Plate Size and Color Suggestibility: The Delboeuf Illusion's Bias On Serving and Eating Behavior
Plate Size and Color Suggestibility: The Delboeuf Illusion's Bias On Serving and Eating Behavior
Plate Size and Color Suggestibility: The Delboeuf Illusion's Bias On Serving and Eating Behavior
Despite the challenged contention that consumers serve more onto larger din-
nerware, it remains unclear what would cause this and who might be most at risk.
The results of five studies suggest that the neglected Delboeuf illusion may explain
how the size of dinnerware creates two opposing biases that lead people to over-
serve on larger plates and bowls and underserve on smaller ones. A countercyclical
sinus-shaped relationship is shown to exist between these serving biases and the
relative gap between the edge of the food and the edge of the dinnerware. Although
these serving biases are difficult to eliminate with attention and education, changing
the color of one’s dinnerware or tablecloth may help attenuate them. By showing
that the Delboeuf illusion offers a mechanistic explanation for how dinnerware size
can bias serving and intake, we open new theoretical opportunities for linking
illusions to eating behavior and suggest how simple changes in design can improve
consumer welfare.
propose that the well-established perceptual biases described this, a field experiment investigates the robustness of these
by this Delboeuf illusion may explain how and why the size biases in a luncheon context. Key findings for health pro-
of dinnerware causes serving biases that occur meal by meal. fessionals, public policy makers, and responsible parents are
Such biases imply an important interplay between percep- outlined along with a range of suggestions that may help
tions and compensating serving behavior. In turn, this sug- improve consumer welfare.
gests that not all consumers may be similarly influenced by
environmental cues, but it might be magnified by situational HOW PERCEPTUAL ILLUSIONS BIAS
variables. There are four contributions of this research.
1. It introduces the Delboeuf illusion as a neglected
but possible explanation for the link between the Despite contentions that dinnerware size positively influ-
size of dinnerware and serving biases. ences serving and consumption behavior, it remains unclear
2. It extends the Delboeuf illusion from the perceptual why this might happen. This lack of understanding hinders
to the behavioral domain, thereby helping refute the a deeper investigation that could suggest key moderating
notion that there are separate visual pathways for conditions and simple, straightforward solutions to the po-
perception and action that prevent visual illusions tential problem. For instance, it remains unclear why Wan-
from having behavioral consequences (Franz et al. sink, Van Ittersum, and Painter (2006) found that even nu-
2000). tritional experts (nutrition professors and graduate students)
3. It theorizes and demonstrates that there is a greater served and ate more at an ice cream social when given larger
tendency for consumers to be mindlessly influenced dinnerware, while Rolls et al. (2007) found people eating
by these environmental cues if they are distracted, in isolated tasting booths did not.
unaware, or uneducated. When investigating the visual perception literature in this
4. It demonstrates how the color contrast between the area, it is striking to note the resemblance between a plate
food, the dinnerware, and the tablecloth influences filled with food and the two concentric circles that constitute
the Delboeuf illusion. the Delboeuf illusion (compare the top two rows of fig. 2).
As indicated earlier, Delboeuf (1865) demonstrated an in-
This research is organized as follows. First, the Delboeuf teresting perceived difference in size between two identical
illusion is introduced as a potential explanation for the link circles when one was surrounded by a much larger circle
between the size of dinnerware and serving behavior and and the other one was surrounded by only a slightly larger
consumption. Second, four lab studies examine the opposing circle. His finding may help resolve the puzzle of dinnerware
biases resulting in underserving and overserving. Following size and serving biases.
contrast the circle information of the serving size and the anism. For instance, both assimilation and contrast effects
bowl when envisioning the target serving size into the large have been shown to be weakened by manipulating the color
bowl (Nicolas 1995). As a result, we hypothesize she will contrast of the inducing circles (Oyama 1960; Weintraub
perceive the target serving size to be smaller than its actual and Schenck 1986). Reducing the color contrast of the in-
size (Pollack 1964) and compensate by overserving herself. ducing circle (e.g., by using gray instead of black lines)
The opposite is expected for consumer B. The relatively lowers the salience of and thus participants’ reliance on the
smaller gap between the edges of the serving size and the circle when judging the test circle (Weintraub and Cooper
bowl—associated with diameter ratios larger than 0.5— 1972). This reduced reliance on the inducing circle has a
leads consumer B to holistically pool and assimilate the corresponding effect on estimation biases (Coren and Girgus
circle information of the serving size and the bowl (Jaeger 1972) for circles as well as other figure-ground illusions (Li
and Lorden 1980). As a result, we hypothesize he will per- and Guo 1995). Thus, reducing the color contrast of the
ceive the target serving size to be larger than its actual size inducing circle—for instance, by placing a white plate on
to the movements of the eyes that, through continued in- STUDY 1: THE EFFECT OF
spection, allow for cognitive recalibration (Coren and Hoe- THE DELBOEUF ILLUSION
nig 1972).
H3: Attention to the target serving size and the din- To test hypothesis 1, an experiment was conducted with 225
nerware: students (44.9% female) at the Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology. Their average age was 21.1 years (range 19–35).
H3a: reduces overserving when the diameter ratio be-
tween the serving size and the dinnerware is
smaller than 0.5 (but larger than 0), typically Design and Procedure
with larger dinnerware.
Study 1 consisted of a between-subject design with seven
diameter of soup, they walked over to another station with ratios, for readability purposes we implicitly refer to dif-
a bowl of prepoured soup. The size of the bowl was ran- ferences in diameter ratios based on larger versus smaller
domized. The soup in the bowl had the exact same diameter bowls (noting that the target serving size is constant across
as the target diameter. Next, participants were asked to de- conditions).
termine whether and how much smaller or larger the di- If the Delboeuf illusion drives these pouring biases, a
ameter of the soup in the bowl was than the target diameter. reversal should be found for the estimation biases. The re-
They could use a magnitude scale to mark how much smaller sults confirm this. First, analysis of variance revealed a sig-
or larger the diameter of the soup in the bowl was. After nificant main effect for bowl size (F(6, 218) p 15.9, p !
the participants were done, they were asked for their gender .01). Participants perceived the diameter of the pre-served
and age. serving size in the smaller bowls to be 8.9% larger than the
diameter of the target serving (t(93) p 7.93, p ! .01), while
Results and Discussion the opposite is found for the larger bowl (⫺8.6%, t(91) p
Analysis of variance revealed a significant main effect ⫺5.18, p ! .01). Participants estimating the diameter of the
for bowl size (F(6, 218) p 42.26, p ! .01). Consistent with pre-served soup in the control bowl overestimate by an in-
hypothesis 1a, participants poured 8.2% less in the three significant 0.8% (t(38) p 0.60, p 1 .10).
smaller bowls (diameter ratios 10.5 and !1) than the target To gain a more detailed understanding of the mechanism
serving size (t(95) p ⫺10.49, p ! .01). As illustrated in that drives these main effects, we next examined whether
figure 4, participants poured 9.9% more in the three larger and how these serving and estimation biases relate to the
bowls (diameter ratios !0.5 and 10), thereby confirming ratio between the target and bowl diameters (as visualized
hypothesis 1b (t(96) p 8.89, p ! .01). Those who poured in fig. 3). First, consistent with expectations, the results (see
in the control bowl (diameter ratio p 0.5) poured an insig- fig. 4) suggest that the relationship between the diameter
nificant 0.9% less than the target serving size (t(31) p ⫺.91, ratios and the serving biases follows a sinus shape. As would
p 1 .10). While technically we test the effect of diameter be expected, this shape is reversed for estimation. Both re-
and then draw the circle. The diameters of the serving circles STUDY 4: THE EFFECT OF EDUCATION
they drew were calculated by averaging two orthogonal di- AND THE DELBOEUF ILLUSION
ameter measures (r p .98).
Results and Discussion To test whether education about the Delboeuf illusion elim-
inates perceptual biases, an experiment was conducted with
Analysis of variance revealed a significant interaction be- 101 students (41.6% female) at the Georgia Institute of Tech-
tween plate size and attention (F(1, 85) p 16.27, p ! .01). nology. Their average age was 21.6 years (range 18–39).
Planned comparisons showed that participants in the control
condition served 8.3% more than the target serving size on
the larger plate (t(43) p 6.51, p ! .01), thereby confirming Design and Procedure
hypothesis 1a. In line with hypothesis 1b, participants served
11.2% less than the target serving size on the smaller plate Study 4 consisted of a 2 # 2 design where we manip-
(t(43) p 9.68, p ! .01). ulated diameter ratio with plate size (small vs. large) and
As figure 6 shows, attention significantly reduced the Del- education (uneducated vs. educated) as within and between-
boeuf illusion’s effect on serving behavior from a ⫺11.2% subject experimental factors, respectively. Participants were
⫹ 8.3% p 19.5% serving bias to a ⫺7.2% ⫹ 1.0% p presented with the target serving size of cereal (d p 10.5
8.2% serving bias. Free inspection of the stimuli reduced centimeters, 15 grams of cereal) and asked to serve them-
both the assimilation associated with smaller plates (F(1, selves the exact same amount of cereal on both a smaller
85) p 4.71, p ! .05) and the contrast associated with larger (17.0 centimeters) and a larger plate (26.4 centimeters) with
plates (F(1, 85) p 6.58, p ! .05). Consistent with hypothesis an identical depth (1.75 centimeters; presented in different
3a, attention reduced overserving on larger plates (1.0% ≈ stations in the lab). Prior to the serving task, half the par-
0; t(46) p .56, p 1 .10). In line with hypothesis 3b, attention ticipants were informed about the Delboeuf illusion—the
reduced underserving on smaller plates from 11.2% to 7.2% biases were explained and visualized—and its effect on serv-
(t(43) p 2.57, p ! .05). ing behavior. The weights of all serving sizes were recorded.
Making people mindful of the target serving size and plate
size reduces the effects of the Delboeuf illusion. Despite Results
these promising results, one could question the practicality
of asking consumers to pay close attention when they serve Analysis of variance revealed a significant interaction ef-
themselves. A more effective strategy may be to explicitly fect between plate size and education (F(1, 99) p 6.65, p
educate consumers about how the Delboeuf illusion biases ! .05). Planned comparisons revealed that education reduced
behavior. To examine this and test hypotheses 4a and 4b, the effect of the Delboeuf illusion on serving behavior from
study 4 was conducted. a ⫺10.6% ⫹ 7.1% p 17.7% serving bias to a ⫺4.4% ⫹
4.3% p 8.7% serving bias (see fig. 7). Plate size influenced given larger bowls served 32.5% more cereal than those
serving behavior, but less so among educated participants. given smaller bowls (70.7 vs. 51.6 grams; F(1, 80) p 16.54,
Consistent with hypotheses 4a and 4b, education reduced p ! .01). Consistent with the empirical generalization that
both the assimilation associated with smaller plates (F(1, people, on average, will consume around 92% of what they
99) p 5.97, p ! .05) and the contrast associated with larger serve themselves (Wansink 2006, 59), 97.3% of the diners
plates (F(1, 99) p 4.01, p ! .05). Furthermore, in accor- in these three field studies consumed all they had served.
dance with expectations, education does not eliminate over- Despite the fact that these three field studies demonstrate
serving on larger plates (4.3% 1 0; t(48) p 2.50, p ! .05) that the size of dinnerware influences serving and con-
nor underserving on smaller plates (⫺4.4% ! 0; t(48) p sumption behavior, they do not provide direct evidence that
⫺2.11, p ! .05). the Delboeuf illusion is actually driving these results. To
more closely examine whether the robustness of the Del-
boeuf illusion holds up in real-life serving situations, we
Discussion of Studies 1–4 conclude with a field experiment involving adults who
The results of studies 1–4 suggest that the well-estab- served themselves lunchtime pasta during a college reunion.
lished contrast and assimilation biases that constitute the
Delboeuf illusion have corresponding influences on serving
behavior. The results soundly refute the notion that reported STUDY 5: THE EFFECT OF COLOR
dinnerware-size effects represent a main effect (Wansink et CONTRAST BETWEEN FOOD AND
al. 2006). Instead, the seemingly main effect of dinnerware DINNERWARE AND THE DELBOEUF
size is the joint outcome of two opposing forces that lead ILLUSION ON SERVING BEHAVIOR
consumers to serve more than a target serving size on large
dinnerware and less than a target serving size on small On the first day of a college reunion in upstate New York,
dinnerware. we directed 60 (30 female) lunch goers to a buffet table
Different food intake studies in the field have shown re- where they served themselves pasta that was premixed with
sults consistent with what the Delboeuf illusion would pre- a red tomato sauce or to a buffet table where they served
dict. First, Wansink et al. (2006) demonstrated that when themselves pasta that was premixed with a cream-based
85 nutrition experts were given a larger bowl, they served white Alfredo sauce. At each of these tables, they were
themselves 31.0% more (6.3 vs. 4.8 ounces, F(1, 80) p randomly given a white plate or a dark red plate.
8.05, p ! .01). In a second field study, involving 113 over- If the Delboeuf illusion influences serving behavior as
weight teenagers at a 6-week health and fitness camp in studies 1–4 suggest, we would expect to find that lunch
New Hampshire, the authors found that those given larger goers serving themselves white (red) sauce pasta on a white
bowls served 27.8% more cereal at breakfast than those (red) plate serve a different amount than those serving white
given smaller bowls (49.6 vs. 38.8 grams; F(1, 112) p (red) sauce pasta on a red (white) plate. The rationale for
27.24 , p ! .01). In a third study, similar results were found this is that differences in color contrast between the pasta
with 81 adult jazz musicians attending a 3-day jazz impro- and the plate influence the Delboeuf illusion, depending on
visation camp in western Massachusetts. Those who were the size of the plate. Study 2 showed that reducing the color
contrast of the inducing circle relative to its background premixed with a white cream-based Alfredo sauce while the
(white plate on a white tablecloth) reduces the magnitude other half served themselves pasta that was premixed with
of the Delboeuf illusion. However, reducing the color con- a red tomato-based sauce. After they finished serving them-
trast of the test circle relative to the inducing circle (e.g., selves, their pasta was weighed by hidden scales, and they
white-sauce pasta on white plate) has shown to increase the then continued through the line to serve themselves a bev-
magnitude of the Delboeuf illusion (Weintraub and Cooper erage and dessert.
1972) as the low color-contrast test circle increases the need According to the Food Guide Pyramid and the Diabetic
for the visual comparisons. This will increase one’s tendency Exchange System, a serving of pasta is one-half cup of
to overserve onto larger dinnerware and to underserve onto cooked pasta (114.3 grams), which closely resembles the
smaller dinnerware. This is confirmed in a lab experiment size of a fist (d p 8.3 centimeters). The diameter ratio of
resembling study 2. Participants serving white cereal on a this serving size and the plate (d p 27.3 centimeters) is
small white plate underserved themselves more than partic- 0.30, which stimulates contrast and thus overserving under
ipants serving dark cereal (⫺19.4% vs. ⫺12.0%; F(1, 86) high color-contrast conditions (see study 1). In accordance
p 7.1, p ! .01). Likewise, participants serving white cereal with the research by Weintraub and Cooper (1972), we ex-
on a large white plate overserved themselves more than pect participants in the low color-contrast conditions (white-
those serving dark cereal (17.3% vs. 9.8%; F(1, 86) p 5.7, sauce pasta on white plate; red-sauce pasta on red plate) to
p ! .05). overserve themselves significantly more pasta than those in
the high color-contrast conditions.
Design and Procedure
Results and Discussion
Upon entering the serving area, participants were ran-
domly led to one of two buffet tables. One table only offered Consistent with expectations, participants in the low color-
pasta in a white cream-based Alfredo sauce; the other table contrast conditions overserved significantly more pasta than
only offered pasta in a red tomato-based sauce. Participants those in the high color-contrast conditions (182.7 vs. 140.6
were not aware that the two tables offered different flavors grams; F(1, 58) p 7.92, p ! .01). Figure 8 illustrates that
(colors) of pasta sauce. Once in line at the buffet, each people overserved themselves more pasta when given the
participant was randomly given either a large dark red plate same color plate (i.e., white-sauce pasta on a white plate,
or a white plate of equal diameter (27.3 centimeters). Plate or red-sauce pasta on a red plate) than when given a con-
size was kept constant to minimize the chance of lunch goers trasting color plate (i.e., white-sauce pasta on a red plate,
becoming suspicious. We chose larger plates to examine or red-sauce pasta on a white plate).
whether using high-contrasting larger dinnerware could help The serving sizes in the two low color-contrast conditions
consumers reduce their food intake compared to those using did not differ. Lunch goers overserved as much red-sauce
low-contrasting larger dinnerware. pasta on red plates as they did white-sauce pasta on white
Half of the lunch goers served themselves pasta that was plates (184.0 vs. 181.5 grams; F(1, 27) p .01, p 1 .20).
Similarly, the serving sizes in the two high color-contrast plain why they also tend to underserve when using smaller
conditions did not differ. Lunch goers overserved as much ones.
red-sauce pasta on white plates as they did white-sauce pasta These results uniquely suggest a range of characteristics
on red plates (141.5 vs. 139.8 grams; F(1, 29) p .23, p 1 that could moderate the influence of external cues (see table
.20). Consistent with earlier findings, in both conditions, 1). It was found that attention and education may reduce
people overserved themselves relative to the recommended the overserving (underserving) biases associated with serv-
serving size (141.5 grams 1 114.3 grams; t(16) p 2.05, p ing on larger (smaller) bowls and plates. Furthermore, while
! .05; 139.5 vs. 114.3; t(13) p 1.83, p ! .05). reducing the color contrast between the dinnerware and its
This important field study shows converging results with background may help reduce over- and underserving biases,
what was found in the lab studies. In combination, these increasing the color contrast between the food and the din-
findings underscore the behavioral consequences of percep- nerware actually may accomplish this as well. We conclude
tual biases. Over time and with repeated meals, the gradual that the Delboeuf illusion offers a key explanation as to why
impact on one’s weight gain would be significant. and when the size of dinnerware influences serving-size
perceptions, serving behavior, and consumption.
Despite the apocryphal contention that dinnerware size in- Theoretical Implications
fluences serving behavior and food consumption, until now
it was unclear why this might be. This lack of understanding Environmental cues—such as dinnerware size—signifi-
has hindered the systematic research of how this—and a cantly bias food intake. By extending the Delboeuf illusion
wider range of environmental cues—might influence serv- from the perceptual to the behavioral domain, we help refute
ing behavior, and it precluded the ability to reconcile con- the notion that there are separate visual pathways for per-
tradictory findings. ception versus action that prevent visual illusions from hav-
Importantly, findings reported here empirically demon- ing behavioral consequences (Franz et al. 2000). Research
strate that the Delboeuf illusion may explain why and how on the behavioral implications of visual illusions has been
dinnerware size influences serving behavior. For nearly 150 mixed. This lack of consistency has been used as supporting
years, the Delboeuf illusion has been regarded as robust, evidence that there may be separate visual pathways for
but “of little practical value” (Coren and Girgus 1978). In perception and action (Franz et al. 2000). However, a grow-
the context of serving behavior, however, it takes on an ing body of research refutes this idea, suggesting—but not
undiscovered dimension of everyday importance. By intro- showing—that visual illusions can have behavioral conse-
ducing the Delboeuf illusion as a possible explanation and quences (Watt, Bradshaw, and Rushton 2000). Finding a
extending it from the perceptual to the behavioral domain, context in which we empirically validate the behavioral con-
the studies have shown how the illusion biases serving size sequences of the Delboeuf illusion constitutes a significant
perceptions, serving behavior, and consumption. Whereas theoretical contribution to this literature. Importantly, these
contrast effects explain why consumers tend to overserve results not only corroborate the idea that the Delboeuf il-
when using larger bowls and plates, assimilation effects ex- lusion may explain why and how dinnerware size causes
natural disaster—the influence of these illusions may be less While replacing larger dinnerware with smaller dinner-
robust. ware reduces how much all consumers eat, it may have a
It has frequently been asked whether the color of din- disproportionate influence on certain segments of consum-
nerware influences serving. This question presupposes that ers. Consider children. When children serve themselves,
there is one best color dinnerware to reduce overeating. they underserve themselves the most when serving onto
Importantly, our findings show that it is not the color of smaller plates (Van Ittersum and Wansink 2007). In addition,
dinnerware that makes the difference; it is the color contrast the smaller norms suggested by smaller dinnerware could
between the color of the food and the color of the plate, or lead to healthier consumption benchmarks for children as
the color of the plate and the color of the table. This twist they grow. Replacing larger dinnerware with smaller din-
helps explain why past investigations of color have not been nerware will reduce plate size and personal consumption
successful. If the contrast of the food and the size of the norms, something that might benefit children for the re-
plate were not taken into account, results would be incon- mainder of their lives (Wansink and Van Ittersum 2007).
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