Daily Health Checklist

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Daily Health Checklist

Data Privacy Clause: By completing this slip, I hereby agree that Miriam College may collect, use, disclose and process
my personal data for the purpose of reviewing current health status of all students, employees, guests and their
household members to prevent the risk of COVID-19 infection. I also understand that my personal information is
protected by the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and that I am required by the Bayanihan to heal as One Act to provide
truthful information. Requests for inspection, amendment or restriction of records must be in writing and addressed to
MC’s Data Privacy Office and must specify the reasons for the request. MC reserves the right to respond appropriately
according to law.

DATE: ___________________ TEMPERATURE:___________________

Name: ______________________________Sex: ______Age: _______ Nationality: ___________

Please check one: __Employee__ Student __Parent/Guardian ___Guest ____Outsourced Service Provider

Complete Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Is your barangay under extreme ECQ or in total lockdown? _____Yes _____No

Contact Number/s (landline and mobile): ______________________________________________________________

Please identify the person and the office of the person you are visiting:


 Are you currently experiencing or have you experienced any of the ff. symptoms within the last 2 weeks? fever,
runny nose/ cold, cough, fatigue, headache, lack of appetite, diarrhea, sore throat, tightness of the chest, loss of smell and/or
taste, muscle pain, chills, fatigue, shortness of breath or vomiting
_____Yes (please specify the symptom/s:_________________________________________________
 If you are not manifesting any symptoms, were you advised to undergo self-quarantine and being monitored by your
barangay health workers?
_____Yes (specify the number of days to complete: ______________) _____No
 Have you worked together or stayed in the same close environment of a confirmed COVID-19 case?
_____Yes _____No
 Have you travelled outside of the Philippines in the last 2 weeks? _____Yes _____No
 Have you travelled to any area in NCR aside from your home?
_____Yes (please specify the city) _________________________________________
 Is anyone in your household currently experiencing any of the symptom/s and/or have experienced any of the
symptom/s listed above within the last 2 weeks? Yes _____ No_____
 If your household member/s is/are not manifesting any symptoms, is/are any of them undergoing self-quarantine
and is/are being monitored by your barangay health workers?
o Yes _____ (specify the number of days to complete: ______________) No_____

Signature Signature of parent/guardian (for students who are minor)

__________________. ________________________

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