Write top five differences between Western society and Eastern society, culture, and
individuals in the table below. Cite your sources.
Western Eastern
People from the West are more open to People in the East are commonly inflexible
expressing their feelings. If they are angry, in their beliefs and ideologies. They do not
they vent it out. But, people in the east easily compromise nor question the long-
may hold it in for tact and good manners. practiced customs and traditions.
Also, one’s own choice is given preference In Eastern countries, elders are considered
over the families. A person from the West as the leaders of the home and children
is more flexible and freer to make decisions often refer their choices to them and obey
on his own, unlike those in the East. what they say. Important decisions related
to the children’s future are normally made
by the elders. And, when parents grow old,
the kids are likely to take care of them.
Arranged marriages are not at all common Arranged marriages are common in the
in the West for they believe in love as the Eastern countries. They are normally
basis for marriage. arranged by the parents of the couple or
other elders. They believe in the concept
that love comes after marriage.
Do you agree with the differentiation between the West and the East? Where can you find the
Philippines in the distinction? What are the factors that make the Philippines similar or different from
its Asian neighbors? Is there also a difference between regions or ethnolinguistic groups in the
I agree with the differences between western and eastern that are listed above. almost all of
those listed are characteristics found in the Philippines. Our similarities with our Asian neighbors
are being respectful with our elders though we have our own way of showing respect to our
elders such as putting our elders' hands on our foreheads and using ‘po’ and ‘opo’. We also
considered our elders as the leader of our home and the younger generations obey them with
their decisions. It is also true that the education in the Philippines is all about hard work and
struggle. We have to give our all to achieve our goals. Arrange marriage it not that common in
the Philippines but I guess its true for those rich and influential personalities.
Application and Assessment
Create a representation, diagram, or concept map of the SELF according to Filipino culture
being friendly
obey elders
with respect
independent cooperative
Provide a brief explanation of your output. You can also cite books and researches about
Filipino culture, self, and identity to further elaborate on the topic.
For me, this are the characteristics we have according to our culture. We love and
respects our elders especially those persons who raise us such as our parents or
grandparents. We obey their decisions for us because they know what’s best for us. We
are devoted to our family and we take care of our family honor. We work hard for our
family to have a brighter future. We have deep concern for the welfare of others
because we mostly rely on them. We are also cooperative in order for us to have a great
result for our decisions. Some of us are also independent and competitive. The best
characteristics we have are being friendly and hospitable. The foreigners love that
characteristics about us, we welcome them with smiles and kindness.