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Oculus Brand Guidelines 12/17/2020

Version 2.0
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Contents 02

Contents 01 Overview
05 Brand Imagery
Brand Architecture 05 Product: Renders 64
Brand Ambition 06 Product: Contextual 65
Brand Positioning 07 Product: Lifestyle 66
Brand Visual Motif 08 Story: Personal Transformation 67
Driving Ideas 09 Story: Immersive Action 68
Partner Content 69
02 Logo 10 Combination 70
Versions 11
Minimum Sizes 12 06 Layout 71
Clearspace 13 Defining Margins 72
Endorsement 14 The 12 Column Grid 73
Endorsement Clearspace 16
Placement 17 07 The Focal Area 75
Large Logo Applications 20 Overview 76
Stadium Sizes 22 Elements 78
Large Stadiums 25
Content Partnerships 27 08 Focal Element 1: Image Strip 79
Stacked Lockup 30 Overview 80
Stacked Lockup Clearspace 31 Scalability 81
Stacked Lockup Placement 32
Branded Offer Lockups 34 09 Focal Element 2: Type 83
Common Pitfalls 36 Positioning 84
Optical Adjustments 37 Construction 86
Stacked Lockups 38
10 Focal Element 3: Stadium 89
03 Color 39 Treatments 90
Neutral Palette - Print 40 Faux-Prism 91
Applying Color 41
Gradient Color Wheel 42 11 Motion 92
Color Wheel Values: Screen 43 Typography 93
Color Wheel Values: Print 44 Lockups: Stadium 94
Creating Gradients: Common Tints 45 Lockups: Wordmark 95
Creating Gradients: Mixed Tints 46 Lockups: Stacked 96
Product Gradient: Miramar 47 Lockups: In-Line 97
Color Palette: Screen 48 Intro Cards: Stadium 98
Intro Cards: Lockup 99
04 Typography 49 Developer Trailers 100
Brand Typeface 50
Stylistic Sets 51 12 Icons 101
Expressive Typefaces 52 Shared Icon Library 102
Setting Headlines 53
Setting Body Copy 56 13 Patterns 103
Type Settings 57 Overview 104
Stadium Container 59 Modularity & Scale 105
Fallback Typeface 60 Prisms 106
Asian Language Fonts 61 Filled Stadiums 107

14 Examples 108
Please Note 109
Visual Snapshot 110
Applications 111

15 Resources 136
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Overview 03

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Overview 04

Introduction This document is created for the teams and partners building
marketing, communications and product experiences for Oculus.
Our intent is to provide consistency, simplicity and clarity as we
build the Oculus brand. As with all great brands and products built
by Facebook, this document will evolve with time. We’ll revise this
content as our strategy and products develop.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Overview 05

Brand Architecture Oculus is an Endorsed Brand of the Facebook company. An

Endorsed Brand builds its unique brand equity to compete in the
market while still reinforcing its relationship to the parent brand.
An Endorsed Brand uses our standard endorsement line “from
Facebook” to attribute back to the company. The endorsement
defines the company’s role in bringing the offering to audiences.

Other Endorsed Brands: Whatsapp, Instagram, Messenger, Portal,

Workplace, Calibra and the Facebook app.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Overview 06

Brand Ambition In the next 3-5 years, we see an opportunity for Oculus to continue its
momentum as the leader in the category and become synonymous
with VR overall. This opportunity will build on Oculus’s core gaming
equity, not depart from it. Our goals are to:

1. Make VR more approachable to more people

2. Establish a role for VR in our daily lives
3. Reimagine VR as a space to foster community and connection
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Overview 07

Brand Positioning VR experiences can positively impact your perspectives, moods,

imaginations and mindset long after you take off the headset. With
our connection to Facebook, we have a unique opportunity to elevate
this core product truth and showcase how Oculus can impact the
lives of our customers, both inside and outside of VR.

Brand belief:
We believe that what we do in virtual reality can connect us more
deeply to our own reality.

Brand role:
The Catalyst. Oculus is the spark that helps us discover new ways to
play, create and connect.

Brand positioning:
Oculus is where we go for experiences that expand our perspectives.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Overview 08

Brand Visual Motif Light and the Prism

Through Oculus, our audience can step outside the familiar, develop
expanded perspectives, and see both themselves and the people
around them in new ways. This personal journey is represented
through the element of light, which is an important visual metaphor
for Oculus that brings the brand position to life with vivid, visceral and
distinct features.

Consider Oculus as a prism, expanding simple white light into

streams of colors that change our perspective of the world.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Overview 09

Driving Ideas In developing the Oculus visual identity, we have been guided by nine
key elements and concepts. These principles have influenced every
design decision and can be felt throughout our brand voice.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 10

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 11

Versions A – The Stadium

The Oculus logo is made up of two elements: The Stadium and

The Wordmark.

A – The Stadium
Our simple, iconic mark. The Stadium can be used independent
of the Wordmark and plays a large role in defining the Oculus
visual identity.

B – The Wordmark
The Oculus name is presented in a custom sans-serif typeface in
all lowercase. The Wordmark must always be locked up with the
Stadium and never detached.

B – The Wordmark
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 12

Minimum Sizes The Stadium: Minimum sizes Wordmark Lockup: Minimum sizes

To ensure the logo remains legible at all times it should not be Print: 10mm Print: 20mm
reduced below its minimum size. Digital: 50px Digital: 100px


Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 13

Clearspace X

To protect the logo from other visual elements, it is important

that it is surrounded by a minimum amount of clear space. No
other graphic elements should encroach within this area. The
size of this exclusion zone is defined by the width of the Stadium.



Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 14

Endorsement A – Primary B – Large C – Extra Large

In many situations the Wordmark will be required to sit above

the from Facebook endorsement. The size of the endorsement is
determined by how large the logo is being applied, as well as the
likely viewing distance from which it will be seen. There are three
versions to choose from: Primary, Large and Extra Large.

A – Primary
The likely choice in most scenarios. Use this version when the
logo is seen from a distance or up close at small sizes, "such as
packaging, billboards, street posters.

B – Large
Should be used in situations where the logo is applied at medium
to large sizes and will likely be viewed up close, "such as apparel,
retail bags, in-store signage.

C – Extra Large
Should be use in situations where the logo is applied at a
very large sizes and will likely be viewed up close, "such as

2X X
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 15

Endorsement A – Primary B – Large C – Extra Large

In many situations the Wordmark will be required to sit above

the from Facebook endorsement. The size of the endorsement is
determined by how large the logo is being applied, as well as the
likely viewing distance from which it will be seen. There are three
versions to choose from: Primary, Large and Extra Large.

A – Primary
The likely choice in most scenarios. Use this version when the
logo is seen from a distance or up close at small sizes, "such as
packaging, billboards, street posters.

B – Large
Should be used in situations where the logo is applied at medium
to large sizes and will likely be viewed up close, "such as apparel,
retail bags, in-store signage.

C – Extra Large
Should be use in situations where the logo is applied at a
very large sizes and will likely be viewed up close, "such as
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 16

Endorsement Clearspace X

Like the standard Wordmark, the endorsed Wordmark must

maintain an area of clearspace around it, defined by the width
of the Stadium.





Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 17

Placement: Brand Communications A B C D

When placing the Wordmark on a communication, it may be

decoupled from the Facebook endorsement and positioned in
one of four ways. The width of the endorsement should be equal
to that of the Oculus word.

A – Horizontally Opposite, Bottom (Primary)

The Wordmark sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. Both elements align to
the bottom margin.

B – Horizontally Opposite, Top (Secondary)

The Wordmark sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. The top of the
endorsement is aligned with the x-height of the Wordmark.

C – Diagonally Opposite (Secondary)

The Wordmark is aligned to the upper-left margin and the
endorsement to the bottom-right.

D – Vertically Opposite
In narrower formats the endorsement should sit against the
bottom-left margin, with the Wordmark in the top-left.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 18

Placement: Brand Communications A B C D

When placing the Wordmark on a communication, it may be

decoupled from the Facebook endorsement and positioned in
one of four ways. The width of the endorsement should be equal
to that of the Oculus word.

A – Horizontally Opposite, Bottom (Primary)

The Wordmark sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. Both elements align to
the bottom margin.

B – Horizontally Opposite, Top (Secondary)

The Wordmark sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. The top of the
endorsement is aligned with the x-height of the Wordmark.

C – Diagonally Opposite (Secondary)

The Wordmark is aligned to the upper-left margin and the
endorsement to the bottom-right.

D – Vertically Opposite
In narrower formats the endorsement should sit against the
bottom-left margin, with the Wordmark in the top-left.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 19

Placement: Packaging and other large surfaces

The logo is placed against the top margin and the endorsement
is aligned with the x-height of the Wordmark – scaled to 1/4 the X 1/4 X
height of the logo
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 20

Large Logo Applications A B C

When using the logo at large scales there are three options for its
positioning. In all scenarios the from Facebook endorsement will
always sit aligned to the rightmost margin and either the top or
bottom margin.

A - Tall, Bottom (Primary)

The most common application, full-width and aligned to the
bottom margin with the endorsement in the upper-right.

B - Tall, Bottom (Secondary)

Use only if necessary. Position logo against the top margin
with the endorsement in the bottom right.

C - Rotated
In narrow formats or to make use of the long edge, the logo may
be rotated 90o, for example, on the side of a box.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 21
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 22

Stadium Sizes A – Small (1/5) B – Medium (1/3) C – Large (Margin to Margin)

When using the Stadium as a standalone graphic element,

there are three sizes to choose from: Small, Medium, and Large.
Small and Medium sizes are calculated as a fraction of a formats
diagonal length, while the Large version spans to reach the
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 23

Stadium Sizes A – Small (1/5) B – Medium (1/3) C – Large (Margin to Margin)

When using the Stadium as a standalone graphic element there

are three sizes to choose from: Small, Medium, and Large. Small
and Medium sizes are calculated as a fraction of a formats
diagonal length, while the Large version reaches spans to reach
the margins.

1/5th 1/3rd
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 2: Type 24

Stadium Sizes A – Small (1/5) B – Medium (1/3) C – Large (Margin to Margin)

When using the Stadium as a standalone graphic element there

are three sizes to choose from: Small, Medium, and Large. Small
and Medium sizes are calculated as a fraction of a formats
diagonal length, while the Large version reaches spans to reach
the margins.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 25

Large Stadiums A – Top B – Middle B – Bottom

Like the Wordmark, the Stadium may be used as a large graphic

device. So long as there are no other elements that come within
its exclusion zone, the Stadium may extend to the edge of the
margins. There are, however, only three positions the Stadium
should be placed in: At the top, in the middle, or at the bottom.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 26

Large Stadiums A – Top B – Middle B – Bottom

Like the Wordmark, the Stadium may be used as a large graphic

device. So long as there are no other elements that come within
its exclusion zone, the Stadium may extend to the edge of the Reference Guide
margins. There are, however, only three positions the Stadium Gerätebeschreibung
should be placed in: At the top, in the middle, or at the bottom.
Guide d’utilisatiwon

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 27

Content Partnerships A B C D

When the logo is accompanied by one or more partner logos, all

logos must share a common size and sit in designated locations.
In all instances the from Facebook endorsement should never
be decoupled from the Wordmark and a locked up version of the
logo must be used.

A – Option 1, Bottom only

The Oculus logo sits against in the bottom-left margin and
partner logos in the bottom-right. The height of the partner logos
should not be larger than that of the Oculus logo.

B – Option 1, Top & Bottom

In narrow formats, such as digital banners, the Oculus logo sits
against the top-left margins and the partner logos in the

C – Option 2, Bottom only

Follows the same convention as (A) but with a partner logo
taking center stage – centered in the middle.

D – Option 2, Top & Bottom

Follows the same convention as (B) but with a partner logo
taking center stage –centered in the middle.


For internal use only!

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 28

Content Partnerships A B C D

When the logo is accompanied by one or more partner logos, all

logos must share a common size and sit in designated locations.
In all instances the from Facebook endorsement should never
be decoupled from the Wordmark and a locked up version of the
logo must be used.

A – Option 1, Bottom only

The Oculus logo sits against in the bottom-left margin and
partner logos in the bottom-right. The height of the partner logos
should not be larger than that of the Oculus logo.

B – Option 1, Top & Bottom

In narrow formats, such as digital banners, the Oculus logo sits
against the top-left margins and the partner logos in the

C – Option 2, Bottom only

Follows the same convention as (A) but with a partner logo
taking center stage – centered in the middle.

D – Option 2, Top & Bottom

Follows the same convention as (B) but with a partner logo
taking center stage –centered in the middle.

For internal use only!

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 29

Content Partnerships A B C D

When the logo is accompanied by one or more partner logos, all

logos must share a common size and sit in designated locations.
In all instances the from Facebook endorsement should never
be decoupled from the Wordmark and a locked up version of the
logo must be used.

A – Option 1, Bottom only

The Oculus logo sits against in the bottom-left margin and
partner logos in the bottom-right. The height of the partner logos
should not be larger than that of the Oculus logo.

B – Option 1, Top & Bottom

In narrow formats, such as digital banners, the Oculus logo sits
against the top-left margins and the partner logos in the

C – Option 2, Bottom only

Follows the same convention as (A) but with a partner logo
taking center stage – centered in the middle.

D – Option 2, Top & Bottom

Follows the same convention as (B) but with a partner logo
taking center stage –centered in the middle.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 30

Stacked Lockup Construction

In rare instances a stacked version of the lockup may be required.

Unlike the standard Wordmark, the stacked version only has one
size and position for the from Facebook endorsement.


Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 31

Stacked Lockup Clearspace

To protect the logo from other visual elements, it is important that X X

it is surrounded by a minimum amount of clear space. No other
graphic elements should encroach within this area. The size of
this exclusion zone is defined by half the height of the Stadium.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 32

Placement A B C D

When placing the stacked logo on a communication, it may be

decoupled from the Facebook endorsement and positioned in
one of four ways. The width of the endorsement should be twice
the size of the logo.

A – Horizontally Opposite (Primary)

The logo sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. Both elements
align to the bottom margin.

B – Horizontally Opposite (Secondary)

The logo sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. Both elements
align to the top margin.

C – Diagonally Opposite
The logo is aligned to the upper-left margin and the
endorsement to the bottom-right.

D – Vertically Opposite
In narrower formats the endorsement should sit against the
bottom-left margin, with the Wordmark in the top-left.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 33

Placement A B C D

When placing the stacked logo on a communication, it may be

decoupled from the Facebook endorsement and positioned in
one of four ways. The width of the endorsement should be twice
the size of the logo.

A – Horizontally Opposite (Primary)

The logo sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. Both elements
align to the bottom margin.

B – Horizontally Opposite (Secondary)

The logo sits aligned to the leftmost margin and the
endorsement to the rightmost margin. Both elements
align to the top margin.

C – Diagonally Opposite
The logo is aligned to the upper-left margin and the
endorsement to the bottom-right.

D – Vertically Opposite
In narrower formats the endorsement should sit against the
bottom-left margin, with the Wordmark in the top-left.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 34

Branded Offers: Lockups Lockups Spatial relationship

Branded Offers are core to the Oculus Brand, demonstrating

Oculus’s tangible value in the world. Branded Offers are inextri-
cably linked to brands and should always build equity for them,
which is why we don’t create identities for Branded Offers.
Branded Offers play a critical role in helping us build the Oculus
brand and bring more value to people. Some Branded Offers may 3X 4X
require the use of a lockup. Lockups are only for select products,
programs, high-priority verticals, audiences and capabilities
to represent the greatest demonstration of the brand’s value.
Lockups with the company logo require approval from the
Brand team.

Lockups for Branded Offers can be made by carefully pairing the

Oculus Logo with the offer name.

To create a Branded Offer lockup the name should be set in

Neue Plak Regular, entirely in uppercase. The cap-height of the
offer name should be equal to the x-height of the Oculus logo.
The name should be positioned 4 units (optically) to the right of
the Oculus Logo. Names are set in Neue Plak Regular and, never
Neue Plak Text Regular, with a tracking value of 25.



Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 35

Branded Offers: Lockups Wordmark Branded Offer Name

Branded offers that do not require a lockup should have their

offer name set in the brand typeface, Neue Plak Regular, with a
tracking value of 25 and in uppercase.
When the offer name sits at a similar size to the logo, effort
should be made to ensure the two share a size relationship.
The cap-height of the offer name is equivalent to the x-height
of the logo.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 36

Common Pitfalls   Correctly Typeset   Text version of Neue Plak

Branded Offers are set with looser tracking to reflect the looser


spacing in the Oculus Wordmark. For all words use a value of 25.
Names are set in Neue Plak Regular and never Neue Plak Text

In lieu of experience with manual kerning, it is acceptable to

switch to 'Optical' kerning. In no other circumstances should
optical kerning ever be used.

  Tracking too tight   Tracking too loose


  Incorrect 'R'   Incorrect Weight


Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 37

Optical Adjustments   Default Alignment   Optically Aligned

Not all letters will appear of an equal distance when positioned

beside the Oculus Wordmark. Round letters like O, C and Q will
need to be moved closer than letters with straight edges like
L, K and E. The same goes for letters that angle away from the
Wordmark such as A, V and Y.



Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Logo 38

Stacked Lockups Lockups Spatial relationship

As a backup option, for use in scenarios where there is limited

width, you may create a stacked version of the lockup.

To create a stacked lockup, the offer name is positioned


below the logo at the same distance between the Stadium
and Wordmark.




Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 39

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 40

Neutral Palette: Print White Black

PMS: — PMS: 000000
The Oculus color palette emphasizes the use of white and CMYK: 0,0,0,0 CMYK: 0,0,0,100
light grey tones to create a bright and airy atmosphere. Black is
used primarily as accent for text and graphics, but can also be
used as a background color.

Paired with this neutral base palette are vibrant gradients,

unique to each product or event (exampled in the following

For a detailed breakdown of colors used on the web and digital

environments, see page 48.

Oculus Grey 1 Oculus Grey 2 Oculus Grey 3 Oculus Grey 4 Oculus Grey 5
PMS: Cool Gray 1 (50% Tint) PMS: Cool Gray 1 PMS: Cool Gray 3 PMS: Cool Gray 7 PMS: Cool Gray 9
CMYK: 2,1,1,0 CMYK: 3,2,4,5 CMYK: 8,5,6,13 CMYK: 22,15,11,32 CMYK: 29,23,16,51
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 41

Applying Color Approximate color use

The chart to the right gives an approximation of how much

each color should appear in the Oculus visual identity.

The neutral palette should be heavily favored when applying

color. White and Black will do most of the work, whilst greys
should be use sparingly – primarily as backgrounds in product
renders, photography, and line-art.

Avoid overusing gradients. They should act only as accent to the

neutral palette.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 42

Gradient Color Wheel Full Spectrum A – Darks B – Brights C – Bright Tints

Gradients introduce bright and vibrant colors into the Oculus

visual identity. A gradient color wheel has been established to
assist in their creation and provide a common set of colors to
be used across all gradients.

The color wheel is made up of three categories: Darks, Brights

and Bright Tints for a total of 50 colors.

New gradients should only be used for new products,

Oculus Connect, and major campaigns that feature only
Oculus products.

A – Darks
The outer ring on the color wheel, Darks, provide deep, rich
colors into a gradient.

B – Brights
The second ring in the color wheel, Brights, are highly saturated
and energetic colors.

C – Bright Tints
The inner three rings are made of tints of the Brights. There is a
25% reduction between each to give tints of: 75%, 50% and 25%.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 43

Color Wheel Values: Screen Darks

10 Colors
All color values are given in RGB and are intended for use when
creating gradients for digital displays.
Red - Dark Ruby - Dark Magenta - Dark Purple - Dark Blue - Dark Sky Blue - Dark Cyan - Dark Green - Dark Yellow - Dark Orange - Dark
RGB: 204,0,0 RGB: 204,0,102 RGB: 204,0,204 RGB: 102,0,204 RGB: 0,0,204 RGB: 0,102,204 RGB: 0,204,204 RGB: 0,204,204 RGB: 102,204,51 RGB: 204,102,0
HEX: #CC0000 HEX: #CC0066 HEX: #CC00CC HEX: #6600CC HEX: #0000CC HEX: #0066CC HEX: #00CCCC HEX: #00CCCC HEX: #66CC33 HEX: #CC6600

10 Colors

Red Ruby Magenta Purple Blue Sky Blue Cyan Green Yellow Orange
RGB: 255,51,51 RGB: 255,51,153 RGB: 255,51,255 RGB: 153,51,255 RGB: 51,51,255 RGB: 51,153,255 RGB: 51,255,255 RGB: 153,255,102 RGB: 255,255,51 RGB: 255,153,51
HEX: #FF3333 HEX: #FF3399 HEX: #FF33FF HEX: #9933FF HEX: #3333FF HEX: #3399FF HEX: #33FFFF HEX: #99FF66 HEX: #FFFF33 HEX: #FF9933

Bright Tints
30 Colors

Red Ruby Magenta Purple Blue Sky Blue Cyan Green Yellow Orange
Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75% Tint: 75%

Red Ruby Magenta Purple Blue Sky Blue Cyan Green Yellow Orange
Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50% Tint: 50%

Red Ruby Magenta Purple Blue Sky Blue Cyan Green Yellow Orange
Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25% Tint: 25%
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 44

Color Wheel Values: Print Darks

10 Colors
Given the amount of variables in printing gradients it is advised
to consult your production team or printing partner to determine
a solution. Red - Dark Ruby - Dark Magenta - Dark Purple - Dark Blue - Dark Sky Blue - Dark Cyan - Dark Green - Dark Yellow - Dark Orange - Dark
PMS: 3546 C PMS: 214 C PMS: 246 C PMS: 266 C PMS: Blue 072 C PMS: 285 C PMS: 3252 C PMS: 7488 C PMS: 7758 C PMS: 2019 C
CMYK: 0,100,100,0 CMYK: 1,100,14,3 CMYK: 27,89,0,0 CMYK: 71,88,0,0 CMYK: 100,90,0,7 CMYK: 90,47,0,0 CMYK: 59,0,26,0 CMYK: 51,0,86,0 CMYK: 9,6,96,7 CMYK: 0,62,100,2

10 Colors

Red Ruby Magenta Purple Blue Sky Blue Cyan Green Yellow Orange
PMS: Warm Red C PMS: 212 C PMS: 238 C PMS: 2582 C PMS: 2726 C PMS: 2171 C PMS: 2198 C PMS: 2283 C PMS: 101 C PMS: 2025 C
CMYK: 0,86,80,0 CMYK: 0,78,8,0 CMYK: 14,74,0,0 CMYK: 50,75,0,0 CMYK: 84,70,0,0 CMYK: 67,21,0,0 CMYK: 58,0,5,0 CMYK: 35,0,75,0 CMYK: 1,0,78,0 CMYK: 0,53,85,0

Bright Tints
30 Colors

Red – Tint 1 Ruby – Tint 1 Magenta – Tint 1 Purple – Tint 1 Blue – Tint 1 Sky Blue – Tint 1 Cyan – Tint 1 Green – Tint 1 Yellow – Tint 1 Orange – Tint 1
PMS: 2345 C PMS: 211 C PMS: 237 C PMS: 2572 C PMS: 2124 C PMS: 292 C PMS: 2197 C PMS: 2282 C PMS: 100 C PMS: 2016 C
CMYK: 0,67,52,0 CMYK: 0,60,0,0 CMYK: 7,53,0,0 CMYK: 23,49,0,0 CMYK: 63,50,0,0 CMYK: 55,13,0,0 CMYK: 47,0,3,0 CMYK: 20,0,50,0 CMYK: 1,0,70,0 CMYK: 0,21,61,0

Red – Tint 2 Ruby – Tint 2 Magenta - Tint 2 Purple - Tint 2 Blue – Tint 2 Sky Blue – Tint 2 Cyan – Tint 2 Green - Tint 2 Yellow – Tint 2 Orange – Tint 2
PMS: 3572 C PMS: 210 C PMS: 236 C PMS: 2562 C PMS: 2716 C PMS: 291 C PMS: 317 C PMS: 7486 C PMS: 600 C PMS: 7507 C
CMYK: 0,45,29,0 CMYK: 1,44,0,0 CMYK: 5,38,0,0 CMYK: 14,35,0,0 CMYK: 38,26,0,0 CMYK: 38,4,0,0 CMYK: 26,0,6,0 CMYK: 20,0,35,0 CMYK: 1,0,44,0 CMYK: 0,12,39,0

Red – Tint 3 Ruby – Tint 3 Magenta – Tint 3 Purple – Tint 3 Blue – Tint 3 Sky Blue – Tint 3 Cyan – Tint 3 Green – Tint 3 Yellow – Tint 3 Orange – Tint 3
PMS: 4032 C PMS: 705 C PMS: 7436 C PMS: 2085 C PMS: 2706 C PMS: 649 C PMS: 656 C PMS: 7485 C PMS: 7499 C PMS: 706 C
CMYK: 0,21,14,0 CMYK: 0,12,0,0 CMYK: 2,12,0,0 CMYK: 8,17,0,0 CMYK: 18,11,0,0 CMYK: 11,3,0,0 CMYK: 10,2,0,0 CMYK: 9,0,16,1 CMYK: 1,1,29,0 CMYK: 0,7,23,0
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 45

Creating Gradients: Common Tints Darks Brights Bright Tints Bright Tints Bright Tints
Not to be used Tint: N/A Tint: 75% Tint: 50% Tint: 25%
By using colors from the same ring, you can effectively dial up
or down the saturation of a given gradient. The examples to
the right only pull colors from three spokes on the color wheel:
Purple, Sky Blue and Orange. In each gradient all three colors
share a common level of saturation and brightness since they sit
within the same ring.

A gradient consisting of only Darks should not be used. These

types of gradients appear too muddy and do not convey a
feeling of light and vibrancy.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 46

Creating Gradients: Mixed Tints Random A Random B Random C Random D Random E Random E
Tint: Mixed Tint: Mixed Tint: Mixed Tint: Mixed Tint: Mixed Tint: Mixed
The gradient spectrum offers an enormous amount of
possibilities for creating unique gradients. Like in the previous
examples, all of the examples shown pull from the same three
spokes on the color wheel, however, this time Darks, Brights and
Bright Tints have all been combined to give greater contrast.

The gradients presented on this page are examples only and not
specific to Miramar or other product.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 47

Product Gradient: Miramar Color Values Gradient

The gradient for Miramar uses two 25% tints and one 50% tint
from the color wheel: Purple, Sky Blue, and Orange. It should
be used in conjunction with the Oculus neutral palette on all
Miramar brand communications.

Purple Sky Blue Orange

RGB: 153,51,255 RGB: 51,153,255 RGB: 255,153,51
HEX: #9933FF HEX: #3399FF HEX: #FF9933
Tint: 50% Tint: 25% Tint: 25%

Purple - Tint 2 Sky Blue – Tint 3 Orange – Tint 3

PMS: 2562 C PMS: 649 C PMS: 706 C
CMYK: 14,35,0,0 CMYK: 11,3,0,0 CMYK: 0,7,23,0
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Color 48

Palette: Screen Typography

4 Colors
The colors for web are optimized for screen use. Backgrounds
should favor darker tones and avoid the strain on eyes caused by
large patches of bright whites on backlit screens. White Grey 1 Grey 2 Grey 4
RGB: 255,255,255 RGB: 137,137,137 RGB: 102,102,102 RGB: 24,26,27
HEX: #FFFFFF HEX: #898989 HEX: #666666 HEX: #181A1B

5 Colors

White Grey 1 Grey 2 Grey 3 Grey 4

RGB: 255,255,255 RGB: 240,240,240 RGB: 210,210,210 RGB: 28,30,32 RGB: 24,26,27
HEX: #FFFFFF HEX: #F0F0F0 HEX: #D2D2D2 HEX: #1C1E20 HEX: #181A1B

6 Colors

Blue Blue Hover Blue Pressed Disabled Dark Light

RGB: 24,101,193 RGB: 65,138,247 RGB: 26,84,158 RGB: 197,197,197 RGB: 24,26,27 RGB: 255,255,255
HEX: #1D65C1 HEX: 418AF7 HEX: #1A549E HEX: #C5C5C5 HEX: #181A1B HEX: #FFFFFF

Status and Error

2 Colors

Approve Decline
RGB: 24,101,193 RGB: 252,103,105
HEX: #1D65C1 HEX: FC6769
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 49

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 50

Brand Typeface Neue Plak - Regular

Neue Plak from Monotype is the Oculus brand typeface. It

is a versatile sans serif that is used for all Oculus branded ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
communications. No other typeface should ever be used
in its place.

For body copy choose Neue Plak Text Regular and
Neue Plak Text Bold. For large headlines opt for
Neue Plak SemiBold and Neue Plak Regular. !@#$%^&*()_+=;’<>,./?*

Neue Plak - SemiBold


Neue Plak Text - Regular


Neue Plak Text - Bold

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 51

QQ RR rr
Stylistic Sets Alternate Q Default R Default r

Neue Plak has a number of different stylistic sets and alternate

characters. By default the stylistic sets should be turned off,
but be aware, if you notice any of these characters appearing,
they will need to be turned off in the Open Type settings within
InDesign. The exception is the uppercase Q. Oculus uses the
alternate version of the Q where the tail does not extend to the
inside of the counter.

MM ØØ $$
Default M Default Ø Default $
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 52

Expressive Typefaces Neue Plak – Narrow Black

When setting headlines that require greater expressiveness,
there are two additional typefaces to choose from:
Neue Plak Narrow Black and Neue Plak Wide Black. The desired
look, size of the format or length of headline will help determine
which of the two typefaces to select. Narrow Black will work best

in narrow formats or with longer headlines, whilst Wide Black will
be better suited to wide formats or shorter headlines. The two
should never be used together.


Neue Plak – Wide Black

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 53

Setting Headlines   A – Correctly typeset   B – Incorrect case

It is important, when setting large headlines, that the copy

is correctly typeset. Oculus headlines are set entirely in
uppercase and therefore require tight leading for them to
feel visually balanced.

Uppercase headlines should only be used for short, punchy
statements that appear in large scales. They should range from
2 – 6 words in length and are not intented to be used in body
copy or to introduce any long passage of text, as in website

Some common pitfalls when setting headlines have been

detailed here for visual comparison. Additionally, refer to the
type settings chart on page 57 for a detailed breakdown.

  B – Too much leading   D – Too much tracking

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 54

Setting Headlines   A – Correctly typeset   B – Incorrect case

It is important, when setting large headlines, that the copy

is correctly typeset. Oculus headlines are set entirely in
uppercase and therefore require tight leading for them to
feel visually balanced.

Uppercase headlines should only be used for short, punchy
statements that appear in large scales. They should range from
2 – 6 words in length and are not intented to be used in body
copy or to introduce any long passage of text e.g. website

Some common pitfalls when setting headlines have been

detailed here for visual comparison. Additionally, refer to the
type settings chart on page 58 for a detailed breakdown.

  B – Too much leading   D – Too much tracking

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 55

Setting Headlines   A – Correctly typeset   B – Incorrect case

It is important, when setting large headlines, that the copy

is correctly typeset. Oculus headlines are set entirely in
uppercase and therefore require tight leading for them to
feel visually balanced.

Uppercase headlines should only be used for short, punchy
statements that appear in large scales. They should range from
2 – 6 words in length and are not intented to be used in body
copy or to introduce any long passage of text e.g. website

Some common pitfalls when setting headlines have been

detailed here for visual comparison. Additionally, refer to the
type settings chart on page 58 for a detailed breakdown.

  B – Too much leading   D – Too much tracking

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 56

Setting Body Copy   A – Correctly typeset   B – Line length too long

Ensuring that body is set correctly will not only make for a more
pleasant looking block of text but, more importantly, make it easy Heading Lorem Ipsum Heading Lorem Ipsum
to read. Always use Neue Plak Text Regular and Neue Plak Text
Bold for headings and sub-headings.
Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor
venenatis vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere
Aim for a line length between 45 – 90 characters and use full commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum velit aliquet. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Aenean
line breaks between paragraphs. Headings should be set in
Neue Plak Text Bold without a line break below.
massa justo sit amet risus. Donec sed odio dui. Donec id elit lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Cum sociis
non mi porta gravida at eget metus. natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec id elit non
Refer to the type settings chart on page 55 for a detailed
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris Mi porta gravida at eget metus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam
condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. venenatis vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum
Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat
eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec sed odio dui.Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla
augue. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia sed consectetur. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo.

  B – Incorrect line breaks   D – Line length too narrow

Heading Lorem Ipsum Heading Lorem Ipsum

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque
quam venenatis vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis
commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus
massa justo sit amet risus. Donec sed odio dui. Donec id ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris
elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. quam venenatis condimentum nibh, ut fermentum
vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor
mauris condimentum nibh. Massa justo sit amet risus. Donec sed
Ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec sed odio odio dui. Donec id elit non mi porta
dui. Donec id elit Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus,
tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor
sit amet risus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat mauris condimentum nibh.
porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nulla vitae elit.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 57

Type Settings Body Copy Headlines

Body Copy
Neue Plak Text Regular.
Size (pt) Tracking Word Spacing (%) Leading (%) Size (pt) Tracking Word Spacing (%) Leading (%)
Neue Plak Text Bold for headings and sub-headings.

5 – 10 10 110 120 21 – 30 -5 100 95
Neue Plak Regular
Neue Plak SemiBold.
Set in uppercase.
11 – 20 10 100 120 31 – 40 -10 100 95

21 – 30 0 100 120 41 – 50 -10 95 90

31 – 40 0 95 120 51 – 60 -15 95 90

41 – 50 0 95 115 61 – 70 -15 90 90

51 – 60 -5 95 115 71 – 80 -15 85 85

61 – 70 -5 90 115 81 – 90 -20 85 85

≥ 71 -10 90 115 ≥ 91 -20 80 85

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 58

Type Settings Expressive Headlines - Narrow Expressive Headlines - Wide

Expressive Headlines - Narrow

Neue Plak Text Narrow Black.
Size (pt) Tracking Word Spacing (%) Leading (%) Size (pt) Tracking Word Spacing (%) Leading (%)
Set in uppercase.

Expressive Headlines - Wide

21 – 30 5 100 95 21 – 30 -5 100 95
Neue Plak Wide Black.
Set in uppercase.
31 – 40 0 100 95 31 – 40 -10 100 95

41 – 50 0 100 90 41 – 50 -10 95 90

51 – 60 0 95 90 51 – 60 -15 95 90

61 – 70 -5 95 90 61 – 70 -15 90 90

71 – 80 -5 90 85 71 – 80 -15 90 85

81 – 90 -10 90 85 81 – 90 -20 85 85

≥ 91 -10 85 85 ≥ 91 -20 80 85
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 59

Stadium Container Construction & Minimum Width Stroke Weight

An outline of the Stadium shape can be used as a flexible

element to highlight specific pieces of information, such as a

product's data storage capacity or a section number.
The shape can expand to fit longer strings of numbers, but
should never be made narrower than it's original proportions.

The Stadium container should only ever be used as an accent

detail. It is not intended for large headlines or in body copy.

ABC 123456789

256 GB 256 GB

Section 5 Section 5

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 60

Fallback Typeface Arial - Regular

When Neue Plak is not available to be used, such as in

Google Slides, Arial should be used as a replacement. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Neue Plak Text Regular — Arial Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Neue Plak Text Bold — Arial Bold
Neue Plak Regular — Arial Regular
Neue Plak SemiBold — Arial Bold

Arial – Bold

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Typography 61

M Ying Hei
Asian Language Fonts
Use the following fonts for Chinese, Japanese,
and Korean languages.

M Ying Hei HK W4
M Ying Hei HK W5

Tazugane Gothic Info Book
Tazugane Gothic Info Bold

Seol Sans Book

Seol Sans Bold


Seol 키스의 고유조건은 입술끼리 만나야 하고 특별한
키스의 고유조건은 입술끼리 만나야 하고 특별한

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 62

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 63

Product Imagery Storytelling Imagery Partner Content

Our product renders and lifestyle photography offer a variety Oculus's visual presence is a careful blend of inclusivity Our marketing materials frequently use content provided by
of angles for packaging, marketing and advertising materials. and wonder. Experiences should always feel effortless and partners for campaigns and other promotional materials. This
They are designed to give an accurate, practical depiction of the transformational, presenting Oculus as welcoming and includes both visual assets and in-game capture. Be sure
products and also portray the range of play and emotion only unintimidating. These ideas come to life as inspirational lifestyle to secure all rights and approvals with all partners prior to
possible in VR. photography content. publication or release.

Renders Contextual Lifestyle Personal Transformation Immersive Action Partner Content

These focus on a single person in an Images focus on activity in a real world

otherworldly and reality defying envi- environment. These artfully composed
ronment. They are used to visualize the images strike a more serious yet still
transformative experience of VR. inspiring tone, showing the power of play.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 64

Product Renders

Product renders are designed to present accurate, practical

descriptions of Oculus products and highlight the physical build
of the hardware and accessories.

Key Attributes
Plain, studio environment
Simple, neutral color palette
Subtle prism lighting

Use Cases
Marketing & Advertising
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 65

Product: Contextual

Images of Oculus in-situ present Oculus as inclusive and

accessible, not ‘gamery’. The products feel as inevitable as an
everyday item in everyday environments.

Key Attributes
Simple composition and environments
Minimal color palette
Subtle prism lighting
Graphic use of light & cast shadows 

Use Cases
Marketing & Advertising
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 66

Product: Lifestyle

Our lifestyle photography conveys the immersive nature of

Oculus by capturing the excitement and fun of the full-body
action and multi-directional play of VR.

Key Attributes
Single Person
Dynamic composition on uncluttered backgrounds
Medium color palette
Subtle prism lighting
Graphic use of light & cast shadows

Use Cases
Marketing & Advertising
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 67

FPO — To be updated 2021

Product: Environmental Lifestyle

Our environmental lifestyle photography shows the product

being used in relatable surroundings, in more natural ways, to
help add visual context for the user.

Key Attributes
Single Person
Relatable environment
Natural angles and compositions
Medium color palette
Graphic use of light & shadows

Use Cases
Marketing & Advertising
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 68

FPO — To be updated 2021

Story: Personal Transformation

These focus on a single person in an otherworldly and reality

defying environment. They are used to visualize the transforma-
tive experience of VR.

Key Attributes
Single Person
Unorthodox angles and compositions
Bright, rich color palette
Subtle prism lighting
Graphic use of light & cast shadows

Use Cases
Marketing & Advertising
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 69

FPO — To be updated 2021

Story: Immersive Action

Images focus on activity in a real world environment. These

artfully composed images strike a more serious yet still inspiring
tone, showing the power of play.

Key Attributes
Unorthodox angles and compositions
Dark, rich color palette
Subtle prism lighting
Graphic use of light & cast shadows

Use Cases
Marketing & Advertising
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 70

Partner Content

We frequently use content provided by partners in marketing,

campaigns and other promotional materials. This can include both
visual assets and in-game capture. Be sure to secure all rights and
approvals with all partners prior to publication or release.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Brand Imagery 71


Images can be composed of a combination of the approved

Storytelling styles—Personal Transformation, Immersive Action,
and Partner Content. The final images should capture the excite-
ment and unique, immersive experience of VR.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Layout 72

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Layout 73

Defining Margins A – Minimum Margin Size B – Defined Margins

For marketing communications the minimum size for margins are

3% of the diagonal distance, or 5mm in print and 10px for digital X X X X
communications – whichever number is larger.

X = 3%

X = 3%




X = 3%

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Layout 74

The 12 Column Grid A - 2 Column B – 3 Column C – 4 Column D – 6 Column

To ensure order and consistency a 12 column grid should be used

for all layout tasks. The 12 column grid allows a page to be divided
evenly into units of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ,12.

The size of the format and amount of content will determine

how many units the grid should be split into. Aim to use as few
columns as possible to avoid overly complex layouts.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Layout 75

The 12 Column Grid A - 2 Column B – 3 Column C – 4 Column D – 6 Column

To ensure order and consistency a 12 column grid should be used

for all layout tasks. The 12 column grid allows a page to be divided
evenly into units of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ,12. Quick Start P.4
The size of the format and amount of content will determine Démarrage rapide
how many units the grid should be split into. Aim to use as few クイックスタート
columns as possible to avoid overly complex layouts.

Consectetur Amet Justo Inceptos Tellus Consectetur Elit Vehicula Ligula Adipiscing
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus
amet non magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, faucibus dolor auctor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac posuere velit aliquet. Sed posuere consectetur
consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras justo odio. consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec it. est at lobortis. Curabitur blandit tempus.

01: Tellus Consectetur 02. Sollicitudin Ornare Purus 03. Ligula Vehicula 04. Sem Etiam 05. Elit Ligula Sollicitudin 06. Venenatis Dolor Parturient

07. Venenatis Dolor Parturient 08: Tellus Consectetur 09. Sollicitudin Ornare Purus 10. Ligula Vehicula 11. Sem Etiam 21. Elit Ligula Sollicitudin

13. Elit Ligula Sollicitudin 14. Venenatis Dolor Parturient 15: Tellus Consectetur 16. Sollicitudin Ornare Purus 17. Ligula Vehicula 18. Sem Etiam

Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.
dolor auctor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus
vestibulum at eros. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus dolor auctor. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, 19. Ligula Vehicula 20. Sem Etiam 21. Elit Ligula Sollicitudin 22. Venenatis Dolor Parturient 23: Tellus Consectetur 24. Sollicitudin Ornare Purus

auctor fringilla. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa
dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Nullam id dolor id nibh justo sit amet risus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at
ultricies vehicula ut id elit. eget metus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Donec
ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.
Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nullam 25. Sem Etiam 26: Tellus Consectetur 27. Sollicitudin Ornare Purus 28. Ligula Vehicula
quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Aenean eu leo Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Nullam
quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Curabitur blandit
vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tempus porttitor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
sit amet risus. Donec sed odio dui.
Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Cras mattis
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Sed posuere consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Etiam porta sem
consectetur est at lobortis. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cras justo odio, dapibus
augue. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Vestibulum id ligula porta
quam. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. felis euismod semper. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius
Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Nulla blandit sit amet non magna. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac
vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Praesent Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit
commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur aliquet. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.
et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Donec sed odio dui. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non fermentum. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu
magna. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. leo. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia oculus.com Pre-order online
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. quam venenatis vestibulum.
@oculus at oculs.com/order
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 The Focal Area 76


Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 The Focal Area 77

Overview A – The Stadium B – Composition Structure

A highly-useful tool in the Oculus visual identity is what's called

the Focal Area. The Focal Area is inspired by the experience of
wearing the Oculus headset itself, as well as the Stadium logo.
The underlying principle of the Focal Area is nothing more than a
central band running across the middle of the page that can be
used to house or position content.

Using the Focal Area to determine the structure of a layout gives

us a defined space to play in – one that can be adapted and
treated in numerous ways to produce a huge variety of possible
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 The Focal Area 78

Elements A – Image strip B – Type C – Stadium

There are three main types of content that are contained within
the focal area: Images, Headlines, and the Oculus Stadium. Each
can be combined with other elements of the visual identity to
arrive at a diverse assortment of outcomes.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 The Focal Area 79

Elements A – Image strip B – Type C – Stadium

There are three main types of content that are contained within
the focal area: Images, Headlines, and the Oculus Stadium. Each
can be combined with other elements of the visual identity to
arrive at a diverse assortment of outcomes.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 1: Image Strip 80

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 1: Image Strip 81

Overview Tall – 1/3 Wide – 1/3 Square - 1/3

Using the Focal Area to house images is something that, over

time, will become an ownable and highly recognizable part of the
Oculus visual identity. It creates a unique look and should be a
go-to option when presenting images in marketing material.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 1: Image Strip 82

Scalability 1/3 1/2 2/3

The default size for creating an image strip is to use 1/3 of the
formats height to create three even bands. 1/3rd may not always
be appropriate or may look awkward in especially tall or wide
formats. In such instances you can 'zoom-in' to produce a larger
strip. By dividing a surface into 12 even rows you can produce
three additional sizes for the image strip.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 1: Image Strip 83

Scalability 1/3 1/2 2/3

The default size for creating an image strip is to use 1/3 of the
formats height to create three even bands. 1/3rd may not always
be appropriate or may look awkward in especially tall or wide
formats. In such instances you can 'zoom-in' to produce a larger
strip. By dividing a surface into 12 even rows you can produce
three additional sizes for the image strip.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 2: Type 84

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 2: Type 85

Positioning A – Middle B – Top Only C – Top & Bottom

A – Middle


Type is used as the centerpiece in the Focal Area. Headlines
should not span more than two lines.

B – Top only
A headline can be placed only at the top of a page to allow for an
image strip in the middle and logos, web addresses, legal copy,
etc., at the bottom.

C – Top & Bottom
Where a supporting logo is not needed at the bottom – such as
on social media posts – headlines can be broken into two parts
and aligned to the top and bottom margins. An image strip or

supporting copy is placed in the middle.


Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 2: Type 86

Positioning A – Middle B – Top Only C – Top & Bottom

A – Middle

Type is used as the centerpiece in the Focal Area. Headlines
should not span more than two lines.

B – Top only
A headline can be placed only at the top of a page to allow for an
image strip in the middle and logos, web addresses, legal copy,
etc...at the bottom.

C – Top & Bottom

Where a supporting logo is not needed at the bottom – such as
on social media posts – headlines can be broken into two parts
and aligned to the top and bottom margins. An image strip or
supporting copy is placed in the middle.


Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 2: Type 87

Construction A – Define focal area B – Set margins C – Choose an appropriate type size D – Position logo and supporting content

An example of constructing a Focal Area based layout for

a tall format. X X


Pre-order online oculus.com

at oculs.com/order @oculus
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 2: Type 88

Construction A – Define focal area B – Set margins C – Choose an appropriate type size and style D – Position logo and supporting content

An example of constructing a Focal Area based layout for

a square format. X X



Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 2: Type 89

Construction A – Define focal area B – Set margins C – Choose an appropriate type size D – Position logo and supporting content

An example of constructing a Focal Area based layout for
a wide format. X X

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Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 3: Stadium 90

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 3: Stadium 91

Treatments A – Faux-Prism B – Window C – Gradient

The Stadium is the final element used in creating Focal Area

layouts. In addition to using the logo simply as a solid color, there
are three main treatments that can be applied: as aFaux-Prism,
as a window, and as a gradient-on-gradient.

The Stadium should always be used as a flat graphic element.

Do not apply effects or 3-dimensional treatments.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Focal Element 3: Stadium 92

Faux-Prism A – Foreground B – Background

Within the faux-prism treatment, there are three additional

variables that can be used for increased possibilities.

A – Foreground
The base image is reflected along the Y-axis and masked by
the Stadium shape. The position and scale of the image should
be adjusted within the shape so it is clearly defined from the

B – Background
The Stadium can be placed behind the subject in an image.
Using the same technique as in the foreground example, the
original image is masked and positioned inside the Stadium to
create a reflection effect.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 93

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 94

Typography Wide Headline Headline Body Text Secondary Messaging

Animation examples can be found in the resources section.

OCULUS THE NEW Blast, slash and soar your

Animation Hierarchy X COMING SOON X
X 09.15.2020
way through our incredible
Text elements work together in a clear animation hierarchy.
For any element with multiple lines each line should animate in X/2 X/2
one-by-one. VR gaming library.
1. The wide headline text animation style is bold and snappy.
The reveal is quick and eye catching to help emphasize the

2. Supporting headlines follow the same style as the wide

headline but with a more subtle reveal that takes the energy
level down a small step.

3. Body text is revealed at an even more controlled rate in order

to provide an easy reading experience for the viewer.

4. Secondary messaging is revealed with a bit more energy

than the body text in order to punctuate the end of the reading

Vertical Motion

The rising vertical movement is uplifting and positive.

In addition to its dynamic feel it also works across all formats—

on both 9:16 and 1:1 aspect ratios and it can be easily adapted to
more horizontal formats such as 16:9.

The X-height is used as the base measurement for the distance

traveled vertically on the screen. It brings consistency to the
movement across different applications and maintains the same
level of energy no matter the type size.

*Request motion templates and usage guidance via

[email protected]
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 95

Lockups Stadium Scales Down

Stadium Logo

The Stadium logo should animate down by 16% in a smooth yet

snappy movement that eases to its final position.

*Request motion templates and usage guidance via

[email protected]
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 96

Lockups Oculus Wordmark Fades In and Moves Up

Oculus Wordmark

The Oculus wordmark fades in from 0% opacity to 100% opacity

and settles upwards into its final position.

*Request motion templates and usage guidance via

[email protected]
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 97

Lockups Stadium Lands Oculus Wordmark Fades In From Facebook Endorsement Fades In

Stacked Lockup

The stacked lockup consists of three elements: the Stadium,

Wordmark, and From Facebook endorsement. They animate on
screen in three movements.

Stadium Lands
The Stadium appears at 100% opacity and then animates down
in size by 8%.

Oculus Wordmark Fades In

The Oculus Wordmark fades in from 0% opacity to 100% opacity
smoothly, easing in and out.

From Facebook Endorsement Fades Up

The From Facebook endorsement fades up from 0% opacity to
100% opacity smoothly, easing in and out.

*Request motion templates and usage guidance via

[email protected]
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 98

Lockups Stadium Lands Oculus Wordmark Fades In From Facebook Endorsement Fades In

In-Line Lockup

The in-line lockup animation consists of three elements: the

Stadium, Wordmark, and From Facebook endorsement. They
animate on screen in three movements.

Stadium Lands

The Stadium appears at 100% opacity and scales down in size by 8%.

Oculus Wordmark Fades In

The Oculus Wordmark fades from 0% opacity to 100% opacity

smoothly, easing in and out.

From Facebook Endorsement Fades In

The From Facebook endorsement fades from 0% opacity to 100%

opacity smoothly, easing in and out.

*Request motion templates and usage guidance via

[email protected]
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 99

Intro Cards Stadium Lands Inner Stadium Scales Down, Outer Stadium Scales Up Outer Stadium Scales Up

Stadium Animation

The intro card stadium animation is used to transition between

two scenes. The Stadium and the background can be replaced by
footage as separate mattes.

Stadium Lands

The Stadium appears at 100% opacity and scales up in size by 20%.

Inner Stadium Scales Down, Outer Stadium Scales Up

The inner Stadium scales down and disappears in a snappy

movement. The outer Stadium scales up at the same velocity.

Outer Stadium Scales Up

The outer Stadium scales up and fills the entire frame.

*Request motion templates and usage guidance via

[email protected]
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 100

Intro Cards Stadium Lands Oculus Wordmark Fades In From Facebook Endorsement Fades In

Lockup Animation

The intro card lockup animation consists of white graphic elements

against black. The Stadium, Wordmark, and From Facebook
endorsement animate on screen in three movements.

Stadium Lands

The Stadium appears at 100% opacity and scales down in size by 8%.

Oculus Wordmark Fades In

The Oculus Wordmark fades from 0% opacity to 100% opacity

smoothly, easing in and out.

From Facebook Endorsement Fades In

The From Facebook endorsement fades from 0% opacity to 100%

opacity smoothly, easing in and out.

*Request motion templates and usage guidance via

[email protected]
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Motion 101

Intro Card and End Card Sequence A – Intro Card B – End Card (Full)

A – Intro Card

Use the ‘Intro Lockup’ intro card version at the start of the trailer.
If there is a sequence of logos upfront, the Oculus intro card
should be placed last.

B – End Card (Full)

The full end card features three slates placed in the following

1. Type-only: “Play For Real”

2. Headset or headsets with product name
3. Oculus lockup

C – End Card (Short)

The short end card features two slates placed in the following

1. Headset or headsets with headline and product name

2. Oculus lockup

A shorter end card featuring a single slate, the Oculus lockup,

is acceptable In situations where the two frame end card is

All trailers should be routed for Oculus branding review to ensure
intro and end cards are implemented in accordance with this

The following versions are available for review:

Aspect Ratios: 1x1, 16x9, 9x16, 4x5

FPS: 23.98, 30
Headsets: Quest 2, Quest 2 with Link, Rift S, Rift S + Quest 2, Rift
S + Quest 2 with Link C– End Card (Short)
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Icons 102

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Icons 103

Shared Icon Library 48px 48px 24px 24px 16px 12px

Filled Outlined Filled Outlined
The Oculus icon library contains hundreds of individual icons
across a range of categories. All icons have been designed to
work at specific sizes. A single icon can have as many as six
variations for use in different sizes and applications.

The most recent library of icons can be found Here.

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Patterns 104

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Patterns 105

Overview A – Prisms B - Repeating Stadiums

There are two patterns in the visual identity to primarily assist

in spatial design and large environmental graphics: Prisms and
Repeating Stadiums.

Additional patterns can be created by the Brand Design team

when needed
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Patterns 106

Modularity & Scale 3X4 9 X 12 18 x 24

All patterns are modular in their design, allowing for application

across all sizes. This example demonstrates the Prism pattern
across three scales. The larger the mesh, the more intricate and
complex of a design is possible.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Patterns 107

Prisms 3X4 9 X 12 18 x 24

The prism pattern is a way of dividing up space on a grid into

a series of triangular shapes to create a prism-like effect. The
shapes created can be used simply as solid lines, color blocks,
image containers, or, as in this example, filled with gradients.
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Patterns 108

Filled Stadiums Coarse Medium Fine

Using a filled version of the Stadium in a regular grid pattern can

be used to create texture. By adjusting the scale it can move
between something that is bold and graphic, to subtle and
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 109

Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 110

Please Note! The following pages of examples should be used as inspiration only.
They have been provided to give a snapshot of what is possible within
the Oculus visual identity system and highlight many of the rules
discussed in this document.

All images used are for illustrative purposes only.


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Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 113

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Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 114







Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 115






Send Message
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 116





Send Message
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 117




Available at Available at Available at Available at

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Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 118
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 119
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 120
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 121
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 122
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 123
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 124
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 125
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 126
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 127
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 128
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Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 130
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 131
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 132
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 133
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 134
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Examples 135
Oculus Brand Guidelines – V2.0 Resources 136

Resources Guidelines
Oculus Brand Portal

Oculus Social Guidelines


Oculus Banner Guidelines


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