The PZL-104 Wilga (Golden Oriole) is a Polish short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) civil aviation utility aircraft designed
and originally manufactured by PZL Warszawa-Okęcie, and later by European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company
(EADS), who had acquired the original manufacturer during 2001. Got Friends originally started developing the PZL-
104 Wilga 35A variant for Microsoft Flight Simulator in June 2022. After a couple months of 3D modeling, we quickly
expanded the 35A into a wider selection of variants. This purchase includes a selection of multiple 35 and 80 Wilga
variants and together they form the PZL-104 Wilga 35/80 Series.
Also included with this purchase is the Forwood Farm scenery and accompanying G-BUNC registered Wilga 35A. This
scenery was developed in partnership with Emerald Scenery Design and is a perfect place to start your simulated journey.
During development, our team was able to visit Forwood Farm and explore the G-BUNC registered Wilga 35A on-
ground and in-flight to record sound for this project. A special thanks to Towplanes.UK for supporting our team on this
project. We hope that you have a wonderful time exploring Forwood Farm and it’s outlying area.
Finally, our team has spent an extensive amount of time bringing you our rendition of this Polish Classic. We hope that
this purchase will bring you great enjoyment and thousands of hours of unforgettable experiences. This aircraft has been
an eye-opening experience for our entire team, and we look forward to bringing you more projects in the future. Thank
you for choosing Got Friends and for supporting our development efforts.
PZL-104 Wilga 35P & 80P PZL-104 Wilga 35X & 80X
Engine Vedeneyev M-14P Engine Vedeneyev M-14PF
Horsepower 360 hp Horsepower 450 hp
Max Speed 128 kts / 239 kph Max Speed 136 kts / 252 kph
Cruise Speed 111 kts / 206 kph Cruise Speed 117 kts / 217 kph
Propeller 2-Blade Constant Speed Propeller 2-Blade Constant Speed
Max Range 361 nm / 670 km Max Range 361 nm / 670 km
Service Ceiling 13,255 ft / 4,040 m Service Ceiling 13,255 ft / 4,040 m
Fuel Capacity 52 gal / 196 l Fuel Capacity 52 gal / 196 l
Empty Weight 2,026 lb / 919 kg Empty Weight 2,103 lb / 954 kg
Max Weight 2,868 lb / 1,300 kg Max Weight 2,868 lb / 1,300 kg
Length 26.60 ft / 8.10 m Length 26.60 ft / 8.10 m
Wingspan 36.50 ft / 11.12 m Wingspan 36.50 ft / 11.12 m
Seating 4 Seating 4
Tires 29” Alaskan Bushwheels Tires 35” Alaskan Bushwheels
We highly recommend that you consider purchasing the Got Friends: Discus-2c Premium Glider if you
want to experience the best Towplane / Glider combination in the simulator. The Discus-2c is capable of
a Multiplayer Towplane Connection. Therefore, unlike Official Gliders, you can have a friend tow you up
into the air. Please read the Discus-2c Flight Manual for more information.
Question: I don’t understand Polish, how do I learn to fly the Wilga? I speak English.
Answer: We decided early on to develop the 35 Series and 80 Series of the Wilga to aid both English
speakers and Polish speakers. The 35A, 35H, 35P, and 35X variants are in Polish and have a Metric
Airspeed, Altimeter, and Vertical Speed Gauge. The 80, 80H, 80P, and 80X variants are in English and
have an Imperial Airspeed, Altimeter, and Vertical Speed Gauge.
Question: How do I Remove Cargo from the Aircraft and what is Unloading Cargo?
Answer: To Remove Cargo from the Aircraft please use the Weight and Balance Menu located in-game
with your panel UI selections. However, if you wish to Unload Cargo instead of removing it, you can
use the Clipboard located below the dashboard on the right side of the aircraft. This will unload your
cargo onto the ground and give you access to multiple interactive features like cooking potato hash or
playing the guitar.
Question: How do I maneuver the 35H or 80H Float Variants with the Paddle?
Answer: First, please ensure your engine is OFF and you are safely floating below 5 knots. Then you
can deploy you paddle be either LOCKING your Gust Lock or by ENABLING the paddle on the
Clipboard. Once your paddle is deployed, you can use your flight stick and/or rudder pedals to maneuver
the Wilga in the water. You can hold the flight stick in the direction of travel or physically wiggle your
flight stick back and forth to simulate paddling through the water with an increased paddling speed.
Question: I can’t find the Ski Variant? I heard the Wilga comes with a Winter Ski Kit.
Answer: The Skis are ONLY available on the 35A and 80 Variants. This is because they have 20”
Tundra Tires that can be used with the attachable Winter Ski Kit. Skis are not available on the 35P, 35H,
35X, 80P, 80H, and 80X Variants. As with all Got Friends’ Products, we don’t separate out an
individual ski variant. With this approach, you can use the “Drop Skis Lever” to attach/remove skis on
ground or in-flight. This lever is located below the trim wheel.
Question: How come I am experiencing Engine Failures? I’m a new to flying and need help.
Answer: You more than likely have “Engine Realism” turned on. This is the first option on the
Clipboard located below the dashboard on the right side of the aircraft. This is the ONLY option that has
permanence between flights. So, if you left Engine Realism turned ON from your last flight, your next
flight will have Engine Realism turned ON by default.
Question: Why won’t my engine start? I’m on Realism and I feel like I’m missing something.
Answer: Ensure you have the following turned on before using your Engine Starter: Magneto (1+2),
Fuel Selector (L, R, or Both), Mixture (Rich), Primer (Primed), Compressed Air Valve (Open),
Auxiliary Battery (On), Spark Shower (On), and Fuel Pump (On).
Question: How come I can spawn my 35H or 80H on the Runway / Apron with Floats?
Answer: This is a global issue with Microsoft Flight Simulator outside of our control. Please DO NOT
spawn the float variant on the Runway or Apron. The 35H and 80H is on Floats and is NOT an
amphibious aircraft and cannot support the weight loadout of amphibious floats.
Question: Why is my Directional ADF Bearing not working with the ARL-1601?
Answer: You need to ensure you send your standby frequency to the active frequency. To properly set
the ADF Bearing please do the following: Ensure your Gyro Switch is turned ON (Top Panel), Press “P”
on the ARL-1601 to clear the ADF standby frequency, find your local frequency and input that
frequency into the ARL-1601, make sure your ADF mode is set to KOMP using the ADF Mode Switch
on the ARL-1601, and finally, send your standby frequency to active by using the Standby to Active
Switch on the ARL-1601. When you are in range and not blocked by any terrain, you should see your
needle swing on the Directional Gyro-Compass pointing towards the direction of your local beacon. You
can also enable ADF Morse Code by enabling it using the ADF Morse Switch below the RS-6102.
Question: Why is my Flight Director holding a constant bank after being powered on?
Answer: Please ensure your Attitude Indicator is UNCAGED and switched ON prior to turning on your
Flight Director. The Flight Director depends on various instruments to work properly.
Question: How come I can see my friend’s doors even though he has them removed?
Answer: As developers, we are VERY LIMITED on what features are available in multiplayer.
Currently, most of the control surfaces, propeller animations, landing gear animations, lights, and smoke
work with multiplayer. Unfortunately, we do not have many multiplayer simulation variables to use due
to MSFS SDK limitations. Hopefully this will be addressed in the future by Asobo, and we can add
things like door visibility to the list of improvements.
Question: Is there any limitations between PC and Xbox Versions of the Wilga?
Answer: No, they are identical packages and there is not a single feature left out on Xbox.
mailto:[email protected]?subject=Support Ticket: PZL-104 Wilga
Jonx: Project Management, XML Coding, Additional 3D Animations, Additional
Textures, Visual Effects, and Towplane Compatibility
Got Gravel: Flight Model Dynamics, Custom Water/Ski Physics, Custom Thermo-
Dynamics, Additional XML Coding, Electrical Systems, and HTML Coding
MyKrode: 3D Modeling (Wilga), 3D Modeling (Forwood Farm), 3D Animations,
Additional Textures, Bone Animations, and Guitar Sounds.
Twoseventyinc: Textures (Wilga), Textures (Forwood Farm), WWISE Sounds & Audio
Mixing, Additional 3D Modeling, UV Unwrapping, and Paint Kit Creation.
Emerald Scenery Design (Rotornut44): 3D Modeling, Textures, WWISE Sounds &
Mixing, Visual Effects, Animations, Scripting and XML Coding for Forwood Farm.
Gurt Tractor: Professional Sound Recording / Mastering of the G-BUNC registered
Wilga 35A, Forwood Farm references and data collection.
Alpha/Beta Testers: Yoyo, OohCando, SSSnake74, Mort the 2nd, Willy, Antonvs,
Eight of Dragons, Pieter, SimTom, Maple, Wicked Bacon, and Gunnerman.
Additional Support: Jaroslaw Motyl (Owner of SP-AFW), Lionheart Creations, Big
Radials, Sim Flight Pro, Touching Cloud, Hype Performance Group, Blue Mesh,
Photosbykev, and Hans Hartmann.