Cambodian Energy Employers Requirements
Cambodian Energy Employers Requirements
Cambodian Energy Employers Requirements
5. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................... 20
6. QUALITY ASSURANCE.................................................................................................... 50
1.1 General
An affiliate of HNG Capital Sdn. Bhd. (“HNGC”) had in July 2016 been invited to
propose and negotiate a long term Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) with the Ministry
of Mines and Energy (“MME”) of the Kingdom of Cambodia and Electricite du
Cambodge (“EDC”) to develop a coal fired power plant in Sihanoukville. The project is
to be situated within the premises of the existing Cambodian Energy Limited (“CEL”)
2nos. x 50MW coal fired power plant. The net capacity of this project will be a one unit
of approximately 135 MW and the concession PPA will have a tenure of thirty (30) years
from the Commercial Operation Date.
It had recently been principally agreed that the above PPA would be signed by a special
purpose project company formed to develop the coal fired power plant. As such, HNGC
intends that a new company called Cambodian Energy II Company Limited (“CEL2” or
the “Employer”) will undertake the development of this 135MW project.
The objective of CEL2 is therefore to (i) develop a coal fired power plant with
approximately 135 MW net power output with an intended configuration of one (1) Unit
(the “Power Plant”), (ii) place a turnkey EPC contract with a qualified contractor and (iii)
own and operate the Power Plant for a period of thirty (30) years from the Commercial
Operation Date that must be achieved within first half of 2019.
To meet these requirements the Employer intends to place a turnkey fixed lump sum price
EPC contract with the successful Bidder for the engineering design, procurement
construction, commissioning and testing of a single nominally 135MW (net) coal fired
generating unit.
The successful Bidder shall have a proven record of successfully implementing EPC
contracts for coal fired power plant with at least five coal fired power plant projects
implemented over the past 10 years.
The concept of the project is to develop a coal fired power plant with a gross power
output of 150 MW (a net capacity of between 130 and 140 MW). The plant design shall
be based on a reheat cycle. The boiler and turbine proposed shall be of a well proven
design with a demonstrated reference list of at least 10 years of international projects with
similar operating conditions utilizing a reheat cycle.
The unit shall have a single Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler. A CFB boiler has
been selected to fulfil the Cambodian regulatory requirements for stack emission limits
and to give the Employer more flexibility in the future fuel purchase.
Transmission connection will be by 230 kV double circuit transmission line to connect
the plant to the planned 230 kV Sihanoukville Terminal Substation owned by EDC,
located approximately 800 m south of the Power Plant. The Contractor shall also provide
this 230 kV Transmission Line and the necessary interconnection to the EDC substation.
Further information is contained in Chapter 8 of this document.
The plant shall be fully compliant with all applicable requirements of the Cambodian
Grid Code which is included as Appendix 1.
To assist the Contractor with the understanding of the interfaces with the existing power
plant the Employer has prepared a sketch layout for New Plant and Shared Facilities
which is included as Appendix 8.
The intent of this document is to describe in general terms the Employer’s basic
requirements for the supply of one 150MW coal fired generating unit. In response to this
document the Bidder shall provide technical details of his proposal including technical
and design data, codes and standards used for design of all major equipment, process flow
diagrams, single line diagrams, system descriptions plant operating and control
philosophy, layout drawings, schematic drawings to support the Proposal. The Technical
Data Sheets attached to the Employers Requirements shall be completed.
The Bidders Proposal shall include a Level 1 Milestone Schedule that indicates
compliance with the Employer’s schedule indicated in Chapter 1.1 above.
The Site for the power plant is located on the seashore about 4 km north of the Sokimex
oil terminal some 15 km north of Sihanoukville town and Sihanoukville seaport. The 230
kV Sihanoukville Terminal Substation is located ca. 800m south of the power plant
The Site is characterized by a small hill located in the northern corner of the project site,
reaching a maximum height of ca. 10m above mean sea level. The area south of that hill
is generally flat and gently sloping up towards the south.
Coal for the Power Plant is imported with the coal transported by Panamax and/or
Handymax-size sea vessels and being unloaded to barges. The coal is transshipped and
then barged to the power plant site location.
The Site is connected to a public road running from the Sihanoukville town and seaport to
the Sokimex oil terminal and further. This road is a paved road with one lane to each
direction. Between the road and the Site is a single-track meter gauge railway line, which
connects Sihanoukville to Phnom Penh. The coal jetty is located at the north-
northwestern tip of the site.
The Power Plant shall be located within the Employer’s site. The total main power plant
site area is approximately 20 ha.
While relevant benchmarks have been provided by the Employer, the Contractor will be
responsible for all setting out and the accuracy of setting out. The Contractor is free to
develop the layout to facilitate its safe and efficient operation and maintenance, including
the capability to remove and replace large components should this prove necessary.
The power plant site has been cleared and levelled as part of the construction of the
earlier 100 MW power plant project.
The Employer has conducted site investigation studies. Detailed topographic, bathymetric
and preliminary soil surveys have been completed and the results have been provided to
the Contractor. Additionally the detailed soil investigation results from the earlier 100
MW power plant project have also been provided to the Contractor. The results are
attached in Appendix 3 and 7 to these Employers Requirements. Furthermore sea current
measurements and basic sea water quality analysis has been performed. Results are as
well attached in said Appendix 3.
A geotechnical site investigation has been carried out comprising amongst others the
following main works:
15 on shore boreholes through the sedimentary cover and into the underlying
5 offshore boreholes through the sedimentary cover and into the bedrock
From the preliminary investigation results, the general geological conditions of the area
around the project site can be described as follows:
Sandstone of Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous in age (upper sandstone) is the major rock in the
Sihanoukville area with minor glass sand and alluvium occurring in narrow strips along
the shore lines. Steep slope coast and sandstone cliffs are often noticed in southern parts
of the area.
The overburden is composed mostly of layers of sand and silty sand, with inter-bedded
clay layers of average thickness of approximately 0 - 30 m. The beach sands are
considered pure glass sand, characterised by very fine to medium grained; subangular to
rounded, loosely to moderately compacted. The deposits are composed mostly of quartz,
which is derived from the Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous sandstone along the shorelines as
well as the sea floor. In the sea, deposits are 5 to up to tens of meters thick.
As described above the project site is covered with soft overburden consisting of white to
grey, occasionally brown silty or clayey sands. The soft sediments overlay sandstone
bedrock which is varying in depth. Maximum overburden thickness has been found to be
around 28m in the central area of the project site reducing to 15 to 18m towards the
southern and eastern borders. Bedrock can be found in all boreholes. It occurs close to the
surface in the northern area of the small hill with exposed bare rock or only minimal
sediment cover less than 2m. The bedrock is generally only slightly fractured and
moderately to slightly weathered. Some highly weathered or decomposed claystone
layers exist.
The groundwater table was found around 1.5m below OGL at the time of the
Off-shore boreholes revealed only thin sediment cover as far as 1km away from the
shoreline. Maximum sediment thickness found is around 3m. The underlying bedrock is
the same as found on-shore and shows only slight to moderate weathering, with some
highly weathered layers.
The climate in Cambodia is tropical and consists of a rainy season from May to October
and a dry season from November to April. The Site is located within the heaviest rainfall
area located along the southwest coastal line.
The following data is from the Sihanoukville meteorological station which is the station
closest to the Site.
Temperature averages 28.8° C with monthly maximum temperatures of 33.7° C and
monthly minimum temperatures of 24.5° C. The maximum temperature can reach about
40° C at the beginning of the rainy season / end of the dry season, while the minimum is
about 13 ° C. Average relative humidity is 81%.
In the rainy season from May to October, the wind direction is mainly west and
southwest. In the dry season from November to April, it is mainly north and south.
Average wind speed is approximately 3 to 6 m/s throughout the year. The maximum wind
speed measured during 1989-2006 has been 24 m/s.
During 1991-2000, Cambodia typically had 1-9 tropical cyclones per year, averaging 2-3.
These fall normally in the period from June to December.
Rainfall in Sihanoukville averages 3,200 mm/year with the highest monthly average
rainfall of 675 mm/month occurring in June. Yearly net evaporation is estimated at 400
Further details are provided in these Employer’s Requirements, Appendix 2, Climatic
2.3.3 Oceanography
The Employer has conducted oceanographic site studies including tidal and current
measurements and basic analysis of sea water. Preliminary results from this investigation
are presented in Appendix 3 to these Employers Requirements.
The following tide level information are obtained from the Sihanoukville sea port (15 km
south from the Site) and are assumed to be very similar to the conditions to be expected
around the power plant site.
Highest High Water Level (HHWL) MSL + 1.09 m
Mean High Water Level (MHWL) MSL + 0.29 m
Mean Sea Level (MSL) MSL + 0.00 m
Mean Low Water Level (MLWL) MSL – 0.25 m
Lowest Low Water Level (LLWL) MSL – 1.14 m
Chart Datum Level (CDL) MSL – 1.15 m
MSL is the Mean Sea Level in Sihanoukville.
Wind speeds above 15 m/s and wave heights above 2 m are reported to be rare.
The probable maximum wind speed and significant offshore deep sea wave height and
wave period from the west direction is provided in the following table.
The power plant shall be designed for seismic loads according to UBC97 Zone 1.
Cambodia is geographically isolated from sources of regional tectonism. The peak ground
acceleration for an event having a 10% chance of exceeding in 50 years is in the range of
0.2 to 0.4 m/s2 (0.02 to 0.04g).
The Contractor shall confirm the seismic category and the design requirements that must
be adopted for the site.
The site location is a maritime and has a tropical monsoon climate. All materials,
equipment and buildings shall be designed for this requirement.
The reference design conditions are as follows:
Indonesian bituminous and/or sub-bituminous coal shall be used for this power plant.
The coal specification may vary depending on the supply source. The specification for
Indonesian bituminous and sub-bituminous coal to be used as a basis for the design is
provided in these Employer’s Requirements, Appendix 4, Indicative Fuel and Ash
Diesel oil will be used as start-up fuel for the boiler. Diesel oil will be used in the black
start. The fuel oil analysis for diesel oil is provided in these Employer’s Requirements,
Appendix 5, Indicative Fuel Oil Analysis.
Raw water will be drawn from the existing raw water pond and treated in a dedicated
water treatment plant providing the necessary service water and demineralized water for
the new plant. The raw water quality is as attached in Appendix 6.
Equipment can be shipped to the Sihanoukville seaport located ca. 15 km from the Site..
From the seaport to the Site, the road is in relatively good condition, although some
portions may need to be upgraded. There are low-hanging power lines crossing the road
in several places, typically about 5 m from the ground. From the public road there is an
access road to the power plant site.
However there is an alternative but longer and circuitous route used by heavy trucks
which the contractor may use to transport equipment to site.
The Contractor shall ensure that he is familiar with the transport options and routes
available for transporting and delivering the equipment to the site. Any improvements
necessary for transportation of extra heavy and large size equipment are the responsibility
of the Contractor.
The project shall be carried out so as not to contravene any applicable Laws and Licences
and shall upon Taking Over of each Unit be in compliance with all applicable Laws and
The Contractor shall take particular care that the power plant will comply with all
environmental standards in Chapter 4.7 of these Employer’s Requirements and be
consistent with the electrical interconnection requirements of EDC.
The Employer and the Contractor shall be responsible (to the extent they are in a position
to do so) for providing timely and reasonable assistance to the other Party in identifying,
applying, obtaining and maintaining permits required under this Contract.
The Contractors and Employer’s responsibility for obtaining Licenses and Permits are
further defined in Schedule 12 to Conditions of Contract, Permits.
The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting calculations for verification by the
authorities, and applying for the necessary licenses and approvals from the authorities for
his own scope of supply.
The scope of the Contract shall consist of providing a complete power plant including
design, engineering, equipment, procurement, transportation, construction, erection,
quality assurance, support with obtaining licenses, insurance, commissioning, testing,
training, documentation and other services as specified in these Employer’s
Requirements. The EPC contractor is required to take responsibility for all works
necessary to provide a complete stand-alone power plant that delivers the guaranteed net
power output and guaranteed net heat rate and meets other Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor’s design for the Power Plant shall be based upon the use of standard
proven plant and equipment. The Contractor’s proposal shall optimize the overall design
of the plant to ensure that all of the Employer’s requirements are achieved as
economically as possible. A key objective of the Employer is to provide a dependable
supply of power to EDC at the lowest possible tariff, consistent with fulfilling their
obligations in respect of ensuring the health and safety of their staff and the local
population, and compliance with agreed environmental emissions limits. The
Contractor’s proposal shall propose the technical conditions most appropriate to achieve
this objective.
The plant must be designed with a view to minimizing the staffing, i.e. it shall exhibit a
high reliability and availability with a minimum of operator intervention being necessary.
All plant items and materials shall be new and preferably of type, which has
demonstrated successful service elsewhere. All new or prototype features shall be
identified. New features may be acceptable only if it is considered that sufficient testing
and/or development has been carried out.
The scope of supply shall include, but not be limited to, the complete civil construction of
the Power Plant buildings, site infrastructure, supply and installation of all mechanical
equipment, piping, instrumentation and electrical system within the terminal points
defined in Chapter 3.9.
The boiler shall be outdoor type. The turbine shall be located inside a turbine house.
Other buildings shall house electrical room, central control room, workshops and
Whether they are specified in these Employer’s Requirements or not, the scope of work
to be provided by the Contractor shall include all equipment, systems, facilities, software
and services necessary for a complete and fully operational power plant.
The main systems and equipment are at least but not limited to the following:
1. Boiler Plant, comprising one outdoor circulating fluidised bed boiler complete with
heat transfer surfaces, furnace, coal and fuel oil burners, fuel delivery, HP and LP by-
pass station, ducting, steel structure, instrumentation, controls, valves and piping.
2. Light Fuel Oil System connected to the fuel oil tanks of the existing 100 MW plant
including pumps and necessary piping.
3. ESP.
4. Single Stack consisting of a windshield with a single flue.
5. Ash Handling System, comprising collection and transportation systems for fly ash
and bottom ash and storage facilities
6. Steam Turbine, Generator and Turbine and Generator Auxiliary Systems, one
steam turbine plant complete, with turbine auxiliary systems, consisting of turbine,
generator, condenser, with on-line tube cleaning system, condensate and feed water
pre-heating, lubrication oil system, cooling system, valves, control, instrumentation,
and electrical systems.
7. Coal Handling System with an extension of the existing coal stockyard, conveyors,
silos, weighing, metal detection and separation, sampling, instrumentation, crushing
8. Raw Water Supply System. Raw water for the new plant will be taken from the raw
water storage pond of the existing 2 x 50 MW power plant. The Contractor shall
provide for the necessary piping and pumps in its scope of supply.
9. Water Treatment System, including raw water pre-treatment plant, demineralised
water plant, pre-treated/service water storage tank, demineralised water storage tank
and make-up water pumps, potable water plant with storage tank, chemical storages,
pumps, piping, valves, instrumentation and electrification
10. Waste Water Treatment including neutralisation system, waste water treatment,
treated effluent discharge to water course, pumps, piping, valves, instrumentation and
11. Feed Water System, comprising deaerator, storage, water tanks, preheaters, make-up
pumps, feed water pumps, piping, instrumentation, chemical dosing and valves.
12. Cooling Water System, comprising primary cooling system including cooling water
intake and discharge pipelines, cooling water pumps, heat exchanger(s), pipes, valves
and instrumentation. Secondary closed circuit cooling system including pumps,
emergency storage tank, pipes, valves, pumps and instrumentation.
13. Electro-chlorination System complete with all necessary controls and safety
14. Chemical Dosing and Sampling System
15. Compressed Air System
16. Piping, including low pressure and high pressure piping with necessary valves,
supports, pressure reduction stations, drains, pumps, expansion joints, insulation and
draining system.
The Contractor is required to provide an option proposal for the following scope of work:
1. Option for Strategic Spares
The Contractor shall give an optional price for strategic spares (“Recommended
Spare Parts”) with a long delivery time and critical to the availability of the
2. O&M proposal
3. Financing proposal
3) Provide water, coal and electricity for the purposes of commissioning and testing up
to the amounts provided for in Schedule 13 to Conditions of Contract, Consumables.
4) Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study.
The terminal points for the equipment and system supply will be as follows:
TP2 Raw Water Supply Water Intake at the Raw Water Pond
TP10 Liquids that cannot Tanker loading connections for liquids that need
be discharged into to be transported from the power plant site
the Sea
4.2 Redundancy
The design shall ensure that no single loss of an item of auxiliary plant or equipment shall
cause the unit to trip and no single loss of a storage tank or reservoir shall impact plant
System redundancy shall be adequate to ensure that performance of primary and auxiliary
equipment shall be sufficient to meet the availability requirements of the plant.
Storage volumes and redundancy within all material storage silos, tanks and reservoirs
shall ensure that in the event of a failure or during routine maintenance activities the plant
can continue to operate without restriction.
The plant net efficiency shall be optimised according to 130 to 140 MW Unit net power
output and the “Reference Design Conditions”.
Although the plant performance and output will vary due to changes in ambient
conditions, the operation and output of the plant shall not be limited by a constraint on
any item of plant over the range of ambient site conditions and variation of the fuel
quality detailed in these Employer’s Requirements, Appendix 4, Indicative Fuel and Ash
For performance the following definitions are used:
Turbine Maximum Continuous Rating (TMCR) is the maximum load at which the turbine
generator can continually operate on a 24 hour a day basis.
Turbine Valves Wide Open (VWO) is the turbine generator output when the turbine stop
and control valves are wide open. This figure shall be 105% TMCR
Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating (BMCR) is the maximum load at which the boiler
can operate. This figure shall be 105% VWO.
The Generator net output shall be the load in MW measured at the generator transformer
high voltage terminals.
The Generator gross output shall be the load in MW measured at the generator terminals
when the power factor is 0.85.
The plant design shall be optimized for maximum plant operating efficiency at TMCR
load. Steam conditions and number of turbine steam extractions should be based on this
requirement. The preference is for main steam conditions at the turbine inlet of 165 –
170 bar and 565 deg C.
The unit shall be capable of operating at any load between 100% boiler maximum
continuous rating and 40% turbine maximum continuous rating for extended periods
without the support of oil burners.
The plant and equipment shall be provided with adequate design margins such that the
guaranteed output can be achieved throughout the whole life-cycle of the plant (30 years
from the start of commercial operation of the Unit).
The plant shall fully comply with the laws, regulations, standards and codes outlined later
in these Employer’s Requirements.
The plant output and performance shall be designed to fulfil, but not be limited to, the
guaranteed load points as stated in the Performance Guarantees and simultaneously fulfil
all applicable norms, regulations regarding operation, emissions and noise.
4.4 Operation
The expected operating pattern of the power plant is envisaged to be providing electricity
to Electricité du Cambodge (“EDC”) as a base load plant via 230 kV double circuit
overhead power lines upon EDC’s dispatch orders
The number of start-ups is expected to be low and shall mainly involve Unit starts after
scheduled maintenance periods and forced outages of the Power Plant.
The Power Plant shall be designed to operate continuously for 24 hours per day
throughout the year with the power plant running at or near full load throughout the hours
of high power system demand and at reduced loads through periods of low demand. The
power plant shall be designed to be cycled between high and low load once per day safely
and efficiently and without exceeding permissible levels of stress within components.
The operating concept shall be based on a central control room with a modern control
system for all normal plant operations. Start-ups and shut downs can involve a limited
number of local operations of the plant if it is not safe or reasonably possible to achieve
them via automatic sequence control or remote control from the control room. Sufficient
controls, indications and alarms shall be provided local to specific sections of the plant
and auxiliary systems to permit control for testing, fault finding and maintenance
4.5 Maintenance
The plant shall be designed as a base load plant with an annual shutdown for routine
maintenance. All major plant and equipment shall be designed on this basis. Any item of
plant or equipment that requires a shorter time between maintenance shall have sufficient
redundancy and isolation to enable maintenance to take place.
The plant design shall ensure access to all equipment for routine, periodic and forced
outage maintenance. This shall include adequate provision of facilities such as stairs,
ladders, platforms, crane access, lifting beams, lifting points, equipment withdrawal
spaces and laydown areas. Isolating facilities shall be provided for safe and efficient
access to all plant items.
All outdoor plant and equipment shall have road access.
The Contractor shall ensure that full permanent access for plant operation and
maintenance is provided.
Lifting beams shall be provided for all plant items that require dismantling or removal of
components over 50kg weight.
All works, equipment, materials and systems shall be designed, manufactured and/or
constructed in accordance with the latest issue of international codes and standards, as
detailed below.
In case of any discrepancy between the details specified in the Employer’s Requirements
and the applicable codes and standards, the stricter requirements will be followed. In case
it cannot be determined which requirement is stricter, the Employer’s Requirements will
be followed unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties.
If international standards and codes are used, then the standards and codes given below
shall be followed unless otherwise agreed. Such approval for alternative codes will be
given only if the Contractor can satisfactorily demonstrate that the equipment complies
with other generally accepted international standards and is of equivalent quality to the
appropriate Standard at the time of contract award.
Code Title
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation
ACI American Concrete Institute
AFBMA Anti Friction Bearing Manufactures Association
AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
Installation shall be in accordance with the appropriate standards and the manufacturers'
The International System of Units (SI) shall be used in connection with the plant design.
All materials, fittings, components, items of the plant and equipment supplied for
incorporation in the Works shall be standardised accordingly. If, after performing diligent
enquiries, the Contractor is unable to obtain an item standardised in SI units, written
approval shall be obtained from the Employer to supply, non-standard material.
SI units shall be used in all correspondence, documentation, calculations, drawings,
measurements etc. If reference is be made to non-standard items, SI units shall be quoted
followed by the non-standard units in brackets.
Emissions from the power plant shall comply with the requirements of the Cambodian
standards unless otherwise agreed.
The following stack emissions shall be guaranteed and respected at all operational
conditions and when operating with any type of coal specified in these Employer’s
Item Parameter Units Maximum
1 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) (dry, 0 oC, 1 atm, 6% O2) mg/ Nm³ 1,500
from each boiler. This information shall be displayed and recorded through the DCS
The sound pressure level resulting from the operation of the facility at base load steady
state conditions, exclusive of start-up, shut-down, and all other off-normal conditions,
shall be designed to not exceed 70 dB(A) at any boundary line (based on hourly
measurements). The sound pressure levels shall be corrected to exclude the contribution
of the background noise and any other noise not associated with the normal operation of
the facility.
The noise impact has to be proved and measured during commissioning of the power
plant. The noise measurements have to be performed according to the relevant ISO
Contractor shall provide acoustic enclosures or silencers where necessary.
Noise levels at any location within the boundary of the power plan, whether indoor or
outdoor, shall be specified to be limited to 85 dB(A) through acoustic mitigation at a
distance of 1 meter (based on hourly measurements). Any specific areas in which the
Contractor can demonstrate that the 85 dB(A) criteria will be either technically and/or
economically prohibitive, or the area will experience very limited worker occupancy, the
Contractor shall provide administrative control measures which include posting warning
signs prescribing hearing protection.
The maximum period of time that equipment should exceed various noise levels shall be
limited according to the following Cambodian guidelines:
Wastewater that must be discharged from the power plant shall be treated in a waste
water treatment facility provided under this Contract. Treated waste water will be
discharged in the treated waste water pond in the existing 100 MW power plant for
treatment before release to the sea. There shall be no discharge of waste water to the Raw
Water Pond.
The quality of wastewater discharged to the sea shall comply with the following range or
maximum values in accordance with the Cambodian waste water standards:
The main cooling water discharge from the Condenser shall not result in a temperature
increase of more than 3°C at the point 100 m from the discharge point of the cooling
5.1 General
All steam and water cycle pipework shall be design fabricated, erected and tested to the
requirements of ASME B31.1. Pipe material for these systems shall be seamless Fluid
velocities shall be optimised considering pressure drop, heat loss, erosion, corrosion and
dynamic forces induced into the pipe support system.
All pressure vessels shall be designed, fabricated, erected and tested to the requirements
of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 1.
All storage tanks shall be designed, fabricated, erected and tested to the requirements of
Insulation shall be provided for all equipment with a surface temperature in excess of 60
deg. C. The insulated surface temperature shall not exceed the ambient air temperature
by more than 25 deg C.
All exposed steel surfaces, e.g. steel structures, uninsulated pipework and similar shall be
painted to the requirements of ISO:12944. The site shall be categorised as C-4 with the
exception of the seawater intake which shall be categorised at C-5M. Paint systems shall
have a minimum life of 10 years before re-coating.
5.2.1 General
The boiler shall be a sub-critical drum type Circulating Fluidized Bed boiler designed
operate at any load up to stated BMCR with the range of fuel specified in Appendix 4.
The boiler guarantee performance shall be based on the performance coal specified in
Appendix 4. The steam generator and auxiliaries shall be sized to operate over the full
range of ambient temperatures specified without limiting the plant output.
Fuel feed systems shall be sized based on the lowest CV coal. Ash removal systems shall
be sized based on the highest ash/lowest CV coal with consideration for loss of bed
material and limestone injection.
Pressure parts shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with "ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 1, Power Boilers".
As a minimum requirement the boiler feed water quality and live steam quality shall meet
the latest issue of the VGB-S-010-T-00 : 2011-12 Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam
Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants.
The boiler steam conditions shall be selected based on the steam turbine inlet conditions
and turbine HP cylinder exhaust conditions for valve wide open operation with
consideration for pipework pressure and temperature losses.
The Bidder shall state whether a Start-up vent is included in the design to optimise plant
start-up times.
All pressure part fabrication shall take place in a workshop that has ASME “S” Stamp
accreditation. Pressure part erection shall be performed by an erection contractor with
either and “S” Stamp or an “A” Stamp.
The furnace design and duct work design shall be based on the pressure variations that
may occur during transient operation and the requirements of the NFPA code.
The boiler shall be complete with all auxiliary equipment required to provide a fully
functional steam generating plant. Continuous blowdown energy shall be recovered by
returning steam to the deaerator and discharge water to the blowdown flash vessel.
A sootblower system shall be provided to keep all convective heating surfaces clean.
Bed material shall be separated from the fuel gas system by a steam or water cooled
cyclone. The use of hot cyclones is not preferred.
The refractory system shall be designed to ensure that the boiler can operate for a
minimum of 8500 hours without any remedial work. Refractory materials shall comply
with the relevant ASTM codes.
A boiler storage and conservation system shall be provided.
Prior to start-up the boiler shall be chemically cleaned to the requirements of VGBS-513-
00-2014-07 Internal Cleaning of Water Tube Steam Generating Plants and Associated
Pipework. Prior to supplying steam to the steam turbine the boiler and steam lines shall
be steam-blown to the requirements of VGBS-513-00-2014-07 Internal Cleaning of
Water Tube Steam Generating Plants and Associated Pipework.
The boiler shall include a goods elevator with a capacity of 1000kg. The elevator shall
stop at all working platforms up to steam drum level.
A service hoist shall be provided for the boiler capable of hoisting materials and
equipment to the highest platform on the boiler. The hoist shall be electric motor drive
and have a capacity of 5 tonnes.
All Fans shall be fitted with a monorail hoist capable of lifting the rotor and the motor.
Only seamless pipe and tube material listed in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code shall be used for pressure parts.
The Bidder shall indicate in his Proposal all sections of the boiler that are fabricated form
modified 9% chrome material and austenitic stainless steel material.
The Bidder shall submit with his Proposal the applicable procedures for fabricating
pressure parts using modified 9% chrome material.
Headers shall include inspection nozzles with sufficient surplus material for the
anticipated life of the boiler.
No nozzle, branch or tube stub weld shall encroach over the heat affected zone of header
or pipe main seam welds.
The steam drum shall have sufficient capacity between normal working level and low
water level to absorb level fluctuations during start-up and also during plant transient
conditions and fault conditions including the emergency change-over of boiler feed
pumps and run-back situations.
The fans shall have as a minimum a design margin of 15% over the required air or flue
gas flow at BMCR operating conditions and a design margin of 20% over the required air
or flue gas static pressure at BMCR operating conditions. In addition the ID Fans shall
have a design margin of 10 deg. C above the flue gas temperature at BMCR operating
conditions. The margin between the fan operating point and the onset of instability (such
as stall) shall not be less than 15% of the design flow.
Tubular air heaters shall be provided and designed to ensure that dew point corrosion will
not occur during plant start-up, shutdown or any period of low load operation.
The coal silos shall have sufficient capacity to store 10 hours coal for operating at TMCR
load with the lowest grade coal. Coal silos shall include an erosion protection liner. The
coal feed system shall comply with the relevant requirements of the NFPA code.
Coal silos shall include air cannons, emergency emptying chute that can discharge coal
into road vehicles and fire detection and protection systems.
The coal feed system shall have sufficient redundancy to enable BMCR steam flow to be
maintained with one feeder out of service.
Coal feeders shall include a coal weighing system to record instantaneous and total fuel
feed. Coal chutes shall include facilities to remove any coal blockages.
The start-up fuel system shall be designed to the relevant requirements of the NFPA 85
The boiler shall include a bed material storage and make-up system which shall include a
system to recover bed ash and return it to the bed material silo. The bed material silo
shall hold sufficient material to fill the bed plus 24 hours operation with the lowest ash
The boiler shall include a limestone injection system including facilities to receive and
load limestone into a storage silo. The limestone feed system shall be fully automated to
respond to SOx levels measured in the flue gas. The limestone silo shall sufficient
storage for three days TMCR operation with the highest sulphur coal.
The Bidder shall specify the ratio of bed ash to fly ash for the performance coal and
indicate any change in this ratio over the full range of coal.
Bed ash shall be removed from the boiler by screw coolers. The equipment shall meet
the redundancy requirements for the plant. There shall be sufficient redundancy in the
ash cooling system to ensure that the loss of one dry ash cooler does not result in the loss
of power generation. All necessary isolation to permit on-line maintenance work to take
place shall be provided.
Preference shall be given to a system that will recover the heat energy from the ash and
return it to the main plant cycle.
Ash removal facilities should be provided under the air heater.
Fly ash shall be removed from the flue gas using an electrostatic precipitator (ESP). The
precipitator design shall ensure that the particulate emissions do not exceed the specified
limits with one field out of service when burning any fuel with ash constituent values the
range specified in Appendix 4 and limestone injection required for the highest sulphur
The ESP housing design for gas volume should be based on 110% BMCR gas flow. No
access shall be possible into the ESP gas passages unless all the zones to be entered are
safely electrically and mechanically isolated, or the unit has been shut down, electrically
isolated and all gas passes have been completely purged and ventilated. Access door key
exchange boxes shall be provided as necessary.
Details of the bed ash and fly ash discharge systems are in Chapter 5.5.11.
5.2.6 Chimney
The Contractor’s proposal shall be based on a nominal stack height of 120 m. Following
completion of mathematical modeling by the Owner of the resulting plume from the
stack, the height may be adjusted, if lower than the EIA requirement.
Design, construction details and selection of materials for the flues shall be carefully
prepared taking into full consideration the nature and properties of the flue gas. The flue
above the top of the windshield shall be manufactured from stainless steel. The flues and
any protective linings required shall be designed to ensure an operational life of at least
15 years is achieved before maintenance/ repairs become necessary.
The windshield shall be equipped with aircraft warning lights and have painted
recognition markings in accordance with international and Cambodian aviation authority
Lightning protection shall be provided appropriate to the configuration and location of the
The concrete windshield shall comply with either:
• CICIND Model Code for Concrete Chimneys
• ACI 307 Cast-in-place concrete chimneys
The chimney shall include a rack and pinion type elevator. Platforms with elevator
landings shall be provided at working levels within the windshield, including for:
• Sampling and monitoring flue gases. The sampling and analysis equipment of the
CEMS might be located here as well as test sampling points. This is subject to
discussion and agreement with the Pollution Control Department.
• Access to aircraft warning lights, earthing and lightning conductor fittings
• Levels at which other inspection must be performed at least annually.
Power supplies and lighting shall be provided within the windshield to support
maintenance activities. The power supplies shall be secure to satisfy the requirements for
aircraft warning lights.
The turbine shall be of the tandem compound condensing turbine type, with bleeds for
condensate and feed water pre-heating including deaerator. The turbine shall be directly
connected to a 50 Hz, three phase A.C. generator.
The turbine design shall ensure a long creep life, cyclic duty and fast start-up. Last stage
blade materials and exhaust steam moisture shall be selected to minimize blade
erosion. The last low pressure stage blade design shall have been proven in service.
The steam turbine exhaust and condenser configuration shall be to the manufacturer’s
standard design.
The Steam Turbine and associated Main Steam, Reheat Steam and Bled Steam pipework
shall be protected from the effects of water carry-over or steam quenching under all
normal and abnormal operating conditions. The recommended practices stated in ASME
TDP-1 Recommended Practices for Prevention of Water Damage to Steam Turbines
Used for Electric Power Generation: Fossil-Fuel Plants, shall be provided as a minimum.
The turbine rotors shall be of single forging or assembled by welding from separately
forged pieces. Boreless rotor design is preferable for forged rotors. Shrunk on disc
construction is not accepted.
Turbine vibrations shall meet the requirements of ISO 7919 Zone A for the shaft and ISO
10816 Zone A for pedestals and bearings.
Critical speed ranges (for single and coupled rotors) shall not occur within – 5% and
+ 20% of nominal speed.
A gland sealing and leakage steam system shall be provided at each end of the turbine
casings and at valve spindle bushings, to prevent steam leakage into the turbine hall
during all modes of plant operation by recovering final leakage steam.
A Steam Turbine HP and LP bypass system shall be provided to discharge high pressure
steam from the boiler directly into the cold reheat line and to discharge steam from the
hot reheat line directly into the condenser. The bypass system shall be capable of
discharge TMCR steam flow without the boiler safety valves lifting.
5.4 Condenser
The condenser shall be of the surface type, sea water cooled, having split water boxes and
constructed to allow one of the flows to be closed for repair during turbine operation. The
condenser shall be designed to the American Heat Exchanger Institute (HEI) standards.
The condenser shall be capable of condensing all of the steam exhausted from the turbine
at VWO conditions under the most adverse specified ambient conditions and the most
adverse sea water conditions, and with a tube cleanliness factor not exceeding 90%. The
condenser shall also be capable of condensing all of the steam from the steam turbine
bypass system during a load rejection from TMCR load.
The condenser design shall also include a flash vessel to recover steam and water from
plant start-up drains and feed water heater drains.
Cooling water temperature rise through the condenser shall not exceed 8 deg. C.
On-line ball type condenser tube cleaning equipment shall be included to maintain the
design cleanliness factor. The water velocity through the tubes shall not exceed 2.5 m/s.
Condenser tube material and tube sheet material shall be suitable for seawater.
Waterboxes shall be internally lined suitable for seawater.
The Condenser shell(s) shall incorporate hot wells which provide adequate residence time
for deaeration of the condensate and incoming drains. As a minimum the retention time
between normal and low level alarm shall be three minutes when operating at TMCR
The condenser vacuum system shall be based upon HEI requirements and shall utilize
vacuum pumps.
The condenser shall have under pressure protection and over pressure protection.
The Condensate and Feed Water system shall be optimised for maximum cycle
Two (2) 100% duty, electric motor driven Condensate Pumps shall be supplied. The
pumps shall take their suction from the condenser hotwell. The condensate pumps shall
have adequate margin to ensure that under all transient or fault conditions the standby
pump does not start.
The Condensate Pumps shall have an additional design margin of at least 10% on the
calculated flow requirement and 5% on the calculated head requirement.
The Contractor shall provide 2 x 100 % electric motor driven Boiler Feed water Pumps
for the unit. Each feed water pump shall be designed to supply feed water required to
sustain 100% Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating steam conditions. The Boiler Feed
Pumps shall have an additional design margin of at least 10% on the calculated flow
requirement and 5% on the calculated head requirement.
Each boiler feed pump set shall be driven by either a combined hydraulic coupling with
speed-increasing gearbox unit, where the hydraulic coupling providing the required speed
variation, or, a variable frequency drive plus speed-increasing gearbox.
The pump set shall be capable of delivering feed water at the required pressure and flow
rate for TMCR steam conditions when the grid frequency drops to 48 Hz.
5.5.3 Deaerator
The deaerator shall be designed to the requirements of ASME Section VIII Division 1.
The feed water tank shall have net water holding capacity to provide feed water to the
boiler for at least seven (7) minutes at boiler TMCR conditions.
The residual oxygen after the deaerator and without chemical injection shall not exceed
0.007 mg/l at any operating conditions.
All heaters shall be designed to the requirements of ASME Section Division 1 and the
requirements of the Heat Exchanger Institute.
The feedwater heater shells shall be designed with margin, for the highest pressures that
can result from normal operation, overload or operation with any one stage of feedwater
heaters being isolated or bypassed, whichever is the most onerous case. If the feedwater
flow regulation valves are located downstream of any HP heater then the waterside
pressures in the channels or headers of the HP heaters and the associated feedwater
pipework shall be rated for the shut off head of the feed pump sets assuming operation at
rated speed with cold water.
Non-return valves shall be provided on the heater bled steam lines which will be power-
assisted for quick closing to prevent reverse flows of steam into the turbine following a
turbine trip.
The HP heater drains shall cascade down into the Deaerator. The LP heater drains shall
cascade down into the Condenser. All heaters shall have an emergency drain into the
Condenser Flash Vessel and a facility to dump contaminated condensate from the system.
The feed water heaters shall include a preservation and storage protection system.
The chemical dosing system shall be arranged and designed generally in accordance with
Contractor’s proposed boiler and water/steam cycle design and plant layout and shall
consist of H.P. dosing into the boiler drum and L.P. dosing into the condensate and feed
water systems.
It is expected that the chemicals to be injected will be as follows:
H.P. (Boiler) dosing – sodium phosphate;
L.P. (Condensate) dosing – ammonia and oxygen scavenger;
L.P. (Feed water) dosing ammonia and oxygen scavenger;
The power plant shall be provided with a water and steam sampling system (WSSS). The
WSSS shall monitor chemical concentrations of the substances for the process points
indicated in the following table to minimize the effects of corrosion on the water and
steam cycle components and equipment:
The contractor shall supply once through type sea water cooling system.
The location and design of the intake structure shall comply with the requirements of the
Environmental Impact Assessment study.
The pumps will draw sea water from the screened suction chamber. The circulating water
pumping system shall consist of 2x50% capacity circulating water pumps for the unit.
The Sea water intake shall be designed according international recognized standards and
shall include intake pipes with heads, isolating gates, coarse inlet bar screens, fine bar
screens with cleaning rakes, travelling band screens, wash water system for travelling
band screens, chlorine injection system, debris filters, fine filters.
Separate auxiliary cooling water pumps shall be provided to provide cooling water for the
plant closed circuit cooling water heat exchanger.
5.5.8 Electro-chlorination
continuous dosing and shock dosing to inject chlorinated water into the cooling water
intake ahead of the bar screens. The system shall have full redundancy.
A closed-circuit cooling water (CCCW) system shall be provided to remove heat from the
plant auxiliary systems such as steam turbine lubricating oil coolers, generator air/water
heat exchangers, steam/water sampling coolers etc.
The CCCW system shall comply with the plant redundancy requirements. The CCCW
system shall be capable of operating when the plant is shut down without the main CW
pumps in service. The CCCW system pressure shall be greater than the ACW system
pressure at all times.
The CCCW system shall use treated demineralized water.
The raw water for the proposed power plant will be supplied from the existing 2 x 50
MW power plant raw water pond which has got reserve capacity.
The Contractor shall provide raw water supply system consisting of necessary pumps,
piping, instrumentation, electrification etc which will transfer raw water from the existing
Raw Water Pond to proposed water pre-treatment system. The raw water pre-treatment
system shall meet the maximum combined peak water demand of the power plant water
users, e.g.:
• demineralised water make up including drains, blow down etc.
• plant service water
• plant fire fighting
• ash handling
The raw water pre-treatment plant shall include:
• Clarifier(s) (3 x 50%)
• Sludge Disposal System
• Pumps and Appurtenances
• Chemicals dosing plant
Raw water from existing raw water pond shall be pumped to the clarifier where coagulant
agents, pH control solution and chlorine shall be added for clarification and flocculation
process to remove the suspended solids.
From the clarifier clear water will be stored in the clarified water tank and the sludge
collected in the bottom of the clarifier shall be scraped off by scraper arm. The sludge
shall be drawn off by pump to the discharge line and disposed separately.
The Service water treatment plant shall include but not limited to:
Potable water will be available from portable water tank of the existing 2 x 50MW plant.
The contractor shall install required potable water pumps and piping system for
distribution of the potable water in the proposed plant.
The demineralised water treatment plant will be required to produce demineralized water
for the Boiler make up, closed cooling water make up and other consumers.
This shall include two independent 100 % capacity demineralization water chains each
capable to meet requirements of the entire power plant.
The filtered water from the service water tank will be pumped through series of
exchanger vessels consisting of Activated carbon filter, Cation exchanger, Degasser,
Anion exchanger and Mixed Bed for removal of cation and Anion radicals and allow
demineralised water to store in Demineralised water tank.
The contractor shall arrange to install a Demineralised water storage tank of adequate
volume for start-up and normal operation of the plant.
The demineralised plant will be installed with required instruments including on line
analysers and control system for automatic operation and regeneration of the
demineralised water treatment plant.
This shall directly commence the water production when the low level in the storage is
reached. The high level in the storage facility shall stop water production. When the duty
train is stopped either due to regeneration request, malfunction or protection shutdown
the stand by train shall start water production automatically.
The control system shall allow for the independent and manual operation of each train
and its components. It shall be possible to operate both trains simultaneously when
The regeneration of the ion exchanger units shall consist of an acid and caustic
regeneration system. Bulk chemical storage tanks of 30 days capacity to be arranged by
the contractor.
Effluent generated in the proposed power plant shall be treated in the waste water
treatment facility to be built by the contractor so that effluent discharge complies with
applicable Cambodian regulation and World Bank IFC Guidelines.
Treated effluent from the waste water treatment system shall be led to the existing waste
water pond which has got adequate capacity to accept the treated effluent from the
proposed plant.
Mainly the plant waste water shall consist of oily waster from various sources like Fuel
Oil Tank area, Transformer Area, Turbine oil purification area etc.
Oily waste water from these areas shall be passed through required type of oil separators
for removal of oil and the clear water shall be pumped to the existing waste water pond
for disposal.
Chemical contaminated effluents generated like boiler blow down, regeneration effluent
from demineralisation plant shall be treated in local neutralisation pit. Necessary air
flocculation, acid and alkali dosing shall be done for neutralisation. On monitoring the pH
to be acceptable effluent shall be pumped to the existing waste water pond for
equalisation and discharge.
Contaminated water from Coal and Ash Handling Area shall be collected in the
adequately sized coal run off pond for settling and removal of solid particles.
Uncontaminated storm water shall be laid to the storm water drainage system which shall
be developed by the contractor.
Decanted water from coal run off pond shall be used for dust suppression and ash
conditioning purpose and excess clear water shall be pumped to existing waste water
pond for discharge purpose.
The ash handling system components shall be designed and ensured for trouble free
continuous operation of Boiler at BMCR load.
The ash collected from the furnace bottom, air preheater hopper and ESP hopper shall be
transferred to respective Bottom Ash Silo and Fly Ash Silo which shall be built by the
Complete bottom ash (slag) discharge system shall be supplied to remove bed ash from
the bed ash coolers. The system shall have sufficient redundancy to ensure that any single
failure will not result in loss of power generation.
The Bidder shall describe in his Proposal the Key features of the bed ash removal system
including level of redundancy and design margins based on BMCR operation with lowest
CV, highest ash coal.
Ash from the hoppers under the convective pass of the boiler shall be collected as part of
the fly ash system.
Provision for reclaiming bottom ash for use as bed make up material shall be provided.
Ash crushers shall be provided to ensure that the bottom ash is of suitable size for return
to the Bed make-up Material Silo.
The transmission of fly ash from the electrostatic precipitator and the fine fraction of ash
from the convective pass shall be of air conveying type.
The system shall be totally enclosed, gas tight and totally dry besides the wet discharge
equipment from the silos. Vacuum system is not preferred.
The Bidder shall describe in his Proposal the Key features of the fly ash removal system
including level of redundancy and design margins based on BMCR operation with lowest
CV, highest ash coal.
Air valves shall be installed underneath the ash collector hoppers. Solenoid valves for
operating the air valves shall be included.
The ash conveyance piping shall be equipped with supports and adequate insulation as
required. Steam tracing shall be provided where necessary.
The piping shall be fabricated from case hardened carbon steel having a Brinell hardness
sufficient for the highly abrasive service. Wear plates shall be installed as required on
parts that are subject to the worst abrasion and they shall be easy to replace.
The Contractor shall provide separate ash silos for fly ash and bottom ash with capacity
adequate for running the unit at TMCR with the highest ash content coal for at least two
(2) days without unloading. Adequate stairs to be provided to access unloading floor of
Ash Silo, where necessary Silo unloading system with telescopic chute for dry unloading
and screw type mixer conveyor for water conditioning of ash to be arranged for
transporting of ash to ash dumping site through truck.
Ash will be disposed in the existing ash disposal site of the existing 2 x 50 MW power
The Contractor shall provide a comprehensive fire protection and detection system for the
entire Plant. The fire protection and detection systems comply with all relevant
requirements of the NFPA codes and Cambodian statutory requirements. Equipment
used in the fire protection and detection systems shall have UL approval.
Fire protection shall consist of both outdoor and indoor firefighting systems and fire
detection/ alarm system to be installed in all buildings and equipment in the Plant area.
Various types of firefighting systems, such as water fire extinguishing, CO2 fire-
extinguishing, dry chemical powder and foam fire extinguishing, shall be selected to
provide an appropriate fire protection.
The Contractor shall extend the coal stockyard suitably with an open stock yard and
covered stock yard to have a total reclaimable capacity of 30 days operation at TMCR
load of the unit when using worst coal (lowest calorific value). The covered area of the
coal stockyard should hold sufficient coal for 7 days operation at TMCR load of the unit
when using worst coal (lowest calorific value).
Existing barge unloading facility and conveyor facility to transfer coal to stock yard shall
be utilized for receiving of coal required for this plant.
Moving, stacking and compaction of coal would be completed by mobile plant consisting
of a combination of tracked bulldozers and wheeled front-end loaders. The Contractor
shall provide required mobile plant for stacking and grading of the stockpile to prevent
spontaneous combustion and to shed rain and to reclaim coal for the delivery to the power
plant. The reclaim system shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 250% of the coal
required by the boiler Plant operating at full load boiler at 100% BMCR burning with the
lowest HHV Coal specified in the Employer’s Requirements.
The reclaim system shall comprise of a system of bunkers located below grade with a
grade level grizzly that is loaded by either the front end loader or the bulldozer. The
grizzly shall be designed to withstand the weight of a bulldozer or a fully laden front-end
loader and all other dynamic and static loads generated by mobile plant or coal during
reclaiming operations. The design of the grid shall be adequate to permit coal flow
through it at the required rate without build-up or blockage. The grids shall be
replaceable and shall be separate from the hopper.
The hoppers shall be designed to ensure good coal flow under all conditions. Provision
shall be made for easy access to the hoppers to allow for the emptying of coal. The
hoppers shall discharge coal via a feeder system onto coal conveyors to transport the coal
to the screening and crushing plant. Hopper supply onto the conveyor system shall utilize
vibrating feeders or an alternative well proven method of agitation to prevent blockage or
plugging of the feed system.
The coal reclaim equipment shall be installed in a covered area. The covered area shall
provide weather protection for ten (10) days coal storage with the plant operating at
BMCR on the lowest CV coal.
The coal handling system shall be designed to produce fuel with an appropriate particle
size for complete and controlled combustion in the boiler. If the coal requires crushing to
reduce the grain size to a size suitable for the boilers then the Contractor’s scope of
supply shall include two coal crushers, one for each conveyor line. The capacity of each
coal crusher shall be at least equal to the coal conveyor belt capacity.
Overband magnetic separators shall be provided to protect the crushing equipment from
blockage or damage by tramp metal.
All rejects from the coal processing plant shall be delivered automatically to suitable
containers located at ground level. These containers shall be designed to be easily
handled by personnel and appropriate lifting equipment shall be supplied by the
The crushing plant shall deliver coal adequately sized for combustion for the CFB
without the need for any further processing.
Dust suppression equipment shall be included to ensure a safe working environment and
to limit the emission of dust to acceptable levels.
The Contractor shall provide a garage for the storage and maintenance of the mobile
The contractor shall install a fuel oil delivery system from the storage tank facility on the
existing 2 x 50MW power plant. The system shall comply with the appropriate NFPA
code requirements for the design and installation of fuel oil pipework.
The Bidder shall provide a fully automated Instrument and Service Air System
(compressed air) complete with all equipment required for the safe, efficient and reliable
operation of the power plant. The design shall ensure that no single equipment or system
failure, mechanical or electrical, will cause the loss of the station compressed air needs.
One common set of compressors shall provide oil-free compressed air for service air and
instrument air at required pressure and flow rate to the power plant. The preferred
arrangements shall be 3 x 50% duty.
The compressors shall be installed in sound proof enclosures.
The compressed air distribution shall be divided into two separate systems:
The instrument air system shall be used to power valve actuators and various types of
instruments. The quality of instrument air produced shall meet with ANSI/ISA-7.0.01.
Air driers shall be provided for the instrument air system. Discharges from the driers shall
be fitted with silencers if necessary.
The general service air system shall principally be used to supply power tools and
maintenance requirements.
Air requirements for ash transportation shall be provided by a separate compressed air
5.6.1 General
The power plant shall be connected to the EDC 230 kV transmission system at the EDC’s
Sihanoukville Terminal Substation.
Details of the Interconnection Facilities are contained in Schedule 4 – Interconnection
The 230 kV power plant switchyard shall utilise conventional open air insulated
switchgear and conforming to IEC standards.
The Contractor shall define in the Contractor’s Proposal the allowable time limitations
under operation of the power plant at abnormal frequencies. The minimum requirements
are as follows:
Frequency Range: Time Limitation:
>49 Hz to 51.5 Hz No time limitation
>48.5 Hz to 49 Hz Up to 5 minutes per incident
47.5 Hz to 48.5 Hz Up to 5 seconds per incident with a total accumulation of up
to 20 minutes during the life time of each Unit
** the final tapping range shall be determined and optimised by the Contractor in
order that the voltage on the measuring bus can be maintained at 1.0±5% p.u. voltage
under all possible operating modes the plant power system may experience. EDC grid
voltage shall be assumed to vary between 0.9p.u. and 1.1p.u.
5.6.9 DC System.
5.6.10 Grounding
5.6.11 Metering
5.6.13 Lighting
The lightning protection system for the plant shall be in accordance with NFPA No. 780.
5.6.15 RTU
Continuous data communication with the EDC dispatch centre will be maintained by a
SCADA Remote Terminal Unit, which will be installed in the power plant.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply, installation, commissioning of
a complete instrumentation and control system necessary to fulfil the safe operation,
protection, control, monitoring and availability requirements of the entire power plant.
Only modern, standardized devices and systems shall be used, and will be of a proven
design. Reliability and quality shall be given priority when considering the selection of
equipment. Prototype equipment and experimental designs shall not be used.
All parts of the plant instrument and control system shall be of an industrial design
suitable for long-term operation in the climatic environment into which it is being
All necessary precautions to protect equipment from influences which could adversely
affect operation, performance, reliability, life or maintainability of the equipment will be
Under no circumstances shall a lack of redundancy, distribution or diversity in any part of
the instrument and control system reduce the provision or availability of the operational
plant or result in major loss of generation.
No single fault shall cause the complete failure of any system, or cause a system to
spuriously operate or become inoperable.
The plant operation and control scheme shall be fully integrated and cover the complete
power plant, and a Distributed Control System (DCS) will be installed for this purpose.
The DCS will control, monitor, supervise and coordinate all aspects of the generating
unit, supporting auxiliaries, electrical systems and the balance of plant (BOP) equipment.
The operation and monitoring of the plant shall be from the central control room (CCR)
where a commensurate number of DCS operator workstations, engineering workstations
and printers will be installed.
Each workstation shall be furnished with two VDU’s, and shall enable the operator to
simultaneously monitor the overall status of the plant and equipment under his control,
view the status of alarms, and work on selected sub-systems.
Protection of the boiler shall be by a safety related system designed to NFPA-85
requirements, endorsed and approved by the boiler supplier. This can be integrated with
the DCS or be standalone, but the functionality shall always be separate to the general
boiler operation and control.
The steam turbine governing, protection and supervisory system can be supplied as a
separate package where this is the standard supply of the vendor.
To support the DCS separate programmable logic controllers (PLC’s) can also be used
where these are inherent and implicit to the process control design of vendor packaged
plant, for example at the water treatment area.
PLC-based packaged plant processes when used shall also be supervised and monitored at
the DCS operator workstations.
Plant operation and monitoring at all control equipment shall be fully automated and in
software so that minimal intervention is needed by the staff at any time during initial
start-up, steady-state operation, transient conditions, fault/emergency situations and
normal shut down.
Due to the high level of plant automation required local control of equipment will be
restricted to only non-routine plant operations such as function or essential testing.
Hardwired and/or redundant serial communication interfaces between independent
systems, packaged plant PLC and the DCS will be installed with the appropriate
exchange of signals to fully meet the integrated plant control scheme requirements.
Hardwired signal connections between systems will always be used for critical
applications (safety, trip and protection related) and important process control loops.
Inputs for critical applications and important control loops will be from triplicated
instrumentation and the signals voted. Where triplication is not possible then duplication,
as a minimum, can be considered.
Serial communication links shall only be used for exchange of general information and
Power supplies to all instrument and control system cubicles shall be redundant, one of
which shall be derived from the plant UPS.
The integrated control scheme design shall include all signal interfaces and process data
acquisition that might be needed from the shared facilities for the operation of this power
5.8.1 General
The Contractor shall provide complete civil, structural and architectural works including
various foundations, structures, buildings, installation and service etc. required for the
installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of all equipment associated with
the power plant.
Civil engineering works, including but not confined to:
Preliminary works, additional surveys, piling, ground improvement, foundations,
and all associated operations
Site clearing, removal of obstructions and organic materials (the site has been
cleared cleared during the preparation for the existing 2 x 50 MW power plant, but
no other preparation work has been carried out),
Site roads within Power Plant Boundary and modification of existing infrastructure,
site surfacing, sewage systems, storm drainage, all site utilities, landscaping, and
planting and temporary security
Trenches, pipe racks and ducts, transformer pens with oil drainage facilities, all
necessary cooling water structures, water tank foundations, foundations and
structures for materials handling and transport, miscellaneous plant and equipment
Boiler structures, steam turbine building suitable with site climate complete with all
necessary electrical/control rooms, water treatment building and boiler stack
Ash silos and conveyor structures
Foundations and steel structures for the coal conveyors
Necessary site lighting
Non-process buildings and structures
All fixtures and fittings in the Power Plant buildings
Locker rooms, showers, toilets and other sanitary facilities for power plant
The following buildings are specifically excluded from the scope of supply:
Admin building,
Security gatehouse, and
All design work shall comply with the latest version of Standards and Codes of Civil
Works in Cambodia and approved International Codes.
The design and specifications of work shall be in accordance with all applicable laws
and regulations of the government of Cambodia and with the applicable local codes and
ordinances. In the event of any conflicts between codes, or between specification and
codes, the more stringent regulation shall apply.
Applicable international codes and standards must be of equivalent levels to or higher
levels than Cambodia codes and standards.
Other recognized standards may be used as required to serve as guidelines for the
design fabrication and furnishing provided. Those standards shall not be in conflict with
the above-listed codes and standards, and are more stringent in their requirements.
Where no code or standard covers a particular work, the Local Authorities'
requirements and the Owner's requirements shall be applied
The design shall take into consideration the Site conditions in Chapter 2.3 and the
additional information on climatic conditions in these Employer’s Requirements,
Appendix 2, Climatic Conditions.
Design loads for all structures shall be determined according to the design criteria
described below, unless the applicable building code requires more service design
a) Dead loads
Dead loads shall include the weights of the structure and all equipment of a
permanent or semi-permanent nature including tanks, silos, bins, ceilings, wall
panels, partitions, roofing, piping, drains, electrical tray, bus ducts, and the contents
of tanks and bins measured at full capacity. However, the contents of tanks and bins
shall not be considered as effective in resisting column uplift. Dead loads shall be
determined using the unit weights from SEI/ASCE 7-05.
b) Live Loads
Live loads shall include uniform live loads and equipment live loads.
Uniform live loads are assumed unit loads which are sufficient to provide for
movable and transitory loads, such as the weight of people, portable equipment and
tools, planking and small equipment, or parts which may be moved over or placed on
floors during maintenance operations. These uniform live loads do not need to apply
to floor areas that will be permanently covered with equipment. Live loads shall be
determined using the unit weights from SEI/ASCE 7-05
Equipment live loads are calculated based upon the actual weight and size of the
equipment and parts to be placed on floors during dismantling and maintenance and
/or to be temporarily placed on or moved over floor during installation.
Ground floor slabs in all areas where a 2-tonne forklift may operate shall be designed
for a minimum of 12 kN/m2. Consideration shall be given to designing appropriate
areas of ground floor to support heavy equipment such as construction and
maintenance cranes.
Ground floor slabs for shops and auxiliary buildings shall be designed for 7.5 kN/m2.
Storage area shall be designed for the actual weight of the stored material, but not
less than 7.5 kN/m2
All roof area shall be designed for wind loads as indicated in the item of Wind
Speed. All roof area shall be designed for a minimum of 0.50 kN/m2 live load in
addition to calculated dead loads.
The walkway shall be designed for the dead loads of the structure plus a
superimposed live load of 3.5 kN/m2 uniformly distributed, or a concentrated load of
1 kN at any point, which ever produces the most severe effect.
c) Wind Load - in accordance with ASCE 7-05
The basic design wind speed for the specified site shall be established from local
wind data on the basis of hourly mean speed, 50 years return period, at a height of 10
meters above ground level but shall not be less than 24 m/s, exposure D, importance
factor 1.15.
In determining wind loads on open structures, due allowance shall be made for wind
loads on non-principal axes. Wind loads from non-principal directions commonly
produce base shears higher than those calculated for principal directions. Further
5.8.5 Buildings General
The number of buildings and structures shall be adequate to meet the requirements of the
power plant and shall be named and listed in the proposal. The Contractor shall evaluate
the building requirements and provide typical layout drawings with size and building
services information with its proposal. Exact building size and arrangement of rooms,
corridors, doors, toilets, internal walls etc. will be finalised during detail engineering.
The process buildings and structures shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Main building with turbine house, deaerator bay, bunker bay, boilers, MCC&
control room, compressor room, sampling rooms, toilets etc.
Switchyard including fencing
CW pump station structure
Dangerous goods store
Battery rooms
Ash silo
Main transformer
Fire fighting water storage and pump house
Fuel oil storage tanks
Coal conveyor
Coal handling facilities
The non-process buildings shall be shared with the existing 2 x 50 MW power plant with
the exception of the requirement for a new warehouse building – See Chapter 5.8.16..
A complete lightning protection system shall be furnished for all exposed buildings,
metal tanks, towers, chimneys, and structures with risk index greater than 4.0. This risk
index shall be calculated using Appendix 1 of NFPA 780.
Each lightning protection system shall be in accordance with the requirements of UL 96A
and NFPA 780.
All steel structures shall be anticorrosive treated to meet the specific climate.
5.8.8 Foundations
The foundations will consist of bored or driven piles, reinforced concrete mats, reinforced
concrete slabs, pilecaps and grade beams as required.
The following design conditions will apply for the sizing of the foundations:
Soil bearing capacities
Drilled pier capacity
Column loads
Seismic loads
Rotating equipment supports for dynamic loads induced by vibration in addition to
the static loads induced by vibration
Preliminary soil investigations have been carried out by the Employer and the data
thereof have been made available to the Contractor during the tender process. The
relevant report is attached in appendix 7.
The Contractor shall include all provisions for foundations in his proposal, such as deep
foundations (piles), deep excavations including sheet piling as necessary, care of water
during construction, under water works.
Foundation for the equipment supplied by Contractor for EDC’s Sihanoukville Terminal
Substation expansion is also included in the Works.
The Contractor shall include in his proposal a clear description of the chosen foundation
system including supporting calculations.
Special attention shall be paid to the potential differential settlements between excavated
and backfilled areas, as well as their different bearing capacities.
The Contractor shall perform site specific geotechnical investigation as required to
complement the existing data as basis for all design work and to justify design choices as
necessary. The Employer does not assume responsibility for any design based on the
provided information.
Throughout the work the Contractor shall be required to construct all foundations on a
sound formation.
Where foundations are supported on piles they shall be adequately and properly tied to
the pile heads.
Where non-piled foundations are used, the Contractor shall provide evidence to support
the value of bearing capacity used in the design.
Drainage shall be designed to collect and transport, trade effluent produced by the Plant,
domestic sewage and storm water in and efficient manner. The drainage system shall
have a provision to handle discharges during abnormal foreseeable operating conditions.
Domestic sewage shall be treated in a biological plant prior to being discharged.
All structures shall be tied to the earthing system
Foundation system for rotating equipment shall be designed in accordance with the
requirement of DIN 4024 or equivalent international code of practice acceptable to the
Employer. In addition to a static analysis, a dynamic analysis shall be performed to
determine the foundation frequencies of the foundation system. To preclude resonance,
the fundamental frequency of the foundation shall be at least ±20 percent removed from
the operation frequency of the equipment. The foundation shall also be designed to meet
the equipment manufacturer’s recommended criteria for vibration and sensitivity.
The foundations shall be constructed monolithically and to be isolated from the
surrounding structures and buildings or to have anti-vibration damper
Foundation slabs and walls exposed to water pressure (including from ground water) shall
be designed as watertight structures.
All externally visible corners shall be beveled.
Concrete floor structures shall be designed in such a way and with such a surface finish
that the subsequent surface treatment can produce effective dust-bonding, cleanability,
strength, and resistance.
Floors shall normally be horizontal. Consideration shall be given to run-off, whereby the
positions of spillage drains and waste pipes as well as the necessary field division shall
also be considered. In premises or parts of premises that are used for wet processes, the
floor shall have a slope of 1:50 towards drains gullies or sumps.
Roofs shall be designed with the minimum slope of 1:10.
Buildings can be drained by guttering and external drain pipes. Roof guttering and drain
pipes shall be designed of corrosion-resistant materials.
The Contractor and the Employer shall later decide together on a mutually agreeable
architectural design of the exterior walls.
Windows in offices and staff rooms shall be designed a lightweight metal windows or of
an externally aluminum-clad wood design.
The turbine hall shall be steel or reinforced concrete framed building. The elevated floors
shall be concrete slab on metal deck or welded galvanised steel grating in certain areas.
The walls and roof shall be of profiled metal cladding to the approval of the Employer.
An overhead travelling crane with auxiliary hoist capable of travelling the entire length of
the turbine building shall be provided. Interconnection walk way between the turbine
building level and adjoining boiler house shall be provided.
The boiler house shall be steel frame structure. The elevated floors shall be welded
galvanised steel grating.
The administration building, control building and other auxiliary buildings shall be steel
framed or reinforced concrete structures whichever are appropriate to their use and are the
most cost-effective.
The buildings shall be designed and constructed with consideration of the following
maximum coefficient of heat transfer:
− For walls Umax, thermal transmission value = 0.9 W/m2K
− For roofs Umax, thermal transmission value = 0.5 W/m2K
Floors shall be in reinforced concrete to accommodate all foreseeable loads and provided
with appropriate surface finish for their intended usage.
The finished ground floor level within all buildings shall be no less than 150 mm above
the ground level external to the building.
Floor hardener shall be used for the turbine and generator operating floors. Floor
coverings on the laboratories shall be non-slip ceramics tiles. For high traffic areas floor
hardener shall be used. Where case of maintenance is required, a resilient floor covering
shall be used.
Appropriate water insulation, such as epoxy coating, shall be applied e.g. for battery
The wall of plant buildings shall consist of metal wall panel system and block wall
system in accordance with the local construction practices. Where insulation is required
for metal wall panels, it shall consist of a glass fiber semi-rigid type inserted in the liner
Insulation materials shall be added to the wall where necessary to reduce cooling loads.
Also, insulation shall be used for sound absorption on walls that enclose equipment that
has been determined as generating excessive noise. This sound insulation shall be
provided in interior concrete block, sound block, or insulated metal wall panel liners as
appropriate. The overall noise reduction coefficient shall be 0.85 or comply with the local
Door openings shall be sized according to installation and removal of the largest items
inside the Power Plant. Personnel doors shall be provided at all necessary locations. The
doors shall be robust and designed to withstand damage from wind and other forces that
may be encountered at their location. Door shall have a glazed vision panel when required
by door function. Glazing shall consist of tempered safety glass or wired glass. Door
hardware shall be heavy-duty type.
Fire doors shall conform to hollow metal door requirements and provided with adequate
filler to meet the required fire rating. The door, frame, and hardware shall bear a
certification label of Underwriter’s Laboratories or equivalent for the class of opening
and rating.
Windows and frame shall be made of extruded aluminium. Frames shall have a minimum
depth of 38 mm. and a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm. Ventilation sections shall be
compatible with the frames providing a weather tight seal. Window frame shall be
finished in a colour to harmonize with the exterior face of the wall panels. Windows shall
be designed for inside glazing secured by continuous extruded aluminium beads.
Ventilation openings shall be provided with drainable storm proof blade louvers complete
with bird screens. Operating damper blades shall be provided behind the fixed louvers to
allow closing of openings. On long expanses of louvers, a continuous blade concealed
support system shall be provided.
Roofing for the generation and control building shall consist of a metal cladding roof
panel over insulation and perforated metal liner unless specified otherwise. The roof
system shall have a minimum slope of 1:10 toward roof drainage system.
Ceiling in finished areas shall consist of a suspended, exposed grid, lay-in acoustic type.
Wet areas, such as showers and locker rooms shall have suitable ceiling. Ceilings in
unfinished area shall leave the overhead structural frame exposed. The exposed structure,
deck form, and metal deck shall be painted in unfinished areas.
Toilet and shower facilities shall be provided for personnel in finished areas of all major
buildings and in other areas as determined by project requirements. All sanitary facilities
fixtures shall be wall mounted. Partitions shall be water resistance. Towel and waste
receptacles shall be recessed to extent possible. Janitor closets and cleaning material
storage areas shall be provided in finished areas of all major buildings.
The Contractor shall propose appropriate finishing for all buildings within the Power
Plant. The colour schemes shall be selected for overall compatibility, also considering the
existing facility, and approved by the Employer.
Roads connected to the main roads and inside the plant shall be provided to access all
buildings and equipment.
Temporary arrangements enabling the transportation of heavy equipment to the site
during the construction period are allowed. However, permanent arrangements are
required to the extent that e.g. the replacement of heavy components, such as the
generator, will be possible throughout the life-cycle of the plant.
The roads and car parking area shall be designed to be capable of carrying all kind of
vehicles to be used during construction and operation. Roads shall be graded to falls
leading run off water on the roads surface into side gullies or catch pits connected into the
main drainage system. All roads shall be provided with bituminous base and wear course
or with concrete pavement.
Roads shall have a minimum one way lane width of 3.5m and a two way total width of
6m. All roads shall have 1.0m shoulders for each side. Minimum radius of curvature
shall be sufficient to allow easy operation of trucks during the operation and the
construction of the future plant expansion. All roads shall have a 20mm/m slope from the
crown. All other paved areas shall pitch a minimum of 10mm/m to drains.
Areas around equipment not indicated as paved shall be compacted crushed stone per
section on earthwork.
Fire water lines shall be installed below grade with not less than 750mm cover over
trenches. Width at bottom of trench shall be equal to pipe diameter plus 0.6m. The pipe
shall be supported on 150mm of granular bedding material compacted to 95% maximum
dry density. Backfill material shall be controlled fill placed in two 150mm lifts
compacted to 95% maximum density. The balance of the fill shall be controlled fill
placed in 150mm lifts.
5.8.13 Landscaping
All remaining areas not otherwise used within the boundary of the power plant shall
receive suitable landscaping consistent with the plant location.
5.8.15 Steelwork
All steel structures shall be anticorrosive treated to meet the specific climate.
Internal structural steelwork specification - The paint system shall meet the performance
requirements of ISO 12944-C4.
External structural steelwork specification - The paint system shall meet the performance
requirements of ISO 12944 C5-I/M.
Structural steel and miscellaneous metals shall be SA2.5 or SP10 surface preparation.
High strength bolts, anchor bolts, handrail, grating & accessories and checkered plate
shall be hot dipped galvanized
Steel framed structures shall be designed in accordance with the current version of the
AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings allowable stress design
Connections shall be in accordance with AISC connection design for field bolted
connections. Bolted connection shall be slip-critical. The connection bolts shall be forced
by torque in accordance with slip-critical requirements.
All supporting steel structures shall be provided for the ducting, pipework and galleries,
including pipe support brackets. All supporting structural members shall be clear of the
boiler casing and framing. Suitable allowance shall be made in the supporting of piping
and ducting for thermal expansion and in the choice of anchor points to avoid thermal
stressing of the structures.
Design of all supporting steelwork and foundations shall be suitable for the loading
imposed by the plant and shall make due allowance for all foreseeable loads during
construction, testing commissioning, maintenance and operation
Steelwork in close proximity with hot air or gas or subject to radiation from any part of
the plant shall be adequately protected and insulated.
The supports shall be designed so that load distribution while the unit is being erected and
commissioned can be conveniently checked and adjusted.
Stairways shall be not less than 760 mm wide between stringers and have an inclination
to the horizontal not exceeding 40 degrees. Stair treads shall be galvanized steel grating
with cast checker plate abrasive nosings. The stairways shall be constructed of galvanised
mild steel stringers with galvanised open steel treads, reinforced at the leading edges,
supported by substantial structural members. Galvanised handrails and stanchions shall
be provided on each side of the stairway. Vertical ladders may not be used to provide
access to areas that must be entered during normal operation.
Steel Grating floors shall be manufactured in accordance with application requirement of
the Metal Bar Grating Manual published by ANSI/NAAMM and US Federal
Specification RR-G-661. Steel grating shall be welded arc grating and galvanized.
Grating in highly corrosive areas shall be constructed of fibreglass reinforced plastic
Steel guard rails shall be installed using a proprietary system of rails and stanchions.
The minimum width and height of the galleries for emergency exits shall be 900 mm and
2,400 mm respectively.
Structural steel buildings shall be designed as per AISC 360-10 allowable stress design.
Structural steel detailing shall be provided as per AISC Detailing for Construction 3rd
Warehouse and store space for storing the spare parts and tools shall be provided. A
separate room for storage of dangerous goods and materials and a room with clean
condition for storage of C&I spare parts shall also be provided.
5.8.18 HVAC
Ventilation and air conditioning systems shall be provided either singly or in combination
to the various rooms and buildings, which are appropriate to the occupancy and installed
equipment in order to achieve a suitable environment under all conditions.
All process areas and workshop shall be furnished with relevant lifting equipment for an
easy replacement and maintenance.
All parts of the plant shall be provided with a convenient arrangement for sliding or
handling during maintenance and overhaul.
All galleries and access stairways with handrails shall be provided to facilitate operation,
maintenance cleaning and inspection, and shall be designed to support all loads, which
may be placed on them during these operations.
Storm drainage shall be provided to convey yard and equipment, surface runoff and roof
drainage away from the equipment and buildings. The drainage system shall include open
flow piping, manholes, area drains, catch basins and, if required, a retention or detention
pond. Drainage system shall consist of separate systems for surface, foul and waste
process water. Drains shall discharge to the appropriate terminal points.
The rainwater drainage system shall be designed for rain intensities with a 5 year return
Potentially oily waste water shall be conducted to oil separators of the existing 2 x 50
MW power plant.
Sanitary sewage shall be conducted to a sewage treatment plant. The outflow of the
sewage treatment plant shall be in accordance with the local regulations.
The outflowing treated waste water shall be discharged into the seal weir to be mixed and
discharged with the outflowing cooling water.
Only clean and uncontaminated rainwater may be discharged into the raw water pond.
The coal stockyard of the existing 2 x 50 MW power plant shall be extended to the extent
possible within the constraints of the site. This extension shall be provided with an
impervious protection layer (synthetic liner, such as HDPE) which shall be joined to the
exisiting liner in such a way so as to avoid infiltration of the coal dust contaminated storm
water into the ground water. The contaminated storm water shall be collected in a coal
run-off pond to efficiently remove coal dust. The treated water will be re-used for fly ash
An optional take-out price shall be provided by the Contractor in case the Employer
provides the Contractor suitable amount of clay for the construction of impervious
mineral liner and no synthetic liner is required.
The Contractor’s quality system shall meet the requirements of ISO 9000 – Latest
Edition. Special attention shall be paid to the philosophy and procedures presented in ISO
10006 “Quality in Project Management”. Reasonable time shall be allowed to the
Employer/the Employer’s Representative for their decision making.
The Contractor shall submit copies of its certification to ISO 9000 for the parts of their
organisation which would be involved in this Project as evidence of its ability to satisfy
the above quality assurance requirements.
A submission of proposed quality assurance arrangements is still required for those parts
of the organisation and major Subcontractors, which are not covered by such certification.
The Contractor shall propose a quality assurance programme, which shall include all
activities procedures and documents to control and verify the quality of materials,
products and processes relevant to the whole construction process of the Power Plant.
The Contractor shall prepare a quality control plan and inspection and test plan for each
key item of equipment and shall require sub-contractors to prepare detailed quality
control plans for all sub-contractor supplies. Inspection and test plans shall identify all
inspections and tests, which are to be carried out.
The quality assurance arrangements shall define the systems and procedures which will
be used to ensure that the Works comply with this Contract.
The Contractor shall provide documentation in such a manner that the Employer is
thereby enabled to satisfy himself as to the effectiveness with which the Contractor is
implementing those provisions of the agreed and accepted quality assurance arrangements
which relate to the monitoring by the Contractor of sub-tier quality assurance
After agreement by the Employer of the quality assurance arrangements then these shall
form an integral part of this Contract. No changes shall be made without the written
agreement of the Employer.
Audits of sub-tier quality assurance arrangements for equipment which may affect
performance and reliability of the Plant shall be recorded in such a manner that the
relevant documentation constitutes, inter alia, objective evidence of the extent of the
audits and of the effectiveness with which they have been conducted. Such
documentation relating to each audit shall be made available to the Employer, on request.
Quality plans shall be prepared which identify the manufacturing and construction
operations, the inspections and tests and the records specific to the items covered by those
quality plans.
The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying in a suitable manner, any inspections
and tests required for statutory purposes. Each quality plan shall be submitted to the
Employer’s Representative for review at least 12 weeks before construction or
manufacture is due to commence and no operation identified on that quality plan shall
commence prior to such review.
The Employer’s Representative may monitor the implementation of the quality assurance
arrangements. Monitoring will be by means of surveillance of activities at the work
location and/or by formal audits of the adherence of the Contractor to the systems and
procedures, which constitute his quality assurance arrangements. A corrective action
programme shall be agreed and implemented in respect of any deficiencies revealed by
such monitoring.
The Contractor shall provide any facilities, including access, which may be required by
the Employer for monitoring activities.
6.4 Records
On completion of the manufacture or work and completion of inspections and tests, the
Contractor shall provide to the Employer’s Representative and include with the Plant,
Materials or completed work, a Certificate of Conformity/Compliance or a Quality
Release Note.
7.1 General
Upon completion of plant erection the plant shall undergo commissioning and testing to
demonstrate the correct functioning of all plant systems including all safety systems and
that the complete plant meets all of the plant guarantees and statutory requirements for
The sequence of commissioning shall be:
• Pre-operational and Checkout Tests.
• Functional Tests including all safety checks.
• Reliability Run.
• Performance Tests
• Atmospheric Emissions and waste water emissions tests
• Near and Far Field Noise Emissions
• Demonstration of design Target Values for boiler and turbine, steam and water
quality, water production rates
• Operating Characteristics of the Units
Prior to take-over of the plant the Contractor shall conduct an Initial Capacity Test to the
requirements of EDC. Details of the test requirements are contained in Schedule 5.
Other tests shall be conducted as required to demonstrate compliance with the Cambodian
Grid Code to EDC.
There are presently two 230kV overhead transmission line circuits installed between
CEL1 and the exiting EDC substation.
The Contractor shall utilize the appropriate portions of one of these circuits in order to
connect the new plant to the existing EDC substation via one of the bays in the EDC
substation and utilize this circuit to export the power generated to EDC.
The contractor shall review the existing equipment for this circuit and where not suitable
shall replace the equipment with suitably rated equipment to ensure that the system shall
be capable of transmitting the full guaranteed net power output of the power plant from
the power plant to the 230 kV EDC Terminal Substation.
The Contractor shall be responsible any necessary addition to EDC’s system required for
safety or system security as a result of the interconnection between the transmission line
and EDC’s system.
Electrical equipment, metering and interconnection facilities shall be installed in
accordance with EDC’s requirements for the interconnection of generation resources.
9.1 General
The Contractor shall train the Employer's staff to operate and maintain the equipment
included in the Works. Training is based on training manuals, operation and maintenance
manuals and drawings. The training shall be performed during erection, commissioning,
Tests on Completion and Defects Notification Period and it shall contain practical
training as well as classroom training.
The Contractor shall include a training program in the Contractor’s proposal.
The training program shall be designed to accomplish the following purposes:
determine the experience level of the trainees and provide basic course to establish
base level knowledge
increase knowledge and understanding of the boiler and all other furnished items
develop skills required to operate and maintain the equipment
enhance the application of knowledge and skills
increase awareness of safety and reliability features
increase cost effectiveness
After the training the operation and maintenance personnel of the Employer shall be able
safely and economically operate the Works with all its auxiliaries without the
support of the Contractor
carry out all regular daily and weekly maintenance routines independently and in a
correct way
carry out annual and other major overhauls and repair works under the supervision
of the Contractor
The Contractor shall verify the skills and knowledge of the trainees before and after the
training. Should the level of learning after the training be lower than is required for
effective and reliable operation and maintenance of the Works, the Contractor is obliged
to give additional training at his own expense.
The Employer will nominate technically educated persons to attend the training.
The personnel to be trained are divided into the following groups:
Mechanical maintenance personnel
Electrical maintenance personnel
C&I maintenance personnel
Personnel for water chemistry
Quality assurance and safety personnel
The number of trainees at site shall not be limited. The Employer will submit a list of the
trainees 2 months before commencement of the training program. Written training
material drawings, maintenance manuals and instructions shall be utilised. The training
material shall be sent to the Employer for inspection two months before the
commencement of the training.
The Contractor shall also take the responsibility for his sub-suppliers training.
The training shall be given in English language.
The training lectures shall be Video-recorded by the Contractor for the Employer’s future
The Contractor shall introduce his trainers in advance for the Employer's approval. The
trainers shall be fluent in the languages in which the training is provided, or then fluent
interpreters shall be provided.
The Contractor shall arrange general classroom training for the groups above. The
training shall focus, but not limited to, the following topics:
Fundamentals of power plant and combustion technology
Operation modes of the plant
Process descriptions including operation modes, descriptions, operations, controls
and instrumentation, abnormal situations, safety features etc. for each sub-process of
the plant
Equipment descriptions including design basis, construction, materials, start-up,
operation, shutdowns etc.
Maintenance instruction for preventive maintenance, regular routines, overhauls etc.
Instructions for failure diagnostics
Job sheets for repair work
Safety instructions for operations and maintenance
Cost effective operation etc.
For any modifications or changes made during the commissioning and testing, training
will be given after the commissioning.
The training shall partly be given as practical training in an existing power plant with the
Contractor’s equipment, identical or close to the equipment supplied to the Employer.
The training shall be completed well before the commencement of commissioning of the
The class-room training shall be complemented by on-site training. This training will go
through all activities of operations and maintenance on the “on-the-job” basis.
The Employer’s personnel will attend on-site training during construction, start-up,
commissioning, adjusting, calibrating, operation and performance testing etc.
Purpose of this training is to deepen the previous training and to prepare the personnel for
the responsibility of the O&M after Taking Over.
The training of the operators will concentrate on the following:
Operation of the control room equipment
DCS and instrumentation