Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneurs
Rishikesh Jawarkar
Abstract :
Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are the people who have the skills
and necessary initiatives to take some new ideas to market or provide a service and make the
right decisions to make their ideas profitable. The educated Indian women have to go a long way
to achieve equal rights and position because traditions are deeply rooted in Indian society.
Despite all the social hurdles, Indian women have been standing tall from the rest of the crowd
and are applauded for their achievements in their respective fields. The transformation of the
social fabric of the Indian society, in terms of the increased educational status of women and
varied aspirations for better living, has necessitated a change in the lifestyle of every Indian
woman. These women leaders are assertive, persuasive and willing to take risks. They have
managed to survive and have succeeded in this cut throat competition with their hard work,
the end some major problems faced by Indian women entrepreneurs, success stories of Indian
different sections of the society about women entrepreneurship have been noted.
Introduction :
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Women entrepreneurs are those women who think of a business enterprise, initiate it,
organise and combine factors of production, operate the enterprise and undertake risks and
handle economic uncertainty involved in running it. In the words of president APJ Abdul Kalam
“empowering women is a prerequisite for creating a good nation, when women are empowered,
society with stability is assured.” Pandit Jawaharlal Lai Nehru has remarked “When women
move forward, the family moves, the village moves and the Nation moves.”
Women Entrepreneurs have been making a significant impact in all segments of economy
of the world. Their willingness for the future is apparent in their growing confidence, in their
strengths and in their desire to seek different forms of work in order to achieve a new balance
Thus a women entrepreneur is one who starts business and manages it independently and
tactfully takes all the risks, accepts challenging role to meet her personal needs and become
entrepreneurial women, who is capable contributing values in both family and social life and is
one who faces the challenges boldly with an iron, will to succeed.
study the roles of women entrepreneurs in economy To know about the different
government schemes for women entrepreneurs To study the mindset of people through
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Despite few limitations, this study has been able to convey to women of different
sections of society how they should change their mindset from being confined to walls to take
entrepreneurship skills to greater heights which they are capable of. Discussions will surely
increase the women workforce as they will be good enough to take up responsibilities as good as
men. Personal opinions would help women get an inspiration to take up entrepreneurship
for living. Case studies will stir their minds and lead them to greatest unimaginable heights. The
whole motive behind was to highlight that women can contribute to the economy. It is these
innovative minds which can cause growth of the economy to a level which even men can’t
imagine. India needs women to stand up and contribute towards the economy.