Burns Karen e A Non Invasive Ventilation Versus
Burns Karen e A Non Invasive Ventilation Versus
Burns Karen e A Non Invasive Ventilation Versus
Original research
Figure 1 Trial selection process. This review represents an update of a previously conducted systematic review and meta-analysis.16
by random assignment with one quasi-randomised confirmed to 0.74; p≤0.0001; high quality) with moderate heterogeneity
to allocate patients according to hospital admission order.28 (I2=27%) (figure 3).
We judged allocation concealment to be adequate in 13
trials,25 27 29 30 37–40 44 47 50–52 unclear in 14 trials26 31–36 41–43 45 46 48 49 Secondary outcomes
and inadequate in a quasi-randomised trial.28 In three trials,33 34 41 Eleven trials involving 829 patients, using variable defi-
denominators were not provided in binary outcomes to ensure nitions, reported the proportion of patients successfully
complete outcomes reporting. One trial49 was deemed to be at weaned.25–27 30 37–40 43 46 51 The pooled data demonstrated a
high risk of bias due to incomplete outcomes reporting as >5% significant reduction in the proportion of weaning failures using
of the patients (4 NIV arm, 1 control arm) were excluded post non-invasive weaning (RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.43 to 0.81; p=0.001;
randomisation. With regard to selective outcomes reporting high quality) with low heterogeneity (I2=22%).
two trials were deemed to be at high risk of bias29 41 and three Pooled data from 23 trials involving 1581 (increase of 628)
trials were deemed to be at unclear risk of bias28 44 45 (online patients25 26 28–39 42 43 45–49 51 52 that reported VAP for which criteria
supplemental appendix 2). On inspection of a funnel plot for for the diagnosis were provided in 10 trials25 28 29 31–36 39 42 45–48 50 51
the primary outcome, we noted the potential absence of small showed that non-invasive weaning was associated with decreased
negative trials (online supplemental appendix 3). VAP (RR 0.30, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.41; p<0.00001; high quality)
with low heterogeneity (I2=24%) (figure 4).
Primary outcome: mortality Meta-analysis also supported that non- invasive weaning
Twenty-seven trials involving 2042 patients (increase of significantly reduced ICU (MD −4.62 days, 95% CI −5.91 to
1048) provided mortality data. Mortality was reported at −3.34; p<0.00001, I2=80%) and hospital (MD −6.29 days,
30 days,36 39 45 50 60 days,25 49 90 days,26 29 50 180 days,50 95% CI −8.90 to −3.68; p<0.00001, I2=75%) stay, total dura-
ICU37 40 46 47 50–52 and hospital discharge26 30 32–35 38 40–44 46 50 51 tion of mechanical ventilation (MD −5.26 days, 95% CI −7.86
and at undefined times.27 28 31 48 There was strong evidence that to −2.67; p<0.0001, I2=83%) and duration of invasive venti-
non-invasive weaning reduced mortality (RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.44 lation (MD −7.75 days, 95% CI −9.86 to −5.64; p<0 00 001,
754 Burns KEA, et al. Thorax 2022;77:752–761. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-216993
Critical care
Table 1 Populations and interventions in studies of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in critically ill adults
No. of Inclusion criteria
Study patients Inclusion criteria (patients) (weaning eligibility) Experimental strategy Control strategy
Nava et al 50 Exacerbation of COPD. Intubated for at least Simple weaning criteria, 1 hour SBT Non-invasive PS on conventional Invasive PS
36–48 hours failure ventilator delivered with face
Girault et al26 33 Acute-on-chronic respiratory failure (COPD, Simple weaning criteria, 2 hours SBT Flow or pressure mode with Flow or pressure
restrictive or mixed populations). Intubated for failure nasal or face mask mode (PS)
at least 48 hours
Hill et al27 21 Acute respiratory failure (ARF) 30 min SBT failure NIV using VPAP in ST-A mode Invasive PS
Chen et al 24 Exacerbation of COPD. Intubated for at least Day 3+ weaning criteria Bilevel NIV (pressure mode) Invasive PS
48–60 hours. Saturations>88% on FiO2 40%
Ferrer et al29 43 ARF and persistent weaning failure. Intubated 2 hours SBT failure on 3 consecutive Bilevel NIV in ST mode delivered AC or invasive PS
for at least 72 hours days with face or nasal mask
Rabie et al30 37 Exacerbation of COPD 2 hours SBT failure NIV (proportional assist in timed Invasive PS
mode) delivered by face or nasal
Wang et al31 28 COPD. Bronchopulmonary infection PIC window NIV (pressure mode) delivered SIMV+PS
by mask (unspecified)
Wang et al32 90 COPD with severe hypercapnic respiratory PIC window Bilevel NIV (pressure mode) SIMV+PS
failure. Pneumonia or purulent bronchitis.
Age≤85 years. Capable of self-care in past year
Zheng et al33 33 COPD. Severe pulmonary infection PIC window Bilevel NIV (pressure mode) Invasive PS
delivered by face or nasal mask
Zou et al34 76 COPD with severe respiratory failure. PIC window Bilevel NIV (pressure, ST mode) SIMV +PS
Pulmonary infection delivered by nasal or oronasal
Trevisan et al35 65 Invasively ventilated >48 hours 30 min SBT failure Bilevel NIV (pressure mode) Invasive MV
delivered by face mask
Prasad et al36 30 COPD. Hypercapnic respiratory failure 2 hours SBT failure Bilevel NIV (pressure mode) Invasive PS
delivered by full face mask
Girault et al37 138 Chronic hypercapneic respiratory failure 2 hours SBT failure Non-invasive PS±PEEP or bilevel Invasive PS with
invasively ventilated for at least 48 hours NIV with face mask (initial once daily SBT with
choice) T-piece or PS±PEEP
Rabie Agmy et al38 264 Acute on chronic exacerbation of COPD 2 hours SBT failure NIV (pressure, ST mode) Invasive PS
Tawfeek and Ali- 42 Invasively ventilated for >48 hours 2 hours SBT failure Non-invasive PAV ventilation SIMV
Elnabtity39 delivered by face mask
Vaschetto et al40 20 Hypoxemic respiratory failure invasively PS with PEEP +inspiratory support, Helmet NIV Invasive PS with
ventilated for at least 48 hours <25 cmH2O and PEEP 8–13 cmH2O; SBT when P/F
PaO2/FiO2 200–300 mm Hg with ratio >250 mm Hg
Charra et al41 24 Invasively ventilated for greater than 48 hours T-piece SBT failure Face mask bilevel NIV Classic wean with
in medical intensive care unit invasive PS
Rong42 64 COPD with respiratory failure PIC window Bilevel positive airway pressure SIMV+PS
Mohamed and 30 COPD with infective exacerbation Not reported NIV Invasive MV
Laiq et al44 60 Cardiac surgery patients invasively ventilated 30 min T-piece SBT failure NIPPV Invasive MV with
greater than 48 hours daily SBT
El-Shimy et al45 40 COPD on MV 30 min–2 hours T-piece SBT failure NIV (BiPAP) SIMV+PS
Carron et al 64 Intubated for ARF≥48 hours 30 min PSV SBT failure Helmet NIV PSV weaning
Mishra et al47 50 COPD exacerbation requiring invasive MV for T-piece SBT failure Full face mask NIPPV (BiPAP) PSV
at least 48 hours
Wang et al48 53 Surgical patients requiring invasive MV for PaO2/FiO2 200–250 mm Hg with NIV Invasive MV with
acute respiratory distress syndrome PEEP 8 and PS 12 cmH2O, acute daily SBT
infiltrates resolved
Guo et al49 96 (5 Age≥75 years and community-acquired Failed SBT NIV PSV weaning with
excluded) pneumonia requiring MV SBT
Perkins et al50 364 Invasive MV for >48 hours SBT failure Face mask NIV Invasive MV with
daily SBT
Table 1 Continued
No. of Inclusion criteria
Study patients Inclusion criteria (patients) (weaning eligibility) Experimental strategy Control strategy
Vaschetto et al51 130 Hypoxemic respiratory failure invasively PS with PEEP +inspiratory support, Oral-nasal or full face mask NIV Invasive PS with
ventilated for at least 48 hours <25 cmH2O and PEEP 8–13 cmH2O; 30 min PS 5/PEEP
PaO2/FiO2 200–300 mm Hg with 5 SBT when P/F
FiO2≤0.6; PaCO2 ≤50 mm Hg and ratio >250 mm Hg
pH ≥7.35, risk ratio≤30, Vt≤8 mL/kg
IBW, T<38.5°C, GCS 10T, suction <2/
Chen et al52 106 COPD exacerbation requiring invasive MV Criteria for moving to NIV in NIV Invasive MV until
intervention group not clear successful SBT
AC, assist control; BiPAP, bilevel positive airway pressure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; IBW, ideal body weight; MV, mechanical
ventilation; PEEP, postive end-expiratory pressure; P/F, partial pressure of oxygen/fractional concentration of oxygen; PIC, pulmonary infection control; PS, pressure support; PSV,
pressure support ventilation; SBT, spontaneous breathing trial; SIMV, synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation; ST, spontaneous timed; ST-A, spontaneous timed; VPAP,
variable positive airway pressure; Vt, tidal volume.
I2=94%), all with considerable heterogeneity. Non- invasive than 50% patients with COPD. Similarly, we found significant
weaning significantly reduced the duration of mechanical venti- differences between subgroups evaluating non-invasive weaning
lation related to weaning (MD −0.57 days, 95% CI −1.08 to on VAP and ICU length of stay in COPD versus mixed popula-
−0.07; p=0.03; moderate quality due to inconsistency with tions. A post hoc subgroup analysis demonstrated significantly
I2=88%) favouring non-invasive weaning (figure 5). No study lower reintubation rate (p=0.02) in COPD trials (RR 0.48,
reported quality of life (table 2). 95% CI 0.34 to 0.67) versus mixed patient populations (RR
0.89. 95% CI 0.59 to 1.35) (table 3).
Adverse events
The pooled result showed no difference in arrhythmias (RR DISCUSSION
0.70, 95% CI 0.41, 1.20; four trials, 565 patients),26 36 37 50 In this updated systematic review, we identified 28 trials
non-significantly lower reintubation (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.47 to (2066 patients) enrolling mechanically ventilated patients that
1.01; 14 trials, moderate quality due to inconsistency, 1336 compared weaning with extubation to non-invasive ventilation
patients)26–29 32 34 35 37–40 46 48 50 and tracheostomy rates (RR 0.25, to ongoing weaning on mechanical ventilation. Compared with
95% CI 0.10 to 0.61; 10 trials, 1130 patients)26 29 35 37–40 46 50 51 invasive weaning, non-invasive weaning reduced mortality (high
with variable heterogeneity (table 2). quality), VAP (high quality), weaning failures (high quality),
length of stay in the ICU and hospital and tracheostomy. More-
Sensitivity and subgroup analyses over, non-invasive (vs invasive weaning) significantly reduced
Exclusion of two potentially quasi-randomised trials28 42 main- the duration of invasive ventilation, total duration of ventilation
tained significant reductions in mortality (RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.47 and the duration of ventilation related to weaning. The effects
to 0.80) and VAP (RR 0.30, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.43) both favouring on mortality and VAP remained significant after exclusion of
non-invasive weaning. quasi-randomised trials. Subgroup analysis suggested that the
We noted a significant difference in RR between subgroups benefits of non-invasive weaning were higher in COPD versus
(p=0.0003) evaluating non- invasive weaning on mortality in mixed patient populations, with significant between- group
COPD (RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.25 to 0.51; 14 trials, 922 patients; differences in mortality, ICU length of stay and reintubation
p<0.00001, I2=0%) versus mixed population (RR 0.81, 95% CI favouring patients with COPD.
0.62 to 1.05; 13 trials, 1120 patients; p=0.11, I2=7%). A Compared with our previous review, this update includes
subgroup analysis that compared trials enrolling at least 50% (RR data from 12 additional trials and 1072 additional patients.17
0.44, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.63; 18 trials, 1200 patients) versus less Patients with COPD accounted for half the trials and 44.6%
than 50% patients with COPD (RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.61 to 1.06; of the patients overall. Overall trials included in the current
nine trials, 842 patients) also showed a larger and statistically review were of moderate-to-good quality. Lack of blinding and
significant (p=0.009) mortality reduction in subgroup analysis the inconsistent use of standardised weaning protocols in both
favouring COPD trials. The effect of non-invasive weaning on arms and absence of a sedation protocol in the invasive weaning
weaning failures did not differ significantly between COPD and arm raise the possibility that control patients in some trials
mixed populations and trials enrolling at least 50% versus less may not have received optimal care, biasing in favour of non-
invasive weaning. The largest trial included patients with vari-
able reasons for ARF and carefully protocolised weaning in both
groups.50 Similar to our systematic review, Perkins et al found
significant differences in the duration of invasive ventilation and
total duration of ventilation. Unlike our review, this study did
not find differences in rates of mortality or tracheostomy.50 The
low proportion of patients with COPD included in their trial
(4% COPD) versus the larger number of patients with COPD
included in our review (44.6%) may, at least in part, explain the
discordant findings. In general, results of large trials have been
Figure 2 Risk of bias of the included trials. Green, yellow and red found to agree with meta-analyses to which they contribute,80
circles represent low, unclear and high risk of bias, respectively. but differences between large trials and meta-analyses of smaller
756 Burns KEA, et al. Thorax 2022;77:752–761. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-216993
Critical care
Figure 3 Effect of non-invasive weaning on mortality. COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.
Figure 4 Effect of non-invasive weaning on ventilator-associated pneumonia. COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.
Burns KEA, et al. Thorax 2022;77:752–761. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-216993 757
Critical care
Figure 5 Effect of non-invasive weaning on duration of ventilation related to weaning. COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IV,
trials addressing the same question have been demonstrated in large-scale observational studies of weaning practices83 84 should
some fields81 and may depend on the selection of included trials, provide more data on the real-world use of non-invasive weaning.
methods used to summarise data and outcomes reported.82 Clinicians weighing the trade-off between the risks associated with
Non-invasive weaning may be particularly suitable for patients failed extubation versus prolonged invasive ventilation can be reas-
with COPD, whose failure to wean is characterised by respiratory sured that non-invasive weaning is superior to invasive weaning, for
muscle weakness and gas trapping leading to intrinsic positive end- patients with COPD. However, enthusiasm should be tempered by
expiratory pressure, both of which are assisted by non- invasive considerations of experience required among physicians, nurses and
ventilation. In contrast, patients with non-hypercapneic respiratory respiratory therapists to safely implement non-invasive weaning,
failure may fail a SBT for other reasons (eg, excess sputum) or may reintubation if required, and the need for standalone non-invasive
have other reasons why extubation should be deferred (eg, low ventilators or ventilators capable of both forms of ventilation. This
level of consciousness). A survey of self-reported practices found is particularly important in non-COPD patients where benefits are
that intensivists commonly reported using non-invasive weaning in less clear based on our subgroup analyses.
patients with COPD (>50% of respondents in most regions) but
were less likely to do so (<30% in most regions) for other indica-
tions such cardiogenic pulmonary oedema or postoperatively.83 Two Comparison with other studies
A clinical practice guideline that cited our previous review85
gave a conditional recommendation in favour of non-invasive
Table 2 Summary estimates of effect of non-invasive ventilation in weaning for patients with hypercapneic respiratory failure but
critically ill adults made no recommendation for patients with hypoxemic respira-
No. of studies Summary estimate tory failure. Compared with the 2018 review by Yeung et al,86
Outcome (no. of patients) (95% CI) I2 (%) we included five additional trials.27 30 38 51 52 Similar to their
Mortality 26 (2042) 0.57 (0.44 to 0.74) 26 study, we documented beneficial effects of NIV on mortality,
VAP, duration of invasive ventilation and ICU stay.86 In a sensi-
VAP 23 (1581) 0.30 (0.22 to 0.41) 24
tivity analysis of nine trials (n=788 patients who failed an initial
Weaning failures 11 (829) 0.59 (0.43 to 0.81) 22 SBT), they reported beneficial effects of non-invasive weaning
Length of stay on hospital mortality but wide ‘highest posterior density inter-
Intensive care 22 (1804) −4.6 (−5.9 to −3.3) 80 vals’, from Bayesian estimates, precluded a definitive statement
Hospital 13 (1061) −6.3 (−8.9 to −3.7) 75
of the effect of NIV on this outcome. Unlike their study, we also
identified beneficial effects of non-invasive (vs invasive) weaning
Duration of mechanical ventilation
in reducing the proportion of weaning failures and tracheos-
Total 12 (687) −5.3 (−7.9 to −2.7) 83 tomies, as well as, hospital length of stay and the duration of
Related to weaning 13 (1163) −0.6 (−1.1 to −0.1) 88 ventilation related to weaning with considerable heterogeneity.
Invasive ventilation 19 (1214) −7.8 (−9.9 to −5.6) 94 Moreover, we found significant effects of non-invasive weaning,
compared with invasive weaning on mortality, VAP, ICU stay and
Adverse events
reintubation in COPD versus mixed populations. Similar to our
Reintubation 14 (1336) 0.69 (0.47 to 1.01) 59 previous meta-analysis,17 we found that non-invasive weaning
Tracheostomy 10 (1130) 0.25 (0.10 to 0.61) 56 significantly reduced mortality, weaning failure, VAP, ICU and
Arrhythmia 4 (565) 0.70 (0.41 to 1.20) 0 hospital lengths of stay, total duration of ventilation and reintu-
*Risk ratio. bation compared with invasive weaning. In this updated review,
†Mean difference. we also found that non-invasive (vs invasive) weaning signifi-
‡Invasive ventilation. cantly reduced the duration of ventilation related to weaning but
VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia. did not significantly reduce the rate of reintubation. Although
758 Burns KEA, et al. Thorax 2022;77:752–761. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-216993
Critical care
our prior review noted a significant difference in mortality trials, primarily driven by potential publication bias, specifically
between COPD versus mixed populations overall, it did not find the absence of small negative trials and imprecision. Overall, the
significant differences comparing trials in which at least 50% of quality of the evidence was graded as high for key outcomes
enrolled patients had COPD with trials in which less than 50% in our review including mortality, weaning failure and VAP.
of patients had COPD. By contrast, in our updated review, we Notwithstanding, some outcomes, in particular VAP, were
found significant differences between COPD versus mixed popu- subject to ascertainment bias, since microbiological confirmation
lations in four outcomes (mortality, VAP, ICU stay and reintuba- via sputum culture is easier in intubated patients. Highly vari-
tion) and in mortality in a subgroup analysis that compared trials able control group event rates for mortality and VAP may reflect
enrolling at least 50% versus less than 50% patients with COPD. heterogeneity in the patient populations included and selection
These findings underscore the greater net clinical benefits asso- criteria used between studies or different usual care practices and
ciated with the non-invasive approach to weaning for patients contribute to indirectness of evidence.
with COPD. The findings of our updated review extend the
findings of our previous review by identifying beneficial effects
of non-invasive (vs invasive) weaning in reducing the duration
Pooled data support the net clinical benefits associated with
of ventilation related to weaning, hospital length of stay and
the non- invasive approach to weaning on a wide range of
the proportions of weaning failures and tracheostomies. More-
clinical outcomes. In subgroup analysis, we found significant
over, they highlight the robustness and stability of the evidence
benefit of non-invasive weaning in trials enrolling COPD versus
favouring non-invasive weaning for patients with COPD as new
mixed populations on mortality and other important outcomes
trials were added to the prior pool of trials. At present, however,
including pneumonia, reintubation and ICU length of stay.
our analyses do not support the use of non-invasive weaning in
mixed populations. Aligned with our findings, a recent system- Author affiliations
atic review and individual patient meta-analysis in six trials high- 1
Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, Temerty Faculty of Medicine,
lighted the potential beneficial effect of non-invasive ventilation University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
after early extubation in reducing total days spent on invasive Departments of Critical Care and Medicine, Unity Health Toronto – St. Michael’s
Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
mechanical ventilation, though this was not associated with a 3
The Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
significant reduction in ICU mortality.87 4
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Strengths and limitations Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science and the Li Ka Shing Knowledge
Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This review was strengthened by a comprehensive trial search 6
The School of Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland
and standard systematic review methods to reduce risk of bias. 7
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto,
Limitations of this work include this risk of bias in primary Ontario, Canada