Chapter 2 & 3

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Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to encrypt and decrypt
data. It enables you to store sensitive information or transmit it across insecure
networks (like the internet) so that it cannot be read by anyone except the
intended recipient. Cryptography provides a method for secure communication.
It stops unauthorized parties, commonly referred to as adversaries or hackers,
from gaining access to the secret messages communicated between authorized
parties. The method that cryptography provides is called encryption.
Encryption transform a key and input, the plaintext, into an encrypted
output, the ciphertext. Encryption algorithms are only considered secure if
attackers cannot determine any properties of the plaintext or the key when
presented with only the ciphertext. An attacker should not be able to find out
anything about a key, even if they have many plaintext/ciphertext combinations
that use key.
A real-world example would be credit card information that you use for
purchases on Amazon or other ecommerce sites. The code in your web browser
encrypts the plaintext, your card number, into ciphertext, which to someone
without the keys would look like illegible, random text. However, once your card
number reaches its intended recipient, the online store, their software would
decrypt it back into plaintext so they can charge you for your purchase.
A cryptographic algorithm, or cipher, is a mathematical function used in
the encryption and decryption process. A cryptographic algorithm works in
combination with a key—a word, number, or phrase—to encrypt the plaintext.
The same plaintext encrypts to different cipher text with different keys. the
security of encrypted data is entirely dependent on two things: the strength of
the cryptographic algorithm and the secrecy of the key.


The techniques are the basic approaches to conventional encryption today.
The two basic components of classical ciphers are substitution and
Caesar Cipher is substitution method which is said to have been used by
Julius Caesar to communicate with his army. Caesar is considered to be one of
the first persons to have ever employed encryption for the sake of securing
messages. Caesar decided that shifting each letter in the message would be his
standard algorithm, and so he informed all of his generals of his decision, and
was then able to send them secured messages. using the Caesar Shift (3 to the
Caesar Cipher replaces each letter of the message by a fixed letter a fixed
distance away e.g. uses the third letter on and repeatedly used by Julius Caesar
[4](Guru 2007) . Can describe the Cipher as:
Encryption: C=E (P)=(P+3) mod 26.
Decryption: P=D(C) =(C-3) mod26.
For example the message is :
the Caesar cipher is a shift cipher since the ciphertext alphabet is derived from
the plaintext alphabet by shifting each letter a certain number of spaces.
The Playfair is a substitution cipher invented by Charles Wheatstone in
around 1854. The Playfair Cipher was developed for telegraph secrecy and it was
the first literal digraph substitution cipher. this method is quite easy to
understand and learn but not easy to break, because you would need to know
the “keyword” to decipher the code. the system functions on how letters are
positioned in a 5*5 alphabet matrix. A “KEYWORD” sets the pattern of letters
with the other letters the cells of the matrix in alphabetical order (I and j are
usually combined in one cell).
A poly-alphabetic cipher is any cipher based on substitution, using
multiple substitution alphabets. Mono-alphabetic Cipher can be broken. the
reason is same plain letters are encoded to same cipher letters; the underlying
letter frequencies remain unchanged.
Cryptographers have tried to overcome this dilemma simply by assigning
various cipher letters or symbols to same plain letters. Such ciphers are called
Polyalphabetic Ciphers. The most popular of such ciphers is the “Vigenère
The Vigenère cipher, proposed by Blaise de Vigenère from the court of Henry III
of France in the sixteenth century, the Vigenère cipher is an improvement of the
Caesar Cipher key is multiple letters long K=k1, K2, k3….kd [4].
the Vigenère cipher uses this table together with a keyword to encipher a
For example, suppose we wish to encipher the plaintext message:
Computer field
Using the keyword Cryptography. we begin by writing the keyword, repeated as
many times as necessary, above the plaintext message. to derive the ciphertext
using the table, for each letter in the plaintext, one finds the intersection of the
row given by the corresponding keyword letter and the column given by the
plaintext letter itself to pick out the ciphertext letter.
Decipherment of an encrypted message is equally straightforward. One writes
the keyword repeatedly above the message:
This time one uses the keyword letter to pick a row of the table and then traces
across the row to get the column containing the ciphertext letter. the index of
that column is the plaintext letter.


Cryptographic systems are generally classified along three independent
1. Type of operations used for transforming plaintext to cipher text.
All encryption algorithms are based on two general principles those
a- substitution, in which each element in the plain text is mapped into
another element.
b- transposition in which elements in the plaintext are rearranged.
the fundamental requirement is that no information be lost. most systems
referred to as product systems, involved multiple stages of substitution and
2. The number of keys used:
a- Symmetric if the sender and receiver use the same key, the system is
referred to as single key or secret key conventional encryption.
b- Asymmetric if the sender and receiver each uses a different key the system
is referred to as asymmetric, two key, or public-key encryption.
3. The way in which the plaintext is processed:
a- A block cipher processes the input on block of elements at a time,
producing an output block for each input block.
b- A stream cipher processes the input elements continuously, producing
output one element at a time, as it goes along.
Conventional Encryption is referred to as symmetric encryption or single key
encryption. It was the only type of encryption in use prior to the development of
public-key encryption. conventional encryption can further be divided into the
categories of classical and modern techniques. The hallmark of the classical
technique is that the cipher or the key to the algorithm is shared i.e. known by
the parties involved in the secured communication[4].
So there are two types of cryptography: secret key and public key
cryptography .in secret key same key is used for both encryption and decryption
and in public key cryptography each user has a public key and a private key.
In a cryptosystem that uses symmetric cryptography, both parties will be
using the same key for encryption and decryption [5].
Symmetric keys are also called secret keys because this type of encryption relies
on each user to keep the key a secret and properly protected. if this key got into
an intruder’s hand, that intruder would have the ability to decrypt any
intercepted message encrypted with this key. Each pair of users who want to
exchange data using symmetric key encryption must have their own set of keys.
the security of the symmetric encryption method is completely dependent on how
well users protect the key. this should raise red flags to you if you have ever had
to depend on a whole staff of people to keep a secret. if a key is compromised,
then all messages encrypted with that key can be decrypted and read by an
intruder. this is complicated further by how symmetric keys are actually shared
and updated when necessary.
If Dan wants to communicate to Norm for the first time, Dan has to figure out
how to get Norm the right key. it is not safe to just send it in an e-mail message
because the key is not protected and it can be easily intercepted and used by
attackers. Dan has to get the key to Norm through an out-of-band method. Dan
can save the key on a floppy disk and walk over to Norm’s desk, send it to him via
snail mail, or have a secure carrier deliver it to Norm. this is a huge hassle, and
each method is very clumsy and insecure.
Because both users use the same key to encrypt and decrypt messages,
symmetric cryptosystems can provide confidentiality, but they cannot provide
authentication or non-repudiation. there is no way to prove who actually sent a
message if two people are using the exact same key.
The symmetric cryptosystems have so many problems and flaws, but we use
them they are very fast and can be hard to break. Compared to asymmetric
systems, symmetric algorithms scream in speed. they can encrypt and decrypt
large amounts of data that would take an unacceptable amount of time if an
asymmetric algorithm was used instead. It is also very difficult to uncover data
that is encrypted with a symmetric algorithm if a large key size was used.
Figure 2.1 show Symmetric cryptography system.
The following list outlines the strengths and weakness of symmetric key systems: SYMMETRIC STRENGTHS

• Much faster than asymmetric systems.
• Hard to break if using a large key size. SYMMETRIC WEAKNESSES

• Key distribution it requires a secure mechanism to deliver keys properly.
• Scalability each pair of users’ needs a unique pair of keys, so the number of
keys grow exponentially.
• Limited security it can provide confidentiality, but not authenticity or
In symmetric key cryptography, a single secret key is used between
entities, whereas in public key systems, each entity has different keys, or
asymmetric keys. the two different asymmetric keys are mathematically related.
If a message is encrypted by one key, the other key is required to decrypt the
message. In a public key system, the pair of keys is made up of one public key
and one private key [5]. The public key can be known to everyone, and the
private key must only be known by owner. Many times, public keys are listed in
directories and databases of e-mail addresses so they are available to anyone
who wants to use these keys to encrypt or decrypt data when communicating
with a particular person.
The public and private keys are mathematically related, but cannot be
derived from each other. This means that if an gets a copy of Bob’s public key, it
does not mean he can now use some mathematical magic and find out Bob’s
private key. If Bob encrypts a message with his private key, the receiver must
have a copy of Bob’s public key to decrypt it. the receiver can decrypt Bob’s
message and decide to reply evildoer back to Bob in an encrypted form. All she
needs to do is encrypt her reply with Bob’s public key, and then Bob can decrypt
the message with his private key. it is not possible to encrypt and decrypt using
the exact same key when using an asymmetric key encryption technology.
Bob can encrypt a message with his private key and the receiver can then
decrypt it with Bob’s public key. By decrypting the message with Bob’s public
key, the receiver can be sure that the message really came from Bob. A message
can only be decrypted with a public key if the message was encrypted with the
corresponding private key. This provides authentication, because Bob is the
only one who is supposed to have his private key. When the receiver wants to
make sure Bob is the only one that can read her reply, she will encrypt the
response with his public key. only Bob will be able to decrypt the message
because he is the only one who has the necessary private key.
Now, the receiver can also encrypt her response with her private key
instead of using Bob’s public key. Why would she do that? she wants Bob to
know that the message came from her and no one else. If she encrypted the
response with Bob’s public key, it does not provide authenticity because anyone
can get a hold of Bob’s public key. If she uses her private key to encrypt the
message, then Bob can be sure that the message came from her and no one else.
Symmetric keys do not provide authenticity because the same key is used on
both ends. using one of the secret keys does not ensure that the message
originated from a specific entity. if confidentiality is the most important security
service to a sender, she would encrypt the file with the receiver’s public key. this
is called a secure message format because it can only be decrypted by the person
who has the corresponding private key.
If authentication is the most important security service to the sender, then
she would encrypt the message with her private key. this provides assurance to
the receiver that the only person who could have encrypted the message is the
individual who has possession of that private key. if the sender encrypted the
message with the receiver’s public key, authentication is not provided because
this public key is available to anyone. Encrypting a message with the sender’s
private key is called an Open Message Format, because anyone with a copy of
the corresponding public key can decrypt the message; thus, confidentiality is
not ensured. For a message to be in a secure and signed format, the sender
would encrypt the message with her private key and then encrypt it again with
the receiver’s public key. the receiver would then need to decrypt the message
with his own private key and then decrypt it again with the sender’s public key.
this provides confidentiality and authentication for that delivered message.
each key type can be used to encrypt and decrypt, so do not get confused and
think the public key is only for encryption and the private key is only for
decryption. An asymmetric cryptosystem works much slower than symmetric
systems, but can provide confidentiality, authentication, and non repudiation
depending on its configuration and use.
Asymmetric systems also provide for easier and more manageable key
distribution than symmetric systems and do not have the scalability issues of
symmetric systems.
Figure2.2 show Asymmetric cryptography system
The following outlines the strengths and weaknesses of asymmetric key systems: ASYMMETRIC STRENGTHS:
• Better key distribution than symmetric systems.
• Better scalability than symmetric systems.
• Can provide confidentiality, authentication, and non repudiation. ASYMMETRIC WEAKNESSES:
• Works much slower than symmetric systems.
Symmetric-key block ciphers are the most prominent and important elements in
many cryptographic systems. individually, they provide confidentiality. as a
fundamental building block, their versatility allows construction of
pseudorandom number generators, stream ciphers, MACs, and hash functions.
they may furthermore serve as a central component in message authentication
techniques, data integrity mechanisms, entity authentication protocols, and
(symmetric-key) digital signature schemes.
no block cipher is ideally suited for all applications, even one offering a high level
of security. this is a result of inevitable tradeoffs required in practical
applications, including those arising from, for example, speed requirements and
memory limitations (e.g., code size, data size, cache memory), constraints
imposed by implementation platforms (e.g., hardware, software, chip cards), and
differing tolerances of applications to properties of various modes of operation. in
addition, efficiency must typically be traded off against security. thus it is
beneficial to have a number of candidate ciphers from which to draw . of the
many block ciphers currently available. while not guaranteed to be more secure
than other published candidate ciphers (indeed, this status changes as new
attacks become known), emphasis is given to those of greatest practical interest.
among these, DES is paramount; FEAL has received both serious commercial
backing and a large amount of independent cryptographic analysis; and IDEA
(originally proposed as a DES replacement) is widely known and highly regarded.
other recently proposed ciphers of both high promise and high profile (in part
due to the reputation of their designers) are SAFER and RC5. DATA ENCRYPTION STANDARD (DES):
DES is a symmetric, block-cipher algorithm with a key length of 64 bits, and the
algorithm operates on successive 64 bit blocks of plain text. due to symmetric,
the same key is used for encryption and decryption, and also uses the same
algorithm for encryption and decryption.
initially a transposition is carried out according to a set table (the initial
permutation), the 64-bit plaintext block is then split into two 32-bit block, and
16 identical operations called rounds are carried out on each half.
the two halves are joined back together, and the reverse of the initial
permutation is carried out. the purpose of the first transposition is clear; it does
not affect the security of the algorithm, but is through for the purpose of
allowing plaintext and cipher text to be loaded into 8-bit chip in byte-sized
in any round, only one half of the original 64-bit block is operated on. the
rounds alternate between the two halves. ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES):
AES is symmetric key encryption standard adopted by the U.S government .the
standard comprise three block cipher AES 128 , AES 192, AES 256 adopted
from long collection originally published as Rijndael .the Rijndael proposal for
AES defined a cipher in which the block length and the key length can be
independently specified to be 128, 192, 256 bits. a number of AES parameters
depend on the key length.
The AES ciphers have been analyzed extensively and are now used worldwide ,
as was the case with its the procedure, the data encryption standard.
Rijndael was designed to resistance against all known attacks, speed , code
compactness on a wide range of platforms and design simplicity. RC2:
RC2 is a block cipher that was designed in 1989 by Ron Rivest for RSA data
Security, initially held as a confidential and proprietary algorithm, RC2 was
published as an Internet Draft during 1997 [6] .
RC2 has many interesting and unique design features, particularly so when one
considers the style of ciphers that dominated both the literature and the market
at the time of its invention. the cipher was intended to be particularly efficient on
16bit processors and with a 64-bit block size it was intended as a drop-in
replacement for DES. A significant feature of RC2 is the flexibility offered to the
user in terms of the effective key-size. This has now become a common feature of
many block cipher proposals and it is a property that has proven to be important
in commercial applications. over the years RC2 has been deployed widely and it
features prominently in the S/MIME secure messaging standard.
Stream ciphers are an important class of encryption algorithms. They
encrypt individual characters (usually binary digits) of a plaintext message one
at a time, using an encryption transformation which varies with time. Stream
ciphers are generally faster than block ciphers in hardware, and have less
complex hardware circuitry. They are also more appropriate, and in some cases
mandatory (e.g., in some telecommunications applications), when buffering is
limited or when characters must be individually processed as they are received.
Because they have limited or no error propagation, stream ciphers may also be
advantageous in situations where transmission errors are highly probable.
There is a vast body of theoretical knowledge on stream ciphers, and various
design principles for stream ciphers have been proposed and extensively
analyzed. However, there are relatively few fully-specified stream cipher
algorithms in the open literature. This unfortunate state of affairs can partially
be explained by the fact that most stream ciphers used in practice tend to be
proprietary and confidential. By contrast, numerous concrete block cipher
proposals have been published, some of which have been standardized or placed
in the public domain. nevertheless, because of their significant advantages,
stream ciphers are widely used today, and one can expect increasingly more
concrete proposals in the coming years. stream ciphers can be either symmetric-
key or public-key.
Shift registers are at the heart of cryptography and error-correction.
in cryptography they are the main tool for generating long pseudorandom binary
sequences which can be used as keys for two communicating parties in
symmetric cryptography.
2.4.1 A5 – ENCRYPTION:
To protect privacy all over-the-air transmissions on a GSM network are
encrypted with a stream cipher known as A5 [7].
Four different variants of the algorithm exist: A5/0 is a no-operation cipher
which does not encrypt data. A5/1 is the standard version and was specified in
the mid 1980’s after a dispute between several NATO countries about the
strength of the algorithm: Germany wanted it to be strong because of its long
borders to Eastern Europe, but was later overruled by the other countries and a
relatively simple design for A5/1 was specified. A5/2 is a weakened version
which was chosen to deal with export restrictions on strong ciphers. A5/3 was
later added for 3G networks (UMTS -successor to GSM) and is a totally new
algorithm based on the clock cipher KASUMI by Mitsuru Matsui who designed
KASUMI (also named MISTY) to be resistant against differential and linear
though the A5 algorithm is described in the specifications of GSM it has never
been made public officially. Companies implementing GSM networks have to buy
the GSM specifications from ETSI, most likely accompanied by strong
nondisclosure agreement contracts. Through leaking of documents a first draft
of the algorithm was made public by Ross Anderson in 1994 and fully discovered
through reverse engineering of a mobile phone’s firmware by Brienco citebgwa5
in 1998/1999, and even later confirmed by the GSM group to be correct.
A5 is a stream cipher4, it operates on 228-bit blocks called ”frames“ sent and
received over the air every 4.6 milliseconds. 114 bits represent data sent from
the MSE and the other 114 bits are data received by the MSE, both mainly
containing digitized audio signals (after error correction). taking the session key
Kc produced by A8 and a frame counter5 Fn, A5 generates 228 pseudo random
bits (PRAND) which are XOR’ed with the plaintext frame resulting in 228 bits of
ciphertext. The most important part in A5 is generating the pseudo random bits
(function GEN). in A5/0, as a no-op cipher, the PRAND is generated by negating
the input frame. or in other words, the XOR function is left out, using the input
frame as output.
2.4.2 A5/1:
A5/1 implements PRAND generation by 3 linear feedback shift registers6 (LFSRs)
denoted as R1, R2 and R3. In this case an LFSR feedback function is an XOR of
all its input bits7, meaning that when the register is clocked, its input bits are
XOR’ed and the result is stored in the rightmost bit [7].


RC4 is an encryption algorithm that was created in 1987 by Ronald Rivest of
RSA Security. it is used in WEP and WPA, which are encryption protocols
commonly used on wireless routers. the workings of RC4 used to be a secret, but
its code was leaked onto the internet in 1994. RC4 was originally very widely
used due to its simplicity and speed. typically 16 byte keys are used for strong
encryption, but shorter key lengths are also widely used due to export
over time this code was shown to produce biased outputs towards certain
sequences, mostly in first few bytes of the key stream generated. This led to a
future version of the RC4 code that is more widely used today, called RC4-
drop[n], in which the first n bytes of the key stream are dropped in order to get
rid of this biased output. Some notable uses of RC4 are implemented in
Microsoft Excel, Adobe's Acrobat 2.0 (1994), and Bit Torrent begin the
process of RC4 encryption, you need a key, which is often user-defined and
between 40-bits and 256-bits.
• RC4 uses a variable length key from 1 to 256 bytes to initialize a 256-byte state
table. the state table is used for subsequent generation of pseudo-random
bytes and then to generate a pseudo-random stream which is XORed with the
plaintext to give the ciphertext. each element in the state table is swapped at
least once.
• the RC4 key is often limited to 40 bits, because of export restrictions but it is
sometimes used as a 128 bit key. It has the capability of using keys between 1
and 2048 bits. RC4 is used in many commercial software packages such as
Lotus Notes and Oracle Secure SQL.
• the RC4 algorithm works in two phases, key setup and ciphering. Key setup is
the first and most difficult phase of this algorithm. During a N-bit key setup (N
being your key length), the encryption key is used to generate an encrypting
variable using two arrays, state and key, and N-number of mixing operations.
these mixing operations consist of swapping bytes, modulo operations, and
other formulas. A modulo operation is the process of yielding a remainder from
division. for example, 11/4 is 2 remainder 3.
• once the encrypting variable is produced from the key setup, it enters the
ciphering phase, where it is XORed with the plain text message to create an
encrypted message. XOR is the logical operation of comparing two binary bits.
if the bits are different, the result is 1. If the bits are the same, the result is 0.
once the receiver gets the encrypted message, he decrypts it by XORing the
encrypted message with the same encrypting variable.
• the difficulty of knowing where any value is in the table.
• the difficulty of knowing which location in the table is used to select each value
in the sequence.
• a particular RC4 key can be used only once.
• encryption is about 10 times faster than DES.
• the RC4 algorithm is vulnerable to analytic attacks of the state table.
• one in every 256 keys can be a weak key. These keys are identified by
cryptanalysis that is able to find circumstances under which one of more
generated bytes are strongly correlated with a few bytes of the key.
• WEAK KEYS: these are keys identified by cryptanalysis that is able to find
circumstances under which one or more generated bytes are strongly
correlated with small subset of the key bytes. These keys can happen in one
out of 256 keys generated [8] .
Numerous researchers attempt to enhance the RC4 and create variant
2.6.1- Maytham M. Hammood, et al [8]. they proposed RC4 stream cipher with
two state tables (RC4-2S) as an enhancement to RC4. RC4-2S stream cipher
system solves the correlation problem between the public known outputs of the
internal state using permutation between state 1 (S1) and state 2 (S2).
Furthermore, key generation time of the RC4-2S is faster than that of the
original RC4 due to less number of operations per a key generation required by
the former. The experimental results confirm that the output streams generated
by the RC4-2S are more random than that generated by RC4. While requiring
less time than RC4. Moreover, RC4-2S’s high resistivity protects against many
attacks vulnerable to RC4 and solves several weaknesses of RC4 such as
distinguishing attack [8].
2.6.2- The proposed algorithm by Jian Xie et al. [9].is an extension of the
improved RC4 Stream Cipher .It uses three secret keys- two secret keys K1 and
K2 as seeds for Enhanced RC4 and K3 as the key for Vigenère cipher
substitution. It also uses two S-Boxes S1 and S2. Both of them contain N
elements from 0 to N-1.
The Key Scheduling Algorithm is the same as original RC4 except that it uses
two S-boxes instead of one, as proposed in the Enhanced RC4 Algorithm.
In PRGA two output streams are obtained from S1 and S2. The output streams
are XORed with each other. The resulting stream is then XORed with the
plaintext P, to obtain the intermediary cipher text, X. this intermediary cipher
text is then fed as the input of Vigenère cipher. In this final phase of the
encryption process, substitution on the intermediary cipher text X takes place
using the key K3. This gives us the final cipher text C. The encryption process is
stated below-
in the algorithm proposed, Vigenère Cipher is used in the final phase of the
encryption process to perform substitution. Vigenère Cipher is a polyalphabetic
stream cipher. Each character of the intermediary cipher text X is encrypted
using K3 as the key. This final phase of encrypting using Vigenère Cipher can be
summarized as follows-
Encryption: Ca = (Xa + ka) mod 256 where C = C0…..Cn is the Cipher text, X =
X0…..Xn is the Intermediary Cipher text and K3 = k0… is the key used.
decryption process is similar to encryption obeying the laws of symmetric
cryptography algorithms. the cipher text C is first decrypted using Vigenère
Cipher with K3 as the key. the output of this process is the intermediary
plaintext Y. in the next phase, keys K1 and K2 are used as the seed for the
Pseudorandom Stream Generator using improved RC4. two output streams are
obtained as the output of the stream generation phase. the output streams are
XORed with each other. the resulting stream is then XORed with the
intermediary plaintext Y to give the final plaintext P.
2.6.3- The algorithm developed by Deep Desai1, et al[10] .provides a method for
purpose of encrypting and decrypting the image of any size and shape. It allows
the user to select an image of his choice from a specified location on the
computer, external hard drive or any other hardware devices connected to the
computer. The system is able to support all standard image formats (e.g.:-TIFF,
JPEG, BMP…..).The image selected by the user could be a Square image or a
rectangular image of any dimension. The user is able to apply encryption to
images captured via the camera and Personal pictures.
The image selected should be a color image where the pixels are represented in
the RGB model. Each pixel should be represented using minimum 24 pixels.
Once the keys have been entered by the user in any form, a standard chaotic
map is generated. The chaotic map generated using Mathematical equations and
theory is completely reversible, efficient enough to produce diffusion on the
entire image pixels and the computation time is less. The chaotic map produced
is then used for diffusing the image pixels. The image obtained from this chaos is
completely distorted and the output is not Recognizable by the end user.
2.6.4- Yu and Zhang [11] presented RC4 state combined with the hash
function without affecting the simplicity and efficiency. The RC4 state based on
hash function can generate Message Authentication Code (MAC). The
enhancement includes the offset, forward, and backward properties of RC4
states where the authors use offset to ignore the first few bytes of the key and
started encrypt the data in determine position which has led to increase the time
of execution.
2.6.5- Ni G. A. P. Harry .[12] Saptarini proposed a new method for Digital
Color Image Encryption Using RC4 Stream Cipher and Chaotic Logistic Map The
structure consists of three main units: converter unit, CLM function unit, and
RC4 stream cipher unit. The converter unit will convert key to initial value. The
output of converter unit is an initial value which will be used by CLM function
unit to generate 256-bytes of array or also known as key array. The last step is
RC4 stream cipher process where the content of array and array is swapped
between each other then the result will be XORed with the byte streams of plain-
image to produce cipher-image or XORed with the cipher-image to produce


To develop the best system for the File Encryption and Decryption, group of
people had analyzed the existing system and need for new system. These
analyses are then documented and presented as discussed about this
investigation. These are some stages necessary for developing of new system;
 System Identification
 Evaluate Feasibility
 Preliminary report


This phase is used to recognize the need for a new system. Everything
performed in future depends on this definition and identification.
Need for the new system we are developing;
 Confidentiality: Information can never be disclosed to someone who is not
authorized to see it.
 Identification and Authentication: Before any is exchanged, identify and
then authorize both the sender and the recipient
 Integrity: Information must not be modified in storage or transit. Any
modification must be detectable.
 Non-repudiation: Cannot disclaim the creation/transmission of the
message. This provides “digital” legitimacy and traceability of a transaction.


The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the Technical,
Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new modules and
debugging old running system. All system is feasible if they are unlimited
resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study portion
of the preliminary investigation:
• Technical Feasibility
• Operational Feasibility
• Economical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility centers on the existing computer system hardware,
software, etc. and to some extent how it can support the proposed addition.
This involves financial considerations to accommodate technical
enhancements. Technical support is also a reason for the success of the
project. The techniques needed for the system should be available and it must
be reasonable to use. Technical Feasibility is mainly concerned with the study
of function, performance, and constraints that may affect the ability to
achieve the system. By conducting an efficient technical feasibility, we need to
ensure that the project works to solve the existing problem area.
Hardware Requirement
Computer systems 1
Processor PENTIUM II Processor
R.A.M Minimum 2GB
Disk Space Using an Hard disk with a minimum
of 120GB would be a wise decision

Software Requirement
 Visual Studio code(Editor)
 Web Browser

This software is operationally feasible. This application provides the necessary
information to the users as how to select file, encrypt file and decrypt file. No
prior knowledge is required to operate this app. For the user, the basic
knowledge of computers is enough.

Whether the new system is cost effective or not ? The benefits in the form
of reduced cost? This Software is economically Feasible. As the hardware cost on
the project is low. Similarly, the software cost is also under the budget.
Moreover, some of the technical requirement are already available and some can
be obtained using a reasonable amount and


The final step of the first phase is to submit all findings in written form for
approval. It is also known as feasibility report. It is normally submitted to the
top managers of the organization. They take decision about the system by
studying this report. They may accept the report, suggest to modify it or may
completely reject it.
A methodology is the general research strategy that outlines the way in
which research is to be undertaken, and to unravel the methods of data
collection and techniques used in their analysis.


Before starting/beginning this project design and software development,
information was gathered from the users through an interview to know the
different information about cryptography.
When you access File encryption and decryption, no user information is
automatically collected. Collected information includes the file to be encrypted
and the password to access the hash file.


Traditionally, cryptography conjures up thoughts of spies and secret codes. In
reality, cryptography and encryption have found broad application in society.
Every time you use an ATM machine to get cash or a point-of-sale machine to
make a purchase, you are using encryption. Encryption is the process of
scrambling the contents of a file or message to make it unintelligible to anyone
not in possession of the "key" required to unscramble it. Civilizations have been
using various cryptosystems for at least 4,000 years. A cryptosystem or
algorithm is the process or procedure to turn plaintext into crypto text. A crypto
algorithm is also known as a "cipher." There are several key elements that go
into making an effective cryptosystem. First and foremost, it must be reversible.
A crypto algorithm is of no practical use if once you have scrambled your
information, you cannot unscramble it. The security of the cryptosystem should
be dependent on the secrecy and length of the key and not on the details of the
algorithm. In other words, knowing the algorithm should not make it
significantly easier to crack the code (restricted versus unrestricted). If security
is dependent on keeping the algorithm secret, then it is considered a "restricted"
algorithm. It is also important that the algorithm has been subjected to
substantial cryptoanalysis. The algorithm should contain no serious or
exploitable weakness.
Cryptography prior to the modern age was effectively synonymous with
encryption, converting readable information (plaintext) to unintelligible nonsense
text (ciphertext), which can only be read by reversing the process (decryption).
The sender of an encrypted (coded) message shares the decryption (decoding)
technique only with intended recipients to preclude access from adversaries. The
cryptography literature often uses the names "Alice" (or "A") for the sender, "Bob"
(or "B") for the intended recipient, and "Eve" (or "E") for the eavesdropping

adversary, The security of the existing system is independent on the

secrecy and length of the key and depends on the details of the
algorithm. In other words, knowing the algorithm makes it
significantly easier to crack the code. Thus, it is very easy to decrypt
the has file once you known the algorithm.
The proposed application cryptography focused on message confidentiality
(i.e., encryption)—conversion of messages from a comprehensible form into an
incomprehensible one and back again at the other end, rendering it unreadable
by interceptors or eavesdroppers without secret knowledge (namely the key
needed for decryption of that message). Encryption attempted to ensure secrecy
in communications, such as those of spies, military leaders, and diplomats. In
recent decades, the field has expanded beyond confidentiality concerns to
include techniques for message integrity checking, sender/receiver identity

authentication. The security of the proposed system is on the secrecy

and length of the key and not on the details of the algorithm. In other
words, knowing the algorithm should not make it significantly easier
to crack the code
 The main objective of the proposed file encryption & decryption system is to
provide layered data protection which means using multiple security
elements to protect your data. Each layer focuses on a specific area where a
cyberattack or leak could occur. The right file encryption program acts as
one element of layered protection to keep your data most secure.
 Secure data transfers
 With file encryption protection, you ensure no malicious actors tamper with
your data.
 Using file encryption software helps you ensure complete compliance with
the federal, state, and industry-specific regulations you must follow in
handling and transmitting data.


 Encryption Increases the Integrity of Our Data
 It Helps You Stay Safer When Working Remotely
 It Could Help You Avoid Regulatory Fines 
 It can help protect against data-manipulating attacks during transfer
 Encryption is helpful to hide data, information, and contents that a
normal human cannot understand

The System Design Document is a document to provide documentation which will
be used to aid in the system development by providing the details for how the
system should be built. Within the System Design Document are narrative and
graphical documentation of the system design for the project.
System design, decisions are made about how the problem will be solved in design,
the software requirements are analyzed are planned the subsequent development
activities. The design of input screens and the result screens, the data storage and the
process are mainly concern in this section. Selection of the software to develop the
proposed system will also decide the design phase.
The design of the outputs is important because this is what interests the user most.
They are unlikely to remember hoe elegant the input interfaces was or how quickly
the system responded. What they will perceive is whether the outputs produce by the
system met their requirement or not. If a system is incapable of meeting user output
expectations the system is deemed be failed to meet one of its basic requirements.
The output design of the proposed system is the based downloading of the
encrypted or decrypted file as shown in the diagram below;


The design of the input mechanism is important and must be simple and easy steps
to the subscriber. Carefully designed user interface will avoid the mess-ups by the
users and errors in processing leading to useless outputs. The objectives of input
design focused are,
o Efficiency and effectiveness of input
o Reducing input volume
o Reducing input errors
o User-friendly human computer interface
The input design of the proposed system is the based uploading of the encrypted or
decrypted file with the access as shown in the diagram below;

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