14043 افضل كتاب
14043 افضل كتاب
14043 افضل كتاب
كلية اآلداب
later, Frank woke up and was horrified to discover that the plane
was in the air. There was a terrible noise from the engines, and he
cold. Frank knew the flight would be long because it was an airline
from the Middle East. He also knew he could not survive the
1-g 2-f 3-a 4-c 5-e 6-b 7-d
Read the article more slowly and
answer the question
-:إقساء اىَقبىـت ببظء ٗأجب عِ األسئيت
1- who is the article about? عن من المقالة
Secondly, the engines will be placed above the wing, inside the
plane, rather than under the wings and outside, and thirdly the
5- In conclusion e Lastly