Minutes 19.12.2022

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A Meeting regarding visit of The Worthy Secretary Labour & HR Department Govt. of Punjab at District Sheikhupura was
held on 19.12.2022 at 11:30 am. in the committee room of the office of Deputy Commissioner, Sheikhupura. The meeting was
chaired by The Worthy Secretary Labour & HR Department Govt. of Punjab.

The meeting started with the recitation of the Holy Quran.

The Chair welcomed all the participants and asked the Deputy Director Labour Welfare, Sheikhupura to brief the
participants on the agenda of the meeting.


Briefing by Deputy The Deputy Director Labour Welfare presented detailed briefing on functions of Labour
1. Director Labour
Departments District Sheikhupura the chair was appraised following job description namely
Welfare SKP
Minimum Wages, Welfare Grants cases, Occupational Safety And Health, Child Labour and
prosecution mechanism. Further, DDLW SKP briefed that total 63 Death Grants Cases are
pending which needs to be completed soon.
The Worthy Secretary Labour & HR Punjab directed that our main purpose is to ensure
efficient service delivery at District Sheikhupura to all labour Class and Community. The Chair
emphasizes on special campaign regarding minimum Wages implementation in District
Sheikhupura. The Chair directed to DG Labour Punjab to fulfil all Vacant posts in urgent and
transparent manner especially in District Sheikhupura. The Chair shown dissatisfaction over
the slow scrutiny process of PWWF grants cases, The Chair Directed DDLW SKP that all the
pending cases need to be scrutinized and recommended to PWWF and directed that DDLW
SKP office should communicate to concerned workers through telephones and asked them to
remove their observations in stipulated time. The Chair appreciated the DVCs meetings which
are regularly conducted, he also emphasises on special implementation on the campaign of
schooling of brick kiln worker’s children. Further, The Chair directed that all factories at
District Sheikhupura need to display minimum wages rate notices at prominent places in their
respective factories. The Chair shown serious concerns on the issue of minimum wages
prosecutions and directed DG Labour Punjab to conduct a detail meeting with Secretary
Prosecution over this matter for early compliance. In addition, The Chair directed to Director
Labour Lahore (North) to conduct a special meeting over clear assessments of all labour
legislative requirements especially in implementation of minimum wages laws. Moreover, The
Chair directed that there should be zero tolerance on enforcement of OSH laws and directed
all field staff to ensure its implementation in letter and spirit and carried out prosecutions on
law offenders. In addition, The Chair directed to ensure all basic facilities, especially,
availability of separate washrooms along with necessary checklist, at all Brick kilns and petrol
pumps need to complete in this month and fair price shops at all industrial establishments.
Move over, The Chair directed to DG Medical PESSI to engage and create a liaison with BOP
team for implementation of ‘Mazdoor Card’ that should have all meaningful benefits. Further,
The Chair directed that in “Trafficking in Person Act 2018”, if child prostitution legislative
requires, than a draft should be moved on timely for effective implementation.
As per directions of Worthy Secretary Labour & HR Deptt. Punjab special campaign
regarding Implementation of Minimum Wages was lodged in the District and meeting
was coordinated with Sheikhupura Chamber of Commerce & Industries in their office
on 20.12.2022. In the said meeting, Chairman SCCI, Mr. Manzoor Malik and President
SCCI, Mr. Tariq Iqbal Mughal ensure their cooperation and pledged that their august
office will disseminate this message to all employers in District Sheikhupura. During
the course of meeting the Chairman SCCI, presented detailed deliberations regarding
implementation of Minimum Wages in District Sheikhupura without any further delay
and acknowledged that working class will be provided their justified legal wages as per
Govt. of Punjab notified rates.
In continuation of this special campaign regarding implementation of Minimum Wages
in Industrial & Commercial Establishments, a meeting was convened with (Mr. AD
Chaudhary) President and (Mr. Syed Javed Akhter) General Secretary of Industrial
Management Association, Sheikhupura on 21.12.2022. They ensured that workers will
be paid as per Govt. of Punjab notified rates. Furthermore, meeting was held with Rice
Mills Owners Association Sheikhupura on 22.12.2022 and they were conveyed to
implement Minimum Wages and in case of non compliance, necessary prosecutions
will be lodged in the Court of Law.
As per directions of Worthy Secretary Labour & HR Deptt. Punjab meetings of District
Scrutiny Committee was held on the following dates 20.12.2022, 23.12.2022 &
27.12.2022 and cases of Welfare Grants were recommended and forwarded to Punjab
Workers Welfare Fund, Punjab Lahore for further necessary approval and action. It is
further submitted that cases of Death Grants were scrutinized and recommended to
Punjab Workers Welfare Fund, Punjab Lahore and no case of Death Grant is pending
in the office of Deputy Director Labour Welfare, Sheikhupura.
As per directions of Worthy Secretary Labour & HR Deptt. Punjab for speedy disposal
of prosecutions of Labour Laws, a meeting was held with Mrs. Shahida Saeed
Honorable District & Sessions Judged District Sheikhupura on 21.12.2022 and
submissions regarding pending prosecutions of various Labour Laws was presented.
The Honorable District & Sessions Judged District Sheikhupura issued directions to
concerned Special Judicial Magistrates to expedite disposal of prosecutions of Labour &
HR Deptt. and impose maximum fines to defaulters of Labour Laws. Furthermore, the
Honorable District & Sessions Judged District Sheikhupura issued directions to
concerned Special Judicial Magistrates to impose fines against delinquent Industrial &
Commercial Establishments who are not paying wages to workers as per Govt. of
Punjab notified rates.
Briefing by DG Medical DG Medical PESSI briefed about up-gradation of Sheikhupura Region as Model District PESSI.
DG Medical PESSI told that the following health care facilities, Social Security hospital
Sheikhupura along with 7 Health Care Facilities attached to SSH Sheikhupura and 4 Health
Care Facilities Attached to SSH Faisalabad. SSH Sheikhupura was a 25 bedded Hospital which
was upgraded to 100 bedded Hospital on 25.10.2022. DG Medical PESSI briefed that there
are 74800 work-forces registered and against these, total 53000 R-5 Cards issued to workers
in District Sheikhupura.
The Chair directed to DG Medical PESSI to remove the major gaps in between registered
workers in District Sheikhupura and R-5 cards issued to workers in District Sheikhupura. The
Chair shown grief concerns over huge gaps in PESSI registered workforce numbers and
issuance of total R-5 Cards. The Chair directed to DG Medical PESSI to compare these
numbers with Punjab Labour Force Survey that should bridged the gaps and increase
significant numbers in issuance of R-5 Cards to Labour class in District Sheikhupura.
Inauguration of Punjab Mr. Sham Ul Islam, Program Manager PITB, briefed The Chair regarding detail process of
Job Centre at Labour Punjab Job Centre and its smooth functions.
Office Sheikhupura.
The Chair directed that all employer data should be publically available to all applicants; all
information should be available as well. Further, The Chair directed PITB to conduct a
comparative analysis between Punjab Job Centre and private recruitment agencies and give
presentation in this month on it. The Chair emphasised that it should be a sustainable model
with a long terms benefits. The Chair directed to PITB that applicant’s registrations should be
on a higher side in respect of District Kasur.
The field echelon Labour Officers (Factories) and Labour Inspectors (Shops & Establishments)
District Sheikhupura directed to provide data on prescribed proforma so that the data of
Industrial & Commercial Establishment along with details of employer maybe uploaded on
Punjab Job Portal.
Visit of PESSI Hospital The DG Medical PESSI briefed that the new recruitments are required in this hospital. DG
Sheikhupura. Medical PESSI told The Chair about sanctioned posts and vacant posts. Moreover, he briefed
about details of para-medical staffs and its shortage at SSH SKP. DG Medical PESSI revealed
further about OPD loads and its functions.
The Chair shown displeasure over the slow process of MO/WMO recruitments, he directed to
DG Medical PESSI to sharp up the recruitment process of MO/WMO through PPSC with
lucrative salary packages and adding a 02 years job terms as well. The Chair directed to
enhance recovery of contribution as well as 2% educational CESS.
Visit of Nestle Food DIRECTIONS:
5. Factory Sheikhupura.
The Secretary Labour & HR Punjab directed all labour staff that they should adopt the basic
guidance approach on OSH inspections and should adopt the good OSH practices of Nestle
factory. He further directed that all fatal accidents reporting should be completed in efficient
manners with respect to ILO guidelines. He further directed to SKP Labour Office to regularly
conduct seminars on OSH and working action plan on it. The Secretary Labour & HR Punjab
directed to DG Labour Punjab for boiler safety mechanism and provide details action plan on
As per directions of Worthy Secretary Labour & HR Deptt. Punjab Labour Officer (Factories)
were directed to upload fatal accident reports on Labour Inspection Management System
(LIMS) without any delay. It is further submitted that to avoid fatal accidents in Industrial &
Commercial Establishment Occupational Safety and Health basic principles must be displayed
at workplace and OSH practices of Nestle must be circulated in Industrial Establishments to
ensure safety of workers.

The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to and from the Chair.


Director Labour Welfare Lahore (North)

1. The Director General Labour Welfare, Punjab Lahore.

2. The Director Labour Welfare, Lahore Division (North).
3. PS to Secretary Labour & HR Department, Punjab Lahore.
4. The Section Officer (Judicial) Home Department, Punjab Lahore.

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