Predicators; Predicate
4. Deixis; Definiteness
9. Synonymy - Paraphrase
Hyponymy - Entailment
- Agent
- Affected/Patient
- Instrument - Location
- Beneficiary - Experiencer
- Theme
10. Reference is a relationship between certain uttered expressions & certain things
11. All words in a language may be used to refer, but only some words
have sense. F 12. If two expressions have the same reference, they always
universe of discourse. T
property of a sentence?
A. Analyticity B. Syntheticity
C. Contradiction D. Polysemy
17. What is the participant role of a screwdriver in Jane opened the tin with a
C. Beneficiary D. Instrument
18. Which of the following is a two-place predicate?
A. sister B. genius
C. appear D. put
A. table B. sadness
C. war D. care
A. polysemy B. homonymy
C. synonymy D. hyponymy
A. love/hate B. husband/wife
A. polysemy C. synonymy
B. homonymy D. hyponymy
15. The two sentences (1) Mrs. Green is Mary's mother and (2) Mrs. Green is
II. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Blacken the corre
2. Every expression that has meaning has sense, but not every expression has
occasions. F
the contextT 5. Mary, an old lady, and in front of could be used as referring
expressions. F??
the dicate. F??
2. “Lia baked the cake” entails "Lia did something to the cake”.T
5. “The thief was chased by someone" does not entails "The police
3- An utterance is any stretch of talk, by one person, before and after which there is
meaning. T
12- A deictic word is one which takes some elements of meaning from the context
particular individual.T
17- Two important meanings of the verb to mean are a-to go away and b-to
are He and loved. F
22-A predicate is any word which (in a given single sense) can function as the
argument of a sentence. F
23- In the sentence He wrote a book, WRITE is the argument and the two
predicators are He and book. F
26- The semantic analysis of simple declarative sentences reveals two major
28- Sentence meaning (or word meaning) is what it counts as the equivalent of in the
language concerned. F??
referents of two expressions, i.e. to assert that two expressions have the same
referent. T
33- The indefinite noun phrase a man can be used as a referring expression or not
39- The word to mean can be applied to people who use language with the
41- The relationship between the expression My son and the person my son in the
42- By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the world (including
48-The two sentences John can go and Can John go? have different propositional
contents. F??
49- The two sentences Harry took out the garbage and Harry took the garbage
50- The word to mean can not be applied to words and sentences with the
51- The two sentences George danced with Ethel and George didn't dance with
proposition. T
54- The two sentences Hellen rolled up the carpet and Hellen rolled the carpet
56- What is written between two single quotation marks represents a sentence
9- Polysemy occurs when two words have the same related meanings.
18- Two predicates are gradable antonyms if they are at opposite ends of a
continuous scale of values (a scale which typically varies according to the context
of use). T
19- If a predicate describes a relationship between two things (or people) and
some other predicate describes the same relationship when two things (or
people) are mentioned in the opposite order, then the two predicates are
20- Binary antonyms are predicates which come in pairs and between them
31- Hyponymy is a sense relation between predicates such that the meaning of one
33- The two sentences The fly is on the wall and The wall was under the fly are
word cheese.F
36- Kids and children are synonyms. T
noun sympathy.T
tomatoes. F
40- Synonymy is the relationship between two predicates that have the
same sense.T
meaning. T
42- A stereotype is related to prototype in that they refer to the relationship between
language and the world and they are the same in every aspect.
43- The stereotype of a predicate is the set of all the things. F??
59- The referent of a referring expression is the thing picked out by the use of that