NR 18 - Mewp Pre-Use Inspection Checklist New

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H LS<> MEWP PRE-USEINSPECTION [igen mr aes weexconmencn All checks should be conducted in accordance with the manufacturers’ manual MON © TUE WED «THU FRI. SAT SUN 4. Current thorough examination certificate (within last 6 months) 2. Manufacturers operator manual present 2. Rescue plan 4. Wheel Secury (aus, retainers: loose, damaged, missing) 5. Tyre pressure pneumatic foam filed o soll) 6. Cuts, splits, exposed braiding, damaged rims 7. Pid levels (engine ol coolant, fut) 8. Fd leakage on ground and around engine 9, Battery (electro, security and charging plug condition) Hydeaulic uid level Leaks (hoses, pipe connectons, rams, eylinders) ‘Security and conlton (cuts, cating, bulges) Power track cable trays (ree from damage and debris) General condition, pnsietaners fociplate ‘Spreader plates (present, conition, secure fr travel) Interlock (unetioning, engaged) (General condition (damage, misalignment, corrosion, weld cracks) Pins retainers and chains (Secutty, signs of wear) Canopies, quar, engine cavers (Secuity and condtion) ‘Steps for accessiegress (secure, undamaged, clas) 21, Harness anchor points 22, Clear of rubbish, debris and obstructions 23,10 plate, safety, warring and information decals (legible) 24, Contos (dentitcaton decals, directonalartows) 25, Platform loads (SWL. max. wind speed, max. people) HLS~<> BEGGS ary wore WEIGHT, LIFT & SHvFT CHECKLIST uakcouweniene MON TUE WED THU FRI. SAT. SUN All checks should be conducted in accordance with the manufacturers’ manual G PG PG PG PG PG PG P 28, Secutty device (power isolator, Keypad, smart card) 29, Function enable (ignition key 00! switch, hold to run device 30, Emergency stops and emergency lowering system 31, All switches, function controls (move freely, do not stick) 32. Lifting functions (ase, lower, slew, tle-out,tlein) 33, Travel functions forward, reverse, seer, brakes) 34, Elevated dive speed (reduced or prevented) 35, Lights, beacons, waming devices 36, Alarms (it descent and rave) 7. Limit switches (eg. descent, load, outreach, rotation) 38, Pothole protection device (Wily deploys and retracts) 38, Oscilating axe locks 40, Accessories, power to pation, extending decks 41, Jacks-egs, stablisers,outrggers, leveling devices ALL FAULTS AND DEFECTS TO BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO Initialed: YOUR SUPERVISOR Only people who are trained and authorised by their employer should operate this equipment. OPERATOR NAME(S) AND PAL CARD NUMBER(S): Phone: 0113 287 8446 Email : [email protected]

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