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Audi History 80s

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A history of Audi The 1980s

Audi quattro
Audi 100
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
Introduction: the 1980s

This is the decade when Audi’s Vorsprung

durch Technik philosophy really broke
through with the launch of the Audi
quattro, widely reckoned to have rewritten
the rule book for high performance cars.

Members of the press were so amazed at its

roadholding, speed and security that they
bracketed it with supercars from Ferrari,
Home Lamborghini, Porsche and Lotus.
From the moment of its launch, people’s
expectation of Audi rose to a new level, and
Audi quattro the company began its prolific introduction
Audi 100 of new technology, while simultaneously
raising quality standards.
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro Innovations poured from Ingolstadt,
ranging from the flush glazing that was the
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
most obvious visual evidence of the new Some of its success stemmed from Audi’s sister company Volkswagen. The impact of
Audi V8 Audi 100 saloon’s low-drag body to the determination to prove the worth of four- this innovation is still being seen today.
Audi Coupé ingenious Procon-Ten safety system and wheel drive in the frenzy of competition, the
corrosion-proof galvanised bodyshells. Audi quattro demonstrating that to win a rally The 1970s also signalled Audi’s upscale
Innovations was among the very first manufacturer to this was the drive system needed. ambitions with models that took it closer
Motorsport sell direct injection diesel engines, too. It was proven by two world drivers’ to the luxury segment, the 100-based 200
championships and a pair of World Rally saloon confidently being renewed before the
But its most dramatic innovation was Championship constructor’s titles. launch of the luxury V8 saloon in 1988.
the quattro permanent four-wheel
drive system. First fitted to the high- But all-wheel drive didn’t merely penetrate Audi’s quality standard, though already high,
performance coupé of the same name rallying’s forest and Tarmac stages – it advanced significantly in the 1980s, with
(this model is nowadays known as the was considered a breakthrough worth ‘just-in time’ production delivery techniques
ur-quattro, above, or original Audi quattro), emulating by virtually every major being introduced, while a new Quality Centre
the quattro drivetrain rapidly spread manufacturer around the world, from Alfa brought all staff from this discipline under
through the range. Romeo to Volvo, from Porsche to Audi’s one roof from 1986.

1980 Audi introduces the quattro, the

world’s first volume produced four-wheel
drive high performance car

1981 Audi displays a research vehicle at

the Frankfurt Motor Show illustrating the
scope for saving raw materials, reducing
weight, improving economy and advancing
the car’s environmental acceptability. Many
Home of these ideas appeared in the next Audi
Introduction 100.

1981 Audi enters the World Rally
Audi quattro Championship with the quattro and wins
Audi 100 three events.
1985 Audi is first to put a fully galvanised 1987 The B3 Audi 90 is launched.
Audi 80, 90 (B2) 1982 The new Audi 100 records the lowest bodyshell into high volume production with
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro drag coefficient of any production car to the 100/200 ranges. A 10-year corrosion 1988 Dr Ferdinand Piëch takes over from Dr
date, at 0.30Cd. warranty is provided. Wolfgang Habbel as chairman of the Audi
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
AG board.
Audi V8 1982 The Audi 80 quattro offers all-wheel 1985 An image of an Audi 100 bodyshell
Audi Coupé drive to a wider audience. By 1984, there lifted by two women is released. Made from 1988 A new, three-door Audi Coupé is
are quattro versions of every Audi model in aluminium it signals future thinking. introduced, based on the B3 90.
Innovations the range.
Motorsport 1985 Audi NSU AG is renamed Audi AG, 1988 The top-of-the-range V8 saloon is
1983 Catalytic converters are available and its headquarters are moved from launched, featuring a 3.6-litre, four-valve-
across the range, Audi being the first car Neckarsulm to Ingolstadt. per-cylinder 250bhp V8 engine.
maker to achieve this in Europe.
1986 The third generation B3 Audi 80 is 1989 Audi is among the first to introduce
1983 The limited edition, homologation introduced, with a galvanised body, a 10- a direct injection diesel-powered car in the
special Sport quattro is released. year anti-corrosion guarantee and a drag 100 2.5 TDI 120bhp.
coefficient of 0.29Cd.
1984 The Audi 90 quattro is launched. 1989 Audi reveals its first hybrid, the 100
1986 A new quality centre is opened at Avant quattro-based Duo.
1984 Audi wins driver and constructor Ingolstadt, bringing all quality functions
World Rally Championships. under one roof.
Audi quattro

Audi quattro
1980-91 11,452 built

This is the car that redefined Audi, a trail-

blazer that gave the company a glamorous
edge, an enviable international competition
record and the right to challenge traditional
supercar manufacturers.

Home The quattro became a bedroom pin-up of

Introduction teenage boys, and provided Audi with a
technological advantage that the rest of
the car industry scrambled to copy.
Audi quattro
Audi 100 The quattro was not the world’s first high
performance, permanent four-wheel drive
Audi 80, 90 (B2) coupé, but Britain’s 1968 Jensen Interceptor
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro FF was a highly specialised, very low volume A centre differential allowed drive to fastest point-to-point cars on earth.
model. It was the quattro that put all-wheel be apportioned between the two axles,
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
drive on the map as a real-world option. preventing wind-up. Power came from the The quattro was partially hand-built on a
Audi V8 200 saloon’s 2.1-litre 200bhp turbocharged dedicated line at Ingolstadt, every car
Audi Coupé The quattro was loosely based on the ‘five’, allowing a 137mph top speed and a undergoing extensive static and test-track
Audi 80 from which the prototype was 0-60mph time of 7.3sec. quality assurance including a 100mph run.
Innovations developed. The longitudinal driveline made The first UK cars were left-hand drive, but
Motorsport it relatively easy to extend a propshaft Yet it wasn’t the quattro’s performance so right-hand drive became available in late 1982,
to the rear, while the rear suspension much as its astounding roadholding, agility when the quattro’s popularity grew to the
was essentially the front suspension and and refinement that created an impact. point where UK demand kept it in production
subframe turned through 180 degrees. Suddenly, the Audi quattro was one of the beyond Audi’s planned deletion date.
Audi 100

Audi 100 (right)

1982-90 1,097,877 built

The most effective aerodynamics of any

production car in its day, lightweight
construction and the option of four-wheel
drive made the 100 one of the most
advanced cars in its class, with qualities as
relevant today as they were in 1982.
Introduction In basic form the 100 scored a Cd of just
0.30, much of this excellent result down to
painstaking refinement of the airflow over
Audi quattro the body rather than a radical approach to
Audi 100 its overall shape.

Audi 80, 90 (B2) The aerodynamic effectiveness was the

Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro result of an extensive programme of wind
tunnel work carried out amid obsessive
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
secrecy in multiple facilities across Europe.
Audi V8 Each worked on one aspect of the car
Audi Coupé without being allowed to see the whole
thing. galvanised bodywork.
Innovations Excellent efficiency was a key goal of the
Motorsport Why? Because Audi was anxious to prevent project, achieved not only with the slippery
competitors from finding out what it was bodywork but also through lightweight
doing. construction, allowing the 100 to deliver
competitive performance from much
Smoothing of the airflow into around the smaller engines than were typically used in
engine bay, the fitment of flush-glazed side the class. Superior fuel consumption was
windows – a production first – and airflow the result. The quest to pare weight even
management under the car all contributed. led to the jack being made from aluminium
The most aerodynamic models (with the rather than steel. And in 1985 the 100
narrowest tyres) carried a ‘Cd 0.30’ badge and its sister 200 range became the first
in the rear side glass. volume production cars to feature fully
Audi 80, 90 (B2)

Audi 80 quattro (B2)


Having launched the quattro, Audi wasted

little time introducing the quattro system
to more affordable models. The 80 was
the least expensive way to acquire quattro
technology within the range, but provided
the same, permanent all-wheel drive
Home security.
Audi quattro
Audi 100
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi 90
Audi V8 1984-87
Audi Coupé 129,068 built

Innovations Having achieved some success with the

Motorsport 200, which was a better-equipped, more
upmarket version of the 100, Audi applied
the same principle to the 80 and produced
the 90. It was available with two more
powerful five-cylinder engines and a
quattro option.
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro

Audi Coupé GT (right) Audi Sport quattro

1980-87 169,017 built 1983-84
224 built
This is the car from which the quattro
was spawned, although the faster model This brutal-looking beast (below left)
appeared first. The Coupé could also be had was a road-going version of the Group
with quattro, although the majority sold were B World Rally Championship quattro,
front-drive. Engines ranged from a 1.8 four- Audi building just over 200 examples
cylinder to a 2.3 ‘five’. Unlike most coupés, to meet homologation rules. The most
Home this Audi could seat four, even five at a push, obvious modification from standard was
Introduction and had a decent boot to go with it. But it was a shortening of the quattro’s wheelbase,
best-known for its fine road manners, clean which gave it startling proportions. The
handling and above average build quality. shrinkage was performed in the interests
Audi quattro of rally stage agility.
Audi 100
In road-going form it produced 306bhp,
Audi 80, 90 (B2) weighed 1300kg and erupted to 60mph in
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro just 4.8sec, and 100mph in 12.6sec. The
standard quattro’s engine was downsized
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
slightly from 2144cc to 2133cc to allow
Audi V8 this turbocharged engine to qualify in the
Audi Coupé under 3.0-litre class, and it eventually
developed between 5-600bhp, making
Innovations the Sport the most potent rally car of its
Motorsport era. It helped to win Audi both the driver’s
and constructor’s championships in 1984,
with Stig Blomqvist at the wheel.

In 1986 rule changes drew the Group B

rally era to a close, at which point Audi
withdrew, having netted bagfuls of
silverware and an image hugely burnished
by its competition exploits.
Audi 80, 90 (B3)

Audi 80
1986-91 1,438,475 built

The third-generation Audi 80 (codenamed

B3) took the new 100’s more rounded,
aerodynamic style, but shorter overhangs
and a wider stance improved its
proportioning. It looked terrific, and did
much to further modernise Audi’s image.
Home Its body was entirely galvanised, a first in
Introduction the class, and the interior was particularly
well designed and made. Engines ranged
from a 1.6 through to 2.0 litres, and there
Audi quattro was also a 1.6-litre turbodiesel plus, of
Audi 100 course, the option of quattro four-wheel
drive. The Procon-Ten passive safety
Audi 80, 90 (B2) system was also available.
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi 90
Audi V8 1986-91 141,809 built
Audi Coupé
The same principle applied – an upmarket,
Innovations plusher version of the Audi 80, which felt all
Motorsport the more convincing with this generation’s
improved build quality. Several quattro
versions were also available, as was Procon-
Audi V8

Audi quattro
Audi 100
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
Innovations Audi V8
Motorsport 1988-94 21,565 built

Although it looked similar to the Audi 200, – developed a healthy 250PS, enough for
and shared its core platform with that car, 155mph and an impressive 7.6sec to 62mph
the V8 was more different than it appeared. in automatic form. A long wheelbase version
Most of its panels were unique, as were all its appeared in 1990, and a 4.2 V8 in 1992.
detail styling features.
In manual form, it had six speeds, while the
Mechanically, it was also different despite four-speed automatic was combined with full-
sharing the quattro system with the 200. The time four-wheel drive for the first time. The
3.6-litre 32-valve V8 – formed by fusing two V8 was not a big seller, but it paved the way
1.8 VW Golf GTi 16v engines together for Audi’s first serious luxury saloon, the A8.
Audi Coupé

Audi quattro
Audi 100
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
Innovations Audi Coupé
Motorsport 1988-95 73,857 built

This handsome, plushly appointed car
added a tailgate and folding rear seats
to Audi’s coupé format, as well as the
galvanised bodywork that came with the
B3 generation 80 and 90 on which it was
based. The quattro drivetrain and Procon-
Ten was also available, along with the
turbocharged five-cylinder engine that
would soon produce the S2 version, a
successor to the famous ur-quattro.

Audi quattro system

It was while Audi’s chief chassis engineer

Jörg Bensinger was winter testing the
Volkswagen Iltis off-roader in Finland early
in 1977 that he had the idea for a road-
going four-wheel drive Audi.

Though Volkswagen-badged, the Iltis was

Home an Audi development, a successor to the
Introduction DKW Munga off-roader, and Bensinger
noticed that, despite its modest power an all-wheel drive family saloon as a high and when manoeuvring. She had been
output, this small Jeep-like vehicle intended performance coupé that could thrash the experiencing driveline wind-up, which was
Audi quattro for the military was quicker on the snow- opposition and take Audi into motorsport’s ingeniously eliminated by Nedvidek, who
Audi 100 packed roads of Finland than a lot of far big league. fitted an Audi 50 differential behind the
more powerful vehicles. transmission.
Audi 80, 90 (B2) Piech’s next challenge was to persuade
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro Bensinger contacted engineering boss Audi’s owners Volkswagen to give it the The Audi 100’s 0.30Cd
Ferdinand Piech and suggested developing go-ahead. Volkswagen’s board was invited
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
an Audi 80 four-wheel drive prototype. to Austria’s steepest mountain pass, the The Audi 100’s aerodynamic body concept
Audi V8 Piech gave the go-ahead, and the red Turracher Höhe, for ‘tyre testing’ in January emerged from no fewer than five wind
Audi Coupé Audi 80 development car was christened 1978, when it would be snowbound. tunnels, each contracted to work on a
A1, for Allrad 1. Its driveline was built by The 160bhp prototype had no trouble separate section of the car. No-one was
Innovations Hans Nedvidek, who had formerly built F1 climbing the pass, not only without snow allowed to see the car in its totality,
Motorsport gearboxes for Stirling Moss and Jan Manuel chains but on summer tyres, convincingly the canny Ferdinand Piëch figuring that
Fangio, by using an Iltis diff at the rear. demonstrating its superiority. Though few this would make it much harder for his
board members could see a market even competitors to be fast-followers. Even
Although there was no centre differential for 400 such cars, Bensinger made himself Volkswagen was excluded, despite
to apportion torque between the axles, personally responsible and the project got Wolfsburg developing the sides of the car
the system was always conceived to be the green light. – only Piëch and Audi’s designers knew how
permanent four-wheel drive on the basis the whole thing came together.
that the driver would always get the benefit. A centre differential was added to the
formula when the wife of Volkswagen Hartmutt Warkuss was credited with the
By September the same year the project development head Professor Ernst Fiala design, although there was much influence
received management backing, although drove the car into Vienna and complained from the five wind tunnels and Piech
Piëch’s visionary idea was not so much that it ‘jumped around’ in tight corners himself.
Innovations Continued ›

Innovations ‹ Back Procon-Ten the jointing of panels – often the source

of corrosion and the very point where it is
A unique passive safety system introduced most needed.
in 1984, Procon-Ten (right) was an Porsche introduced galvanising on a limited
ingenious system that pulled the steering scale with the 911 (left below) in the 1970s,
column out of the driver’s way while before coating the entire body of the car
tensioning both front seat belts in a frontal in 1975. Audi learned how to deal with
collision. bigger volumes with the 924 sports car, a
model originally conceived as an Audi but
Home The name stood for Programmed- eventually built by Porsche. The experience
Introduction Contraction-Tension, and it consisted of of building 150 galvanised 924s daily taught
a substantial steel cable looped around Audi how to fully galvanise the 100’s body
the rear of the powertrain and hooked to at the rate of 600 a day, allowing a 10 year
Audi quattro the column and the belt-tensioners. In guarantee against corrosion.
Audi 100 a crash, the rearward movement of the
powertrain tensioned the cable, pulling the Audi Duo hybrid
Audi 80, 90 (B2) steering column away from the driver and
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro eliminating slack from the belts. As long ago as 1989 Audi demonstrated
Galvanised steel and built a hybrid car. The Duo was based
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Models using it included the 80, 90, 100, bodywork on a 100 Avant quattro, its rear wheels
Audi V8 200 and V8, but it was discontinued in the driven by Siemens electric motors using
Audi Coupé mid-1990s as airbags became mandatory. The biggest threat to the life of a steel- then-very-advanced nickel-cadmium
bodied car has always been rust, a problem batteries. The front wheels were driven by
Innovations that intensified as the industry shifted the 136bhp 2.3-litre five-cylinder petrol
Motorsport from building cars with a separate chassis engine. The aim was not so much to reduce
to all-in-one monocoque designs. CO2 as eliminate other pollutants in smog-
troubled cities such as Los Angeles, where
Though structurally more efficient, a the car could operate in zero emission
monocoque was even more susceptible electric mode. Much of the Duo’s roof was
to weakening from corrosion. While paint occupied by solar cells.
and rust-proofing methods gradually
improved post-war, the key is to stop the Only around 10 Duos were produced, the
steel from rusting in the first place, ideally car’s efficiency compromised by the weight
by galvanising it with a coat of zinc. But of its batteries, but Audi was among the
welding then becomes difficult as the first to demonstrate the potential for
heat tends to destroy the zinc coating at hybrids.
Innovations Continued ›

Innovations ‹ Back Flush glazing Ferdinand Piëch His determination to develop new
technology and push Audi upmarket would
Another Audi 100 ‘first’ was flush-fitting Ferdinand Piëch (above right, pictured in result in a stream of innovations, beginning
side windows, the glazing along the sides 1974) is a grandson of Ferdinand Porsche, with the five-cylinder petrol engine in the
of the car forming a continuous, unbroken and worked for the family business from Audi 100. It was followed by the quattro
surface. 1963 to 1971. all-wheel drive system, turbocharged
engines, the world lead in low-drag
Usually a car’s opening windows are Despite an impressive early career developing production cars, galvanised bodywork,
recessed from their surrounding frame, among other things the legendary Porsche direct injection diesel (TDI) technology and
Home which provides the channels to guide the flat-12 917 race car and the company’s road more.
Introduction glass. Audi’s solution was to turn those car engines, Piëch was disallowed from
channels through 90 degrees to face working there from 1972, as were all family But the imperative behind all this was
outwards, and hook pegs positioned in the members, to protect the company from both to cement Audi’s position as a leading
Audi quattro corner of each window for location. sibling rivalry. At first Piëch set up his own producer of premium cars using a blend of
Audi 100 consultancy, before joining Audi in 1972 as technological development, rising quality
In fact, reveals engineering chief Ferdinand chief engineer. He became chairman of Audi in and more intelligent design. Piëch’s vision
Audi 80, 90 (B2) Piëch some time later, the aerodynamic 1988 prior to becoming chairman and CEO of and determination demonstrates the
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro benefits are smaller than they appear, but Volkswagen Group in 1993. effectiveness of Vorsprung durch Technik.
the aim was to produce a unique and visible
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
confirmation of the car’s aerodynamic
Audi V8 prowess. Eventually, a tidier means of
Audi Coupé locating the glass without the pegs was
devised and today, virtually every car has
Innovations flush glazing.
Exit Digital dashboard

In the early 1980s, electronic dashboards

and voice synthesisers were at the forefront
of high-tech car design. Audi was right
there with the leaders, introducing a quattro torsen differential
digital dash on the ur-quattro in 1983. It
was memorable for the synthesised voice Torsen is short for ‘torque sensing’, these ingenious differentials able to determine which
provided by Patrizia Lipp (above). Later, the axle has the most available grip, and direct the engine’s torque accordingly. From 1987,
green illumination would change to orange, this system began replacing the conventional centre differential with lock that featured on
following submarine practice. earlier models. Its benefit was particularly felt under hard acceleration.
Audi motorsport


An Audi 80 GTE wins the European touring car



An Audi quattro appears as a course car on

the Algarve Rally. Finnish rally driver Hannu
Home Mikkola unofficially finishes the course almost
Introduction half an hour earlier than the winner.

Audi quattro
Audi 100 The quattro wins at its first attempt on the
January Austrian Rally. Mikkola wins the car
Audi 80, 90 (B2) its first World Rally Championship event in
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro Sweden, as well as the San Remo and British
RAC Rallies.
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
1981 1983
Motorsport Audi quattro-driving Michèle Mouton (left) Mikkola wins the Drivers’ title in the World
is the first-ever woman to win a World Rally Rally Championship; Audi is the runner-up for
Championship event, with victory on the San the Manufacturers’ title. Stig Blomqvist wins
Remo rally. the RAC Rally in an Audi quattro.

1982 1984

Audi wins the World Rally Championship Audi wins both the drivers’ and manufacturers
manufacturer’s title outright, with Michèle title with Stig Blomqvist. The team takes a 1-2-
Mouton (Audi) runner-up to Walter Röhrl 3 in the Monte Carlo rally, Walter Röhrl driving
in the Drivers’ Championship and Hannu the winning car. This is Audi’s most successful
Mikkola (Audi) third. year in rallying.
Motorsport Continued ›

Motorsport ‹ Back 1985

North America’s notorious Pike’s Peak

hillclimb is won by Michèle Mouton in an
Audi Sport quattro S1.


A serious accident involving another

Home competitor in the Portuguese Rally
Introduction leads to Audi pulling out of the World
Audi quattro 1986
Audi 100
Bobby Unser wins Pike’s Peak in an Audi
Audi 80, 90 (B2) Sport quattro S1.
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
1987 the Audi 90 (below). Hans-Joachim Stuck
Audi V8 Audi returns to the World Rally wins multiple races, Audi failing to win
Audi Coupé Championship following the ban of Group Water Röhrl (above) wins Pike’s Peak in a the driver’s and manufacturer’s titles only
B cars, and Mikkola wins the testing Safari record time in an Audi Sport S1 quattro. because it does not enter the two long-
Innovations Rally in Kenya with an Audi 200 quattro distance races that season.
Motorsport saloon (below). 1988
Audi enters North America’s TransAm
championship with the Audi 200 quattro.
Hurley Haywood, Hans-Joachim Stuck and
Walter Röhrl collect eight wins and the
Manufacturer’s title for Ingolstadt.


The more highly regarded US IMSA-GTO

championship is entered, this time with

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