Lesson 35 Cost Volume Profit Analysis
Lesson 35 Cost Volume Profit Analysis
Lesson 35 Cost Volume Profit Analysis
35.1 Introduction
Herman C Helser In his book 'Budgeting -Principles and Practice' writes that, "the most
significant single factor in profit planning of the average business is the relationship between the
volumes of business, cost and profit". These days in management accounting, a great deal of
importance is being attached to cost volume profit relationship which, as its name implies, is an
analysis of three different factors -costs; volume and profit. In this case an analysis is made to
find out:
Most business decisions are an exercise in the selection of alternatives whether to accept a
certain business at the specified price or not, whether to aggressively push the sales of one
product or other, whether to exploit more intensively one or the other of the territories. In a
scheme of cost volume profit analysis, an attempt is made to measure variations of cost with
volume. Cost may depend on volume which in turn depends on demand; profits depend on the
price that can be obtained for the goods manufactured and placed in the market less the, cost
thereof. Moreover, a business must incur certain minimum expenditure on fixed and semi-
variable charges. Such expenditure must be paid out of marginal profit earned on each unit of
production with the result that a minimum volume of ' business become essential, the direct
variable cost of each article sold being covered by the sale proceeds.
CVP analysis is an extension of marginal costing. It makes use of the principles of marginal
costing and is an important tool of short term planning. It is more relevant where the proposed
changes in the level of activity are relatively small.
A logical extension of marginal costing is the concept of break even analysis. It is based 'on the
same principle' of classifying the operating expenses into fixed and variable. Now a days it has
become a powerful instrument in the hands of policy makers to maximize profits.
The term “break even analysis” is interpreted in the narrower as well as broader sense. Used in
its narrower sense, it is concerned with finding out the breakeven point i.e., the level of activity
where total cost equals total selling price. In other words, breakeven point is the level of sales
volume at which there is neither profit nor loss. Considered, therefore in its literal sense, the term
break even analysis seems to be misleading. It implies that the only concern of management is
that level of activity at which no profit is made and no loss is suffered. Accordingly, the term-is
considered by some as a misnomer. However, some feel that the term break even analysis is
appropriate up to the point at which costs become equal to the revenue and beyond this point it is
the study of the cost volume profit relationship. In its broader sense, break even analysis means
the system of analysis which determines the probable profit at any level of activity.