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Present Egg Dishes

(Evaluating the Finished Product)

I. Learning Competency and Code

LO 5. Evaluate the Finished Product (TLE_HECK9-12ED-Ie-4)

5.1 Rate the finished products using rubrics

II. Background Information for Learners

Eggs are laid by female animals of many different species,

including birds, reptiles, amphibians, a few mammals, and fish, and many of
these have been eaten by humans for thousands of years. Bird and reptile eggs
consist of a protective eggshell, albumen (egg white), and vitellus (egg yolk),
contained within various thin membranes. The most consumed eggs
are chicken eggs.

Eggs are indeed one of nature’s complete food. It contains high quality
protein with all the essential amino acids, all the vitamins except vitamin C, and
many minerals. Egg products are particularly good for fortifying food low in
protein quality. Except for mother’s milk, eggs provide the best protein naturally
available. Egg protein is often used as a reference standard for biological values
of their proteins. Market forms of eggs are fresh, dried (whole, egg whites, egg
yolks), and frozen (whole, egg whites, egg yolks). They are also sold in several
processed forms: bulk or fluid whole eggs which sometimes includes percentage
of extra yolks to obtain a specific blend.

Eggs can be cooked in many ways. It can be main protein dish; it can be a
main or accessory ingredient in dishes from appetizers to desserts. It can br
cooked by dry heat, moist heat, with or without oil, as simply or as elaborately as
one’s inclination for the moment. Indeed, it can be eaten anywhere. There are
different uses of egg such as an emulsifier, as binding, thickening agent, and
gelling agents, as a foam or as is.

IV. Activity Proper

General Directions: Read and carefully follow the directions for each activity.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering some of the activities below. Write
your answers legibly.

Activity 1 : Suggest it!

Directions: Based on your own experience in preparing different egg dishes at

home, suggest what is being asked in the table below. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

Basic Ingredients in Preparing Suggested Omelet Fillings


Activity 2

Let’s Do It!

Directions/Instructions: Prepare Omelets using the given recipes. Present your

products in an artistic way. Your products and performances will be evaluated
using the given rubric below.

A. French Omelet

Tools and Equipment Needed:

Small bowls
Saute pan

Ingredients Needed:
3 eggs
Salt and pepper
Clarified butter


1. Prepare the necessary equipment.

2. Beat two or three eggs in a small bowl first until well-mixed. Do not
whip until frothy. Season with salt and pepper. A tablespoon of water
may be added to make the omelet lighter.
3. Place an omelet pan over high heat.
4. When the pan is hot, add one tablespoon clarified butter to coat the
inside of the pan. Give it a second to get hot.
5. Add eggs to the pan.
6. With one hand, vigorously shake the pan back and forth. At the same
time, stir the eggs with a circular motion with the bottom side of the
fork, but do not let the fork scrape the pan.
7. Tilt the handle up and shake the pan so the omelet side slides to the
opposites side.
8. For filled omelet, spoon the filling, across the center of the egg.
9. With the fork, fold the sides of the omelet over the center
10 Grasp the handle of the pan, and tilt the omelet into the plate so it
inverts and keeps an oval shape.

B. Green Eggs and Hash Omelet

2 eggs
2 cups loosely packed fresh spinach
1 cup corned beef
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons shredded cheese


1. Combine eggs and spinach in a blender. Blend on high speed for 1

minute. Scrape down the sides of the blender. Pulse until spinach is
fully blended into the eggs, about 1 minute more.

2. With low heat, pour the hash until thoroughly warmed, about 1 minute.
Season with black pepper.

3. In a nonstick skillet, add 1 tablespoon of oil under medium heat. Pour

in egg-spinach mixture. Cover with a lid. Cook until the top is barely
set, about 5 minutes. Place corned beef hash over 1 side of the
omelet. Slide onto a plate, using the skillet to fold the other side on top.
Sprinkle cheese over omelet.

Evaluate your finished products and performance using the score sheet.

Excellent Very Satisfacto Needs No Points
Dimension (4 pts.) Satisfacto ry Improvem Attemp Earned
ry (2 pts.) ent t
(3 pts.) (1 pt.) (0 pt.)
1. Use of Always Uses tools Uses tools Uses tools
tools and uses tools and and and
equipment and equipment equipment equipment
equipment correctly correctly incorrectly No
correctly and but less and less Attempt
and confidently confidently confidently
confidentl most of the sometimes most of
y times the time
2. Manifests Manifests Manifests Manifests
Application very clear clear understand less
of understan understand ing of the understan
procedures ding of the ing of the step-by- ding of the No
step-by- step-by- step step-by- Attempt
step step procedure step
procedure procedure but procedure
sometimes seeking
seeks clarificatio
clarification n most of
the time
Works Works Works Works
independe independe independe independe
ntly with ntly with ntly with ntly but No
ease and ease and ease and with Attempt
confidenc confidence confidence assistance
e at all most of the sometimes from
times time others
most of
the time
3.Safety Always Observes Observes Not
work habits observes safety safety observing
safety precaution precaution safety No
precaution s most of s precaution Attempt
s the time sometimes s most of
the time
4.Final Output is Output is Output is Output is
Output very presentabl presentabl not so
presentabl e and e and but presentabl No
e and meets the little below e and is Attempt
exceeds standard. the not within
the standard the
standard. standard.
5.Time Work Work is Work Work
Manageme completed complete complete complete
nt ahead of within ______(mi ______mi No
time allotted ns,/ ns,/ Attempt
time hours/ hours/
days) days)
beyond beyond
Guide Questions

a. What can be put in an omelet?

b. How do you make a good omelet?
c. What is the best way to get a fluffy omelet?
d. Should you sauté the vegies and other fillings before they go into the

V. Reflection

How important it is to prepare egg dishes practicing safety measures, care

and preciseness ?


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