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and of AA
SOUTH COUNTY South Palm Beach County
The H
Intergroup Association, Inc.
Serving A.A. Groups in
Boca Raton, Boynton Beach,
24 Ho
ur s a Day
Delray Beach and Lantana
AA NEWSLETTER 31 Years of Service ~ 1984-2015

Volume 31, Issue 4 APRIL 2015

by Fr. Bill W.
How to approach the 4th Step inventory is a problem that, soon- The Cleveland A.A. office still publishes a pamphlet on the
er or later, all of us in recovery have had to face. Over the years, Four Absolutes and Old-Timers, both there and around the
dozens of different guides have been developed and circulated country, believe they still have a great deal to offer us as a
among our various 12-Step Fellowships. These guides range moral compass that can guide us on the way to a new life in
from simple list-making techniques to lengthy, analytical ques- recovery.
tionnaires, some totaling fifty pages and more. While all would To help you complete a 4th Step using the Four Standards as a
agree that “a thorough housecleaning” is vital for anyone seri- guide, here are a few suggested pointers and questions to get
ous about recovery from addiction; obviously there are a great you started. First and foremost, remember that in Step Three
many opinions about how it should best be done. While I know you made a decision placing your life and your will under God’s
the field of inventory guides is already overcrowded, for sim- protection and care. Now begin benefitting from this by relying
plicity’s sake, and in memory of Dr. Bob, I’m willing to risk on Him to show you the character defects you need to become
one more! aware of through your inventory. The 4th Step is not meant to
In 1934, when Bill Wilson joined the Oxford Group and found be an in-depth psychoanalysis of ourselves, rather it is asking
his sobriety, there were no 4th Step guides until 1938 there were God to awaken us to seeing where our lives have been out of
no 12 Steps! What did exist was “a word of mouth program” alignment with His will for us. It’s really that simple! So say a
based largely on the Four Absolutes or the Four Moral short prayer asking to be shown what you need to see; then get
Standards the Oxford Group had adopted. These Standards on with your writing.
were: Honesty, Unselfishness, Purity, and Love. Group members HONESTY:
measured their thoughts, lives and actions against these four
moral standards and from these and from other related Group (Is it true or is it false?)
practices emerged the 12 Steps. • How have I been dishonest with others and with myself?
Back then, the “housecleaning” called for was a fairly simple • Have I lied, manipulated, cheated and stolen from others? List
matter. Newcomers to the Group like Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob, the big ones.
as well as the first one hundred or so of their earliest followers,
• Who was hurt by my dishonesty?
would likely have been asked to write down these Four
Standards on four separate sheets of paper and then write about • How did this hurt my relationship with God, remembering that
how they had fallen short in living up to them. They would then God is Truth?
share their “moral inventory” with another group member, make UNSELFISHNESS:
restitution for the harms they had done, begin practicing a daily
Quiet Time by reading scripture and listening for God’s guid- (How will it affect others?)
ance, and begin leading a life of maximum service to God and • How has self-centeredness shown itself in my life and who has
to others. Interestingly, the A.A. pioneers using this simple been hurt by it?
inventory tool achieved a recovery rate far in excess of what we • Are there people, institutions or principles that still anger me?
see today. In his last major address to A. A. in 1948, Dr. Bob If so, is there a role I played – either bringing it about or hold-
reaffirmed his longstanding commitment to the Absolutes: ing on to my resentment?
“The Four Absolutes, as we called them, were the only yard- • How have I put my own self-interest ahead of God’s plan for
sticks we had in the early days, before the Steps. I think the me to be of service to others?
Absolutes still hold good and can be extremely helpful. I have
found at times that a question arises, and I want to do the right PURITY:
thing, but the answer is not obvious, almost always, if I measure (Is it right or is it wrong?)
my decision carefully by the yardsticks of absolute honesty, • What past or present behaviors, thoughts or feelings make me
absolute unselfishness, absolute purity, and absolute love, and it feel guilty, isolated, or ashamed?
checks up pretty well with those four, then my answer can’t be
very far out of the way.” • What are the areas of my life that I don’t want others to see?
Remembering that my sex powers are God given and good, separated from God, from people, or from myself? If your
where has my sex life strayed from what I believe God’s will is answer is an honest, “NO!” then get on to Step 5 as fast as you
for me? can; for, the Big Book promises:
LOVE: “Once we have taken this step, withholding nothing, we are
(Is it ugly or is it beautiful?) delighted. We can look the world in the eye. We can be alone at
perfect peace and ease. Our fears fall from us. We begin to feel
• How has fear dominated my life? the nearness of our Creator. We may have had certain spiritual
• Has my life been isolated – a lonely life of “taking” rather beliefs, but now we begin to have a spiritual experience. The
than “giving”? feeling that the drink problem has disappeared will often come
strongly. We feel we are on the Broad Highway, walking hand
• Now, with God’s help, am I ready make “love and service” my
in hand with the Spirit of the Universe.”
Dr. Bob left his blessing on the Four Absolutes to help us find
The Big Book concludes the inventory section by saying: “If
our way back to God whenever we get lost. He also left a warn-
you have already made a decision, (Step 3) and an inventory of
ing to his fellow co-founder, “Bill, let’s not louse this thing up.
your grosser handicaps (Step 4), you have made a good begin-
Let’s keep it simple.” (DR. BOB and the Good Oldtimers, p.
ning. That being so you have swallowed and digested some big
343). I hope this simple guide would make Bob happy and fur-
chunks of truth about yourself.” Now ask yourself the following
ther his wish to keep the Absolutes alive and well.
question: Have I knowingly omitted writing down anything I
have done or left undone that makes me feel guilty, ashamed or

New Intergroup
Jordan S.
SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015 Boynton Beach Beginners
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Randy A.
Downtown Boynton Group
Curt E.
East Delray Men’s
PICNIC TICKETS $10.00 Journey To Freedom
Dave L.
Men’s Romance & Finance
Jay P.
Kanon W.
Saturday Morning Beginners
Hillari H.
Serenity On The Beach
XXXI Linette K.
Sobriety In The Wind
Zoe G.
The League of Extraordinary
Trevor H.
Derailroaded Group
Jesus V.
Lost Marbles
Lisa M.
GAMES LIVE MUSIC Second Chance Women’s Group
Picnic Tickets available at SPBCI Office - 561-276-4581 Sunrise Beach Meeting
John D.
From I-95: Take exit 61 for Lantana Rd 0.4 mi, turn left onto Palm Beach 812/Lantana Rd. West Boynton Group
1.5 mi, turn right onto S Congress Ave 1.2 mi, turn right onto Prince Dr 0.3 mi, Bruce H.
follow signs to Center Drive Pavilion

Page 2
South Palm Beach County Intergroup - Profit & Loss - February 2015

Intergroup Activity Log Feb 15

12th Step Calls 3
First Call to AA 8
Meeting Inquiries 119
Business Inquiries 78
Walk-Ins 239
QB Sales Receipts 292

Office Volunteers
Joe, Nancy, Charlie, Adam, Linette, George, Caryl, Samantha, Stan, Dennis,
Andrew, Jonathan, Peter, Miles, Erika, Cindy, Peggy, Meredith, Marianne,
Linda, Gabriella, Steve, Eveline, Norman, Karen, Kirk and Dan
Page 3

Page 4
Intergroup Business Meeting Minutes – February 25, 2015

AA HOTLINE – RELAY PHONE Chairperson: John S. Meeting opened with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity
Prayer. John called for approval of last month’s minutes. Bari W. made a motion to
The Hand of AA is Available 24 Hours a Day! approve the January 28, 2015 minutes; motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
New group reps were welcomed.
April - Tradition Three Big Book Study New Group Reps: Derailroaded Group: Jesus V.; Lost Marbles: Lisa M.; Second Chance
Women’s Group: Laurie; Sunrise Beach Meeting: John D.; West Boynton Group: Bruce H.
May - Sobriety For Breakfast Vice Chair: Cheryl S. The Intergroup office is working smoothly and is open for all your
June - Boynton Boat Ramp Big Book Study needs.
Treasurer: Elizabeth B. According to the 7th tradition baskets were passed. The
July - Carry the Message Intergroup is continuing to do well thanks to the office and all who bought items or con-
tributed in December. Intergroup had a net expense of $172.00 for the month of January;
the comparable figure for 2014 was a net revenue of $3,810.00. A detailed report can be
found in the SCAAN.
Secretary: Sarah B. Thanks to all the reps, if your group has a new rep please let them
BIRTHDAY CLUB know what to expect, arrive early and get familiar with the back table.
Office Manager: Jeannie G. Thank you to the SPBCI office Volunteer Staff and the
Telephone Relay volunteers. SPBCI is blessed with so many AA’s willing to serve. The
Ron G. - 3/24/85 - 30 yrs. upcoming AREA 15 GSO Assembly is being hosted by District 8 and will be held at the
Boca Men’s Boca Town Center Marriott - April 10-12. The Saturday Banquet will be a BBQ Buffet.
Ticket cost is $35. All are welcome to attend the Assembly. Please contact SPBCI office
Lyn W. - 4/24/73 - 42 yrs. for complete details. April 26, 2015 is the date for the Annual SPBCI Picnic. John Prince
Park in Lake Worth is the location. Tickets and flyers are available tonight. We ask all
Step Into The Solution Intergroup Reps to be responsible for one package of 10 tickets. Any money collected
Suzy V. - 10/26/91 24 yrs. can be turned in at the March 25 Business Meeting. Please note registration for the 2015
International Convention remains open. For the latest information, please consult the
Saturday Night Live at Five Convention FAQ on ( The General Service Office in New York offers the
Corrections Correspondence Service (C.C.S.) for individuals incarcerated for at least six
or more months who are interested in writing to an outside A.A. member to share experi-
ence as it relates to problems with alcohol. There is a sizeable waiting list for male
BIRTHDAY CLUB inmates. Anyone interested, please contact GSO Corrections Correspondence Service
Committee Reports:
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY! Archivist: Michael G. No report. Excused absence.
Your donation goes to help the valuable services provided by Intergroup including Archives: Michele T. No report.
the AA hotline, meeting schedules, 12 step work, literature inventory, SCAAN Bridge the Gap: Bari W. (women): No report. Dave F. (men): Excused absence, report
newsletter and hospital/institution meetings. given by Sarah B. Dave has reached out to a few treatment centers to inform them that
we are available and willing to help. Please continue to let members in the community
Name Anniversary Date know this service is offered.
General Service Liaison: Molly B. These are the highlights from the District 8 meeting on
Home Group Contribution* $ February 8th 2015. Chairperson Kevin D gave opening remarks. Spoke about how there
*Recommended contribution is $1 for every year of sobriety. was one motion on the agenda but the person who made the motion did not show up,
therefore it has been postponed till the April business meeting.Bob gave the treasurers
If you would like a reminder notice next year, please fill out the address portion report. Jaki N who is the special needs committee chair stated that they are still in need
of people to volunteer who would be willing to bring meetings to home bound or hospital-
below or provide an email address.
ized alcoholics. Also people who are willing to give rides to seeing impaired alcoholics.
The motion that will be postponed due to the motion maker not being present was as fol-
Address City
lows: Motion 1: I motion that we delay the payments to GSO and the area until after the
April quarterly.Motion made by Bob C.
State/Zip Email
Group Information: Position Open.
Hospitals and Institutions: Kitty B. and Emily L. Emily L gave the report. Currently, we
have 52 meetings per week in 19 facilities. There have only been a few minor changes
MEETING UPDATES since last month’s report. We are still in need of volunteers for many facilities, the
requirements are at least one year of sobriety and it is a one year commitment, unless
Saturday Night Speaker Discussion an alternate is found to share your commitment with you. Our last H&I meeting was held
Science of the Mind Church, Boca Raton on February 21, 2015 at the Intergroup office in Delray, again with very few people com-
Sunday 7:30 PM - OS - New Location ing out. H&I is desperately important as we are most often the first AA meeting experi-
ence for many newly sober people. Those who are willing to volunteer, please feel free to
The Big Book Line by Line contact Jeannie at Intergroup, Kitty B., or myself. The next monthly H&I meeting will be
Crossroads Club, Delray Beach held at the Intergroup office in Delray on March 21, 2015 at 2pm. Thanks to all of our
Saturday 12:30 PM - CWB - New Meeting current volunteers and anyone who wants to join us. This is an extremely wonderful way
to give back what has been so freely given to us.
Tuesday Night Big Book Public Information: Stuart M. Stuart thanked Cheryl S for all her support with the position.
Calvary Methodist Church, Lake Worth Our attendance at the Wellness Fair scheduled for Saturday,February 28th at the
Tuesday 7:30 PM - MOBT - New Format Boynton Mall is still undetermined. We won’t know if there is any space available at no
charge to us until Thursday of Friday. I received a response to my follow up letter from
Eastside Women’s Group the Vice Principal of Boca Raton HS and dropped off information pamphlets to be distrib-
First Methodist Church, 102 N. Seacrest, Boynton Beach uted to the students. We will continue to push to get information into more high schools.
Tuesday 6:30 PM - CL - New Format District 8 PI/PC committee is holding an “Adopt A Doctor” information social on Sunday,
March 8th at 1:30 in the Serenity Room. All volunteers who wish to participate are wel-
Eastside Women’s Group come to attend.
First Methodist Church, 102 N. Seacrest, Boynton Beach SCAAN: Maryann & John T. John gave report. The SCAAN is doing well, as always arti-
Tuesday 5:30 PM - OWT - Cancelled cles are always welcome. Please email to the Intergroup office by the 15th of the month.
Telephone Relay: Joe M. The telephone relay sits in a good position, with having groups
Carry This Message committed through July. We are always accepting new groups to sign up for the relay at
Science of the Mind Church, Boca Raton any time. I am available to speak to any group about the relay phone and the responsi-
Tuesday 8:00 PM - CBD - Cancelled bilities. Something that has come up this month, that hasn’t in recent memory of the
relay, and that’s a group failing to take the phone for the month they have signed up for.
Carry The Message We were able to cover the phone for this month but I want to emphasize the importance
Solid Rock Christian Church,, 189 W. Camino Royal, Boca Raton of this phone and the responsibility that comes with it. Please make sure that your group
Tuesday 8:30 PM - CBC - Cancelled Page 5
is aware of the month and has planned for it. If for some reason your group cannot take
it for the time committed, please let me know so we can plan accordingly. Please don’t
hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have about the telephone relay. April 10-12
Where & When: Daniel L. & Kaely L. Kaely gave report. No new updates to the Where & When. Area 15 GSO Assembly
Our next printing will be March or April 2015. The cutoff for changes is March 15, 2015. Boca Town Center Marriott
As of today we have 1600 copies . If you have changes or additions please submit them
to Intergroup office via email at ([email protected]). June 12-14
12th Step Committee: Ginger G. (women): No report. Scott K. (men): Unexcused absence. Founders Day, 80th Anniversary of AA - Akron
Liaison to North County Intergroup: Gary K. (selected updates included in this summary)
July 2-5, 2015
North Palm Beach County Intergroup met on February 11, 2015, 47 People were in
attendance including 10 new reps and 2 alternates. Chairman reported they have begun 2015 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous
the process of setting up the last event of our Officer’s and Committee Chairperson’s Atlanta
term of office, The Annual Old Timer’s Speaker Event. Next month they will conduct the July 24-26
Third Legacy Procedure where this body will select the Trusted Servants for the upcom- Area 15 GSO Assembly
ing year. Treasurer reported the $3,000 disbursement to AAWS that was approved sever-
Sanibel Island - Harbour Marriott
al months ago has been sent. Overall the Intergroup’s finances are strong. Office
Manager Office activity for January was 793. This was 44 less than last month and 39 October 2-4
less than last year. The Intergroup Office is open Monday through Friday from 9 to 5, and Area 15 GSO Assembly
on Saturday from 9:30 to 1:30. General Service/Intergroup Liaison: District January & Ft. Lauderdale - Marriott
February meetings: January – the current practices committee chair was filled. The
motion to justify each line item on their budget was denied. February – the Founders Day OTHER EVENTS
Dinner will be held 5/30/2015 at a location still unknown. The main speaker with be The Other Events listed below are presented solely as a service
Clancy. The district is in good financial shape. Public Information “Adopt a Doctor” meet- to SCAAN readers, not as an endorsement by SPBCI.
ing will be held in the Serenity Room at 2:00 pm on March 7, 2015. Institutions
Committee: Institutions Committee currently brings 99 meetings a week to 42 facilities. April 18 - Delray Central House Group
New volunteers need to have six months of continuous sobriety and will observe 2 meet- 48th Anniversary Celebration - All are Welcome!
ings in facilities prior to active service. Unfinished Business: The Archive and Grapevine Potluck dinner, speakers and fellowship
Committee chairs remain unfilled. One half of the DCM and ACM position remain unfilled. May 1-3 - The Woodstock of AA - 25th Spring Conference
Bridging the Gap position remained open New Business: South County Intergroup
Orlando [email protected]
Liaison – John M stood and was accepted. Upcoming Events: Old Timer’s Speaker
Meeting on March 28th. August 12-16
For a detailed report, contact the Intergroup office. 59th Florida State Convention
Old Business: Orlando
Website: AA member, Stephanie is continuing to work to make the website mobile friend-
ly, additional suggestions are welcome, she will bring her proposed changes to the
March Steering committee meeting.
2015 Intergroup Annual Picnic: The event will be held at John Prince Park on April 26th,
2015. Michele T. made a motion to elect Joe M. as the event chair, motion was seconded South Palm Beach County
and passed unanimously. Tickets are $10.00, children 12 and younger are free.
Volunteers are welcome, committee’s will include: set up, break down, food, and games.
Intergroup Association, Inc.
If you are interested contact the Intergroup office. Donations are also welcome. 2905 South Federal Highway • Building C, Suite 15-16
Group Information: No one stood, position remains open. Delray Beach, FL 33483
2015 Gratitude Dinner: As announced last month a vote for the event would be held
tonight. Discussion opened to have or not have the Gratitude Dinner this year, group 24-hours: 561.276.4581
reps voiced their concerns, suggestions and desires towards event. Purpose of the event Email: [email protected]
is to raise money for Intergroup, the financial commitment to the event at the Embassy Website:
Suites is a guarantee of 400 guests, or $16K. Discussion ended. Bari W. made a
motion: Motion to have the Gratitude Dinner at the Embassy Suites on November 7th,
Office Hours
2015, motion was seconded and passed. Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
New Business: Saturday: 10am - 1pm
Speaker Exchange Meetings: Burt R., member of Boca Sunday Speaker Discussion
meeting, came forward to discuss the possibility of SPBCI holding speaker exchange STEERING COMMITTEE
meetings. The concept being to hear different speakers from the area, get more involved Chair - John S. Vice Chair - Cheryl S.
with the community, and visit groups that members may not otherwise go to. The pro-
posed time/place would be 6:30pm at Central House prior to the Intergroup Business
Treasurer - Elizabeth B. Secretary - Sarah B.
meeting. Encouraged reps to bring back to their groups and see if they would want to Office Manager - Jeannie G.
Alcathon Schedule: Chris S., member of the Tuesday Men’s Solution meeting, suggested COMMITTEES
this year the Alcathon group slots be listing the SCAAN, possibly on a separate colored Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michele T.
piece of paper to highlight the groups and times. Archivist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael G.
Closed meeting with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Sarah B. Bridge the Gap - Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave F.
Bridge the Gap - Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bari W.
General Services Liaison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molly B.
April Service Meetings Group Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN
Hospitals & Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily L.
April 18 Hospitals & Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kitty B.
SPBC Intergroup H&I Committee Meeting Liaison to North County Intergroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary K.
Saturday, 2:00 PM - SPBCI Office Public Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuart M.
April 19 SCAAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maryanne & John T.
District 8 General Service Business Meeting - Triangle Club Telephone Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe M.
4:00 PM: GSR/DCM SHARING Twelve Step Committee - Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott K.
4:40 PM DISTRICT 8 BUSINESS MEETING Twelve Step Committee - Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ginger A.
Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David R.
April 25
Where & When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaely L.
SPBC Intergroup Steering Committee Meeting Where & When . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danny L.
Saturday, 9:00 AM - SPBCI Office
SPBC Intergroup Monthly Business Meeting Anniversary Picnic - April 26, 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe A.
Wednesday, 7:00 PM - Delray Central House Serenity Scramble - October 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN
Gratitude Dinner - November 7, 2015 . . .West Boca Beginners Group

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