Temporal Bone and Ear
Temporal Bone and Ear
Temporal Bone and Ear
Gemers Orais
Francesca Perdito
Mona Isabelle Ricalde
Goldyn Perigo
Kryzza Olvido
Anatomy of the Temporal Bone
Temporal bones are a pair of bilateral, symmetrical bones
that constitute a large portion of the lateral wall and base of the skull.
Five Major Components of the Temporal Bone
1. Squamous part
2. Mastoid part
3. Petrous part
4. Tympanic part
5. Styloid process
Temporal Bone Articulates With:
- Sphenoid bone
- Parietal bone
- Occipital bone
- Zygomatic bone
- Articulations are
formed also with the
auditory ossicles and
the hyoid bone
through the ligaments.
● Occipitomastoid suture separates the
mastoid part of the temporal bone from the
occipital bone posteriorly
● Squamosal suture separates the
squamous part of the temporal bone from
the parietal bone posteriorly and superiorly
● Sphenosquamosal suture separates the
squamous part from the greater wing of the
sphenoid bone anteriorly
● Zygomaticotemporal suture separates the
zygomatic process of the temporal bone
from the temporal process of the zygomatic
bone, forming the zygomatic arch.
Squama / Squamous Part
● it presents depressions corresponding to the convolutions of the temporal lobe of the brain
and a deep sulcus (groove) for the branches of the middle meningeal vessels.
The Petromastoid Part
This part of the temporal bone is usually split into two:
● It is usually straight, but can sometimes have a curvature, usually on the anterior surface.
● Its proximal part is enclosed in the tympanic plate; the distal end is the site of a number of muscles and ligaments.
● The parotid gland lies lateral to the styloid process; the facial nerve crosses its base; the external carotid artery
passes through the parotid gland crossing the tip of the styloid process; and medially is the attachment of the
stylopharyngeus muscle, separating the styloid process from the internal jugular vein.
Muscle Attachments
● A number of muscles are attached to different features of
the temporal bone.
• Another curved
prominence parallel
with and in front of the
helix is called the Anti
• Small pointed
eminence in front of
the concha, projecting
backward over the
External Auditory Canal
1. Cochlea: Anteriorly
2. Vestibule: Middle
3. Semicircular canals: Posteriorly
Membranous Labyrinth
• It consists of:
1. Cochlear duct
2. Utricle and Saccule
3. Semicircular ducts
4. Endolymphatic duct and sac
• Blind coiled Tube
• Triangular on cross section
Cochlear Duct • (3) walls:
(Membranous 1. Basilar membrane: Support organ of Corti
Cochlea) 2. Reissner’s membrane (Roof of cochlea duct): Separates it from scala vestibuli.
3. Stria vascilaris: contains vascular epithelium.
• Cochlear duct is connected to the saccule by ductus reunites.
Macula (Sensory
Epithelium): concerned
with balance.
Utricle and
Saccule Linear Acceleration and
position of head in
response to gravity.
Semicircular Ducts
• The semicircular canals or semicircular ducts are three semicircular, interconnected
tubes located in the innermost part of each ear, the inner ear. The three canals are
the horizontal, superior and posterior semicircular canals.
• Formed by the union of 2 ducts, one each from the saccule and utricle.
• Endolymphatic duct passes through the vestibular aqueduct Terminal part
Endolymphatic Duct and Sac dilated to form endolymphatic sac.