Temporal Bone and Ear

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Temporal Bone and Ear

Gemers Orais
Francesca Perdito
Mona Isabelle Ricalde
Goldyn Perigo
Kryzza Olvido
Anatomy of the Temporal Bone
Temporal bones are a pair of bilateral, symmetrical bones
that constitute a large portion of the lateral wall and base of the skull.
Five Major Components of the Temporal Bone

1. Squamous part
2. Mastoid part
3. Petrous part
4. Tympanic part
5. Styloid process
Temporal Bone Articulates With:
- Sphenoid bone
- Parietal bone
- Occipital bone
- Zygomatic bone

- Articulations are
formed also with the
auditory ossicles and
the hyoid bone
through the ligaments.
● Occipitomastoid suture separates the
mastoid part of the temporal bone from the
occipital bone posteriorly
● Squamosal suture separates the
squamous part of the temporal bone from
the parietal bone posteriorly and superiorly
● Sphenosquamosal suture separates the
squamous part from the greater wing of the
sphenoid bone anteriorly
● Zygomaticotemporal suture separates the
zygomatic process of the temporal bone
from the temporal process of the zygomatic
bone, forming the zygomatic arch.
Squama / Squamous Part

● The squama forms the anterior and upper

part of the bone, and is scale-like & thin.

● Forms lateral wall of middle cranial fossa

and interfaces with parietal bone superiorly,
with zygomatic & sphenoid anteriorly.
Squama / Squamous Part

The Lateral Surface

● It is smooth and gives attachment to
temporalis muscle.
● Zygomatic process projects from the lower
part of the surface for attachment of masseter
● Mandibular fossa is situated below the root of
the zygomatic process.
● The sulcus for middle temporal artery passes
upward on the posterior part of the squama.
Squama / Squamous Part

The Medial Surface

● It is directed towards the middle cranial fossa

● The internal surface of the squama is concave

● it presents depressions corresponding to the convolutions of the temporal lobe of the brain
and a deep sulcus (groove) for the branches of the middle meningeal vessels.
The Petromastoid Part
This part of the temporal bone is usually split into two:

petrous part and mastoid part

Mastoid Part
● The mastoid part is the most posterior part of the
temporal bone.

● This is a thick conical projection from the squamous

and petrous parts of the temporal bone and it comes
into apposition with occipital and parietal bones.

● The mastoid part is trabeculated and pneumatized

to a variable degree and contains the mastoid
Mastoid Part
The Lateral Surface
● Is rough and gives attachment to posterior auricular and occipital muscles.
● It has one or more foramina (Mastoid foramen) for transmission of the mastoid branch of occipital
artery and the mastoid emissary veins to sigmoid sinus.
● A small spur, the suprameatal spine of Henle, projects laterally from the posterosuperior margin of
the external acoustic meatus.
● The slightly depressed surface behind the spine is mastoid fossa, it is perforated by numerous blood
● A thick downward directed portion, the mastoid process, gives attachment to the musculature of
shoulder girdle and of the back.
Mastoid Part
The Medial Surface
● There is a depression on the medial surface of the
mastoid process, the mastoid notch, onto which
the posterior belly of the digastric is inserted.

● The mastoid process has a deep groove called the

sigmoid sulcus, in which the sigmoid sinus is

● Within the process are numerous cavities,the

mastoid air cells lined by mucous membrane that is
continuous with that of tympanic cavity.
Mastoid Notch
Sigmoid Sinus
Petrous Part
● Is pyramidal and is wedged in at the base of the skull
between the sphenoid and occipital.

● Directed medially, forward, and a little upward

● Has a base, an apex, three surfaces, and three


● The acoustic labyrinth is located within the petrous


● It is the most medial part of the temporal bone, and it

is the landmark dividing the middle and posterior
cranial fossae from each other.
Petrous Part
● The foramen lacerum intervenes between the apex and the sphenoid bone .

● Structure passing whole length:

- Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
- Emissary veins

● Other structure partially traversing is :

- Internal carotid artery with venous and sympathetic plexus around it.
- Greater petrosal nerve unite with deep petrosal nerve to form nerve to pterygoid canal.
Petrous Part
● The Petrous part has got three surfaces: Anterior, Posterior, and

The Anterior Surface:

● It is smooth , forms part of the middle cranial fossa and

inclines forward and downward.

● Laterally it is fused with squama at the petrosquamous suture.

● The anterior margin(termed the anterior angle) is free &

roughened, with the greater wing of the sphenoid bone bounds
an opening : the musculotubal canal.

● Canal is subdivided by leaflet of bone into smaller upper part -

the semicanal for the tensor tympani muscle and a large lower
portion the semicanal of auditory (eustachian) tube
Petrous Part
● Near the middle of the anterior surface is
the Arcuate eminence, caused by underlying
superior semicircular canal.

● Anterior and lateral to this eminence is the

tympanic tegmen, which forms the roof of
the tympanic cavity.

● In the anterior direction near the apex is a

medial opening, hiatus of the facial canal (it
transmits the superficial petrosal branch of
the middle meningeal artery and the greater
superficial petrosal nerve) and a lateral
smaller opening, superior aperture of the
tympanic canaliculus ( it transmits the
superior tympanic artery and the lesser
superficial petrosal nerve )
Petrous Part
The Posterior Surface:

● It lies in an almost vertical plane and it

faces the posterior cranial fossa.

● It is bounded above at the superior angle

by the sulcus for superior petrosal sinus,
below at the posterior angle, the pyramid
unites with the occipital bone, along the line
of fusion accommodating the sulcus for
inferior petrosal sinus.
Petrous Part
The Inferior Surface :
● The inferior surface of pyramid lies in horizontal plane.

● With occipital bone this surface forms the jugular foramen.

● The lateral part of the foramen contains the junction of

sigmoid sinus and the internal jugular vein

● Medial part contains inferior petrosal sinus and middle portion

contains cranial nerves IX,X and XI.

● In front of the lateral compartment of the foramen is jugular

fossa (for the bulb of jugular vein).

● Medial to fossa is the funnel-shaped external aperture of the

cochlear canaliculus (containing perilymphatic duct).

● In front of the fossa is the external carotid foramen(entrance

to the canal for the internal carotid artery and its plexus of
veins and sympathetic nerves.)
Petrous Part
● Near the external carotid foramen small
openings, the caroticotympanic canaliculi are
present which transmit the caroticotympanic
artery and nerves into the middle ear.

● The external carotid foramen is separated from

the jugular fossa by the carotid ridge.

● On the edge of the carotid ridge is petrosal

fossula for lodgement of petrosal ganglion of the
glossopharyngeal nerve.

● At the bottom of this fossula ,tympanic

canaliculus is situated ,which transmits tympanic
branch of glossopharyngeal nerve (Jacobson’s
nerve) and tympanic branch of ascending
pharyngeal artery.
Petrous Part
● Rough jugular surface behind the jugular
fossa articulates with the jugular process
of the occipital bone.

● Lateral to this surface, a downward

directed cylindrical spur, the styloid
process is present.

● The stylomastoid foramen is present at its

base on the posterior aspect. This is the
external orifice of the facial canal and
transmits the facial nerve ,the stylomastoid
artery and in some cases the auricular
branch of the vagus nerve.
Petrous Part
● Mastoid incisure/notch (for the
attachment of the digastric muscle) and
the temporal/occipital groove (for the
occipital artery) is present in the
posterior direction.
Tympanic Part
● The tympanic bone is thin and roughly
quadrilateral bone.
● It is hollow above and concave in front and
● It forms all the anterior and inferior wall and
part of posterior wall of the external acoustic
● The posterosuperior surface faces the
external acoustic meatus and the tympanic
Tympanic Part
● The middle of anteroinferior surface is thin &
sometimes presenting a small Foramen of

● It represents a nonossified portion of the


● At the medial end a groove called tympanic

sulcus is present which is deficient superiorly,
the tympanic membrane is present in this

● The inferior surface is prolonged into a vaginal

process,which encircles the lateral aspect of
the base of the styloid process.
Styloid Process
● The styloid process is a narrow, pointed projection that extends downwards and anteriorly from the inferior surface of
the temporal bone.

● on average 2.5cm in length.

● It is usually straight, but can sometimes have a curvature, usually on the anterior surface.

● Its proximal part is enclosed in the tympanic plate; the distal end is the site of a number of muscles and ligaments.

● The parotid gland lies lateral to the styloid process; the facial nerve crosses its base; the external carotid artery
passes through the parotid gland crossing the tip of the styloid process; and medially is the attachment of the
stylopharyngeus muscle, separating the styloid process from the internal jugular vein.
Muscle Attachments
● A number of muscles are attached to different features of
the temporal bone.

● The temporalis muscle originates from the temporal fossa,

which is formed partially by the lateral aspect of the
temporal bone.

● The sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis, longissimus

capitis and digastric are all attached to the mastoid
process of the temporal bone.

● Attaching to the styloid process are the:

● stylopharyngeus
● styloglossus
● stylohyoid muscles
Clinical Notes
● There is a region on the lateral aspect of the skull where the
temporal, parietal, sphenoid and frontal bones converge. This
is called the pterion, it is one of the weakest areas of the skull,
and is thus susceptible to fracture. Passing deep to the pterion
is a large branch of the maxillary artery supplying the dura : the
middle meningeal artery. Fracture at the pterion can produce a
complete laceration of this artery and its accompanying vein
resulting in bleeding into the epidural space between the dura
mater and the skull. This results in an epidural hemorrhage.

● The temporal bone itself is less easily fractured. Such fractures

usually occur in blunt force trauma.

● Mastoiditis is inflammation of the air cells located in the

mastoid process, and is often caused by severe middle ear
infection (otitis media). Mastoiditis can spread from the
temporal bone into the cranial cavity, causing meningitis, or
inflammation of the meninges.
External Ear
Three (3)
parts of Middle Ear
the Ear
Internal Ear
Auricle or Pinna
Auditory Canal

• Single piece of yellow

elastic cartilage covered
with Perichondrium and
skin (except lobule and
outer part of external
auditory canal.
• Attached to the side of
the skull by ligaments
and muscles (supplied
by facial nerve)

• The prominent rim of the

auricle is called the Helix.

• Another curved
prominence parallel
with and in front of the
helix is called the Anti

• The Anti Helix

describe a curve
around a deep
capacious cavity, while
the Concha is the
upper part cymba
conchae, the lower
part cavum conchae

• Small pointed
eminence in front of
the concha, projecting
backward over the
External Auditory Canal

• Acts as a funnel with

approximate length of 2.5cm and
leads to the era drum.
• Also protects the eardrum from
shock and intrusion by external
• Extends from concha to tympanic
Middle Ear

• Auditory Tube- The Auditory Tube also known

as eustachian tube is a canal that connects the
middle ear to the nasopharynx, which consists
of the upper throat and the back of the nasal
• Tympanic Cavity- is a small cavity surrounding
the bones of the middle ear. Within it sit the
ossicles, three small bones that transmit
vibrations used in the detection of sound.
• Aditus- is the opening to some interior space
or cavity.
• Mastoid Air Cells- are air-filled cavities within
the mastoid process of the temporal bone of
the cranium.
• Is a cone shaped piece of the skin about 10mm wide.
Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane) -it is very sensitive
-even the slightest pressure variation will cause it to vibrate.
- separates the outer ear from the middle ear.

Malleus (Hammer)- long handle attached to

a tiny bone that passes vibrations from the
Ossicles – eardrum to the anvil.
smallest bone
Incus (Anvil)- A tiny bone passes vibration
in the body. from the hammer to the stirrup.

Stapes (Stirrups)- a tiny, U-shaped bone

passes vibrations from the stirrup to the
Eustachian Tube • A tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose: it equalizes the pressure
between the middle ear and the air outside.
• The Inner (internal) ear is called as labyrinth, from the complexity of its shape.

• It’s consist of (2) parts:

Inner Ear
1. The Bony Labyrinth- A series of cavities within the petrous part of the temporal

2. The Membranous Labyrinth- A series of communicating membranous sacs and

ducts, contained within the bony cavities.
Bony (Osseous) Labyrinth

• The bony Labyrinth consists of (3)


1. Cochlea: Anteriorly
2. Vestibule: Middle
3. Semicircular canals: Posteriorly

•A spiral shaped fluid filled

•Coiled tube making 2.5 to
2.75 turns around a central
pyramid of bone.

• The name comes from the Latin

vestibulum, literally means an
entrance hall.
• The vestibule is the central part of
the bony labyrinth in the inner ear
and is situated medial to the
eardrum (tympanic cavity), behind
the cochlea, and in front of the
three semicircular canals.
• (3) in numbers:
- Lateral (Horizontal)
- Posterior
- Superior
Semicircular Canals
• Lies at the right angles to each other
• Each canal has ampullated and non ampullated end.
• Non-ampullated ends of PSSCC and SSCC unite to form a common channel (Crus
• Series of communicating sacs and ducts
• Filled with endolymph
• Within walls epithelium, specialized to form sensory receptors of cochlear and
vestibular labyrinth.

Membranous Labyrinth
• It consists of:
1. Cochlear duct
2. Utricle and Saccule
3. Semicircular ducts
4. Endolymphatic duct and sac
• Blind coiled Tube
• Triangular on cross section
Cochlear Duct • (3) walls:
(Membranous 1. Basilar membrane: Support organ of Corti
Cochlea) 2. Reissner’s membrane (Roof of cochlea duct): Separates it from scala vestibuli.
3. Stria vascilaris: contains vascular epithelium.
• Cochlear duct is connected to the saccule by ductus reunites.
Macula (Sensory
Epithelium): concerned
with balance.
Utricle and
Saccule Linear Acceleration and
position of head in
response to gravity.
Semicircular Ducts
• The semicircular canals or semicircular ducts are three semicircular, interconnected
tubes located in the innermost part of each ear, the inner ear. The three canals are
the horizontal, superior and posterior semicircular canals.
• Formed by the union of 2 ducts, one each from the saccule and utricle.
• Endolymphatic duct passes through the vestibular aqueduct Terminal part
Endolymphatic Duct and Sac dilated to form endolymphatic sac.

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