7 Pages Fractures of The Thoracolumbar Spine in Ankylosing Spondylitis
7 Pages Fractures of The Thoracolumbar Spine in Ankylosing Spondylitis
7 Pages Fractures of The Thoracolumbar Spine in Ankylosing Spondylitis
Fractures through the disc or juxta-end plate region of the could be remembered. Slight anterior subluxation of Li on L2
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vertebra as well as the posterior elements have been ob- was also present. Current films showed healing of the Li-L2
served In the thoracic and lumbar spine in ankylosing spon- disc space and posterior elements fracture (fig. 3C). After 3
dylitis. These are usually associated with increasing pain, months of bed rest, the patient was placed in a Taylor brace.
usually do not produce neurologlc deficit, and may require Radiographs 3’/s months after initial trauma showed persistent
orthopedic fixation to heal. Irregularity and sclerosis at the spondylolisthesis at L5-Si ; however, the fracture through the
margins secondary to pseudarthrosis may develop and should posterior elements had healed.
not be confused with a pyogenic or granulomatous infection.
Blomechanically these fractures resemble the “seat beft type” Case 3
or Chance fracture probably because of shifting of the axis of A 52-year-old male with a long history of ankylosing spondy-
flexlon and extension in the ankylosed spine away from its litis sustained an injury to the thoracic spine from a tree falling
normal location in the center of the nucleus pulposus. on his back. Radiographs showed a horizontal extend- fracture
ing through the twelfth thoracic vertebral body to the adjacent
Localized destructive erosions near the anterior aspect superior vertebral plate and extending through the posterior
of the vertebral end plate are often seen in early ankylos- elements (figs. 44 and 4B). No neurologic deficit was present.
ing spondylitis and are generally attributed to inflamma- He was treated with a corset but experienced persistent pain
with motion over the twelfth thoracic vertebral body. Nine
tion. In long-standing disease, advanced lesions involv-
months after the initial trauma, radiographs showed evidence
ing the disc or the juxta-end plate region of the vertebral
of nonunion and pseudarthrosis (fig. 4C). At this time a spinal
body can be observed, showing extension posteriorly
fusion with Harrington rod instrumentation was performed. At
through the posterior elements. Rather than inflamma- surgery the entire spine was found to be fused except for
tory destruction, these more advanced lesions may rep- motion between the spinous processes of T12 and Li and the
resent fractures which have occurred in response to corresponding lamina due to nonunion and pseudarthrosis.
minor stress or major trauma. Although there is usually Eight months after surgery, radiographs demonstrated union of
no neurologic deficit, the lesions can cause persistent the vertebral body and lamina fractures (fig. 4D).
pain incorrectly attributed to the spondylitis. While these Comment. The biomechanics of this injury will be discussed
lesions may heal spontaneously, some cases require later. The mechanism of injury in a fracture such as this
suggests that Harrington compression rather than distraction
orthopedic fixation. We describe the radiographic ap-
rods might be a more appropriate choice of hardware.
pearance and significance of these fractures as well as
their biomechanical pathogenesis. Case 4
A 51-year-old male with a 25 year history of ankylosing
Case Reports spondylitis was hospitalized for increasingly severe low back
pain after a fall from a horse 2 months previously. No neurologic
Case 1 deficit was present. Radiographs showed a transverse fracture
A 63-year-old male with a long history of ankylosing spondy- through the first lumbar vertebral body adjacent to the inferior
litis was hospitalized for multiple trauma following an auto- vertebral end plate with extension through the posterior ele-
bicycle accident. He sustained an ‘opening-wedge’ ‘ fracture of ‘
ments (figs. 54 and SB). Tomography demonstrated irregular
the twelfth thoracic-vertebral body (fig. 1) as well as a fracture fracture margins and adjacent sclerosis (fig. SC). After a short
of the odontoid process and fractures of the right femoral period of bed rest, the patient was discharged to be followed at
neck, tibia, and fibula. No neurologic changes were present, home.
and an anterior rod fusion was performed. The patient re-
covered gradually and uneventfully. Discussion
Radiographic Features
scant attention in the radiologic liter-
Characteristics of the spinal fractures observed in our ..
ft . ..
Fig. 4.-Case 3. A and B, Horizontal fracture adjacent to superior vertebral plate of T12 and extending through posterior elements (arrows). C,
Sclerosis and increased prominence of fracture line (arrows) indicating interval development of pseudarthrosis. 0, Bony healing with some residual
anterior compression 8 months after Harrington rod instrumentation and spinal fusion.
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.,. ;,.-‘.# e ‘.. A and B, Horizontal fracture adjacent I
vertebral end plate of Li with irregular margins (arrowheads) and exten-
sion through posterior elements (arrows). C, Tomogram delineating
irregularity and sclerosis suggesting pseudarthrosis.
Characteristics of Spinal Fractures in Ankylosing Spondylitis
Case . . . Extentof .
Site of Fracture Diastasis Treatment Healing
No Trauma
1 . . T12 adjacent to inferior ver- Yes Major Anterior rod and fu- Yes
tebral endplate sion
2 . . L5-S1 disc space Yes Minor Taylor brace Yes
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Fig. 6.-Fracture through disc space and posterior elements with irregularity of end plates and sclerosis indicating motion at fracture site and
normal spine is low and occurs commonly [18]. Unbal- tant for selection of proper therapy. External support by
anced shear force, forced rotation, and flexion overload a brace may eliminate pain and promote bony healing;
have all been implicated in explaining the mechanical however, if irregularity and sclerosis begin to develop, a
etiology of lumbosacral spondylolisthesis [2i]. Similar pseudarthrosis rather than a pyogenic or granulomatous
mechanisms might explain the etiology of traumatic infection should be suspected. This is especially true in
spondylolisthesis seen in case 2. the presence of an associated posterior element fracture.
Disc space or end plate horizontal fractures with as- Rigid internal fixation and surgical fusion may then be
sociated posterior element involvement are common in indicated.
long-standing ankylosing spondylitis and reflect the bio-
mechanical effect of trauma or subclinical stress on a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
rigid spine. Radiographic recognition in the patient pre- We thank Dr. S. William Allred for contributing case 3; Drs.
senting with sudden focal pain and tenderness is impor- Harry Genant and Howard Steinbach for the case illustrated in
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Fig. 7.-A, Normal spine with axis of flexion and extension near the center of nucleus pulposus. B, Ankylosing process which shifts axis of flexion
anterior to normal position in center of nucleus pulposus. Fracture may occur through ankylosed posterior elements and extend through either
vertebral body (A) or ankylosed disc space (B). C, Ankylosed spine with axis of extension shifted posterior to normal location. Excessive extension
force creates “anterior opening wedge type” distraction fracture.
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