TD PQBox300 EN

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Technical data


Power Quality Analyzer /

High Frequency Recorder
Model PQ-Box 300
1 Fault detection
1 Evaluation of voltage quality according to
EN50160 und IEC61000-2-2/-2-4
1 Permanent FFT Analysis from DC to 170kHz
1 Load analysis; Energy measurements
1 Ripple control signal analysis
1 High-quality Software for PQ-Box family

carrying conductors. Due to the application-specific

1. Application setting of trigger conditions, the device is very easy to
The PQ-Box 300 is a high-performance, portable grid- handle.
analyzer, power meter and transient recorder. User- In order to quickly identify the cause of a grid
friendliness was one of the main objectives of the disturbance, the PQ-Box 300 is equipped with a large
device development. number of trigger options.
Frequencies up to 170 kHz are permanently and gap- For a quick data transfer, an USB 2.0 interface, a
less recorded by the device. PQ-Box 300 has been TCP/IP interface and as an option a WLAN interface
designed for mobile operation (degree of protection are available. The integrated Micro-SD memory card
IP65); it is applicable for measurements in public grids (8GB) may also be replaced by the user.
(CAT IV) as well as for measurements in industrial In the case of a supply interruption the integrated UPS
environment up to 1000V. allows to continue operation for up to 3,5 hours.
The PQ-Box 300 meets 100% the demands of the IEC
61000-4-30 Ed. 3 and IEC62586-2 Ed.2 standards for 2. Measurement functions
class-A devices:
The PQ-Box 300 is optionally available with ripple
Parameter Class
control signal analysis and WLAN interface.
Accuracy of voltage measurement A
1 PQ-Box 300
Determination of time intervals A - Frequency Analysis up to 170 kHz
Marking of measured values at events A - Data Logger
- Fault Detection
Harmonics, Interharmonics A
- Online Data
Flicker A - Programmable Trigger for oscilloscope- recorder
Frequency A - Programmable Trigger for 10ms RMS recorder
- Standard Reports according to EN50160, IEC61000-2-
Voltage asymmetry A
Event recording A 1 Optional “Ripple control recorder“ (R1)
Time synchronization A Ripple-control telegrams of voltage and current.
1 Optional WLAN Interface (S1)
Its compact dimension enables the device to be Wireless communication between User-PC and
installed in small-sized spaces and switchgear cabi- PQ-Box 300.
nets. The non-conductive housing of the box allows
the direct usage in the immediate vicinity of current

Version 03/2018
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Measurement / Functions
PQ-Box 300
Automatic event detection and evaluation standards for:
EN50160 (2015) / IEC61000-2-2 / IEC61000-2-12 / IEC61000-2-4 (Class 1; 2; 3) / NRS048 /
IEEE519 / VDE N-4105 / IEC61000-4-30 Ed. 3 Class A / IEC61000-4-7 / IEC61000-4-15 /
IEC62586-2 Ed. 2 / IEC62586-1
Recording with user defined interval of 1sec to 30min
(>3.900 parameters permanently measured):
Voltage: min. max. average
Current: min. max. average
Power: P, Q, S, PF, cos phi, sin phi
Distortion-, basic-, unbalance- and modulation reactive power
Energy: P, Q, P+, P-, Q+, Q-
Flicker (Pst, Plt, Pinst)
Unbalanced voltage, current; positive-, negative- and zero-sequence
Voltage harmonics according to EN 61000-4-30 Class A up to 50
Voltage harmonics to 9kHz (200Hz frequency bands) 2kHz to 9kHz
Supra harmonics to 170kHz (2kHz frequency bands) 8kHz to 170kHz
(Mean values and 200ms min.- und max. values)
Current harmonics up to 50
Current harmonics to 9 kHz (200Hz frequency bands) 2kHz to 9kHz
Phase-angle of voltage and current harmonics up to 50
THD voltage, current; PWHD, PHC
FFT calculation of voltages and current DC up to 20kHz
Ripple control signal 100 Hz to 3 kHz
Frequency, 10sec, min. max. average
10/15/30 Min interval power values P, Q, S, D, cos phi, sin phi

Online mode:
Oscilloscope recorder
3D power triangle for active, reactive, apparent power and distortion power
Voltage, current harmonics (5Hz frequency bands) DC to 20kHz
Supra harmonics of voltage to 170kHz (200Hz frequency bands) 8kHz to 170kHz
Direction of harmonics & phase angle of harmonics
Trigger functions (Rec A / Rec B)
Manual trigger – trigger button
RMS level trigger (voltage, current)
RMS jump trigger (voltage, current)
Phase shift trigger
Envelope trigger
Automatic trigger
Trigger on binary input (0 – 250V AC/DC; 10 V threshold)
Powerful, easy to use analysis software is included in
3. Design the delivery and can be installed on any number of
Suitable for robust measurement conditions:
- Extremely robust mechanical construction
- Protection class IP65 3.2 Power Supply
- 8 GB Micro-SD data storage as standard, PQ-Box 300 is equipped by an extremely robust power
extendable by the user up to 32 GB (permitting supply unit. The power supply is designed for high
several years recording) noise immunity according to 600 V CAT IV standards
- Internal UPS bridges the power for up to 3,5 hours. and fulfils protection class IP65.
The device may be supplied with electrical energy
3.1 Evaluating measured data directly via measurement cables, so there is no need
The following measuring intervals can be recorded for a power socket.
simultaneously by PQ-Box 300: The following supply voltages are permitted:
- 200ms values - 100V to 440V AC
- 3sec values - 100V to 300V DC.
- N x sec values (1 sec to 30 min selectable)
- 10/15/30min power interval
Recorded data is transferred to the analyzing-PC via a
high-speed USB interface, TCP/IP interface or via op-
tional WLAN interface.

3.3 Device Connections

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3.4 Colored display

The display of the device provides information about the correct connection of measuring cables and current
clamps and indicates online-data of voltage, current, THD and power. Red readings warn of possible incorrect con-
nection of the device. The numbers of occurred events as well as the recorded time period are shown on the
display. In order to prevent tampering with the meter by unauthorized persons, a password protection can lock
the display functions and interfaces.

3.5 Push buttons

Using the Start/Stop-button measurements are started or stopped. Any number of measurements can be recorded
consecutively, without the need to read out prior recorded data.
The button “manual trigger” enables a “snapshot” of the measured system to be taken with oscilloscope event
recorder and 10ms RMS recorder.
By “scrolling”, a number of measurement data is indicated on the display. So the correct connection of the device
can be tested.
The button “setup” allows the user to modify, for example, configurations for current- or voltage transformer, the
measuring interval or the nominal voltage, directly at the PQ-Box 300, without need for connected PC.

3.6 Time synchronization

If an application requires high accuracy clocks (Class A), the time of PQ-Box 300 can be synchronized via their
GPS/DCF77 interface.

3.7 Binary input

One digital input for an external trigger signal is available via two 4mm sockets. This starts oscilloscope recorders
10ms RMS recorders or transient recorders. AC/DC signals up to 230 V may be applied with the recorder being set
to trigger by a rising or falling edge. The switching threshold is set at 10 V.

3.8 Analog input

An analog input 1 V (AC/DC) is designed for connection of external sensors such as a 5th clamp for the PE current,
a DC current probe or a temperature sensor. The measured signal is freely scalable with the evaluation software
and the measurement units can be set arbitrarily.

3.9 Data memory

The meter is equipped with a micro-SD card of 8 GB and can use micro-SD memory cards up to 32 GB. While 8 GB
of memory is sufficient for several months of recording per EN 50160 procedures, the additional memory capabil-
ity provides for longer term measurements, or for special high speed recording application. The additional SD card
can be changed easily by the operator, providing another method for data to be taken from site.
Multiple recording sessions can be recorded consecutively without having to transfer the data to a PC at the end of
each recording. At the beginning of a new measurement the free memory is automatically split to reserve space
for long-time measurement values and space for event records. The PQ-Box 300 manages the available memory
automatically and intelligently.
4. Evaluation and statistics
– Automated reporting in accordance with EN50160 / IEC61000-2-2 / -2-12 (public networks), IEC61000-2-4
(industrial networks), NRS048
– Overview of the power quality statistics
– Bar chart provides automatic summary of relevant harmonics
– Limits and valuations up to 170 kHz

Automatic standard report

3-D frequency analysis up to 170 kHz versus time and amplitude

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4.1 Online analysis software

Online oscilloscope with 409,6 kHz Online harmonics (up to 170 kHz)

Online time level diagram Direction and phase angle of harmonics

Online measured-values table Online power-cube

FFT Analysis DC up to 170 kHz Online phasor-diagram

4.2 Analysis of ripple control signals
- Recording an adjustable frequency of 100Hz to 3kHz.
- Review of ripple control signals Ripple control signal - trigger (Option)
(amplitude, pulse pattern) In addition to the ripple control level measurement,
- ripple control signal levels are measured with using this function it is possible to trigger to a ripple
permanent records. control frequency. The complete message is displayed
- The pulse recorder is suitable for evaluation of the and disturbances in the signal form can be analyzed.
ripple control pulse pattern.
The following parameters can be set:
0 Triggering threshold
0 Length of recording
0 Ripple control frequency
0 Bandwidth of the filter curve

Ripple control level over a few days

Ripple control telegram of voltage and current

4.3 Trigger functions

PQ-Box 300 provides a large number of trigger functions for voltage, current and frequency
(underrange, overrange, RMS jump, envelope trigger and phase shift).
– Programmable trigger thresholds
– Programmable recording duration, pre/post time and hysteresis
– Automatic trigger selectable (in case of incorrect parameterization, Trigger values are automatically adjust-
ed by automatic trigger; thereby memory overflow is excluded).
– External trigger by a signal via binary input
Trigger on limit violation of a frequency up to 170 kHz.

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4.4 Fault records captured with oscilloscope and 10ms RMS recorders

10 ms RMS record (example machine start-up) Oscilloscope record

5. Continuous recording
More than 4.500 measurement values are recorded continuously at each measurement, which can be evaluated
by the software. The following measurement intervals can be recorded simultaneously:
– 200ms values
– 3sec values
– 10sec frequency
– N x sec values (1 sec to 30 min freely selectable)
– 10/15/30 min power values
– 2 Std. Long term flicker values.

72kHz signal 3-phase voltage

6. Measurement procedure 2kHz to 170kHz
The voltage measuring inputs are scanned via 24-bit-Delta-Sigma converters with a sampling frequency of 20 MHz.
An extremely high signal-to-noise ratio up to high frequencies is ensured by 32 x oversampling.

1 Gapless FFT calculation

1 Programmable recording interval for all frequencies (1 sec to 30 min)
1 Frequency resolution is 200Hz or 2kHz

1 Frequency range 2 kHz to 9 kHz

The calculation from 2 kHz to 9 kHz is implemented according to IEC61000-4-7 standard for current and voltage
with 200 Hz frequency bands.
For example: 8,9kHz is the frequency band from 8,8kHz to 9kHz.

1 Frequency range 8 kHz to 170 kHz

Between 8 kHz and 170 kHz a complete FFT calculation is performed as a 200 ms interval. The measurement in-
terval for data recording is fully programmable in the range of 1 sec to 30 min with 200 ms minimum and
maximum values.

– The aggregation of the frequency bands is selectable (200 Hz or 2 kHz aggregation)

– Average values and 200 ms min and max values are available for each interval
– From 8 kHz to 170 kHz the basic setting is 2 kHz frequency bands
– Frequency bands can be calculated as phase-to-ground or phase-to-neutral values
– Frequency groups can be aggregated as even or odd groups
Version 1: 139 kHz to 141 kHz = 140 kHz (2 kHz aggregation)
Version 2: 140 kHz to 142 kHz = 141 kHz (2 kHz aggregation)
– Limit values of IEC61000-2-2 (2017) standard are deposited in the software WinPQ mobil and are freely
programmable by the user.

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6.1 Technical data PQ-Box 300

Climate resistance/ Operation: -20° … 60°C
PQ-Box 300 Temperature: Storage: -30°… 80°C
4 voltage inputs: L1, L2, L3, N, PE
TFT-colour display: 100 x 60 mm
Maximum input voltage: 565V AC/800V DC L-N
980V AC/1380V DC L-L Power supply: 100 V…440 V AC or
10 MΩ impedance Via external adapter: 100 V…300 V DC
Sampling frequency: 409,6 kHz 15V DC Output
4 current inputs(AC/DC): 1000 mV input for mini 47Hz to 63Hz
clamp and 330mV for
Rogowski current probes
10 kΩ impedance
Sampling frequency: CE-conformity
40,96 kHz
0 Immunity
AUX Input: 1V AC / 1,4V DC – EN 61326
10 MΩ Impedance – EN 61000-6-2
0 Emitted interference
A/D Converter: 20 MHz Delta-Sigma – EN 61326
Transducer – EN 61000-6-4
32x Oversampling
24 Bit
– IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV / 16 kV
Synchronisation to fun- – IEC 60 255-22-2
damental oscillation: 45 Hz to 65 Hz
Electromagnetic fields
Recorder interval: fully programmable von – IEC 61000-4-3 10 V/m
1 s to 30 min – IEC 60 255-22-3
Data storage 8 GB Standard Burst
Micro-SD card: (Optional up to 32 GB) – IEC 61000-4-4 4 kV / 2 kV
– IEC 60 255-22-4
Interfaces: USB 2.0
TCP/IP Surge

WLAN IEEE 802.11 – IEC 61000-4-5 2 kV / 1 kV

Time synchronisation: DCF77 or GPS clock HF conducted

disturbances 10 V, 150 kHz … 80 MHz
Dimensions: 242 x 181 x 50 mm – IEC 61000-4-6
Weight: 2,5 kg Voltage dips
Degree of protection: IP 65 – IEC 61000-4-11 100 1min

IEC 61000-4-30: Class A Emmitted interference:

Accuracy < 0,1% 0 Housing 30...230 MHz, 40 dB

(voltage, current): at a distance of 10 m 230...1000 MHz, 47 dB
Insulation class: CAT III / 600V
0 AC supply connection 0,15...0,5 MHz, 79 dB
CAT IV / 300V
at a distance of 10 m
0,5...5 MHz, 73 dB
Insulation test: Impulse voltage 6 kV 5...30 MHz, 73 dB
5 sec 5,4 kV RMS
1 min 3,6kV RMS
7. Order Details

Fault recorder and grid analyzer according to DIN EN 50160 and IEC 61000-4-30 class A PQ-Box 300
Mobile power-quality-network analyzer and power-meter for low-, medium- and high voltage
networks according to DIN EN-50160/IEC 61000-4-30 class A
0 8 GB Micro SD memory card
0 Slot for Micro-SD memory card (4 up to 32 GB cards)
0 USB 2.0 and TCP/IP Interface
0 Connection for radio clock (GPS & DCF77)
0 Colour display
0 IP65 rated enclosure
0 Uninterruptable power supply for up to 3,5 h
0 USB- und TCP/IP cable set
0 Connection cable with 4 mm banana plus for voltage (phase connections fused)
0 Connection set for AUX Input (4mm banana plug)
0 5 pcs. Dolphin clips
0 Hard case for PQ-Box 300 and accessories
0 Power supply AC/DC for supply via measurement cables
0 Evaluation software WinPQ mobil
0 Ripple control analysis (upgradable via licence code) R1
0 WLAN Interface (upgradable via licence code) S1
Operating manual and display language
0 German G1
0 English G2
0 French G3
0 Spanish G4
0 Italian G5
0 Dutch G6
0 Czech G7
0 Russian G8
0 Polish G9
0 Network adapter connector socket for 1 ~; 4mm safety plugs 582.0511
0 Kensington lock - Lock for PQ-Box 300, 1.8 m length 111.7032
0 Temperature sensor, air temperature -20…80°C 111.7041
0 Combination sensor for lighting 0-1400W/m2 and temperature -30…70°C 111.7040
0 Kit of magnetic voltage taps 111.7008
0 DCF 77 radio controlled clock 111.9024.01
0 GPS radio clock (230 V – RS 232) 111.9024.47
0 SD memory card, 8 GB industry-standard 900.9099.8
0 Replacement battery pack 570.0011

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PQ-Box 300, Case, Current Clamps

A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG

Frankenstraße 160
D-90461 Nuernberg

Tel.: +49 (0) 911 / 62 81 08-0

Fax: +49 (0) 911 / 62 81 08 99
E-Mail: [email protected]

Software - Version:


Copyright 2017 by A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG

All rights reserved.

Power Quality Analyzer – PQ-Box 300

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