BSC CS III Semester

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Under Graduate Courses (Under CBCS 2020–2021onwords)

B.Sc. Computer Science II Year


Theory: 4 Hours/Week; Credits: 4 Marks: 100 (Internal: 20; External: 80)
Practical: 3 Hours/Week Credits: 1 Marks: 25
Unit - I
Basic data Structure: Introduction to Data Structures, Types of Data Structures, and Introduction to
Algorithms, Pseudo code, and Relationship among data, data structures, and algorithms,
Implementation of data structures, Analysis of Algorithms.
Stacks: Concept of Stacks and Queues, Stacks, Stack Abstract Data Type, Representation of Stacks Using
Sequential Organization (Arrays), Multiple Stacks, Applications of Stack, Expression Evaluation and
Conversion, Polish notation and expression conversion, Processing of Function Calls, Reversing a String
with a Stack, Recursion.
Unit - II
Recursion: Introduction, Recurrence, Use of Stack in Recursion, Variants of Recursion, Recursive
Functions, Iteration versus Recursion.
Queues: Concept of Queues, Queue as Abstract Data Type, Realization of Queues Using Arrays, Circular
Queue, Multi-queues, Dequeue, Priority Queue, Applications of Queues,
Linked Lists: Introduction, Linked List, Linked List Abstract Data Type, Linked List Variants, Doubly
Linked List, Circular Linked List, Representation of Sparse Matrix Using Linked List, Linked Stack,
Linked Queue.
Unit - III
Trees: Introduction, Types of Trees, Binary Tree, Binary Tree Abstract Data Type, Realization of a Binary
Tree, Insertion of a Node in Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversal, Other Tree Operations, Binary Search
Tree, Threaded Binary Tree, Applications of Binary Trees.
Searching and Sorting: Search Techniques-Linear Search, Binary Search, Sorting Techniques- Selection
Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Comparison of All Sorting Methods, Search
Trees: Symbol Table, Optimal Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree (Height-balanced Tree).
Unit - IV
Graphs: Introduction, Representation of Graphs, Graph Traversal – Depth First Search, Breadth First
Search, Spanning Tree, Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm.
Hashing: Introduction, Key Terms and Issues, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution Strategies, Hash
Table Overflow, Extendible Hashing
Heaps: Basic Concepts, Implementation of Heap, Heap as Abstract Data Type, Heap Sort, Heap
Text books:
1. Varsha H. Patil “Data structures using C++” Oxford University press, 2012
2. M.T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., 2011.
1. Adam Drozdek “Data structures and algorithm in C++” Second edition, 2001
2. T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms,2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall of
India, 2006.
3. Robert L. Kruse and A.J. Ryba, Data Structures and Program Design in C++, PrenticeHall, Inc., NJ, 1998.
4. B. Stroupstrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley, 2004
5. D.E. Knuth, Fundamental Algorithms (Vol. I), Addison Wesley, 1997

Dr. B.Rama Chairperson Board of Studies, Department of Computer Science, KU

Under Graduate Courses (Under CBCS 2020–2021 onwards)
B.Sc. Computer Science II Year


Practical 3 Hours/Week 1 Credit Marks: 25
• Programs of all the Concepts from Text Book including exercises must be practice and execute.
• In the external lab examination student has to execute two programs with compilation and deployment steps
are necessary.
• External Vice-Voce is compulsory.
1. Write C++ programs to implement the following using an array
a) Stack ADT b) Queue ADT
2. Write a C++ program to implement Circular queue using array.
3. Write C++ programs to implement the following using a single linked list.
a) Stack ADT b) Queue ADT
4. Write a C++ program to implement Circular queue using Single linked list.
5. Write a C++ program to implement the double ended queue ADT using double linked list.
6. Write a C++ program to solve tower of Hanoi problem recursively
7. Write C++ program to perform the following operations:
a) Insert an element into a binary search tree.
b) Delete an element from binary search tree.
c) Search for a key in a binary search tree.
8. Write C++ programs for the implementation tree traversal technique BFS.
9. Write a C++ program that uses recursive functions to traverse a binary search tree.
a) Pre-order b) In-order c) Post-order
10. Write a C++ program to find height of a tree.
11 Write a C++ program to find MIN and MAX element of a BST.
12 Write a C++ program to find Inorder Successor of a given node.
13. Write C++ programs to perform the following operations on B-Trees and AVL Trees.
a) Insertion b) Deletion
14 Write C++ programs for sorting a given list of elements in ascending order using the following sorting
a) Quick sort b) Merge sort
15. Write a C++ program to find optimal ordering of matrix multiplication.
16. Write a C++ program that uses dynamic programming algorithm to solve the optimal binary search tree
17. Write a C++ program to implement Hash Table
18. Write C++ programs to perform the following on Heap
a) Build Heap b) Insertion c) Deletion
19. Write C++ programs to perform following operations on Skip List
a) Insertion b) Deletion
20. Write a C++ Program to Create a Graph using Adjacency Matrix Representation.
21. Write a C++ program to implement graph traversal techniques
a) BFS b) DFS
22. Write a C++ program to Heap sort using tree structure.

Dr. B.Rama Chairperson Board of Studies, Department of Computer Science, KU

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