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This report was produced by

TikTok For Business global and regional

brand strategy teams
What a ride 2021 has been. It's been a year full Engagement stats show that users continue to
of growth and accomplishments for us here at see value in TikTok and its wide range of
TikTok - from the viral successes following content. This year, the top hashtags saw a
record breaking TV shows to a 13-year-old median engagement rate of 12%¹, illustrating
pug hilariously predicting the future, TikTok that through sound-on, full-screen
has clearly been packed with joy and action. experiences, audiences enjoy immersing

It's only here on TikTok that digital moments themselves in a different world. As we
have the potential to influence culture, break continue to revolutionize the power of
boundaries, and redefine what creativity looks entertainment and community, and grow as a
like. This year has cemented TikTok as the platform, we are fully committed to placing
go-to place for expression, creation, the utmost importance on your safety, and the
entertainment, education - you name it - safety of our users.
across all sorts of categories. For this year's report, TikTok For Business has From this data, we took our analysis a step
While it's impossible to predict what 2022 will compiled comprehensive insights based on further by diving deeper into hashtag activity
As we enter a post-Covid world, TikTok bring, especially in today's uncertain climate, platform performance on TikTok over the past based on volume and growth. The results
continues to prove that moments on the we hope to give you a glimpse through this year, from October 2020 to October 2021. To were insightful findings that took over each
platform have the unique ability to transcend report. The purpose of this report is to provide uncover these insights and come to key category in the past year. Through the various
the digital realm and make a true impact on an overview of performance by category conclusions, we analyzed quantitative categories, we'll provide you with a
people's real, physical lives. Take throughout the year, to equip you with the first-party data. Our analysis revealed the retrospective on what happened on TikTok this
#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt, the Evolution of Sound, insights to better plan for an amazing 2022. categories that saw significant growth, the year, and a sneak peek into the growth
or the profound impact of Creators as We aim to help you better understand which ones that remained amongst the most opportunities for 2022.
examples - at TikTok, there's room for anyone topics are performing well on the platform, popular, and the ones which we felt deserved
and everyone, through entertainment and and get a full grasp on the current state of a special spotlight.
strengthened by communities, to make an affairs on TikTok. We hope this inspires you to
impact in their own way, and to define continue to play a meaningful role in your What process did we follow? We looked into
'impact' in their own right. consumers' lives next year and beyond. hashtags as a reliable indicator of
performance. We assigned hashtags that had
1. TikTok Internal Data, Global, January 2021 - October 2021 a strong correlation with each category
1. Engagement rate: the sum of likes, comment and shares
as a ratio of total video views accordingly and we ranked them by volume.
What’s Next

01 A Look Back
02 Categories
Apparel & Accessories
Beauty & Personal Care
Food & Beverage
Financial Services

03 A Deep Dive
Community Commerce
Evolution of Sound
Creator Community
Brand Safety

Joyful Discovery

We would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for helping us build a We helped strengthen We kept our community and
community like no other, by sharing some of our key moments this year. We're the creator-brand brands safe
excited for what 2022 has in store for us and we hope you'll continue to join us on relationship.
We furthered our commitment to brand safety
this journey of inspiring creativity and bringing joy to all. Brands can now connect with by making significant strides in our policies,
over 100K creators across 24 practices and products, including introducing
markets. new solutions for brands.

TikTok Shopping was launched TikTok World

The Power of Creators and Community

TikTok Shopping is a suite of sales-driven eCommerce
solutions which empowers brands and merchants to Our first-ever virtual
engage meaningfully with their customers. By leaning into product event took
#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt You helped us hit a TikTok's participatory nature, we will further strengthen the place, where we
ability for brands to connect with their communities. And announced 28
milestone we’ll make product discovery and shopping a native, products and 40K
engaging and entertaining experience for users. people attended.

As of December 2021, #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt Together we built a community of

amassed over 7.4 Billion views. 1 Billion MAU

Communities supported each other You kept creating

In 2021, our global community supported causes they cared most about,
including advocacy for protected groups, mental health and racial equality. Our top 100 hashtags saw an
They rallied around small businesses helping them to bounce back and grow average of 25 Million videos
during a challenging period. published.²

Sound became more Music transcended Our community kept Categories saw
relevant than ever the platform discovering exponential growth

88% of people on TikTok

report that the sound on

the platform is central to
the overall app
experience¹. Leading to
music discovery whilst As communities grew, so did
Sounds saw 47% higher browsing on TikTok creates categories. Hashtag
96.96% of video views categorisation saw an

2021 2022
video view rates from a new paradigm for
the For You Page when sharing, creating and came from the For You average of 151% growth in
compared to hashtags.² finding music. Page.² video views.³
1. TikTok Marketing Science US Cross-Platform Sound
Research 2021, conducted by Kantar
2. TikTok Internal Data, Global, January 2021 - October 2021
3. TikTok Internal Data, Global, October 2020 - October 2021
The Place to Get
the Most Out of
Your Wardrobe
Apparel & Accessories

TikTok users seek authenticity and they

recognize the importance of leaving a
positive mark on the community.
On TikTok, fashion reaches far beyond protect the planet. Whether you're looking for
showing off your outfits and expressing your new ways to wear a scarf so that you don't
style. This category has broadened and get tired of it, transform your grandmother's
evolved into an open encyclopedia, where old vintage clothes, or take a risk and change
users share all kinds of tips and hacks around up your style, TikTok has the content to help
re-using and giving new life to their clothes, you do just that.
shopping in a better, more sustainable way,
and most importantly, feeling their best On TikTok, the community looks after one
through clothing and apparel. another and treats each other with respect,
with a tendency to show positivity and support
Concepts such as #BonPlan in France or to creators and their content. This community
#Sweing in Europe were born out of the feeling of empowerment and trust is one of
realization that renewing and revitalizing your the reasons the platform is so unique. As
wardrobe does not have to be a costly affair. TikTok users seek authenticity, they also
It's no coincidence that this revolution is taking recognize the importance of leaving a positive

place on TikTok, given our community's strong mark on the community, and adding value by
opinions and values around sustainability, being helpful. This is especially true if there's a
experimentation, and the breaking of tangible benefit on offer that rewards the
stereotypes. TikTok has truly made it trendy to audience with exclusive shopping deals, for
give new life to your garments, helping to example, that can't be found anywhere else.
Insight¹ Top Trends

Overall Growth*
*based on the identified high volume hashtags
correlated to each category.

Video Views

Say hello to the up-and-comers, and the

former underdogs that are coming out on top.

These are our fastest-growing hashtags of
the year. They reveal interesting insights into
what's trending now in this category.

Determined by volume of posts, popular

hashtags indicate how well a category is #fashiontiktok
performing at any given time. It is a measure Video Views: 790M+
of how much the topic is being expressed
and talked about.
Video Views: 769.5M+

#fashion #boda
Video Views: 9B+
Video Views: 374.6M+

#diy #bonplan
Video Views: 8.6B+
Video Views: 361M+
2020.10 2021.10
#outfit #diyproject
Video Views: 4B+
This past year, the Apparel and Accessories case of the brown GAP hoodie, for example, Video Views: 279.3M+
category has been one of our community's
personal favorites, with a 107% increase in
which surprisingly went viral in the blink of an
eye. But above all, creators empower and
Video Views: 3.2B+
video views. educate communities with tips on everything
from colorimetry (a system for measuring
On TikTok, we've seen that people actively one's personal chromatic scale, used to #hacks
participate in conversations and are eager to determine the most flattering shades for each Video Views: 1.5B+

share content - which is why we've observed a individual), to how to make a top from bikini
76% increase in video creations. In terms of bottoms. Creativity flows naturally on TikTok,
most popular topics within the category, and users love it.
favorite items and product reviews have given
life to brands that we thought had
1. TikTok internal data, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain,
disappeared long ago. Let's not forget the October 2020 - October 2021
Case Study Tips for Brands

What a difference a hat makes: this is the joyful message that Prada It's time for brands to leverage the credibility and creativity of both the
addressed to the TikTok community with the engaging platform and our creators to re-think a fresh approach to promoting their
#PradaBucketChallenge, an initiative that sees the Prada DNA merging flagship products and share new content, like what's behind the scenes or
with the TikTok culture. Sometimes wearing an accessory is enough to "how-to" footage that illustrates the endless possibilities of how a product
change your mood, a simple, playful gesture to reinvent yourself and can be used. The "TikToK Made me Buy It" phenomenon has helped
transform an ordinary moment into a fantastic and creative one. This is products of all kinds fly off the shelves: from books to jeans, to countless
the spirit that animates the challenge where users are called to a bucket other items. We've even seen #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt signage in shops,
hat and share their experience of "change". The protagonist is the showing that this is a symbol of quality and credibility. That's why brands
unmistakable Prada Bucket hat, the hair that has become an iconic should take advantage of TikTok's platform, tools, and native formats to
symbol of Prada's aesthetic imagery. The contemporary and urban tell their own stories, and send a powerful message that resonates with
reinterpretation of the classic fisherman model is made of Re-Nylon, the their audiences.
innovative fabric made through the regeneration of plastic material and
textile fibre waste. TikTok users took up the challenge and participated
en masse in this initiative, thanks to the playful tone of voice, the
involvement of creators, the use of transition, an effect dear to the
fashion world, and a soundtrack designed specifically for the brand. The
TikTok community celebrated the Maison by taking part in the challenge
with great enthusiasm, giving life to thousands of contents that
populated the "for you" page of TikTok for days, generating great
attention on the bucket hat, an object now acquired in the wishlist of our

What can a brand learn from this?

Creators are the lifeline of TikTok, and have collectively shaped
TikTok to become the successful platform it is today. The TikTok
community landscape is truly unique in its diversity, creativity, and
joyful nature. On TikTok, everyone is given a chance, and anyone
has the opportunity to tap into any community that inspires them.
Scan With Camera
Communities are open, accessible, and welcoming - and if you go
with the flow, you'll see impact and results.

Remember that we're all about embracing the community, not

commanding it. By learning from the community and fully

embracing it in its natural form, brands on TikTok can access a
world of brand ambassadors who are eager to vouch for the
brands they believe in. True testimonials from people you trust is the
most powerful way to influence and drive demand.
Where Beauty and
Wellness Collide
Beauty & Personal Care

TikTok promotes a positive, fair, diverse,

and inclusive representation of what beauty
looks like today.
On TikTok, the concepts of beauty and products through the “For You” page, while
well-being truly coincide and exist hand the creators are protagonists in the creation
in hand. The platform promotes a positive, and propagation of trends, by establishing
fair, diverse, and inclusive representation of authentic connections with their fanbase and
what beauty looks like today - rejecting influencing through their prominent and
traditional standards and norms from the trusted voice. The trends that arise on the
past. It's no coincidence that experimentation platform transcend the boundaries of TikTok
and the breaking of stereotypes, especially in and are reflected in the market, eventually
the world of beauty and personal care, are helping to shape and define culture.
extremely popular and have captivated
the TikTok community. Beauty is fertile ground for the #TikTokMade-
Furthermore, with people spending more time MeBuyIt phenomenon and is often responsi-

at home this past year, their ble for products going out of stock due to a
beauty routines have been enriched and viral TikTok trend. Prime examples of this
elevated with new rituals - and new products are the Peter Thomas Roth eye contour and
as a result - creating unprecedented opportu- Maybelline's Lash Sensational Sky High mas-
nities for the market. TikTok plays a funda- cara.
mental role in the discovery of brands and
Insights¹ Top Trends

Overall Growth*
*based on the identified high volume hashtags
correlated to each category.
Video Views

Say hello to the up-and-comers, and the

former underdogs that are coming out on top.

These are our fastest-growing hashtags of
the year. They reveal interesting insights into
what's trending now in this category.

Determined by volume of posts, popular

hashtags indicate how well a category is #cleantok
performing at any given time. It is a measure Video Views: 3.3B+
of how much the topic is being expressed
and talked about.
Video Views: 1.2B+

#makeup #nailinspo
Video Views: 15B+
Video Views: 149M+

#hair #easyhairstyle
Video Views: 7B+
Video Views: 137M+

2020.10 2021.10 #beauty #asmrmakeup

Video Views: 5.5B+
Video Views: 148M+

This year, the beauty and personal care Not only was Haircare limited to beauty tips,
Video Views: 5.5B+
category is one of our community favorites, but we've also seen a lot of experimentation

recording growth in video views of +94%, in and transformation content. This freedom of
parallel with rising active participation of users expression has inspired the TikTok community
- observed through an increase in video to be their true selves and to unleash their Video Views: 4.6B+

creations by +41%. creativity. In addition to haircare, all things nail
care and perfume were also popular. Lastly,
Among the most popular themes are users' skincare re-defined itself to be synonymous
favorite articles, hair routines, hair goals, and with self-care.
product reviews. That's right, Haircare has
1. TikTok internal data, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain,
shone bright as the protagonist of this season. October 2020 - October 2021
Case Study Tips for Brands

TikTok is known to be the platform that helps make things right against Beauty and self-care evolved in 2021 and took on a new meaning, with
prejudice, with its great boost of positive energy and strong values. This is authenticity uniting them as the common thread. The success of this
often facilitated by creators, who are the lifeline of the platform, and led category is largely due to the acceptance of its community, and the
by the brands or people who are experts on the subject matter at hand. celebration of diversity and inclusivity. On TikTok, the BPC community truly
had a safe space to express their real selves, free from judgment, daring to
Tampax Italia promoted an educational campaign aimed at TikTok's spark new conversations which helped normalize diversity and difference.
female audience, debunking some common myths about tampons. The Creativity and self-expression were highly reflected within the beauty and
company worked togetherwith creator Silvia Buratto to launch the personal care categories, where people are rewarded for being
“Impossible” campaign, where the most common fears about the use of themselves and speaking up.
tampons were addressed.
Brands can take advantage of connecting with their audiences in different
ways, with different types of content. Among the most popular are
transitions to reveal a transformation, product reviews, and beauty routine
tutorials walking people through the best way to use certain stand-out
What can a brand learn from this? products. Additionally, creators and industry professionals can be
leveraged as authoritative and trusted voices on brand recommendations.
Creators are powerful allies of brands that effectively facilitate
communication and connection with the TikTok community. Try
trusting them with your message or cause and you'll see that it's the
right choice. In addition, Tampax, with great irony, has managed to
educate and raise awareness around a topic that's often still
Scan With Camera
considered taboo. By taking a bold stance on a cause with an
educational approach, you can make a splash on TikTok.

Discovering the
hidden beauty in
your own country

TikTok has given rise to a new generation of looked by residents. TikTok is a travel hub full
local tour guides who are passionate about of inspiration and travel tips, with traditional
showing people the hidden gems of their cities travel content being reimagined for TikTok's
and local cultures. From inspiring travel gurus short-form, vertical, sound-on video format.
who romanticize their home country's most Travel content has grown rapidly as people
celebrated spots, to down-to-earth and around the world find joy in sharing their
passionate locals whose love for their city is experiences, and crave inspiration for their
immeasurable, hometown love takes on a next dream adventure.
new, elevated form through joyful and au-
thentic content on TikTok. TikTok has reimagined wanderlust for the
travel community and beyond, inspiring
The pandemic put a hard pause on travel people of all generations and backgrounds to
throughout 2020, and 2021 was a more of the explore the world—from their hometowns to
same, only seeing a slight reopening. This the other side of the globe—through creating
didn't stop the community, however, as they content focused on the stories behind their
continued exploring their hometowns and travels. As we start to see travel opening up
inspiring others for when the world fully opens again, we are now seeing people share their
up to travel again. #staycation took over 2022 bucket lists and long-anticipated desire

TikTok, and one particular trend motivated to travel, whether that be domestic or interna-
users to travel to places in their hometown tional. Because of TikTok's constant stream of
that looked similar to places abroad, empow- inspiration, our community is eager to travel
ering them to discover beauty in their own again and to share their experiences with
country and region - places were once over- each other.
Insights¹ Top Trends

Overall Growth*
*based on the identified high volume hashtags
correlated to each category.
Video Views

Say hello to the up-and-comers, and the

former underdogs that are coming out on top.

These are our fastest-growing hashtags of
the year. They reveal interesting insights into
what's trending now in this category.

Determined by volume of posts, popular

hashtags indicate how well a category is #londonhotspots
performing at any given time. It is a measure Video Views: 153M+
of how much the topic is being expressed
and talked about.
Video Views: 27M+

#travel #paristok
Video Views: 4B+
Video Views: 10M+
2020.10 2021.10
#roadtrip #barcelonasecreta
TikTok has grown in monthly active users and #soundofnature and #cottagecore going viral Video Views: 609M+
Video Views: 10M+
the time spent on the platform. As an integral on TikTok. With a growing emphasis on the
and natural part of life that keeps us curious importance of the planet and climate change #holidaycountdown #londonhiddengems
and open-minded, travel content has grown during the pandemic, sustainable travel is Video Views: 388M+
with it. Over the last year, TikTok has seen a gaining traction and gathering urgency Video Views: 7.3M+
160% increase in videos created within the
Travel vertical, illustrating how truly inspiring
among our community. Not only are
consumers seeking ways to travel sustainably,
Video Views: 738M+
the platform's travel community is to our users. they're also on the look-out for brands that
have a purpose and focus on sustainability as
In 2021, as people prepare to travel again and well. Across the region, domestic travel #staycation
start drafting their bucket list of dream remains popular to this day—even more so Video Views: 179M+

destinations, we've noticed on TikTok that than prior to the pandemic—with more
certain things have now become key factors in consumers newly interested in exploring their
the planning process. A year of seemingly home countries. Many have taken a hybrid
endless stay-at-home orders and quarantines approach in 2021, splitting their time between
have brought about a newfound appreciation domestic and international travel.
1. TikTok internal data, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain,
for connecting with nature, with trends like October 2020 - October 2021
Case Study Tips for Brands

Brands rely on compelling stories to express themselves to the world and TikTok is a platform for authentic content, and brands need to keep it real.
drive demand. Thankfully, telling a memorable story has never been so Users come to TikTok to be entertained and inspired. With this in mind,
easy. With TikTok's advanced, yet easy-to-use tools, everyone is equipped brands should focus on how they can tap into the various motivations and
to easily create high production value videos. This newfound accessibility to passions of their audiences, and show up authentically. Brands would be
simple and effective video production has brought about an era where wise to plan content around entertaining users, while opening up new
short, digestible content wins, and where content is consumed increasingly destinations, unlocking hidden gems, or inspiring their users' next
faster and with more variety. adventure.

With variety comes versatility, and a constant craving for creative and Tapping into trends such as unknown places, recommendations for things
unique content. Content creation is no longer limited to traditional to do in cities, and travel tips and inspiration, will enable brands to help
storytelling formats or straightforward messaging. A 30 second video shot users dream up their upcoming bucket list, and excite them for their highly
in someone's basement can be more effective than a high budget anticipated new adventure in 2022.
production that lacks an interesting story. At the end of the day, remember
that there's nothing more powerful than a captivating story that gets people Lastly, remember that by collaborating with creators and leveraging
engaged and excited. TikTok's wide range of products such as Spark Ads to push UGC content,
brands will be able to share inspiration in an authentic way, building trust
with the consumers.

What can a brand learn from this?

The pandemic put overseas travel to a halt and contributed to the
rise of domestic travel. On TikTok, we saw TikTok users come to the
platform to show and reveal hidden gems. Enticing off-the-radar,
unknown places in their own countries, that look similar to places
abroad, inspired the travel community and beyond to explore their
Scan With Camera
own country.

In addition, we also saw tourism boards leverage TikTok to show the

secret spots that lie within their countries too, to inspire and attract
not only local communities, but also aspiring travelers who are
eager for a faraway journey once travel opens back up again.

Switzerland's national tourism marketing organization, Switzerland

Tourism, used exactly this approach to draw attention and hype

around its incredible country and landscapes.
Cooking Up
Community Trends
Food & Beverage

TikTok is reshaping the food and drink

industry through community trends!
On TikTok, food & beverages are always on TikTok is truly reshaping the overall food &
the menu, from special occasions to good drink category through community trends.
meals served up on a daily basis. The plat- We're seeing supermarkets putting together
form is full of tasty food & drink content, product bundles based on trending TikTok
cooked or mixed up in all corners of our recipes, and restaurants adjusting their mar-
diverse, global community. Users share reci- keting and offerings to satisfy the hunger and
pes with each other, exchange tips, and desire for new cravings.
reveal habits and experiences. Discovery
plays a vital part in the popularity of such Viral trends have been powerful in driving
content. TikTok users are interested in inspira- engagement amongst our community like

tion and application, always wanting to learn nothing else, because they often start organi-
something new and easily recreate it and cally. Our users don't just re-create trending
apply it to their lives. When a recipe hits the content, but they initiate it with their fresh and
mark, it doesn't just spark cravings - trends original ideas. This is why TikTok trends can
can also be born on TikTok. be highly successful and impactful.
Insights¹ Top Trends

Overall Growth*
*based on the identified high volume hashtags
correlated to each category.
Video Views

Say hello to the up-and-comers, and the

former underdogs that are coming out on top.

These are our fastest-growing hashtags of
the year. They reveal interesting insights into
what's trending now in this category.

Determined by volume of posts, popular

hashtags indicate how well a category is #foodtiktok
performing at any given time. It is a measure Video Views: 4.6B+
of how much the topic is being expressed
and talked about.
Video Views: 424M+

#food #tastetest
Video Views: 18.4B+
Video Views: 330M+

#learnontiktok #foodmadesimple
Video Views: 12.1B+
Video Views: 115M+

2020.10 2021.10 #lifehack #foodtrend

Video Views: 4.5B+
Video Views: 42M+

TikTok has grown in monthly active users and In 2021, we've seen a new level of impact by
Video Views: 2.2B+
time spent on the platform. As an integral part viral food & drink content, that starts on

of life and a universally shared loved TikTok, and eventually has a real life impact
language, food content has grown with it - beyond the platform. What often starts as a
spanning across various sub-communities. global phenomenon or craze, now Video Views: 1.5B+

We've seen a 106% YoY growth rate in video increasingly spreads across each local EU
views across our key EU markets, and an market as well. This illustrates that our local
increase of 56% in publish counts. communities are more eager than ever to
jump in on new food trends and create their
own variations that use local brands and
1. TikTok internal data, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain,
products. October 2020 - October 2021
Case Study Tips for Brands

Content on TikTok comes to life in many different ways . The one thing all When a community trend begins in one location, and then takes off in
content on TikTok has in common, however, is the embrace of community. different markets, brands that are at the forefront of what's happening on
Brands and creators alike often find success through being one with the our platform have the advantage of being the first ones to strategically ride
it, with their relevant local products. Brands should be "always on" and
By encouraging your community to create together, brands are able to
always engaged and observant on TikTok to be the first to leverage key
provide audiences with different perspectives and a variety of content trends.
resulting in joyful discovery. This leaves audiences entertained and engaged,
creating a space for authentic relationships to form naturally. An entertained However, keep in mind that it's not just about being the first. It can also be
and engaged audience is how content continues to resonate and stay important to be the one that sustains a trend and keeps it going for as long
relevant. By leaning into the community, brands are able to engage with their
as possible. Both approaches will put the brand at the center of people's
audiences naturally, leading to a natural bond. This creates a trust which in
memories, and associations will be built around the time frame of a trend.
turn leads to powerful influence and drives demand.
This enables brands and products to more easily be top of mind for
consumers. Brands that jump on a food trend at the right time are received
by our community with praise and love. Collaborating with creators can
What can a brand learn from this? help to amplify and sustain a trend locally, enhancing the relevance of a
certain product within local communities.
#FetaPasta #SalmonRice
In 2021, a food trend re-emerged and became a In 2021, it felt like one buzzing food & drink trend
global viral craze on TikTok, taking the real life came continuously after the other, going globally
influence of a TikTok community trend to the next viral on TikTok and trescending the platform to
level. We're talking about the #FetaPasta recipe, influence people's real, daily lives. The
with over a billion views for the hashtag #SalmonRice bowl recipe, with over 650 million
worldwide. It's a wonderful combination of simple, views for the hashtag worldwide, is simple, tasty,
tasty, and fast. With just a few ingredients and and fast. With just a few ingredients and steps, it
steps, it was the perfect trend and no surprise how was the perfect trend and no surprise how it took
it took off. Not only was it recreated by the TikTok off. Not only was it recreated by the TikTok
community and made a splash on the app, but it community and made a splash on the app, but it
truly went beyond our platform: magazines wrote truly went beyond our platform: magazines wrote
about it, people who were not even using TikTok about it, people who were not even using TikTok
talked about it, supermarkets like ASDA created talked about it, and local restaurants/brands that
bespoke product bundles for the recipe, others saw had the right products (e.g. Itsu in the UK with their
feta flying off the shelves, and local brands across seaweed products) benefitted from the contagious
the EU markets that had the right products for the enthusiasm of the TikTok community.
recipe benefitted from the contagious enthusiasm
of the TikTok community.

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Auto Enthusiasts on
the TikTok Fast-lane
Auto & Transportation

Driving in the fun lane, the Automotive cate- We've all had that feeling when we were
gory on TikTok is a high octane, multi-lane younger of our dream car - maybe we hung
motorway, full of rich and diverse content. It up a poster of it on our bedroom wall. Fast
inspires, informs and entertains. forward, and we now see these dream cars
showing up on people's TikTok FYP. Not only
TikTok is place of Auto discovery and inspira- are older generations inspired - those who
tion, not only for car enthusiasts but also for are more likely to be on the market to buy a
every day drivers and consumers. From new car - but the younger audience - the
regular routine to luxury, cars of all types, dreamers - are also engaged. On TikTok, the
shapes, and sizes are being explored on auto industry can start building brand equity
TikTok. In fact, 63% of TikTok users have early amongst users.
discovered or been inspired to learn more
about a car after seeing something on The world of auto on TikTok has become an
TikTok¹. Cars are attractive as they're woven exciting, entertaining place, with users discov-
into the fabric of many consumers' daily lives ering new gems and nuggets of advice and
- 87% of users have one or more vehicles in info each day. From tips and tricks, visuals of
their household². car interiors, hidden secrets like the Rolls
Royce umbrella in-door, soothing ASMR to the
Authenticity plays a huge part of TikTok's roar of the engine, to test drivers, lessons on
DNA, together with the happy and joyful buying a car, and information on car dealers
content we see on the platform. Through - TikTok is truly reshaping the overall auto
short-form entertainment, these approaches space through community trends. This fresh

apply the car industry on TikTok. Auto is no content is driving huge engagement across
longer mundane, boring, or too technical. It's the automotive fanbase and beyond.
become a fun, cool, innovative, and inspiring
sector, and users on TikTok are catching onto 1. TikTok Marketing Science EU Automotive Research 2021
conducted by Walnut Unlimited
this exciting, new side of auto that we hadn't 2. GlobalWebIndex, TikTok audience 16+, Q3 20 UK, France,
Germany, Spain and Italy
seen before.
Insights¹ Top Trends

Overall Growth*
*based on the identified high volume hashtags
correlated to each category.
Video Views

Say hello to the up-and-comers, and the

former underdogs that are coming out on top.

These are our fastest-growing hashtags of
the year. They reveal interesting insights into
what is trending now in this category.

Determined by volume of posts, popular

hashtags indicate how well a category is #auto
performing at any given time. It’ s a Video Views: 2.7B+
measure of how much the topic is being
expressed and talked about.
Video Views: 3.6B+

#carcommunity #mercedes
Video Views: 401M+
Video Views: 2.5B+

#cartiktok #audi
Video Views: 1.17B+
Video Views: 2.4B+

2020.10 2021.10 #carhub #carsofTikTok

Video Views: 176M+
Video Views: 2.6B+
The Auto world gained traction during the
pandemic, as people felt safer travelling in
Throughout 2021, we've seen a big focus on
sustainability, with electric cars at the top of
Video Views: 3.5B+
their cars, over public transport. People also users' minds. 89% of TikTok users agree that
used their car as a place to escape to, serving sustainability is important when choosing a car
as an extra room in the house! #cartiktok has brand². However, costs, logistics, and #cars
seen a sharp increase of 427% YoY, while familiarity are the typical barriers to electric Video Views: 6.3B+

#cartok saw a staggering 3821% growth YoY. vehicle consideration.
In addition, #auto grew by 62% YoY,
#carsofTikTok by 192%, and BMW and Audi
are also expanding, up by 92% and 99%,
respectively. The overall vertical has seen a
1. TikTok internal data, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain,
114% increase in video views YoY. October 2020 - October 2021
2. TikTok Marketing Science EU Automotive Research
2021 conducted by Walnut Unlimited
Case Study Tips for Brands

TikTok is the ultimate democratizer of all things creative, with the power to Think about showing a different side to your brand's personality. 61% of
captivate and entertain viewers from all walks of life. It’s a full-screen,
TikTok users agree that content from car manufacturers on TikTok should
sound-on experience that truly immerses the audience into the world of the
be different to what they normally see on TV¹.

When brands adopt a creative and entertainment-first mindset, the result is It's important to tap into the needs of consumers. They want to discover new
seamless product alignment – which is how magic is made. Entertained and cars, and awesome technologies, to learn more about the interior of a car,
engaged viewers come from creating a space for authentic relationships to what the capabilities of the interior dashboards are and other cool and
form naturally, through relevant content that resonates with the audience. quirky features the car has, that perhaps they did not know about before.
And it does not stop there, users want to know about how to buy the car, top
tips when purchasing.

By understanding these needs and taking uses on a journey from discovery,

What can a brand learn from this? inspiration and through to purchase, it will enable auto brands to be top of
mind, across all generations, from the ones dreaming of their future car, to
The German luxury car manufacturer BMW makes a habit of being the ones purchasing their future car.
at the forefront of innovation and their #CircularAngles campaign
1. TikTok Marketing Science EU Automotive Research 2021 conducted by Walnut Unlimited
was no different. Its objective was to bring BMW’s activations at IAA
Mobility, the world’s biggest automotive mobility exhibition to life on
TikTok; while simultaneously generating awareness for BMW’s brand
Scan With Camera
vision around circular economy and increasing reach for their newly
launched TikTok account.

Under the hashtag #ReimagineToday BMW used a suite of three One

Day Max In-Feed Ads to achieve its mission – but in an innovative
way that was a first for TikTok. In partnership with TikTok Creative
Lab, the brand developed the first ever branded content series told
over the course of three ‘episodes’ and brought to life by popular
creator @Dannero, who not only acted as the main character but
also as the director of the series.

A Deep Dive

Community Commerce is TikTok's entertaining,
creator-driven word-of-mouth marketing,
and it blew up in 2021.
People love it because it produces genuine personalized For You feed and discover
product reviews—and honesty is a big products that is likely to be of their interest.
differentiator for us; the majority of users say
fdc82a they trust others to be their real selves on The phenomenon has driven major success
TikTok¹. Product videos tend to be for brands. Items of all kinds have sold
entertaining, too, which is a huge draw, given out—from milk frothers to feta cheese,
that entertainment is the number-one thing leggings, cleaning products, mascara, and

that users seek out when they come to the everything in between. And that's only the
platform². And thanks to our recommendation beginning.
system, users may enjoy a unique,

unstoppable #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt³

power of
Video Views (Millions)







M Date (2021)











1. Nielsen Custom Authenticity Study commissioned by TikTok, Persons 18+, International: 2/23/21 - 3/2/21, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Canada,
Indonesia, South Korea, n=1000/each region; US: 5/1/2020 - 6/19/2020, United States, n=1034; Global combines US and International markets
2. Marketing Science Global Time Well Spent conducted by Kantar, March 2021
3. TikTok Internal Data, Global, January 1, 2021 - November 8, 2021
The Anatomy of a Audience Insights

Community Commerce Moment for 2022
To understand how trends can drive success, we broke down the buzz behind a We're learning more every day about what users want
product that sold out big time this year thanks to TikTok—and how each stage in from brands on TikTok, how communities influence their
its life cycle is an example of the four phases of Community Commerce.
behavior, and how willing they are to buy from TikTok.
Here are some TikTok user insights to keep in mind for
2022 planning:
01 User Trinidad Sandoval posted a Spark phase:

simple, honest, direct-to-camera Creator or brand posts an enter-
review of the Peter Thomas Roth taining video featuring a product feel a deeper connection to
brands they interact with on
Instant FIRMx Eye Temporary Eye TikTok, compared to other
Tightener. platforms²

02 Users loved the video. In one Share phase: agree that the best brands on
week, it got 23 million likes, TikTok are ones that work
Communities contribute to a
together with users²
thousands of comments, and a product conversation and help it
swirl of reactions and buzz. pick up steam

feel like they're a part of a
The item sold out repeatedly on
03 Spike phase: community on TikTok²
the brand's site as well as Creator or brand posts an enter-
third-party sites for weeks. The taining video featuring a product
brand’s founder and CEO said

they sold about six months' worth
say TikTok inspired them to
of product in six weeks because of shop even when they weren't
TikTok. looking to do so³

The brand rolled out a jumbo size

04 Sustain phase:
of the product and is planning to Brands take action both on- and
boost Trinidad's video once off-platform to keep consumers
organic traffic wanes interested
If you have someone who’s
doing something on their
own, being who they are,
and genuinely showing the

way it is, the breakout
1. Forbes, “Welcome to the TikTok Economy.” October 7, 2021
2. TikTok Marketing Science Global Community and Self-Expression
Study 2021, conducted by Flamingo.
successes can be huge.
Scan With Camera 3. Marketing Science US Holiday Shopping Research, conducted by
to watch cases Walnut Unlimited, Feb 2021 - Peter Thomas Roth, founder and CEO¹
Ramping the“commerce” Dynamic Showcase Ads

in Community Commerce A tool that automatically turns your inventory into ads and shows
them to the most interested viewers, based on information about
your products and user behavior on your app.
2022 will be the first full year for TikTok Shopping, our suite of
e-commerce tools that turn videos into shoppable
entertainment. These solutions will make it easier than ever to
harness the power of Commerce, because it'll enable users to
purchase the products they discover on their For You Pages.
Here's a glance at some of the products that are currently in GA:

Those tools are just

the beginning. As
long as you bring
joyful entertainment
to the table, we'll
continue providing
the bottom-funnel
solutions that help
you interest into


Product Links CollectionAds

Collection Ads
Badges that let merchants highlight Rotatingproduct
Rotating productcards
cardsononvideos that
items in an organic video and drive showcase multiple itemsmulti-
videos that showcase in a single

ple items in a single experi-
users to product information pages. experience, then link out to those items.
ence, then link out to those

It's no secret that sound is a
differentiator for TikTok—and 2021 was
our loudest year yet. We uncovered
research that showed how sound
influences ad effectiveness, how TikTok
influences the music industry, and how
specific audio types make people feel.
We saw brands launch campaigns
where sound was a focal point and

IT UP ON marveled as TikTok became the space

NG TI for promising new musicians to thrive.

I The craziest part? That was just the

beginning. In 2022, we'll roll out new


products and insights designed to help
our partners to get in on the joy and
potential of sound and use it to drive
their bottom lines. So stay tuned on
TikTok—because, when it comes to
sound, this may be our biggest year yet.

01 02

Craft distinctive sonic branding Think (and act) musician-first

Winning Audio Sonic branding is a powerful way to convey a

company's identity. Cosgrove notes that TikTok
TikTok is a launchpad for some of today's
biggest artists. They can release songs on the

in 2022
trends are mostly based around songs or audio platform, where music is easily shared and built
snippets, rather than broad-scale sound design. upon, thanks to TikTok's culture of participation
But if brands want to explore their sonic identity and co-creation. That behavior will continue in
on the platform, they should make sure it's 2022, according to Gruger.
If you want to get started on your 2022 TikTok distinct, according to Engels.
strategy, but aren't yet sure how to use sound "Artists will tease their music on the platform,
in your plans, have no fear. We tapped three "They have to create something distinctive, leaning into posting and starting their own
something they can own, so they can touch trends by interacting with users in order to drive
experts to give guidance on how brands can people’s hearts, stay in their minds. If your streaming," Gruger said. "Some artists have
win their audio strategies this year—from using brand's sound is ‘average,’ then it disappears in already teased snippets of their songs before
cutting-edge tools to putting artists at the the mass," said Engels. "A distinctive sonic identity releasing a full track, then seen heavy
forefront of content. Here's what they had to makes a brand stand out from competitors. And engagement. As a result, those artists
that lets them build long-term relationships with experienced massive gains in streaming."
audiences. The sound identity will stick."
Brands can also galvanize the TikTok community
around certain musicians by putting artists at the
forefront of what they do on the platform, said

"[Brands can] can get involved in big moments in

an artist's life, like album releases, tours, and
Meet your experts: award nominations. They can find ways to show
what's coming, and what that artist is doing, and
say, "By the way, our brand is a part of it." Let
Bryan Cosgrove the music be front and center," he said.
Director of Commercial Music & Creative
Licensing at TikTok

Cedric Engels
Director of CEO of sound production
agency Sonhouse

of our users feel TikTok has had a

big impact on the music industry¹
William Gruger
Music Editorial & Programming Lead,
US at TikTok


of users associate certain
songs with TikTok²

1. TikTok Marketing Science US Understanding TikTok's Impact on

Culture Custom Research 2021, conducted by Flamingo
2. TikTok Marketing Science US Music Perceptions Research 2020
conducted by MRC Data (formerly Nielsen Music)

Be an early adopter of voice tech
On TikTok, audio is about more than just "'Real’ voices by individuals will gain importance.
music—voice is also a huge component. Our The original human element can make the
text-to-speech feature was popular in 2021. Voice difference," said Engels. "Brands should think about
effects are a source of inspiration and creativity for their tone of voice within a sonic branding
our users. And as this kind of technology continues strategy."
to grow, voice will become an even bigger part
of TikTok. Bottom line? Brands should combine fun tools like
the text-to-speech reader with honest voiceovers
"The popularity of our voice assistant and the and direct-to-camera dictation. Using both will
interest of some brands to explore this space are allow them to get in on the joy of a trend, while still
both good indicators" of this potential growth, forming close bonds with viewers.
said Cosgrove.
"Sound is the basis of communication. People have
Amid this evolution, as people hear more always used their voices to share their messages.
automated voices, they'll start to yearn to hear Voice can add nuance to what you want to say,"
authentic human narration—which may become a said Engels.
key aspect of genuine storytelling on TikTok,
said Engel.

Videos tagged with #VoiceEffects have
160B+ vvs on TikTok (As of December 2021)

o k N D
Ti O F S
of users accurately recognized the brand in


ads that used direct-to-camera audio³

3. TikTok Marketing Science US Sound On Part 2: Audio

Effects Research 2021 conducted by Media Science

Say hello to your new creative dream team.
Far from your typical creative director - meet
the TikTok Creators: the bold personalities,
cultural experts, trend-setters, and pioneers
who will empower you to overdeliver against
your campaign goals, and get impactful and
You might be wondering what "credentials"
tangible results. It's time to trust in Creators to
these Creators have, especially since the
leverage their own flair and influence to give
definition of "creator" is increasingly fluid.
your brand the big boost that it deserves.
It's true - TikTok gives anyone and everyone

Your new creative

a space to express themselves and be
The stats speak for themselves. In the EU
discovered. However, we see this as a huge
we've seen that partnering with Creators on
positive. By democratizing creativity, we've
TikTok boosts view-through rates for In-Feed
created an authentic and genuine
Ads by 193%, and branded content coming

dream team,
atmosphere where brands can form
from Creator collabs shows a 27% higher ad
meaningful and trusting relationships with
recall. Even TikTok users themselves agree -
their consumers.
65% of TikTok users enjoy when a Creator
posts about a product or brand¹.
Moving away from transactional

coming in hot
endorsements and traditional product
Why are they so effective? Essentially,
placements towards a more authentic
Creators live and breathe TikTok, which
collaboration has not only yielded effective
means they have a full grasp on TikTok trends,
results for brands, but has also inspired
tricks, and techniques for creating resonating
them to play an active role in impactful
content that's native to TikTok. Secondly, their
conversations around causes such as racial
cultural expertise paired with a unique voice
equality and mental health. Making the
and style have likely led to an existing
world a better place with more purpose
follower-base that's loyal, engaged, and
and humanity.
trusting. They hold the Creators' views in high
regard, which makes for a powerful audience.

1. Marketing Science EU proprietary creative analysis, United Kingdom,
03 CREATORS France, Germany, Spain, Italy, October 2020 - May 2021

1. Do your homework to find your ideal creators.

The Creator Marketplace is the go-to destination for collaboration. Discover Creators based
on industry, budget, and business goals - enabling you to find the best Creator for you.

2. Test out different types of creators.

Be open to Creators of various styles, backgrounds, and audience sizes. Tap into different
subcultures. You might be surprised by the top performers.

3. Use the powerful suite of TikTok tools at your disposal.

TikTok Ads Manager allows you to launch a paid strategy. Business Center empowers you
to manage and analyze campaigns. Meanwhile, Creators have native tools within TIkTok
to generate content that is organic and relatable.

4. Build a holistic creator strategy that's "always on." Key Themes for 2022
Think of your partnership with Creators as double-sided. It's important to be inclusive of
both sides in terms of channel mix (your owned channels + theirs).
The power of community co-creation
In 2022 we are making a deeper commitment to our creators and our
community. Our two main focus areas are...
5. Don't leave them hanging after the brief.
Creators are the integral to TikTok and champions within their communities. Be sure to
bring them into the whole process so they can do their best work and shine on behalf of
your brand.
Further strengthening the bond
between creators and brands.
Through TikTok Creator Marketplace we aim to help you find the right creators
We're truly humbled and excited to see so many Creators in the most efficient way possible.

thrive on the platform, and get access to new means of We will continue to foster and champion creator communities and community
work and livelihood through collaborating with brands. We driven brand opportunities.
can't wait to see what's in store for 2022 and beyond for Results, results, results.
Creators working hand in hand with brands!
In order to improve creator marketing efficacy we will work
towards providing measurable results and meaningful insights.
TikTok’s Four Pillars

of Brand Safety
Keeping Our Community Safe:
Our approach starts, first and foremost, with keeping our community safe. When we do so, we not
only create a safe place for our users to authentically express themselves, but, in turn, a positive
environment to build brands and reach our community in a meaningful way.
In 2021, we worked diligently to live up to our commitment by introducing an array of products and
initiatives that reflect our ongoing dedication to the safety of the TikTok community, like
age-appropriate privacy and safety settings, tools to promote kindness, combat bullying and curb
the spread of misinformation, as well as campaigns to promote awareness around bullying.

Building for
Building Brand-Safe Solutions:
We have also been listening closely to our brand partners, who are an integral part of - and built
seamlessly into - the TikTok community. We get that more control over where ads appear is of
paramount importance, and throughout 2021 we expanded our offerings to advertisers that help

Brand Safety
ensure branded content shows up adjacent to safe and suitable videos. Working both in-house and
with 3rd-party partners we now offer four innovative brand safety solutions for advertisers on TikTok:
our proprietary TikTok Inventory Filter, pre-bid solutions from OpenSlate and IAS and a post-bid
solution from Zefr. We are also constantly iterating and expanding these offerings to different
markets and ad buying types.

At TikTok, we have always been committed to creating a

Championing Transparency and Accountability:
trusted environment for brands, built on a foundation of
safety, transparency and accountability - because when we In order to keep everyone informed about the steps we are taking to keep our community safe, we
talk about brand safety, it all goes back to brands and are striving to be the most transparent and accountable company in the industry by giving
unprecedented insights into our operations. In 2021 we launched our first two quarterly Community
advertisers trusting where their content shows up. To build Guidelines Enforcement Reports and held tours of our pioneering Transparency and Accountability
towards that trust, we have taken a holistic approach to Centers, as well as announced plans for a new physical center in Ireland to build on our two
brand safety on TikTok across four strategic pillars. previously announced centers in Los Angeles and Washington D.C. What's more, we revamped our
Transparency Center on the TikTok website to keep the public informed of our efforts in the space.

Partnering for Progress:

Finally, we wouldn't be where we are if it weren't for our partners - because we are always stronger

when we work together. 2021 saw an expansion and deepening of safety partnerships for TikTok, like
joining the Technology Coalition, participating in the inaugural GARM Aggregated Measurement
Report, taking a seat on the Brand Safety Institute's Board of Advisors and becoming TAG Brand
Safety Certified globally by the Trustworthy Accountability Group. At TikTok we take our partnerships
seriously, both to help inform our own operations and ultimately to push the industry forward for the
greater good of the digital ecosystem.

A snapshot of some of
TikTok's milestones in safety
Released our first quarterly
and transparency last year Community Guidelines Expanded privacy and safety
Enforcement Report (Q1 2021) settings for teens

Read More Read More


Expanded markets for our
TikTok Brand Safety Solution,
Verified by OpenSlate Officially announced our Participated in the second
Achieved TAG Brand Safety TikTok Inventory Filter; IAS & GARM Aggregated
Introduced new default Certified status globally Zefr Partnerships Measurement Report
privacy and safety settings Read More
for youth Read More Read More

Read More

Joined the Brand Safety
Institute's Board of Advisors
Participated in the first Released our second quarterly Community Guidelines
GARM Aggregated Enforcement Report (Q2 2021)
Measurement Report
Read More
Read More

Launched our new
Transparency Reports and
Released our H2 2020 refreshed Transparency
Transparency Report Center

Read More Read More

Rich Raddon, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Zefr

There is no "job done" when it comes to brand safety, particularly as it is constantly evolving
Mike Zaneis, CEO, TAG
and becoming more nuanced. Looking ahead to 2022 we will continue to prioritize the
safety of our community, new solutions for brands, transparency, and partnerships as we
“By adopting industry best practices continue to foster a positive environment for creative expression where brands can build,
to protect its partners and the supply reach new customers and more.
chain from the full range of potential
brand safety threats, TikTok is For our advertisers, we are developing a number of
demonstrating its strong additional controls to ensure that they feel confident their
commitment to the safety of its investment runs in an environment suitable for their brand.
growing community and the This will include various first-party solutions such as
protection of brands within that category exclusion and inventory tiers, in addition to
community. We look forward to expanding our solutions with third-party partners to offer
more customization.
continuing to work with TikTok to
Jon Schmucler,
raise the bar for other companies Global Head of Product Marketing, Measurement Solutions
across the digital ad supply chain.”
Finally, we are dedicated to continuing to work with our partners like GARM, TAG and the
Brand Safety Institute to enhance brand safety education and push the industry forward
in the interest of building a safer digital ecosystem globally.
Neal Thurman, Director of the Coalition for Better Ads and
Co-Founder of the Brand Safety Institute

"Very impressed by your

commitment to brand safety and
building it in to everything you do."

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