A runner rounds the last corner of the track and sprints for the finish line. Her arms and legs are pumping as she tries to reach her maximum speed. Her heart is beating rapidly, and her breathing is rapid, deep,
and regular. Blood is shunted away from her digestive organs, and a greater volume is delivered to her skeletal muscles to maximize their oxygen supply. These actions are accomplished by muscle tissue, the
most abundant tissue of the body and one of the most adaptable.
You don’t have to be running for the muscular system to be at work. Even when you aren’t consciously moving, postural mus- cles keep you sitting or standing upright, respiratory muscles keep you
breathing, the heart continuously pumps blood to all parts of your body, and blood vessels constrict or relax to direct blood to organs where it is needed.
In fact, movement within the body is accomplished in various ways: by cilia or flagella on the surface of certain cells, by the force of gravity, or by the contraction of muscles. But most of the body’s
movement results from muscle contraction. As described in chapter 4, there are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal,
cardiac, and smooth (figure 7.1). This chapter focuses primarily on the structure and function of skeletal muscle; cardiac and smooth muscle are described only briefly. Following are the major functions of the
muscular system:
1. Movement of the body. Contraction of skeletal muscles is responsible for the overall movements of the body, such as walking, running, and manipulating objects with the hands.
2. Maintenance of posture. Skeletal muscles constantly maintain tone, which keeps us sitting or standing erect.
3. Respiration. Muscles of the thorax carry out the movements necessary for respiration.
4. Production of body heat. When skeletal muscles contract, heat is given off as a by-product. This released heat is critical to the maintenance of body temperature.
5. Communication. Skeletal muscles are involved in all aspects of communication, including speaking, writing, typing, gesturing, and facial expressions.
6. Constrictionoforgansandvessels.Thecontractionofsmooth muscle within the walls of internal organs and vessels causes those structures to constrict. This constriction can help propel and mix food and
water in the digestive tract, propel secretions from organs, and regulate blood flow through vessels.
7. Contraction of the heart. The contraction of cardiac muscle causes the heart to beat, propelling blood to all parts of
the body.
Muscle fibers are very energy-demanding cells whether at rest or during any form of exercise. This energy comes from either aerobic (with O2) or anaerobic (without O2) ATP production (see chapter 17).
Aerobic respiration, which occurs mostly in mitochondria, requires O2 and breaks down glucose to produce ATP, CO2, and H2O. Aerobic respiration can also process lipids or amino acids to make ATP.
Anaerobic respiration, which does not require O2, breaks down glucose to produce ATP and lactate. In general, slow-twitch fibers work aerobically, whereas fast-twitch fibers are more suited for working
anaerobically. Low-intensity, long-duration exercise is supported through mainly aerobic pathways. High-intensity, short-duration exercise, such as sprinting or carrying something very heavy, is supported
through partially anaerobic pathways. There are very few, if any, activities that are supported through exclusively anaerobic pathways and those can only be sustained for a few seconds. Because exercise is
not usually exclusively aerobic or anaerobic, we see both muscle fiber types contributing to most types of muscle function. Historically, it was thought that ATP production in skeletal muscle was clearly
delineated into either purely aerobic activities or purely anaerobic activities, and that the product of anaerobic respiration was principally lactic acid. Lactic acid was consid- ered to be a harmful waste product
that must be removed from the body. However, it is now widely recognized that anaerobic respiration ultimately gives rise to lactic acid’s alternate chemical form, lactate. Moreover, it is now known that
lactate is a critical metabolic intermediate that is formed and utilized continuously even under fully aerobic conditions. Lactate is produced by skeletal muscle cells at all times, but particularly during exercise,
and is subsequently broken down (70–75%) or used to make new glucose (30–35%). Thus, the aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms of ATP production are linked through lactate.
Aerobic respiration is much more efficient than anaerobic respiration, but takes several minutes. With aerobic respiration pathways, the breakdown of a single glucose molecule produces approximately 18
times more ATP than that through anaerobic respiration pathways. Additionally, aerobic respiration is more flexible than anaerobic respiration because of the ability to break down lipids and amino acids to
form ATP, as noted earlier. Anaerobic respiration produces far less ATP than aerobic res- piration, but can produce ATP in a matter of a few seconds instead of a few minutes like aerobic respiration. However,
ATP production rate by anaerobic respiration is too low to maintain activities for more than a few minutes. Because muscle cells cannot store ATP, how do they generate enough ATP at a rate to keep pace
with their high-energy demand? They store a different high-energy molecule called creatine phos- phate. Creatine phosphate provides a means of storing energy that can be rapidly used to help maintain
adequate ATP in contracting muscle fibers. During periods of rest, as excess ATP is produced, the excess ATP is used to synthesize creatine phosphate. During exercise, especially at the onset of exercise, the
small ATP reserve is quickly depleted. Creatine phosphate is then broken down to directly synthe- size ATP. Some of this ATP is immediately used, and some is used to restore ATP reserves. Figure 7.12
summarizes how aerobic and anaerobic respiration, lactic acid fermentation, and creatine phosphate production interact to produce a continuous supply of ATP.
When a muscle cell is working too strenuously for ATP stores and creatine phosphate to be able to provide enough ATP, anaerobic respiration predominates. Typically, the type II fibers are the primary
anaerobic fibers. The type II fibers break down glucose into the intermediate, lactate, which can be shuttled to adjacent type I fibers to make ATP, or secreted into the blood for uptake by other tissues such as
the liver to make new glucose. Thus, we see that in skeletal muscle, the type II fiber (anaerobic) pathways and the type I fiber (aerobic) pathways are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they work together, with
lactate being the product of the type II fiber pathways that then serves as the starting point of the type I fiber pathways.
Ultimately, if the use of ATP is greater than the production of ATP, the ATP:ADP ratio decreases, which interferes with the func- tioning of all of the major ATP-dependent enzymes in the muscle fibers. The
ATP-dependent enzymes include the myosin head, the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ re-uptake pump, and the Na+/K+ pump for the resting membrane potential maintenance, all of which are required for proper
muscle functioning. If the ATP:ADP ratio declines, an enzyme transfers one phosphate from one ADP to another ADP, generating one ATP and one AMP (adenosine mono- phosphate). The presence of AMP
triggers a switch from anaerobic respiration to aerobic respiration of blood glucose and fatty acids. If this switch were not to occur, the muscles could not maintain their activity and could ultimately fail (see
“Fatigue” in the next section). Figure 7.12 summarizes how aerobic and anaerobic respiration and creatine phosphate production interact to keep the muscles supplied with the ATP they need.
After intense exercise, the respiratory rate and volume remain elevated for a time, even though the muscles are no longer actively contracting. This increased respiratory activity provides the O2 to pay back
the oxygen deficit. The recovery oxygen consumption is the amount of O2 needed in chemical reactions that occur to (1) convert lactate to glucose, (2) replenish the depleted ATP and creatine phosphate stores
in muscle fibers, and (3) replenish O2 stores in the lungs, blood, and muscles. After the lactate produced by anaerobic respiration is converted to glucose and creatine phosphate levels are restored, respiration
rate returns to normal.
The magnitude of the oxygen deficit depends on the intensity of the exercise, the length of time it was sustained, and the physical condition of the individual. The metabolic capacity of an individual in poor
physical condition is much lower than that of a well-trained athlete. With exercise and training, a person’s ability to carry out both aerobic and anaerobic activities is enhanced.
Fatigue is a temporary state of reduced work capacity. Without fatigue, muscle fibers would be worked to the point of structural dam- age to them and their supportive tissues. Historically it was thought that
buildup of lactic acid and the corresponding drop in pH (acidosis) was the major cause of fatigue. However, it is now established that there are multiple mechanisms underlying muscular fatigue.
1. Acidosis and ATP depletion due to either an increased ATP consumption or a decreased ATP production
2. Oxidative stress, which is characterized by the buildup of excess reactive oxygen species (ROS; free radicals)
3. Local inflammatory reactions
Anaerobic respiration results in breakdown of glucose to lactate and protons, accounting for lowered pH. Lowered pH has several cellular effects, including decreased effectiveness of Ca2+ on actin
and overall less Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Lactic acidosis can also result when liver dysfunction results in reduced clearance of lactate (such as using it to produce glucose, for example).
Usually, increased lactate levels are due to increased anaerobic respiration production of ATP when aerobic respiration production of ATP is reduced. Increases in lactate are also seen in patients with
mitochondrial disorders and chronic obstructive pul- monary disease (COPD).
However, to what extent ATP reductions are responsible for muscular fatigue is still not clear. Recent studies have demonstrated that cytoplasmic ATP levels stay relatively constant even in the face of
decreasing muscle force production. But decreased ATP does cause fatigue. More specifically, it is the localized decreases in ATP levels or those associated with specific transport systems that are correlated
with muscle fatigue.
Oxidative Stress
During intense exercise, increases in ROS production cause the breakdown of proteins, lipids, or nucleic acids. In addition, ROS trigger an immune system chemical called interleukin (IL)-6. IL-6 is a
mediator of inflammation, which is the most likely cause of muscle soreness.
In addition to the stimulation of IL-6 by ROS, which causes inflammation, the immune system is directly activated by exercise. T lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, migrate into heavily worked
muscles. The presence of immune system intermediates increases the perception of pain, which most likely serves as a signal to protect those tissues from further damage.
An example of muscle fatigue occurs when a runner col- lapses on the track and must be helped off. The runner’s muscle can no longer function regardless of how determined the run- ner is. Under conditions
of extreme muscular fatigue, muscle may become incapable of either contracting or relaxing. This condition, called physiological contracture, occurs when there is too little ATP to bind to myosin
myofilaments. Because bind- ing of ATP to the myosin heads is necessary for cross-bridge release between the actin and myosin, the cross-bridges between the actin and myosin myofilaments cannot be
broken, and the muscle cannot relax.
The most common type of fatigue, psychological fatigue, involves the central nervous system rather than the muscles them- selves. The muscles are still capable of contracting, but the individ- ual
“perceives” that continued muscle contraction is impossible. A determined burst of activity in a tired runner in response to pressure from a competitor is an example of how psychological fatigue can be
Although fatigue reduces power output, the overall benefit is that it prevents complete exhaustion of ATP reserves, which could lead to severe damage of the muscle fibers.
Effect of Fiber Type on Activity Level
The white meat of a chicken’s breast is composed mainly of fast- twitch fibers. The muscles are adapted to contract rapidly for a short time but fatigue quickly. Chickens normally do not fly long distances.
They spend most of their time walking. Ducks, on the other hand, fly for much longer periods and over greater distances. The red, or dark, meat of a chicken’s leg or a duck’s breast is com- posed of slow-
twitch fibers. The darker appearance is due partly to a richer blood supply and partly to the presence of myoglobin, which stores oxygen temporarily. Myoglobin can continue to release oxygen in a muscle
even when a sustained contraction has interrupted the continuous flow of blood.
Humans exhibit no clear separation of slow-twitch and fast- twitch muscle fibers in individual muscles. Most muscles have both types of fibers, although the number of each type varies in a given muscle. The
large postural muscles contain more slow-twitch fibers, whereas muscles of the upper limb contain more fast-twitch fibers.
Average, healthy, active adults have roughly equal numbers of slow- and fast-twitch fibers in their muscles and over three times as many type IIa as type IIb fibers. In fact, athletes who are able to perform a
variety of anaerobic and aerobic exercises tend to have a balanced mixture of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers. However, a world-class sprinter may have over 80% type II fibers, with type IIa
slightly predominating, whereas a world-class endur- ance athlete may have 95% type I fibers.
The ratio of muscle fiber types in a person’s body apparently has a large hereditary component but can also be considerably influ- enced by training. Exercise increases the blood supply to muscles, the
number of mitochondria per muscle fiber, and the number of myofibrils and myofilaments, thus causing muscle fibers to enlarge, or hypertrophy (hı-per′tr̄-f̄). With weight training, type IIb myosin
myofilaments can be replaced by type IIa myosin myofilaments as muscles enlarge. Muscle nuclei quit expressing type IIb genes and begin expressing type IIa genes, which are more resistant to fatigue. If the
exercise stops, the type IIa genes turn off, and the type IIb genes turn back on. Vigorous exercise programs can cause a limited number of type I myofilaments to be replaced by type IIa myofilaments.
The number of cells in a skeletal muscle remains somewhat con- stant following birth. Enlargement of muscles after birth is primarily the result of an increase in the size of the existing muscle fibers. As
people age, the number of muscle fibers actually decreases. However, there are undifferentiated cells just below the endomysium called satellite cells. When stimulated, satellite cells can differentiate and
develop into a limited number of new, functional muscle fibers. These cells are stimulated by the destruction of existing muscle fibers, such as by injury or disease, or during intensive strength training.
Types of Muscle Contractions
Muscle contractions are classified as either isometric or isotonic. In isometric (equal distance) contractions, the length of the muscle does not change, but the amount of tension increases during the
contraction process. Isometric contractions are responsible for the constant length of the body’s postural muscles, such as the muscles of the back. On the other hand, in isotonic (equal tension) contractions,
the amount of tension produced by the muscle is constant during contraction, but the length of the muscle decreases. Movements of the arms or fingers are predominantly isotonic
contractions. Most muscle contractions are a combination of iso- metric and isotonic contractions in which the muscles shorten and the degree of tension increases.
Smooth muscle cells are small and spindle-shaped, usually with one nucleus per cell (table 7.2). They contain less actin and myosin than do skeletal muscle cells, and the myofilaments are not organized into
sarcomeres. As a result, smooth muscle cells are not striated. Smooth muscle cells contract more slowly than skeletal muscle cells when stimulated by neurotransmitters from the nervous system and do not
develop an oxygen deficit. The rest- ing membrane potential of some smooth muscle cells fluctuates between slow depolarization and repolarization phases. As a result, smooth muscle cells can periodically
and spontaneously generate action potentials that cause the smooth muscle cells to contract. The resulting periodic spontaneous contraction of smooth muscle is called autorhythmicity. Smooth muscle is
under involuntary control, whereas skeletal muscle is under voluntary motor control. Some hormones, such as those that regulate the digestive system, can stimulate smooth muscle to contract.
Smooth muscle cells are organized to form layers. Most of those cells have gap junctions, specialized cell-to-cell contacts (see chapter 4), that allow action potentials to spread to all the smooth muscle cells in
a tissue. Thus, all the smooth muscle cells tend to function as a unit and contract at the same time.
Cardiac muscle shares some characteristics with both smooth and skeletal muscle (table 7.2). Cardiac muscle cells are long, stri- ated, and branching, with usually only one nucleus per cell. The actin and
myosin myofilaments are organized into sarcomeres, but the distribution of myofilaments is not as uniform as in skeletal muscle. As a result, cardiac muscle cells are striated, but not as distinctly striated as
skeletal muscle. When stimulated by neu- rotransmitters, the rate of cardiac muscle contraction is between
Concentric (kon-sen′ trik) contractions are isotonic contrac- tions in which muscle tension increases as the muscle shortens. Many common movements are produced by concentric muscle con- tractions.
Eccentric (ek-sen′trik) contractions are isotonic contrac- tions in which tension is maintained in a muscle, but the opposing resistance causes the muscle to lengthen. Eccentric contractions are used when a
person slowly lowers a heavy weight. Substantial force is produced in muscles during eccentric contractions, and muscles can be injured during repetitive eccentric contractions, as some- times occurs in the
hamstring muscles when a person runs downhill.
Muscle Tone
Muscle tone is the constant tension produced by body muscles over long periods of time. Muscle tone is responsible for keeping the back and legs straight, the head in an upright position, and the abdomen
from bulging. Muscle tone depends on a small percent- age of all the motor units in a muscle being stimulated at any point in time, causing their muscle fibers to contract tetanically and out of phase with one