Audi History 80s
Audi History 80s
Audi History 80s
Audi quattro
Audi 100
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
Introduction: the 1980s
1981 Audi enters the World Rally
Audi quattro Championship with the quattro and wins
Audi 100 three events.
1985 Audi is first to put a fully galvanised 1987 The B3 Audi 90 is launched.
Audi 80, 90 (B2) 1982 The new Audi 100 records the lowest bodyshell into high volume production with
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro drag coefficient of any production car to the 100/200 ranges. A 10-year corrosion 1988 Dr Ferdinand Piëch takes over from Dr
date, at 0.30Cd. warranty is provided. Wolfgang Habbel as chairman of the Audi
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
AG board.
Audi V8 1982 The Audi 80 quattro offers all-wheel 1985 An image of an Audi 100 bodyshell
Audi Coupé drive to a wider audience. By 1984, there lifted by two women is released. Made from 1988 A new, three-door Audi Coupé is
are quattro versions of every Audi model in aluminium it signals future thinking. introduced, based on the B3 90.
Innovations the range.
Motorsport 1985 Audi NSU AG is renamed Audi AG, 1988 The top-of-the-range V8 saloon is
1983 Catalytic converters are available and its headquarters are moved from launched, featuring a 3.6-litre, four-valve-
across the range, Audi being the first car Neckarsulm to Ingolstadt. per-cylinder 250bhp V8 engine.
maker to achieve this in Europe.
1986 The third generation B3 Audi 80 is 1989 Audi is among the first to introduce
1983 The limited edition, homologation introduced, with a galvanised body, a 10- a direct injection diesel-powered car in the
special Sport quattro is released. year anti-corrosion guarantee and a drag 100 2.5 TDI 120bhp.
coefficient of 0.29Cd.
1984 The Audi 90 quattro is launched. 1989 Audi reveals its first hybrid, the 100
1986 A new quality centre is opened at Avant quattro-based Duo.
1984 Audi wins driver and constructor Ingolstadt, bringing all quality functions
World Rally Championships. under one roof.
Audi quattro
Audi quattro
1980-91 11,452 built
Audi 80
1986-91 1,438,475 built
Audi quattro
Audi 100
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
Innovations Audi V8
Motorsport 1988-94 21,565 built
Although it looked similar to the Audi 200, – developed a healthy 250PS, enough for
and shared its core platform with that car, 155mph and an impressive 7.6sec to 62mph
the V8 was more different than it appeared. in automatic form. A long wheelbase version
Most of its panels were unique, as were all its appeared in 1990, and a 4.2 V8 in 1992.
detail styling features.
In manual form, it had six speeds, while the
Mechanically, it was also different despite four-speed automatic was combined with full-
sharing the quattro system with the 200. The time four-wheel drive for the first time. The
3.6-litre 32-valve V8 – formed by fusing two V8 was not a big seller, but it paved the way
1.8 VW Golf GTi 16v engines together for Audi’s first serious luxury saloon, the A8.
Audi Coupé
Audi quattro
Audi 100
Audi 80, 90 (B2)
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
Innovations Audi Coupé
Motorsport 1988-95 73,857 built
This handsome, plushly appointed car
added a tailgate and folding rear seats
to Audi’s coupé format, as well as the
galvanised bodywork that came with the
B3 generation 80 and 90 on which it was
based. The quattro drivetrain and Procon-
Ten was also available, along with the
turbocharged five-cylinder engine that
would soon produce the S2 version, a
successor to the famous ur-quattro.
Innovations ‹ Back Flush glazing Ferdinand Piëch His determination to develop new
technology and push Audi upmarket would
Another Audi 100 ‘first’ was flush-fitting Ferdinand Piëch (above right, pictured in result in a stream of innovations, beginning
side windows, the glazing along the sides 1974) is a grandson of Ferdinand Porsche, with the five-cylinder petrol engine in the
of the car forming a continuous, unbroken and worked for the family business from Audi 100. It was followed by the quattro
surface. 1963 to 1971. all-wheel drive system, turbocharged
engines, the world lead in low-drag
Usually a car’s opening windows are Despite an impressive early career developing production cars, galvanised bodywork,
recessed from their surrounding frame, among other things the legendary Porsche direct injection diesel (TDI) technology and
Home which provides the channels to guide the flat-12 917 race car and the company’s road more.
Introduction glass. Audi’s solution was to turn those car engines, Piëch was disallowed from
channels through 90 degrees to face working there from 1972, as were all family But the imperative behind all this was
outwards, and hook pegs positioned in the members, to protect the company from both to cement Audi’s position as a leading
Audi quattro corner of each window for location. sibling rivalry. At first Piëch set up his own producer of premium cars using a blend of
Audi 100 consultancy, before joining Audi in 1972 as technological development, rising quality
In fact, reveals engineering chief Ferdinand chief engineer. He became chairman of Audi in and more intelligent design. Piëch’s vision
Audi 80, 90 (B2) Piëch some time later, the aerodynamic 1988 prior to becoming chairman and CEO of and determination demonstrates the
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro benefits are smaller than they appear, but Volkswagen Group in 1993. effectiveness of Vorsprung durch Technik.
the aim was to produce a unique and visible
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
confirmation of the car’s aerodynamic
Audi V8 prowess. Eventually, a tidier means of
Audi Coupé locating the glass without the pegs was
devised and today, virtually every car has
Innovations flush glazing.
Exit Digital dashboard
Audi quattro
Audi 100 The quattro wins at its first attempt on the
January Austrian Rally. Mikkola wins the car
Audi 80, 90 (B2) its first World Rally Championship event in
Audi Coupé GT, Sport quattro Sweden, as well as the San Remo and British
RAC Rallies.
Audi 80, 90 (B3)
Audi V8
Audi Coupé
1981 1983
Motorsport Audi quattro-driving Michèle Mouton (left) Mikkola wins the Drivers’ title in the World
is the first-ever woman to win a World Rally Rally Championship; Audi is the runner-up for
Championship event, with victory on the San the Manufacturers’ title. Stig Blomqvist wins
Remo rally. the RAC Rally in an Audi quattro.
1982 1984
Audi wins the World Rally Championship Audi wins both the drivers’ and manufacturers
manufacturer’s title outright, with Michèle title with Stig Blomqvist. The team takes a 1-2-
Mouton (Audi) runner-up to Walter Röhrl 3 in the Monte Carlo rally, Walter Röhrl driving
in the Drivers’ Championship and Hannu the winning car. This is Audi’s most successful
Mikkola (Audi) third. year in rallying.
Motorsport Continued ›