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No 664
Dynamics of Banking Technology Adoption:
An Application to Internet Banking*
January 2003
This paper is concerned with examining behaviour of firms (banks) and consumers (banks’
customers) in the event of a new technology (internet banking) introduction. The determinants
of consumer adoption of internet banking are characterised using survey data from Korea in
both static and dynamic framework. I find evidence that adoption of internet banking is
influenced by sex, age, marital status, degree of exposure to internet banking, and the
characteristics of the banks. A duration analysis shows no evidence of first mover advantage
(order effects) in internet banking whilst the largest bank (rank effects) in commercial banking
remains dominant in internet banking. The results imply that the internet bankin g adoption is
dominated by social norm effects.
I am grateful for encouragement and many helpful comments from Keith Cowling and Jeremy Smith. I
also thank Margaret Slade, Mike Waterson, Mark Stewart, Wiji Arulampalam, Matthew Haag,
Massimiliano Bratti and participants at the University of Warwick workshops, the European Association
for Research in Industrial Economics Conference 2002, the European Network on Industrial Policy
Conference 2002 for comments and discussions. All errors are mine.
Correspondence address: Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 3035, Fax: +44 (0)24 7652 3032, E-mail:
1. Introduction
Network effects and standardisation have become popular topics with increasing
number of internet users and the application of internet to e-commerce and finance. In
particular, network effect and standardisation are arguably the most common reasons
for concentrated market structures in technology intensive industries3. Hence, it seems
natural to consider progress in banking technology as a reason for market consolidation
given the nature of network in banking. However, we lack studies on consumer
behaviour relative to the vast amount of literature on firms’ behaviour regarding
technology adoption and market structure. I argue that customer inertia and risk
aversion in characterising internet banking users (IBU) suggest that aggressive
expansion in internet banking is simply a pre-emptive action by banks with little impact
on the market structure.
In this paper, I use online survey data from Korea on internet banking to analyse the
adoption pattern of banking technology diffusion across customers 4 . Firstly I
characterise the determinants for consumer adoption of a new banking technology
(internet banking). I examine the internet banking adoption process in both a static and
a dynamic framework to explain why new banking technologies are not always taken up
by the mass-market. Subsequently I identify different characteristics between early
adopters and late (i.e. delayed) adopters using parametric and semi-parametric duration
models and show how the results differ between different model specifications.
See Hannan and McDowell (1984), Gourlay and Pentecost (2002)
The FSS in Korea defines the internet banking as computer network based banking, which includes
automated transfer of money, settlement of bills, and realisation of general financial service network. On
the other hand, Cave and Mason (2001) define internet as a global network of networks. Their paper
elaborates the mechanism of internet
Examples are the internet browser industry with two leading technologies Netscape and Microsoft
Internet Explorer and VHS vs. Beta Max in the 70s. Hannan and McDowell (1984) investigate a
concentrated market structure in banking with respect to the diffusion of ATM machines. Sutton (1999)
also illustrates network effects and standardisation in detail for technology driven industries.
Korea refers to South Korea throughout this paper.
adoption. Furthermore, I show these empirical issues related to internet banking can
provide grounds for incumbent banks to take pre-emptive actions.
In section 2, the new banking technology (internet banking) and factors likely to affect
its diffusion are described. Section 3 investigates theoretical and empirical literature
related to technology diffusion. I develop and compare econometric models of adoption
in Section 4 and report estimates from these models and discuss the analysis in Section
5. Finally, Section 6 concludes.
One might remember the days when he/she physically had to go to a bank branch to
deposit or withdraw money and get a bank statement book manually updated by a teller
over the counter (OTC). With the introduction of computer networks, a networked
printing machine started replacing the manual update of statements. Then, cash
dispensers (CDs) and automated teller machines (ATMs) were introduced to facilitate
withdrawals, deposits and even transfers accommodating mobility in much wider
geographical areas. Phone banking was a revolutionary concept but one of the most
substantial changes in banking technology is the recent introduction of internet banking.
Banking competition is assessed in three different ways, price (interest rate), quantity
(deposit and loan size) and quality (reputation-relationship). Traditionally banks have
competed in branch network (quantity) to increase the number of clients, i.e. the deposit
and loan size. However, with the benefit of new technologies, the quantity competition
seems to be replaced by the network competition in ATM or internet banking. Internet
creates a potentially competitive market outcome in the presence of both internal and
external threats. Threats within the industry increase as product and service information
Most banks offer comprehensive personal financial management packages on the internet. For example,
the package is tailor made for each client combining commercial banking, investment in stockmarket,
bondmarket, and mutual funds and sales of insurance products and pension schemes.
becomes more transparent on the internet. External threats arise with lower entry
barriers for those with advanced internet technology.
According to the Bank of Korea report (using quotes from Wall Street Journal Report),
Korea has the highest internet banking penetration ratio per head. Currently, almost one
out of four people (approx. 24%) are registered IB users. Internet banking was first
introduced by Chohung Bank in Korea at the beginning of 1998, which was followed by
rival banks throughout 1998. The number of IB offering banks reached 13 by the end of
1999 and continuously increased to 20 by the end of 2000 and currently all 17
commercial banks offer IB alongside 4 specialty banks (cooperatives), two foreign
banks, postal savings, and district banking corporation (Saemaul Geum-ko)6. Not only
the speed of IB adoption by banks has been extraordinary but also the adoption by
customers has been extremely fast. The number of registered internet banking users has
nearly doubled every quarter until the end of 2000, although the speed of adoption now
seems to be slowing down. It is worth identifying why so many people adopted internet
banking at such extraordinary speed.
The importance of technological progress in economic growth and social welfare has
long been recognised by many economists. Schumpeter (1934) pioneered studies on
technology, which was subsequently emphasised by Solow (1957) in his economic
growth literature. Schumpeter’s view on technology rejected the anti-trust orthodoxy
and argued large firms operating in a concentrated market structure would encourage
technological progress, whilst Solow claimed that a good proportion of growth residual
might be explained by changes in technology. On the other hand Davies (1979) argued
that society fully benefits from a process or product innovation only when the
innovation is diffused enough to enhance the firm’s productivity or the consumer’s
utility. However, most of the earlier literature on technological progress focused on the
firm’s behaviour analysing how process innovation would influence its productivity
leaving the consumer behaviour in relation to product innovation less frequently
discussed7. Study on consumer adoption behaviour of financial technology is almost
next to none. Gourlay and Pentecost (2002) point out that research into the inter-firm
diffusion of new technology has paid relatively little attention to the determinants of
innovation diffusion in the financial sector compared to other industries.
The information is as of Dec. 2001.
In the same context, Waterson (2001) draws attention to consumers’ reluctance to search and switch
suppliers in relation to competition and competition policy analysis.
Installed base represents the number of users who are networked via a technology.
demand uncertainty to be resolved before they commit themselves to a specific
technology. This aspect is yet to be proved empirically in banking technology.
Farrell and Saloner (1986) also investigate installed base and compatibility. They claim
a new standard can face excess inertia as installed-base users are somewhat tied to the
old technology, which explains why new technologies are not always taken up by the
mass-market. More recently, Mason and Weeds (2001) identify three different
inefficiencies of premature adoption in the presence of network externalities and
examine the effects of uncertainty, network effects and pre-emption on inefficiencies.
Early epidemic models of diffusion use an analogy between the contact among firms or
consumers and the spread of disease (Mansfield, 1968). For example, some consumers
adopt a new technology before others because they happen to become infected first.
Similarly, some technologies diffuse faster than others, as they are more contagious due
to its profitability and risk factors. In contrast, Karshenas and Stoneman (1993) point
out that contemporary approaches have put less emphasis on information spreading as
the key explanatory variable of innovation diffusion summarised into three different
1/Rank effects, suggest that only firms with sufficiently high ranking will adopt an
innovation when it first becomes available. However, as the cost of adoption falls over
time, lower ranked firms will adopt as well9.
2/Stock effects, result from the assumption that early movers obtain higher returns on
the new technology and the marginal return of adoption decreases with the increase in
number of adopters10.
3/Order effects, are applicable when there is a fixed amount of critical input into
production. In such situations, only early movers who secure access to the critical input
will find it profitable to adopt. The order of adoption clearly matters.
Hannan and McDowell (1990) examine the impact of bank adoptions of automated
teller machines (ATMs) on subsequent levels of concentration in local banking markets.
They find strong support for the existence of rank effects in the diffusion of ATMs,
while rejecting the existence of epidemic effects. However, they do not investigate the
consumer adoption behaviour, which I believe plays an important role in banking
industry structure. They propose if larger banks adopt ATMs, markets tend to be more
concentrated and vice versa. However, the diffusion of a new banking technology is
relatively fast across large and small banks nowadays and sometimes a government
consortium leads the market toward a new technology simultaneously11. Therefore, it is
difficult to justify that market concentration is due to early adoption by larger banks.
See Davies (1979) for further examples of rank effects.
Reinganum (1981) discusses the strategic behaviour of firms in this context.
In Korea, the Korea Telecom consortium introduced the Internet Banking technology to most banks
differences between the two industries lies in credit rating system. Bank-specific credit
rating builds up over time whereas credit rating for motor insurance is transferable
between insurance companies. Thus, long-term aspects of credit rating in banking may
explain why consumers are reluctant to switch their banks. This coincides with my pilot
test results where the majority did not switch their banks despite more favourable
internet banking offers from rival banks.
More recently, Akhavein et al. (2001) point out a few quantitative studies on the
diffusion of new financial technologies and the weakness where the technology is
limited to ATMs. In the hazard model analysis, they suggest large banks innovate
earlier (pre-emption) and the tobit model also suggests banks with fewer separately
chartered but with more branches innovate earlier.
With internet banking, innovation certainly improves productivity via cost cutting in
distribution but diffusion pattern amongst consumers is equally important. In order to
link the firm behaviour and the consumer behaviour, I take some insight from
behavioural studies on adoption.
Diffusion research did not develop from a single discipline. Different disciplines led to
the development of this theory and the history goes back to Tarde (1903)’s Laws of
Imitation, which conceptualised imitating behaviour using a selectionist rationale.
Throughout the last century, his laws of imitation have influenced a substantial amount
of diffusion studies across many disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, general
economics and many others. Since Tarde, there have been a plethora of studies that tried
to link imitation within a social structure, consumer behaviour, industrial structure and
welfare economics. However, the effort to link the above sociological aspects of
economics were somewhat neglected recently with an increasing focus on technological
development. Technological development could be one of the main factors for
economic growths in the post 20th centuries. However, without identifying why and how
consumers adopt new technologies in the social context, the research on technology is
Recent Asian crisis have somewhat added new impetus to the quest for comprehending
relationships between economy and culture whilst most research on Asia prior to the
crisis focused on conventional macroeconomic variables, such as human capital and
investment. Janelli and Yim (1997) criticise that a Western intellectual tradition has
sought to dichotomise explanation of human actions into the ideal and the material.
They suggested the rational choice theory must be considered in the social context and
acknowledged the existence of mutually supportive relationships between cultural
understandings and the pursuit of development goal (material) in Korea. Greif (1994)
uses a similar approach and argues that a path of economic growth is not a mere
function of endowment, technology, and preferences but a complex process in which
the organisation of society plays a significant role. The organisation of society reflects
historical, cultural, social, political and economic processes.
For diffusion, one of the most common approaches is applying social leader concept.
Becker (1970) finds substantial correlation between an individual’s adoption timing of
an innovation and both his/her relative position in sociometric network and his/her most
valued source of information and suggests that early adopters are opinion leaders.
Rogers (1995) overviewed a vast amount of publications related to innovation diffusion
and summarises socio-economic characteristics of adopter categories: early adopters to
laggards. He also claims that opinion leaders are at the core of respective networks.
Another approach adopts rational decision process. Rosenberg (1976) argues that in
many markets prospective buyers for an innovation are strongly influenced by
expectations concerning the timing and significance of future improvements. In other
words, the optimal decision process of innovation adoption depends on technological
expectations and learning. As a similar approach of rational decision process,
McFadden and Train (1996) explain that when a new product with unknown attributes
are offered, customers determine whether they like the product by trying it themselves
or by waiting to observe the experience of other customers. They investigate the
implications of learning from others on the sales of new products and the impact of
Rational decision approach can be useful for analysing early adopters of new
technology as they usually tech-savvy users. According to International Data
Corporation report (IDC, 2002), early adopters of wireless internet are usually young
tech-savvy users at 28 years old on average and 64% male. This report categorises
consumers into 4 adoption stages along the S-shaped diffusion curve: 1/early adopters
are dominated by male tech-savvy group, 2/early majority are young working group, 3/
late majority are young working group with larger female group, and 4/laggards are
predominantly older group.
Stoneman and Diederen (1994) raise another important issue of public policy for
technology diffusion. They explain diffusion may be too fast if firms adopt a technology
before it is profitable to do so, or if firms adopt a new technology today that effectively
preempts the adoption of a superior technology in the future. For instance, when
customers are exposed to unidentifiable amount of risks via internet banking, the
important role of public policy is to mitigate the risks in early adoption.
Rogers (1995) argues that a common problem in diffusion research is the individual-
blame bias, i.e. the tendency to hold an individual responsible for his or her problems,
rather than the system of which the individual is a part. Following the criticism, he
suggested five main variables determining the rate of adoption variables, to which I link
the potential attributes associated with internet banking (see Table 1).
The Confucian classics lay out rules of life and those who follow these rules are highly regarded as the
educated group. One can say that it is somewhat analogous to the Bible for Christians.
others and therefore conform. Naylor (1989) uses a similar approach of individual
behaviour of a social custom to explain the reason why workers strike. Hence, the
education in Korea cannot be explained without the influence of Confucianism (culture)
and conformity (society), which made Koreans place high value on education and
respect the educated, considering adoption of a new technology as a part of education
for new skills.
As the nature of the social system determines the rate of adoption, the Korean
government clearly signalled the network technology as the key for the future via
various stages of government led technology projects (see Table 2) 13 . The pro-
technology policy by the government certainly encouraged general public to adopt new
technologies including internet. Not only the government strongly signalled, but also it
took the initiative in adopting new technologies. For instance, most civil service
documents have been distributed and communicated via internet since July 2000. Over
two decades of the government technology projects definitely established a new social
norm, computer and internet-literacy. It seems natural that Koreans worry that one can
be left behind the information society and this forces them to adopt the new technology
sooner than later.
4. Econometric Models
Both static and dynamic set-ups are used and compared to test the following
propositions. For a point estimate of internet banking adoption probability, a logistic
distribution is used and a duration model is used to detect the dynamics of IB adoption
process 14 . The latter approach identifies the determinants of early adopters versus
delayed adopters with the sequential information of adoption time.
Firm characteristics have been often used to determine firms’ technology adoption
behaviour in the literature and equivalently individual characteristics would affect their
behaviour of internet banking adoption. As internet banking requires a minimum level
of proficiency in computer skills and internet communication, I expect males are more
The Ministry of Information and Communication has been in charge of these projects since 1987.
Duration analysis is often called as Survival analysis or failure time analysis.
likely to adopt it given their tech-savvy characteristics as International Data Corporation
report (IDC, 2002) suggested 15. On the tech-savvy ground, younger generations would
be more likely to adopt internet banking but on the banking familiarity ground, internet
banking is more in need to older generations. Which of the two grounds has more
explanatory power needs to be tested16. Having said that the proficiency in computer
technology and network communications would have a positive impact on internet
banking adoption, education (university or above) would enhance the proficiency in
network technology and therefore would increase the probability of IB adoption17.
Considering that stably married people are relatively conservative compared to those
who choose alternative marital status, i.e. divorced, separated, co-habit, or single,
married people would be less likely to adopt internet banking than singles or those with
alternative marital status. I expect that banking intensity of high-income group would be
higher than that of low-income group and hence expect the incentive of IB adoption is
larger for high-income group. Outright owners of residential properties tend to be in less
complex banking than those who are in key money or monthly rental schemes and
therefore, would have less incentive to adopt internet banking.
Based on epidemic effects, residents in Seoul and Kyungki metropolitan area would be
more likely to adopt internet banking than those who reside in regional provinces. I
expect that the easier access to computers and internet facilities in the metropolitan area
would provide better grounds for internet banking adoption. I also argue those who are
exposed to the risk of internet banking via recommendation or frequent visits to bank
websites are more likely to adopt than those who are not yet exposed to
Those who are aware of interest rate information in the market, i.e. active information
seekers would be more likely to adopt internet banking as their search for the best
services and products become easier with internet banking. Assuming frequent visitors
to bank branches (OTC) like human contacts, they would have less incentive to adopt
internet banking. Moreover, the determinants of IB adoption timing (dynamic) would
differ from those of IB adoption probability (static).
Since the technology of internet banking is not exclusive to the first mover, we are
bound to see some spillovers within the industry and would not see significant impact
on the first mover’s market position. Especially when consumers being cautious about
their banking, the first mover (order effects) would not necessarily capture the typical
early adopters. Instead, the largest bank would increase its market share via internet
banking (rank effects) by capturing early adopters as consumers value a bank with more
customers higher (network effects) and perceive large banks as better ones (reputation).
IDC has an extensive global network of consultancy on technology information and reports up-to-date
facts in the industry. Their report (2002) about adoption of wireless communication confirmed that young
(average 28 years old) male group are more likely to adopt earlier.
Rogers (1995)’ survey on diffusion publications shows that more than half of the publications find the
age factor as not significant.
University or above level of education is critical as universities in Korea are heavily reliant on internet
communication for their foundation of educational system. This argument applies to across different
degree majors regardless of art or music degrees. Exposure to a university network system is more
important than anything else.
Internet banking adoption is expected to increase with time since customers are exposed
to more IB adopters and with the increasing number of IB users they have more chance
to imitate other users. In other words, the duration dependence is likely to be positive.
As per those who have delayed their adoption of internet banking nearly 4 years, given
that laggards and early adopters tend to have different individual characteristics, the
factors affect laggards to adopt IB with delay would differ from those of majority
First, the fully non-parametric duration model is used to determine the shape of the
survival function as well as the hazard function18. The Kaplan-Meier (1958)19 survival
estimate indicates the IB adoption follows a S-shaped curve considering the data are
right censored for non-IB users (see Figure 5). This agrees with the results from most
technology diffusion literature20. On the other hand, the hazard function shows a non-
monotonic increase in time, more precisely increasing with oscillation. In order to
capture this increasing hazard over time, I chose a Weibull distribution (see Figure 6)
for the underlying hazard function of duration analysis and compared three different
specifications: 1/continuous time Weibull model (parametric), 2/discrete time
proportional hazard (PH) model with Weibull baseline hazard (parametric) and 3/
discrete time proportional hazard (PH) model with flexible baseline hazard (semi-
parametric with non-parametric baseline hazard).
1.00 1
1 48
0 20 40 60 analysis time
analysis time Weibull regression
Figure 5. Fully non-parametric estimate (Kaplan-Meier) Figure 6. Parametric estimate (Weibull distribution)
The Weibull distribution is one of the most widely used lifetime distribution. It is a
versatile distribution that can take on the characteristics of other types of distributions,
based on the value of the shape parameter p. The Weibull probability density function
can be written with one to three parameters (e.g. scale parameter η , shape parameter p,
location parameter γ ) and the density function can have a flexible form depending on
Kalbfleisch and Prentice (1980) suggest a non-parametric duration analysis has an advantage of not
imposing any restriction on the underlying hazard but there are theoretic difficulties in interpreting non-
parametric maximum likelihood estimate. Thus, alternative specifications were chosen for the analysis.
Despite the incompleteness of the data, Kaplan-Meier use the product-limit estimate to derive the
proportion of events in the population whose lifetime would exceed t, without making any assumption
about the form of the probability function.
The evidence of a S-shaped diffusion of technology can be found in Davis (1976), and many others.
these parameters 21. The most commonly used density function for duration model takes
the two parameter form with scale and shape parameters by setting γ = 0:
p −1 t −γ
p t −γ −
f (t) = ⋅e η (1.1)
η η
where most duration literature denotes the hazard rate λ = .
Therefore, the hazard function with Weibull distribution is
λ (t) = λ p (λt)
p −1 (1.2)
− (λ t )
S (t) = e (1.3)
The Weibull distribution is suitable for a model where hazard rate increases or
decreases monotonically since it parameterises the exponential term with p-1 where p
being greater than 1 can be used for increasing hazard rate whilst p being smaller than 1
can be used for decreasing hazard rate. The special case of p =1 converges to an
exponential model in which the hazard rate is constant over time.
For the length of time that elapses before customers adopt a new banking technology
(internet banking), the duration to adoption of internet banking was defined as follows:
I set the time origin at Jan. 1998 and thereafter, a monthly time scale was set in
sequence. The monthly time scale is due to the nature of survey data. I define the event
ending the duration as the first use of internet banking, i.e. IB adoption. Different
individuals may have different time origins but my specification assumes everyone was
already exposed to the news of IB introduction prior to the actual introduction of IB22.
For further details of t he probability distribution, see Kiefer (1988), and Greene (2000).
Davies (1979) claims no potential adopter is prevented from adopting by total ignorance or patent
restrictions when potential adopters in the industry are assumed to know of the existence of the
innovation once it is first commercially available.
Table 3. Survival Distributions: log-likelihood23
Distribution Hazard Function, λ(t) Survival Function, S(t) Log Likelihood
Exponential λ S (t) = e − λt -313.63
λ p ( λt )
p −1
S ( t ) = e −( λt )
Weibull p
Although the survival function and hazard function seem to fit the non-parametric
specification results best, assuming the time interval to be small enough to apply
continuous time, the Weibull model is specified as follows26:
Hazard function(Weibull):
Prob(t ≤ T ≤ t + ∆ T ≥ t ) F(t + ∆ ) − F ( t )
λ (t ) = lim = lim
∆→0 ∆ ∆ →0 ∆S ( t )
f (t ) (2.1)
= = λ p( λ t ) p−1
S (t )
The hazard rate, λ (t) is the conditional probability of having a spell length exactly t, i.e.
adopting IB in interval [t, t+ ∆ t], conditional on survival up to time t (equation 2.1). But
the hazard rate is not a probability in a pure sense since it can be greater than 1. The
survival function (equation 2.3) is derived from the hazard function conditioning on
survival up to time t-1 and the failure function takes the form, 1-S(t). The failure
function at time t (equation 2.4) represents the technology diffusion over time when S-
shaped curve is often discussed in the literature.
For further details of each distribution, see Kiefer (1988) and Greene (2000).
ln(t) is normally distributed with mean –ln( λ ) and standard deviation 1/p.
ln(t) has a log-logistic distribution with mean –ln( λ ) and variance p2/(3p2).
Let T be the length of a complete spell and t is a random time variable with a cumulative distribution
function of F(t) and probability density function of f(t). Therefore, the diffusion of IB adoption is
represented in the failure function, which is 1-S(t). If the ancillary parameter, p>1, the hazard rate rises
monotonically with time and falls if p<1.
4.1.2. Discrete Time Proportional Hazard (PH) duration Model (with parametric
baseline hazard)
A discrete time duration model is appropriate as my data set observations are made in
discrete time, i.e. adoption in monthly intervals, although the intrinsic nature of the IB
adoption is in continuous time. I chose a complementary log-logistic (cloglog) hazard
function over a logistic one as the adoption process of internet banking is intrinsically
continuous but only the observations are in discrete time. In principle this specification
is an extended version of Cox proportional hazard model as illustrated in Kiefer (1988)
for discrete data analysis27.
S ( t;X it ) = exp − ∫ λ (τ ; X it ) dτ = exp − exp X it ' β + log ( H t ) }
0 (3.2)
The hazard function (equation 3.1) takes a proportional form assuming that for some
unknown β and some nonnegative measurable function λ0 (t), the baseline hazard at
time t. Subject to a complementary log-logistic transformation for the discrete time, the
survival function can be written as equation (3.2).
With censoring ci =0 for those who are not yet adopters, the log-likelihood can be
written as:
{ }
n (4.1)
logL ( β ,δ ) = ∑ ci log S ( ti − 1; X it ) − S ( ti ; X it ) − (1 − c i ) logS ( ti ; X it )
i =1
where δ = log( H ),
ti − 1
ti (4.2)
logL = ∑ ci log λit ( X it ) ∏ 1 − λs ( X is ) + (1 − c i ) log ∏ 1 − λs ( X is )
i =1 s =1 s= 1
λ0 (τ ) dτ
with γ t = log ∫
at − 1
Kiefer (1988) provides a comprehensive list of survi vor, probability distribution and hazard functions,
which is useful at a starting point of duration analysis. However, Lancaster (1990) discusses transition
data most thoroughly with a focus on duration data analysis.
The log likelihood function (equation 4.2) shows the weighted average form of
maximum likelihood from both censored and uncensored groups. The first half of the
equation represents the likelihood of an exit (i.e. IB adoption) at time t, thus a product
of all the previous periods’ survival likelihood, whereas the second half of the equation
illustrates the case of non-exit. The equation is simply weighted by ci and 1- ci for that
matter: ci =0 for censored group and ci =1 for uncensored group. The hazard function
with a complementary log-logistic transformation for the discrete time is shown in
equation (4.3).
By adding duration dummy variables for each interval to the above specification, a
semi-parametric estimation is also feasible. The advantage of using a semi-parametric
specification is that we do not impose any assumption on the baseline hazard function
and allow it to be fully flexible. In principle, this model calculates hazard rate for each
interval under no restriction. Given the advantage of flexible baseline hazard function
and the nature of my data being discrete in time, this model specification is preferred to
others. However, I expect to see similar results from all three specifications despite the
different underlying assumptions.
S ( t ν ) = ν ⋅ e (− λ t ) (5.1)
S (t ) = 1 + θ ( λ t )
p −1 / θ
) (5.2)
⋅ ( S (t ))
λ ( t ) = λ p ( λt )
p −1 (5.3)
where θ =0 corresponds to the model without unobserved heterogeneity and the further
θ deviates from zero, the greater is the effect of heterogeneity. For simplicity of the
estimation, a normal distribution of heterogeneity for the complementary log-logistic
model is used for the proportional hazard models. However, I fail to reject the null
hypothesis of no heterogeneity for all three duration models. Therefore, the mixed
models with unobservables converge to the models without unobservables. Only the
results from models without unobservables are presented.
Yahoo Members’ Directory28 was used to collect email addresses of Korean residents
with age 13 or above, applying a systematic and stratified sampling29. Following a pilot
survey, 3200 online survey forms were sent out via email requests, of which 407
responded after two follow-ups30. In total, 393 replies were used in the analysis having
discarded duplicates or incomplete replies.
A cross-sectional data set of 393 individuals was used in the static analysis of internet
banking adoption and the data were expanded into panel data by assigning binary choice
dummies for each monthly interval for the dynamic analysis (duration analysis). The
last event was observed in the 48th month (December 2001) from the introduction of
Internet Banking (IB) in January 1998. Thus, unbalanced data of 6407 observations
were obtained, where 246 individuals responded as they had experienced internet
banking while 147 identified themselves as non-users (right-censored).
The non-parametric tests (e.g. the log-rank inequality test and the Wilcoxon test, see
Table 4) were conducted on potential explanatory variables before applying to logit and
duration models to see the parametric and semi-parametric results coincide. The
Wilcoxon test divides the sample into subgroups and tests the null hypothesis of
identical survival function across the subgroups, i.e. S i(t)= Sj(t). As the Wilcoxon test
gives higher weights to earlier failure times, it is more likely to detect early differences
in failure times. On the other hand, the log-rank test is based on scores assigned to the
observations, which are functions of the logarithm of survival function. The test statistic
is the sum of scores over all observations standardised by standard deviation in this
case. The log-rank test gives equal weights to all failures and therefore is more powerful
in detecting failures in proportional hazard models, which is the case of this paper. The
explanatory variables included in the model contain: 1/ demographics, 2/exposure to
28 is one of the largest digital media companies in Korea, which provides a variety of
information through the internet. Yahoo also offers free email accounts for their members.
The 3200 email addresses were collected across 107 different cities throughout 11 provinces (see Table
7 for the details of stratified sampling). Every 3 rd person from Yahoo Members’ Directory was selected in
proportion to the population density data from the Korea National Statistical Office ( systematic
sampling). The response rate was at 12.7%, which was below the expected rate of 20%. The expected rate
of reply was initially drawn from interviews with local online survey companies in Korea (e.g. and The lower response rate seems to be due to the
sensitivity of survey questions, e.g. personal banking.
The sampling period is between 13 November, 2001 – 13 February, 2002
internet banking, 3/awareness, 4/banking behaviour, 5/first mover and largest bank
dummies (see Table 4).
5. Results
Before presenting results from the probability and duration models of the adoption
process, I examine some simple descriptive statistics. Table 4 reports means and
standard deviations of the key variables used in the analysis. Considering the nature of
technology involved with internet banking itself and the online survey, the high
proportion of male group (i.e. 69.2% is Sex=1) replies seems to be right31.
The survey takes 7 different levels of final educational attainment. However, only a
grouped dummy for higher education (Edu), i.e. university or above is used in the
analysis in order to minimise the loss in degree of freedom by having too many
insignificant variables suggested by the non-parametric tests (log-rank and Wilcoxon).
A very high proportion (84.7%) indicated educational attainment of university or above
with little variation. Given conditioning on internet access and the banking related
questions would possibly explain the relatively high level of education. More
importantly, Korea has traditionally favoured higher education in the belief that
investment in human capital is the only way to rebuild the country from the aftermath of
Korean war. Hence, university education in Korea has become more or less an essential
certificate for employment.
The age variable was grouped into three, 1/ young (Age1=13-25), 2/ middle (Age2=25-
45), and 3/ old (Age3=45 or above). The majority of people are categorised in 25-45
years old whereas 15.5% is in the young group and 9.7% is above 45 years old.
More than half of the respondents are married (Marm) whereas 44.5% are single (Mars)
and only 2.5% are divorced or separated (Maro). Given the cultural background being
conservative, it is not surprising to see no respondents in the co-habit category. On the
other hand 2.5% of non-traditional marital status suggests the society is changing as
Regarding income levels (Inc0, Inc1 and Inc2), I set the middle range incomers (Inc1)
around the average personal income of 3 million won per month suggested by the
International Data Corporation (IDC) report on Web users in Asia indicate 64% male.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) statistics.
census data (2001) of the Korea National Statistical Office (KNSO). A small proportion
of 4.8% indicated the income category below 2 million won per month. The majority
(66.2%) was in the category between 2 million – 4 million won per month while 29%
indicated their income above 4 million won per month.
The housing type dummy (Hse1) shows 61.1 % of the respondents own their housing
outright, which closely reflects the KNSO data (61.87%) as of 1999. The residential
area dummy indicates (Area1) the 61.6% of the sample is drawn from the Seoul and
Kyungki metropolitan area. This figure is higher than the KNSO data of 46.7% as of
2001 end based on the district registrar. This can only be explained by the metropolitan
population’s more favourable attitude towards online surveys since the survey forms
were sent out to each province in proportion.
Most respondents had received recommendation (Rc) of internet banking (78.6%) and a
high proportion (62.6%), responded as current internet banking users (IB)33. Almost
half (47.6%) of non-users (NUs) consider security reasons (risk-aversion)34 as one of
the main obstacles in using internet banking and the second common reason not to use
internet banking was because they feel happy with the existing banking services
(37.4%, inertia). Feeling safe with the old technology once again supports the idea of
inertia. However, 85.0% of NUs replied that they would use internet banking in the
future (Uplan) and consider the following criteria in order of priority: 1/ reputation of
the bank, 2/ lower fees, and 3/user friendly web page.
Table 5 provides a comparison of the logit and the duration model specifications, which
confirm the significance of the joint hypothesis that all coefficients apart from a
constant are equal to zero35. However, individual characteristics affect the IB adoption
process differ in static and dynamic framework.
Most demographic variables are insignificant while the age dummy for the young group
(Age1), exposure to internet banking (Rc) and banking behaviour (Ibfr) are significant.
Pilot test showed most customers are internet banking with their current banks. This suggests that
switching banks for better internet banking services rarely happens and consumer inertia exists
Appropriate regulation and technology can prevent IBUs from exposing themselves to risks.
The omitted group for age dummies is 45 years old or more ( Age3), for marital status dummies is the
group for divorced, separated or co-habit (Maro), for personal income dummies is high incomers group
(Inc2) of 4 million won per month or above.
The answer to why demographic variables do not appear as significant as expected, is
that the Korean society has somewhat unique attitude towards new technology. I should
probably borrow the imitation concept from sociology for the insignificant results. It
draws attention to the importance of social structural characteristics, which might
influence the amount and/or rate of adoption as well as any potential advantage for
some segments of the social system in adopting the innovation. I believe this is an
important aspect to investigate further, not only for diffusion among consumers but also
among firms as the social structure can determine level of welfare increase with the
For age variables, it strongly indicates the reference group (45 years old or more) is
more likely to be IB adopters than younger generations between ages 13-25. The middle
age group (age 25-45) also indicates less likely to adopt IB than those above 45 years
old, although it is not significant. This suggests that the age effect on internet banking
adoption cannot be assessed solely on tech-savvy grounds but also on age groups of
active banking.
I find evidence that those who have received recommendation of internet banking and
make frequent visits to banks’ websites are more likely to adopt internet banking. These
results are related to the epidemic theory of diffusion. More exposure to risk of
adoption, i.e. information and advertisement on internet banking, creates higher
probability of diffusion.
Most demographic variables are insignificant with the exception of young age group
dummy (Age1) but given the joint significance test, the signs of the coefficients are
noteworthy: Females are marginally more likely to adopt internet banking than males,
which contradicts the initial proposition. However, given the insignificance, it is not
right to draw any firm inference. Older generations are more likely to adopt internet
banking unlike the expectation. The age effect should be seen in the industry specific
context since younger generations’ banking activity is relatively lower than older ones
despite their tech-savvy behaviour and willingness to adopt new technologies.
People with higher education (Edu) are less likely to adopt internet banking than those
with less education, which indicates the cautious behaviour toward internet banking.
Those with alternative marital status rather than single or married are more likely to
adopt the internet banking and the high income group is more likely to adopt internet
banking than the low income group. I can suggest that banking activity tends to increase
with income level and thus it creates more incentive to adopt internet banking.
Regarding housing type dummy, the result shows that outright house owners are less
likely to adopt internet banking. This might be explained by the fact that outright
ownership would actually reduce the complexity of banking. Those who lease the
property tend to have more complex financial management in order to arrange loans tied
in the key money scheme 36.
The key money scheme in Korea is a unique mechanism. An owner retains his/her ownership rights
while the property is leased out to a tenant by a long-term contract. The tenant should put a lump-sum
deposit in the owners account so that the owner can earn some interest income from the deposit. The
deposit amount varies depending upon the property market condition but usually 50%-90% of the actual
property value has to be kept in the owner’s bank account for a deposit.
Table 5. Adoption Probability Estimates, Internet Banking
Dependent Binary choice model Duration Models (dynamic)
Variable (static)
IB adoption (IB) Logit37 Continuous Time Discrete Time PH Discrete Time
Parametric model parametric PH model
Weibull38 Weibull baseline Non-parametric
Sex -.019 (.268) 1.301 (.203)* .263 (.156)* .497 (.164)***
Edu -.419 (.443) 1.011 (.256) .011 (.253) -.033 (.255)
Age1 -1.889 (.625)*** .821 (.310) -.197 (.377) -.322 (.382)
Age2 -.262 (.431) -.807 (.186) -.214 (.230) -.494 (.238)**
Mars -.1.255 (1.116) .533 (.205)* -.628 (.384)* -.886 (.386)**
Marm -1.362 (1.104) .640 (.238) -.446 (.373) -.737 (.377)**
Inc0 -.973 (.633) 1.200 (.532) .183(.443) 0.235 (.449)
Inc1 -.172 (.303) .917 (.152) -.086 (.166) -.033 (.168)
Hse1 -.128 (.240) .929 (.131) -.074 (.141) -.077 (.145)
Area1 -.202 (.252) .875 (.124) -.134 (.142) -.132 (.145)
The result on the area dummy is insignificant whilst information seeking behaviour
(Irinfo) is supported by the results. The number of visits to OTC (Otcfr) affects the
likelihood of IB adoption positively although it is marginal.
The logit specification is a point estimate at the time of survey. Thus, the timing of internet banking
adoption is not considered here.
The Parametric Weibull estimation shows hazard ratios i.e. if >1, it indicates a positive effect on
adoption and vice versa.
The coefficients of the duration dummy variables, d1 to d48 are non-monotonically increasing from a
larger negative number to a smaller negative number, which confirms the baseline hazard of internet
banking adoption is increasing over time.
The Weibull baseline hazard model uses 6260 observations of the expanded panel for 48 monthly
intervals, whereas the fully non-parametric baseline hazard model excludes the intervals with no event of
adoption as well as the last duration interval which has only one adoption event, thus only 5610
In summarising the results from the binary static model, traditional demographic
variables; sex, education, marital status, personal income level, housing type and
residential area are not significant for the likelihood of IB adoption with the exception
of the age dummy variable. By contrast, the exposure to the new technology (Rc) and
banking behaviour (Ibfr) play an important role in IB adoption decision. The marginal
effects of the three significant variables at mean can be interpreted as (see Table 6): 1/
those who belong to the age group of 13-25 would have the probability of IB adoption
lowered by .439 compared to the reference group, 2/ those who received IB
recommendation would have the probability of IB adoption increased by 0.265
compared to the non-recommended group, and 3/ each additional visit to banks’
websites per month would increase the probability of IB adoption by 0.011.
Before comparing the results of static and dynamic specifications, it is worth pointing
out the results look similar to one another between three dynamic specifications. The
parametric Weibull model and proportional hazard model with Weibull baseline look
extremely similar. The non-parametric baseline model seems to detect more
significance than other models as expected due to the non-parametric approach. Since
the discrete-time PH model with non-parametric baseline (i.e. semi-parametric) is more
appropriate for my data, not to mention the advantage of little restriction, I choose this
specification to compare with the logit specification.
First, the demographic variables tend to be more significant in the duration model
(dynamic) than in the binary choice model of logit (static). The timing of IB adoption
by male is significantly different from that by female, whereby males are more likely to
be early adopters. The age dummy for the group between 25-45 is also significant in
decreasing the likelihood of early adoption compared to the reference group of those
above 45. This coincides with Rogers (1995) core group claim. Those who are 45 or
above is more likely to be early adopters as opposed to other age groups and also the
male group is more likely to be early adopters than the female group. The core of
banking network in Korea tends to be middle aged or above male since they are the
ones who make key financial decisions for the household.
Second, recommendation of IB affects the likelihood of early adoption negatively.
Perhaps early adopters are opinion leaders who act on their own initiatives rather than
being persuaded by bank’s recommendation. However, information-seeking behaviour
remains as a positive impact on the likelihood of early adoption.
Finally, the results on general banking behaviour are substantially different than those
from the logit specification. It is strongly suggested that those with less frequent visits
to banks’ branches and frequent visits to banks’ websites are more likely to be early
adopters. The Weibull model shows that each additional visit to banks’ website per
month makes the IB adoption earlier by 0.186 month or 5.58 days while the non-
parametric baseline model indicates 0.001 increase in probability for a discrete time
interval, i.e. a month. The latter marginal effect might appear to be very small but it is
equivalent to 2.16% increase in probability of adoption at the mean probability, which is
All in all, I can conclude that the results clearly indicate that the determinants of IB
adoption timing (dynamic) differ from those of IB adoption probability (static).
Dummy variables of the first mover, Chohung Bank (Bk1) and the largest bank in
commercial banking, Kookmin Bank (Bk6) were used for order effects and rank effects
respectively 41. All three duration models show more or less similar results on these
dummies 42. The coefficient of order effect dummy is negligible and not significant
whilst that of the rank effect dummy is not only large but also significant. In other
words, customers of the largest bank tend to adopt earlier than those of smaller banks
while customers of the first mover bank are not particularly early adopters.
The discrete duration models suggest that those who are banking with the largest bank
(Bk6) increase their probability of IB adoption by 0.007 compared others at mean for
the discrete interval (see Table 6). Hence, consumers seem to value the size of bank’s
asset size, i.e. banks’ network size measured in market share more than the first mover
advantage in the timing of adoption decision.
Having said that early adopters are opinion leaders, the largest bank’s market share is
expected to rise with internet banking due to the network. Figure 1 supports the result,
as the market share of the largest bank (Bk6) in internet banking is more dominant than
in commercial banking while that of the first mover (Bk1) remains constant. Although I
fail to show order effect, significant rank effects provide grounds for banks to take
preemptive actions since banks can reinforce their market dominance via internet
Kookmin bank (Bk6) has been the largest bank in terms of deposit size since 1995, thus the largest
bank over the period of analysis.
Narendranathan and Stewart (1993) have a good example of comparing different duration models
where the results are actually similar.
Table 6. Marginal Effects at Mean43
dy/dx Logit Logit Continuous Time Discrete Time Discrete Time
Duration Duration (Weibull Duration (Non-
(Weibull) Baseline) parametric
Y Pr(Uplan) Pr(IB) Predicted Time of Pr(Ibu) 44 Pr(Ibu)
Mean .936 .642 22.522 .031 .023
Despite the different duration model specifications, the result on duration dependence is
identical and confirms the positive duration dependence as expected. The positive
parameter estimate of p in the parametric Weibull model suggests a positive duration
dependence as p is greater than 1 (p=1.888). This can be easily detected in the
proportional hazard model with parametric Weibull baseline, as the coefficient of
log(time) is positive and significant. The non-parametric baseline model also suggests
the same positive duration dependence as the coefficients of time duration dummies are
increasing from more negative numbers to less negative numbers.
Standard errors are reported in the parentheses underneath the marginal effects.
Ibu is the dependent variable for the discrete time duration models. This variable is equivalent to IB in
the continuous time model.
Internet Banking Market Share Duration distribution for IB adoption
25.0% IB Adopters
35 70%
Cumulative IBU % 29
20.0% Commercial Banking 30 60%
Number of adopters
Market Share(%)
25 50%
15.0% 20 19
Internet Banking 20 18 17
16 40%
10.0% 15 13 30%
11 12 11
10 8 20%
5.0% 4 4
5 10%
0.0% 0 0%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Bank Identifier
Time duration to adoption (in months)
Figure 1. Market Share: Commercial vs. Internet Banking 45 Figure 2. IB adoption per month
Finally, Table 7 provides a static comparison of the following three specifications: 1/the
probability of IB adoption on the full sample, 2/the non-users’ probability of future IB
adoption, and 3/the conditional probability of future IB adoption having not adopted.
Model 2 and 3 are extremely similar except the conditional logit (model 3) provide less
significant results because of the number of observations being small. One noticeable
difference among the three models is that age dummies are not significant for non-users
future adoption decision and the residing area is now a significant factor. It strongly
suggests that non-users who reside in the Seoul metropolitan area are more likely to
adopt internet banking in the future. Again, the epidemic effects can explain this result.
The variables such as recommendation (Rc) and frequency of visits to bank’s website
(Ibfr) remain as significant for non-users as well. For instance, each additional visit to
banks’ website increases non-users’ probability of future adoption by 0.014 at mean.
It is difficult to test the notion of consumer inertia and risk aversion directly from the
above 3 models. However, it can be deduced indirectly by the fact that the reasons not
to adopt IB (i.e. delayed IB adoption) are being happy with the existing banking
methods (inertia) and the concerns over uncertain security (risk-aversion). This is where
public policy has to intervene to optimise the adoption path of internet banking. When
consumers face unidentifiable amount of risks associated with internet banking such as
human errors in inputting data on the web or security breakdown on personal
information protection, the public policy should intervene to reduce the potential
welfare loss associated with such inefficient early adoptions. On the other hand, when
consumers are delaying their adoption simply due to inertia despite the substantial
benefits of new technology, the public policy should now encourage the adoption to
increase the social welfare. Hence, an appropriate balance between the above policies is
desirable for an optimal technology adoption path.
The market share in commercial banking is in terms of asset size and that in internet banking is based
on the survey data.
Table 7. Comparison: Non users’ future adoption vs. Overall adoption
(Model 1) (Model 2) (Model 3)
Logit Logit Conditional Logit
Variable: IB adoption Plan to use IB (Uplan) Plan to use IB (Uplan)
Sex -.019 (.268) .632 (.677) .594 (.757)
Edu -.419 (.443) .159 (1.224) 1.364 (2.133)
Age1 -1.889 (.625)*** 1.799 (1.778) 1.339 (1.285)
Age2 -.262 (.431) -.221 (1.239) -.357 (2.498)
Mars46 -.1.255 (1.116) - -
Marm -1.362 (1.104) -.759 (.683) -.720 (.682)
Inc0 -.973 (.633) .582 (1.183) .589 (2.049)
Inc1 -.172 (.303) .537 (.777) .492 (1.235)
Hse1 -.128 (.240) 1.278 (.571)** 1.146 (.568)**
Area1 -.202 (.252) -.420 (.655) -.375 (1.084)
6. Conclusions
The results presented in this paper provide strong evidence that internet banking
adoption behaviour is affected by individual characteristics in both static and dynamic
framework. The individual characteristics include, demographics, the exposure to the
hazard, information seeking behaviour and general banking behaviour. Moreover, the
demographics are less important than banking-specific behaviour in adoption decision
of a new banking technology in the static model while they are equally important in the
duration models.
The results also suggest that rank effects of banks have significant impact on customers’
adoption timing of internet banking whilst order effects of banks are negligible. Hence,
aggressive expansion in internet banking by dominant banks may be justified by the
notion of pre-emption.
The variable, Mars was omitted from Model 2 and Model 3 due to hidden collinearity, which arise
when the independent variables are all dummy variables and/or continuous variables with multiple values.
rather then individually and this is why the country is experiencing such rapid diffusion
of internet banking across banks as well as consumers.
In establishing the social norm of internet banking, the government plays a significant
role by narrowing the socio-economic gaps. Internet banking seems to be a national
phenomenon in Korea where favourable behaviour towards new technology of a
country outweighs individual characteristics. This is why we do not find significantly
different results in the adoption process regarding many of the demographic variables.
Finally, the analysis provides evidence on the possible consumer inertia and risk-
aversion when a new banking technology is introduced as non-IB users identify their
reasons to delay the adoption as being happy with the existing banking methods
(inertia) and the aspects of uncertain security (risk-aversion).
If the security issue is one of the main concerns for both adopters and non-adopters,
appropriate public policy and regulation are required to mitigate the potential loss of
welfare in case of financial accidents on the internet as well as to optimise the speed of
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