Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
1. Philippine penal laws are applicable only in Philippine territory except as provided
under treaties, laws on preferential application, or those provided under Section 2 of
the Revised Penal Code where penal laws may apply even outside Philippine
territory, to wit: (1) committed on board Philippine ship or airship;(2) should forge or
counterfeit any coin or currency note of the Philippine Island or securities and
obligations issued by the Philippine Government; (3) introduce forged or
counterfeited securities and obligations issued by the Philippine Government; (4)
while being a public officer, who committed a crime in the exercise of their official
functions; (5)should commit any crimes against national security and the law on
2. Culpable felonies under Art 365 of the RPC are single quasi-offenses which
penalizes the negligent act and not the resulting damage thereof.
3. In applying for probation, what is important is the crime to which the accused is found
guilty of and not on the crime to which he was originally charged. The accused is still
eligible to apply for probation even if he merely plead guilty to a lesser offense.
4. A. Test in determining insanity:
i. Delusional test where an insane person believes in a state of mind which no
rational person would believe.
ii. Irresistible impulse where a person under duress or mental condition has lost
the power to choose between what is right or wrong.
iii. Right and wrong test where a person is under a mental condition which will
render him incapable of determining what is right or wrong.
B. Killing or assaulting a child by an adult assailant is always treated as treacherous.
A minor is incapable of defending himself by reason of training, experience, and
tender years which results in the absence of danger or risk to the adult assailant.
C. For the defense of insanity to prosper, his mental condition at the time of the
commission of the felonies he was charged with and found guilty must be shown to
be so severe that it had completely deprived him of reason or intelligence when he
committed the felonies charged.