Integrated Project
Integrated Project
Integrated Project
I want to thank my sister, who helped me make the Warli
art and write my poem, while I thank my parents for
helping me gather information to write about Warli Art.
I hereby declare that the project titled Warli Art Integrated
Project submitted to Harvest International School,
embodies the result of my original work.
Name of the student: Ishaan Singhal
Class/Section: 8A
Session: 2020-2021
Place: Harvest International School,
Kodithi Silk Road,
Date: 10th of December, 2020
Art Integration
Social Science Integration
The Warli tribe is an Adivasi tribe of western India, living in
mountainous as well as the coastal areas of the
Maharashtra-Gujarat border and it’s surrounding areas.
They have their own animistic beliefs, life, customs and
traditions, and as a result of acculturation they have
adopted many Hindu beliefs. The Warli speak the Varli
language which is one of many languages that do not
have any recognised way of writing.
They are mainly famous for their special form of Art known
as Warli art. It is said to have originated in between 2500
and 3000 BCE. It uses 3 basic geometrical figures:
Circles, squares and triangles. The circle and triangle
come from their observation of nature. The circle
symbolizes the sun and moon, while the triangle was
derived from the mountains and pointed trees. Only the
square has no representation in nature and seems to
indicate a sacred enclosure or a piece of land.
English and Language Integration
Warli Art is a representation of geometry,
It is made using dyes: like words form poetry,
This art requires concentration and time,
And uses natural dyes like yellow from a big sweet lime
This art has been modernized a lot,
The original using paints in pots,
Warli art is a creation of wonder,
Like the beautiful sky we are standing under
Warli Art est une représentation de la géométrie,
Il est fait à l’aide de dyes: comme les mots forment la
Cet art demande de la concentration et du temps,
Et utilise des teintes naturelles comme le jaune à partir
d’une grosse chaux douce
Cet art a été beaucoup modernisé,
L’original à l’aide de peintures en pots,
Warli art est une création d’émerveillement,
Comme le beau ciel que nous sommes debout sous
Mathematics Integration
In my art, apart from the conventional shapes of circle,
squares and triangles, I have used many other types of
shapes also, like curved lines, rectangles, etc.
Circle Triangle Square rectangle
Area Pi*r*r b*h*½ s*s l*b
Perimeter 2*Pi*r 3*s or 4*s 2(l+b)
Thank You