer you another experiment that will show you the correlation: I had a client concerned about his high
blood sugar levels from a blood test. To demonstrate a point, I suggested that he stop eating all fruit and
honey, and only have four ounces of nuts (in the nut formula) once a week, but no nut butter within 2 days of
any blood test. Five weeks later his blood sugar level was just as high. When the doctor told him to stop
eating so much carbohydrate, he told the doctor that he hadn't eaten any in 5 weeks. The doctor was
dumbfounded. My client's high blood sugar level was from toxic sugars that were stored in the system.
One thing, however, I hope you'd comment on is the BUN (blood urea nitrogen), which is normal at 5 – 18,
where mine is 21, and the creatine, normal at .9 – 1.4, where mine is 1.3.
These are kidney markers and if they continue to go up may indicate impaired renal function among other things.
Now I don't believe protein consumption (especially raw!) can impair kidney function in a healthy individual, but
since my BUN is slightly high and my creatine is at the normal limit (though a BUN of >50 is where one gets
concerned) I was curious. Any experience with this?
Interestingly but not surprisingly my triglycerides were 47 and uric acid 3.7, both at the very low "normal"
Yes, the blood, hormonal, urine, etc., levels discovered on a health-giving raw diet that helps proper
detoxification are confusing to the normal test results.
What sort of sesame seeds does one use in dishes with carob, etc? The ones I bought (Wild Oats'
organically grown sesame seeds natural) do not taste of much. Is this the right sort?
Not easy. If you want a more distinct taste you must blend the seeds into a powder, then add the egg,
cream and/or butter and honey, then blend again.
Oct 5, 2001
Is the spaced-out feeling and the brain not functioning as well, is this due to flying or detox or cooked
food, or what?
It could be from a myriad of circumstances, such as: cooked food causing too much toxicity, resulting in
low blood sugar; too low meat intake, resulting in the low blood sugar pyruvate…
Check out the website www.papimi.gr. It is a machine that pumps magnetic ion pulses into every cell of
the body in microseconds, which brings the cell voltage up to 70 millivolts, which is the healthy range for
cell gates to open to receive nutrition and expel waste. What do you think?
What a coincidence. Today I received a call from a Utah university professor who said that her mother
received this magnetic therapy extensively for months, and reacted with decreased symptoms for as long
as she received the treatments (in Germany) for systemic arthritis and indications of connective tissue
disintegration. The magnetic therapy did not reverse the condition. She is still seeking help.
The nonbioactively-produced electromagnetic energy produced by machines only mimics the energy that
has been bioactively produced by biological life. Lying on the earth, or grass in a yard, or sand on the
beach, will balance the currents in the body holistically. Also, natural clays carry magnetic ions that correct
cellular low-magnetic conditions.
sesame seeds,
Hulled or unhulled? They contain enzyme retardants that prevent protein digestion for up to 36 hours, unless
mixed with raw egg, honey and butter (or other animal fat).
pure honey,
soy flour,
natural vanilla,
coconut butter
sesame oil
and honey)
Everything in it forms more toxicity and usurps more nutrients than I would consciously choose to endure
and sacrifice.
Jacob was vomiting blood yesterday, in the night. Is this a detox? He had had monkfish the evening
Vomiting is always detoxification, but bleeding is often a tear from violent vomiting. I recommend that he
drink 4-8 ounces of green cabbage juice daily for approximately 6 weeks. How much blood?
I also had a Lubrication Formula one evening and had acute nausea (almost vomiting but not quite) that
night. What was this? I had had a brief but tough massage two days prior to this that included my head,
which set off the most acute pain in my head, going on day and night (I could barely move my head),
and I had a myalgia/fluey feeling for days. I take it this again was a detox. Was the acute nausea the
next day after the head problems from the Lubrication Formula – i.e. a reaction from the liver (I found it
very rich), or a detox from the massage?
Nausea, also, is always detoxification -- the pre-vomit stage that signals an individual that poisons have
dumped into the stomach or have been eaten.
Rough massages not only disturb too many toxins stored in the body, they usually bruise and damage
tissue, causing more toxicity. It is likely that the massage caused a massive detoxification that resulted in
flu-like symptoms.
I recommend that people not suffer rough massages under any circumstance. I recommend gentle, healing,
touch massage. I have seen rough massages cause detoxification resulting in long-term symptoms of
myalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome.
I have been continually plagued for months with a feeling of phlegm in my throat and a need to voluntarily
try to cough it up and/or clear my throat. My previous beliefs were to cut out dairy, as it is known to cause
phlegm, and to treat with Chinese herbal formulas to dissolve this phlegm. I have resisted any self-
treatment in the belief that it is possibly due to my naturally weak lungs going through an on-going healing
crisis and the phlegm is how the body deals with the toxins coming out. Kind of like a protective measure.
As I mentioned when you were here, I have had terrible sinuses (too much mucus) and allergies for as
long as I can remember (early childhood). These things improved, but never went away completely as I
gave up dairy and began eating a mostly vegan diet for almost 9 years (I did eat meat a few times a
A decrease in mucus production does not mean Improved health. The body can easily make mucus from
eating raw dairy, especially milk, that is used to eliminate toxins. More often, if the head, neck and chest
contain toxins, the lack of mucus insures that the toxins remain in those areas.
Yes, the body generates mucus to discard the toxins formed from pasteurized dairy and eating it. The body
does not make mucus to discard anything from eating raw dairy. Mucus is imperative to discard toxins
through the mucous membranes. Without it, toxins would burn, tear, rupture and scar mucous membranes;
or as I stated above, without mucus, toxins would remain in the tissues.
Jan 27, 2002
1. A couple of months after I started the diet, around September 2000, I developed a cyst under my
chin. It has not changed since then and it is just this annoying bump under the skin. I thought that it would
eventually go away, but it persists. A couple of years ago, I had two cysts removed from my back with
laser surgery and no more developed on the back. Short of laser surgery, what is the best way to get rid
of this thing?
Time and patience, eating the most nutritious food. Also, I suggest that you apply olive oil on the cyst and
surrounding area 3-4 days a week, alternating with the following salve on other days: 1 ounce each of raw
butter, coconut cream and raw cow's cream, 1/2 teaspoon of honey, 1/4 teaspoon of royal jelly and 3
tablespoons of lime juice. If eruptions occur, it indicates that ingredients in the cyst are being discharged
through the skin.
2. I have had a fungus infection in the toenails for years. 8 of the 10 toenails are greatly affected.
Around 1986, I took Nizoral which cleared up the toenails, but probably damaged my liver in the process
and could have helped to precipitate the Hodgkin’s disease which I was diagnosed with in December
1989. Obviously, I'm not going down that route again. Any dietary or other solution for this?
The same procedure for the cyst would be helpful to discharge the toxins that damaged the cells on which
molds feed. Applying a mixture of 1 part honey and 1 part naturally sparkling water usually stops itching
immediately and prevents scarring (calluses).
Feb 5, 2002
The big concern/question I have now is that since she has been taking the milk, she has been very very
irritable. We are talking about a child that has been a little angel that is now constantly hitting me and
screaming at me and crying continuously. You should know that when she was born she cried and cried
uncontrollably until at 4 months old my midwife had me do a food elimination diet to see if it was food
allergies. It was. Once I cut out dairy, soy, wheat, corn, peanuts and chocolate she was fine. All rashes
and irritability disappeared. Then, if I ate just a bite of one of those things, she would become irritable and
develop a rash again within 24 hours. She would get it through my breast milk.
The olive oil is likely to make her irritable. It is solvent reactive and irritating to infants. The raw dairy might
be causing her to detoxify those harsh compounds that she received the first 4 months of her life. It is
doubtful that it will last more than a month.
My daughter (2 years old) is now complaining that her vagina hurts about 1 to 2 minutes after she
urinates. She is still not eating anything but is still nursing. Is there anything I can eat to get it to her? She
is going through quite a detox right now.
Thanks again.
Raw vegetable juice to alkalinize her during her acrid detoxification: 70% celery, 20% parsley and 10%
Feb 5, 2002
I have thought she has been allergic to all of these foods. Do you think the irritability is from food allergy?
Not likely to the raw food, but allergic to the compounds from cooked food stored in her body. As they leave
the tissues they enter the blood and cause the same symptoms until they pass into the bowels, mucous
membranes, skin, etc. The best would be for you to drink more raw cream and butter for you to pass them on
to her. Her body will be able to arrest the compounds as they enter the blood.
I have gone on binges of drinking nothing but raw milk with tons of honey, like about equal amounts. I
have felt guilty about this but couldn't stop as it was all I could think of. (Well, almost. Ha.) Claravale milk
is the one I'm most obsessive about, maybe because it seems creamier. I've been on a binge like this for
the last few days since Claravale came back on the market. I have to force myself to do the juices or
anything else and am not always successful. So, the result is I have a lot of energy and feel great
EXCEPT for A LOT of burning, stinging nerve pain and some numbness, as well as stinging in my tissues,
mostly on the left side of my body, and especially at night. My muscles are tight and ache, too. But, as I
said, my energy is real good.
Well, just thought I'd let you know.
Too much honey will cause a protein deficiency if you continue the binge too long. If you begin getting easily
irritable, get the shakes or lose concentration, you have symptoms of protein deficiency. There is nothing
wrong with an occasion milk/honey binge.
On your burning: milk often causes chemicals to be removed from the tissues and dumped into the stomach
or intestines. If the chemicals are abrasive or have been stored with bile, they are caustic and most often will
cause burning and/or stinging, followed by numbness until the cells regenerate. But meat is needed for
cellular regeneration.
Re: Allergies
Dear Aajonus,
An old friend of mine has terrible allergies and is on a regular vaccination program to get rid of them. Can
you explain, in a nutshell, what the reason for allergies is?
In either case, the body often tries to eliminate the constituent(s) through the mucus in the respiratory
system. For people in either case, they should eat foods that are easily digestible, that is raw food. Be
cognizant that a person may continue to experience allergies as the toxins stored in the body detoxify for
years. I have always seen the symptoms of allergies mitigate over time, most cases being insignificant within
3 years.
Feb 22,2002
I forgot to ask you today on the phone what you would recommend for aging and somewhat sagging skin
under the eye, or just below under the eye, as it were.
I answered that question, unasked, when I said that your skin and facial muscles were sagging and that non-
ground meats provide for more healing so that the common aging symptoms do not occur at the same rate.
Can I use the same moisturizing cream as the rest of the body? Will that help the aging and marks that
have appeared?
Yes, but without the fresher meats, it will not help as much.
It damages skin cells. When looked at under a microscope, the brushed cells are scratched, oozing and
sometimes bleeding. It is best to place the hands to where they barely touch the skin and allow the
electromagnetic field of the hands to gently massage the skin and lymph. Results prove to be better.
Mar 5, 2002
I sprained my ankle on Saturday and applied a hot water bottle to it for a period in the day and again at
night. Is there anything else I should do to help the recovery? Should I continue with the heat daily?
I suggest that you apply a hot water bottle as often and for as long as possible. Also, I suggest that you
combine 60% chicken, 30% beef and 10% seafood every time you ingest meat -- that means eaten together.
That is likely to speed healing of the pulled tendons and muscles.
Mar 5, 2002
Note: mercury will be allowed in vaccines for 4 more years, so that pharmaceutical houses can empty their
coffers of already manufactured vaccines. Also, pharmaceutical houses are selling vaccines with
packaging that says no mercury. However, when a consumer group had the vaccines tested they found
mercury, although a smaller proportion, in them.
My father had a heart attack yesterday and I wondered what this comes from and what would help? I
heard today that it is a minor one, so to speak, and that he is coming out of intensive care tomorrow into
his own room, and that he can speak and is not paralyzed. Of course, the doctors are doing tests and, in
particular, a test up the arteries to get a view of the heart and any possible clogging. And they will then
decide if he needs a bypass or whatever. Any comments?
He had prostate cancer two years ago and the prostate removed (via the stomach), as well as spinal
osteoporosis and a collapse prior to that on a mountain when out climbing. His body can't be in a good
state with all this toxicity and now, of course, all the medical influences. He has, however, always
seemed very fit and healthy and has never been ill before all this, apart from some stomach issues and
diarrhea. Since he has been taking digestive enzymes or something similar from the doctors all that has
'cleared up', so to speak.
Your father is likely to receive the cholesterol myth information about heart conditions. Heart conditions
soared after people began eating processed vegetable oils and not animal fat. Tribes such as the Masai,
Samburu and Fulani eat only raw animal fat, lots of it, and have no heart disease. Eating raw animal fat,
such as unsalted raw butter and cream, will help your father reverse his condition. Martin Sheen had a
severe heart attack 10 years ago and refused the terror tactics of medicine to receive bypass surgery. He
eats the raw fats, including coconut cream, and is doing fine. Coconut cream helps remove arterial plaquing
quicker. Animal fats properly lubricate the arteries without causing plaque.
Apr 27, 2002
Re: My Mother – trapped nerves – mental problems
My mother is doing badly. She has trapped nerves in her spine and is in pain and stooping. She had a
pelvic fracture too, 2 months ago, and has been on crutches (she is always having accidents). She is
certainly very overweight too (all the wrong foods). She would be resistant to changing her diet or
following any new regime, but is there perhaps one thing she could do to help those trapped nerves so
she does not need an operation?
My mother experienced the same degenerative symptoms 20 years ago. She agreed to eat 2 raw eggs with
either a banana or orange juice every morning. In the afternoon, she agreed to consume 2-3 ounces of
stone-pressed olive oil and 1-2 ounces of unsalted raw cheese with a salad. It was enough to stop her
downward spiral into devastating health.
I am asking about mental illness and health and nutrition as my mother is psychotic and has elements, I
would say, of paranoid schizophrenia; she is not a normal case. She feels she is being pursued by
people and has great paranoia about all sorts of things that dominate her and her life a lot. She is very
violent and has a lot of anger. She has been very abusive in all ways to me and very violent to me from
when I was 17 to today, yet she is also obsessed with me. I am the scapegoat and yet the savior in
one. She is very unstable. She did have a motorbike accident and concussion when she was 18 and
was badly treated by her very over-dominant, controlling mother (never accepted, always made
dependent, and so never able to forge her own identity – no violence from her mother, though).
It sounds as if she has a lifelong health and lifestyle problem that may not ever improve unless she
changes her diet radically. Simply eliminating carbohydrates should help. But, most people who are
carbohydrate-allergic are also carbohydrate addicts. Byron Katie's work could help her out of her
conditioned dysfunctionality.
Anyway, certainly there were elements in her upbringing that would have affected her badly
psychologically and emotionally, but not probably enough to cause such psychoses.
Would the accident have done it as well or is it more from diet and nutrition?
Accidents only cause that kind of condition if a part of the brain was damaged, causing too much stimulus
to the anger center of the brain, or an inability to buffer neurological impulses to the anger center.
She also has a problem getting on with things and procrastinates and spends hours dithering. She can't
keep any time or appointment and arrives two hours late for everything. She also has no awareness of
herself. She lives in a lot of fantasy. Plus she lives in the worst mess and living conditions and dirt you can
imagine, despite having a nice home.
Sounds as if she is unhappy or has difficulty with organization. That is more often a blood-sugar/dietary
problem and too low of a bacteria level. When the body has to rely upon the solvent process to dissolve and
eliminate toxicity, the body gets depressed. When the body has bacterial, viral, mold and/or parasitical help,
the body and mind get more organized, vital and happy.
I suggest that you live your life and shine your example as someone who lives richly and happily. Again, I
suggest that you look into Byron Katie's work, and work at it.
I am concerned about Jacob. He has chronic depression, I think, and has displayed, for years now, a
strong tendency to procrastinate and never get on with things – a lot of inactivity and passivity I would
say (I did literally everything when we had a relationship, and had to push him to do things for himself to
help his life). He also is very focused on the future and never what is (i.e. now), not in the way that most
of us are, but in a very pronounced manner. And he seems to be incapable of getting out of his state
and mess in life – i.e. changing and moving forward (he so needs to on so many levels). He gets very
very down and inactive, and takes everything very badly and very sensitively, and much of what I say
about him and his life in order to get him to see the reality of it, he takes as criticism.
Are you expecting a leopard to be a zebra? Is the potential you see for Jacob a true picture of him now?
Is anyone who judges that someone else should be doing something other than what they are doing, in the
reality of that individual?
If you remind someone that s/he is not living up to the potential that you create for her/him, isn't that a
criticism that is likely to depress and inactivate her/him?
He also talks and projects an image about himself that does not really match up in reality, or is how he
would like to be, but is not.
He may be trying to think of himself in a way that motivates him to become that. Most yogis teach that you
must first imagine yourself, and then believe in yourself, to be that which you want to become. His process
may be slower than you wish. But, is that your choice to make, or his?
Anyway, I mention this as I feel he might have a mental condition; or is this all normal for his level of
toxicity and health problems and the toxicity in his brain? Some of his behavior reminds me of my
stepfather who had manic depression (and alcoholism which he got over), and also an ex-boyfriend
who was alcoholic and had a grandiose way of talking during this phase that did not match up (he has
detoxed since).
Those are symptoms of carbohydrate imbalances. He has symptoms of blood-sugar irregularities and
imbalances, and low bacteria levels.
Are all mental conditions and ways of thinking, in your experience, related to health and the diet?
I have experienced that they are all affected by health and diet, but they can be exacerbated by concepts.
What would you advise for him?
Eating a golf-ball-sized amount of high meat, 2-3 times per week, would probably help him.
I pushed him hard to get him to a therapist recently. The therapist has said to him that he should see a
psychiatrist. She feels he might have dysthymia (which is chronic depression, lack of concentration and
a certain way of thinking).
If most of his problem is physiological, a psychiatrist's office would not be a place for him. Psychiatrists use
drugs to treat people. I would suggest that both of you delve into Byron Katie's work.
What do you feel; and would the state of his toxicity in his body account for this? I did get back with him
for 7 weeks recently, but have now ended the relationship for good. I am, however, still concerned for
him as I did spend an awful lot of the relationship trying to help him.
Unless a person shares the same rhythm and reality you do, is it unlikely that you would be able to help
My stepmother has had kidney problems for ages. Only one kidney works, the other is very shriveled.
She has been ill with it, on and off, for the last few years with fever and kidney/bladder infections, etc.
and a lot of white cottage cheese stuff coming out vaginally. She can look very pale in the face. The
doctors are now saying it is connected to her tonsils – that is the origin of the problems (sounds nuts to
me) and that she should have them out! It sounds to me as if, probably, it is not the kidneys at all, or
perhaps one is overtaxed, but rather she is generally very toxic. Any comments?
It would be best if she ate lots of unsalted raw butter with honey, raw eggs and raw meat. A little pineapple
once in a while might be helpful; but, normally, refrain from high-carbohydrate foods.
I just wondered: you did not mention if the doctors idea of the tonsils being involved and needing to be
removed were a silly idea or actually could have something to do with her kidney problem.
The tonsils are glands that protect the brain, eyes and ears. They help filter toxicity, harness it and dispose of
it through the mucous membranes. If the tonsils are weak or congested, toxicity may spill out of the tonsils,
allowing bacteria and viruses to enter other areas of the body for lymph to dissolve and dispose of the toxins.
The tonsils are never the cause of problems.
20020501-0601 `
Karl Loren wrote a very informative article about arterial plaque. Maybe you've already seen it. In the end,
he mentions that only chelation therapy can remove the toxic metals he speaks of. And that no diet can
do that (although I wrote to him to challenge that - waiting for his response).
I'm quite sure your Primal Diet would in fact do the same thing (as his claims for chelation therapy), over
time, with less of a shock to the system. Is my assumption correct?
Yes. Chelation therapy, as I have said, is the most toxic alternative therapy I have seen, causing heavy metals
to store in connective tissue, lymph, bones and joints. Coconut cream is the most effective way of removing
plaque, especially when in combination with cilantro or berries. Next would be olive oil.
I have a jumpety heart right now. It feels as if it is missing a beat or jumps – very uncomfortable and
weird. It started Wednesday night as far as I can remember and has gone on since then. I was very
upset by some disaster on Wednesday night that could have set it off. I was angry and upset.
Or would it have been the exercise program I am doing, 3 times a week with a trainer for an hour. I find
that real tough. We had done a session on Wednesday morning and it was tough as I had not done
any since Friday (usually it is more often than that). And I do feel over-extended during the exercise,
but later on usually feel good.(After the first two sessions I vomited and was dizzy, but since then I
have been better).
Or is it I the heart murmur I had according to the doctors when I was a teenager – a scar,
they said, left from chicken pox (sounds silly really).
Can you just tell me what to do about the heart problem? I need to know this asap as it is jumpety. It
feels as if it misses a beat or jumps around on some beats, sometimes more quietly, sometimes quite
vigorously. It is uncomfortable. All I can think of is the intense distress I was under when it seemed to
start (some very bad news); or overstraining on the fitness I am doing with a trainer – I had done a
session after a bit of a break on that day. Or eating cooked food/sweet things. Any of these and what
to do?
The heart needs to palpitate when it detoxifies. The trauma simply caused the heart to dump, probably
heavy metals. The best way to approach healing of the heart is to apply a hot water bottle near the heart.
When you experience heart irregularities, it is best to sit and do Prana Yama - inhale to the count of 7, hold
it to the count of 7 and exhale to the count of 7.
I was talking to a doctor. His wife insisted on having their newborn vaccinated, even though he has
studied the controversy extensively and didn’t want to do it. (He was at the workshop and is at least
partially on your diet).
I told him that it is not an option for us and that I was surprised that he would not be stronger with his wife
to avoid it. He did explain to me, though, that mercury has been removed from vaccinations. He also told
me that the autism problem (and its link to vaccinations) has been linked to a problem with the "measles"
part of the MMR vaccine and that it is supposedly being corrected.
Have you heard any of this or have any comment about it?
According to tests done by Dawn Winkler, President, California Vaccine Awarenes, the vaccines that have been
claimed free of mercury, still have mercury in them. Your friend may contact her for the test results.
Is your friend not aware that the following ingredients are also in vaccines?:
ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (a disinfectant dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant), formaldehyde
(a preservative and disinfectant), and aluminum.
THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.- licensed medical doctors who routinely administer
childhood vaccinations and to pharmaceutical company CEOs worldwide.
Jock Doubleday, president of the California nonprofit corporation Natural Woman, Natural
Man, Inc., hereby offers $20,000.00 (U.S.) to the first medical doctor or pharmaceutical
company CEO who publicly drinks a mixture of standard vaccine additive ingredients in the
same amount as a six-year-old child is recommended to receive under the year-2000
guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead or alive, but will contain standard
vaccine additive ingredients in their usual forms and proportions. The mixture will include,
but will not be limited to: thimerosal (a mercury derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze),
phenol (a disinfectant dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant), formaldehyde (a
preservative and disinfectant), and aluminum.
The mixture will be prepared by Jock Doubleday, three medical professionals that he names,
and three medical professionals that the participant names. The mixture will be body weight
The participant agrees, and any and all agents and associates of the participant agree, to
indemnify and hold harmless in perpetuity any and all persons, organizations, or entities
associated with the event for any harm caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly,
to the participant or indirectly to the participant's heirs, relations, employers, employees,
colleagues, associates, or other persons, organizations, or entities claiming association with,
or representation of, the participant, by the participant's participation in the event.
The event will be held within six months of the participant's written agreement to the above
and further elaborated terms. This offer, dated January 29, 2001, has no expiration date
unless superseded by a similar offer of higher remuneration.
Permission is granted to all parties to reproduce all or any part of the above text in any media.
Jock Doubleday
Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
A California Nonprofit Corporation
I must admit I'm a bit concerned with the possibility of mandatory vaccinations. My friend also mentioned
that hepatitis B is now mandatory in NY. I don't know for sure if that is true as I thought it was
unconstitutional to force someone to get an injection. I figure at this point one can get out of it with the right
Freedom of religion can always be used to maintain constitutional rights. The worrisome pending legislation
is that everybody in the USA may be required to receive the smallpox vaccine.
Hi Aajonus,
My understanding of the freedom of religion defense is that one would have to provide some sort of proof
that they practice the religion claimed. A parent I know had some trouble with this, getting her child in
school. She eventually won after some attorney fees, etc. I've heard of using philosophical beliefs instead.
It still would probably need an attorney, though, to get a child in school.
Did you happen to catch the ER show with a Smallpox breakout last night (continued next week)? Pretty
scary how the media can be used. I remember hearing of an episode where a child died of the measles.
The parents were ridiculed for not vaccinating their child. It was sponsored by the company that makes
the vaccine, of course. The whole thing was followed by a calling to boycott the show.
If a group of parents joined forces and hired an attorney to develop basic legal documentation, an attorney
would not be necessary for each case. Parents could simply substitute their name for the name(s) in the
documents. The fact that science cannot prove that anyone could get any disease nor prove that a vaccine
prevents disease, is a sound legal basis. The written notarized statement from a researcher, biochemist or
MD would be included in the documentation as testimony.
June 5, 2002
I have experienced and witnessed only temporary relief from psychic healers.
Many people believe that they have been cured by psychics, although I have not witnessed one case. The
problem with proving that psychics can not only soothe symptoms temporarily but reverse disease is that, in
this period of toxic history, the average natural recovery rate of the population is 60% for most diseases if a
proper dietary regime is not followed. The body's natural completion of detoxification/symptoms sometimes
occurs simultaneously with a healers work. The only objective factor to measure would be to log the healer's
patient recovery rate and see if it were greater than 60%. If it were not, it is likely that the recoveries or
reversals of disease simply coincided with the healer's work, which was not responsible for it. The body's
healing powers, that are always working as hard and as well as we allow, facilitated the healings.
From my experience, I have concluded that healers assist with healing through the comfort of their
compassion and aural energy. In other words, they entertain the patient while the patient's body heals itself.
As Hippocrates said, I paraphrase: After giving the appropriate dietary food regime for healing, the best
physicians are those who entertain the patient while the body heals itself.
The idea of a psychic healer is empowering to some people. They feel that the healer has some particular
power and spiritual authority that will help them end the disease. They do not usually understand that it is
simply a detoxification process that will end well 60% of the time, even if they do not take care of themselves
properly. I believe that healers are helpful because they give people hope and distract them from the disease
while their bodies heal themselves.
I would be thrilled to meet and learn from a psychic healer whose healing ratio of reversing disease was
greater than 60% without dietary intervention. If you find any, and observe that the rate is higher, please let
me know.
Re: Enzymes
I just read an interview with Edward Howell about enzymes which brought to mind something I've heard
before. He said that vegetables and fruits are not concentrated sources of enzymes; and that when
produce ripens, enzymes are present to do the ripening; and once the ripening is finished, some of the
enzymes leave and go back into the stem and seeds.
The vegetables are not mature until they begin to seed. Celery, parsley and most vegetables are harvested
prior to seeding. Produce companies know that if it goes to seed it loses the enzymes necessary to sustain it.
Their produce would wilt easily. I suggest in my new book that people eat fruit unripe.
Sally Fallon made the same kind of statement a while back prompting me to wonder about the idea that
our vegetable juices are not much of a source of enzymes and really not replenishing our systems of lost
enzymes (2 glasses for today's needs, 2 glasses to replenish what has been lost over the years of eating
cooked). Any comment on this?
Sally is more theory than experience. I have seen people not consume the juices and they progress much less
than those who drink them.
July 31,2002
If you burn a little, here are two remedies: rub tomato on the burned areas; or apply a mixture of good water
and a little honey (1 part honey to 10 parts water) - that is a little sticky, but it works most of the time.
Aug 2,2002
I have noticed a big increase in thread veins since I last spoke to you about this; and I also have veins
coming to the surface. I refer to my thighs, legs and feet. Surely, being on the diet, these should not
appear. They have gotten so much worse since on the diet.
The diet has no toxins to cause those symptoms. It is the result of a lifetime of eating toxic foods. Usually,
those symptoms pass with time; sometimes it takes 16 years.
Thank you. So it is just a coincidence or aging that has made all this appear recently?
Aging and deterioration coincide when toxins have accumulated in the body, deteriorating it.
Veins have also appeared in the last month on the surface all over my legs and thighs. Reminds me: is it
mainly the result of carbos?
Or the liver. So it comes from a lifetime of toxic foods, not from the percentage of cooked food I am eating
with the raw diet?
Cooked foods now may add to it and use up the nutrients in the raw foods being used to combat the poisons
in the cooked food.
i.e. does the raw diet make one more susceptible to these symptoms?
Less. The raw diet simply allows the body to detoxify and heal properly, in stages.
Also, I have now a lot of broken blood capillaries on the face that are on the surface or just below.
Alcohol and carbs, recent and stored, are the greatest assaulters of capillaries.
Everything has deteriorated of late – a lot of aging.
Between the ages of 12-15, 24-26, 29-32, 38-41, 49-55 and 58-61 years we experience major systemic
detoxifications. Many of those poisons are sent through the connective tissue and skin causing damage to
those systems and sometimes scarring. Most often, at least half of those symptoms reverse several years
following the major detoxifications.
How are you doing with your life presently? HAPPY AND FULFILLED?
Oct 2, 2002
Here is the next article regarding the nanobacteria: NanobacTX: A Personal Adventure. It's very
I finally got to read about nanobacteria. I have read testimonies like that about every drug that has been
produced by pharmaceuticals. In the 1970's it was chelation therapy. This person has no direct knowledge of
how and why it seems to work. His scenarios are all conjecture. That does not prove that he is wrong, but he
has no concrete evidence that the mechanisms are how he has explained them. Usually, drugs are extremely
effective for specific individuals and most researchers know how to select them as test subjects. Time will
prove results.
Just because nanobacteria are present around "calcified" tissue does not mean that the bacterium cause the
"calcification". They may be the body's response to root into the area and remoisturize and fertilize the area
hardened by poor mineral absorption caused by poor diet. For instance, reforesting a desert would soften and
re-enliven the soil. The agent that destroys the bacteria, as a byproduct, may cause "decalcification". If so,
that method of softening the tissue is likely to cause eventual disintegration of the tissue.
As I have said many times, there are some people who will live life seemingly unaffected by illness even
though they have what is an unhealthy lifestyle for most. They are blessed because they don't suffer as most
others do. But because they do, their model cannot be held as proof that it will work for most people. This
life, produced by the nanobacterial treatment as described by the writer, may give the ability to feel fantastic
again, but will it be sustained and without ill consequences? At least, it does not seem to be as dangerous as
antibiotics or chemotherapy. Again, time will tell. For those who do not want to be pharmaceutical guinea
pigs, a proper diet is more likely to secure optimal health.
Jan 7, 2003
Re: Neck and back
Dear Aajonus,
A new chiropractor I have seen recently did X-rays of my back and neck (I know they are very bad) and
saw that I a have pronounced curvature in the neck, and nerves pinched and no space between the
neck pieces (whatever they are called). Anyway, he feels this is responsible for a pronounced curve in
my lower back and my long-term hip problem, as well as causing the over-pronation in my feet. He feels
the neck problem is one that started when I was pulled out at birth or within the first two years and so all
the problems have been building up. He also feels the neck problem would account for gland and
muscle problems as well as fatigue, etc. In his experience, he says coming two or three times a week for
adjustments will rectify the neck problem over time. I just wondered how much of this you feel is true or
plausible? I do have a lot of pain in my neck almost constantly and it is out so much of the time, so am
finding I have to have adjustments more and more frequently. Previous chiropractic regular treatment
helped my long-term hip pain greatly and stopped me leaning more on one side by 20 lbs. But there is
more to go on this, as I lean now about 8 lbs on one side and am askew.
Displacement and constriction of the vertebrae come from inflexible-enough tendons and muscles attached
to the vertebrae, or toxins stored in the vertebral joints causing swelling accompanied with inflexible-enough
tendons and muscles. A hot bath prior to chiropractic adjustment is very helpful. Without a hot bath, an
adjustment usually does not relieve pain for long. If poisons are moving out of the bone marrow, bones
and/or cartilage, more joint swelling will occur accompanied by irritation to the tendons and nerves. That
causes more constriction and the need for more frequent adjustment. The hot bath before adjustment is very
important to allow the muscles and tendons to relax and expand, relieving the pressure on the nerves that
pass through the vertebrae. Also, applying a hot water bottle to the spine at any time, especially while
sleeping, helps to increase relaxation so that more nutrients can be delivered to the area for proper
detoxification and healing. I experienced 12 years of back pain from the chemo and radiation before I was
satisfied with my spinal health. I went from having chiropractic adjustments twice a day to needing only one
chiropractic adjustment a year for the last 4 years. Eating lots of butter and/or cream with meat is very
important for cleansing and healing the spine.
Many toxins can cause the poor development of tendons, especially heavy metals (such as mercury from
vaccines) and chemicals, including household cleaning compounds. They may poison the RNA and DNA,
causing deformity.
Jan 11, 2003
Hi Aajonus,
Happy New Year! Hope your new year started off right!
My son just turned 2 last Saturday and my wife has him flying through kindergarten workbooks (age 5
and 6)! He will sit there for 45 minutes with her totally into it. I guess it's safe to say his brain is well fed!
Great to hear about your prodigal son! Every one of the children who is on the diet is advanced or at least
exceptionally more advanced than before the diet. That cannot be a coincidence. Thank you for the update.
January 15th, 2003
I have noticed a problem I have with consuming "high" foods. Although I have yet to try to eat the
cultivated ones in jars, I have had week-old chicken or fish a few times. And I just found a black egg and
tried to eat it in some milk.
Each time, I immediately vomited, even though I really had no psychological problem with eating it. In
fact, the fish and chicken tasted fine. I once vomited some week-old salmon about ten minutes after
eating. No problem, no discomfort, just a reflexive rejection by my body.
What do you think about my vomiting reaction to nearly week-old chicken (or even 3 to 4 day old fish)?
And the same reaction to the black egg? I know you said not to eat fish at 3-4 weeks, but is the early
bacteria also too virulent (at least for me)?
Looking at your iris photos, I see that the bile throughout your system is not bound with as many solidifying
compounds as with most people. Free-radical bile is very caustic. The bacteria and their verotoxins instantly
dissolve and release the bile, making it a free-radical substance. Those poisons must immediately dump into
the stomach or bowels causing vomit and/or diarrhea. Don't worry, be happy!!! The more you do it, the
quicker you will release the bile from the tissues.
Re: Indigestion
Hi Aajonus,
I have had a few questions come up from people with problems with indigestion and heartburn
(sometimes severe enough to cause problems sleeping) after starting the raw diet. I have a few
patients who started the diet and are having this problem. One turns to TUMS or Pepcid AC so he
can get some relief and get to sleep. I can treat it successfully with Chinese herbs, but I was
wondering what your approach is when clients have this reaction to the raw foods (some think it's the
vegetable juice). I've told one to add some carrot juice (10%) since that is known to relieve
indigestion. I've also recommended some cream with the juice and also cheese, but nothing but the
Chinese herbs to promote digestion seem to help.
Indigestion is frequently alleviated by adding ginger in juice or with the food that isn't digesting well.
The ginger makes sense since that's in the herbs I prescribe for upset stomach issues. Generally though,
dried ginger is recommended and "supposedly" better for that use for some reason.
Dried ginger is recommended by Chinese medicine because it is slow to digest and allows juices to be
secreted throughout the digestive tract as the pulp passes to the rectum. Fresh ginger has a tendency to thin
mucus. In people not eating enough protein and fat, mucus in the digestive tract will not protect the mucous
membranes from irritation from fresh ginger.
Have you had a chance to read this article on the Mercola site?
Sure, there's no mention of raw foods but Dr. Mercola is a strong advocate of the "no grain diet" (happens
to be the title of his new book). Then, he is promoting this Metabolic Typing Diet. I haven't read the
Metabolic Typing Diet yet so I don't know how varied these diets are but I assume there is some
consistency with a no grain/low grain approach.
I remember you said you didn't find much value in much variety person to person (same with Weston Price
finding consistencies - different foods but same basic principles adhered to all over the world).
I read the article, finally. I found, as I said in my books, that certain types should eat more or less red or white
meat until they are healthier. So, in a way, I agree with it in a small way. However, the supplement issue is a
seesaw such that not even the most brilliant of minds can second-guess the body properly. Because people
are so unhealthy and even a little change means a lot, and counterbalances may not show themselves for
months or years, supplements and a Metabolic Typing Diet may be a temporary benefit. How long it takes to
be worse than better would be according to the individual. I do not believe that it has anything to do with
genetic predisposition. My experience and observations lead me to believe that the differences are
deficiencies and accumulated toxins.
I'm writing a brief article about my appendectomy/hospital experience. Many people have asked about it
and of course there are those who ask, "Do you think it's that diet you're on?" To which I deny and chalk it
up to their ignorance. However, in researching the incidence of appendicitis I came across an article that
said that, internationally, the incidence of appendicitis is lower in cultures with a higher intake of dietary
fiber. Dietary fiber is thought to decrease the viscosity of feces, decrease bowel transit time, and
discourage formation of fecaliths, which predispose individuals to obstructions of the appendiceal lumen.
I thought it was interesting since we basically don't eat any fiber whatsoever! Is it possible that there is
some truth to this low fiber intake/appendicitis thing? I guess we need at least 1000 Primal Dieters to track
over their lifetime to see if there's a higher incidence than the rest of the population.
It is not proven that a lack of fiber/pulp is causative or partially causative of appendicitis. Every person I
know that had an appendicitis ate vegetables. However, raw vegetable fiber may be helpful in preventing
appendicitis in cooked-food eaters where food lacks vitamins and enzymes and moves very slowly with much
putrefaction. Putrefaction of food never occurs in rawfooders. The incidence of appendicitis among the
Masai, Samburu and Fulani is relatively non-existant. As long as we do not completely filter our juice through
thick cloths, we have plenty of vegetable fiber.
I looked at your irises and found storages of heavy metals in and around the appendix, buried in scarring. The
caustic metals probably burned the appendix walls which burst during an attempt to remove them. That is an
indication that you did not have enough fat in the lower abdomen. That is why I like people to have big bellies
during detoxification.
March 20th, 2003
Hi Aajonus,
I was wondering if you have any opinion about MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). A client you saw for a full
consult the first time you came here handed me a book about it last night. She has been in pain for years
(basically fibromyalgia), with fatigue. She still has the fatigue but the pain is gone since taking the MSM.
She maintains her own version of the raw diet. She's one who doesn’t like the weight gain so isn't willing
to have that much fat. The meat is no problem for her. She couldn't drink the lube formula without feeling
sick for hours (she couldn't work). I advised she sip it gradually and it helped, but she stopped taking it
anyway. She does keep away from carbs.
Every person who had cancer that I met, who was not on the diet and who took MSM, died. I have heard a lot
of claims about it, but from people who had been taking it for a short time. It is not a naturally occurring
supplement and probably causes many imbalances that would not show for years. The combination has an
affinity for the thymus and thyroid and may cause long-term damage. I will re-investigate the drug in about
20 years and look at people who had taken it for many years.
Re: Nuts
Hi Aajonus,
I was asked recently, "If we can pulverize the anti-enzymes out of nuts with a blender, then why doesn't
chewing do the same thing?"
Pulverizing does not neutralize the enzyme inhibitors. Pulverizing merely exposes them. The combination of
egg, fat and honey neutralizes the exposed inhibitors.
My only thought would be that it is not the pulverizing that inactivates these anti-enzymes but the fact that
the surface area is increased so that the ingredients mixed with the nuts can inactivate the anti-enzymes.
If I'm wrong, then it seems chewing should do the same thing as the blender.
I wish.
Hi Aajonus,
I had to contact you and get your perspective about this Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Without going into a whole "alternative perspective" with you, let me say this: I seriously
doubt there is something to "catch". The internal health of the individual will determine
who gets it and who doesn't. Even the worst plagues in human history had survivors
helping the sick who didn't get sick.
Just think how polluted Hong Kong is. There could very well be something in the air that
is damaging at the cellular level, resulting in this condition. It IS a respiratory condition.
The virus that causes the common cold (or flu for that matter) can be found in any of us
at any time, but we aren't always sick are we?
A virus isn't alive so it cannot "do" anything. A healthy well fed cell will not be affected
(notice I didn't say "infected") by a virus.
Strange thing is how do we explain what is happening with those who do come in contact with someone
"catching" it? They are not necessarily exposed to a possible toxic chemical from China by getting close
to someone who has.
I compare it to the difference between the "Swine" flu and "Pollock" flu. Mainly the heavily
medicated/treated have died from it, therefore, it is probably the treatment (for pneumonia) that is the killer,
that is, anaphylaxis.
Hi Aajonus,
Many are fearing how "contagious" it is, i.e. the face masks and quarantines. Do you agree with my basic
explanation to my friend in Hong Kong?
Strange thing is how do we explain what is happening with those who "catch" it
since coming in contact with someone who has it? They are not necessarily
exposed to a possible toxic chemical from China by getting close to someone who
Do you believe in the possibility that one can be "exposed" and if their internal environment is optimal for
that (any actually) microbe then the person will "contract" (or should I say facilitate) the same "detox"
(which in this case may be resulting in some deaths if it is not anaphylaxis)?
In playing devil's advocate a little here, people have died of pneumonia historically without being treated
medically with "poisons" have they not?
There are many variables. It could be that there is no contagion but exposure to the toxin in a given hospital.
Normally, if it is a natural event, it would not be contagious. Bacterial and viral activity is caused by
environmental, especially climatic conditions, like bears coming out of hibernation. If a certain location of
people are exposed to the same toxin, when the climate is right, some of them might develop the same
condition (symptoms) to detoxify the damage done by the toxin.
I agree that if a person has been eating healthy food for a while that if and when exposed to a "contagion" or
toxin of that nature, her/his chances of survival would be exceptional.
Many people have died of pneumonia when they did not have access to good food and/or warmth. However,
most often in the comfort of modern heating and comfort, medical intervention in the detoxification process
is more often the cause of deaths.
Thank you. The only confusing part is how is this "toxin" moving from Asia to North America where the
authorities are linking it directly to those traveling and then to those exposed to the traveler? I understand
the possibility that it may not be natural, which negates the natural explanation. Otherwise, it really makes
no sense based on what you and I believe.
Everyone involved with injection/spreading of AIDS learned that without circumstantial evidence of possible
contagious activity, the hypothesis that it was spread sexually had no basis. However, people simply believed
it, except for those who understood that there had to have been a chain of links to have spread it
simultaneously to NYC, San Francisco, Houston and Los Angeles. The fact that there were not enough links to
display a chain validates the conspiracy theory that it was man-made and spread by man-made means.
Let us say for arguments sake that a strain of bacteria became supernatural. The bacteria would have to leap
through the air in clusters, withstand sunlight and oxygen that destroys internal bodily bacteria unless
attached to a host, invade, penetrate the mucus lining of the respiratory system that neutralizes and
smothers every form of internal life whether cell or bacteria, and survive the onslaught of white blood cells,
eat and adapt to a new terrain of chemistry to survive.
The idea that viruses are contagious is the most ridiculous hypothesis because viruses are not alive. Viruses
are solvents produced by the body.
Crabs are contagious because their natural environment is in the outer world. Yeast live in and on the skin
and can be contagious. But internal bacteria do not thrive when extricated from the body without a host to
carry it. Mucus from sneezing or coughing, or the moisture from exhaled vapor are not mediums that support
bacterial life. Contrarily, they destroy internal bacterial life.
It may be possible that mechanical genetic alterations may have produced an internal bacteria that can cross
those super barriers. I do not know.
I hope that all of that helps you to understand the nature of bacteria as I have found it to manifest.
I do appreciate your further explanation on this subject and for the most part I do agree with your way of
thinking. I just can't help but think there is something to the possibility of "something" getting passed on
from one to another and susceptibility has something to do with it. You even once agreed that it is not cut
and dry one way or the other and that the truth lies in between somewhere.
I remember my wife used to work with young kids who were always sniffling and sneezing and so she
would come home almost every other week with a cold of some sort. It became comical how often she
was "detoxing" and people would say things like, "your wife’s sick AGAIN?" When she left the job the
frequent colds/flus ended immediately. Interestingly, I never "got" any of it (susceptibility?).
Many children and adults have such symptoms in buildings with toxic materials. The school population in the
entire school system in the San Fernando Valley and adjacent areas had similar symptoms because of the
asbestos. After many decades, the schools had to gradually be reconstructed. I have one teacher/patient who
still suffers from her past exposure.
And again, using the same logic, I could prove to you that bears are contagious because they all seem to
come out of hibernation at the same time. In the Northern hemisphere, bears spread from the more
Southern regions to the Northern regions. In the Southern hemispherethey spread in the opposite.
More below:
If you wanted people to believe a disease were contagious, how would you make it happen to produce
circumstantial evidence? Follow those you have contaminated and contaminate those that they contact?
Isn't this reaching just a bit? Aren't there a few too many people involved to "pull the wool over" all of their
I refer to the AIDS epidemic, how many were involved? It did happen.
What would be the point? The people in Hong Kong are getting pretty messed up economically now too.
Everyone is scared of exposure. To think that some group would go so far as to follow a traveler from Asia
to North America and "infect" people they come in contact with really seems a bit outlandish.
As Dr. Len Horowitz said, it is to destabilize an economy so that another power may have greater influence
after money is loaned and or diverted. The same was the case of AIDS in Africa.
As for AIDS (and the man-made hypothesis), couldn't that just be a natural breakdown of the body due to
overwhelm? Drugs? Alcohol? Stress? Environmental toxins? Ridiculously poor dietary habits? Haven't
many suffered with AIDS without HIV? (Then they just say the sicknesses they are suffering from are
primary rather than secondary).
You would have to read the Strecker Memorandum and Bio-Attack Alert, referenced in my first book to realize
that AIDS was man-made, spliced not fractionated.
Some things I believe are communicable, such as crabs and yeast that live on the skin. Viruses are not
communicable because they are not alive. They are a solvent created by each body, or man-made, to dissolve
compounds in the body.
Dear Aajonus,
I wonder if you could do Jacob and myself a favor? I am leaving and have had to hand him over to his
church to be looked after (he is in a retrace or neurological detox, as you said, and has not been
functioning normally or well). Anyway, they have had him go to his conventional doctor and are worried
that he has had another stroke, as indeed are the doctors (they think it might be the MS come back!).
Anyway, I hear he is due to have a CAT scan tomorrow and that worries me, especially during a brain
Could you kindly and urgently speak to the person at his church who is organizing the health thing right
now for him and speak to that person about what is going on with Jacob, this detox, that it is not another
stroke and the effects of a CAT scan, etc. Also, that he has been progressing over these last years and
his main problem, and why high blood pressure is good for him (they and the doctors feel his problem all
stems from the fact that he does not take his high blood pressure medication and high blood pressure
causes strokes), etc.
I would be most grateful. He is not alert enough to make his own decisions right now in the retrace. And
they would respond well to you, his health specialist for some years.
I spoke with the person. He is convinced from medical rhetoric that high blood pressure is dangerous and
leads to strokes. I cautioned him that the scan could cause irreversible brain scarring and asked him to seek
an ultrasound to look for brain scarring that might indicate a stroke, rather than a scan. He seemed very
strong in his resolve to do as the doctors want. I am sorry that I could not do more. As far as his symptoms
reflecting MS, it is highly unlikely, because MS rears its head via atrophy of nerves, then muscle
deterioration. Time will tell.
August 10th, 2003
Re: Lymphoma
A 29-year old woman that I know had a biopsy done for a mass that was found in her chest (which
caused a blood clot) and was just given a preliminary diagnosis of lymphoma. They tore her trachea on
the way out, by the way. She is leaving the hospital tomorrow, already fed up with their ways and going
on the raw diet. She will see you in Sept. for a full consult, but in the meantime, what is a "basic" diet
protocol that I can tell her to follow?
Anything extra from what my wife and I do or what the average person does? She's about 5'7" and 150
lbs (strong and solid!).
I suggest that she should concentrate on eating many eggs: 8-12 per day, 2 with or immediately after each of
her 2 meat meals. And, as many tomatoes, for her fluids. No milk, unless it has soured to a kefir consistency,
but very little. Butter is much more important than cream. The bowel and contents of a cow or buffalo is
usually imperative with lymphoma, about 2 ounces every four days. It may be washed down with some water.
Hi Aajonus,
Thanks for the quick response. She's determined and as yet not swayed by the doctors’ scare tactics.
How does she acquire the bowel and contents of a cow or buffalo? Have others had success with
Northstar Bison?
How or what does she ask for (packaging procedures, etc.) so it is not dried up and useless after
I suggest that she contact an Amish butcher and try to purchase several pounds of the bowel with contents.
Usually, a section of the bowel is tied like a sausage at both points where the cuts will be made. Then it is
either placed in a ziplock bag that is placed inside another ziplock bag and placed in yet another ziplock bag,
packed with frozen pack and sent; or it can be placed inside a half-gallon glass jar, packed with frozen pack
and sent.
She could say it is for her pet that has cancer; she is her favorite pet, I assume.
I suggest eating 1 oz. a day every 3 days. It can be washed down with water. Not milk, because milk contains
lactic acid which retards bacterial growth.
Hi Aajonus,
We are having a problem coming up with the "bowel with contents". The states don't let the butchers send
it out without inspection. Do you know of any farms that are willing and able to ship that out? I remember
the farm in PA couldn't even get me the hooves when I once wanted to make a "bone broth" before I
started your diet. Same problem, the butcher couldn't /wouldn't give it to them.
Any suggestions?
She could buy a duck or chicken, butcher it and eat the bowel and contents. I got the bowel and contents of a
wild turkey several months ago and sold it to one of my cancer clients. She ate about 2 oz. and felt
considerable improvement the next day.
What's different from using the high meat? Could she eat that whether or not the bowel becomes
available? If so, what would then be the amounts?
The bowel has lots of E. coli. High meat may not contain any E. coli. High meat usually contains bacteria that
works much slower than E. coli.
Hi Aajonus,
I was able to come up with some sources of fresh-killed chicken for her. There is a local farm, but they are
grain fed (including the usual soy).
I understand that it is "best" if still in the bowel, but if E. coli is the main ingredient, so to speak, wouldn't it
be conceivable to immediately collect it upon defecation of any animal? It seems that it would still contain
plenty of E. coli.
If the chickens eat soy, I would not recommend eating it. The processed soy could cause E. coli mutations. E.
coli is easily destroyed once exposed to oxygen. Best to maintain it preserved in the colon. Also, eating the
bowel tissue provides nutrients that will promote proper and healthier E. coli propagation in the person eating
the bowel.
I have been craving butter and am eating a good 1 to 1½ cups a day! Is it possible to eat too much butter?
Last night in bed, my heart was racing and I was wondering if it could have been related to all the butter I
have been craving and eating. I had eaten about 1/3 cup before bed with some pineapple.
The pesticide that pineapple growers use has caused many people to having racing hearts. Be sure to scrub
your pineapples with warm water before you slice into them.
Remember from my first book, I ate 1½ - 2 lbs of butter per day. You are not eating enough to cause any
I have some rough, dark skin in the middle of my toe. Is it fungal or what? I got it doing a salsa course.
Someone trod on me. It does not go and is not a bruise but rather rough skin and darker. What should
I put on it?
It seems as if it could be a fungal attempt to cleanse the damaged cells from the area because of poor
circulation to the area. Do you wear loose or tight shoes? I suggest that you apply the Primal Facial Body
Care Cream (page 145 of my recipe book) after washing. For your condition, I suggest that you add 5 times
the ginger and 3 times the lime that is specified in the recipe.
Re: Itching
I am suffering from terrible itching on my head, neck and for a longer period now on my eyelids (they
were swollen before too), with red patches on eyelids. What is this and how do I get rid of it?
Sounds as if you are butter deficient and using too much pressed oils that dry the skin rather than lubricate
I have a question: I was nauseous and then was vomiting all day last Monday of last week. Nothing would
stop it. No relief – just green liquid coming up, with a very bitter and horrible taste. Was it a chemical?
Then I got neck and shoulder acute pain and this has lasted 8 days now. On some nights it was so painful
I could not sleep. I could not move my head hardly. Now I can move it, but it’s painful.
Plus I have red patches by my eyes and itching and very swollen eyes and face, which kept happening
regularly in the last 2 months. I know you said it was chemicals coming out or lack of butter. It started
when I took some sleeping pills.
What do you suggest? I did not feel like any raw meat/fish or any raw food for a week after the vomiting.
What’s going on?
It sounds as if you have a neurological detox centered in the brain, dumping into the lymph glands in the
neck and some out the tear ducts. It’s best to try and eat as many eggs as possible during and after vomiting.
Dec 6, 2003
I'm re-reading your books and now want to buy a Green Star or similar juicer as a result of the advice
you've given. Is the Green Star still your first choice? The Samson looks good as well. Any comments
would be appreciated.
The Samson is a single auger, pressing plastic to plastic causing BPAs to gas.
The Hippocrates is a good juicer, but too small and it takes longer to juice the same amount of food than the
Green Star 1000.
The Green Star 1000 is a double stainless steel auger system. It juices wheat grass as well as everything else.
The amount of time you save with this machine pays for itself.
If you juice for a family, I suggest the original Green Power Juicer (not Hippocrates). It is a larger version of
the Green Star.
The Juiceman and other centrifugal juicers use air (containing oxygen) to press the juice from the pulp.
Oxidization of 1/3 of the nutrients occurs. The Green Star crushes and presses the pulp in a hermetically
sealed environment where little, if any, oxidization occurs during pressing. You choose: quality or 5-10 more
The tests showing scientific analysis on juicers was done in Korea. The original company that manufactured
the Green Power Juicer printed and distributed it. The lab tests showed oxygen attaching to vitamins and
enzymes, rendering them relatively useless.
Dec 8, 2003
Re: Teeth
Your last email about your injury sounded pretty bad and sent a disappointed tone through me. You sound
like its no big deal and that's great. But did you lose 3 teeth?
Two dentists said that I definitely would, and they wanted to pull them. I said, “Let's try and save them
first”. There is a bit of pain in all 3, so they are not dead. I hope the nerve to them mends properly. The
dentists said it was impossible. If my body saves them it will be another testament to the diet.
I hope you succeed. That will be a great testament to the diet indeed. Your eyes in the photo of yourself
on the back of the Recipe book are amazing. They look like they are transmitting light. Have you had your
irises change in structure or color over the last five years? If this photo is an accurate representation of
your true eye color, then it would appear you are genetically altering your body to the point that you could
grow new teeth. I'm in hopes that with this diet and these mono atomic minerals this might be possible
some day.
The fact that my eyes have become luminescent may have nothing to do with the ability to grow new teeth,
considering that the damage to dental DNA is extreme from chemo and radiation therapies. Time will tell. I
simply hope to be healthy enough to remove all of the bruised and dead cells from the injury and regenerate
cells to save the teeth.
Dec 17, 2003
Re: Flu
(see also Dec 19, 2003, Re Flu – Part 2)
Hi everyone,
I received inquiries about "the" flu from many of you. I will make it as easy to understand as possible.
Flus are viral. Viruses are not living creatures like bacteria and parasites. Viruses do not self-replicate as
believed by academia. Viruses are solvents, manufactured within the body. Saying that viruses self-replicate
is like saying laundry soap self-replicates because it is found in most homes throughout the world.
Viruses are produced when bodies need to cleanse, frequently when dying and/or decaying tissue is too toxic
for bacteria and parasites to consume. The difference between bacteria and parasites consuming dying and
decaying tissue and viruses dissolving dying and decaying tissue is this:
Bacteria and parasites reduce the matter to tiny waste - just as we consume 5-10 lbs. of food in a day but
discard as feces only 1/2 - 1 lb. of waste.
Viruses are solvents that do not reduce the waste but dilute it and spread it throughout all circulatory
systems. Viral detoxifications are more debilitating, are longer and result in more symptoms than bacterial or
parasitical detoxifications.
Vaccines have never been proved to stop or prevent disease, but have been proved to cause many diseases
and death. Vaccine-success is simply myth propelled by billions of dollars a year income for pharmaceutical
and medical-related industries. There are many non-medical and non-academic sources for this information
on the net if you search for it.
I am healing rapidly. Suffering some discomfort with the wired jaw and teeth.
Thank you for inquiring.
Any idea where I can get Ball jars? I have tried Savons, Rite Aid (where I used to get them), and Vons.
For canning jars, check your local grocery stores for Ball canning jars in 4, 8, 16 and 32 oz. jars. Always use
Ball canning jar lids.
I have some high meat in production in the fridge. I left it for 3 weeks and it is a little slimy. Should I
continue to air it? Can I eat it like this – i.e. slimy?
Dec 19, 2003
Hi everyone,
Many people responded with: “If flus are not contagious, how do you explain that when someone is around
a person with the flu, s/he ‘comes down’ with the same symptoms in 3 days?” and “One member of the
family gets it and it most often spreads to most of the family members.”
First, let me explain again that viruses are cleansing agents, solvents. They fractionate cellular structure
while causing swelling. After cellular structure is compromised, the swelling causes a cell to appear as if it
explodes. Some say that viruses attack healthy cells but not decaying cells. I will attempt to explain in
simple terms.
Cells that have biological integrity are easily cleansed with or without bacteria and parasites. Many cells that
are poisoned by unnatural chemicals from industrial pollution, including processed food, are toxically
preserved and mutant. Because natural auto-bio-eco-cleansing substances are void in those cells, they seem
to be sound in structure and are therefore interpreted as healthy cells. They are not. And, as I said in the last
email, they are too toxic for bacteria or parasites to consume. Since the body does not need to use viruses
on cells that are auto-bio-ecologically sound enough, viruses work on cells that seem to be healthy. To get an
idea of the probability, look at many of those seemingly healthy individuals who never had a flu, had
boundless energy and looked great. Yet, they dropped dead in an instant with an aneurysm. If they were
truly healthy, they would not have had an aneurysm and died.
The medical profession and science are extremely deficient in diagnostics. They usually cannot determine
disease until it is advanced. When they try to diagnose disease in advance, they look at criteria which have
little to do with any particular state of disease. They are always trying to link a particular biochemical to
disease. That is the result of the pharmaceutical industry preparing to produce or market a drug that will be
advertised to alter that particular biochemical.
Viruses are manufactured in the cells. When a cell seems to burst, it releases all of the virus into the
bloodstream and the body can use them to work on other seemingly healthy but damaged cells. This is
diametrically opposed to bacterial and parasitcal detoxifications wherein the waste products are minized.
Viral wastes are greater and produce more discharge from tear ducts, ear canals, gums, tongue, salivary
glands and mucous membranes.
In the laboratory work I directed and observed, there was no evidence that viruses were produced (self-
replicated) outside of cells. That is theory without proof and poor science. The increase of viral substances in
the blood directly correlated to the amount that was released into the body with "bursting" cells. Since my
discoveries proved to me that viruses are not alive and do not self-replicate, they cannot be contagious.
Now, I will present an alternative to the idea of viral contagions: the idea of cyclic detoxification by bacteria
and viruses. Since society, in general, eats the same foods that are high in waste and toxic byproducts
produced from cooking, processing and chemical argiculture, it is only common sense that many people will
produce similar symptoms concurrently. Climatic conditions often affect which bacteria and viruses are
utilized by the body for detoxification during seasons, yearly, bi-yearly, tri-yearly, quad-yearly, etc. If the body
and its natural cleansings were not cyclic and happened all at once, we would be extinct. If we want to know
how magnificent the body is, we must spend centuries studying its cycles. We must study which tissues are
detoxified at what cycles - monthly, yearly, every 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, etc. Since viral and
bacterial detoxifications are cyclic, many people will get them within months of each other and then they
disappear after about 3 months.
If they were contagious, as the profiteering medical and pharmaceutical industries want us to believe, and
not cyclical, it would take at least a decade to spread one virus to affect 30 million people. In the present 3-
month-flu periods, there would have to be at least 1 million spontaneous eruptions to produce 30 million
cases of flu in that 3-month period – 3 days per individual being the least "incubation" period. If we are
going to write off 29 million cases as spreading from other people, what about the orginal 1 million cases?
Therefore, contagion proves to be not only a flimsy but almost ludicrous theory.
Common sense: Because roosters always crow before the rising sun, does not mean that they caused the
sun to rise, nor that the sun would not rise without them crowing, nor that they only crow before the sun
rises. The cycles of the body are not absolute. Many bodies react differently and need viral and bacterial
help at times when the masses don't and vice versa.
Some very well-meaning people wrote in favor of some vaccines, citing several historical changes to prove
vaccine effectiveness, with added scare tactics. I will illustrate with only one of those examples. One of them
"The polio epidemic of the 1940-50's all but disappeared after the Salk vaccine went into
widespread use in the sixties, but not before hundreads of thousands, mostly children, died or
were permantly disabled."
That is myth. As I wrote in my first book in Appendix D: the following table lists the reported incidents of
polio in the year 1958, before the compulsory polio vaccine law, and the year 1959, when the law was
adopted. Only four states and one city kept records. The statistics show that the polio vaccine actually
created the disease that it was purported to have prevented.
Number of Polio Cases Reported in 5 areas, Before and After Polio Vaccine became
1958 1959 % Increase
Compulsory Vaccination? NO YES
Connecticut 45 123 273%
Los Angeles, CA 89 190 213%
North Carolina 78 313 401%
Ohio* 17 52 306%
Tennessee 119 386 324%
*Ohio had an escape clause and many people declined inoculation. Therefore there were fewer
incidents of Polio.
Eighty-two percent of all of the people who had polio in 1959 (listed above) had been vaccinated with one
or more polio vaccines. Twenty percent had at least three polio vaccinations. All cases had had at least one
vaccine. Most cases reported as dead-by-polio were medically treated individuals.
The decline in polio cases had bottomed by 1958, so the polio vaccine had nothing to do with the
elimination of polio. The same is true with the statistics of smallpox. Often, statistics have been twisted to
seemingly confirm success of medical technology. As you can see by the table above, polio vaccines created
polio and did not eliminate it.
Most often today, cases of polio symptoms are diagnosed as some other disease. Everybody has
poliomyelitis. The question should be: Is is active? If it is, is it serving a beneficial purpose? How do we
improve the body’s condition to withstand and heal such a spinal detoxification? As I stated in my first book
in Appendix C, a polio patient showed improvement only when no medical intervention was accepted and
raw foods were ingested.
I hope that this opens some conditioned minds to at least explore the possibility that viral contagions are
myth, and removes much fear.
Just wondering if you have any suggestions regarding the mad cow thing that has just been announced. I
eat a large percentage of red meat and wonder if there is any way to look for specific meats? For
example: grass-fed.
No need to be concerned unless, maybe, you eat the brain and spinal cord of an affected animal. I ate mad
cow meat in Paris, for 3 months a year for 3 1/2 years over 10 years ago, and did not suffer any ill reactions.
Of course, at the time, I did not know it was mad cow.
Dec 27, 2003
Re: Herpes
Thanks for this very informative email (Dec 19, 2003 Re Flu – Part 2).
Prior to 1991 I never had herpes. After using a lip balm over my cracked, wounded (opening in the skin)
lips, I got a herpes sore in the area where the cut on my lip was, within 24hrs. I also came down with a
fever and fatigue for over a week. The fever left but the fatigue stayed with me for over 4 years. It has
improved partially but still is with me today. Every time I travel, the stress of flying causes the herpes to
come out on my lip. It takes a week to heal this sore. This, I see, is having a direct infection occur from
an outside source. The virus has continued to interrupt protein synthesis in my body ever since, creating
fatigue, hair loss and lowered libido. I'd like to believe that the herpes will some day have run its course;
but it does not seem it will ever go away unless every cell of my body could be made perfect, which
according to your other email is 40 years on a perfectly pure raw meat, milk, egg, etc. diet. Unless you
are aware of others who have seen their herpes disappear completely as determined by titer blood tests
or something better, then I'm still inclined to use the anti-herpe herb "Shegoi" along with continued Rife
treatments in the hopes that I will some day shatter the consciousness of herpes in my body,
permanently eliminating it from my tissues.
The salve may have caused a little poisoning and may have triggered the final development - detoxification -
of your systemically poisoned nerve endings, just as acupuncture does not create a disease but may bring
disease to fruition. Nerve and bone detoxifications are the most prolonged and debilitating cleanses because
nerves and bones contain concentrations of metals.
Jan 1, 2004
Any explanation as to why, after being on the raw meat diet for a period of time, that I crave cooked meat
It usually means a person is not eating enough fat with it to digest the raw meat properly. Add more raw
butter and/or cream to the raw meat meal.
Jan 5, 2004
Re: Dizziness
I have been dizzy the last 10 days. Yesterday and today has been worse. What to do?
Sounds like a protein deficiency that may be produced from not eating regularly enough or consuming too
much fruit. I suggest that you eat a lot of meat with a lot of butter.
You didn't mention how my intestines are doing and at what percentage the liver and pancreas are now
working. Are they working at a higher percentage now that more has been cleared up? Usually, you look
at the hands.
Also I have cellulite on my upper stomach area. Is this heavy metals in there and how long will it take to
remove that?
They are working about the same. If you were to reproduce more cells in the next year, I am sure they will
gradually function at a higher rate.
I have been getting a mild pain (dullish) in my chest area around my heart off and on for a couple weeks
now. Today it was much stronger and lasted longer. I have had absolutely no history of any kind of heart
problem. Of course, everyone that I tell, tells me it's because of all the butter and red meat I eat every
day. And, because of my programming growing up not to eat this, I second-guess myself and wonder if it
is causing a heart situation that I never had before. Could this be some sort of detoxing that is going on?
Or any suggestions as to what to do? I really do not want to go to the emergency room or my doctor if it is
not necessary.
No need for concern. The body must increase circulation to the heart and surrounding areas to help cleanse
and heal the areas when toxins have stored there. The swelling and cleansing sometimes causes discomfort,
pain and fatigue. It has always been transitory.
The people who panic and relate chest pain to high cholesterol are simply parroting others' unscientific
claims. All tribes that eat mainly animal meat and fats, and lots of it, whether cooked or raw, do not have
heart disease. The fat that causes hardening of the arteries and heart is pressed vegetable oils, especially
those that have been hydrogenated. Pour them into dirt and it turns the soil into rock over the next 6 -10
months. Place animal fat into dirt and it molds and becomes healthier, rich soil.
I recently heard someone state that when the blood is more acidic, 75% of one's thoughts
will be negative; when the blood is more alkaline, 75% of one's thoughts will be positive. They also
mentioned this is why treatments such as lithium are effective, as lithium makes the blood more alkaline.
I've been trying to back this up with some sources but I've had no luck yet. I have found numerous
sources discussing how negative thoughts create an acid environment, but not the other way around.
My experience supports that belief. I do not know about the percentages, but I do agree that when the nerves
are irritated, because the blood supplying them is overacidic, negativity, hostility and irritability are common.
An alkaline mineral supplement is not the answer because it causes imbalances. The green vegetable juices
alkalinize the blood, rarely causing
Feb 4, 2004
Dear Aajonus,
I had a heavy suitcase with books fall on my right hand 11 days ago and it is still painful in the bone and
when I move my fingers. How can I heal this quicker?
The Pain Formula eaten with meat meals and resting it on a hot water bottle as often and long as possible.
Feb 4, 2004
Dear Aajonus,
I have sagging flesh and it is very orange-peel-like if I touch it. Example: on legs and arms. Is this all
cooked food or carbos? Will it go on the diet? How long does it take?
The sagging and dry thick flesh indicates that toxins from cooked food are stored in the muscles and that the
muscles are deficient in vitamins and enzymes. Removing the toxicity and rebuilding with healthy cells takes
a lot of time, but it happens on the Primal Diet.
Hi all,
I include all of you in the following response because so many people have asked about it.
There is no medical evidence that folded prions cause Mad Cow. The symptoms of Mad Cow are similar to
mercury contamination that occurs from vaccines. There seems to be several reasons for creating a new
disease. Firstly, it is a smokescreen that prevents pointing the finger at the pharmaceutical industry for using
mercury in vaccines that causes the nervous system to disintegrate.
Secondly, my research and that of reporter Jon Rappaport shows that the major genetic food industry is
behind the scare with agents in the FDA, USDA and CDC. The business plan seems to be to destroy all faith in
natural animals and replace faith with fear. Presenting genetically altered "safe" animals that are patented
would mean that the manufacturers would receive royalties for every animal, if they wish, and completely
control the food industry. It seems they are doing the same with agricultured food. So, for Monsanto and Dow
and others, destruction of unpatentable animals is not only good business sense but a must. If we discard the
bacteria theory, they would not get away with it. But, as you can see, everyone follows the postulate that we
should fear the bacteria that humans and all animals have been living with for millions of years and trust
600,000 new chemicals that create "clean" living. Those chemicals are causing most of the diseases that
exist today, not germs.
If you think that that is a far-fetched conspiracy theory, you might miss the boat to good health.
I ate Mad Cow meat for 3 1/2 years while I lived in Paris, off and on, from 1993-1997 and suffered no ill
Nov 1, 2004
Re: Shaving
Hi Aajonus,
I'm just curious. What do you recommend for shaving? I used to have a beard and I've since shaved it
off, but electric razors give me heat burns. I've resorted to using the Primal Facial Body Care Cream as
my shaving cream and using a normal razor. Even with this, I need to reapply the cream for 1/2 hour
after I shave because my face gets pretty red. After that, my skin tone goes back to normal and any
nicks heal quickly, so I guess it is working; but I thought you might have some advice. What is the best
way to shave for a sensitive face?
First, I moisten my face with coconut cream about 5 minutes before I plan to shave. Then I whip an egg,
apply it to my face over the coconut cream and shave with the egg on my face. I rinse the razor in clean
water frequently while shaving to remove hair in between the blades. Then, I dip the razor in the whipped
egg again before I continue shaving. I drink whatever I do not use.
Hi Aajonus,
I just signed up for your newsletters and have read all of them. Awesome information. I’m so inspired and
filled with the hope of future improvements in my health. Thanks for these masterpieces of newsletters.
I’ve know much of this, but your providing new facts and details really crystallizes the whole microbe
subject for me much better.
In the recent past I got tired of the raw regime and ate a few meals of cooked fish, steak and chicken.
Then I bought and tried pemmican that was dried at 120 degees and the tallow that dripped off was added
back with honey and cherries. I ate a few helpings of this stuff, then I got a sore throat. I returned to 100%
raw, except for some bread and slowly have improved. Now, 2 1/2 weeks into it, the sore throat is about
90% better. It has taken a longer time than normal to clear. I’ve implemented some of your suggestions in
the book. My question: have you ever had a sore throat or cold or flu symptoms on this program that
lasted for weeks at a time?
You talk about how people with chronic fatigue syndrome are always skinny and irritable. Yep, that has
been me. And it all makes so much sense. I’ve never been able to build muscle. I must have been really
poisoned from mercury fillings, vaccines and dead chemicalized food in the 60’s & 70’s. By age 16, I woke
up and began my exodus from the land of disease.
I ordered some Terramin. I’m excited to use it to grow back the bacteria necessary for good protein
digestion and improved elimination. On red meat my bowels slow up way too much. I need more E.coli for
sure. I look forward to the day when I’m healed enough to feel tremendous peace, happiness and strength.
Thank you for your appreciation for my work. Through childhood and adolescence, I suffered sore throat and
cold/flu symptoms for up to 3 months. Since I have been on my present diet, while several times detoxifying
my jaws and teeth, I experienced sore throats for up to 10 days; colds or flu for only 7 days. I suggest that you
eat at least 20 eggs daily until symptoms subside.
In order for you to gain weight, you must force yourself to eat when not hungry. Once you gain the weight,
your appetite will increase to feed the new cells and you will not have to force yourself to overeat as often.
Hi Aajonus,
I’ll be traveling to Mexico for a week and wanted some advice from you on eating raw. I’ll bring a three
day supply in my suitcase, but what to do on the other days? Do I order raw steak or fish in restaurants?
Have you ever eaten in Mexican restaurants?
When I travel in Mexico, I order "carne crudo" at restaurants. Most often, I find a butcher store where I
purchase the meat. If you are flying to Mexico, do not store your food supply in your checked baggage,
because the radiation it will suffer is enormous. The carry-on X-ray is mild and if your food passes through
only once, it will not be too ill-effected.
Jan 7, 2007
I ate sushi a week ago. I was obviously not thinking and ordered the salmon. For some reason I
assumed it was wild. At the end of the meal I asked the waiter and he said yes it was wild.
I found out yesterday after calling the manager of the restaurant that it was farmed salmon. I am/was
upset to discover I ate farmed salmon with all of its pollutants. How much damage have I done after two
courses of sashimi? I never eat any kind of farmed fish. Unfortunately, I was not thinking.
Thank you.
You probably used about 2 meals of good food to contain and detoxify your farmed-food poisoning. That type
of poisoning is unlikely to cause any permanent damage as long as you ate and continue to eat a healthy diet.
I suggest that you eat 10 eggs per day for 10 days minimum to ensure that you will not store any of those
What raw foods are safe for a 15 month old baby to eat? I am just now introducing some food to
I know you say meat and milk. What about butter alone, butter and honey together, kefir, raw
cheese, raw cream, raw egg or raw egg yolk?
I have tried very small amounts of all of the above foods on our little boy and he loves all of them.
Any problem with them?
Is there absolutely any raw food that he should not have? I don't want him to detoxify in an unhealthy
I make your Steak Tartare with 1-1.5 pounds fresh raw ground sirloin meat (I grind myself), fresh
grated red onion to taste, 1 clove fresh grated garlic and 1 raw egg. Is this okay for a 15 month old
to eat? Or should the raw meat be plain?
Thank you.
All of those foods are helpful to most infants, however cream and butter require large amounts of
minerals and proteins to utilize them. Milk is most often the perfect balance, if cream content is
satisfactory. Small amounts of cream and butter will not cause imbalances. If trying to counterbalance a
large consumption of cream and butter, more protein and cheese should be consumed.
Because of children's delicate digestive systems, it is always best to feed infants and children plain meat.
It is good for infants, but not as a staple fat. It does not build or heal the body; it mainly causes
May 8, 2007
In your book you say that cooked food needs salt to help process the cooked food. When eating cooked
chicken / cooked food is it okay to put salt on it?
Also, Wild Copper River Salmon is just now coming into season. Is Copper River Salmon safe to eat?
Thank you.
June 6, 2007
Re: Tobacco
Hi Aajonus,
Our friend came to see you. Thank you for helping him. He thinks you are the greatest thing right now!
I talked with someone at Mother Earth tobacco last week. She said someone else has called them about
the green tobacco and they are trying to figure out how they can do this for us. She seemed very
receptive to doing it, but says that the tobacco will turn brown very quickly and begin to have a horrific
odor. And even if they overnight it to places in the US, there is really no guarantee that it won't get stuck
at the border, and then be brown when it arrives. Just wondering if you have any thoughts on this? Would
it still work as long as it could be juiced, even if it is not green anymore? If this would still be beneficial,
then I think they would be willing to work with us.
I did find a farmer not too far from us who is willing to let us come and get some of it, but he does not want
us to give his name out and he does not want to do it for other people because he's worried about tax
issues. He said he didn't know if there would be tax on "green" tobacco, or if it would just be on the cured
stuff. I am also not all that sure that he will be willing to do it for me when I call him back in August to go
get it!
If it were brown for several days that would be fine. You will ferment it anyway. The requirement of green
tobacco was to ensure that it was not dried tobacco. Only cured tobacco is taxed.
Hi Aajonus,
We are interested in installing a whole house water filter. We like the Aquasana filter. It takes out
everything except the minerals.
Thank you.
I would use a three-tier system: paper - charcoal or carbon - sand, in that order.
Hi Aajonus,
What is the truth about raw cacao? I read in one place that chocolate is believed to boost serotonin and
endorphin levels in the brain and is good for us. Then in another article I read this:
"Chocolate and raw cacao are outright health hazards due to the chemicals,
contaminants, and additives they contain. The chemicals within chocolate are called
methylxanthines. They can be further classified as theobromine, caffeine, and
theophylline, all of which have deleterious effects on the body. Theobromine is known to
cause a host of symptoms including abnormal glandular growth, nervousness, depression,
anxiety, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, and itching. Caffeine is highly suspected of
being a carcinogen, and is directly linked to heart and circulatory problems, glandular
difficulties, nervous disorders, osteoporosis, birthing abnormalities, and so forth.
Theophylline causes stomach problems, nausea, vomiting, and nervous disorders."
You talk about caffeine and theobromine being bad for us in your book.
What is the truth? You eat some of it. How much is too much, or is it really the best not to have any at all?
Are there any people that should not have any at all? What do you think?
Raw chocolate made with raw butter and honey is fine in small quantities. I wrote about it in my soon-to-be-
released newsletter (Volume 7, Oct 30, 2007).
Have you seen this? What do you think about it? I was totally skeptical until I read it. I am curious. Do
you know anything?
I have not experimented with it but it could be well utilized in emergency cases. Whether the mined and
sterilized tourmaline, not bioactive from plants, can cause tissue destruction if absorbed has not been
addressed. Whatever else is in the patch that may be absorbed into the body prior to toxins being attracted to
the patch has not been addressed. Since feet normally heavily perspire, the acidic perspiration will dissolve
some of the patch and absorb it. Does any of it remain in the body, and if so, what are the effects long-term?
I have some doubt (admittedly small, due to the presence of an employee at an organic dairy who is
opposed to selling the stuff raw) whether the milk, cream and butter I have been getting is really raw.
Yes, it is a relatively inexpensive test where a laboratory tests for the cauterization of phosphorous.
Hi Aajonus,
Have you ever had anyone else have a lung infection problem that got worse on the high meat and finally
cleared up?
Yes. They should not sleep prone until the detoxification is finished.
I sent you two photos of a rash that came out of nowhere on my chest 2 weeks ago, and is spreading
down my body and onto my arms and legs.
My mom has Morgellons and has had it for several years now. She thinks it is that, as the websites on it
state that it is a sudden onset of a rash that itches and hurts. Then, after a few weeks or months, it is
gone as fast as it came. Then some sort of incubation takes place for anywhere from 3 months to 3 years
before the sores start, where the fibers start coming out of the body. It also said stress and sweating can
set it off. I do hot yoga and sweat a lot and have been under HUGE stress the past 3 months.
I have no idea if it really is the Morgellons, or if it is some sort of detoxification I am going through. It is
excruciatingly painful and itches like crazy. I have been putting coconut cream on it for two weeks and it
has not helped. In fact, it is getting progressively worse.
Please help!
No matter what, such a detoxification is toxins passing through the skin and irritating cells. To help arrest the
toxins, so they cause less irritation and cellular damage, I suggest that you rub lime (not lemon) juice on the
area. 3-5 minutes later, apply coconut cream.
California's olive country is full of pesticides and herbicides, therefore this oil MAY be affected. Is there any
type of solution used to help separate the oil from the pulp? Many oil companies claim cold processing, but
use solvents and/or separating solutions instead of heat. I think that Living Tree is a reputable company,
but I do not think that they understand some of oil processing. Someone will have to speak with the
chemist to ensure that nothing is used to cure or separate the pulp from the oil.
I worked with Green Pastures to create the fermented cod liver oil about 1.5 years ago. I tried it and it was
good, but they did not sell it at the time because it would only remain stable for 6 months. Then the
company decided to change processes to make it last 1 year. They did not contact me about their new
processes or whether they changed the processes at all.
I do not have time to call Living Tree right now, but I will put them on my call list. If you would like to call
them be my guest, but get whatever they claim in writing.
I emailed Living Tree and I got a reply from their president, who stated that their olive oil is made
without using any chemicals or solvents and that it is raw, unfiltered, unheated and UNPRESSED -
produced in a water-jacketed centrifuge at room temperature.
Their flaxseed oil is cold-pressed, without chemicals or solvents, below 120 degrees F.
I think I will double check to see who the chief chemist is.
I also spoke with Green Pastures and they will email you to confirm that the fermented cod liver oil product
has not changed processes in any significant way since you were aware of it. They only add a small
amount of organic virgin rosemary oil as an antioxidant in minute quantities, but they are going to re-
establish the product without same this summer.
HOW toxic? I've been consuming a lot of his cod liver oil. How should I detox it?
Probably, the amount of rosemary in it is bonded with the cod liver oil and it did not cause you any problem
with storage or injury.
Hi Aajonus,
I just purchased your guide of approved products and have been checking on availability and making
comparisons to some of the stuff I have been using.
Flora flaxseed oil is on your approved list, pressed at or under 90 degrees, but it comes in a plastic
bottle which they claim has been tested to ensure against leaching of various chemicals. I have been
using a local, dark-glass-bottled, organic flaxseed oil, pressed at about 98 degrees. Which do you think
is the better bet? Are you OK with plastic containers of the quality Flora claims?
And on this subject: I have been consuming what I thought was the highest quality of organic cold-
pressed olive oils as a staple for over 20 years now, only to discover their real temp was in the
neighborhood of 120 degrees F. What, if any, damage have I likely done with these oils, and what, if
anything, can I do to reverse it? I ask because I noted with fascination your green tobacco detox for
smokers included in the guide, and wondered if a similar approach might reverse any detrimental
effects of a lifetime on phony extra virgin olive oil.
The best flax oil is Barlean's. They press it the day before they send it. You can put it in glass as soon as you
receive it. I agree, oil that sits in plastic for very long dissolves the plastic; as oil sits, it becomes more
acidic but not rancid, unless it is heated over 96 degrees F.
Any time you would like to force-detoxify anything, ferment or age the substance and then take it in very
small amounts.
Hi Aajonus,
We need to take our dog to a trainer. She has been on the diet you recommended since soon after we
got her. She is very spirited and I wouldn't dream of squashing that, but she is a little out of control not
listening to us! Anyway, she had the puppy shots at the humane society before we got her, but has had
no shots since then. I don't plan to do any of them, even though we cannot kennel her anywhere
because of it! The trainer is definitely on the side of as few vaccines as necessary, but he says he cannot
get away with overlooking the rabies one. In our state, it is law that they must receive the vaccine once
and then once more a year later. After that, they can go 3 years. So, I only have the record of the one
she received just before we got her. So, now either I have to give it to her or I cannot take her to a
trainer. I have read that they can titer to find out if she still has enough antibodies, but the holistic vet
here says that there is not enough evidence that the titering works with rabies to make this legal in our
state. So, do you have any recommendations about how I can make this the least harmful to her?
Thank you.
She is not receiving enough bones, or is not digesting the bones you give her because the puppy shots
damaged her digestion. If you are feeding her plenty of bones, you may have to crush them with a sledge
hammer in the future so that she will digest them better. Once she has enough of the minerals from the
bones, she will behave.
As far as shots, including rabies, they only cause harm to her and profit pharma. To protect my dog, I would
falsify documents if I had to, which might be easy to do with the phenomenal graphic programs available.
Oops, I didn't mean to give the impression that she is having problems. I think she is OK. We do smash
the beef bones sometimes when she is unable to do it herself.
But, I do want to take her to a trainer to learn how to stop her from dragging us down hiking trails with the
leash. So, I either have to do the shot or falsify the documents like you said.
Unfortunately, I am not always as resourceful as you with things like this. 95% of the time, we make the
choices that you would suggest. But, sometimes, we sell out because we do not know how to get the
things done that will allow us to go around. This may be one of those times. Plus, I would hate for her
to get bitten one of these days when she takes off through the woods.
So, in case I don't find another way, could you please tell me what I can do to make the shot the least
harmful as possible? Is there something I can give her before and/or after that will help?
Thank you.
Rabies vaccine does not prevent rabies but causes it. The mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum usually
cause crippling MS in the rear end of dogs after age 9. Usually, it is temporary if the dog is on the PD but
sometimes it is not.
I sense my raw dairy consumption of late (as opposed to a few years ago with a different supplier) has
resulted in considerable weight gain. Granted, I have been consuming a lot more, but it got me thinking.
Hi Aajonus,
FYI, Flora's flaxseed oil is a cold-pressed oil that makes your list of approved products but, upon direct
inquiry, it turns out that it is pressed at 98, not at or below 96. They say they use NO heat, but that is the
temp at which the seeds are ground. I get the same story at a local flaxseed oil producer here. They say
NO heat is used, but the gauge at the press is 98 degrees. I am going to enquire about the others on
your list, but thought you'd want to know Flora does not meet the 96 advertised there. How bad/less
good is having consumed these 98 degree flaxseed oils?
98 degrees F. for flax oil is okay, but not for olive, peanut or coconut oils.
Why is my 2 1/2 year old eating soil? I'm sure soil is contaminated with who knows what. What is best for
him to eat? Thanks.
He eats soil because it has many nutrients that aid digestion. However, if the soil has been contaminated with
herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, it could cause anemia and, at worst, leukemia and possible
bone or other cancers. It would be best to travel to a clean state or federal forest and harvest about 2.5
gallons of top soil (no more than 6" deep) and pick a spot that he likes in your yard for him to grab and eat it.
Hi again,
I had one more thought. My 2 year old has only eaten the top soil twice and I don't think he has ingested
very much. I am hoping that your reference to leukemia would require him to eat larger amounts over
time. Please calm my fears on this. Also, is there anything he can eat now that would clean him out of
the possible contaminants in the soil. The soil was top soil from the large 40 pound bags you buy at the
store; there was nothing added to them. Just plain top soil.
In a child that young, even a small amount could cause anemia, but probably not cancer. One drop of vinegar
in a tablespoon of raw milk, twice daily 5 days weekly for about 6 weeks, should remove all such toxicity.
When you came here you put all the new people on cucumber for their juice. One person had 50%
cucumber. What does cucumber do for the body? My juice drink that you gave me 2 years ago is 75%
celery, 15% carrot for sulfur, and 10% parsley. Do I need to change my juice and add cucumber to it? If
so how much?
I experimented with cucumber puree for about 6 months with 50 people and the results were very beneficial
for skin, connective tissue and other collagen-related needs. New people on it is a broader experiment. You may
add 45% cucumber puree and drop 45% celery if you like. However, since you are doing so much better, I am
reluctant to suggest the change for you. I will not be able to distinguish how much your skin is affected by fat
absorption if you add the cucumber. I do not want you to forget the need for fat and think that because your
skin may improve so much with cucumber puree that you do not need as much fat.
Jun 3, 2008
Hi Aajonus,
What's wrong with parchment paper? I get my raw butter from Grazin' Acres in Wisconsin. They wrap their
raw butter in parchment paper. Is that okay? The other alternative is number 5 plastic from Amos Miller in
Pennsylvania. Which is better: parchment paper or #5 plastic?
Thank you.
When I got butter wrapped in parchment paper, I trimmed 1/16" of butter from all surfaces, because toxins
that are used to make paper are easily absorbed into butter. As long as the butter is not frozen, plastic will not
leach into butter. However, there is a slight toxic film on plastic surfaces that will be leached into butter. From
plastic containers, I scrape the surfaces. It is my understanding that Grazin' Acres freezes all of their butter
unless you ask them to send non-frozen.
June 9, 2008
Dear Aajonus,
I realized we forgot to see what state my lungs are in. I had pneumonia for the first time last year. The
doctors saw something on the X-rays. What do you see?
I mentioned the lungs. The right lung improved with removal of biological waste, but accumulated metallic
toxicity. The left lung improved by waste removal and healed some (more cellular life), but also accumulated
metallic toxicity.
My wife's tumor in her left breast has slowly been growing bigger over the last 6 months, from a small
plum to about the size of her fist. Also, in the last few months, the surrounding lymph nodes have all
gotten bigger and painful. In the attached photo, the entire #2 group is palpable, all the size of grapes. The
# 3 area, on the breast, is the largest, double the size of a grape, like a date. # 8, on the top of the
sternum, is the size of a silver dollar and raised out about 3/8 of an inch. The one right at #7 is small and
painful. There are some smaller ones in the vicinity of #4 and #5.
To make things worse, her shoulder/breast area is now so stiff and painful, it is as if she were recovering
from a car accident or some other injury. She has to walk slowly, conscious of her arm movements, and I
have to be careful if I hug her. If I squeeze too hard it hurts her. The lymph nodes are very itchy inside and
painful. She also gets a very painful itchy feeling inside the tumor that she describes is like little worms
moving around, but that pain in the tumor has always been there (on and off), just more intense recently.
A dry cough has been developing slowly over the last few weeks. She says that her lungs are very itchy in
the sternum area and she just needs to cough. A couple of days ago, she mentioned that if she bent
forward, it was as if blood would surge to the lymph and they would throb. And then, when she coughed,
she could feel pain in all of her lymph. Now, she is just so sore everywhere that it is painful all over the
area and in the lungs when she coughs. She has started to cough up some mucus.
She is really having a hard time and is really scared, especially after last night when every time she lay
down and tried to sleep, she would start coughing and it was really painful. She finally fell asleep and
appears to be breathing normally but coughs slightly and moans a little every now and then.
She has been taking hot baths and using a hot water bottle on the breast area and that has been helping
with the pain a little. She is all raw (100% and no salt for 2 years). She gets in a lot of cream every day,
eating ice cream; plenty of milk, about a quart a day; usually, at least one meat meal; not a lot of juice
lately, but a little green juice yesterday; a couple of spoonfuls of butter; and a bit of cheese before the
meat meal. Other than that, she has been eating fruit like mango (from the neighbor's trees) which is in
season and some organic apples, and one or two small apple bananas from the yard (the fruit has been
replacing the other meat meal and a snack). She has been taking some organic salads to work with pine
nuts and flax seed/honey/ACV dressing. She has not been drinking smoothies, but we have had chickens
for about a month and she drinks one to two eggs a day. They did eat some commercial feed when we got
them but we have weened them off and they are now on wheat/corn scratch and the rest is grass, bugs
and worms from the yard.
Juice is very important to remove waste, especially minerals that have bound with her body's cancerous
discharges. If she does not have juice, those toxic minerals will remain in tissues, hardening the area. Fruits
cause mineral imbalances and add byproducts that are likely to cause more stiffness.
I suggest that she drink 3 8-ounce glasses of vegetable juices daily: 25% carrot, 25% celery, 10% cilantro
and 40% cucumber puree. Juice all but the cucumber. Peel the cucumber until all the dark green is removed.
Slice the cucumber into circles and add it to a quart jar. Fill it with vegetable juices and a little honey and
blend. Mix all the juices and the cucumber puree together and bottle it for each serving.
When she drinks the juices, I suggest that she drink 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar with the first
juice, 1 1/2 tsp vinegar with the second juice, and 1 tsp vinegar with the last juice. I suggest that she drink
that 6 days weekly for 6 weeks. On day 7, weekly, I suggest that she drink the juices without vinegar.
Keep me posted.
July 6, 2008
Hi Aajonus,
I seem to have rendered unreadable my note on your suggested remedy for having consumed 15 drops
of "organic, food-grade hydrogen peroxide" daily for the last 8 months. You said coconut oil/cream and
_____ together. Can you please remind me.
2-3 ounces of coconut cream and 1/2 cup tomato with a few drops of raw apple cider vinegar. Blend all
July 8, 2008
Hi Aajonus,
I just wanted to clarify something from our Saturday consultation: as I mentioned, I have been taking (I
stopped since Saturday) 14 drops of food-grade hydrogen peroxide daily for the last 8 months, as per
the recommendation in the first edition of WWTL, as a way to boost oxygen and aid my hair/eyebrows.
The funny thing is, I believe there has been some improvement. How do I verify if in fact the H2O2 that
I have is of the kind you originally recommended in your book, or is in fact dangerous?
If you paid $300 for 2 ounces, it is probably natural. The cost of obtaining and packaging natural H202 is
very expensive. If you paid anything less, it is definitely not natural.
Small picnic cooler
1 hot water bottle
Glass jars:
4 ounces to hold vinegar
4 ounces to hold lemon juice
8 ounces to hold olive and coconut oils
16 ounces to later combine the above ingredients
16 ounces to hold sparkling water
3 ounces of olive oil
3 ounces of coconut oil
3 ounces of apple cider vinegar
2 ounces of lemon juice
16 ounces of sparkling water
Place the ingredients in their respective jars as mentioned above. Place all jars including the empty 16
ounce jar in the cooler. Place the hot water bottle that is about 110 degrees F. in the cooler to heat the
ingredients and keep them warm. Place the cooler near your bed or floor where you will mix and consume
the ingredients later.
Immediately, lie on your back. Place one hand on top of the other and with the top pads of your fingers in
horizontal alignment with your pelvic bone, press slowly and deeply into the lower abdomen just above the
pelvic bone downward toward the tail bone. While pressing as deeply as possible without creating too much
pain, slowly move your fingers toward your navel about 5 inches. Do this 10-15 times. Roll onto your
stomach and roll your abdomen muscles up and down until you must urinate. Try to hold it until you
absolutely cannot hold it. Holding your urine will force the bladder to expand as much as possible and allow
the ingredients to begin dissolving the stone(s). Also, it allows for dissolved stone fragments to flow outward
with the urine upon urination. Use a jar to catch your urine and check for stone fragments.
Start drinking 1 quart of Sports Formula 3 hours before drinking the Stone Removal Formula. Finish the
Sports Formula 30 minutes before drinking the latter. You may also drink juice instead of Sports Formula if
desired. Do not eat anything during this time.
Prepare a cold bath ahead of time. Mix all the ingredients together in the jar. Then lie down on the floor or
bed and place a hot water bottle on your abdomen for 20 minutes.
On the way to the bath, begin to drink the formula and finish it while lying in the tub on your back. Rest your
head on the hot water bottle.
After 5 minutes in the bath, as relaxedly as possible, roll your stomach up and down for 20 minutes. If you
have to urinate before the time is done, get up and catch your urine in the quart jar. Then lie back in the tub
for the remainder of the time. When finished, get out, but try to hold your urine for as long as possible and go
to the bed or floor, lie on your stomach and roll your stomach for about 5 minutes. Use a jar to catch your
urine and check for stone fragments.
Hi Aajonus,
I just discovered that ALL of the tomatoes we have been buying and eating from the local community
organic grocer are hothouse tomatoes.
Am I right to assume that such are somehow deficient, and/or possibly dangerous?
Is it better to eat non-organic tomatoes if they have been grown in sun and soil?
Not only are they deficient, they are not truly organic. It is always possible to get organic cherry tomatoes
that are not hothouse year round.
Hi Aajonus,
Raw butter does not rancidify or putrify. It simply tuns into moldy butter-cheese such as blue butter-
cheese. Like cheese, molds have predigested the butter, making it more digestible.
I have attached the diet you created for me. Please review it for me and make any changes necessary. I
will be working hard to adhere to it. I want to make sure I am following the best eating plan, and I am
determined to feel better and get healthier.
You mentioned "Penicillin Destroyer" being important for me. We didn't discuss it further. ("Penicillin
going wild in my body.")
Can you tell me what you want me to do?
Thanks so much.
Bone marrow should be eaten before meat; have 1-2 bone-marrow sections per day at your evening meat
The Penicillin Destroyer is 3.5 tablespoons each of lime juice and coconut cream, 1.5 tablespoons of honey,
and 1.5 teaspoons of lemon juice. Blend all of these together and pour it into 2.5 ounces of naturally
sparkling mineral water. Sip it over 15 minutes in the afternoon as your fruit meal of the day, once weekly.
Have 1/2 cup of cherries with 3 tablespoons of raw cream as your afternoon fruit meal, twice weekly.
Temporarily, have no butter with your evening meat meal for weight loss.
To thin mucus, mix 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of coconut cream, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1/2
teaspoon of ginger juice.
“To thin mucus, mix 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of coconut cream, 1 tablespoon of honey and
1/2 teaspoon of ginger juice.”
Is this a gargle, or do I swallow it, and how often, and when if I swallow it?
Have 1 teaspoon kept in your mouth for about 4 minutes and swallowed gradually over that 4 minutes, as
often as once every 2 hours.
I was asking you about my father and you felt he has Crohn’s with his leg infection, swelling and pain
(plus general spinal osteoporosis). It turns out they are going to operate to give him an artificial knee as
the bone, etc. are too damaged in the knee and he can't walk. What advice? Is there any hope without
this? He is bedridden right now and can't walk. And they are waiting for the readings of the infection to
come down so that he can be transferred to another centre to do the operation and the 6 week recoup
What advice do you have for my father? His knee and bone are damaged and no good apparently, i.e. he
cannot walk. It is worn through. Should he get an artifical knee as they want to do at hospital? Could it be
prevented?? And is this bone/cartilage worn through part of Crohn’s? Is it ageing/wear and tear or what?
At this late stage, to cleanse and heal his condition could take 2-5 years. If he gets an artificial knee, he could
be walking painlessly in several months. However, if he does not resolve the problem that caused his joint
deterioration, he will have problems elsewhere and pain in the replaced knee. Many people with replacement
joints suffered unending pain until they began eating raw meat. Most sufferers completely eliminated
crippling replacement pain within 2 weeks of consuming raw meat twice daily. Others required 4-5 weeks. In
those situations, it did not matter whether the sufferer consumed red or white meat for healing. What should
be considered is if red meat is causing the sufferer to be more anxious. If so, then s/he should eat white meat.
After surgery, meat and the Lubrication Formula are most often imperative.
Sep 15, 2008
Just writing to request the letter from you for the airport to take raw food on a flight. Does this mean
that the one piece of hand luggage we are allowed to take is then taken up with the raw food bag or
is this seen as an extra piece allowed?
Airport document attached. This will be a carry-on only, usually the food you take in your bag. However, if
you take a lot of food, if you state that your extra carry-on is medication, they will not stop you and usually
not charge you. Thus far, I have not been charged.
Re: Tsunami
Dear Aajonus,
Can you remind me of the nuclear explosion explanation of the 'tsunami' in Thailand. Why could it not
have been a tsunami? I know you said there were submarines below from UK and US parties and there
was only one picture of the water/wave.
An earthquake causes large waves to ripple and crash onto shores. All of the testimony from eyewitnesses
described the water swelling with no waves -- that the water swelled three times. That kind of physics can
only be produce with underground explosions. Also, the USA-owned island that sits between India and
Myanmar posted a notice 24 hours prior to the event to evacuate to the top of the island.
My iridology exam showed lots of detoxing in the brain. So I guess that is a good thing after all!
The estimation of brain usage was issued after Einstein's brain was examined. Like muscles that are active,
certain chemical byproducts are present in active tissue. Only 12% of Einstein's brain had those chemicals.
From that, it was deduced that other people of less brain activity used approximately 10%. Just because
there is circulation to most areas of the brain does not mean that they are utilized.
I believe the brain falls into the same category that, in years past, tonsils, spleens and appendixes fell
into. Science doesn't understand how everything works and concludes that we must not need/use them.
What year was Einstein's brain examined? Humanity's knowledge base increases astronomically every
year. I think you are holding onto a piece of data that doesn't serve your message. That's all.
Einstein's brain was examined from the time it was donated several days after his death and up to 3
months after his death. I do not see any signs that we use much of our brains except with advancing
harmful although convenient technologies. Animals with small brains do not kill for greed and pollute reality
on all levels. My argument was that most of our brains are utilized to hold metallic and other toxicity, but not
much for intellectual use. That is why our brains are so large; they have grown exponentially ever since we
began smelting to make and preserve tools and convenience objects all the way to our present level of
industrial pollution. In my perceptions of experience, there are no indications that prove we are wiser than
other species holistically. I think that I present a huge argument that supports my message that we have
large fatty brains to store toxicity that aligns with our rate of pollution, because we well know that bodies
store toxins in fats when fats are available. Should we agree to disagree?
Our 16 year old family cat has not been able to keep any food down for 10 days now. He attempted to eat
and threw everything up. Now he won't eat anything. He is getting extremely thin and dehydrated. He
doesn't drink either.
His usual diet has been raw for five years: raw chicken, meat, tuna (doesn't like salmon), periodically he
drinks raw cow's milk, and eggs. He's finicky and eats only these foods. He's an inside cat and hasn't
been ingesting anything harmful.
I tried a little cooked chicken, with raw butter added after cooking, a raw egg blended in milk, and mashed
potatoes with raw butter. He can't keep anything down. His stool is usually very hard and now what little
there is, is runny, yellowish and gray, and he's defecating outside of his litter box. I'm cleaning up vomit,
cat urine and diarrhea whenever he tries to ingest something.
Maybe his organs are shutting down. He will certainly starve to death if this continues. I may go get a
saline IV from a vet to hydrate him.
What does your expertise and instinct tell you? I instinctually don't believe he is dying yet, but I am scared
he will starve if I don't help him in some way.
Cats and dogs who have had vaccines and other injections usually endure such detoxifications between 9
and 10.5 years of age. Mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum cause the symptoms. The symptoms often
progress to rear end paralysis.
Trying to feed him tiny amounts of raw cheese frequently helps to absorb those poisons. To give him enough
strength to survive the detoxification, I suggest a 2 parts butter to 1 part honey mixture.
Of at least 16 cats that I have helped through that detoxification, only 2 died. However, at the end, their
keepers took those 2 to veterinarians and they died within 24 hours.
His stools should be hard because he is not eating anything that remains in his digestive tract.
Sep 25, 2008
This is something you do not want to miss. Read this and then sign up and get on board. This is going to
be the biggest and best nutritional supplement of the century. I'm not one to ever get involved with MLM
but here is a unique and optimal situation. Please do take this seriously.
Pearl powder is rock. We do not digest rock. We could feed it to plants and derive minerals from it, but in rock
form, we will get mineral clumps throughout the body. There are no magic bullets.
Oystershell is rock. Pearl is in a matrix with proteins and trace minerals. This is a food and it has
regenerated collagen and skin health, it can support bone density. Pure rock would not mend itself into a
cavity and fill a tooth, but the Mayans used pearl power successfully to fill teeth. Only a living mineral with
proteins could do that! I know your high standards and I would not begin to think I could persuade you
onto something that would be a rock only. Really this is a food and is worth looking into.
Pearl is rock also. It is not a food source for us. Dogs and cats might be able to use a little of it, but not
humans properly. Pearl powder as a filling makes it a good hard substance, but can we digest teeth? If you
swallowed your tooth it would pass whole through your digestive tract.
Here is what I suggest that you do to test your belief. Have someone consume 1/4 cup with only water -- drink
water and eat nothing else for 48 hours. Have a laboratory liquefy feces passed for the 48 hours and see how
much pearl powder remains and in what condition. That is, has it been etched by intestinal acids or not?
Re: Toothpaste
Hi Aajonus,
Do you recommend any other toothpaste besides clay/butter, cream/ginger or mint solutions?
Yes, once or twice weekly, a mixture of 1 tablespoon coconut cream, 1 teaspoon clay and 1/2 teaspoon raw
apple cider vinegar. That will clean plaque from deep under the gums.
I presently use Doctor Burt's lavender and mint toothpaste. Should I discontinue using it? If so, what
should I use daily?
I suggest that you discontinue it and brush with the following mixture once daily that is best kept in
refrigeration: 1 tablespoon coconut cream, 1 teaspoon Terramin clay and 3/4 teaspoon raw unpasteurized
apple cider vinegar
Oct 1, 2008
As of Monday, I'm happy to say I will have done the custard formula for 5 consecutive days.
3 questions:
(1) How many days should I take it for this urinary situation?
(2) Happily, my urine remains light and clear, but there is a small prickly feeling every time it collects in my
bladder, as well as when I relieve myself. Any thoughts?
(3) Does having E. coli in my urine have anything to do with how it feels? Any recommendations?
Custard was to help correct damage by antibiotics. I suggest having it 2-3 times weekly for 10 weeks.
If the doc lasered your bladder, it will likely cause discomfort until it is completely healed: 3-6 weeks? E. coli
in your urine indicates that you consumed antibiotics. Yes, do not ever take antibiotics again.
Hi Aajonus,
Thanks for stating the purpose of the formula. I need to clarify about the E. coli. I had my last urine
analysis on Tues 9/24 and they found "bacteria" in the urine. This was BEFORE I took any antibiotic, not
after. Hence, I gave in briefly. My apologies for not saying earlier when they noticed "E. coli".
I seem to be improving well. Urination is freer and clear. Much less discomfort. I will continue taking the
custard formula. Do you think I still have any bacterial infection from that one pill I took?
Also, is it enough to put 3 Tbs of kefir and yogurt in each quart of milk I consume?
The E.coli is never a problem anywhere in the body. Probably, the antibiotic has been completely arrested but
damage done may take several months to resolve. That is why I suggest that you continue consuming raw
custard. Also, you could consume about 2 teaspoons of wet clay (see my book) with a vegetable juice once
Oct 3, 2008
Hi Aajonus,
Whole Foods has a product called Organic Artisana Raw Coconut Butter. It's the pulp and cream
together. It tastes delicious. It's nothing but 100% organic raw coconut. Costs about $9 for 16 ounces. It
is found in the raw food section with other sun-dried fruits and foods.
I know honey must remain at 93 degrees or less. 110 degrees does not seems very hot.
Also, under 110 degrees does not mean that the Artisana coconut butter ever reaches 110 degrees. It just
means that it remains under that temperature. So it could be that it's being juiced at a far lesser
temperature than 110 degrees. Maybe 100 degrees or 98 degrees.
What do you know about the Organic Raw Artisana coconut butter?
I would think that it's better to eat than nothing or other worse alternatives.
Thank you.
96 F is the top to which coconut can reach and still maintain all of its nutritive value without producing toxic
byproducts. Coconut is so fragile when pulp is maintained that there is usually a chemical or mechanical
process used to prevent fermentation and produce shelf life.
Hi Aajonus,
I was told today that Artisana dehydrates the organic raw coconut at a very low temperature before they
juice it. By taking all the moisture out of the coconut, the Artisana organic raw coconut has a very stable
shelf life. So the dehydration is the process used to prevent fermentation. No chemical or mechanical
process as stated by the company.
When it is dried that way, machine temperatures reach as high as 175 F. Someone is not telling the truth.
Many people who sell products have no idea of the mechanics involved and do not know all of the questions to
ask their producers. I suggest that you insist on speaking directly with the chemist who oversees the process
at the factory.
I can't imagine that a company who is selling a product as raw would dehydrate their coconut at 175
degrees and than label it USDA organic and sell it as raw. As a company, they have a lot to lose and are
risking a lawsuit for false labeling. I know when I dehydrate, the temperatures in my dehydrator are below
100 degrees since I've measured them. I will call the company again and ask more questions.
Sorry, I did not make myself understood. After dehydrating any substance, then the process to transform it
into a gel or oil or butter takes a process that reaches as high as 175 F and usually nothing less than 128 F.
You have to go to the manufacturing plant to discover.
Hi Aajonus,
I am preparing food for us, in preparing for a crisis. Of course we will be hunting, and growing foods in a
greenhouse, but we want to get some foods for an emergency if we have none, such as freeze-dried
and/or canned. Although all are severely depleted in nutrients, which has the highest nutrient count:
freeze-dried foods or canned foods (for example, if I buy organic peaches and can them myself in Ball
jars)? I can also get a dehydrator and dehydrate some organic foods and vacuum pack them but I don't
know their shelf life. Do you have any thoughts on this?
Anyway, hope all is well. Thank you for your suggestions. We are trying to get this ordered in the next
week or so.
Soft nuts are very good. Coconuts can stay a long time at cool temperatures, even if there is some mold.
Preserving meat is a must. Cut fresh meat into 1"x 1/2" x up to 4.5" and coat with olive or coconut oil. Pour
about 3/4 cup of oil into wide-mouthed quart jars and stuff the meat slices into the jars to eliminate air
pockets. It will preserve for many years. I preserved some venison in December 1999 and it is still good. I
would store some rice, to eat in small quantities weekly, to absorb excess hydrochloric acids that cause
excessive hunger, in case you need it. Dried fruits would be an asset. And have tons of honey to replace
enzymes lost in nuts and dried fruit.
I urinate freely and comfortably from what I can tell, i.e. I "pee like a racehorse".
My last visit (hopefully) is this Thursday. I want to be prepared for possible scenarios.
(1) Suppose they don't like what they see in my urine sample. Do I just acknowledge?
(2) Suppose they ask if I took the antibiotic. Do I tell them what they want to hear ("yes") or do I tell them
the truth (only for a day or two)?
They will probably tell you that your urine is too acidic and builds stones, and that you should eat or drink a lot
of fruit. Acknowledge and thank them for any advice that they give. Tell them you took the antibiotics; you do
not have to tell them how much.
I had my last visit today. On the plus side, I'm free to go--literally. I wasn't charged for the visit.
I got a copy of the surgical report. In answer to the question if my bladder was cut, he said the stone
fragments have a sandpaper effect until washed out. They made the bladder bleed.
Of course I had one more urine test. He found infection saying it is "not quite" what he wanted to see.
Bottom line: I was released with no further obligation and given a free supply of an antibiotic called
"Cipro" (how sweet of him). Don't worry, I won't take it. I'm free to exercise, ejaculate and whatever I want
to do.
I'm guessing that I simply follow your remedies and let the bacteria and nature take its course.
Congratulations. Cipro causes HUS (hemolytic-uremic syndrome), that is, dissolving kidney disease. How
wonderful of him to want you to damage your kidney to get rid of a detoxification of the damaged tissue in
your bladder.
Oct 16, 2008
Hi Aajonus,
Wise Traditions / Weston A. Price just came out with an article in their latest journal (October 2008) about
knives, cooking pots and utensils.
They advised everyone to stay away from and to throw out their stainless steel. Broth is a big diet
ingredient to Weston A Price people so they need a non-reactive surface. They suggested glass pots or
Le Creuset enamel pots for cooking.
Thank You.
I do not cook, but if I did, I would cook in glass (Pyrex). I use wooden or bone utensils, and pottery for plates
and bowls.
What knives do you recommend for cutting meat with? Is a titanium knife blade safe?
You said you eat out of pottery. How safe is pottery? What about plain glass plates?
If your cold-to-room-temperature raw food sits in pottery for 1 hour, it is not going to leach from the glazes. I
use Cutco surgical steel knives to cut my food. Glass plates would be wonderful.
I've seen bamboo wooden spoons and forks at Whole Foods. Some are glazed with a food-grade oil or
something like that. Safe?
Bamboo utensils and plates are all made from bamboo fibers that are glued together like particle board. Very
toxic, not to mention the toxic oil applied to them.
Hi Aajonus,
I'm on my 10th cold in 26 months. Not fun. I must say that I feel miserable.
I've had the current cold for 12 days now with lots of coughing. So my chest is starting to hurt from the
coughing. I also feel tired. I've had a low grade fever of about 100.4 to 100.6 for a week.
I just drank one of the drinks in your "We Want To Live" book from page 155: 2 eggs, honey, butter and
an orange, all blended together. You say in your book that this drink speeds detox, cleanses and binds
with toxins and helps you feel better through the detox.
What is the best food / drink for me right now? I know what your book says but what would help me with
my particular cold?
Thank you.
I would like you to try something: eliminate honey from your diet for 30 days and see if coughing is reduced
or eliminated. You may have as many of those drinks as you like.
My green juice in the morning has honey in it. Should I stop putting honey in my green juice? I also put
vinegar in my green juice as you stated: about 1 TBS of raw cider vinegar.
I am having problems with my vision. Anything 12 inches from eyes becomes blurry. This is something
new. I have never had any vision problems before.
What do you suggest for my vision? Why is this occurring with my eyes?
Sometimes, consuming a lot of coconut cream causes many toxins from the brain to discharge from the tear
ducts, and that affects vision temporally. As I stated in my books, putting a little egg white, once daily, in the
eyes helps vision, especially before bedtime.
I am trying to purchase materials to install the four tier water system you recommended:
Stage 1: Whole House Water Filter (Paper)
Stage 2: Whole House Water Filter (Carbon)
Stage 3: Whole House Water Conditioning
Stage 4: Whole House Water Filter (Sand)
Could you please review the information and correspondences? I don't know how to respond and get the
information I am asking for. I have explained what is needed according to a proposal from the company
you spoke with for me months ago. Parts of the proposal have been cut and pasted and passed on to the
salesperson I am trying to purchase equipment from. We are going to install the system ourselves. We
were quoted over 10,000.00 dollars to have it installed for us.
I think that we had a miscommunication. I suggest a 3 stage water system with NO Whole House Water
Conditioning. I suggest that you find metallic joints to couple the sand filter because the pressure is going to
cause leaking. If the units are installed outside, leakage will not be a problem.
Remember to place the filters in this order so that water flows first through the paper filter, then carbon, then
Is it preventable?
Industrially produced chemical disrupters entered DNA chains, altering normal development. It would be
preventable only if we were not subjecting people to so many chemicals that cause such chain disruptions.
Any industrial chemical, especially medical, could cause Down syndrome. I have never seen a case reversed,
but have seen great improvements. However, very few people with Down syndrome would eat the food. Most
refused and would starve and throw tantrums rather than eat it.
Oct 28, 2008
The rash on my face (that you told me is from heavy metal detox) is back after going away for several
months after I had a personal consult with you. You changed my green juice recipe by adding cucumber
and zucchini, and cutting down on the celery.
I really need your help to see if something will make the rash disappear again. Normally, I don't mind it
too much, but on November 20-22 my business partner and I are putting on a ceremony, and I would like
to look my best for it.
We must draw the toxins out of the body in another way other than through the skin, or we must neutralize
the toxins passing through the skin so that they do not irritate the cells as the toxins pass through the skin.
We can draw more toxins into the stomach and the intestines by eating a sugar-cube-size amount of cheese
every 30-45 minutes and increase clay to 1 t per day. We can try to neutralize toxins by consuming 1 T raw
unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (Solana Gold or Bragg's) with your afternoon juices mixture. To strengthen
the skin so that it is more resilient to irritation, you can reduce celery to 25% and add 15% carrot juice in the
juices mixture. A tomato, weekly, will help strengthen the skin. That is the best we can do. Sometimes the
toxins are more toxic than we can control, but it should help a lot. However, there is one more thing: one
teaspoon of lime juice mixed with 1 T of coconut cream, gently rubbed into the skin and left for 3-5 minutes
maximum, will help neutralize toxins in the skin as they pass through; do that once daily.
Thank you, Aajonus. I'll try these things.
One clarification: is the cheese eaten by itself? Usually I eat it with some honey. You recommended that at one
time for me, and I find it makes the cheese taste better.
Also, is Eden organic raw apple cider vinegar okay? The label says it is raw and unpasteurized. I could get
Bragg's, but it costs a bit more.
The cheese/honey combo that you eat is cheese you will digest. The cheese you eat without honey will not be
digested and will absorb toxins, drawing them into the digestive tract and holding onto them. If you have honey with
the cheese, you will simply re-absorb the toxins. Continue to eat honey and cheese together after the meat meals,
but at all other times, cheese should be eaten without honey.
Solana Gold and Bragg's are aged in wood, not stainless steel as Eden's is. The prior are much more useful.
Nov 2, 2008
Hi Aajonus,
I just got my results back on my blood work and my total cholesterol was 431, LDL was 321, HDL was
90, triglycerides were 98, and VLDL was 20. I know you said high cholesterol is good. I've been on your
Primal Diet for a year now and I weighed 127 lbs before I started your program. I'm female, 57 yrs old,
5'4", and my cholesterol before I started your program was 285. I gained 15 lbs on your program and
dieted down to 135 lbs, and I still have about 7 more pounds to lose. Should I be alarmed by this
cholesterol number, or am I okay?
One of my Hall of Fame athletes has double your counts and plays ball better than many 40 years younger
than he. Many people have very, very high levels until they clean many of the old fats from their bodies. Much
of the fat they detect in your body is old fats on their way out of the body. Medical does not test for that and
are therefore academically and analytically juvenile. You should be cheering that that amount of toxic fat is
leaving so quickly.
Nov 20, 2008
What is the best drinking water source for dogs? I am still struggling with and spending a lot of time searching for
materials and water technicians to install the three-stage water filter system. I am coming up against a lot of
Until your water system is installed, you could fill half a bucket with sand and a cup of topsoil, then fill the rest of the
bucket with municipal water (if you do not have well water) and let it stand for 24 hours. Remove some of the water
for the dogs to drink.
Re: Herpes
Hi Aajonus,
The idea that viruses produce acids which help to dissolve unhealthy tissue makes wonderful sense. Yet,
why is it that my herpes virus only expresses itself when I'm the lowest? I fly from one location to another
and the stress of flying causes the virus to come out. Ever since I got infected, I lost my hair and energy
and it has never come back. I've been doing the fresh grass-fed cow dung, 3 tablespoons per day, and it
helps digestion and elimination greatly. However, I've not noticed any difference in energy.
The analysis that all pathogens are nature’s recyclers makes abundant sense and I've subscribed to this
before I ever met you. However, having dealt with what I've dealt with, I'm considering that perhaps it is a
combination of both the microbes being recyclers and that some microbes being perpetual disease
producers. Even if you eat raw for years, they are still there and will continue to poop their toxins into one's
body until the immune system is strong enough to eliminate them or some technology like Rife can
eliminate them. What is your opinion on this? I'm considering getting another Rife device that may
eliminate the herpes bug.
Most healing happens during sleep. Most detoxification happens during wakeful states, especially during
mild to stressful activity. We must maintain a good blood-fat level to protect us the less we sleep. That means
consuming some or a lot of fat every 1-2 hours. However, it is always better to break a detoxification with a
long or short sleep.
With better digestion comes better assimilation and absorption, eventually, usually energy increases.
However an increase may depend on your fat level. Are you still very thin?
Pathogen means disease-causing. Industrial chemicals are pathogens, not microbes. Viruses are not
microbes; they are not alive. Viruses are solvents that detox when tissue is so toxic that microbes cannot do
the work. Herpes is metallic-based toxins in the nerves being cleansed from the nerves. Swelling and
abrasions are merely symptoms of the caustic toxicity that is damaging cellular tissue when not enough fat
or white blood cells cannot harness the toxicity being removed.
Rife and other such therapies do not reduce or neutralize toxicity and therefore are unlikely to assist the body
in nerve-ending detoxification. They may stop detoxification temporarily. Fat is the best remedy.
So are you saying that the herpes only expresses itself in nerves that are toxic with heavy metals? That
stress causes detoxification?
More stress hormones and neurological metabolic waste accumulate during and after stress. (The Biology of
Emotions by Dr. Elnora Van Winkle, neuro-scientist.) Therefore, greater neuro-detoxification, if you are
It seems that the explanation of the immune system being overtaxed and unable to keep the virus in
suppression is more accurate.
Viruses are soap (protein particles not live). How can you suppress solvents?
It is these types of details that I'd like to understand that I would like to talk with you on.
My 5 year old daughter takes 2 hours of dance class a week. She takes 40 minutes of violin once a week.
She also takes 30 minutes of indoor swimming classes once a week. This comes to about 3 hours total
once a week. She has been doing these activates for about 1 year, skipping a few sessions here and
there. She always drinks milk before and after each lesson. We eat very healthy at home and our home
is environmentally safe.
The dance studio and the violin place both use Glade air freshener plug-ins in their outlets. I wrote the
owners a very well researched letter on the hazards of air fresheners but have not seen any results re
them pulling the plugs.
I am concerned about my daughter breathing in this toxic air freshener air and also taking in chlorine from
the pool. Like I said, it totals about 3 hours a week.
What food do you suggest before and after she visits these toxic places?
I could tell her that she can't do these activates because of the chemicals, but she will not understand and
she will then be isolated from the people and activities she loves. I do not want to hide her in our home for
fear of all the chemicals in the world.
I also don't want any harm to come to her because she is breathing in toxic air while doing her dance,
violin and swimming.
Thank you.
Yes, a dilemma. A milkshake would be best, but plain milk is also very helpful, 45 minutes prior to and
immediately after each exposure. Cheese with butter and a little honey, or avocado and orange together are
I've inoculated some beef with grass-fed cow feces and have incubated this stuff in several mason jars at
room temperature for 3 weeks now. I've aired it out about every three days. The stuff has fungus and I'm
sure plenty of other microbes growing on it. The goal being to inoculate my gut with more E.coli and
whatever other protein-digesting bacteria my gut will benefit from. Would you consider this stuff healthful
to consume?
There is a problem in your methodology if you want E.coli. E.coli is made dormant and usually killed by too
much oxygen/air.
If you want to populate meat with E.coli, I suggest that you start the bacterial decomposition with little cubes
of meat, as you did for 3 weeks, but without feces. Then, baste the cubes of meat with feces and place them
in a jar that has little airspace; keep the lid tight and keep it in a warm place for about 3 days. You will have a
lot of E.coli to introduce into your body.
If your intent is to feed your nervous system more, you might want to baste chicken or fish rather than beef.
It’s sad to learn about your mother's condition. Consider that rationale of the doctors. If you had blocked
arteries and the only way you could get blood to circulate was to develop high blood pressure, wouldn't high
blood pressure be appropriate? Doctors make no sense.
To thin the blood, I suggest that your mother consume 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar with 3
tablespoons of unheated honey, mixed together and poured into 2 1/2 ozs of naturally sparkling mineral
water, 3 times daily between 6-8 AM, 1-3 PM and 9-11 PM. That much vinegar should be consumed for only
3 months, 5 days weekly. After 3 months, vinegar should be reduced to twice daily for another 3 months.
Finally, I suggest that she consume 1T of vinegar once daily for the rest of her life.
You may use grapefruit to lower blood pressure but if her veins are clogged that much, it is likely that her
blood pressure will remain high; SHE NEEDS HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE because it is part of the remedy. The
high blood pressure will propel the vinegar and honey through the veins to begin dissolving the plaque. I
suggest she eat lots of eggs.
Dec 2, 2008
Re: Marijuana
Dear Aajonus,
Can you please tell me what effect taking marijuana has on someone if they have taken it regularly over
20 years, every night or several times a week.
Marijuana has approximately 16 times more tars than regular tobacco. Because the tars are cooked at
temperatures between 500-1000 degrees F., they may crystallize and harden in various parts of the body.
There can be an array of unhealthy conditions that could result, depending on individual weaknesses. If an
individual makes excessive bile, they may not have as much tar congestion and therefore less hardening.
We will mainly be hanging out in Chiangmai but may also go up to Chiangrai for a few days, and if we
have time, down to Koh Samui to see a friend to learn some raw Thai food prep from his partner. We'll be
there about 10 days.
1. Do we need a juicer, or are there places we can get greens juiced while we are there?
2. Are the greens in the markets sufficient, or are there reliable places selling organic?
3. Same for eggs and meat.
4. Any milk sources (Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai), or is like with the Amish where you just have to ask
around until you finally find a guy with a goat or cow?
Thanks so much.
There is a large outdoor market at the north end of downtown Chiang Mai, along the west side of the river. At
the south end of the market, at an alley road at the east corner, there is a coconut cream maker. Ask her to
make nam kati (coconut cream) without adding water (mai nam, that is, nam kati mai nam).
At the meat section, in about the central area, ask any Muslim-looking woman for raw milk (nom dip), usually
it’s goat's milk.
The only juice I buy there is fresh sugar cane that only lasts about 2 days in refrigeration (nam oy). If any local
sugar cane is in season, you might be able to find someone who makes it; ask around at the market.
Usually, I eat only green or bland fruits to alkalinize my blood, in many places in Thailand, such as rose apple
(champoo) and pomelo (some O'). However, occasionally, you will find a tiny food stand that has a juicer and
will juice celery and carrots.
None of the outdoor market people can afford to feed cows chemical feed and there is always vegetation for
animals to eat, so the meat is fine. Eggs are okay and duck eggs are best.
There is a wonderful 10-tier waterfall about 40 minutes north of downtown Chiang Mai in a national forest
that is worth going to in Thailand, if you love waterfalls.
When people have so much money, they have a tendency to go to medicine for all
complaints/detoxifications, and rather than letting it run its course they search for the magic bullet. All of
her symptoms toward death resulted from overmedication that resulted in anaphylaxis. A septic urinary
tract is most often caused by antibiotics, especially Cipro.
Feb 9, 2009
I need clarification on what it means to be in "The Right to Choose Healthy Food" club.
I believe you are charging a price for this service, but I do not know what service you are providing to me
as a person who buys dairy products.
Where does the $25 go? What does my $25 buy? What am I getting in return for my money or is it simply
a donation?
Also, If I buy from several different farmers and each farmer wants me to sign this club membership and
pay the $25, then I am paying $75 or more to you every year. Is this correct?
Thank you.
Cow share programs have failed in many states. In fact, laws have been enacted to outlaw them. That is an
outrage. However, 3 years ago, I wrote a lease agreement that membership clubs have between them and
farmers. Our courts uphold leases of all sorts as legal entities. Also, I wrote a legal membership agreement
that eliminates all health department jurisdiction for food, packaging, labeling, sanitation and distribution. I
was successful in the courts and bureaucracy of California, Los Angeles County, and Pennsylvania thus far
this year. My Amish farmers in PA do not even need a permit with these contracts because the herds are
owned by the members. Therefore, the milk is owned by club members and not the farmers. The farmer is an
agent to take care of, board, milk, bottle and sometimes deliver our milk to it members.
If you want to be under the umbrella of not-for-profit Right To Choose Healthy Food with your membership
club, Right To Choose Healthy Food will receive $25 of each member’s yearly membership fee. If you are ever
approached by any health department, including the FDA, Right To Choose Healthy Food will handle all
correspondence for your membership club. I have not taken any of those moneys for my personal use. They
are and will be used to change laws in state and federal governments. For protection, most clubs need your
signed membership agreement at their location. If you can make a copy of your canceled check to the club
or RTCHF and make a copy of the signed membership agreement (membership form must be the same) with
a letter of explanation to other clubs, probably you will not have to pay but once. However, it is up to whoever
runs the club.
Your response?
They did not tell the cause of too much hydrogen peroxide buildup. It is a result of toxic metallic minerals
being discarded by being built into the hair, damaging the follicles and destroying PABA.
I have a 'dissolving' jaw, loose and falling-out teeth. Within one week of starting the raw diet, the dairy and
fish took the pain completely away. I still have the problem and lost another tooth last month, but there is
no more pain. Those burnt-looking sunspots all around both irises have completely disappeared. The
spider veins on my legs no longer have that screaming loud black-light color. My doctor informed me that
my blood pressure dropped a total of 50, that's right, fifty points in less than nine months. Its down to that
of an 18 year old. I am 47!! I am very calm and mellow as when I was a young boy, and can't get enough
sunshine and fresh air. After a year, my jaw, teeth and gums are still bad, but hopefully the fish and milk
will kick in and reverse the problem before I lose all my teeth.
Take care.
Thank you for your interest in and appreciation for my work. I am delighted that it has improved your health
and life.
Degenerative jaw is usually from dental injections deposited in the jaw and brain, and vaccine toxicity that
deposited in the brain. Usually, when detoxification occurs, toxins pass through the gums, salivary glands and
tongue. When those chemicals are dislodged, the body requires tremendous amounts of minerals to bind
with them to prevent Multiple Sclerosis. It is literally impossible to digest enough minerals to prevent jaw
bone and tooth loss under such detoxification. However, you can mitigate it by consuming about 1/2 tsp raw,
no-salt cheese every 30 minutes of your wakeful hours, and 1 tsp Terramin clay (moist as I suggest in my
books) 1-3 times daily with milk or vegetable juices. Always have an egg with your vegetable juices; whip it
into juices immediately prior to drinking.
We are in the Bahamas and my girl has been ill for 5 days now.
Symptoms: Severe diarrhea, SEVERE abdominal pain (screaming non-stop, in pain), a fever of 102, cold
sores and cancer sores. Even a tiny sip of water causes severe pain and diarrhea. She is on her 5th day
with it, with no end. She is a walking skeleton right now and I am concerned.
A friend said her husband had the same symptoms and had appendicitis, but my girl’s cousins are
experiencing the same symptoms, and they had spent a day together the day before we left.
Tried: raw egg, banana and honey mixture. I only have with me: raw cow’s milk and raw eggs.
I will tell you is she is going through a severe viral detoxification. Feed her only an inch of banana, every 30-
60 minutes for 24 hours, then the next 24 hours, 1 inch of banana with 1 T. raw milk. If you can get avocado,
you could add 1 T. avocado on the second day to the banana and milk. If you can find any fresh aloe vera
leaf, you could scrape the inside gel and give her 3 T. every 3-4 hours for the next 2 days.
Apr 3, 2009
Hi Aajonus,
Thanks. She is feeling much better after an intense 6 day detox. Found out it was salmonella from some
chicken that she and her cousins ate. Wow! Major detox. The eggs, bananas and avocado helped a lot.
They did not have a case of salmonella that caused their detoxification. As I have stated many times, people in
a given location will go through detoxification from toxicity when climate and bodies are ready.
Apr 3, 2009
FYI: Honey Pacifica uses an antibiotic paste in their hives to prevent foulbrood. I did not know this. I only
asked because I went to a bee lecture from someone who practices biodynamic gardening and raising
bees without chemicals at all, and he does not use them and has never had foulbrood in something like
30 years.
What do you think of the honey from Honey Pacifica, who uses the antibiotics?
Thanks, again.
Yes, it is near impossible to find beekeepers who do not use antibiotics to prevent mite damage. I was able to
convert them to cold pack and all, but I could not convince them that they did not have to use mite protection.
We always do the best we can.
Apr 24, 2009
I called you a few months ago regarding a terrible detoxification I was going through which caused chest,
throat and nasal congestion and infection. I had green mucus coming out when I coughed and blew my
nose. You recommended two moisturizing formulas a day and an orange smoothie with 1 cup orange
juice, 1/2 cup milk, 2 Tbs. coconut cream, 1 Tbs. cream and 1 egg. Within 2 days I was feeling a lot better.
Well, I have the same thing happening again, except that it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I
immediately started eating the same things as last time, but it doesn't seem to be helping this time. Now
I've run out of coconut cream and won't be able to get more until next week. So, I've had to put all dairy
dream and no coconut cream in my orange smoothie. I feel like the coconut cream helps me dump some
of those toxins into my bowel. The other thing is that I am STARVING!! I feel satisfied immediately after I
eat, but then I feel really fluish and then I start getting really hungry, even if I have another 2 or 3 hours
before I can eat again. Of course, the more I eat the more I detoxify, so I don't want this to become so
painful that I cannot even bear it anymore.
Should I continue with the 2 moisturizing formulas and an orange smoothie, even though I no longer have
the coconut cream and I'm hungry in between these meals?
I suggest 1 moisturizing formula, 2 milk shakes and 1 orange smoothie. However, only drink 1/2 cup of
substance at once, except moisturizing formula; have that 2 tablespoons at a time throughout the day.
Thank you. I will try that. I completely trust you, but my only concern with the milkshakes is that the milk
will cause more mucus and make the ear, nose and throat problems much worse. I definitely have strep
throat- it feels like needles in my throat when I swallow. The milk won't make these problems worse??? I'm
actually wondering if the milk might help coat the throat so it's not so painful??? I don't know. I'm just
talking through it.
Thank you.
Milkshakes help build mucus that will bind with the toxins exiting through the throat and sinuses to protect
the throat and sinuses. When mucus binds with toxins, mucus prevents much damage and scarring to mucus
membranes. Mucus is GOOD when built with good raw foods, especially milk, combined with eggs and a little
May 9, 2009
Re: Infection
Hi Aajonus,
On Monday I was transplanting some veggies for my garden and decided to mix some of my compost into
my dirt by hand. I have numerous cuts on my hands (20 or so) and the dirt and compost mixture got into
one, on the end of my finger. I developed a pretty good infection. The entire area is so painful to the touch,
hugely swollen and the skin is pulled taut. One small area has turned a bit greenish, but the rest is bright
red and inflamed. It has been 5-6 days now and the tip of my finger is getting numb and it is beginning to
radiate up my finger and it is throbbing. Someone told me it could be staph, or botulism or a number of
bacterial infections that are dangerous, and as they said, "life threatening” if not attended to. The
numbness thing that just started is what worries me most. I have not taken an antibiotic in as long as I can
remember, but the pain is so excruciating and now with the numbness, I am getting concerned.
Please help. Thank You!
The rhetoric that infection is life-threatening is medical terrorism. I suggest you take that as you would
Hollywood horror fiction. Okay, let's deal with the issue. When probiotics - bacteria from your compost -
entered your cuts, your body took advantage of the bacteria and started a detoxification of your hands. Often,
it is fungus from antibiotics taken anytime in your life that live in the joints. To ensure that your body
detoxifies thoroughly and heals properly, blood flow to the areas increases exponentially - swelling. To help
your body not work so hard, I suggest you coat your hands in lime juice for 5 minutes. If you squeeze a half
cup, you can continuously gently massage it into your hands for 5 minutes. Let it stand, absorb and dry for 20
minutes. Dry-wipe your hands with a cotton or silk cloth. Wait 30 minutes. Pour a quart of raw apple cider
vinegar into a flat pie dish. I suggest you soak your hands for 15 minutes. Rinse your hands with good water.
Cover the vinegar and pie dish to keep. I suggest you soak your hands in that solution twice daily until the
swelling subsides. If your hands become dry, apply coconut cream or my Primal Facial Body Care Cream. In
cases like yours, nerve numbness is the result of high pressure on them from swelling. It is not nerve loss. I
have seen such detoxifications last for up to 6 weeks. However, with my recommendations, usually they last
no longer than 2 weeks from beginning my suggestions.
Only if it is man-made; and injected, or blown into your face and inhaled.
It could be, for people unhealthy enough to cause a major sickness; but the antibiotic and chemotherapy
treatments for it would be the ultimate killer.
If you are on a 100% raw diet, it would be unlikely to cause more than a flu.
Dear Aajonus,
I was thinking of getting a dehydrator to make raw snacks to use as reinforcers to train our new puppies.
What is the scoop on dehydrated food?
Dehydrated food has no bio-activated enzymes. Most of the nutrients are difficult to digest.
It is best to give the dogs lots of chicken bones and some beef bones. They need phenomenal amounts of
minerals as they grow. They will likely eat everything, even your furniture, to get minerals. Cheese, although
dehydrated, with a little honey will all add minerals to their fast-growing bones.
I have a herniated disk in my low back, L 5, S1. It herniated 10 years ago in May of 1999. I have lived with
it ever since, however, the last 3 years since my second child was born, I have lived with excruciating back
pain. The back now is more painful then it was 10 years ago.
I have gone to many doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists. No one is able to help with the low back
and disk pain. As I write this, my lumbar disk 5 is throbbing and my low back hurts terribly. My daily
activities have been altered because of this low back pain.
The current chiropractor is asking me to get an MRI so he can accurately see what is going on in my low
What can I do or eat that would stop the negative effects of an MRI?
I really am at the point that I am considering getting an MRI. The low back pain is awful.
Please advise.
An MRI is likely to cause more pain within 2 weeks of the MRI. Probably, I can give you several suggestions to
reduce back pain as I did from radiation treatments that damaged my spine and gave me blood and bones
cancers. Please call me.
June 10, 2009
Hi Aajonus,
You said to store milk in the fridge at 52 degrees and then take it out and let it come to room temperature
before drinking it. Do you mean like 70 degrees, or what? Once it is at room temperature, is it OK to drink
it then or does it need to sit out for a day or so before you drink it? I am trying to say that I am doing well
with it at room temperature, but not after it has been there for more than 8-10 hours. It starts getting the
sour smell, or cow smell - yuck!
Thank you!
70 degrees F. is okay, or warmer, but not colder. Let it stand for at least 4.5 hours. Don't let the cow hear you say
that! :-)
Re: Eyes
Hi Aajonus,
My husband wants to know if he should expect his eyes to get worse before they get better. He says they
are getting more blurry. He has had no coconut cream since our visit.
Thank you!
His eyes may get worse before they get better but not necessarily, unless he consumes more than 2 T.
coconut cream daily.
Hi Aajonus,
Our dog has lost his appetite for almost everything. I cannot get him to eat anything at all in the morning.
I have managed to get the cream and cheese in him sometime during the day, but sometimes I have to
mix it with hamburger or something like that and sometimes he will only do a tablespoon at a time. Is this
Thank you!
Sometimes dogs and cats go through periods when they will not eat anything or much of anything. They do
okay with fasting, whereas we do not. I would not be concerned with him not eating unless he were only skin
and bones. You might try giving him 1/4 cup papaya. If that does not work, then he is detoxifying something
very radical. If it works, he was simply too enzyme deficient for digestive activity.
Hi Aajonus,
I have a friend who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I think he is about 62 years old. The
doctor said it is a good sized tumor and too advanced to operate on. He gave him about 6 months.
He pretty much already told them that he does NOT want chemo or radiation.
Is this something that you think you can get results with? If so, where is the next place he can see you?
Any cancer can be reversed, but 5% do not reverse. Whether he would be one of the 95% who do or of the
5% who doesn't, I can rarely tell.
I am in Dayton, Ohio until Sunday afternoon. Then I return to Los Angeles and begin a tour in Asia and
ending in Australia the first week of September.
I just ordered $100 of raw, organic cheese. My cheese was delivered warm, very, very soft and looked
almost melted. If the cheese had not been wrapped in plastic it would have melted onto my counter top.
I am concerned about the plastic heating up and going into the cheese.
How far does the plastic penetrate the cheese after the cheese has gotten hot?
Would cutting off 1 millimeter or 2 millimeters around the outside of the cheese be safe?
Thank you.
Was the cheese ever frozen? If it was, throw it away because the cheese would be very acidic and dissolve
some of the plastic. If it wasn't, cutting off 1 mm will be enough.
I know you recommend mineral water such as Appolinaris. However, I have heard from several people
that mineral water leaches calcium from the body. Is this true?
Also, I am interested in the Japanese water system known as Kangen water. What do you know about
this purified water with a high alkaline content? I believe the Japanese government is subsidizing the
people of their country so all homes will have access to the Kangen/filtered water with high alkalinity. I
have heard that Magic Johnson drinks Kangen water as part of his health regime.
Thank you.
All water leaches nutrients, not just calcium. That is why I suggest that people drink very little water. I
suggested naturally carbonated waters because they have natural cleansing and dissolving preterites and
increase nitrogen in intestines and oxygen in blood.
Kangen water is no better than any other processed water and can cause just as many problems as distilled
waters if drunk. However, using it for household use is beneficial.
Hi Aajonus,
1. One of the 5 month old golden retriever puppies has a severe limp. One of her front legs has an
injury or defect. It is hard to keep her from running around. Upon pressing on bones, tendons,
and muscles, she doesn't wince, but the limp is progressively getting worse. She eats lots of bone
marrow and raw bones; raw lamb, beef, chicken and all kinds of organs; goat and cow milk;
butter; honey; and beef fat. The other 2 pups and mom are doing fine.
What should we do? Should I have it looked at without getting an X-ray? Will she be okay if we
don't do anything?
3. Do you know a veterinarian in our area or someone who might have this information?
Probably, the pup's mother transferred mercury from vaccines during gestation. That is a frequent
occurrence. Usually, it takes 6-18 months to remove mercury toxicity. If the pup will eat a little fish, chicken
or beef with about 1/2 tsp vinegar and about 5 cilantro leaves, 5-6 days weekly, that would help remove
mercury without much scarring and permanent damage.
Rather than have organs removed for birth control, I suggest tying her tubes. Gas is always less damaging
than local injections.
Aug 3, 2009
On Thursday I woke up in the morning and immediately started having diarrhea. My first mistake was not
eating anything during the next several hours and I kept proceeding to have diarrhea over the next several
hours that just got more and more watery. With each bout of diarrhea my nausea continued to get worse
and worse and I finally decided to sip on some sparkling water and I immediately felt better and the
diarrhea stopped (temporarily). The nausea came back but the watery diarrhea got better. Instead of
continuing on with the raw food I panicked because we were leaving the next day for vacation so I started
eating some homemade chicken soup. It's been several days and I can't seem to get rid of the nausea.
Not surprisingly, I can't stand eating the soup. I eat a couple of bites and then I feel like I'm going to throw
up. In the middle of the night I wake up around 1:30 a.m. and I can feel the toxins dumping into my
stomach even after several days of not eating any raw food. I can't figure out why I am still detoxifying
when I haven't eaten any raw food for the last 3 days. The detoxification process usually stops pretty
quickly when I stop eating the raw fats but this time it is taking such a long time. I'm afraid to eat the raw
fats again because I know it will just bring back the intense diarrhea. I would like to get rid of the nausea
and start eating anything again but I don't know what to do. I am wasting away because I cannot eat
anything and that makes me even more nauseous because I am so malnourished. I know you do not
agree with the cooked foods but I am at a loss of what to do. My last resort is to go to the local urgent care
and get some medicine for the nausea so that I can try to eat something and hopefully get some
Can you give me some advice? If your advice is to start eating the raw foods again then can you tell me
exactly what to eat and what to eat when I have such bad diarrhea? I don't want to spend my whole
vacation in the bathroom, but I also don't want to spend the whole vacation with such intense nausea and
unable to eat anything. I am pretty close to passing out every time I stand up. Help me!!!
Nausea is always an indication that very caustic poisons are dumping into the stomach. Diarrhea indicates
that very caustic poisons are dumping into the colon. Eating cooked food only keeps those toxins in the body
and adds to the toxins, so that eventually no matter what you eat, you will detoxify those poisons. More people
eating cooked foods have nausea and diarrhea than people who eat Primal Diet foods.
I suggest that you eat lots of unsalted raw cheeses, some every 20 minutes, to absorb the toxins throughout
the digestive system. I suggest that after one day of eating cheese and 1/4 cup papaya 4 times daily, you
begin eating a good Primal Diet.
I did as you said. When I got home from vacation I started eating Primal Diet again. I sip on Moisturizing
Formula and milkshakes all day. Within a couple of weeks I was back where I started. I'm either
STARVING with terrible hunger pangs or, when I eat, I am nauseous followed by severe stomach and
intestinal cramping and then diarrhea. The cheese would probably help with the cramps and diarrhea but
eventually makes me more nauseous because I don't dump toxins into my bowels, instead it kind of just
sits in my stomach but I never vomit.
This has been going on all summer, pretty much the last 2 months, and it is wearing me down.
I've entertained the idea of eating eggs all day but it frightens me because they cause such intense
intestinal detoxification, but I'm wondering if that's the only way for me to climb my way out of this. Would
eating eggs make my symptoms better or worse? If I eat eggs should I also eat fat with them?
You told me my intestines were one of the most toxic you've ever seen and I'm wondering how long I'm
going to have such intense digestive detoxification. I still can't gain weight because the more fat I eat the
worse the diarrhea gets.
I wish that I could presage your journey through this toxicity. All we can do is experiment and explore. To help
you reduce toxicity and diarrhea, I suggest that you eat 1/2 tsp cheese every waking hour, maybe with an
equal amount of butter. Yes, the eggs are a good idea as well as the cheese and butter or other fat. Probably,
eating 1/2 to 1 tsp butter with egg would be more agreeable to your body. Experiment.
August 6, 2009
I have edema in my legs. I have probably had this swelling for some time now. I have been noticing it
since two days ago because I feel the pressure of the swelling and my ankles are blown up like balloons.
I am scared. I am elevating my legs now when I sit to see clients.
Swelling is always an indication of cleansing and healing, as long as you are on the Primal Diet. Since 90% of
toxins are supposed to discharge through the skin, I suggest that you elevate your legs and apply hot water
bottles to speed perspiration that will help discharge toxins through the skin. Eating a little grapefruit or
pomelo will help, also orange.
August 6, 2009
Re: Irritability
I am very irritable.
Have the Nut Formula, or a little cooked rice with an equal amount of butter.
Hi Aajonus,
Is it OK to give dogs bones that have been frozen? This would include chicken, pork, lamb and beef.
When I fed animals frozen meats including bones, they all developed severe skin problems.
I have gums that bleed. This started happening after my son was born about 3.5 years ago.
It seemed to subside for a while, but in the last week or two I can taste a little blood in my mouth almost
every day. I do have receding gums, if that matters.
One dentist said it could be an abscess but doesn't know unless he takes x-rays which I refused.
Otherwise he said my teeth looked very good and healthy.
My diet is mixed raw with cooked, and cooked is about as healthy as I can make it. We do eat lots of raw
all day long except for 1 cooked meal in the evening.
Thank You.
Probably, the pregnancy caused a major brain detoxification that has not stopped. When heavy metals from
the brain detoxify, it is mainly through the gums, tongue and salivary glands. As the metals pass though the
gums, they take most of the vitamin K and U with them. Those deficiencies cause gum bleeding. Even if you
replace them daily, you still might have some gum bleeding and recessed gums. When it stops, you can
reverse the recessed gums to a great extent.
To reduce or stop bleeding, I suggest you drink 4 oz. of raw, fresh, green cabbage juice every 4th day. Also, to
control toxins discarding from the gums, I suggest you brush your teeth once daily, only with a mixture of 1 T.
clay, 1 tsp coconut cream and 1 tsp vinegar. Also, consume about 1 T. clay daily with veggie juice or milk.
Eating fish helps, especially oysters.
August 17, 2009
Dear Aajonus,
This is a follow-up from our previous email to you about our dog.
Note: Her parents have never been inoculated or medicated and have been fed the Primal Diet since
they were born.
Our 5 ½ month old golden retriever's limp is getting worse at an alarming rate. She is now using 3 out of
her 4 legs. She has high energy and passion for life. However, she is now obviously in pain and not
acting like herself. She wakes later and sleeps more than her 2 brothers and her ability to cope worsens
throughout the day. We have been careful and have limited her exercise.
We have read that it is common for large dog breeds, especially golden retrievers, to develop a limp. The
most common reason being that the bones at the elbow joint do not fuse properly, or the cartilage can
break off and float around in the joint capsule and thus, stress, irritation, and edema can cause a limp
and/or infection.
Note: We are already feeding her cilantro and vinegar for mercury toxicity.
Should we have an X-ray done to rule out something that should be attended to, to prevent permanent
deformity or incapacity?
Also, I have chosen to spay her with a vet who will cooperate with our instructions. What should be done
to prepare her for anesthesia? And pain? And infection prevention? Is is better to spay her before her first
heat and before her uterus becomes more mature? Is it okay to spay her now while she has leg/hip pain?
Unfortunately, it will be easier for us to spay her than tie her tubes, because we have two male dogs.
We want to utilize the necessary services, while maintaining the integrity of our beliefs and enlist your
support in the process. We are hoping to give her some relief soon from her discomfort. Thank you for
your support!
However, the parents' parents were vaccinated. According to the experiments of Pottenger and Howell, it
took 5 generations of offspring to become free of such toxins.
I suggest that you feed her about 2 ozs of beet juice one day and 2 ozs of red cabbage juice the next. Do this
cycle twice weekly for 7 weeks and continue my other recommendations.
My husband has a very sore bulge in his scrotum. A doctor said it is probably the beginning of a hernia
and would take about a year for the full hernia to form. The doctor said to relax over the weekend and see
if the soreness in the scrotum goes away.
Thank you.
Scrotal hernias are extremely rare and usually happen in children. Probably, your husband’s testicles are
discarding some toxins stored for a very long time. 90% of toxins are supposed to pass through the skin.
Often, they can congest just under the skin, but then can be dissolved gradually (sometimes up to 2 years)
and eliminated through the skin. To help dissolve the congestion faster and protect the skin that will bear the
brunt of toxicity, I suggest that he or you apply my Primal Facial Body Care Cream on and around the area.
When the PFBCC is not made, simply rub butter on it one night and olive oil on it the next, alternating every
night 6 days weekly until the lump dissolves.
August 21, 2009
Re: Eroding Teeth
Dear Aajonus,
I have deep pockets that have developed where I have porcelain from 2 root canals, unfortunately.
Within the next 2 months, I have been told, I will experience pain from infection because the teeth are
disappearing and debris is lodging deep down in the areas of the teeth that have cracked more.
It was recommended that I have the teeth removed. I know you are familiar with these consequences
from root canals and porcelain.
I am looking for a dentist that is sensitive to my needs. Do you have any referrals? What should I request
for myself during this procedure? Should I refuse an X-ray which I am told will be required? How should
I have these teeth removed? What pain killers or anesthesia? What kinds of things should I refuse? Pain
killers, X-rays, antibiotics, etc.? What kinds of toxic things should I allow? Pain killers, novocaine,
anesthesia, X-rays? What other instructions should I give the doctors? What specific foods should I eat
before and after the procedure to counteract any toxic substances? Should I have a bridge made or get
an artificial tooth? I will be loosing the largest lower molars on both sides of my jaw, the second-to-the-
last teeth.
Please do not acquiesce to medical alarmism. It is designed to make you so unstable that you will do
anything doctors dictate. From your email, I do not see you following your dentist's dictates, but you have
fallen for his alarmism. I have seen that always calmness and patience during such detoxification while on
the Primal Diet changes life for the better. I suggest that you refrain from dental work, pack you gums with
soft room-temperature cheese and/or thick clay, apply a hot water bottle to your face without applying
pressure and allow the body to adjust. If the cheese is too acidic, it could cause excessive heat and more
pain. If after 10 minutes of having applied cheese, the area feels much hotter, then remove it and apply thick
clay only. I suggest that you consume the Pain Formula with bee pollen and cheese from my book, We Want
To Live, rewritten in 2005. Whenever you have pain, it is always swelling from detoxifying industrial
chemicals from the area. Swelling provides increased nutrients to the painful area to allow for proper
detoxification and healing. Heat applied to the area allows tissues to relax and expand with swelling so that
less pain is experienced. When toxins have been removed, swelling reduces. When healing has been properly
initiated and balance restored, pain subsides. The objective should be to manage and endure pain until the
body finishes its tasks. Otherwise, toxins remain in the tissue and diseases progress.
The body can do its own root canal and limited repairs. I suggest that you wait. Remember that all disease is
caused by collections of industrial chemicals, including your tumor. Also, when the brain detoxifies, it usually
sends most of the toxins out the gums, tongue and saliva. When heavy metals detoxify through gums, the
metals attach to dentine and damage the dentine. Bacteria then occur to eat the damaged dentine so that
we can regenerate and heal. Once your body has settled, I suggest that you get composite fillings or crowns,
rather than extractions. If your body wants an extraction, it will do it on its own, as long as you eat the Primal
To absorb the toxicity being discharged from your brain that is causing your tooth decay, I suggest that you sip
milk often and eat cheese with a little butter every hour. Minerals in the dairy will bind with the toxins being
eliminated through the gums that damage dentine. Brush once daily with a mixture of 1 tsp. of vinegar, 1 tsp.
of clay and 1 tsp. of coconut cream.
Dear Aajonus,
You suggest in your email that I could "get composite fillings or crowns rather than extractions". I already
have crowns that are porcelain from two root canals. My body is trying to dissolve and remove nerve and
bone toxicity around the teeth with a porcelain crown already in place on the top of the eroding tooth and
I am confused by what you mentioned on page 316 of your book about tooth and gum disorders. You
mentioned in your book:
"EVEN ON A HEALTHY DIET, the toxicity around the teeth may require more nutrients
than most people can eat. Therefore, if persistent infection occurs, it may be preferable to
have a root-canal tooth extracted."
I am willing to endure the pain of this process if an end is in sight in the near future. However, I cannot
endure more fatigue for years.
Knowing all this, my questions is: What effects will the porcelain crown have on this process of infection
and the dissolving teeth underneath the crown? Underneath the crown is a stump of a tooth without
I don't know how much of your fatigue is caused by oral detoxification. I can take a look when I see you.
Re: Rabies
Rabies can result from any detoxification that involves extreme metallic or other poisons that affect the brain.
Those poisons are sent to the brain to be arrested by fats. If fat in the brain cannot immediately arrest and
contain those poisons, and if potent enough, massive cerebral damage occurs.
We recently took our dog to a session where the therapist used Essential Oils (Young Living Grade A
therapeutic oils). They were very effective in calming and soothing her, as well as recommended for their
healing properties for her limp.
What do you know about Essential Oils? Do you know the oils that have the best extractions methods
and are the most stable? Can you recommend any brand/company or human that you resonate with?
Essential oils are distilled oils that penetrate cell walls, even if the cells do not want it. Like any distilled
oil, Young's essential oils are radical solvents, but they can help arrest heavy metals. Oils that are heated
above 96 degrees F are not living. The word "living" is a fraud. Young even admits in his book that nature
distills plant oils between 57-62 degrees F. Essential oils are not easily removed from the body with the
toxins and they damage many cells by thinning cellular walls and organelles. They cause people who are
very clean, like me, to sneeze and have headaches. You could try Green Pastures cod liver oil with some
flax oil. If she continues to be hyper and anxious, something is irritating her nervous system and/or brain.
She may not be digesting well. I have some blue butter that might work (blue butter has been predigested
by blue fungus, like in blue cheese).
Thanks Aajonus!
Blue molded butter, that is. You can get it from me.
October 23, 2009
Re: Cars
Hi Aajonus,
I am looking into buying a new car. Do you have any recommendations for things to look out for? Hybrid
or gas? Leather or cloth? Particular things to eliminate or request to reduce toxicity? I am planning to get
a large enclosed truck or van to cart around things and dogs.
I suggest that you test all hybrids for low emissions. However, you must consider the EMFs that are emitted
in the driver's seat. I suggest that you take an EMF meter with you while someone else drives before you test
drive a vehicle. Okay EMF levels are 3 milligauss, but you will find that all vehicles are much higher. My Prius
hybrid (Toyota) has an EMF of 8-50. The faster it goes, the higher the EMFs. So, most of the time when I drive,
I place my feet on the mound between driver and front passenger where the EMFs are rarely over 18.
However, if the CD player plays, the EMFs are 50-100. It might be best to install the CD player in the back of
the car. I had leather installed in all of my past cars because fabric upholstery is plastic and lints. It is
unhealthy to breath plastic lint. It must be dissolved into the body to eliminate it. After you buy the vehicle,
there will be many noxious toxic fumes in the car. I suggest you open all windows and doors and let it bake in
the sun for up to 30 days. When driving it during that 30-day drying period, leave all the windows down.
What about a car that is not a hybrid? Is it much more toxic? I am considering a Ford Expedition or Chevy
We spoke yesterday about my husband's inguinal hernia. After speaking with you, he decided to cancel
his surgery for today. His doctor did not want to use the pig skin mesh saying it was for special cases and
his hernia was very routine and did not require the pig skin. The doctor also said the pig skin costs
thousands more. Anyway, he is trying to find a doctor who will use the pig skin mesh instead of the Marlex
polypropylene mesh.
My question to you: you gave him a recipe of berries, cream, coconut cream and honey to drink daily,
taking 1 day off each week. What does this recipe do for him and his health regarding his hernia?
Also, inguinal hernias over time can cause strangulation of the intestines and blockage. How do we know
this will not happen while we search for a new doctor? What do you know about the blockage aspect of
inguinal hernias?
The berries formula will help him remove metals from the hernia so that it can heal. Without seeing his irises,
I would not know how long it is likely to take to remove the metals that prevent healing.
I know of only one person with a hernia that had intestinal strangulation and that was an eighty-eight year
old man, who was not on the diet. All of his tissues in his lower abdomen were distended, flabby and hanging
with no muscle or tissue strength. That is a scare tactic that pharma/medical use to frighten people into
Nov 3, 2009
There are two arguments against steel: one is leaching and two is it disturbs the natural electromagnetic
fields of food cells. Ceramic knives are safe, but could leach if left in an acidic solution for several hours.
Surgical stainless steel does not easily leach, unless left in an acidic solution for many hours.
Why Cutco knives? Do they leach? Do you use Cutco and Ceramic?
Surgical steel grade steel and best quality knives. I bought these long before ceramic knives were made. But
I prefer ceramic unless I cut pineapple or high meat.
Why do you use surgical steel-grade steel on pineapple and high meat?
Pineapple and high meats can dissolve ceramic enough to slightly leach.
Wow I didn't know that about pineapple and high meat. Are lemon, lime and tomatoes okay since they are
acidic? Will they leach the ceramic?
None of those contain the bromelain/citrus combination that pineapple has, nor the dissolving proteins that
high meat contains.
Nov 4, 2009
Some companies finish/brush their solid wood utensils with a mineral oil. Is mineral oil okay on solid
beachwood spoons? The company says it's non-toxic, but I don't believe them. Does the mineral oil from
the wood spoons release into the food?
A new client was sent to me for food. She is 54, with advanced cancer of the appendix that has spread
throughout her body. The doctors took out her appendix, spleen, part of her liver, part of her diaphragm,
rectum, colon, large intestine, part of her small intestine (has 2/3rd of small intestine left), peritoneal lining
and part of her stomach. She has a colostomy pouch. When you look at her, she looks healthy. She can
go for walks. She is about 5'7", 125 lbs, but is losing weight quickly.
She was sent home from the hospital and told to eat nothing but strained soup broth, jello and Total
Parenteral Nutrition (TPN). The TPN makes her sick, so she stopped it. They also have some mix that
has 5000 calories in it for her to eat. She is losing weight quickly. If she tries to eat anything else, it clogs
her up and she is in such excruciating pain that she has to go on morphine for three days. The doctors
said if she gets clogged again it could kill her. She has been sent home to die. She clogs up when her
intestine gets inflamed and the tumors press on it causing blockage.
To get her going I told her to stop everything she had been eating. I wanted to get her going on raw and
give her raw fats that would keep her system lubricated so she would not back up. She started on butter
and honey throughout the day, then added a milkshake, then added a lubrication drink, then added raw
fish last night (small amounts about 2 oz twice) and today she has added green juice of celery and
cucumber only. The first two days were without the fish, only fats. Then, last night, she added fish (2 oz
only once for dinner). Today she added juice and more fish (twice a day today). She has had continual
diarrhea (good lubrication so she won't back up). The smell is rank she said (toxic crap dumping I am
sure). She is also very nauseous. Today, I gave her no-salt raw cheese to try, but did not want her to eat
too much as I did not want her to back up. That is what they want to prevent at all costs. I told her a
sugar-cube size of cheese, twice a day, for nausea. You don't think the cheese will back her up, do you?
She cannot seem to do fruits, only fruit juice like apple juice.
Nausea: I told her to shoot raw eggs or try cheese. I want to get weight on her but she is still losing
weight. After a few days, she feels full but she is not satisfied.
She came to me initially just to get foods that she could eat, but when she left, she said, "Tell me exactly
what to eat and I will do it." Do you think it is too late for her to survive?
Any thoughts or suggestions? Do you think adding more fish per day plus a little bit of cheese will back
her up? Should I have her husband, who is taking care of her, contact you?
No one is dead until they are dead. Diarrhea should not be a problem. I had someone in her condition that
had diarrhea for 2.5 years. That is not a worry. What the concern is, is to eat foods that require very little
digestion for at least 6 weeks so that her body can cleanse, heal and strengthen as quickly as possible. I
suggest that she eat 23 eggs daily. She has lost too much of her digestive system to wait for other foods to
try and digest. Also, honey and butter. I suggest that she eat 1 egg, then 1 T. honey/butter mixture (1 honey
to 2 butter) every 30 minutes of her waking hours. Meats of any kind will likely make her nauseous. I suggest
that she continue on that diet for about 6 weeks. By then, she should have strengthened enough to survive
and maybe recover.
For nausea, I suggest she make a mixture of 2 ounces of lemon juice and two ounces of honey. When she
gets nausea, I suggest that she mix 1 ounce of the mixture into 2 ounces of sparkling mineral water only and
sip it over 3-5 minutes.
Hi Aajonus,
We have noticed that our 6 year old daughter, who has a raw diet along with a cooked diet, seems to have
an allergy to dogs and cats. Her diet is very clean and totally organic. She has never been immunized /
vaccinated. You saw her when she was 3 years old and said her eyes looked good and that you did not
have to see her again.
Her symptoms around pets are: sneezing, watery eyes, coughs, stuffy nose, breaks out in red bumps
and is itchy.
I am confused as to why she is having a reaction to dogs and cats. Please explain.
Also what foods would be good for her to eat to possibly cure her of her allergies to dogs and cats? Is it
curable? I know her grandmother and cousin both have allergies to dogs and cats as well. Is it
Thank you.
Since your daughter is eating some cooked (processed?) foods, she has toxic chemical byproducts. Many
times, children will discard toxins from mucous membranes, causing loss or thinning of the mucus protecting
the mucous membranes. Dander from cats and dogs, even if they have not been vaccinated and are on raw
diets, have processed food and vaccine toxins from the mother throughout gestation. When those are
detoxified from the body of dogs and cats, 98% discharges in and through the skin. Therefore, the dander
from those animals will be highly toxic. When inhaled by a child (or adult), dander penetrates the mucus and
irritates the membranes.
A child with little or thinning mucus will not be able to protect itself from dander irritation to mucous
membranes. Since most toxins are supposed to be eliminated through the skin, absorption of dander toxins
often results in skin rashes.
I suggest that you restrict your daughter's cooked and processed foods and have her drink more milkshakes
to increase mucus production.
Feed the dogs and cats moist Terramin clay to help those animals neutralize those toxins better so that the
toxins are not so caustic in their dander.
My daughter never eats processed foods of any kind. Everything she eats is from the earth and in its
whole food form, whether raw or cooked. Some of what she eats is cooked, in the healthiest way
possible, and the rest is raw. I just wanted to mention this to you since you spoke of keeping her away
from processed foods in your response to me. We never eat processed food of any kind.
I am still puzzled as to why someone like her, who eats a healthy food diet, gets an allergic reaction to
dogs and cats, while other children who never eat organic or fresh food of any kind and who eat highly
processed foods from fast food restaurants have no allergic reaction to dogs or cats. Please explain why
other children on extremely poor diets eating cooked food are not allergic to dogs and cats. Also, it's hard
to believe that cooked food is the culprit since everyone on earth eats cooked food and not everyone has
allergies to dogs and cats.
Is it true, based on your explanation, that if my daughter where to come in contact with a completely wild
dog whose mother was wild and other generations were wild, she may not have an allergic reaction at all
since no toxins would be present in the dogs lineage?
So she needs to increase her mucus to protect her membranes from being irritated by toxic dander from
cats and dogs. Is this right?
I forgot to mention that when she comes near a hypoallergenic dog, such as a Wheaten Terrier, she has
no allergic reaction. Wheaten Terriers apparently do not have fur but hair like humans and do not shed
like other dogs.
If you try to compare one person’s health to others, you will always be confused. Your daughter has problems
because her body contains caustic toxins in her body, especially near the throat and lungs. I suggest that you
be thankful that her body tries to eliminate the toxins and that they do not easily store from dander. Cooked
food is not the greatest culprit. Medical and industrial pollution in everything is our main culprit. Since you did
not grow and live on an exclusively raw Primal Diet and did not live in a clean environment, you have a lifetime
of toxins in your body. You passed many into your daughter’s body while she was gestating. Why her body
stored them where it did, I cannot say.
Yes, she would not have reactions to wild dogs as long as she produces protective mucus that prevents dander
from irritating and penetrating membranes. And, yes she needs to increase mucus production.
It is not the hair but the skin - dander - that causes rashes.
Dec 7, 2009
It seems like this coconut oil uses the same fermentation process as Wilderness Naturals. Look under
virgin coconut oil and how they make their oil. Is the Gold Label Standard Oil a good one?
It's the same process, but they let the oil get to a much higher temperature than what is beneficial.
Dec 8, 2009
Re: Deworming
Hi Aajonus,
We are about to get a puppy in a few weeks. Right now it is 2 weeks old. I asked the person who has the
pups to not vaccinate them and she said okay.
However, the person who has the pups right now wants to deworm them with a strong dewormer called
Drontal Plus.
What do you know about deworming puppies? Are their safety issues with it?
The pups are nursing right now on their mom but will be weaned soon to a kibble diet. I do not like the
kibble dry dog food diet but I do not have control over what the puppy eats until I get the puppy in our
home. Once we get the puppy, at 8 weeks old, we will feed it a raw diet.
Let me know about the dewormer. Any suggestions on what raw food the puppy should eat?
Thank you.
Dewormers cause much neurological damage. I suggest that you strongly recommend that she only use
dewormers if the pup has signs of worms. I do not ever believe that they should receive dewormers but that is
just to placate her so she does not deworm your intended pup.
Or, you could tell her that a pup on an excellent diet will never have worms and that when they have worms, it
is to detoxify toxins from an insufficient diet with additives. If a pup eats an excellent diet, that is its natural
raw, bacterially infested diet of raw meat including hair, when it has worms, the pup will survive and thrive
rather than get sicker and die.
Dec 11, 2009
Recently, I found out that organic medjool dates are picked from the tree, and if they are too wet, they are
placed in a room of 130-140 degrees to dry them out. Are they raw or not?
LLC DatePac is the supplier to Jaffe Brothers. LLC DatePac states that dates must be dried in a room to
take out moisture. LLC DatePac states that they try to mimic the high temperature of the desert
environment; that's why they use a room of 130-140 degrees.
Also organic raw walnuts from Jaffe Brothers, their supplier is Ferrari Farms, are dehydrated at 110
degrees before selling them to the public. Jeff Ferrari stated that this is the industry standard for
preparing raw walnuts, because if they were sold off the tree directly to the public they would be too wet
and mold would occur. Jeff states that the walnuts need to be taken down to 8 percent moisture level and
to do so they must be dehydrated at 110 degrees. Jeff also stated that above 110 degrees the oil in the
walnuts would go rancid.
My question to you is: Are these 2 products still raw by your standards since you recommend that
people on your diet eat them? I believe you also stated that anything above 100 degrees kills the food.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank You.
LLC DatePac has given you incorrect info. Nowhere in the desert where California dates grow does the
temperature reach 130, except the sand a few hours of the day. Dates are 15-60 ft above ground and do not
reach temperatures greater than 110 for more than 1 hour daily. I worked for 3 years in dates in the Coachella
Valley in the late 1970s. Please send them a copy of my email and ask how long they dry medjool dates at
those temperatures.
Regarding walnuts: are they dried at 110 in the shell or shelled? In shell is okay, but out of shell that
temperature destroys many enzymes.
Thank you for your research; it seems as though my worker is not being thorough enough. I am disappointed
in my paid helper and those companies.
Hi Aajonus,
Walnuts are dehydrated in the shell by Ferrari Farms and Gibson Farms at 110 degrees. Both Walnut
farms are considered reputable and have been around for many years. You said in the shell dehydrating
is okay. So walnuts must be okay.
The organic medjool dates dried between 130 and 140 degrees concerns me. Are they being cooked?
Are the enzymes dead? Are we eating pure sugar? Are there any nutrients left?
Please let me know what you think about the nutrition level of dates?
And yes, your paid helper / researcher should do better research. It's not hard to ask questions.
I would not eat dates from that source again. I assume that is why I always need to eat more fat with medjool
My product list is 10 pages and there are literally hundreds of producers to call each year. In fact, it is so
costly that I only verify every two years. I lose $6 on every product list sold, but it is an expense that I must
What is a good source for organic medjool dates? Jaffe Brothers gets their organic medjool dates from
LLC DatePac. LLC DatePac dries the dates in a room with temps of 130-140.
There are other types of dates, not just medjools. I will look into a medjool source when I return to the States
in March. Ask Jaffe what other kinds of dates they carry and if they are heat dried. Others that I know that
might be heat-dried are honey dates and barhi dates.
Dec 15, 2009
My 6 year old daughter will occasionally vomit, out of the blue, for no reason at all.
Yesterday she woke up and said her stomach hurt. Later in the afternoon she ate guacamole and she
vomited. A couple of hours later she ate something else because she was hungry and she vomited again.
About 7 pm she had some mineral water and she vomited. Finally, at 10 pm last night she was fine and
wanted a tangerine. So she ate a tangerine and drank Gerolsteiner mineral water and she was fine. No
more stomach pain no more vomiting. This morning she said her stomach felt good. She had a
strawberry smoothie with a raw egg in it and her stomach did not bother her.
She has vomited before out of the blue. About 2 months ago she woke up one morning and said her
stomach hurt. She vomited whenever she ate something, off and on for two days, and then the pain in her
stomach went away and she was fine.
Two years ago we were at Whole Foods about 8 pm at night and my daughter (who was 4 years old then),
out of the blue, vomited at Whole Foods in the Produce Dept. We came home, she slept for about an
hour and she woke up about 10 pm, was hungry, ate a bunch of food and everything was okay. No more
stomach pain and no more vomit.
Why is she periodically vomiting out of the blue? What is causing her stomach to hurt to cause her to
Thank you.
As I stated in my books, the quickest way to get rid of the most concentrated toxins stored in our bodies is to
vomit them. In laboratory tests, vomit has been measured to have many times the lethal quantity of a
particular or combination of toxins; yet, when the body dumps them into the stomach and vomit occurs, there
are no long-lasting ill consequences. I pray for days with vomit. Rejoice, because your child will have very little
ill symptoms.
Hi Aajonus,
What causes blood cancer? How can 3 siblings, all in their 80's, have blood cancer?
I was just told by my father that 3 of his 1st cousins, all brothers and sisters, died of blood cancer this past
year within 2-3 months of each other.
2 siblings lived in Columbus, Mississippi their entire lives and one of them lived in Utah from the age of 22
until she died in her early 80s.
Is blood cancer / leukemia environmental as I would suspect? If so, how can one sibling who lived in Utah
be exposed to the same toxins in her environment as the other 2 siblings who lived in Mississippi?
What is even more interesting is that my mother's sister who lived in Germany her entire life died last April
of leukemia / blood cancer as did her husband who lived with her in Germany. He died 10 years earlier
with multiple myeloma. They lived a half-a-mile from a car factory where large haystacks of smoke
spewed toxins out every day. It seems reasonable to assume that a husband and wife living next to a
factory might get blood cancer. But what about the 3 siblings I spoke about above? How do you explain
them getting blood cancer?
Cancer is always the result of industrial chemicals. They are in everything everywhere. The more they
accumulate, the more damage is done in the body to the point where the body stops dissolving dead cells
and collects them: cancer.
Utah has more hospital beds per capita and more cancers. Mississippi has been the military’s proving ground
for biological-warfare experimentation.
Jan 1, 2010
Hi Aajonus,
I am not fully recovered from the detox and it has been 2 weeks now. Next week, I must get back to work.
I've been off work 2 weeks and have already lost a lot of income.
I will summarize my symptoms and perhaps you can steer me in a faster recovery direction.
It started 2 weeks ago with intense vomiting for about 8 hours, every hour or so, with diarrhea until my
stomach was 100% empty. I could eat nothing without feeling like I would puke it up. I drank water and
puked it up.
I slept around the clock, but only 1.5 to 2 hours at a time for the first week. I would eat something that I felt
would go down, such as fresh-squeezed orange juice, papaya, pineapple and cultured milk with honey
after the curds and whey separation. I had the runs all the time in small amounts as well as blood coming
out of the anus for about 5 days.
The symptoms of this eating was nausea, the runs, blood coming out of the anus and severe intestinal
cramps every time I went to the shitter. I mean severe cramps. I was also drinking a lot of sparkling water
with honey to try and handle the upset stomach.
This continued for about a week and then the cramps subsided after I was so hungry I had to eat meat. I
ate cooked chicken as the thought of raw made me nauseous.
I kept up with avocados and papaya, orange juice, sour cream, cooked chicken, raw fish, steamed
mushrooms with butter, goat yogurt (honey with everything), cabbage juice along with parsley and celery,
and fresh milk. I've been on this a week and then after the meat, my energy level picked up some each
day, but my energy level is still VERY LOW. I’m too tired to do much of anything but light administrative
work and a bit of walking around.
I sleep now for 3 to 4 hours at a time, but still wake up with my stomach being unsettled and I have to pee
or shit. My shit is not a regular firm stool. It is soft, but not the runs. It is still bleeding a bit. I still have
cramps, but not severe, just uncomfortable.
Now I am getting pain in my penis before I pee, like when I sleep and I have to piss. But I get up and piss,
and it comes out slow and not very much. Prostate?
I slept last night, for 1 to 3 hours at a time, all night from 9:45 PM to 9:45 AM. It was a VERY knocked out
super deep sleep. But I still wake up needing to handle my stomach, as it is upset, or to pee as it kind of
I have eaten raw eggs now, about 4 a day, starting a few days ago. Again, most all things go down well.
But the digestion on the other end is so wired.
I also tried this EM stuff they sell at Rawsome - Effective Micro-organisms - along with clay and Green
Kamut stuff. It does not seem to make a difference, but it does seem to empty my stomach.
My energy level is very low and I get tired easily. Last night, I packed myself with chicken and fish and
some lamb - partly cooked - like warmed or seared on the outside just a tiny bit as I just don't like the idea
of 100% raw. And the warm food is very soothing. I must have eaten a pound I was so craving the protein.
I am very concerned as this is the longest detox I have been through and I don't have the money to just
not go to work and produce. I've got to get to work next week on Monday.
Please advise.
Firstly, I suggest that you stop eating cooked meats. That is for elderly people just to maintain their status
quo. You are unlikely to recover if your protein is being used to detoxify cooked protein; you will not get
enough protein to give you strength.
Secondly, I suggest that you eat 1/4 cup steamed organic rice with your raw meat meals, for 3 days only. The
raw protein is helping you detoxify, so when you eat it, it makes you nauseous. When you eat cooked rice with
it, the rice will absorb the toxins that make you nauseous. Also, have a little honey, periodically, during meat
Cramps and bleeding indicate that you are discarding very caustic toxins that completely usurp all of your
body's energy at times and for long periods. Removing them now makes for better energy for the rest of your
If you can, eat watermelon as your fruit to help perspire the toxins so all does not dump into the intestines.
Continue papaya and avocado in the morning when juggling cramps. Eat lots of cheese and 1 T. of moist clay,
2-3 times daily in 4 ounces of milk each time, to help arrest the toxins in the intestines so they are not so
I have been experiencing a 3-weeks-long mucus detoxification with grayish-green phlegm as thick as putty.
The grayishness is probably elimination of injected metals, and maybe other metals stored. I am looking
forward to increased health.
Jan 10, 2010
Hi Aajonus,
How does one know if raw honey has been adulterated with corn syrup?
I have heard that some bee keepers / companies will bottle corn syrup in with their honey to save money.
How do we as consumers know if corn syrup has been put in our honey?
Thank you.
Usually, the taste will differ from pure honey. It burns my tongue, especially the throat and lingers for about
10 minutes, consuming only 1/4 tsp. to test. However, if the bee keeper uses corn syrup or sugar at any time,
I do not buy honey from him/her.
Would you ever think that Honey Pacifica would corrupt their honey with corn syrup?
I know they have confessed to feeding their bees corn syrup as of last winter. I do not know if they have
done the same this winter.
I am asking because we eat the sage honey from Honey Pacifica and, as consumers, we would never
know if it has been corrupted. Just like we never knew they were feeding their bees corn syrup.
Do you trust Honey Pacifica to keep their sage honey clean and pure?
Honey Pacifica promised never to do it again and that it was the first and only time. They did not expect that
the bees would run out of the honey they left for them last year; that is why they gave them corn syrup. I
stated that they should always dip into their bottled honey to supply the bees in case of emergency and they
agreed for the future, including this year.
Yes, this Spring’s crop. I didn't buy any last season because they used syrup. I had 4 gallons stored.
Hi Aajonus,
Does kefir react with a stainless steel mesh strainer for the few seconds that it is in contact with it? Is
there metal being released into the kefir?
My 4 year old son has lived on kefir for the last 3 years. It is one of his favorite foods. Is he eating small
amounts of metal?
I just learned at a yogurt making workshop that a plastic strainer should be used instead of a stainless
steel strainer. What are your thoughts on straining kefir in a stainless steel mesh strainer? I have been
making kefir for 3 years now and I use a stainless steel mesh strainer to press the kefir through once it
has turned into kefir. Cheesecloth won't work. So it's either stainless steel or plastic. Plastic has it's own
I always use glass bowls/plates and wooden spoons for all our food but there is no such thing as a glass
or wood strainer.
Thank you.
Any time any food comes into contact with metal, radio waves affect the food. However, if you are surrounded
by more solid walls, less radio waves will affect food. Consider that radio waves pass through almost
everything and your radio will play as long as there is a signal close enough.
Stainless steel takes at least an hour to begin to dissolve and enter acidic foods, so I would not worry about
using a STAINLESS steel strainer for about 2 minutes or less.
Jan 22, 2011
Hi Aajonus,
Have you seen this Water Quality Report? Why is Gerolsteiner one of the worst waters to drink?
Gerolsteiner received an F, because it does not treat its water at all and does not remove any bacteria that
naturally exists in its completely natural water. Rainwater is especially abundant with bacteria. No other
water in the world can foster agricultural growth like bacteria-rich rainwater.
According to Environmental Working Group (EWG), who made this study, bacteria in water is bad and
therefore Gerolsteiner water is bad by its standards. However, the major reason Gerolsteiner got an F, was
because Gerolsteiner did not disclose on its label that it was not treated and may contain bacteria. Any
company, calling itself Environmental Working Group, that gives its safest water endorsements to 3 of the
most polluting food companies in the world (Gerber, Nestle and Penta), must have its values scrutinized and
its roots should be tracked to those companies. Many such so-called environmental groups/organizations are
bought, paid-for and even established by corrupt companies for the purpose of falsely elevating their
products and/or motives to desirable status. Notice that the word “purified” is in all of Gerber’s, Nestle’s and
Penta's products. “Purified” means that some industrial chemical process was utilized to alter the water.
Remember that we have only 1 human gene in our digestive tracts for every 150 bacterial genes. We have
100-150 bacterial genes to every 1 human gene. I have not found one natural bacteria that is a pathogen in
the human body. Consider that I have consumed more "pathogenic", bacterially rich foods than any man in
modern society, but I am vitally healthy in my 64th year, when, according to medical pseudo-science, I should
have been killed by them. It has been my empirical experience that the only pathogens are industrial
chemical toxicity and fraud.
I want natural bacterially rich water that is life-promoting, untouched by industrial manipulation and
contamination. What do you want?
Feb 1, 2011
Hi Aajonus,
Is it OK to eat conventional pineapples, if organic are not available, due to their pretty thick skin? I
unfortunately can't find organic pineapples anywhere at the moment.
Yes, but you have to scrub them with a vegetable brush and warm water before you cut into them.
Feb 2, 2011
Re: Oysters
You mentioned, a little while ago, consuming oysters. Do they have to be New England oysters, or are
North Florida (Atlantic side) oysters also OK to consume?
Mar 5, 2011
When detoxing hard, is sexual release of any kind a good idea or rather does it take away too many
nutrients for the effort?
Depends on how your body reacts following ejaculation. If it is favorable, do it. Sex creates many
wonderful hormones.
Mar 10, 2011
Did you know that BPA is in the interior lid of Ball and Kerr canning jars? I just found this out. I know a
few years back you said to stay away from the lids that had the gold interior and suggested using the lids
with the white interior.
Apparently, the lids with the white-coated interior, the part that comes in contact with food, is lined with
The distributors of Ball and Kerr are supposedly the same when I spoke with them. They claimed that both lids
were sealed with plastic. However, when I scraped the Kerr lid, the plastic coating was apparent. When I
scrapped the Ball lid, there was no plastic. So, some people do not know what they are talking about.
However, since I am not in the USA, I cannot verify that that holds true 2 years later (since my last purchase of
Ball lids and scrapings).
Hi Aajonus,
If you Google “Is there BPA in Ball canning lids” you will get many responses that say Yes.
My raw milk lady made me aware of the BPA in the canning lids yesterday and advised her customers to
switch to a different lid.
An alternate lid made by a company called Tattler states that their lids are BPA free, but the problem with
Tattler lids is that their lids contain a small amount of formaldehyde which the company says will not leach
out unless heated over 250 degrees. Either way, not good as far as I am concerned. Check out Tattler
lids at: http://www.reusablecanninglids.com/
One option is to use the Ball plastic storage caps which are either a #1 or a #5 plastic. I am having a hard
time finding out what kind of plastic is used on the storage caps. The problem I see with these caps is that
they don’t seal as tight as the metal lids with rubber rings.
Also, as an alternative, there is a German company called Weck that uses glass lids, rubber rings and
glass jars. They look good but don’t know much about them. Check them out at:
As I stated, there are hundreds of would-be experts who do not know anything because they do not do their
own research. Take a sharp paring knife and scrape it across the white enameled lid. If you find a thin
transparent or translucent product, it has been plastic-coated. Let me know what you find.
“Apparently its now an FDA policy that with food containers made from metal, that any areas that come
into contact with food must have a layer of plastic containing BPA to prevent leaching from the metal. How
silly is that! Typical FDA.”
I was finally able to talk with a person from the Ball Company about their rubber-rimmed lids with the white
interior and their plastic storage caps.
The person looked in her data sheets and confirmed that Yes the white interior lid does contain BPA. She
said it is a small amount. She said it would take a 150 pound person 2,400-4,300 jars with the BPA in
them to reach the maximum safe daily limit required by the FDA. She went on to say that the BPA must
be in the lids according to FDA rules to prevent corrosion. The lid with the white interior is made from a
modified vinyl and is not enamel. She also said the modified vinyl does not have PVC in it but definitely
has the BPA.
The Ball plastic storage caps are made from polypropylene which is a #5 plastic. There is no BPA or PVC
in the storage caps.
She further stated that the Ball Company is researching a new lid which would be BPA free.
All my best.
Because the plastic coating is enamel-like, I found that it does not leach into food. If you scrape the metallic-
colored lids (Kerr) you can peel-roll the plastic. With the Ball lids, that does not happen. Also, notice that the
plastic coating on Kerr lids dissolves rather quickly and the lids rust quickly - evidence that the BPA in the
plastic is absorbed into food.
I would be delighted if Ball were able to make a coating that was BPA-free for the environment. Let's hope
that the new technology does not produce something worse.
Mar 12, 2011
I have been in great pain on my right side, but particularly the right hip. It was bad last year and again this
year. My left one aches too but not as acute as the right. Plus the area where the legs meet the pelvic
region feels inflamed or painful too. I have been told I have a slight spinal rotation which seems to mean
my right side has the muscles more built up. I also have a rotated right hip or sacroiliac joint problem,
which I have had for 24 years. Plus I have bad posture so the right seems to be overstrained. But would
this be enough to cause such aching, or is it those toxins in that right side which you said have worsened?
My neck always seems to go out of alignment too plus much aching, and I know you said I have more
toxins in the brain stem than before.
I have just spent one month in Desert Hot Springs using the hot mineral water three times a day -
temperature around 105. Would that be just as good as those detox baths that you recommend?
All health issues result from industrial toxins stored in the body. Sometimes our bodies build more tissue
around those toxins to harness and confine them. Discomfort results when our bodies are unable to contain
them without local cellular irritation and destruction. In such cases, our bodies want to rid themselves of
those toxins whenever they can. Damage results from that process as the body mines, dissolves, harnesses,
neutralizes and eventually discharges caustic industrial toxins from our bodies.
The hot springs is better than a hot bath in municipal water, unless the hot springs water is treated with
chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride.
To help remove toxins, I suggest that you consume 1 T. moist Terramin clay blended in 3 ounces raw milk,
once or twice daily. If constipation results, I suggest a suppository of 3 T. each of raw butter, raw cream and
raw coconut cream every few days as needed. Place in rectum before sleep.
Salted cheese is not beneficial. Salt forces the body to re-digest and absorb the toxins that the cheese
absorbs. I suggest that you contact someone on my Product List and have them send you raw, no-salt
Mar 14, 2011
Hi, I wanted to tell you that the swab on my burn the doctor took 4 days ago came back positive for
Staphylococcus Aureus. What does that mean to you? Or, what does it mean to me?
Staphylococcus are responsible for consuming dead and damaged tissue by chemical or heat burn, or
abrasion. If you did not have them, you would probably have leprosy. Congratulations, you have the correct
Hi Aajonus,
I noticed I made the Primal Diet Newsletter. I feel important :) Too bad it had to come at the price of lots of
pain and discomfort.
Also, the doctor did say at my last visit that, yes it is infected, it’s very red with green pus coming out and I
need to take an antibiotic. And me saying, “No, why should I take an antibiotic killing all the good bacteria
in my body when this is a localized wound on my back.” She agreed and shut up. The doctor went on to
say that she is trained in using chemicals and she does not have holistic knowledge and although holistic
alternatives might work she doesn’t know how to use them. That was my last visit to the doctor. I used the
clay from then on out, working with you over e-mail and following your directions.
The clay worked wonders taking away the red infection and the green pus the doctor saw! Amazing about
the clay, the raw food and your knowledge for treating it! Very appreciative!
One other thing I thought was good information that I never shared with you was that the doctor’s only
knowledge of treating the burn was to peel off all the dead skin that was still attached to my body. She
wanted to peel off the black skin too, but didn’t because of the amount of pain it would cause me. Her
reason for doing so was to expose the new skin underneath. She said if she didn’t do that the infection
would continue. I would then have go to a wound center where they would give me a shot for the pain
while they debrided the area by pulling off all the burnt skin exposing new skin underneath and then
washing the new skin with antiseptic and giving me an antibiotic. The thought of that whole process was
horrifying. The clay method was much more appealing and non-invasive.
Thank You.
You were the first to document it from the worst stage and describe it well, and continue through the process
with me via email. Most of the times that I have dealt with such a detoxification have been on the phone
without a written record. Your bravery and follow through will help thousands of people. Thank you so much
for making this possible and for your appreciation for my work.
Do you remember my wounds from my chemical burns that scarred lumpy? They are all flat and even now
but still discolored from the aluminum, barium and mercury.
After all wounds healed, I used bone marrow on the scars and, every 5-7 days, I rubbed, lightly, either
pineapple or papaya on them. I will include photos in my update of my scars in Newsletter #26.
Because there are still toxins in the skin, you will have sensitivity, off and on, for some time, even up to 3
years. The detoxification that you experienced was probably from an infant vaccine such as tetanus in the
thigh. Usually, only infants are injected in thighs. The medical poison traveled from the thigh to your lower
back and stored. Some of the poisons deposited in all of the passages through which they were transported.
Normally, they all detoxify simultaneously: the reason for your sensations emanating from your wound to your
The butter-honey will help strengthen the new cells which are exposed to the poisons or still have them in
them so they do not turn into dead scar tissue. I suggest that you apply it daily for several weeks after all
wounds have sealed; then after several weeks, apply at least twice weekly.
Something very clandestine is transpiring in the world. First the Gulf leak to sicken and destroy the Gulf and
Florida and now the HAARP-generated earthquake centered at a nuclear plant at a time when the currents
lead only to the West Coast of North America all the way to Illinois. Trillions of fish will die and many
humans will fall to radiation poisoning and cancer.
Communications have been purposely downed here, in Thailand, with no physical disaster. Any internet
search for “NUCLEAR fallout”, “disaster” or whatever is aborted and the internet has been disconnected
since last Friday. It is spooky. It took 2 days to get my newsletter announcement sent. I had to buy a
different SIM card for my internet stick to do it. My cell phone would not work all Friday night and Saturday,
and has only worked periodically since.
What is your stance on Kangen Water? So many people report a big improvement in their health,
disappearance of symptoms, a leaner body, etc. No doubt you are against it, though. For what
All water is devoid of any nutritional value. Water is a solvent. It may help some people dissolve some
compounds in their intestines, kidneys and bladders, but if they continue it, it will dissolve more than they
Hi Aajonus,
I had a personal consult in October 2010. I'm the one with the inguinal hernia, but I have NOT had any
surgery for it. My sore back has been an issue for many years, and I believe that I have instigated a very
beneficial detox with your diet (which I have been on 100% since May of 2010, off-and-on for a year or so
before that). I have been doing my best to deal with the symptoms, but it is uncomfortably painful.
Attached are pictures. I am having trouble sleeping. I took two hot baths in one day because it was the
only relief I could find. After two baths, however, I was left with a splitting headache and had so many
muscle cramps that night that my back pain paled in comparison. My back is so tight and painful that I feel
I'm on the verge of developing some sort of paralysis. I hope this is just my imagination running away with
me. When I am able to curb the muscular pain, I am left with a very uncomfortable rash-pain which is akin
to sleeping on razor blades.
I've numbered the attached pictures to illustrate how the rash is around the right side of my body. It
appears that the rash is following a trail of some sort. If the "trail" were to continue down my inguinal
canal, it would meet my herniated region (you noted the appearance of sulfer and iodine in my iris,
coordinating with my hernia). The pain that I am experiencing reminds me of when I took LSD in college
and had a bad experience with back pain afterward. I don't remember specifically how that pain felt, but I
remember it being difficult to get out of bed (this was back in 1992 or 1993). I am not having any sort of
"acid flashbacks" now, however.
Other than my LSD experience, I assume that many other toxins could, can, and do store in the spinal
area of the lower back (I read your most recent newsletter #25 on wewant2live.com a day or two before
this started to happen to me). I have had the standard barrage of vaccines and injections over the years,
so I assume there's much from which to detoxify.
Your rash looks like iodine mixed with something, but does not look like sulfur. Whatever the combination is,
it is doing some serious damage to your skin. Thank the universe that it is no longer doing the damage
internally. You could use the same clay pack that I suggest for Doris in my newsletter #25 of Mar 11, 2011.
Pure LSD could not have caused your bad trip. You must have taken something other than LSD. I was part of
the UCLA LSD experiments of 1966-68 and no one had bad trips on it in hundreds of cases. Some, like me,
had no reaction to it by itself.
My question to you is how should I proceed to deal with this uncomfortable detox?
What else can you do? Your body is trying to make the inside a more hospitable healthy environment.
If taking baths is OK, do I just moderate the temperature so that I can take them more often?
I just went through a similar detoxification 7 days ago: back pain, nausea and vomit, without the rash, from
the radiation treatments I had in 1968. If I had not taken hot baths up to 5 times daily, I think I would have
sought morphine. I was unable to sleep during nights and slept as much as I could during days (about 4
hours). Finally, after 4 days, I was able to sleep more and eat again but very little at a time.
1/4 cup Terramin clay, 2/3 cup raw milk (soured is best), 1/2 cup tomato puree and 4 T. raw vinegar.
My last two baths I used 1/2 cup of Terramin clay each (along with some coconut cream), and the two
before that I used 2 cups of Epsom salts each. I have also been using rubber hot-water bottles for
temporary relief when I try and sleep. I also have an inversion table. In the past, I used the inversion
table a bit too much and my esophagus began to get irritated. Is a little of the inversion table to help
stretch my back OK in your opinion?
Using an inversion table might send the toxins to your brain and headaches are almost assured. I would wait
until you are past the back pain.
I have been eating raspberries, blueberries and coconut cream once a day rather consistently as of late
(sometimes the berries were quite moldy). I have also been eating Honey Pacifica's Natural Chunky
honey, fortified with royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis (with raw cream and/or butter from Amos Miller).
Could either of these items be directly responsible for the harsh but beneficial detox?
It is possible that propolis could have initiated it. It is a hardened vegetable oil and should not be eaten, but
I figured the moldy berries, especially, could be what to thank for this.
Moldy raspberries could have helped initiate the iodine detoxification, but not likely.
I have not been eating berries for the past couple of days just in case.
Raspberries will help to harness and neutralize some of the iodine. Continue as you are but with frequent hot
baths that are at least 45 minutes, but not hotter than 102 F. Congratulations on removing those harmful
chemicals from inside yourself.
Do you have an updated product list with new suppliers of coconut cream? I've heard there is a lady that
is doing it now, but I have no idea how to get her information.
Do you think the Better Bath Deep Water bath stopper on Amazon will be a good option to block my
overflow drain? It is made from vinyl.
Also, should I stick a plant in the bathroom while bathing to absorb any potential outgasing of the tub still
left as the room steams?
Bake the stopper for 11 minutes in 211 F. water (almost to boiling point). It will cure after drying for 5 hours.
A plant in the bathroom would be very helpful for oxygen absorption. You are not going to get much or any
toxic vapor with the ingredients in the bath.
This vinyl stopper I got says it has a fungicide layer to prevent mildew. Will the baking procedure
eliminate that chemical?
Apr 1, 2011
I have scheduled to meet with a digital iridologist. Would you mind then afterwards looking at the pictures
and determining just a general progression? We can do a more detailed look afterwards when you visit.
Most digital iris photos do not show true color, but I will take a look.
Apr 4, 2011
Over the long haul of the last few weeks I've developed mildly penetrating acne scarring which extends
all across my back. While I realize this is beneficial detoxification, I'm wondering if Epsom salts in my
baths will not possibly enter my blood stream via these openings in the tissue and thus cause high blood
pressure; or is that not a consideration as the skin in the acne scarring is still thin enough to avoid it? I
get some itching now sometimes when in the bath or getting out, though mild. I use 3 tbsp of Epsom
salts currently, but I think I will reduce this in any case.
I prefer sun-dried sea salt to Epsom salts. However, to offset any drying effect from and possible absorption
of salts, I use 3/4-1 cup milk.
Apr 9, 2011
Re: Diarrhea
I just had a diarrhea dump that was mostly yellowish and incredibly foul smelling, very chemical in nature.
It looked like butternut squash soup almost. Any insights into what this was?
There are several things that cause such fecal formations: penicillin, aspartame and chemical flavorings that
attach to cauterized metals. The puree consistency may have been that your body used some fruit pulp like
cucumber to help move it out of the bowels safely.
Regarding our conversation, I’m not sure how much effect the clay is having. Does it take time to
balance me out? I have had it twice so far and will have it again in a few hours. I will also try the Nut
Formula today and rice tomorrow. The same horrible detox is starting now, as it did yesterday at the
same time. I am hopeful it will at least be not as bad. Should I be having high mercury fish like swordfish
now? I'm guessing it could only help the chelation?
I suggest that you not eat high mercury fish; but oysters would be good.
Feb 3, 2011
Are you still in Thailand and if so what are you best hours for phone calls?
Can you recommend some good books to read on the alternative historical view of illness and nutrition in
the past? I am curious to learn more.
Feb 4, 2011
I do not think you will find much in health-related books but in political and government-related books,
especially on strategies implemented to acquire control of resources and people.
Feb 14, 2011
I've entered my most violent detox ever, some kind of horrible mind-altering chemical is leaving. Please, if
you see this let me know so I can call. You are unreachable right now and I need some reassurance.
It has been going on since 11 PM now and it is not allowing me to sleep or relax for 1 second.
I am going to take your advice, but what should I do if the detox returns tonight anyways?
My energy levels are very very low right now, even more than before. Are you sure this is what is most
helpful? Or did you anticipate I would be extremely low in energy? I can't even stand up without feeling
like passing out now. Before, I didn't have that problem so significantly. I think my body really wants more
protein intake. I started to crave meat a few hours ago, but the craving stopped once I began dumping
Yes, but your 3 days are almost over and you may begin eating meat. However, please continue to eat 4 T.
honey/butter mixture daily.
Feb 18, 2011
Hi Aajonus,
I have begun an extremely painful and crippling fibromyalgia symptom - stemming, I believe, from my
spinal cord. The pain is excruciating, and even while resting, I am in severe distress. I will call you today
for advice and hopefully my bath today will ease the sensation. My blood sugar doesn't seem to be too
low anymore but this pain is almost paralyzing.
My apologies for calling you while you were driving, I calmed down anyways about 45 minutes after we
hung up.
I thought you might like this quote by Nietzsche; it applies to the Primal Diet pretty well, at least for me it
"One has to pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while one is still
Mar 7, 2011
I think I realize now I may be suffering more because I forgot to go on the nerve fat restoring diet as you
recommended. In any case, I would prefer to discuss it briefly with you this afternoon before starting
another round.
Mar 9, 2011
Hi Aajonus,
I've had a re-occurrence of an old intestinal pain problem and want to discuss it briefly. Are you available
at your Phillipines number?
Hi Aajonus,
Unfortunately, today I've had, and probably am still having to a lesser degree, one of my worst episodes
ever of nerve detox to an extremely crippling degree. The bad thing is I think I may need to go on the
nerve fat diet again for a few days as my nerves are jumping, but I am not sure I can handle an
increased detox. I've been trying to call you but had no luck so far. I would appreciate any insight you
might offer or just let me know when you are reachable.
Mar 14, 2011
Yes, resume the butter/honey/milk regime. It won't cause more detoxification if you do it for only 1-2 days
every 10 days.
I want you to know I appreciate your incredible patience with me in these hard times. What happened to
me yesterday still weighs heavily on my mind and worries me tremendously, as I do not want to experience
it again. Thankfully, bathing twice a day in the near future should offset any such reactions, but I am
hopeful you can tell me what I can do in the next 2-3 days while I wait for the bathtub to arrive to avoid the
likelihood of it happening again?
In other words, the best time to use my 1 allotted bath per day, and the best time to have clay in advance?
Yesterday's horrible reaction happened right at nightfall so I can only assume the same will happen again
Hi Aajonus,
Please give me your best calling times, I do not want to disturb you at the wrong hours.
Just to confirm something we talked about yesterday, my overall organ health is decent and comparable
to a normal person, except for the pancreas, gall bladder and intestines. Correct? Also, does the
iodine/iron toxicity extend throughout my brain as well?
It would give me a lot of confidence and reassurance if you could help me in this regard. In any case I am
going to try high meat also to help me with my overemotional responses, as my parents’ visit along with
probable loss of E. coli due to toxins has really affected my emotional stability lately.
Disregard this email. I have scheduled to meet with a digital iridologist next Friday. Would you mind then
afterwards looking at the pictures and determining just a general progression? We can do a more detailed
look afterwards when you visit.
Apr 1, 2011
Most digital iris photos do not show true color, but I will take a look.
Apr 1, 2011
Thank you Aajonus,
I just want to have that extra bit of reassurance so I can keep from getting swept up emotionally.
I just had a diarrhea dump that was mostly yellowish and incredibly foul smelling, very chemical in nature.
It looked like butternut squash soup almost. Any insights into what this was? I detoxed hard last night, it
took 1 hour of bathing at high temperatures to finally allow my body to relax enough to sleep.
Apr 9, 2011
There are several things that cause such fecal formations: penicillin, aspartame and chemical flavorings that
attach to cauterized metals. The puree consistency may have been that your body used some fruit pulp like
cucumber to help move it out of the bowels safely.
Unfortunately, I did not continue my flu-like symptoms last night after my bath. I am disappointed and
discouraged as I think I still have a long way to go before the symptoms start to taper off. Rather, they
seem to be accelerating now as it seems I have no choice but to bathe twice a day now, rather than do
so voluntarily. Would you say it is not a coincidence that the intensity has taken off since I put in my bath
but rather a choice my body is making? I am just scared by the fact that I seem to have less and less
periods of low detox now as I progress.
See the filling in question in the photo attached. It is of poor quality but the best I could do taking it
myself. Please advise if the tooth is in fact decaying and also if the size is indeed small enough to not be
hugely damaging to my brain at least.
Also, could the sourness in my mouth not also be from leaking out the gums?
It is not as small as I had imagined and it looks as if it has been decaying for years. I would have it removed if
I were you, the sooner the better.
I will do so, but there is no risk of coma or serious brain damage from a filling still at this size, correct?
Also must I 100% refuse any X-ray, even just a single one of that tooth?
It is unheard of, dying from a filling decaying. As I stated on the phone, tell them they can have one X-ray only
of that tooth and it has to be the tiniest X-ray-exposure possible.
Hi Aajonus,
Are you taking calls tonight? I have an appointment for tomorrow morning and just want to make sure I
prepare properly for it with your help.
Can you just tell me if you think it's a good idea for me to bathe early in the morning before going to the
appointment? I want to have my nerves relaxed as much as possible of course, but at the same time I
don't want to somehow accelerate my midday brain detoxes either.
I would suggest a milk 102 F. bath only.
Attached are some photos of these rashes I have developed which are definite signs of intense detox. I
would like to discuss them when I call.
One follow up question, is green more decayed than black or is green just a fungus eating at the
chemicals on the filling?
Green is usually the mold that helps decay the metals. Black is the color of decayed metal.
Thanks Aajonus,
As long as my vital organs are protected from the mercury vapors, like you say, then I will not worry.
Should I limit exercise to small windows at a time to keep from inhaling any in the lungs?
If you put a wax cap on the tooth before, and keep it while exercising, you do not have to limit your exercise.
This is purely for curiosity, so feel free to not answer if you don't know; but how much overall health
improvement do you think I will achieve with the fillings out? Would you guess around 25%?
As for the beeswax from the chunky honey I had, it was invaded with ants and the entire thing is full of
dead ants. I'm not so sure I should use it anymore for that reason as I'm not sure why the ants died inside
of it to begin with.
They probably did not want to leave such a great stash of food and decided that living and dying there was
heaven. Get to the bottom of the jar and use the wax.
Apr 4, 2011
Hi Aajonus,
Other than putting egg white in my eye, what should I do daily? And using pinhole glasses and eye
exercises and perhaps looking at the sun a bit.
Do you know what I could do to prevent my eyesight from getting worse? It’s getting worse and I don’t
want to wear glasses, as the last time I started to do that they for sure got worse. I can only focus and see
out of one eye due to damage to the other one. You mentioned something about cataracts, or something
stacking up on our last consultation and were surprised I could see as well as I did, if I recall correctly.
Red meat helps maintain eye muscles, so be certain to eat at least 4 ozs. of red meat daily. Also, some
people have had eye improvement by putting a little raw no-salt butter into their eyes daily before sleep and
egg white, mornings. Bell peppers, especially yellow, help improve eyesight, best eaten with a meat meal.
Hi Aajonus,
Over the past two years I have been getting chest pains on my left side very off and on. But, in the last
few months, it has been getting progressively worse and worse. It is to the point now that it is continuous,
it never goes away and I am getting really scared. It is a pain that feels like it is my heart. I feel it from the
front of my chest to the back of my chest, all the way through. I also often get radiating numbness that
radiates from my chest up the left side of my neck into the left side of my jaw and, sometimes, also into
my left shoulder. It is really bad now and is really freaking me out and I am not sure what to do. Am I
having a heart attack? Stroke?
I just checked your irises and you have a load of vaccine-related toxicity stored in your sternum slightly to the
right side, and on the left side you have metal deposits just outside your heart that look like some type of
inhaled exposure. The lymph around your heart and left chest area all the way to your neck is very congested.
It will take 20-30 years to remove that congestion unless you apply heat (hot water bottles) to the area
almost nightly. Your heart is in great shape, although you have some scar tissue in the right ventricle, but not
enough to cause cardiac arrest. The lymph in your neck is assisting the poor congested lymph in your chest.
As I stated above, it could take 20-30 years to relieve the discomfort and pain in that area. I suggest that you
apply the hot water bottle(s) nightly to your chest to help facilitate detoxification of lymph so that the lymph
can properly remove the vaccine and metallic toxicity from your chest. That should relieve pain through each
day until about 5 pm.
Does too much coconut water cause more diarrhea and is this beneficial or harmful?
I have never seen a case of diarrhea caused by too much coconut water. I have seen and experienced
diarrhea caused by consuming too much coconut cream, or too much coconut cream mixed with coconut
water. I have seen many cases of bloating, especially in women, who drink too much coconut water.
I eat 100% raw and healed from ulcerative colitis thanks to you, but I haven't been able to convince my
ex-wife to let me feed my sons 100% raw.
My middle son's blood sample now has indicated he might have polycythemia which they say is caused
by a mutation in the bone marrow causing too much red blood cells in the blood (supposedly incurable,
but I don't believe it). The treatment is typically just giving blood to reduce the count.
I personally believe the non-genetic mutation or the symptoms are likely caused by toxins. Can he heal
from this condition on a raw diet? If so, are there specific foods indicated for this condition?
Thank you.
I am glad that my work was helpful for you and that you no longer suffer regularly from it.
All doctor's tests were created by Big Pharma to sell medical treatments that always mean drug
consumption. I disregard all tests. If your son has symptomatic problems associated with too many red blood
cells, the condition can be food-remedied. Mutations only happen from industrial chemical toxicity. Once the
stored toxicity is removed or contained, the condition will heal, including RNA and DNA (genes). However,
some people require higher red or white blood cell counts for their particular bodies.
I recently had another cavity filled and I've been subscribing to the mailings of Ramiel Nagel, author of
"Cure Tooth Decay". Besides my sticking to the Primal Diet and eating good eggs, what products of his
do you endorse?
Unwashed egg shells blended until they are powder and fermented in raw milk for 7 days outside of
refrigeration. After fermenting, add 1 T. shells to 2 oz.. fresh or fermented milk (kefir or yogurt) once or twice
Hi Aajonus,
Thanks for the remedy. What are the respective amounts of egg shell powder and raw milk being
fermented? Also, is the 1 T. shells referring to the completed fermented blend? How long do I continue
doing it?
Equal portions of powdered eggs shells and milk. The 1 T. refers to the whole fermented mixture. Stir it and
immediately extract 1 T., beginning with spoon at bottom of jar.
Hi Aajonus,
My Osterizer blender makes a sandy, gravel texture of the egg shells. Is that good enough or does this
require a true powdery texture?
Yes, most of it is sandy and that is why it has to be soaked/fermented.
Hi Aajonus,
One last question on this. How long should I take this formula?
For at least one year, or for as long as you can get unwashed eggs.
Hi Aajonus,
Point of clarity: I've been consuming 1T of the fermented formula each day after I added 2 oz. of old milk
to the batch. This makes a batch last about 3 days. Did I do it right?
Yes. However, you can make as large a quantity as you like so you will not have to make it so often.
Aug 5, 2011
I hope all is well. As you know I am pregnant and in my 29th week. I have this really strong craving for
clay. I bought some at Rawsome and I can't stop eating it all day. Is it okay? I read in your book it
provides minerals but I just want to make sure it's safe and not hazardous for the baby.
What brand of clay did you get? Call them and ask if it is bulk Terramin clay. If not, ask which brand.
Hi Aajonus,
I asked him but he did not know where this one was from. He said the guy who gets it is out of the country,
but that he eats it daily and the guy who gets it is a clay expert, whatever that means. The problem is I ate
most of a small sandwich bag size. I crave it all day long. I feel fine and I am pretty sensitive to stuff, but it
still concerns me. Where can I get the right clay? I can't stop eating it.
Also, I did a home inspection with a client whose house had just been tented for termites. The tenting was
removed 2 days ago on Tuesday. I was probably there for about 20 minutes and left feeling horrible. What
are the risks if I was exposed to gas fumes, and what can I do now? I'm feeling really worried.
A tented building will be hazardous until all surfaces, including the ceiling and cupboards, are cleaned. Eating
clay and cheese, not together, help to rid the body of insecticides.
When my children are doing their blueberries, coconut cream, dairy cream, vinegar and honey mixture,
how often do they eat this?
Can they eat it every day? Is it okay to eat coconut cream with berries every day or will they detox too
Yesterday, one wanted a second helping of the blueberries, coconut & dairy cream. Are 2 servings in 1 day
too much?
7 days a week or every other day? Not sure how often to give coconut cream with berries.
Thank you.
Did I suggest another fruit on other days? If not, they may have it once daily, 6 days weekly, but it would be
good for the summer to have watermelon and cream once weekly while watermelon is available. Not good
twice daily except occasionally.
Hi Aajonus,
For the last 16 months or so, I seem to have developed serious skin itching and what appears to be
psoriasis that comes and goes.
A health promotion for a liver & kidney cleanse makes the case that it could be the result of liver stress.
For about ten years prior to starting the PD, I drank between 500 ml and 2 liters of carrot juice a day,
which I believed to be good for the liver. Would resuming doing so help?
There are many reasons for skin disorders. Ninety percent of toxins and body waste are supposed to
discharge through the skin, ten percent through the mucous membranes and intestines. We should expect
skin disorders such as rashes, acne and hives.
All skin disorders are caused by industrial chemicals. I have seen skin disorders caused by raw meat, when
frozen. Freezing in a machine is an industrial process that causes many chemical byproducts. Do not eat
meats that have been frozen. But I have seen all skin disorders reconciled by raw butter consumption.
Skin disorders result from industrial chemicals secreting through or built into the skin, damaging cells as
they make their way to the skin's surface and evaporating and/or shedding as dead skin. The best way to
harness the toxins and mitigate skin disorders, preventing them from causing ulcers, such as psoriasis, is to
consume lots of animal fat, especially no-salt raw butter and raw cream.
If the liver is not producing bile that digests fat, then you have a liver problem causing a fat deficiency. If you
eat lots of butter and cream and your fecal matter is very dry, your liver is working fine. If your fecal matter is
very oily and often liquid, your liver may not be producing bile. Eating no more than 3/4 cup pineapple with
4 T raw butter or 4 ounces of raw cream daily for 10 days, and afterward every other day for as long as it
takes, helps the liver produce bile.
Most raw fat is absorbed and utilized prior to reaching the skin. The skin gets very little of the best fats. You
can feed your skin directly by applying/rubbing a blended mixture of equal parts raw butter and bone
marrow into the skin to help strengthen it, reducing skin cells' reactions to toxins passing through the pores.
The best remedy I found for psoriatic tissue is the Moisturizing/Lubrication Formula on page 146 of my
recipe book. I suggest that you consume 1-2 daily until symptoms resolve.
September 7, 2011
Re: Kombucha
Hi Aajonus,
Some people claim that they can make it with honey, no sugar and no cooking, but I do not know how.
Honey is not dry or dead.
I have seen it cause severe hair loss and terrible gastrointestinal issues.
I would like clarification on Terramin Clay (California Earth Minerals) which I have purchased in the past.
You say in The Primal Diet that you shouldn't use bentonite clays, and yet I read on the terramin clay site:
that this product is made from that. Do you recommend a different product these days?
Do you know anything about this type of clay? Do you recommend it?
Thank you.
Normally, when a clay is termed bentonite, it is supposed to be clay from volcanic ash beds. Volcanic clays
are full of heavy metals. Terramin clays are the best I have studied and are what I consume (Terrasilk) and
use in the bath (Terramin).
Sacred Clay appears to be the same as Terramin. Terramin clays are from ancient thermal beds. I know that
the clay from Terramin is mined at a level where the thermal pool was not above 98 degrees F, at which
temperature phosphorus begins to cauterize. Therefore, Terramin clays have stable phosphorus and all other
minerals. I do not know the temperature which Sacred Clay reached when the thermal pool was active. You
could call them and ask.
Re: Newborn
Hi Aajonus,
1. I have not found any 100% rubber nipples except ones made by a company called Natursutten,
which appears to be discontinuing the rubber nipple. Everything else that is rubber is made of
latex rubber, which I read is toxic. The other option is silicone. Are there any other alternatives for
bottle nipples or specific brand names to use?
2. Do I only use raw milk? No colostrum, cream or butter as something additional to feed the
3. What should I use as a "soap" to bathe the baby once a week in addition to the milk baths?
6. Any baby resources (mom groups, individuals or websites) with info I can tap into who follow your
diet and have had or have babies?
I assume you have not given birth yet. Latex rubber is less toxic than pure latex and silicone. You simply have
to cure any nipple in lemon and water for 24 hours, then set it in the sun for 2 days and wash it with coconut
cream and water.
It is best to bathe your son with 1-2 tablespoons coconut cream once or twice weekly, unless he has rashes,
then every day until rashes stop. Usually, babies have rashes because they detoxify most everything through
the skin.
You may feed your baby raw colostrum and extra cream with the milk. You could put a pea-sized amount of
butter on his tongue once daily.
Of course, organic clothing and bedding are always better. Never use synthetic fibers, the lint which he will
inhale and which will damage his lungs little by little. You will have to search the internet for organic baby
clothes; there are many now.
Also, see my product list with baby items at the end, available from the wewant2live.com website.
October 8, 2011
Re: Greenhouses
I read about the food club investing in greenhouses. Do you not oppose greenhouse produce?
I do not. What I oppose is hydroponic greenhouses. If everything is grown naturally in soil with a non-toxic
artificial environment to help plants remain warm and growing, I am for it.
You don't believe that light wavelengths are lost in greenhouses, distorting plant growth?
About 40 years ago, science developed near full-spectrum glass, however plants do not seem to be ill-
effected by fractured sunlight. It is still sunlight. Do you think that you are ill-affected by glass in your
home? If so, how? And how do you prove that glass is harmful to you? I have seen healthy plants grown in
many modern hothouses.
I believe it is Mercola and a few others that say burning/damaging wavelengths penetrate glass, and
wavelengths stimulating vitamin D production are weakened, creating an imbalance.
Similarly, I also read long ago that sunlight through glass contributes to depression. I come from a city
and now live in another city where there are HUGE amounts of sunlight in winter, but where depression,
and diseases like MS are highest, per capita, in the world.
As I stated, there is plexiglass that is more full-spectrum oriented. The problem with Mercola is he is a
think tank man with little varied experience and not a scientist.
Re: Shaking
Hi Aajonus,
We have done 11 hours at a hot springs. This morning I was shaking like I did last month at the springs
as well as having many periods of being short of breath like last month.
Any suggestions as to the source of the problem? Last month I just thought it was the toxicity in the
Shaking indicates that high levels of cadmium, aluminum and ammonia are being detoxified at the same
time. Please eat 1 tsp of cheese every 10-15 minutes until the shaking stops.
Hi Aajonus,
1. Keep him elevated at 30 degrees plus (do not let him lie flat on back).
2. Maximize burping.
3. Dissolve the bubbles: Use gripe water to dissolve air bubbles (before feedings) and in
between and also to improve burping. Gripe water ingredients are:
• sodium bicarbonate - active ingredient
• organic chamomile, ginger and fennel
4. Neutralize stomach acid: Use gripe water 1-3 teaspoons, 5-15 minutes after feeds or
after curdled up milk spit up.
5. Add organic rice cereal to his feedings.
• We have done all the above and increased the amount of raw milk to three 5 oz bottles/day. I only
breast-feed 2-3 times, for 10-20 min each time.
• I started him on your colic recipe and added 1/2 teaspoon of honey with 2 tbs of raw unsalted
• I also added the rice cereal to his bottle.
• His symptoms remain the same, sometimes stable, sometimes just as bad or worse.
1. Cries a lot.
2. Stomach appears to be bloated on one side.
3. Cries when I put him down, is relieved when I hold him up.
4. Cries and is relieved when put over the shoulder in burp position.
5. Spits up and has been vomiting the last few days.
6. Severely gags when he drinks the bottle or breast-feeds.
7. Wheezing when he sleeps.
8. Grunts a lot, even while sleeping, and appears to be struggling to push out.
9. Breaking out with small little zits on his face as of the last few days.
10. He struggles to push out and poop, as if in pain.
11. His poop when we first put him on milk was bright green florescent. It is now a soft green-yellow.
Questions and comments:
Aajonus, I will be honest, it is a bit scary doing the raw milk when everyone around is telling/warning me
otherwise. I completely trust you but it is very different to go from trying things on myself versus on my
one and only tiny little baby who is suffering in pain. Please help.
Thank you.
As I stated, I suggest that all women raised on SAD (standard American diet) foods do NOT breast-feed their
babies. Toxins will always be traveling into the mammary glands and contaminating the milk. Also, the
mammary glands are defective because of their development on SAD foods.
Any baby with such symptoms has a low intestinal bacterial count. The body is relying upon digestive acids
instead of bacteria to digest food. Digestive juices produce a lot of gas.
Additionally, any milk will be used by the body to attract and dump poisons into the stomach. So, it may
seem that babies, children and adults have allergies to milk, but it is the toxins dumping into the stomach,
into the milk, that causes the problem. The problem is not milk but toxins stored and stirred up from storage
in the body.
I suggest that you make the liver baby formula in my recipe book under “Baby Food”. Be sure to cut large
holes in the nipple or he will struggle to get formula from the bottle.
Sodium bicarbonate will destroy more of his intestinal bacteria and ensure that his digestion deteriorates. It
will not remedy his situation, but continue it.
Yes, when in the prone position, food has a tendency to not move through the intestines, and gas will build
where food is halted. Babies can easily sleep sitting. Gravity will help move food on its way through the
intestines when his torso is upright.
Neutralizing stomach acid, which is his main source of digesting food at this time, is stupid and very harmful.
Gripe water will continue the problem without resolution.
Rather than the rice cereal, which is heavily processed and full of processing chemicals, masticate 1/4 tsp.
no-salt raw cheese for him and feed it to him once or twice daily.
I suggest that you also continue to give him the butter and honey, but it is best to put them in the liver
Regurgitation and vomiting are methods to rid the stomach of very toxic substances that have dumped into
the stomach.
Apply a small hot water bottle to his stomach to increase peristalsis and digestion.
Until his digestive bacteria increase and are predominant, he will have those symptoms.
90% of toxins are supposed to leave through the skin, so expect zits and rashes; you transferred a lot of
toxins into his body during gestation and are now when breast-feeding.
I do not know of any blog or website because government agencies watch and could take children away from
Your friends are not advising you for you or your son’s best interests. They know nothing and simply parrot the
panic that is instilled in every doctor during internship in emergency wards. People survive such symptoms all
over the world where medical intervention is unavailable to them.
When I was autistic and suffered 300 heart attacks from age 15 to 22, I did not die. However, the medical
profession tells everyone that 95% of all heart attacks are fatal. That is not true when you know what to do
during a heart attack.
I refused to associate with anyone when I went through my cancer ordeals for the reason that my cancer-
unknowledgeable friends tried to force me to panic along with their panic. The same is true for your baby-
unknowledgeable friends. Please read this to each of them.
I need clarification:
1. Which baby formula do I use? The infant glandular, immune or nervous system booster?
2. How much should he be eating of that liver formula in one day?
3. How often per day? And for how long?
4. Approximately how much should a 1 month old baby be drinking total per day?
5. Are there any symptoms we should expect as a reaction to the formula, such as changes in his
poop, more vomiting, etc?
Liver, milk and honey, but add a little butter – the glandular formula.
He can eat as much as he wants. There is a YouTube video of an 18 month old who drinks 12 oz bottles of it
As much as he will eat at once and as often as he cries for food. I have one child who, at age 7, still makes
that his main food.
I would not presume to know your baby, so cannot predict the changes through which his body will want to
maneuver. However, I suggest that you never panic and never treat him with medical stupidity.
Do I give him this as his only source of feeding, meaning no more plain raw milk bottles?
Let's see how he takes to it. He may or may not need one or two simple milk feedings, but may not want
Sorry. One last question. Do I heat the whole formula to lukewarm, or just the milk and butter, or not at
all? And, is it OK to give him a bottle that's been sitting out for 6 hours, or should I always use refrigerated
Always feed him lukewarm food, no matter what it is. If you feed him cold food, some will pass through his
stomach wall and cause blood allergy. Food left out for 6 hours is okay.
(See also: Oct 24, 2011 Re: Urgent - Sick Baby, Please Help
Nov 12, 2000 Re: Baby Skin Rash and Formula Ingredients
Nov 30, 2011 Re: Baby with Cold, Diarrhea & Vomiting – follow up
Mar 3, 2012 Re: Baby’s Diet
Mar 15, 2012 Re: Urgent – Baby throwing up
May 18, 2012 Re: Baby’s Diet)
Hi Aajonus,
I fed him the liver formula this morning. He drank about 4 ounces, 2 in the am and another 2 ounces
around 12pm. Then he puked after that feeding. In his vomit there was a big chunk of clustered-up milk,
almost like what you would find in an old bottle of milk, all clumped into one piece. He did not cry after
puking. He has been sleeping since. Do I continue feeding him the liver formula?
If you had that cluster analyzed, you would have found some toxins such as chlorine or fluoride. He did not cry,
because he was able to totally discharge the toxins. They did not remain in his stomach to cause gaseous
swelling. I suggest that you continue with the liver formula as much as possible.
Hi Aajonus,
My son has been drinking the formula since Tuesday morning. He threw up that afternoon (as we
discussed). He was fine Wednesday. Today he has thrown up throughout the day - 2 major times. He will
have a full feeding of 4oz, but hours later, will vomit. The first vomit today had a few large dairy clumps
again. The second major throw up was all liver formula. What do I do?
He is fine. He is vomiting some very toxic substances that could seriously harm him. He is not vomiting all of
the food, only enough to carry the toxins from his stomach out of his body. That will happen frequently if his
body wants to get rid of the toxins that could damage his growth and development.
I understand what you are saying. He is continuing to vomit an average of 2 times a day and has some
very loose black stool. I am continuing with the formula.
Some questions:
1. Could his digestive system also be having a difficult time digesting the raw liver since he is still so
2. Is there anything lighter or additional that he could also eat?
3. After he vomits he seems dehydrated or thirsty. Can I give him mineral water (Perrier)?
4. My mom suggested giving him "Yerba buena" (fresh mint) tea from time to time to soothe his belly
which is commonly given to babies in Mexico. Would that be OK?
5. I am having difficulty finding the raw cheese in unsalted. Would lightly salted be OK?
If his stools are black, you transferred a lot of heavy metals into his body during gestation. Vomiting twice
daily is no problem.
After vomiting, let him sip on a little Perrier water, without the carbonation, mixed with some raw milk, about
1:3 respectively.
He will not need any additional food and the drink is fine for his system. It is only 1/3 of the formula; 2/3 is
Hi Aajonus,
I am not concerned with food poisoning on the Primal Diet, but preserving meat and aphrodisiac piqued
my interest. A concern I have, however, is if the oil can kill some bacteria I would have to assume it can
kill all bacteria. I want all my bacteria for my health, especially E.coli.
The problem with most people is not that they have bad bacteria, which rarely if ever cause food poisoning,
but the industrial chemicals which store in the stomach and intestines. When certain bacterial janitors clean
the stomach and/or intestinal walls, they will have detoxification symptoms. When they take any concentrated
oil, the janitorial as well as the digestive bacteria are destroyed. For some people that is a big relief, however
they grow weaker and more toward advanced disease resultantly.
However, juicing some turmeric and consuming it can be very beneficial to tissues, but in very small amounts
-- no more than 1 T. daily.
Hi Aajonus,
I have been putting on him your vinegar and mineral water mix. He has continued to throw up but has
gone down to once a day 4 times this past week. I am going to add the liver again today.
The rash on your son’s face is bile based. It is an adult-based bile so he must have gotten it from you while
gestating. It will take some time for his skin to discard it. 90% of toxins are supposed to be passed through
the skin.
I suggest that you apply no-salt raw butter and/or bone marrow to his skin to help strengthen his cells from
bile burn. Before applying the butter/bone marrow, I suggest rubbing fresh-cut aloe vera or rub fresh-cut
cucumber on his skin and allow it to absorb.
More is not necessarily beneficial. All he probably needs is the liver formula, not butter and honey. Kefir may
cause him to detox very fast because it has a lot of alcohol in it. Kefir may also cause him to bloat.
Oils are extremely solvent-reacting and may cause more skin rash and burn.
Gelatin prevents absorption of foods and causes brittle bones or too-dense bones.
Other forms of bacteria that are not of human origin will compete with his digestive bacteria and may
interfere with his overall growth.
Acerola is an acrid substance that could cause him more rashes and burns.
I suggest that you trust his body to do what it needs to do without panic and with patience. The liver formula
is incredibly rich in everything he could possibly need to clear bile and anything else, while it grows and
develops his body and brain wonderfully.
Hi Aajonus,
According to a friend, all foods shipped through Fed Ex are subjected to an X-ray scan. Is this true? If so,
is it harmful to eat such foods?
Any shipment from any company is subject to X-ray inspection. Yes, it would alter the food and if I knew it
was irradiated, I would not eat it.
However, a notation on the box that states, "For Medical Reasons, Do NOT X-ray. Hand inspect if necessary"
would eliminate any danger of X-ray.
Hi Aajonus,
2 members of my food club are urging ozone therapy as a remedy for a client of mine who has retentive
fluids in her legs and feet. They are very swollen. What is your take on ozone therapy? Would it help the
When I studied ozone therapy about 14 years ago, I found that it oxidized fats in the body causing more free
radicals and toxins, and forced severe detoxification after several months of treatment. I decided that it was
not a protocol that could create more benefit than side effects. I refused to use it.
Thank you. I presume that you don't recommend it for a person with retentive fluids or congestive lymph in the
Hi Aajonus,
I did some research on water filtration systems for my hot tubbing and found some info I wanted to check
with you.
Aquasana is rated by Consumer Reports as the best water filtration system for household and drinking
purposes, evidently.
Basically, it’s the 5 micron paper filter, then KDF 55 mineral to get out chlorine before it goes to an acid
washed activated coconut carbon. There are 3 separate stages. No sand, but perhaps you don’t need it
with these other filtration systems - the sand being about 14 to 20 microns for particles.
On my other system, I found that when I put the clay in the hot tub, it clogged the paper filter badly making
a need for a paper filter change very much sooner, which is expensive (like $60.00 every 3 months to
change the filter, when the filter should have a life span of about 1 to 2 years). I put in a bypass of the
paper filter for this reason, using the paper filter only when I put fresh water into the hot tub once a month
or so, and then using the sand filter with carbon the rest of the month.
I suppose skipping the clay in the water and just having the water recirculate through such a system
should be enough.
What do you think?
Any additional comments or suggestions?
Since producers of filters have a medical view on microbes, I do not trust them to produce water as I would
like it. The Aquasana whole house system certainly looks good, but I would still add a sand filter to that. Sand
introduces soil probiotics that are not allowed in the Aquasana system.
But for our use in hot tubbing, with this new data, I will just use the schedule 80 when I get new stuff. It’s
more expensive which is why I did not get it before.
Almost all municipal water is alkaline with the chemicals they put in it to preserve pipes rather than peoples
health. Our skin is 5.5 and dries more with a forced high pH. Adding sea salt and other ingredients I
recommend resolves pH issues no matter what the pH. If the KDF 55 adds minerals to soften water, that is
not good. That is the same as adding potassium chloride or chlorine. The sand filter resolves any other issue.
Osmosis destroys microbes, as you stated; that’s not beneficial for bathing.
Stainless steel plumbing? Whoa !! Nice!!! But what?? 10 bucks a linear foot? Nice idea for my future
planning though.
Then it is like sand. KDF85 may not be necessary if using sand, however; sand does not kill bacteria. I do not
know what in KDF85 kills bacteria. Do you? If you were to use it, I would put a sand filter last to help replace
Hi Aajonus,
No aches to write about. For the last couple of days, however, I notice that when I stomp or thump my
foot, I feel a throb (reverberation) from that vibration around my upper right molars. Is that anything to be
concerned about or to have checked?
You must have some swelling in your upper right molars, detoxification and/or healing. Probably healing
because you do not have pain.
Hi Aajonus,
I apologize for not explaining in more detail but I had already tried eliminating all of the things we talked
about, one by one including the liver, and the symptoms had continued. While I was adding the liver, he
was severely throwing up. Once I took out the liver, the throwing up lessened from violent vomits 2-3
times a day to once every 4-5 days. I did this over the course of the past two weeks. I was down to only
giving him warm cow's milk with cream half the day and the other half only cow's milk. I was in the
process of putting the liver back in because I felt concerned that the milk was not enough nutrition,
especially since his growth percentile is high at about 93% and his weight is low at about 40%. That is
why I wondered if I could try the liver formula with the goat's milk.
Since my last email, I transitioned him to the goat's milk. The first day I gave it to him he took it well and
seemed to really like it. He slept longer than he had, for 4 hours, but then he woke up and had some of
the same symptoms, although not as severe. Over the course of the next day he seemed to handle it
better. He was not straining as much. Since I felt he was doing well with the goat's milk, I added in the
liver the next day. However, he threw up that night and got diarrhea. The diarrhea persisted through the
next day so once again I took the liver out and just gave him goat's milk. Once I removed the liver that
night the diarrhea dissipated. I gave him a day's break and just gave him the goat milk. He did fine. A day
later I added 1oz of the first cow colostrum up to 3 pm. He did fine. Then only the goat's milk after that.
The following day I added 1 1/2 tsp of cow's milk butter with the colostrum and some honey up to 3 pm.
No major changes.
I wanted to give him a break from the liver just in case it did trigger the diarrhea, and put it back in in a
few days; but as of this morning, he woke up with all the symptoms of a cold, which I have had since a
week ago. He is constantly coughing, has a very phlegmy cough, is having a real tough time breathing, is
wheezing, sneezing, and has a low appetite.
It is the season for many people to dump the fats and re-lipidate for winter. Colds are normal now. Flu season is
usually January - March.
When anyone experiences a cold cleansing, it is best to not lie flat. I suggest that you do not place him in a prone
position. When the body detoxifies the lungs, or through the lungs, the lung muscles are weakened. Gravity pushes
the lungs closed in the prone position. I suggest that he sleep in a near-sitting position such as he would be if he
were in a baby's car seat. He will breathe easier and cough less. Coughing keeps the lungs open and working. The
lungs will not have to push open (cough) so much when he is in a sitting position.
Normally, I suggest my Throat Lozenge formula with ginger, honey, butter and lemon. However, for an infant, I
would not give him more than 1 drop on his tongue every 2-4 hours.
The minerals that accompany lactose are most important during colds.
Try just 1 T. of liver with 6 ozs. of raw milk once daily. He may continue to detoxify his liver or pancreas for a
while, but 1 T. of liver per day should lower his ability to detoxify his liver and/or pancreas.
Should I continue adding the cow's butter, cream and colostrum or should I use goat's?
Cow's cream, butter and colostrum will help him bind with more toxins and allow him to gain more weight.
However, as long as his body tends to focus on detoxification, he will be underweight.
There is no such thing as an immune system. The body does not need to defend itself in natural
environments. The medical/pharma industries created the term immune system to brainwash people into
thinking that their body has to always defend itself from nature and itself. There is only the lymphatic system
that the body uses to cleanse itself when unnatural and toxic substances interfere with functions. It seems as
if his body is already doing an intensely wonderful job of cleansing itself.
I suggest that if you add pineapple to goat's milk, you add 1 tsp of raw cream to the goat's milk.
Because raw no-salt cheese does not digest, unless unheated honey is eaten with it, it does not matter
whether it is cow's or goat's.
Anything else?
Do not panic and do not worry. Most of his symptoms will disappear after 6 months. That is usually the length
of time an infant's body will focus on detoxifying when it receives the nutrients it needs.
Got it. Do I use regular colostrum or 1st colostrum? By T. you mean tablespoon. Correct?
First colostrum has more butter fat. Regular colostrum has more cream fat. It is more difficult to digest
cream than butter so a newborn is given about 5 days of various stages of colostrum until it can digest
cream. Cream is very important for the brain and nervous system. If he consumes butter, cream and milk,
and his digestion is good, he does not need expensive colostrum. If his feces are well formed and does not
stink horrifically, he is probably digesting well.
I have been really struggling the last couple of weeks. It started with pain and stiffness in my body all
over, especially in my joints. Then, it moved into my neck. It's so stiff I literally cannot move it, and it’s very
painful. Then, a few days ago, I got a headache that will not go away. It is completely debilitating. I cannot
do anything and cannot sleep. I still have the body stiffness and some pain, especially in my joints, but
the pain in my neck and head is excruciating. Over the last couple of weeks my brain has been really
foggy too. I cannot remember anything or focus on things. I have been saying to myself, “Something is
going on in my brain,” to the point that it is scaring me. FYI: I went to Mexico over Thanksgiving week and
stayed at a friend’s home. The food there was so disgusting, so I asked the help to get me raw milk and
eggs from a local farm. I had that, but for meat I just ate the chicken and beef that the others at the house
ate, but I ate it raw and they all ate it cooked. I have no idea where the meats came from. The house staff
bought all the food at a local store. Someone has suggested that maybe there was a parasite in the
chicken or meat that has migrated to my brain and is causing too fast of a detox.
Any thoughts? You know I only ask for help when I am desperate as I can usually get through a detox
after a while but this head fogginess and lack of concentration and memory, and especially the
headaches, are too much and is now starting to scare me.
Thank you.
Your detoxification indicates vaccine toxicity and/or canned food toxicity being removed from bone marrow
and brain. The body uses a great deal of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium to neutralize
those toxins as they move from bone and bone marrow into the lymphatic system to be neutralized more
before being dumped into connective tissue and perspired from the body. Stiffness results from mineral
buildup combined with toxins, more frequently heavy metals. Moving those toxins quicker will reduce
Symptoms indicate an intense flu, not brain parasites. If you had parasites, you would not have symptoms
because they are so efficient. They do not cause the intense swelling that flu causes that results in intense
You are between a rock and a hard place when the brain detoxifies at the same time because it takes hot
baths to help the body remove toxins from bones to lymph to connective tissue and through the skin. Hot
baths usually cause headaches to worsen. An alternative to baths is to place 5-7 hot water bottles under the
covers with you, heating the body without causing the brain to expand that would increase pressure on
cerebral meninges, resulting in an increased headache. Since your headache is already intense, it is unlikely
that your headache would increase with baths, but if it does, then hot water bottles would be easier.
I suggest that besides the baths and/or hot water bottles, you consume custard with a tiny bit of ginger
grated into each one, daily. Also: consuming smoothies containing 2-3 eggs, 3 oz raw cream, 2 oz raw milk,
1 medium orange, 1 T unheated honey and 1/4 tsp raw turmeric 2-3 times daily.
You are welcome. If the toxins dump into your stomach and you develop nausea, I suggest that you eat small
amounts of cheese every 30-40 minutes.
I am in Asia and traveling until March. Just left Australia from a 3-cities tour, and that was very good.
Re: Sinusitis
Hey Aajonus,
Since I moved north, the clogged sinus issue has started up again. It's not gone away. It's persisted
pretty intensely these last 5 months.
Do you think you can advise me to fine tune some things so I can breathe through my nose better?
I finally got the hot tub up and working and it's been about a week that I have been going in almost daily.
The sinus situation lightened up, but has not handled yet. And last night, it was back to being pretty bad
where both nostrils were clogged and breathing could only be done via my mouth.
I was wondering if the cold weather or even the humidity level had anything to do with it, as it's colder than
I have been used to. It's 26 degrees F out now. Last night in the hot tub, it was less - about 18 degrees!
I have also been needing a lot of sleep to feel rested -- 8 to 11 hours! I sleep for about 5 hours and eat
and go back to bed after a while.
I would really like to be able to breathe through both nostrils so I can sleep better at night. And I would
really like more energy, generally, for work and a productive day, not needing so much sleep.
Any suggestions?
Sorry for the delay in response. The government is out of control, suing my farmers.
When you live in a cold climate, your sinuses need 10 times more fats than normal. However, it takes many
live cells in the sinuses to absorb and utilize that much fat and produce enough mucus to protect the sinuses.
Your mucous membranes are severely scarred. You do not have enough cells alive to protect your sinuses in
cold climates. It does not matter how much fat you eat.
Hi Aajonus,
We would like to become pregnant naturally with our 3 rd child, but it is not happening. I did get pregnant a
year ago in November, but it ended in a miscarriage.
Do you know of any foods that will stimulate the brain to make a normal FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
under 10?
FSH is the brain hormone in a female that tells the ovaries to make an egg. For my body to produce a
normal healthy egg I need an FSH under 10.
Your body was engaged in a very toxic cleansing last year so I am not surprised. However, it is likely that it will
be another 18 months before your body will be clean enough from residues so that the fetus is unharmed; it
takes about 2.5+ years.
I suggest you be patient for that time and you will not have a problem. Then, consuming 2 milkshakes daily
10 days before ovulation usually will produce healthy ova.
Hi Aajonus,
I have been patient since we have wanted to get pregnant with our 3 rd child for the last 5 years now. For
some reason we cannot. The funny thing is, is that women around me are getting pregnant in their 40s,
but they do not eat healthy. I have a clean diet and am still not achieving pregnancy. I know there are
fewer eggs when a woman gets older. I am assuming it has to do with my age. I am 46. If I wait another
18 months as you suggested I will be 48. Sooner, rather than later, would be better. I know I am at the
end of my child bearing years.
Women on this diet have gotten pregnant all the way through 59 years old who had not been able to get
pregnant for years and some never.
How long has it been since your last child was born?
According to ALL tribes, it takes 7 years for the mother to completely recover from her previous child so that a
new baby does not suffer any deficiencies except by the mothers diet. Therefore, if your body is following
nature, you are due to get pregnant after November 2012.
Out of the blue this evening, I had a very strong uncomfortable urge to urinate, even though I had already
gone to the bathroom. It feels like it did 20 years ago when I had a bladder infection. Keep in mind I have
not had a bladder infection in 20 years.
A friend of mine reminded me that I had an emergency D&C (dilation and curettage) last January as a
result of a miscarriage that had gone very wrong. Could the strong uncomfortable urge to urinate be a
result of the D&C? My friend said they might have used iodine to clean out the uterus and now I am
detoxifying the iodine.
What can I do to relieve this strong uncomfortable urge to urinate? It has been going on now for about 3
Please advise.
Thank you.
It takes 40 years on a perfect diet to cleanse the body completely. Remember that an infection is a cleansing.
As I stated in my books, any part of the body where there had been a problem has not been properly cleansed
and healed and will cleanse and heal periodically with old symptoms returning.
Additional harm to the area may have been caused by iodine used with the D&C. I would suspect that it was
because, often, there is a cleansing of tissue following injury or surgery on the anniversary of the injury or
surgery. To help eliminate toxins, I suggest consuming a small amount of no-salt raw cheese frequently with a
tiny bit of no-salt raw butter, about 2 ounces of fresh pineapple daily and sip raw milk throughout days, along
with your normal Primal Diet.
Apply heat to the area at any time with a hot water bottle, especially throughout the night.
Hi Aajonus,
In early January, the back half of one of my lower molars started breaking off. About 1/3 of it is gone
now. It was sensitive to pressure and cold, but no longer. At first, I put lime juice on it for 2 days, and now
I have been putting coconut cream on it. It is no longer sensitive to cold, but it shocks me if I forget and
chew on it.
I had the exact tooth on the other side removed some years ago and never had a bridge to replace it.
Now the tooth next to this hole is tender. So, now I have 2 big holes and a tender tooth, leaving me
unable to chew on either side.
If I go to the dentist, they will surely want to fill or remove the 2 damaged teeth and put a bridge in the
hole. I need to do something, but I know you will have some do’s and dont’s for me.
Thank you!
Sorry for the delay. I am in the jungles of Thailand and reception is frequently unavailable and my
concentration is on legal battles for farmers.
Whenever you have a tooth problem, I suggest lots of cheese without honey; and thrice daily, 2 T. cheese
with 1 tsp. honey.
Putting lime juice on a tooth more than once every 2 days could cause more deterioration to the tooth. If
you apply it to a tooth, let it sit for only 10 minutes, then rinse it with milk.
Feb 3, 2012
My 8 year old daughter has candida again. She had it last summer and was free of it for the months of
September thru December. The candida has come back.
Her symptoms are: stomach hurts, back hurts, head hurts and legs hurt.
A local chiropractor suggested warm baths in Epsom salt to detoxify and to relax the muscles.
Is Epsom salt okay to use? If Epsom is not okay, what should I put in her bath?
Thank You.
Candida is the big scapegoat for the last 1+ decade. Candida is a symptom and the cure for certain problems.
The object is to allow candida to work while mitigating the symptoms, which is usually intense itching. The
other symptoms of stomach, back, head and leg aches are not a symptom of candida but toxins stored in
those tissues. It is a symptom of poor bacteria and enzyme activity. My Sport Formula, sipped 4 oz at a time 5
times daily, will help this flu-like condition. Also, a 2 inch cube of semi-ripe pineapple helps digestion and
removal of lactic acid buildups that cause soreness. Raw milk helps soothe the entire body but also makes for
sleepiness that promotes healing.
How often should the pineapple be eaten, 1 time a day or more? Any fat with the pineapple and what kind
of fat?
Also, what should we put in the bath water? We are currently on city water. We want to help my daughter’s
lymphatic system get out the toxins so a bath is probably a good thing.
I suggest that she consume pineapple only once daily with a combination of 2 T. coconut cream, and 1 T.
dairy cream or 2 T. butter; alternating them would be best.
As I instruct in WWTL, at least 3/4 cup raw milk, 3 T. raw apple cider vinegar, 2 T. sun-dried sea or Epsom salt
and 2 T. coconut cream. Epsom salt is a high concentration of magnesium and sulfur rather than sodium and
natural chlorine. It does not matter which you use because, when in a hot bath, the salts are not absorbed into
the skin.
Hi Aajonus,
Please explain to me what you mean by poor bacteria and enzyme activity causing the flu-like symptoms.
You say that these are not symptoms of candida, but my daughter feels this way when the candida is
present. When the candida is gone she does not hurt.
How can she have poor bacteria and enzyme activity when we eat so clean? We eat lots of good bacteria-
type foods.
Thanks so much.
When enough bacteria and enzymes are present, detoxification occurs without notice, or at least with minimal
notice. Did you have a laboratory test that showed unusual amounts of candida? As I stated in Newsletter
#11, candida is a detoxification process, part of the cure for toxins that have been stored and that are
problematic. It is not the cause of disease. As I stated in my email to you, the optimal-to-health approach is to
provide the right foods and heat.
Our environment is riddled with bacteria and enzyme-damaging technologies - anything from smart meters to
WiFi to EMFs and air pollution. I have one client who is so allergic to agricultural chemicals that every time her
neighbor applies chemicals to his lawn, she has to stay in a toxic hotel for 3-5 days. The toxic hotel is less toxic
than her home at that time.
When your daughter was gestating, you may have passed innumerable toxins into her that are now necessary
to remove; and her body is capable of removing them using candida. Candida is not her enemy; the industrial
toxins in any shape and form are her problem.
Clay is a good option, but the other ingredients will suffice to neutralize municipal water toxins, unless your
municipal water is more contaminated than most. If it is, I suggest you use 2 T. It is up to you.
Feb 4, 2012
Hi Aajonus,
I am not sleeping tonight as I am in extreme pain from a toothache. It's the bottom row, on the right side
all the way in the back, the back tooth.
My neck was out earlier tonight and I got a neck massage and did ice packs on it and, finally,
it loosened up with some cracks when twisting it. There is still pain there, however. I've not been to the
chiro since coming north and perhaps it’s time to go now.
I've been massaging the area of the tooth and the skin was "mushy" in the back of the tooth. No other
signs of abscess or infection. The tooth is a bit loose and when you push down on it, as when eating, the
pain increases a lot.
The whole head and neck have been in pain in various areas, coming and going. I've had left ear
problems with what I thought was wax buildup about a week ago. I put in olive oil twice and it went away in
a couple of days. Now I have pain in my right ear. It does not seem like wax, just pain.
The sinuses got better when I only drank kefir and went off cow’s milk. That plus more hot tubbing. The
nose is still clogged up, but at least one side works well enough to get about 5 hours of sleep at a time. I
am on small amounts of goat milk now, sour cream, kefir, butter and coconut cream. And since I made this
change, the sinuses have been better, which means not totally clogged. Another change was when I came
north, I started in on a lot of ice cream. I stopped eating this too. Perhaps the cold cream was an issue. I
have also been on more juice generally. Over the last 2 to 3 weeks, I have been eating non-organic, no-
added-salt crackers (but salt in the cooking mix, from Trader Joe’s) with butter and honey frequently. Not
sure if this has anything to do with anything but it is a change.
I can't take a defeatist attitude and just consider it is the cold weather regarding my sinus problems and
that there is nothing I can do about it. Yes, the cold weather is a change, but so were these other factors
as above. But on the other hand, the detoxes from one to another with the sinuses persisting is a
new phenomena. The weather does seem to have some effect as the body is not used to it.
I will see about getting clove oil to help the tooth pain and get some sleep.
But I figured I should go to the dentist Monday and I will have to get one X-ray shot and see what they say.
The tooth may have been a root canal tooth with a cap, but I am not sure. If the root is dead and the pain
persists, I should probably get it pulled. I have been going to Bio Dental in Tijuana and they don't think root
canals are good as, eventually, they rot out and create infection when they do. The last tooth I had pulled
about 10 months ago was like this - it was causing an infection and it broke. It was not painful, but I did
have it pulled as it broke and had to be removed. The X-ray showed the infection. It was a root canal that
did not last.
Please advise.
You are certainly exploring things I wouldn't recommend. I would never use ice packs longer than 2 minutes
on anything, because it restricts and sometimes completely blocks nutrient flow to the area. I always advise to
use heat.
Your symptoms indicate that you are experiencing an overall head detoxification.
Crackers of any sort are likely to be GMO based and contain many additives, even though not labeled. I
suggest cooking organic rice instead.
I do not accept the neo-dentists’ views on root canals. I have had several root canals, some naturally made by
my body and some dental. When an area around the tooth is detoxifying (infected), usually it is not the tooth,
but the nerve going to the tooth, and the surrounding gums that are toxic. The nerve may be poisoned from
the base of the tooth all the way to the brain, but will usually detoxify out the gums however, sometimes out
the face or eyes. Having a tooth pulled only seals off the exit point of detoxification. If the tooth naturally,
completely releases from the nerve and bone, then extraction is appropriate.
Cold is a major factor in many conditions and sinuses is one. It is not fatalistic to accept that and move to a
climate that promotes better health.
Hi Aajonus,
Thanks very much! Yes, my eyes have also been sore too.
After 24 hours, and sleeping all day except for eating breaks, with a full meat meal about every 5 to 7 hours,
the severe tooth pain majorly went away. I had about 3/4 of a pound of chicken 4 times that day, which is a lot
more meat than I had been eating, plus other stuff too: eggs, kefir, butter and veggie juice. It was very
interesting to observe the food being absorbed so fast and to be that hungry again so fast. It must have been a
"classic" heavy detox! :)
24 hours after this, the pain was almost gone. I went to the dentist 24 hours after that and had 1 X-ray. He said
the nerve is dead and recommended a root canal. There is also a cavity at the side of the cap. He
recommended one handling of opening up the cap, doing the root canal and then waiting to ensure the root
canal will hold and then filling the cap and cavity.
He also suggested implants if I wanted those and wanted to remove the tooth instead. I was going to get a
bridge as I have an empty tooth between that tooth and the other one, but I am not sure about doing a bridge
on a root canal tooth. The dentist said the root canal can last 10 to 15 years when done right, perhaps a bit
It is still sore, but I can live with it for a while; it is not excruciating like it was, but is still sore and somewhat
painful. I can't chew with it at all.
The tooth is back to normal. No pain at all and the infection is gone and the tooth sunk down to it's original
spot. But the cavity in the side of the cap is still there. So at this point, I should at least get the cavity filled
and, if I want, I suppose I get can get a root canal and bridge.
As I stated in my first email about your tooth: I do not accept the neo-dentists’ views on root canals. I have
had several root canals, some naturally made by my body and some dental. When an area around the tooth
is detoxifying (infected), usually it is not the tooth, but the nerve going to the tooth, and the surrounding gums
that are toxic. The nerve may be poisoned from the base of the tooth all the way to the brain, but will usually
detoxify out the gums however, sometimes out the face or eyes. Having a tooth pulled only seals off the exit
point of detoxification. If the tooth naturally, completely releases from the nerve and bone, then extraction is
appropriate. Or pull it out yourself when it is that loose.
If the tooth is dead as he claims, no root canal is necessary. The root is already dead and drying or already
dried. If there is a cavity in the dead tooth and it can be reached without removing the crown, then have it
filled. If it is under that cap, no digestive acids are going to get to it anyway so it will not get worse. I suggest
you leave the tooth alone and let it eventually fall out on its own.
Hi Aajonus,
Thank you for all of your help with my pregnancy and my son's health. He just turned 5 months. After we
last spoke he got better, started sleeping through the night 10 - 11 hours, and has been doing great. He is
primarily on goat's milk - 1 cup, 3/4 tsp butter, 1/2 tsp honey and 1 oz of cow's cream. The liver was too
harsh on him.
I am getting ready to start him on liver again and slowly introduce it as you mentioned. He is growing a
couple of bottom teeth. I am wondering if it's an indication of adding to his diet. Is there anything else I
can start giving him? Or would it be better if you saw him during your next visit here to recommend a diet
plan for him?
Thank you. I am delighted that he is better. Yes, cutting teeth indicates that he could use a bit more protein
such as the liver. He does not need anything else other than what you are giving him now, with a bit of liver
If I were to see him, I could tell you what to expect in detoxification for the future.
At what age should I expect to start adding solids or when should I check back in about his diet?
Solids can be added about 2 months after all of his teeth are in and settled. However, he will always get more
nutrients with less food if meats are pureed for him. He will not need much fruit or other foods.
I reintroduced liver today to my son. I put about 2-3 tablespoons of liver into his goat's milk with the usual
butter, honey and cream. It's been about 3 hours and he threw up and has some diarrhea. I realize that is
what happened last time and that it would be some form of detox but he has continued to convulse and
can't stop throwing up. He chokes and can't breathe when he is throwing up. He has nothing left to throw
up but he is continuing to try to. What do I do? What can I give him? I am hesitant to give him the goat's
milk even without liver as I am concerned he is just going to throw it up. He will not eat raw cheese. Do I
let his stomach settle without any food or does he need it to get out toxins?
Once his stomach settles, give him some raw cottage cheese, about 1 BB-sized amount at a time. His vomit
will not last long.
We spoke on the phone a few days ago about my 8 year old daughter who is going through body aches
and pains. The worst pains are usually her middle to lower back and her stomach. She describes her
pain in terms of low, medium, and high. Just a few minutes ago she got out of a bath and told me I don’t
hurt anywhere, except my head is medium. Or, at other times, she will say I am medium hurting all over.
Yesterday there were about 6 hours in the day where she did not hurt anywhere. She seems to be going
in and out of the pain with low pain areas or medium pain areas and occasionally she will hurt high / bad
all over. When she hurts bad all over she cannot walk or do anything. It seems to be more normal for her
to have some pain than to have no pain. So when she tells me she does not hurt this is always surprising
and good news. You told me it is toxins in muscles and/or ligaments.
I looked in her eyes tonight and noticed that the whites of her eyes are bluish. My son (6 years old),
daughter and I stood in the mirror comparing the whites of our eyes. Mine are the whitest with some red
veins and my son’s are the next whitest with a touch of bluish, but my daughter’s whites of her eyes are
noticeably bluish tinted. Is this part of her pain / toxins she is experiencing or what is it?
You asked me to give her cheese, honey and butter mashed together twice a day, and I am. Also, you told
me to give her the sport drink 4 ounces 5 times a day, and to eat fresh pineapple.
Is there anything else I need to be doing and how long should I continue with all of this?
Keep in mind that she runs and plays and danced for 2 ¼ hours tonight having fun. When she plays, runs
and dances she looks healthy with red rosy cheeks. She looks healthier than a lot of kids even though she
is having pain and has had it for months now.
Please let me know about the bluish whites of the eyes that she is experiencing.
Thank you.
Blueish sclera indicates that aluminum is in the bone marrow. Aluminum interferes with nerve transmissions
and in combination with salt can cause much cellular damage. The only way to get concentrated aluminum is
from vaccines, chemtrails, baking soda and some commercial foods. She obviously is not handling aluminum
When pain is transient, the body is handling detoxification well. When pain is constant, it means the body is not
doing it as efficiently as it is supposed to with proper nutrients.
Once daily, you could give her the combination of 3 dates, 2 T. no-salt raw butter and 2 T. no-salt raw cheese for
pain. Raspberries with fat, such as coconut cream, helps the body remove aluminum. I suggest maintaining the
diet as suggested.
Apr 5, 2012
Yes, blended.
26 Apr, 2012
Re: Thyroid
Dear Aajonus,
I just wanted to clarify my thyroid issue. Last time I saw you (Sept 2010) you had said I did not have any
thyroid problems, but different blood tests have shown that I have Hashimoto's, and I am sure I have had
it for years. Why would that not have shown up when you looked at my eyes and hands?
Have you had other clients with this, and get over it with the right nutrition?
I must assume that you have not watched my DVD lecture. In it, I explain how the endocrine glands are for
emergency purposes only. Because people are so toxic and low on nutrients, their bodies produce hormones
for everyday help and not just for emergencies. Normally, the thyroid protects the heart and lungs. If you are
in an accident, wherein your heart and lungs stop, thyroxines are produced to jump-start the heart and lungs.
The thyroid does not normally have any relationship to normal energy or well being, however the medical
profession profits enormously from their false claim that we need certain levels of hormones. If diet and
digestion are correct, plenty of energy and well-being will result once homeostasis is achieved.
When people consume or are exposed to toxins, it causes their bodies to produce emergency hormones. I
suggest that you focus on diet, digestion and lymphatic flow.
Lately, I have noticed a discoloration in one of my wisdom teeth. What once was a gold crown now is
partly black when I look in the mirror. Moreover, it feels a bit swollen in the surrounding gums. I believe it
is time to have it checked (preferably tomorrow). Have you had any similar experience?
All of my teeth with crowns completely covered any tooth so I cannot tell if any are turning gray. I have had
many teeth have surrounding swelling at times. I eat 2-3 T. no-salt raw cheeses with 2 tsp. unheated honey
3-4 times daily when that occurs.
Hi Aajonus,
Thank you for sharing what you do for swelling around teeth. It seems to work when I take more cheese
and honey as well.
I have a formal checkup scheduled in a few days. My teeth have plaque that chips off when I use my
fingernail. Are you against cleanings? I'm sure they will want to do one.
I am against scraping the teeth with a metal tool. Most dentists have an electrical tool that can clean them
easily and quickly without scraping the teeth. If plaque chips with the fingernail, plaque will probably clean
easily with brushing with vinegar, coconut cream and clay.
I had a cleaning today. It went well. They used an electrical tool, as you mentioned. The tooth formula
must be working because the assistant said my teeth look good.
They offered to X-ray as part of the checkup. Of course I said "no". The dentist found nothing wrong.
Yea! He said I "might" want to get a deep cleaning for the next checkup. I heard this years ago. In lieu
of that, shall I simply keep using the tooth formula you gave?
Congratulations! Yes, continue to brush with the formula, but only once every 5 days with vinegar.
Lets see if I understand. Use all formula ingredients, but every 5th day brush only with vinegar?
Not quite. You can brush with coconut cream and clay every day but with coconut cream, clay and vinegar
every 5th day.
May 1, 2012
Our children do not have strep throat as of this moment and they may not get it.
But, I would like to know: What food would you use to PREVENT strep throat and what food would you
use to TREAT strep throat.
I looked in your book and did not see any information on strep throat.
Thank You.
Since the weather is getting warmer, it is the season for throat detoxifications. Strep is not contagious. If your
children get it, it is because their bodies want to detoxify the neck area at the throat. To mitigate symptoms,
apply hot water bottles to their necks each night for about 9 days, then they will perspire the toxins and
probably will not need to detoxify through the throat.
If and when strep occurs, consume 1 T. of the following mixture every 2 hours until throat detox is finished: 2
oz. lime juice, 1 tsp lemon juice, 3 T. unheated honey, 1/2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar, 2 T. coconut cream
and 2 T. raw dairy cream.
My daughter had a mobile hanging from her ceiling in her bedroom. One of the pieces of the mobile was
a globe of the earth. The globe fell down onto a wood floor and spilled a black powder on the floor. I had
the black powder analyzed at a laboratory for heavy metals. The lab checked for the 4 top heavy metals:
arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium. Everything was negative except for the lead. The black powder
had a very high lead content.
What diet can we use to get lead out of the body, if we happened to take any in?
The room has been quarantined and I am going to have someone come in and check for any residual lead
Please tell me about food that will take lead out of the body if we happened to take any in.
Thank you.
2 ounces cilantro and 2 ounces carrot juices, 1/2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar and 2 ounces cucumber puree,
once daily for 2 weeks and twice weekly for 10 weeks. Also, 3 ounces blueberries, 1 T. coconut cream, 1 T.
dairy cream and 1/2 tsp. raw apple cider vinegar, once daily 5 days weekly for 10 weeks.
Hi Aajonus,
My son has 6 top teeth in and two bottom. He drools every time he watches us eat. Is there anything I
can start feeding him that's pureed?
Have you tried the liver shake? You can puree sirloin also.
Hi Aajonus,
I have given him liver, and every time I continue to try it, he ends up throwing up for the rest of the day. I
tried it again last week and put a tiny bit, approximately half a teaspoon mixed with raw milk, and he threw
up for the next several hours. I keep going back to 1 cup of raw goat's milk, 1-2 oz of raw cow's
cream, and 1 1/2 tablespoons of raw butter and honey.
I do not think he can handle the liver. I gave him half a teaspoon of eye of round beef; I ground it up and
added milk. He did not throw up, but he did get a little bit of diarrhea.
What else can I give him mushed up? Bananas? Raw eggs?
Also, as you know, Organic Pastures was shut down again so we will not have cream and butter until next
Saturday, if I can order it through Ra Healthy Foods. I can get raw goat's milk but is there anything else I
can give him for a week until then?
Most infants live exclusively on raw milk up to 18 months of age. If the liver causes him to detoxify, then I
suggest you give it to him only once every 10 days to help him cleanse more slowly.
Mixing and blending a little eye of round is a fine way to add more protein to his diet.
I do not understand why you are so adamant about feeding him much more than milk, cream, butter and
honey with occasional meat.
Thanks Aajonus,
I am only adamant to the extent that I feel pressured by everyone around me to feed him more. Children's
books all talk about feeding them by 7 months. I want to make sure he is not deficient in nutrients,
especially since we are now going to have limitations to raw butter and cream with this constant political
nonsense that goes on every time they shut down Organic Pastures. It's also very difficult to see how he
responds to liver, even the tiniest amount. I wish there were another way to detox him. It's very painful for
me to see a baby throw up violently.
I understand, but you must force logic upon people who tell you that a baby needs other foods than raw milk
until the age of 18 months. Most healthy tribal children get only raw milk until they are 24 months. After that,
mothers chew meats and feed it to babies, but milk is still the major source of food until 4 years of age.
Violent vomit indicates that you transferred some very caustic toxins into him while he was gestating. It is
better that he detoxifies one day every 10 until he has discarded those toxins. Hopefully, all or most are stored
in the stomach lining.
Should I give my son anything different for constipation? He has a real hard time pooping and strains
himself. His poop is typically a mustard-colored ball or a few small ones.
Since he is on a perfect diet, most of the food he eats will completely digest and he will not make much
feces -- not much undigested food or waste.
If he is straining, his bowel is not getting enough raw fat. I suggest that you give him a suppository of 1 T.
each of no-salt raw butter, coconut cream and dairy cream. That way the intestinal bacteria won't have to
hold the feces so long to get as much fat as possible. His colon bacteria will love it because it is fresh fat and
not the little left over from the small intestines.
I'm 60 years old and have been on the raw diet for 5 years. I'm 143lbs and female. I've been having some
heaviness in my chest, no cold or stress, but winded when climbing stairs, and pain in my left arm. Would
this remedy be the fastest for cleaning out my arteries or would you suggest something else? Also, I have
not been as strict on the raw diet this past 6 months, but I am back at it again, for the peace of mind and
the healthy results!
Most likely, your system is not congested. Probably, your body is using your lymphatic system in the chest
area to detoxify the stuff you were eating that added toxicity to your body. However, to help your body
dissolve some of those toxins, I suggest that you consume 2 T. of raw apple cider vinegar in 4 ounces of milk
once daily for 3 weeks only. Afterward, you may do 1 T. once daily.
Hi Aajonus,
Can you email me the Sports Drink asap as I need to go out today to get all the products while I have the
The cucumber, watermelon and tomato are to be pureed not juiced; the whey is the liquid byproduct of
making cheese; milk is whole raw milk. You may have any combination of those to equal 3 cups.
That makes about 1 quart, after blending all ingredients together. Sip throughout the day for hydration.
Hi Aajonus,
My high meat has been at room temperature for almost a month. In a matter of days, it will be ready for
refrigeration. Once I put it in the fridge, do I need to keep airing it out every 3 days?
If you do not open it, the bacteria will stop digesting it.
Hi Aajonus,
Thanks for answering. I presume the dosage is the size of a ping pong ball once a week?
Also, do I eat high meat by itself, or can I add fats and other meats?
Eat as much as you want, but no less than a ping pong ball size. You can eat meat after eating high meat or
eat it by itself.
Hi Aajonus,
I have been on, and about 90% compliant with the Primal Diet since 2004. I have read both of your
books, too.
We Want to Live talks about tomatoes, raw unsalted cheeses, celery and celery juice, Terramin clay,
oysters and raw fish, as well as a fertile egg and mineral water drink, all of which I consume, except for
the last item.
My father and uncles (on both sides) lived and died with their full natural hair color, despite eating the
SAD and worse. All my siblings - within a few years of my age - have no gray hair, despite eating SAD.
3) What is your PD protocol for gray hair and have you experienced any significant success with this
4) If the above food items for mineral deficiencies are in fact applicable for graying hair, in what
quantities and for how long?
As I stated in my books and newsletters, graying hair is usually caused by heavy metals, especially
aluminum. However, some people are able to rid the body of aluminum by building aluminum into hair
without causing graying. Over the age of 50, it is very difficult to stop aluminum from graying hair because
of all of the toxins that have accumulated and deficiencies that result. However, I have seen gray come and
go in my hair since chemo in 1968. Since I was abducted and injected in 2009, my hair has gone much
more toward gray.
To help mineral imbalances, I now ask people to consume 3-4 T. no-salt raw cheese with 3 t. unheated
honey, twice daily, usually 30 minutes after each meat meal.
Consuming 3/4 - 1 cup raspberries with 3-4 T. coconut cream, 1-2 T. dairy cream, 3 T. lime juice, 2 t. lemon
juice and 1 t. raw apple cider vinegar helps to eliminate aluminum and reduce graying.
I just turned 46, but have been following the PD for over 8 years. I was a raw vegan for nearly a decade
before that. I only got my first gray hair about 6 years ago, but the last 18 months has seen a rapid
acceleration. Is this a product of overly rapid detox on the PD?
WHEN and HOW OFTEN should this be followed: "Consuming 3/4 - 1 cup raspberries with 3-4 T.
coconut cream, 1-2 T. dairy cream, 3 T. lime juice, 2 t. lemon juice and 1 t. raw apple cider
The only way that your diet can accelerate detoxification is if you eat a lot of fruit, and that is not what the
PD is. I suggest only one fruit meal daily. If that is all you consume, then the diet is not forcing your intense
metal detoxification through the hair. It would be your body’s choice.
I suggest that raspberry mixture every day for 3 weeks and then at least 3 days weekly for as long as your
hair is gray.
Thanks again. But in terms of WHEN the raspberry mixture should be eaten: empty stomach, OK with
or near juice, etc? Obviously not with meat.
Hi Aajonus,
I just want to confirm that I am ordering the correct product for a face mask. Do you recommend the
Organic Cotton Mask from I Can Breathe?
I use the organic cotton mask and the silk one over it. I use them only on airplanes, not for heavy chemical
exposures. Additionally, I exhale heavily from my mouth through the area of my nose of the masks to moisten
them and make them more effective.
I hope your trip is going well. I take it you are now in Finland.
I have been over the recording of my earlier consultation with you in October 2010. You mentioned in it
that I had bone cancer from the pelvis down. Do you still feel that, in this latest reading? It is obviously a
big statement. I have had tremendous aching in both hips, the ankle bones and weakness and pain in the
legs, upper thighs and restless legs at night for the last two years. What do you attribute that to? Plus The
MRI last year showed the hip labrum tear on the left hip (labrum tear with a cam lesion or paralabral cyst)
but also bursitis on both sides of the hip and tendinopathy. In your philosophy what is bursitis and how is it
Various specialist blood tests one health specialist did on me last year, December 2011, showed reactive
hypoglycemia, problem with HCL, GI malabsorption, slight pituitary hypofunction, inflammation (from
monocytes and lymphocytes), low T cells and Helper, low calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, glucose and
low globulin. Any comment or worry about this?
These were very specialised tests – not the average ones in which everything looks fine for me except
thyroid. However, even the normal tests show slightly low T4 and slightly high TSH. Is that normal? Also a
depressed progesterone. Is this a problem?
Another test by an immunologist in June 2011 revealed my immunoglobulin G was low (770 whereas
normal was 694-1618) and another test showed my RNAA (R Nase-L Activity Assay) to be abnormal and
high ie 536, whereas normal was less than 50. This apparently reveals a virus or immune system fighting
something. Any comment? Also a positive result came up for antibody to CMV (IGG) ie Epstein Barr,
although the immunologist said I had had this in the past and it was well contained and not threatening the
system. Any comments? Could this however explain why I am so wiped out and sleepy a lot of the time?
Or do you think he is right, that it is not a problem and no symptoms?
In my October 2010 reading with you you mentioned I had a sign of Crohn’s. How does that look now?
And I also wonder when you say I am close to lupus now. What would that mean; what symptoms?
The specialist from last year talks a lot about my immune system being very weak and I do seem to get
every viral, fungal or bacterial infection around - flus, colds etc. constantly. You don’t believe in the
immune, do you? You feel they are coming due to my toxic levels and them working on cleaning things up.
Yes? So you don’t believe in the immune. You don’t feel mine is weak?
On another note, I am worried about you Aajonus. Your life has reached a peak of danger, stress, crisis
and every authority after you, whether in LA, Philippines or Thailand. So many battles. I know you believe
in truth and speaking truth. Could you not have a period of being cautious right now, keeping your voice
down e.g. in the Philippines or any of these non-Western countries where your life might be in danger. I
see you need to defend yourself in LA and that battle, but are the others so necessary right now e.g.
speaking against swine flu, etc. Just don’t want you to go through those injections again and such
danger! You did look harassed and stressed when I saw you. It is not a way to live. Take care and
perhaps lie low for a time.
I do not state that a person has cancer because I am not a medical doctor. I stated that you had indications
of bone cancer. Most of those indications are gone as of your last visit. Your lower body symptoms indicate to
me that you were detoxifying those bones that were moving toward cancer. Your body is doing its best. A
better diet will result in less pain when detoxifying.
Anyone who claims that they can tell such symptoms from blood tests is delusional. Of course, that is the way
medicine and pharma want it. Their tests and measurements are all geared to result in only one conclusion:
you are deficient in some industrial nutrient that they want to convince you to consume. ALL supplements are
latent with either kerosene or gasoline or completely constructed of industrial chemicals. Everyone who
consumes cooked foods and exposes himself to industrial toxins will experience many bodily malfunctions.
That is to be expected. Supplements do not remedy the condition long-term.
As I stated in my Workshop DVD and newsletters, endocrine glands are for emergency purposes. Healthy
animals do not have high amounts of hormones in their blood or tissues. The body can and does utilize
hormones to help arrest and control toxins in the body because hormones are predominantly fat. Eat raw fat
regularly and your body will not have to create excess hormones to chelate, neutralize and dissolve toxins,
which is now normal in our toxic society.
Crohn's is still a prominent indication in your irises. Lupus is the disintegration of connective tissue. The first
symptoms are usually excessive skin sensitivity. Advanced symptoms are swelling under the skin and such
sensitivity that a person cannot lift a pencil or be touched without severe pain. Your irises indicate that you
have an abundance of very caustic toxins under your skin.
Again, all medical tests are purposely constructed to convince people that they are deficient in something
that can be corrected with supplements or medication. Only the proper raw foods for your body will result in
As I stated in my newsletters, there is no immune system. There is simply the body's lymphatic system, which
is endowed with the ability to cleanse every waste in the body. As I stated in everything I have written and
spoken, parasites, bacteria, fungus and virus are merely janitors. If they are active, you are cleansing your
body of toxic waste that has accumulated to a problematic quantity. You succumbing to those cleanses is a
good thing. Instead, you could be crippled for life.
Thank you for your concern about my well being. I was attacked by Westerners in the Philippines. It was not
Filipinos. I could not live a happy life if I did not help others, so I must endure what I must. I am simply doing
it armed.
Aug 4, 2012
I just wanted to ask what you think the tremendous neck and shoulder pain I get all the time is about. It
feels inflamed and very painful, almost daily now. What should I do about it? Hot water bottles, etc. just
don’t help anymore.
Pain anywhere in the body indicates that enormous quantities of toxins are stored in a particular area.
Localized heat with hot water bottles is best to help the body increase nutrients to the troubled area(s).
Although hot water bottles may not relieve pain at very difficult areas, they do help mitigate the toxicity in
the area. If you eat cooked food, your body uses a lot of its nutrients neutralizing the byproduct toxins
caused by cooking. That deprives the body of nutrients that could and would go to mitigating health
problems anywhere within the body. Diligence may not be easy; but it is always fruitful.
Aug 4, 2012
Re: Bursitis
What was the bursitis that I have been diagnosed with in the hips? Industrial chemicals?
Bursas contain more nerves than many glands, and when they are swollen with industrial toxins, the pain
can be chronic and overwhelming.
I wanted to ask what you think happened yesterday to me. I cooked three Amish eggs into a small
omelet at 2am; 10-15 minutes later I vomited several times; then I must have fallen asleep for an hour;
then I woke up with a feeling as if I had been bashed in the stomach (winded) but also in the diaphragm
area. That progressed into spasms and stabbings, lasting all night (lower abdomen and diaphragm
area) and the following day with a feeling of nausea, but no more vomiting. It felt as if I had poisons or
something toxic in me.
I wondered if that was arsenic from the eggs (although the eggs were from the Amish community) or
salmonella poisoning, although I did not smell any eggs being off. Or was it just a detox? However,
every episode of vomiting I have had before has not been accompanied by so much pain.
Thank you for your concern, well-wishes, and prayers. The planetary energies are always a part of what
happens but, thankfully, with help from greater sources, we can bypass much of the negative forces. At least
we were not seriously injured.
Eating anything cooked can cause instant ill reactions because at least 32 toxins are formed from cooking
food. Most people acclimate to those poisons and are a-symptomatic until vast numbers of toxins are stored
in one place. Bodies that can react quicker to remove the toxins (symptoms of discomfort) are healthier
Arsenic usually causes heart symptoms. Since you cooked the eggs, bacteria in the food would not have
been a factor -- they were destroyed. If you had cooked the eggs and allowed them to sit for 24 hours, the
salmonella that eats dead cells and its waste could have caused severe symptoms.
Hi Aajonus!
My precious 1 year old puppy (on Primal Diet mainly of Northstar Bison meat, with a little sour cream,
cream and cheese now and then) has a tan colored liquid leaking from probably her vagina. She has not
been spayed. She is leaking fast enough right now that she is not able to keep up with keeping herself
clean. She is irritated and growls, which is not like her at all.
I am guessing she has pyometra, an infection with swelling. I am so glad that the liquid is draining out of
her body and not stuck inside her.
What would you recommend to help her get through this as comfortably as possible?
Your puppy is discharging some very caustic industrial toxins. Since dogs and cats only perspire through the
nose, lungs, ears and anus, their bodies have to discharge from the urinary tract and the bowels, not through
the skin. If female, they can discharge through the vagina. The vagina is the least important of body parts, but
it has many more nerves than the intestines, kidneys and bladder. Toxins that exit out the vagina will cause
severe sensitivity and carnivores will growl to indicate that they do not want to be bothered.
Feeding her no-salt raw cheese would help some of the toxins move to the intestines. The cheese will absorb
the toxins and prevent intestinal damage, but cheese would have to be regularly consumed, that is, 1/4 tsp
raw cheese at least every 30 minutes if she is a small dog. If she is a larger dog, she should consume 1/2 tsp
at least every 30 minutes.
Rather than fresh cream, she should have no-salt raw butter. Sour cream is fine, but she needs butter. If she
will eat a little chunk of pineapple and/or papaya, it would help her digestion.
Aug 6, 2012
We are putting in a new tub. The main ingredient is Lucite acrylic. I’m wondering if this material will break
down gradually, putting toxins in my body while taking my soaking baths. I am hoping not, but if this is the
case what brand or kind of bath tub would you recommend?
Could you just give me a simple answer on the Lucite acrylic bathtub?
A good idea or not? Guessing I should probably do cast iron or something solid like that.
I think that the Lucite would be okay if you let it cure in the sun for about 15 days prior to using it; 8 days
filled to the top with water with 1 cup raw apple cider vinegar in it and 7 days dry, in that order. Thoroughly
wash the tub, after 15 days, with Biokleen All Purpose Cleaner. The problem with ready-made tubs is that the
motor is too close to the tub and the EMFs are much too high; they negatively alter the molecular structure of
animal cells when exposed above 3 milligauss. You must move the motor far enough away so that the EMFs
are not ill affecting you.