Lesson 11
Lesson 11
Lesson 11
1.His career coach encouraged him to first appraise and evaluate what he truly wants to do
if he is not a doctor. Second, he was questioned about his interests and favorite activities in
order to help him find a career that would be more fulfilling.
2.It's important to carefully assess your hobbies and talents while choosing a career. values
and skills. Your job interests are usually indicated by what you are good at. The arrows on
the decision-making diagram point in both directions, showing that the process is advancing.
3.The opportunity cost for the worker when investing in education is the same as it is with
any other choice. When deciding company and economic growth, the knowledge and
abilities of the labor supply are crucial.
4.Do a career self-evaluation. It is most effective if you think of yourself because it shows
that you can increase your self-esteem. A further benefit of going it alone is that you will be
more conscious of your own limitations.
1.Self-Awareness, Motivation, Self-efficiency, Empathy, and Social Dexterity.
2.I believe that having higher emotional intelligence and self-awareness can certainly help
with career decision-making, but I don't think that it is the only factor that can lead to
success. It is important to have an understanding of one's own emotions and how they
affect our decisions, but it is also important to understand the external factors, such as the
job market, the job requirements, and the industry. Additionally, having strong analytical
and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to collaborate with others, are all important
factors that can influence one's success in their career decisions.
1.Someone who is composed and exhibits no signs of agitation or anxiousness
is described by the adjective. Trish possesses SOCIAL DEXTERITY, one of the
success factors that can advance your career. The last factor is what I refer to
as social dexterity, which is essentially just knowing how to engage with
2.According to Trish the factors that are needed in personal development are:
Self-Awareness-A person who needs improvement should first realize this need, he must be
aware of his weaknesses or improvement points regarding his personality
Self-Efficacy. - A person should have positive thoughts and energies about himself that he
can. become a better person
3.Because it enables you to be aware of what and who you are, self-awareness
is crucial for performing activities like self-efficacy. Self-awareness and
acceptance are the foundation of who you are.
2.My work/job principles are to always strive for excellence, be punctual, be organized, and
be open to learning new things. I believe that having a well-rounded understanding of the
tasks I am given will help me better serve my employers and colleagues. I also value
communication and collaboration as key components of any successful job role. I am always
willing to put in the extra effort to ensure that the job is done right.
Our external environment can have a huge influence on our personal development and
career success. We are constantly exposed to external factors, such as the people we
interact with, the media we consume, our physical environment, and the economic and
political climate. All of these factors can shape our beliefs, values, and behaviors, which can
in turn help or hinder our personal development and career success.For example, if we are
exposed to positive people who encourage us to pursue our goals, this can help us to build
our confidence and take risks to achieve our goals. On the other hand, if we are surrounded
by people who are skeptical or negative about our goals, this can lead to a lack of
confidence and a decrease in motivation.The media can also have an influence on our
personal development and career success. Watching inspiring stories of people achieving
their goals can motivate us to keep pushing forward and make our dreams a reality.
Similarly, if we spend too much time consuming negative media, this can lead to feelings of
discouragement and a lack of motivation.Our physical environment can also have an effect
on our personal development and career success. Being in a safe and clean environment can
help us to focus on our goals, whereas being in a dangerous or cluttered environment can
cause us to feel anxious or overwhelmed.Finally, the economic and political climate can also
have an impact on our personal development and career success. If the economy is strong
and the political landscape is stable, this can create an environment where people are more
willing to take risks and pursue their goals. On the other hand, if the economy is weak and
the political landscape is unstable, this can lead to feelings of insecurity and reluctance to
take risks.In conclusion, our external environment can have a significant influence on our
personal development and career success. It is important to be mindful of the factors in our
external environment that can help or hinder our development and success.