Shaft Design Long
Shaft Design Long
Shaft Design Long
F – force, N
V – velocity, m/s
Shaft Design given in radians per second. In the English System, the
formula generally used is
Shaft design consists primarily of the determina- 33,000
tion of the correct shaft diameter to ensure satisfactory P – power, hp
strength and rigidity when the shaft is transmitting power T – torque, ft-lb
under various operating and loading conditions. Shafts are N – revolutions per minute
usually circular in cross section, and may be either solid or
Definition of Terms Torque or moment of a force is a measure of the
tendency of the force to rotate the body upon which it acts
shaft – A rotating member supported by bearings and about an axis. The magnitude of the torque is obtained by
transmitting power. It may be subjected to torsional, multiplying the force by the perpendicular distance from
bending or axial load. the axis to the line of action of the force. The SI unit is the
axle – A stationary member carrying rotating wheels, newton-meter (N-m).
gears or pulleys. It is subjected to bending loads but
not to torsion. T = Fr
spindle – A short shaft or axle on a machine.
machine shaft – Shaft which is an integral part of the T – torque, N-m
machine. F – tangential force, N
transmission shaft – Shaft which is used to transmit r – moment arm, m
power between the source and the machine absorbing
power. The allowable twisting moment for a shaft of any
line shaft or main shaft – Transmission shaft driven by cross section such as circular, square, etc is:
primary power.
countershaft, jackshaft, headshaft, short shaft –
T = Ss Z
Transmission shaft intermediate between the line shaft
and the driven machine
T – torque, N-m
Ss – allowable shear stress, Pa
Use brittle materials for shafts instead of ductile
Z – polar section modulus of the shape, m4
materials. Brittle materials have strength in shear, ductile
see elements of sections below
materials have strength in normal stress. Design torsion on
shaft using brittle materials and a design stress of 0.75 Su
(ultimate strength) if Su is given instead of 0.6 Sy for
shear. Polar Moment of Inertia
a. Solid Shaft J
Method of Design
(D 4 d4 )
b. Hollow Shaft J
Design based on strength – The design of 32
shafts for lateral rigidity is based on the permissible
J – polar moment of inertia, m4
lateral deflection for proper bearing operation, accurate
D,d – outer, inner diameters, m
machine tool performance, satisfactory gear tooth action,
shaft alignment and other similar requirements. In this
method, the shear strength of the material limits the
design. Angular (Torsional) Deflection
The allowable stresses that are generally used in Shafting must be proportioned to prevent torsio-
practice are: nal deflection (twisting) through a greater angle than has
been found satisfactory for a given type of service.
main power-transmitting shafts 4000 psi
lineshafts with pulleys 6000 psi 180 rad deg
small, short shafts, countershafts 8500 psi JG
Design based on rigidity – The design of shaft This formula is then revised using the equation for
for torsional rigidity is based on the permissible angle of the polar moment of inertia (J, above) as follows.
twist. The amount of twist permissible depends on the
particular application, and varies from about 0.28° per 32 TL
meter for machine tool shafts to about 3.28° per meter for a. Solid Shaft
line shafting. d4 G
32 TL
b. Hollow Shaft
(D 4 d4 )G
Power Transmission
θ – angle of twist, radians
T – torque, N-m (in-lb)
Power is the product of force times distance
L – length of shaft, m
divided by time. It is the rate of doing work and is
D – diameter, m (in)
expressed in watts, which is one joule of work per second.
S – shear stress, Pa (psi)
G – modulus of rigidity
P = 2πTf P = FV = 80 GPa, 11.5 Mpsi unless given
Another rule that has been generally used in mill practice Shafts Subjected to Both
limits the deflection to 1 degree in a length equal to 20
Torsion and Bending
times the shaft diameter.
In computing the diameter when the shaft is
subjected to a combination of torsional and bending
Shafts Subjected to Pure Torsion : stresses, the equivalent bending moment and the equiva-
Torsional Stress lent twisting moment for the shaft are computed. The
corresponding diameter of the shaft is then obtained from
The torsional stress is the shearing stress expe- the two values and the larger number is taken as the
rienced by the shaft which is produced by twisting its ends correct diameter.
in opposite directions
F1 – tight side
Ss = Tc / J
Ss – shear stress, Pa Dp
T – torque, N-m
c – distance from the neutral axis to the F2 – loose side
outermost fiber, d/2 or r on round shafts
Turning Force
a. Solid Shaft F = F1 – F2
Td 32 16 T Torsion
Ss Ss
2 d4 d3 T = (F1 – F2)(1/2) Dp
b. Hollow Shaft
TD 32 M = (F1 + F2)(1/2) L
Ss 4
2 (D d )
F1 – tight side, N
16 TD F2 – loose side, N
Ss Dp – diameter of the pulley, m
(D 4 d4 ) L – distance between supports, m
Effects of Keyways on Shaft Strength – This formula assumes that the weight is exactly in
Keyways cut into a shaft reduce its load carrying ability, the middle of the supports of the shaft.
particularly when impact loads or stress reversals are
involved. To ensure an adequate factor of safety in the Equivalent Twisting Moment
design of a shaft with standard keyway (width, one
quarter and depth, one eight of shaft diameter), the
TE M2 T 2
former Code for Transmission Shafting tentatively recom-
mended that shafts with keyways be designed on the basis Equivalent Bending Moment
of a solid circular shaft using not more than 75 per cent of ME M TE
the working stress recommended for the solid shaft.
Solid Shaft
J = (pi/32)[ (65 mm)4 – (35 mm)4 ] 9. A steel wire 4 m long has a diameter of 3 mm. What
J = 1.605 x 10–6 m4 stress would result if this wire is given two full turns?
dS3 = (15/2)(dH3)
10. Determine the maximum torque that can be applied dS = (86.33 mm)(7.51/3) dS = 168.98 mm
to a hollow shaft of 100 mm OD and 70 mm ID with- – check
out exceeding a shearing stress of 60 MPa or a twist dS3 = (16)(39.79 kN-m)
of 0.7° per meter. Let G = 83 GPa. (pi)(42 MPa) dS = 168.98 mm
– equal angular deformation
– for a torsional deflection of 0.7° θH = θS: 32TL = 32TL
θ= 32 TL θr = (0.7°)(pi)/180 (pi)(D4 – d4) G (pi) d4 G
pi (D4 – d4)G θr = 0.01222 radians DH4 – dH4 = dS4 DH = 2dH
T = (pi)(0.01222)[(100 mm 4 – 70 mm 4)](83 GPa) (15)(dH)4 = (dS4
(32)(1 m) dS = (150.25)(86.33 mm) dS = 169.90 mm
T = 7566.68 N-m
– for a shear stress of 60 MPa
Ss = 16 TD T = pi (D4 – d4) Ss Combined Stresses
4 4
pi (D – d ) 16 D
T = (pi)(100 mm 4 – 70 mm 4)(60 MPa) 14. Calculate the diameter of a solid shaft when subjec-
(16)(100 mm) ted to a torque equal to 40 kN-m and a bending
T = 8952.36 N-m stress equal to 120 kN-m. Let the material have an
allowable design strength of 80 MPa.
11. If the angular deformation of a solid shaft should not TE^2 = 120^2 + 40^2 TE = 126.49 kN-m
exceed 1° in a length of 1.80 m, and the allowable ME = 120 + 126.49 ME = 246.49 kN-m
shearing stress is 85 MPa, what should be the dia- Ssd = (0.6)(80 MPa) Ssd = 48 MPa
meter of the shaft letting G = 77 GPa? – bending diameter
df^3 = 16ME = (16)(246.49 N-m)
T= pi d3 Ss θ = 32 TL pi Sd (pi)(80 MPa)
16 pi d4 G df = 250.36 mm
T = pi d3 Ss = pi d4 Gθ Ss = d Gθ/2L – shearing diameter
16 32 L ds^3 = 16TE = (16)(126.49 N-m)
d = (2)(1.80 m)(85 MPa) x 180 pi Ss (pi)(48 MPa)
(77 GPa)(1°) x pi d = 227.695 mm ds = 237.64 mm
one bearing. Allow a shearing stress of 40 MPa and a – forces on the x-plane
bending stress of 82 MPa. Assume a shock and
fatigue factor of 1.5 to be applied to the bending 2620 N 7000 N
moment, the same for shear. Determine the shaft
diameter a. for steady loading and b. shock loading.
– design stresses
Sd = 120 MPa/3 Sd = 40 MPa
Sds = (0.6)(40 MPa) Sds = 24 MPa
– torque
T = (7200 N)(0.25 m)(0.5) T = 900 N-m
400 mm 260 mm
2 kN
2.62 kN
7.2 kN
D 250 mm
D 600 mm
5 kN