Newspaper Chase
Newspaper Chase
Newspaper Chase
10 11
"There's some blue glass in Harry's shoe," Janey thinks. The men from the recycling truck are angry.
"Where—? Oh!" "We're going now," they are saying. "We're late."
Suddenly, she remembers the photo of the blue glass "But I want my newspaper!" Harry says.
vase on the TV. She looks again at the piece of glass in In the house, Janey is talking to the police on the
Harry's shoe. telephone. "Maybe I'm wrong," she is saying. "But
"Is it from the vase in the art gallery?" she thinks. "Is there's blue glass in his shoe ... What? ... Yes, he's
Harry Black the thief?" looking for the newspaper now."
12 13
Two policemen arrive quickly. Police cars and policemen arrive. The men look in the
"Let's look at your shoe," they say to Harry. truck for the million-dollar painting. Later, they find the
Harry doesn't understand. "What's wrong?" he asks. right newspaper—and they find the painting.
One of the policemen takes the glass from Harry's shoe. "Good work, Janey," one of the policemen says. "And
"This is a very expensive piece of glass," he says. "From there's a reward."
a very expensive vase. Remember?" "Maybe I can buy a painting with the reward!" Janey
Suddenly, Harry understands. "Oh, no!" he says. says. "I like pictures!"
14 15
right or wrong? 5 7 9 10 8 6 4
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