3D Leadership Assessment Tool

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A simple 'assessment tool' to see how you 'measure up' against The 8 Characteristics Of 3D Leaders - Those that
take a ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’ approach in today’s fast moving business world
1. Introduction

Welcome To A New World Of Leadership!

We’re in interesting times. A world of rapid change, disruption, unprecedented technological advancements and constant connectivity combined
with ever increasing customer and employee expectations. These are just some of the challenges facing today’s leaders. It’s a world where
employees don’t ‘have’ to be in the office ‘9 to 5’, where customers want things 24/7 and where it’s difficult to ‘switch off’. Add to this, the likes of
automation, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality and robots, it means the role of leaders in today’s (and tomorrow’s) ever changing
environment has never been more crucial.
So, how do winning leaders, not only survive, but thrive in these fast moving times? Our work with successful entrepreneurs and business leaders
shows that they take a Dramatically and Demonstrably Different approach. We know these '3D Leaders' exist. We’ve researched, worked with,
and learnt from lots of them.
They are leaders who have embraced a forward thinking approach (way before Coronavirus) to create with passion, to disrupt, to engage and to
collaborate to help them maximise opportunities in this dynamic fast moving world creates. They ‘connect’, they ‘disrupt’, they ‘engage’, they
‘empower’ and they ‘inspire’. These are the leaders whose passion creates businesses that are talent magnets for the ambitious workers of today.
They place huge emphasis on building and maximising relationships with people who have huge choice, who want flexibility, and want a purpose.
These are the leaders who create committed, motivated and effective people in (and out of) their businesses.
3D Leadership is not a job title or a name badge and it might not even involve managing other people… in fact the 3D Leaders can and do appear
at every level of an organisation – especially the ones lead by 3D Leaders in the first place!
Whether it’s multi million pound business leaders like Scott Harrison who has disrupted the charity world very positively with his transparency at
Charity:Water, or Tony Hsieh with his passion for creating a culture that creates real competitive advantage at Zappos, through to successful
entrepreneurs like Simon Biltcliffe of Webmart with his ‘Capitalist Marxist’ approach to running a business and John and James Timpson of
Timpsons with their winning ‘Upside Down Management’ principles and on to forward thinking growing business entrepreneurs like Marie Cooper
of multi disciplinary contractor CBE+, with her passion for engaging her employees and Arnie Singh of City Taxis with his innovative approach to
developing winning partnerships, they are all making it work in this dynamic, fast moving world.
So, how are they doing it? Well, there are no simple ‘283 steps…’ ‘golden rules’ or ‘magic answers’ (If only there were some!), but 8 common
characteristics we’ve seen in them – some demonstrate some of them more than others, and we offer them for you to digest, develop and do
something with them – 3D Leaders take action, not just notes!
This simple toolkit briefly introduces The 8 Characteristics and then lets you assess yourself against them. Simply score yourself out of 10 against
each of the characteristics and see how you measure up. Go on, be honest with yourself (try and avoid scoring yourself with 'comfortable cop out'
'7's!) and identify what you need to do to be a 3D Leader.
The 8 Characteristics Of 3D Leaders Assessment Tool 1
2. Introducing The 8 Characteristics Of....

Use your passion and purpose to Create, establish, embed and sustain Proactively take time to see the big Constructively question and challenge
create a picture of the future that a culture that creates real competitive picture, think strategically, work ‘ON’ everything, 'break the rules', create
‘stimulates, excites and inspires’, and advantage and promotes the and drive your business and yourself and embed your own ‘rules’ and
use it to shape and drive performance behaviours you want from everybody forward in the areas that count encourage others to do it too

Get out of the way and let people Proactively engage and build trusted Keep your 'finger on the pulse' when Challenge yourself to proactively
thrive, but 'be there' for them, make relationships with others who can it comes to data, spot trends, utilise, reflect, review and strive to get better
them feel valued and create other help you achieve your vision, in and maximise and share information to in the areas that count, both
leaders out of your business drive performance personally and business wise

The 8 Characteristics Of 3D Leaders Assessment Tool 2

3. Rate Yourself.... (Be Honest Now!)
3D Leadership Characteristic Rating (0-10) Comments, ideas.... ACTIONS!

I have an extremely clear ‘picture’ of what I want to

achieve (and by when). Everyone understands and
has bought in to it and I consistently use my
vision to drive and create a real focus and
priorities for everyone in the business / team
(including myself!)

I have a clear set of values and behaviours that

help shape a culture that creates real competitive
advantage for us. Everybody understands what's
expected of them and consistently demonstrate
this in their actions. I do too!


I consistently create sufficient time to work

‘strategically’ and proactively work ‘ON’, not just
‘IN’ the business to drive things forward in the
areas that count both business wise and



I consistently and constructively question and

challenge what we do, and what we need to do, I
like to 'break the rules', create and embed new
‘rules’ and always encourage others to do the

The 8 Characteristics Of 3D Leaders Assessment Tool 3

4.4 More Characteristics To Rate Yourself On....
3D Leadership Characteristic Rating (0-10) Comments, ideas.... ACTIONS!

I am maximising the performance and potential of

ALL my people. I know what each one needs from
me as their leader and adapt my approach to make
this happen. I make them all feel valued, and I
regularly ‘get out of the way’ and empower them to
deliver... and they do!

I have proactively established and developed long

term win-win relationships with others in and
outside of my business that help me achieve my
vision and I regularly and consciously explore new
areas and opportunities to do this even better


I have established key drivers to maximise

performance in the areas that count and receive all
the information I need to tell me we're on track. I
utilise and share information with my people to
drive and maximise our performance


I proactively reflect, review and strive to get better

personally in the areas that count and
continuously develop my skills and knowledge. I
look to do the same business wise and actively
encourage and support others to do the same.

The 8 Characteristics Of 3D Leaders Assessment Tool 4

5. So, What Are You Going To Do?





The 8 Characteristics Of 3D Leaders Assessment Tool 5

6. Want More?
Andy Hanselman helps businesses and their people create competitive advantage by ‘Thinking
in 3D’! That means being ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’ from their competitors! He's
a speaker, an author, a trainer and a consultant with over 30 years’ experience researching,
working with, and learning from successful disruptive and forward thinking businesses and their
leaders and is a recognised expert on business competitiveness. He continues to research and
identify successful 3D Businesses and 3D Leaders ensuring that his material is fresh and
relevant for today’s fast-moving world.

Andy brings the lessons he has learnt from these winning 3D Businesses and leaders in a stimulating, engaging and inspiring
way. He thrives on challenging and stimulating people and has established a strong reputation for offering practical, stimulating
fresh ideas, tools and techniques – no-nonsense ‘stuff’ that people can actually use back in the business immediately to improve
the competitiveness of their business.


www.andyhanselman.com [email protected] +44 114 243 4666

3D Connect @andyhanselman Andy Hanselman

The Quadrant, 99 Parkway Avenue, Sheffield S9 4WG UK

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