Shrinkage Factors of Cohesive Soils by The Water Submersion Method
Shrinkage Factors of Cohesive Soils by The Water Submersion Method
Shrinkage Factors of Cohesive Soils by The Water Submersion Method
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D4943 − 18
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D4943 − 18
6.17 Petroleum Based Lubricant, used to grease the shrink- ionized or tap water may be used for the water bath and
age dish. shrinkage dish volume determination. However, the same type
6.18 Liquid Limit Device and Grooving Tool, as described in of water shall be used for both purposes.
Test Method D4318.
11. Preparation of Test Specimen
7. Reagents and Materials 11.1 Prepare the test specimen in accordance with the
7.1 Purity of Water—Where distilled water is referred to in procedures outlined in Test Method D4318, using either the
this test method, either distilled or demineralized water may be wet or dry preparation procedure. The water content of the soil
used. shall be adjusted to a consistency that will require about ten
blows of the liquid limit device to close the groove along a
8. Safety Hazards distance of 13 mm. Dependent upon the soil type, the amount
of water required may exceed the liquid limit by as much as 10
8.1 Wax melting equipment and hot wax may burn unpro-
tected skin. Overheated wax may burst into flames; therefore,
extreme care should be exercised when working with hot wax. 12. Procedure
Do not use an open flame device to heat wax.
12.1 Select a shrinkage dish and record its identification
9. Sampling designation and its volume. The volume of the shrinkage dish
is used as the volume of the wet soil pat and is determined by
9.1 Obtain samples from any location that satisfies testing
procedures outlined in A1.3 and A1.4. Lightly grease the inside
needs. However, use Practices C702 and D75, as well as Guide
of the shrinkage dish.
D420, as guides for selecting and preserving samples from
various types of sampling operations. 12.2 Determine and record the mass of the greased shrink-
age dish.
9.2 Where sampling operations have preserved the natural
stratification of a sample, keep the various strata separated and 12.3 Place, in the center of the dish, an amount of the
perform tests on the particular stratum of interest with as little prepared soil equal to about one-third the volume of the dish
contamination as possible from other strata. Where a mixture and cause the soil to flow to the edges by tapping the dish on
of materials will be used in construction, combine the various a firm surface, cushioned by several layers of blotting paper or
components in such proportions that the resultant sample similar material. Add an amount of soil approximately equal to
represents the actual construction case. the first portion, and tap the dish until the soil is thoroughly
compacted and entrapped air has been brought to the surface.
9.3 Where data from this test method are to be used for
Add additional soil and continue the tapping until the dish is
correlation with other laboratory or field test data, use the same
completely filled and excess soil flows over its edge. Strike off
material as used for these tests whenever possible.
the excess soil with a straightedge and level the soil with the
9.4 Obtain a representative portion of soil from the total top edge of the shrinkage dish. Wipe off all soil adhering to the
sample sufficient to provide 150 to 200 g of material passing outside of the dish.
the 425-µm (No. 40) sieve. Mix samples thoroughly in a pan
12.4 Determine and record the mass of the dish plus wet soil
with a spatula or scoop and obtain a representative portion
immediately after leveling.
from the total mass by making one or more sweeps with a
scoop through the mixed mass. 12.5 Allow the soil pat to dry in air until the color of the pat
turns from dark to light.
10. Volume Determination and Standardization 12.5.1 Drying the soil pat in air may produce cracking of the
10.1 Determine the volume of each shrinkage dish used in soil pat due to rapid moisture loss. This may be a concern in
accordance with Annex A1. Since the dishes may have dry climates and precautions should be implemented to slow
different volumes, each dish must be permanently identified. the rate of moisture loss by drying the soil pat in a humidity
controlled environment.
10.2 The specific gravity (or density) of the wax must be
known in advance to at least two significant digits. This can NOTE 3—The time required to air dry the soil pat will depend on the
plasticity of the soil, the initial water content, and the relative humidity. In
often be obtained from the manufacturer, but shall be deter- some cases it may take from 1 to 2 weeks for the color of the soil to turn
mined in accordance with Annex A2. The specific gravity of from dark to light.
the wax shall be determined initially and each time the wax is
12.6 Following the specimen color change, check the soil
pat for cracking and determine if the pat is intact. If so,
10.3 Equalize the water bath, testing apparatus, and the continue with the test. If the specimen has cracked or broken,
laboratory environment to about room temperature while the test will need to be repeated or a substitute specimen used.
performing both the dish volume determinations and the
NOTE 4—When testing soils that may be susceptible to cracking it is
individual test measurement. Temperature differences, as large suggested that multiple specimens be molded.
as 5°C, will not adversely impact the shrinkage limit when
reported to the nearest whole number. A thermometer shall be 12.7 Oven dry the soil pat to constant mass at 110 6 5°C.
used to verify that the water bath and water, used for the dish 12.8 Determine and record the mass of the dish plus dry soil
volume determinations, are within 5°C. Either distilled, de- pat.
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D4943 − 18
12.9 Carefully remove the dry intact soil pat from the dish. m wsx 5 m sxa 2 m sxw (3)
12.10 Coat the dry soil pat with wax as follows: where:
12.10.1 Securely tie sewing thread or fine fishing line (about mwsx = mass of water displaced by dry soil pat and wax, g,
30 cm long is adequate) around the soil pat. msxa = mass of dry soil pat and wax in air, g, and
12.10.2 Trim any extra thread or line from the knot to msxw = indicated mass of dry soil pat and wax in water, g.
minimize surfaces that wax can adhere to. 13.3.2 Calculate the volume of the dry soil pat and wax as
12.10.3 Immerse the soil pat in the molten wax for several follows:
seconds by holding the sewing thread and lowering the hanging
m wsx
specimen into the wax, using a continuous and smooth motion. V dx 5 (4)
The soil pat should only be immersed to a point where the wax
just covers the top of the soil pat. Avoid wax contacting the where:
suspending sewing thread or fishing line as much as possible. Vdx = volume of dry soil pat and wax, cm3, and
Do not allow air bubbles to develop in the wax coating. If air ρw = density of water, g/cm3 (use 1.000 g/cm3, see Note 6).
bubbles do develop, use a sharp object to cut out the bubble NOTE 6—Assume density of water equal to 1.000 g/cm3. Corrections
and refill the hole with molten wax. Repeat the dipping process for temperature may be used, if desired.
several times to create a smooth wax coating. 13.3.3 Calculate the mass of wax as follows:
12.10.4 Allow the wax coating and soil pat to cool to room
m x 5 m sxa 2 m s (5)
12.11 Determine and record the mass of the wax-coated soil
pat in air. mx = mass of wax, g.
12.12 Determine the mass of water, displaced by the 13.3.4 Calculate the volume of wax as follows:
submerged wax-coated soil pat, using either a suspension mx mx
Vx 5 or (6)
apparatus or directly suspending the soil pat from a balance to Gx ρ ω ρx
determine the underwater mass of the wax coated soil pat as
follows: where:
12.12.1 Suspend the soil pat from a suspension apparatus or Vx = volume of wax, cm3,
balance so the soil pat is positioned entirely submerged in the Gx = specific gravity of wax, and
water bath. Check that the soil pat is not touching the bottom ρx = density of wax, g/cm3.
or sides of the water bath vessel. Make sure that there are no air 13.3.5 Calculate the volume of dry soil pat as follows:
bubbles clinging to the surface of the wax-coated pat or thread V d 5 V dx 2 V x (7)
during this measurement.
12.12.2 Record the underwater mass of the wax-coated soil where:
pat while suspended in the water bath. Vd = volume of dry soil pat, cm3.
NOTE 5—There may be other acceptable methods of determining the 13.4 Calculate the shrinkage limit as follows:
indicated difference of the mass of the soil pat in air and in water.
SL 5 w 2 F~ V 2 V d! ρ w
ms G
3 100 (8)
13. Calculation
13.1 Calculate the mass of the dry soil pat as follows:
SL = shrinkage limit, and
ms 5 md 2 m (1) V = volume of wet soil pat ( = volume of the shrinkage
where: dish), cm3.
ms = mass of the dry soil pat, g, 13.5 Calculate the shrinkage ratio as follows:
md = mass of the dry soil pat and shrinkage dish, g, and ms
m = mass of the shrinkage dish, g. R5 (9)
~ V d 3 ρ w!
13.2 Calculate the initial water content of the soil at the time where:
it was placed in the dish as follows:
R = shrinkage ratio.
w5 F~ ms G
m w 2 m d!
3 100 (2) 13.6 Calculate the volumetric shrinkage as follows:
V s 5 R ~ w 1 2 SL! (10)
w = water content of the soil at the time it was placed in the where:
dish, %, and Vs = volumetric shrinkage, and
mw = mass of the wet soil and shrinkage dish, g. w1 = some given moisture content,%.
13.3 Calculate the volume of the dry soil pat as follows: 13.7 Calculate the linear shrinkage as follows:
13.3.1 Calculate the mass of water displaced by the dry soil
pat and wax as follows: F S
L s 5 100 1 2
V s 1100 D G
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D4943 − 18
where: 15. Precision and Bias
Ls = linear shrinkage. 15.1 Precision—Table 1 presents estimates of precision
based on the results from the AASHTO Materials Reference
14. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) Laboratory (AMRL) Proficiency Sample Program of testing
14.1 The methodology used to specify how data are re- conducted on Sample Numbers 113 and 114. These samples
corded on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as given below, is were found to be a CL material having 95.0 % fines, a liquid
covered in 1.5. limit of 44, a plastic limit of 22, a shrinkage limit of 14, and a
shrinkage ratio of 1.92.
14.2 Record as a minimum the following information 15.1.1 The column labeled “Acceptable Range of Two
(data): Results” quantifies the maximum difference expected between
14.2.1 Specimen identifying information, such as Project two measurements on samples of the same material under the
No., Boring No., Sample No., Depth, etc. conditions listed in the first column. These values only apply to
14.2.2 The date of the test. soils which are similar to proficiency samples 113 and 114.
14.2.3 The person that performed the test. 15.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test
14.2.4 A visual description of the soil. method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
14.2.5 Any special selection and preparation process, such
as removal of gravel or other materials from the specimen. 16. Keywords
14.2.6 The shrinkage limit to the nearest whole number, 16.1 Atterberg limits; linear shrinkage; shrinkage; shrinkage
omitting the percent designation. limit; shrinkage ratio
14.2.7 The shrinkage ratio reported to two decimal places. TABLE 1 Table of Precision Estimates
14.2.8 The volumetric shrinkage to the nearest whole num-
Material and Type Acceptable Range of
ber. Standard DeviationA
Index Two ResultsA
14.2.9 The linear shrinkage to the nearest whole number, Single-Operator
expressed in percent. shrinkage limit 0.75 2.11
shrinkage ratio 0.017 0.048
14.2.10 Wet and dry soil pat mass. Multilaboratory
14.2.11 Mass of soil with wax. shrinkage limit 1.44 4.03
shrinkage ratio 0.040 0.112
14.2.12 Mass of soil and wax in water.
These numbers represent, respectively, the 1s and d2s limits as described in
14.2.13 Density of wax. Practice C670.
14.2.14 Initial soil volume.
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Scope A1.3.3 Place water into the greased dish to overflowing.
A1.1.1 This annex describes the procedure for determining A1.3.4 Remove the excess water by pressing the greased
the volume of the shrinkage dish. glass plate over the top of the dish. Be sure all of the air is
removed from within the dish. Dry the outside of the plate and
A1.2 Preparation of Apparatus dish.
A1.2.1 The shrinkage dish, glass plate, lubricant, and dis-
A1.3.5 Determine and record the mass of the greased dish,
tilled or tap water shall all be at room temperature prior to
greased plate, and water.
performing the volume determination.
A1.3.6 Calculate and record the value of the mass of water.
A1.3 Procedure
A1.3.7 Calculate and record the volume of the shrinkage
A1.3.1 Lightly grease the inside of the shrinkage dish and dish.
face of the glass plate. The face of the glass plate is greased to
provide an adequate watertight seal while moving the dish and A1.3.8 Completely clean the dish and the glass plate and
glass plate to the scale. repeat A1.3.1 through A1.3.7 for a second trial.
A1.3.2 Determine and record the mass of the greased dish A1.3.9 If the difference in volume determinations between
and greased plate. the two trials is greater than 0.03 cm3, repeat the procedure
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D4943 − 18
until the difference between any two trials is equal to or less m1 = mass of greased dish, greased plate, and water, g, and
than 0.03 cm3. Average and record the results of the two trials. m2 = mass of greased dish and greased plate, g.
A1.4 Calculations A1.4.2 Calculate the volume of the shrinkage dish as
A1.4.1 Calculate the mass of water in the shrinkage dish as follows:
follows: V 5 M⁄ρ w (A1.2)
M 5 m1 2 m 2 (A1.1) where:
where: V = volume of shrinkage dish, cm3, and
M = mass of water in shrinkage dish, g, ρw = density of water, g/cm3 (use 1.000 g/cm3, see Note 6).
A2.1 Scope A2.3.5 Determine the mass of the wax cylinder (mwp).
A2.1.1 This annex describes a procedure for determination A2.3.6 Measure the height of the wax cylinder in four
of the wax or wax mixture density. locations (hwp).
A2.1.2 The density determination consists of making a
cylindrical block of wax and measuring the mass and volume. A2.3.7 Measure the diameter of the wax cylinder in four
locations (dwp).
A2.1.3 The density value of the wax is required to two or
more significant digits. A2.4 Calculations
A2.2 Apparatus A2.4.1 Calculate the volume of the wax cylinder as follows:
A2.2.1 Thin plastic tube about 5 cm in diameter and about 2
πd wp h wp
4 cm long (after capping). V wp 5 (A2.1)
A2.2.2 Cap or plug to close one end of the plastic tube (for where:
example, rubber stopper).
Vwp = volume of the wax cylinder, cm3,
A2.2.3 Caliper with 0.01 mm resolution. dwp = average diameter of the wax cylinder, cm, and
hwp = average height of the wax cylinder, cm.
A2.3 Procedure
A2.3.1 Lightly grease the inside of the tube and cap one A2.4.2 Calculate the mass density of the wax as follows:
end. m wp
ρx 5 (A2.2)
A2.3.2 Pour liquid wax into tube and cool to a solid. v wp
A2.3.3 Remove end plug and extrude the wax cylinder from where:
the tube. ρx = mass density of the wax, g/cm3, and
A2.3.4 Use a straight edge to square both ends of the wax mwp = mass of the wax cylinder, g.
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D4943 – 08) that may impact the use of this standard. (June 1, 2018)
(1) Revised the title to more accurately describe the test (5) Sections 4 and 5 Test Method and Significance: Revised to
method. include more details to clarify.
(2) Section 1 Scope: Revised to describe the test method in (6) Section 6 Apparatus: Added additional equipment and
more detail. details to existing apparatus.
(3) Section 2 Reference Documents: Added pertinent docu- (7) Added Section 7 Reagents and Materials.
ments. (8) Section 12 Procedure: Added additional procedural steps to
(4) Section 3 Terminology: Added terms and definitions. clarify.
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D4943 − 18
(9) Section 13 Calculations: Revised to require specific calcu- (11) Annex: Revised several formulas.
(10) Section 14 Report: Revised and updated to conform to
D18 SPM.
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