14043 افضل كتاب

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‫جاهعة االنبار‬

‫كلية اآلداب‬

‫قسن اللغة االنجليزية‬

‫‪Headway : Academic Skills/ Level 2‬‬

‫أ‪.‬م‪.‬د‪ .‬علي صباح جويل‬

‫ علي صباح جميل‬.‫د‬.‫م‬.‫أ‬


Headway : Academic Skills/ Level 2

A free Flight to Dubai
A twenty-three-year-old Dutch student has enjoyed a short
but unexpected holiday in Dubai. Mr. Frank Vreede, a business
student, had taken a part-time job at Schiphol Airport to help
pay for his studies. He worked as a baggage handler and was
responsible for loading the suitcases into the hold of
passenger planes.
Last Friday night, after an exhausting day in the university
library preparing for his final exams. Frank was loading a plane
at the airport. He was waiting for the nest baggage truck to
arrive and he felt tired. He decided to have a quick rest, so he
sat down in the hold of the plane and shut his eyes – just for a
‫تمتع الطالب الهولندي البالغ من العمر ثالثة وعشرٌن عاما‬
‫بعطلة قصٌرة غٌر متوقعة فً دبً‪ .‬وكان فرانك فرٌدي‪ ،‬وهو‬
‫طالب أعمال‪ ،‬قد حصل على وظٌفة بدوام جزئً فً مطار‬
‫سخٌبول (مطار فً هولندا) للمساعدة فً دفع تكالٌف دراسته‪.‬‬
‫كان ٌعمل كموظف لألمتعة وكان مسؤول عن تحمٌل الحقائب‬
‫فً عنبر طائرات الركاب لٌلة الجمعة الماضٌة‪ ،‬بعد ٌوم مرهق‬
‫فً مكتبة الجامعة استعداد لمتحاناته النهائٌة‪ .‬كان فرانك ٌقوم‬
‫بتحمٌل طائرة فً المطار‪ .‬كان ٌنتظر وصول شاحنة الحقائب‬
‫القادمة وشعر بالتعب‪ .‬قرر أن ٌسترٌح بسرعة‪ ،‬فجلس فً عنبر‬
‫الطائرة وأغلق عٌنٌه ‪ -‬للحظة فقط‪.‬‬
Choose the most suitable answer
A free Flight to Dubai
1- The student is from …………
a- Dubai b- Frank C Dutch d- University

2- The student is studying………..

a- Part-time b Business c- Library d- Plane
3- The student works part-time to……for study.
a Pay b- Baggage handler c- University

4- Frank was tired, because he was………

a- Waiting b- Toadying C Studying d-- Having

5- Frank sat down to have………..

a Quick rest b- Exam c- Shut d- Baggage
Tick(  ) if the statement is correct
and ( X ) if it is not

1- Frank is a business student ( )

2- Frank work a Part – time job (X)

in the University
3- Frank Felt tired because of hard work ( X )
A free Flight to Dubai
However, while he was sleeping, the plane took off. An hour

later, Frank woke up and was horrified to discover that the plane

was in the air. There was a terrible noise from the engines, and he

tried not to panic. It was dark, uncomfortable and every, very

cold. Frank knew the flight would be long because it was an airline

from the Middle East. He also knew he could not survive the

freezing temperatures. It was an impossible situation.

‫ٍٗع ذىل‪ ،‬ب‪َْٞ‬ب مبُ ّبئَب‪ ،‬أقيعج اىطبئسة بعد سبعت‪ ،‬اسخ‪ٞ‬قع‬
‫فساّل ٗزٗعٔ امخشبف اُ اىطبئسة مبّج ف‪ ٜ‬اىٖ٘اء مبُ ْٕبك‬
‫ض٘ضبء زٕ‪ٞ‬بت ٍِ اىَحسمبث‪ٗ ،‬حبٗه اال ‪ْٝ‬خببٔ اىرمس‪ .‬مبّج‬
‫ٍظيَت‪ٗ ،‬غ‪ٞ‬س ٍس‪ٝ‬حت‪ٗ ،‬ببزدة جدا‪.‬‬

‫عسف فساّل أُ اىسحيت سخنُ٘ ط٘‪ٝ‬يت ألّٖب مبّج شسمت ط‪ٞ‬ساُ‬

‫ٍِ اىشسق األٗسظ‪ .‬مبُ ‪ٝ‬عسف أ‪ٝ‬ضب أّ ال ‪ٝ‬سخط‪ٞ‬ع اىبقبء عي‪ٚ‬‬
‫ق‪ٞ‬د اىح‪ٞ‬بة ف‪ ٜ‬دزجبث اىحسازة اىَخجَدة مبُ ٗضعب ٍسخح‪ٞ‬ل‪.‬‬
Choose the most suitable answer
A free Flight to Dubai
1- Frank was…………when the plan took off
a- Woke up b Sleeping c- Horrified d- Discover.

2- When Frank woke up, the plane was in………..

a Air b- noise c- Panic d- Middle East

3- The terrible noise was from………...

a- Panic b- Plane c Engines. d- Flight

4- The Weather was………

a- Horrified b- Impossible c- Dark d- Cold

5- The airline was from………..

a- Dutch b- Flight c- Frank d Middle East
Tick( ) if the statement is correct
and ( X ) if it is not
1- The Plane took off when frank was waking up ( X )

2- Frank was afraid ( )

3- The atmosphere was comfortable, dark and cold ( X )

4- The flight duration was one hour (X)

5- The temperature was under zero degree ( T )

A free Flight to Dubai
He decided to make as much noise as possible. He
banged on the ceiling of the baggage hold and
shouted at the top of his voice. Luckily, a passenger
heard the noise and called a flight attendant, who
immediately informed the pilot. Once the captain
understood what was happening. He ordered hot air
to be pumped into the hold.
‫قرر عمل أكبر قدر ممكن من الضوضاء‪ ،‬خبط على‬
‫سقف حقٌبة األمتعة وصاح فً أعلى صوته‪.‬‬
‫لحسن الحظ‪ ،‬سمع أحد الركاب الضجٌج ودعا مضٌف‬
‫طٌران‪ ،‬الذي أبلغ على الفور الطٌار‪.‬‬
‫وبمجرد أن فهم القائد ما كان ٌحدث‪ ،‬أمر بأن ٌتم ضخ‬
‫الهواء الساخن فً منطقة النتظار‬
Choose the most suitable answer

1- Frank banged on the……….

a- Baggage b Ceiling c- Top d- Noise

2- A……….. Heard Frank’s noise.

a- Attendant b- Pilot c Passenger d- Captain

3- The……... Ordered hot air to be pumped into

the hold.
a- Frank b- Pilot c- Attendant d Captain
Tick( ) if the statement is correct
and ( X ) if it is not

1- Frank shouted loudly. ( )

2- The Pilot heard Frank’s noise. (X)

3- The Pilot ordered to pump hot air into

the hold. (X)
A free Flight to Dubai
Everyone’s been so kind; said Mr. Vreede. ‘I’m really
enjoying my stay in Dubai and I’m getting a lot of rest,
so I won’t fall asleep on the job again!’ when Frank
returned to Schiphol Airport on Monday, his friends
and relatives were overjoyed to see him. ‘When he
didn’t come home after his evening shift on Friday, I
called to airport – but nobody had seen him for hours,
‘ his mother said to reporters.
Frank explained that he was very luck because it
is possible to die of cold in the hold of an
aircraft. He apologized to his boss for sleeping
at work instead of working, and promised it
would not happen again. ‘During the flight I was
petrified. I thought I was going to die!’ said Mr.
Vreede. ‘I wouldn’t want to do it again. Next
time, I’ll catch a regular flight!’
‫قبه اىس‪ٞ‬د فس‪ٝ‬د‪ ” :ٛ‬مبُ اىجَ‪ٞ‬ع ط‪ٞ‬بُ٘ ىيغب‪ٝ‬ت“ ” أّب أسخَخع حقب‬
‫بإقبٍخ‪ ٜ‬ف‪ ٜ‬دب‪ٗ ٜ‬أحصو عي‪ ٚ‬قسظ مب‪ٞ‬س ٍِ اىساحت‪ ،‬ىرىل ىِ أّبً ف‪ٜ‬‬
‫اىعَو ٍسة أخس‪“!ٙ‬‬
‫عْدٍب عبد فساّل إى‪ٍ ٚ‬طبز ش‪ٞ‬ب٘ه ‪ ً٘ٝ‬االثْ‪ ،ِٞ‬شعس أصدقبئٔ‬
‫ٗأقبزبٔ بسعبدة غبٍسة ىسإ‪ٝ‬خٔ‪ٗ ،‬قبىج ٗاىدحٔ ىيصحف‪ ” :ِٞٞ‬عْدٍب ىٌ ‪ٝ‬عد‬
‫إى‪ ٚ‬اىَْزه بعد دٗز‪ٝ‬خٔ اىَسبئ‪ٞ‬ت ‪ ً٘ٝ‬اىجَعت‪ ،‬احصيج ببىَطبز‪ ،‬ىنِ ىٌ‬
‫‪ٝ‬سٓ احد ىسبعبث“‪.‬‬
‫ٗأٗضح فساّل أّٔ مبُ ٍحظ٘ظب جدا ألّٔ ٍِ اىََنِ اُ ‪َ٘ٝ‬ث ٍِ‬
‫اىبسد ف‪ ٜ‬اىطبئسة‪.‬‬
‫أعخرز ىسئ‪ٞ‬سٔ ىيًْ٘ ف‪ ٜ‬اىعَو بدال ٍِ اىعَو‪ٗٗ ،‬عد أّٔ ىِ ‪ٝ‬حدد‬
‫ٍسة أخس‪ .ٙ‬خله اىسحيت شعسث ببىسعب‪ .‬اعخقدث أّْ‪ ٜ‬سؤٍ٘ث! قبه‬
‫اىس‪ٞ‬د فس‪ٝ‬د‪” .ٛ‬ال أز‪ٝ‬د أُ أفعو ذىل ٍسة أخس‪ .ٙ‬ف‪ ٜ‬اىَسحيت اىقبدٍت‪،‬‬
‫سآخر زحيت عبد‪ٝ‬ت!‬
Choose the most suitable answer
1- Frank’s friends and .......... Were waiting him
a- Mother Rb Rative c- Boos d- Vreede

2- Frank’s mother called the airport on………….

a- Monday b- Hours c- Evening d - Friday

3- Frank may die because of the……….

a- Hold b- Working c - Cold d- Flight

4- Frank promised his boss that he will

not…........at work.
a - Sleep b- Apologize c- Work d- Petrified
Tick( ) if the statement is correct
and ( X ) if it is not
1- Frank returned to Schiphol airport ( )

2- His boss called the airport. (X)

3- Frank apologized and promised his boss ( )

4- During the flight, Frank was happy (X)

Match words 1-7 with antonyms a-g
1- Different a Low
2- Easy b maximum
3- High c small
4- Large d public
5- Late e early
6- Minimum f difficult/ hard
7- Private g the same

1-g 2-f 3-a 4-c 5-e 6-b 7-d
Read the article more slowly and
answer the question
-:‫إقساء اىَقبىـت ببظء ٗأجب عِ األسئيت‬
1- who is the article about? ‫عن من المقالة‬

The article is about Mr. Frank Vreede.

2- What other people are mentioned in the article?

‫من األشخاص الذٌن ذكروا فً المقال‬

The people are: Mr. frank, a passenger, flight attendant,

pilot, the captain, Managing Director, mother, and boss
3- Where did the events happen?
‫أٌن وقعت األحداث‬
The event took place in Germany and

4- What was the problem? ‫ماذا كانت المشكلة‬

The problem was Mr. Frank slept in the
baggage hold and the plane took of from
Schiphol Airport to Dubai International
Technology Today
The Silent Plane
Annoyance from aeroplane noise could be
a thing of the past as plans are announced to
design a silent aircraft.
The aim is to reduce the noise from a plane
so that city-dwellers will no longer hear it
passing overhead once it has left the airport.
‫الطائرة الصامتة‪:‬‬

‫قد ٌكون النزعاج من ضجٌج الطائرات شٌئا من‬

‫الماضً حٌث ٌتم اإلعالن عن خطط لتصمٌم طائــرة‬
‫والهدف من ذلك هو تقلٌل الوضوضاء عن الطائرة‬
‫بحٌث ل ٌسمع سكان المدن بعد اآلن أنها تمر فوق‬
‫النفقات العامة بمجرد مغادرتها المطار‪.‬‬
Choose the most suitable answer
The Silent Plane
1- Aeroplane noise is considered from the…………
a Past b- Plans c- design d- Plane

2- It was announced to design a………. airoplane

a- Noise b- aircraft c Silent d- Long

3- The aim of designing silent plane is to……

the noise.
a- Annoyance b reduce c- hear d- Left

4- The people will no longer……the aeroplane

a- Dwellers b- Passing c- Left d Hear
Tick(  ) if the statement is correct
and ( X ) if it is not
1- Planes are announced to design a silent
aircraft (X)

2- The aim of silent aircraft is to increase plane’s

noise. (X)

3- People will no longer hear noise of plane ( )

Technology Today
The noise reduction will be achieved in three main ways.

Firstly, the plane is being designed as a single, wide wing.

Secondly, the engines will be placed above the wing, inside the

plane, rather than under the wings and outside, and thirdly the

airplane will be flown differently, for example at a reduced speed

when it is near the airport the aircraft is just a design concept at

the moment and many technological challenges will have to be

met before we have silent planes overhead.

‫سٌتم تحقٌق هذا الحد من الضوضاء فً ثالث طرق رئٌسٌة‪:‬‬
‫اول‪ٌ :‬تم تصمٌم الطائرة كجناح واحد واسع‪.‬‬
‫ثانٌا‪ :‬سٌتم وضع المحركات فوق النجاح‪ ،‬داخل الطائرة‪ ،‬بدل‬
‫من أسفل األجنحة وخارجٌا‪.‬‬
‫ثالثا‪ :‬ستطٌر الطائرة بشكل مختلف‪ ،‬على سبٌل المثال بسرعة‬
‫منخفضة عندما تكون بالقرب من المطار‪ ،‬مفهوم فً الوقت‬
‫الحاضر‪ ،‬والعدٌد من التحدٌات التكنولوجٌة ٌجب أن تتحقق قبل‬
‫أن تكون لدٌنا الطائرات الصامتة فً سماء المنطقة‪.‬‬
Choose the most suitable answer
1- The noise reduction can be done in……ways.
a- Man b Three c- Single d- Firstly

2- To design a plane as single, wide wing is the…..

a First b- Second c- Third d- Main

3- Placing the engines above the wing is the...way

a- First b Second c- Third d- Main

4- The designers will face many………

a- Speed b- Aircraft c Challenges
Tick( ) if the statement is correct
and ( X ) if it is not
1- The noise reduction can be achieved in 3 ways ( )

2- To reduce the noise, it is suggested that the engines

placed under the wings (X)

3- The silent planes are existed (X)

Tick( ) if the statement is correct
and ( X ) if it is not
4- Mr. Campbell is happy with his computer. (X)
.‫السٌد كامبل سعٌد بجهاز الكمبٌوتر الخاص به‬

5- The writer of the third letter wants help. ()

.‫كاتب الرسالة الثالثة ٌرٌد المساعدة‬

6- Paula Adams’ opinion is the same as an earlier letter

writers (X)
‫رأي بول آدامز هو نفس رأي كتاب سابقٌن‬
vocabulary (1)
1- Match the linking words or phrases with their
synonyms ‫طابق كلمات الرابط أو العبارات مع مرادفاتها‬
1-  Finally a but

2-  Firstly b For instance

3-  For example c In contrast

4-  However d In the first place

5-  In conclusion e Lastly

6-  On the other hand f To conclude


1- Finally E- lastly ‫أخيرا‬

2- Firstly D- In the first place ‫أوال‬

3- For example B- For instance ‫على سبيل المثال‬

4- However A- But ‫ومع ذلك‬

5- In conclusion F- To conclude ‫وفي الختام‬

6- On the other hand C- In contrast ‫من ناحية أخرى‬

Drawbacks Essential Immediately Rise Made Illegal
‫عائق‬ ‫أساسي‬ ‫فورا‬ ‫ترتفع‬ ‫جعله غير شرعي‬

1- There are three disadvantages to your suggestion.

2- Smoking at work has been outlawed in many
3- Most car owners believe their car in necessary for
their work and leisure.
4- If there has been a car accident, you should
call the police straight away.
5- There has been a huge increase in mobile
phone ownership


1- There are three drawbacks to your

2- Smoking at work has been Made illegal in
many countries.
3- Most car owners believe their car in essential
for their work and leisure.
4- If there has been a car accident, you should
call the police immediately.
5- There has been a huge rise in mobile phone
Sarah, Philpot (2011). Academic Skills Level 2.

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