An Initial Study On Alkali Activated Limestone Binders
An Initial Study On Alkali Activated Limestone Binders
An Initial Study On Alkali Activated Limestone Binders
Centre for Research and Advanced Studies, Campus Saltillo, Mexico
Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo, Saltillo, Mexico
Keywords: Alkaline cements were studied using limestone as the only precursor activated with solutions of sodium hy-
Alkali activated cement droxide and waterglass; the activator was used at concentrations of 7 and 10%Na2O using modules of Ms = 0, 1
Limestone binders and 1.5. The compressive strength was followed on pastes and mortars for up to 360 days after an initial curing
CaCO3 at 60 °C for 24 h. A paste with 7%Na2O and Ms = 1.5 and a mortar with 10%Na2O and Ms = 1 reached strength
of 15-25 MPa after 360 days; the mortars showed trends towards higher strength with time. The characterization
Hydration products
by SEM, EDS, XRD, FTIR indicated that the microstructure consisted of a mixture of silica gel, carbonates, C-S-H,
N-C-S-H and N-S-H. 29Si MAS-NMR showed the formation of calcium silicates possibly of long chains which
contributed to the strength.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.I. Escalante-García).
Received 26 November 2018; Received in revised form 12 March 2019; Accepted 1 April 2019
0008-8846/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
D.E. Ortega-Zavala, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 120 (2019) 267–278
the earth crust [31] and it represents about 80% of the raw materials Table 2
used to produce PC. LS is used to replace PC in about 10% as in inert Nomenclature and details of the formulations of the limestone pastes.
addition in agreement with EN 197-1 [32]; up to 35% replacement of No. Nomenclature %Na2O %SiO2/Na2O w/b
PC by LS is also allowed in some instances [33,34]. On the other hand,
the use of LS in AAC has been reported in combination with PC-fly ash 1 P-7-0 7 0 0.27
2 P-7-1 7 1 0.27
[35], waste urban glass [36] and blast furnace slag [37]; LS has been
3 P-7-1.5 7 1.5 0.27
reported to improve the mechanical properties and to take place in the 4 P-10-0 10 0 0.27
chemical reactions contributing with Ca2+ ions to form strong reaction 5 P-10-1 10 1 0.27
products [38]. Gao et al. [39] studied blends of fly ash, blast furnace 6 P-10-1.5 10 1.5 0.36
slag and LS activated with sodium hydroxide and sodium silicates, they Reference of silica Reference 10 1 0.30
pointed that the reaction processes are enhanced by the LS that per-
%Na2O, relative to the mass of limestone.
formed as nucleation sites; nonetheless, the process is controlled by the
2.1.3. Aggregate
In general terms, there is uncertainty as to the role of the LS in the
The same LS described before was used as an aggregate for the
alkaline cements and there is not enough information available in the
preparation of mortars; it had a maximum particle size of 4.75 mm and
literature, much less on binders containing 100%LS; two references are
the fineness module was of 2.9. The water absorption (WA) was mea-
related to this research. A patent [40] described alkali activated lime-
sured as 2.78% as per [44].
stone concretes, the content of limestone in the binder was 40–100%
combined with metakaolin, blast furnace slag, PC and fly ash, activated
with combinations of nNa2SiO3, Na2CO3, K2CO3, CaO, K2CO3, Ca(OH)2. 2.2. Sample preparation
Another work reported studies on pastes and mortars using Na2CO3 and
CaCO3 from various origins such as aragonite, limestone, calcite, 2.2.1. Preparation of pastes
marble and dolomite using loads of 20–80 wt% of alkaline and earth 6 pastes of LS were prepared activated with 7 and 10% Na2O and Ms
alkaline carbonates [41]. Nonetheless, neither of the two referred works of 0, 1 and 1.5; Table 2 summarizes the nomenclature and formulation
showed evidence of success with the use of LS as the only precursor. A details. A reference paste was also prepared by using only ground silica
report on binders based on calcium carbonates [42] used three different sand (quartz) as a precursor ground to pass the #325 sieve. The water/
calcium carbonate rocks; the rock with %MgO = 19.7 resulted in 28- binder ratio (w/b, including the water from the solution of the acti-
day strength of 40.48 MPa after permanent curing at 40 °C; however, vator) was adjusted to a preferred workability according to the re-
the authors did not show details regarding the alkaline activator other quirements of each formulation. Batches of 2400 g of LS were blended
than they used waterglass as the activator. in a mixer with orbital movement for 4 min, the pastes were cast into
Considering the above, this paper presents initial results on the use cubic molds of an alkali resistant polymer of 2.5 cm per side and vi-
of LS as the only precursor to prepare alkali activated cements using brated for 15 s to eliminate entrapped air. The molds were covered with
sodium silicate solutions. Pastes and mortars were prepared and char- a plastic film to avoid water losses during the setting that took place for
acterized for up to 360 days curing in terms of mechanical properties, 24 h at 60 °C; afterwards, the specimens were demolded and dry stored
composition and structure of the reaction products as well as the mi- in plastic bags in an isothermal chamber at 20 ± 2 °C, the relative
crostructural evolution. humidity was within the range 80–90%.
D.E. Ortega-Zavala, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 120 (2019) 267–278
rate on a 4 mm CP-MAS probe using zirconia rotors. Single pulse ex- concluded that the NaOH showed higher dissolution of Ca from LS than
periments were carried out by applying 90° pulses of 4.0 μs with CW 1H Na2CO3 and Na2CO3/NaOH [36].
decoupling field strength of 35.0 kHz, and recycle delays of 10 s. The A strength reduction was noted for the paste with 10% Na2O and
Si chemical shift of the acquired spectra was referenced externally to Ms = 1 after 180 days, which could be related to two possible phe-
tetramethylsilane [Si(CH3)4] at 0.0 ppm. The deconvolutions of the 29Si nomena: on the one hand, an increased pH in the presence of humidity
MAS spectra were performed by the Gauss-Lorentz adjustment curve of limits the solubility of the Ca [46], so any unreacted Na provided by the
the DMFIT freeware [45]. alkaline solution tends to carbonate; on the other hand, an excess of
The microstructure of pastes and mortars was studied by scanning alkalis can lead to deleterious carbonation processes [47,48]. Alkali
electron microscopy (SEM, XL-30 ESEM, Phillips) accessorized with carbonates have a larger volume than that initially occupied by water
energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) for spot analysis of the chemical and when dry, these generate internal stresses and deterioration of the
composition. The specimens were obtained from cubic samples that cement pastes in detriment of the compressive strength.
were not subjected to mechanical testing, although these were crushed It is noteworthy that the reference sample did not properly set and
with a hammer to obtain fragments that were vacuum dried and further did not keep the shape of the cubic mold so these could not be me-
embedded in slow setting epoxy resin and polished with a series of SiC chanically tested, while the binders prepared with LS set and hardened
paper of numbers from 320 to 1000 and diamond pastes of 3 and properly preserving their dimensional stability, as shown in Fig. 2; the
1.5 μm. Methanol was used as a lubricant to avoid the presence of ground quartz sand used as a reference precursor was inert to the
water. The samples were coated with graphite for observation under the conditions of alkaline activation as the reported in geopolymeric bin-
SEM and representative backscattered electron images were taken at ders [49] and did not even promote the condensation of the waterglass.
1000 and 2000 magnifications. The operation conditions were of This is an indicator of the involvement of the LS in the chemical reac-
25 keV and a working distance of 7 to 7.6 mm. To complement the tions.
characterization, 30 EDS spot analysis were taken from each sample to On other hand, the strength of mortars increased slightly with the %
obtain a representative estimation of the chemical composition of the Na2O, the highest 360 days strength was for the mortar M-10-1
condensed reaction products. (Fig. 1b). The mortars with Ms ≥ 1 showed steady strength gain with
positive slopes even after 1 year; these did not show strength losses as in
3. Results and discussion the pastes, this could be related to the fine particles from the sand, that
could have also performed as a precursor in spite of their larger particle
3.1. Compressive strength (CS) size compared to the ground limestone; this in turn would consume
alkalis and reduce their potential deleterious carbonation. An addi-
Fig. 1 shows the compressive strength evolution from 1 to 360 days tional effect could be as that pointed by Rakhimova et al. [50], in that
for the limestone pastes and mortars. The variation of the %Na2O did the LS containing more than 39% of particles with a size lower than
not show a clear pattern for pastes and mortars; on the other hand, and 5 μm provides nucleation sites and accelerates the reaction process of
for any given %Na2O, a Ms ≥ 1 was favorable and the strength in- blended alkali-activated cements reinforcing the microstructures. Un-
creased over time. A synergistic effect among the %Na2O and Ms was like the pastes, mortars with SiO2/Na2O = 0 developed strength lower
not evident. than 2 MPa for 7 and 10% Na2O, it appears that under these conditions,
For the pastes activated with 7% Na2O, the highest strength at the alkaline solution did not provide an adequate environment to in-
360 days was for paste P-7-1.5 with Ms = 1.5, reaching 24 ± 2.28 MPa duce the reaction of the LS (precursor and aggregate) for the formation
and showing a positive trend; while the use of 10% Na2O and Ms = 0 of cementitious products, therefore the presence of silica species pro-
resulted in 8 ± 1.34 MPa for up to one year. This was probably due to vided by the addition of sodium silicate seems to be essential for de-
the recrystallization of LS; it is possible that the alkaline media dis- veloping the compressive strength.
solved the structure of the LS, and Ca2+ ions that carbonated with at- It is noteworthy that pastes and mortars reached similar strengths
mospheric CO2 and densified the matrix favoring the strength; this is in after 1 year; the mortars activated with a solution of SiO2/Na2O > 0
agreement with a report of dissolution of LS in alkaline solutions, that showed a clear trend towards higher strengths over time. The mortars
Fig. 1. Compressive strength versus curing time of limestone (a) pastes and (b) mortars.
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Fig. 2. Photographs of specimens prepared with ground silica sand as reference and with limestone.
D.E. Ortega-Zavala, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 120 (2019) 267–278
have an advantage as less alkaline solution is required for a given mass Table 3
of matter, reducing costs and the risk of carbonation. Bands on the FTIR spectra of the activated limestone pastes.
Band cm−1 Attribution
3.2. X-ray diffraction (XRD)
1 686 Si-O-Si [57]
2 712 C–O (CO32−) [54,58]
Four pastes with high and low strength were characterized for up to 3 863–872 C–O (CO32−) [44,53]
360 days by XRD, the results are shown in Fig. 3, which includes the LS 4 901 Si-O [59]
as reference. After 1 day, thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O, PDF 01-72-578) 5 975–1006 v3(Si-O) C-S-H [57,60,61]
6 1069 T-O (T]Si, Al) [62]
was observed in pastes P-7-1 and P-7-1.5 (Fig. 3a); for Ms = 1, the
7 1395–1408 C-O (thermonatrite) [63,59]
reflections increased with time, while, the contrary was noted from 8 1428 C–O (CO32−) [53]
28 days onwards for Ms = 1.5. For the paste that showed strength losses 9 2515 C-O [60]
after 180 days (P-10-1), the XRD patterns also showed reflections of
thermonatrite whose intensity reduced over time. The patterns of the
paste P-10-0 in Fig. 3b showed reflections of pirssonite (Ca- 3.3. FTIR
Na2(CO3)2(H2O)2, PDF 01-70-2405) and portlandite (Ca(OH)2, PDF 44-
1481), which evidenced that the limestone dissolved under the alkaline The pastes with highest strength (P-7-1 and P-7-1.5) were analyzed
environment as can be noted by the reduced intensity of the CaCO3 by FTIR after 1, 28, 180 and 360 days, the results are shown in Fig. 4
peaks with respect to the XRD pattern of the LS; Avila-López et al. [36] (including the spectrum of the unreacted limestone); Table 3 list the
reported that the alkaline activation of waste glass and limestone band assignments for the spectra. Bands 2, 3, 8 and 9 were ascribed to
formed pirssonite in binders activated with NaOH (Ms = 0). It appears the O-C-O bond from the limestone precursor [53,54]; after the alkaline
that the interaction of NaOH-limestone forms Ca(OH)2, and both hy- activation, band 9 was less evident as time advanced which points to-
droxides carbonated readily with CO2. The formation of thermonatrite wards the participation of the limestone in the reactions. One band
and pirssonite suggest two possible effects on the binders micro- more between 1395 and 1408 cm−1 (band 7) was detected in P-7-1.5, it
structure: (1) the carbonates can reduce the porosity densifying the corresponds to stretching vibrations of CO, confirming the presence of
matrix (P-7-1 and P-7-1.5) benefiting the compressive strength; how- carbonate groups incorporated after the alkaline activation [55,56],
ever, (2) these carbonates occupy a greater volume than the original which was very close to the band 8 noted in the unreacted limestone;
hydroxides, which in presence of moisture would generate internal the formation of carbonates after exposure to atmospheric air [54] was
stresses and strength losses in the pastes (P-10-0 and P-10-1). supported by the XRD results (Fig. 4b).
The identification of characteristic reflections of C-S-H, which is a For paste P-7-1.5, sodium carbonates or NaOH were not observed by
main cementitious phase reported in alkali activated cements, based on XRD or FTIR (band 7), an explanation to this phenomenon, in agree-
Ca rich precursors, and in PC based materials [51,52] was complicated ment with another investigation [61], is that Ca could have redis-
due to its low crystallinity and by the overshadowing by the intense tributed on the surface of N–S–H gels to satisfy surface charges or in the
peaks of calcite (PDF 5-586); however, its formation can be elucidated C–S–H. Sodium silicate gels N-S-H tended to form under the influence of
from other characterization techniques discussed later. increased %Na2O, which also possibly modified the degree of
Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of alkali-activated limestone for 1, 28, 180 and 360 days. (a) Paste P-7-1 and (b) Paste P-7-1.5.
D.E. Ortega-Zavala, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 120 (2019) 267–278
Fig. 5. Si MAS NMR spectra for 360 days pastes.
polymerization of the C–S–H, as shown below in the NMR spectra. In structures also condensing as a silica gel, although heavily disrupted,
either case, new gel surfaces are likely to provide the necessary sites for which appeared to have favored the mechanical strength.
cation adsorption.
The bands 1 and 6 were attributed to the bending vibrations Si-O-Si 3.5. Microstructural characterization
[64] and T-O (T]Si, Al) [62] bonds respectively; while band 4 was
associated with SieO bonds [65]; these signals suggest the condensa- Pastes and mortars with the highest 360 days compressive strength
tion of the alkaline activator of waterglass forming silica gel which also were characterized by SEM in terms of the microstructure and the
contributes favorably to the mechanical strength. The absorption bands chemical composition of reactions products.
5 located at around 975 and 1006 cm−1 have been attributed to the
stretching vibrations in the SieO bonds (v3(SieO)) in the SiO4 tetra- 3.5.1. Microstructures
hedra in C-S-H in the form of Q2 units [55–56,65]. The frequency of Fig. 6 shows the microstructures of polished samples of selected
band 5 is directly related to the alkaline activator; lower frequencies pastes aged for 28 and 360 days. The reaction products in pastes P-7-1
appear after activation with NaOH and higher frequencies appear after and P-7-1.5 formed similar matrixes of reaction products, which den-
the activation with waterglass or Na2CO3 [66]. It is noteworthy that sified over time increasing the strength. It appears that after 360 days
band 5 became more intense with increasing the Ms of the alkaline for both binders, the amount of unreacted LS particles decreased, sug-
activator; this would agree with the higher strength results of the pastes gesting its participation in the reaction process. The spot analyzes by
with Ms = 1.5 that increased for up to 360 days. The spectra also EDS, taken as far as possible from the LS particles in order to avoid their
showed that increased Ms shifted the position of band 5, from 981 cm−1 inclusion in the measurement of the chemical composition, indicated
for Paste P-7-1 with Ms = 1 to 1006 cm−1 for paste P-7-1-5 with high contents of Si and Ca, which suggests the precipitation of silica gel
Ms = 1.5, which suggests structural and compositional differences and calcium silicate hydrates, as discussed above. The Na signal on the
among the C-S-H formed in both systems. EDS from the matrix could result from its incorporation in the silica gel
(N-S-H), in sodium carbonates, in the calcium silicates [70,71] or in the
3.4. Si MAS-NMR form of fine intermixes of such compounds. A previous report [72]
suggested that the calcium silicates gels (C-S-H) could incorporate al-
The 29Si MAS NMR spectra for the pastes P-7-1 and P-7-1.5 after kaline cations to its chains; in some cases, the sodium amount is higher
360 days are presented in Fig. 5. The signals were classified as Qn, enough so the modification is named N-C-S-H gel [70,71].
where “Q” represent the Si atom which is bonded to four oxygens and Cracks were noted for pastes activated with higher Ms, these could
“n” (n = 0,1,2,3,4) is the number of bridging oxygens [67–69]. The have various origins, namely, from the crushing of the specimens to
colored bands correspond to the chemical shifts ranges assigned ac- obtain fragments, from the vacuum drying (of the condensed silica gel)
cording to Engelhardt [68]. of the fragments to eliminate free water for the reactions, from the
The NMR spectra for the pastes showed broad peaks within the polishing process and/or from the drying (of the condensed silica gel)
region of Q2 and Q3; the most intense of Q2 centered at about under the vacuum within the SEM column [47].
−88.58 ppm for paste P-7-1 (Fig. 5a), whereas for paste P-7-1.5 the The microstructures of mortars of compositions M-10-1 and M-10-
strongest signal appeared as two peaks of Q2 and Q3 at −91.46 and- 1.5 cured for 28 and 360 days are shown in Fig. 7. As noted for the
94.9 ppm, respectively. The spectra also show signals in the regions Q4 pastes, the matrices of reaction products were similar, comprised of
and the broad Q2 peaks suggest that weak signals from Q1 peaks are unreacted limestone particles, a dense matrix of reaction products and
also underlying. Interestingly, the spectrum of the paste of Ms = 1 is pores. After 360 days, the reaction products precipitated in gray dense
like what is seen in low Ca cements that form tobermorite-like C-S-H, zones (labeled G1), this was more evident in the mortar with Ms = 1.
having very long silica chains constituted mostly by Q2 and very little The fast-initial reaction of LS with alkaline solution limited the time for
Q1; on the other hand, the strong signals Q3 and Q4 indicate the con- diffusion of species, so high concentration of reaction products built up
densation of silica gel from the alkaline solution. The increased in- in the silica gel zone leaving also coarse porosity in other areas. As the
tensity of the Q3 signals for the paste of Ms = 1.5, suggests that the limestone dissolution continues, Na is incorporated in the C-S-H chains,
waterglass of higher Ms participated in the formation of more complex or precipitates within pores as carbonates or forms calcium-modified
D.E. Ortega-Zavala, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 120 (2019) 267–278
Fig. 6. Microstructures and chemical composition of pastes P-7-1 and P-7-1.5 after 28 and 360 days, scanning electron microscopy by backscattered electron.
silica phase in the volume originally occupied by silica gel. Thus, re- of depth of origin from the surface of the specimen; i.e. the secondary
action products as N-C-S-H, C-S-H and N-S-H seem to be responsible for imaging electrons come from 1 to 10 nm while the X-ray signals come
the strength as time passes. from a depth of 0.2–2 μm [73].
Fig. 8 shows elemental X-ray maps of Si, Na and Ca corresponding to The maps of Si, Ca and Na show that these elements distributed
a zone similar to that labeled as G1 in Fig. 7 from mortar M-10-1 (10% throughout the matrix, in agreement with the results discussed above.
N2O, Ms = 1) after 360 days. The distribution of the reaction products Image manipulation allowed to combine and overlap the 3 elemental
formed a matrix with some dispersion of Si, Ca, and Na. The individual maps (see Fig. 8), from which various zones can be identified and la-
maps allow the identification of different components in the micro- beled as:
structure, e.g. the LS particles are readily identified from the Ca map,
which show absence of elements in the Na and Si maps. • Zone A: showing only Ca + Na, indicate areas of formation of so-
A slight mismatch can be noted among the areas in the maps and dium/calcium carbonate (identified by XRD).
those in the microstructure, which could originate from the differences • Zone B: showing only Si, shows condensed silica gel
D.E. Ortega-Zavala, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 120 (2019) 267–278
Fig. 7. Microstructures and chemical composition of mortars M-10-1 and M-10-1.5 after 28 and 360 days, scanning electron microscopy by backscattered electron.
• Zone C: showing Si + Na indicates areas of formation of silica gel 3.5.2. Chemical composition of reaction products
modified with Na (N-S-H). Fig. 9 presents the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) re-
• Zone D: showing only Ca + Si, points to the identification of C-S-H, sults from 30 spot analyses per specimen, these were taken throughout
which seems relatively abundant and distributed throughout the the matrix of reaction products from selected pastes (P-7-1 and P-7-1.5)
matrix of reaction products. and mortars (M-10-1 and M-10-1.5) after curing for 360 days. The
• Zone E: showing the presence of Ca + Si + Na, evidenced the in- composition of the reaction products was plotted in ternary diagrams of
corporation of Na+ into the C-S-H (N-C-S-H), which was relatively atomic percentages of Ca-Si-Na; the composition of LS was included as a
abundant. reference, which takes the apex of Ca. The average atomic rations are
presented in Table 4.
The matrix appears to be a mixture, where the calcium silicate For the pastes, the composition of the reaction products formed
predominates (C-S-H and N-C-S-H) and are finely intermixed with clusters with some dispersion along the CaeSi composition with low Na
carbonates and silica gel (SeH and N-S-H) that condensed from the contents, the dispersion could indicate two possible configuration of
unreacted waterglass. phases: (1) the formation of reaction products that consisted of a fine
D.E. Ortega-Zavala, et al. Cement and Concrete Research 120 (2019) 267–278
Fig. 8. Overlapping of Ca, Si and Na maps; image manipulation of Elemental X-ray maps of the mortar M-10-1 (10%Na2O, Ms = 1) after 360 days.
Fig. 9. Chemical composition in % at. of reaction products of select pastes and mortars after 360 days.
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Table 4
Average atomic ratios of reaction products by EDS at 360 days.
% atomic (s.d. = standard deviation)
Paste P-7-1 47.98 (4.65) 22.72 (5.48) 29.29 (4.43) 2.11 0.77 0.61
Paste P-7-1.5 45.13 (2.9) 42.701 (3.33) 12.16 (1.88) 1.05 3.51 0.28
Mortar M-10-1 67.35 (1.86) 24.37 (1.37) 8.27 (1.51) 2.76 2.94 0.12
Mortar M-10-1.5 52.76 (1.98) 39.96 (1.91) 7.27 (1.17) 1.32 5.49 0.13
intermixture of silica gel, carbonates, C-S-H and N-C-S-H; (2) the elec- thermal treatment, as is the case for precursors of calcined clays (e.g.
tron beam excited volumes contained condensed silica gel (including N- metakaolin); most of the precursors for alkaline binders require some
S-H) from the activator and limestone. However, the mechanical kind of grinding, limestone has very low milling energy demands,
properties and the rest of the characterization techniques support which are 57% lower than that of blast furnace slag [30]. Coal fly ash
configuration 1. When the data cluster plots closer to the Si apex, it could be used without any grinding, but the byproduct is not as readily
suggested the precipitation of more silica gel in the matrix of reaction available world wide as limestone.
products; on the other hand, the presence of carbonates and very fine The comparative contribution to CO2 from the manufacture of
particles of LS intimately mixed in the matrix of reaction products 100 kg of binders of PC and LS can be estimated using data from the
displaced the data cluster towards the Ca apex. literature, which vary widely, this is summarized in Fig. 10. The ratio of
The composition of the reaction products of paste P-7-1 and mortar kg CO2 emissions per kg of PC ranges between 0.82 and 1 [76]; while
M-10-1 with Ms = 1 showed Ca/Si ratios of 2.11 and 2.78, respectively, the CO2 emissions per kg of NaOH and waterglass are 1.915–3.18
which indicates the possible formation of C-S-H and N-C-S-H; the Ca/Si [77,78] and 1.22–1.76 kg, respectively [79,80]. 100 kg of PC would
ratio influences the ability to incorporate alkalis into the C-S-H struc- result in the emission of 82–100 kg of CO2; whereas 100 kg of a LS
ture; a Ca/Si > 1.5 ratio increases the tendency to bind alkalis into the binder activated with 10%Na2O and Ms = 1 would emit 71–90 kg CO2.
C-S-H chains and decreases their availability in the pore solution [74], The use of other sources of alkali activators could further reduce the
the union of the alkaline cation occurs in the silanol sites and is driven CO2 emissions. Also, alkali activated Limestone binders demand much
because the acid sites are neutralized by reaction with strong base, ei- less water than PC binders without the need of superplasticizers (which
ther NaOH or KOH [70,75]. also contribute to cost and CO2 emissions with 0.0749 kg CO2 eq [80]).
Also, the production of PC involves grinding of raw materials and
clinker, while for LS only one operation is needed.
4. Discussion
The densification of the microstructures and strength gains from 28
and 360 days of curing evidenced a continuous participation of the LS
Limestone binders activated with waterglass or NaOH represent a
in the reactions. The densification of the microstructures and strength
promising binder of very low CO2 emissions, as it does not require any
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