Friction Clutches - Long
Friction Clutches - Long
Friction Clutches - Long
T = nμF rf – Eq. 2
Friction Clutches n
number of mating surfaces
coefficient of friction
F – axial force, N
rf – friction radius, m
Clutches are used to connect shafts to a driving
mechanism such as a motor, engine, or line shaft, and to Multiple-disk clutches are usually of the
diskonnect them at will. They may be classed as (1) multiple-plate type in which one set of disks is splined to
friction clutches in which the driving force is transmitted one shaft and the other set, alternating with the first, is
by the friction of surfaces in contact, (2) jaw clutches in splined to the other shaft. Pressure on the clutch pack is
which jaws, dogs, or teeth in the two elements interlock, usually applied by one or more springs which are either
(3) hydraulic clutches (fluid couplings) in which torque is adjusted to impose a steady pressure on the disk or which
transmitted hydrodynamically through change of may be regulated for varying pressure.
momentum of a moving fluid, and (4) electromagnetic
clutches in which torque is transmitted across an air gap A multiple disk clutch is shown below. The plates
through the creation of an electromagnetic field. In shown as A are usually steel and are set on splines on
addition, there are overrunning or freewheeling clutches shaft C to permit axial motion (except for the last disk).
which permit torque transmission in one direction only. The plates shown as B are usually bronze and are set in
splines of member D.
Heat Generation and Friction A B
Friction clutches generate heat as a result of
relative motion of the parts, but the amount of sliding is
not ordinarily as great as in a brake. It is quite customary R C
in the analysis of a clutch to picture that the parts are in
impending motion with respect to each other, although F
one must not lose sight of the fact that transmission of r F
power through friction usually involves some slip. For this
reason, when it is necessary to have positive power
transmission one must resort to a positive device, as a jaw
type of clutch.
multiple disk clutch
Design values of the coefficient of friction for
clutches should probably be somewhat lower than those The number of pairs of surfaces transmitting
for breaks, say about 0.1 to 0.3. The following values may power is one less than the sum of steel and bronze disks,
be used in clutch calculations: for greasy leather on cast and is also an even number if the design is such that no
iron about 0.20 or 0.25, leather on metal that is quite oily thrust bearings are needed. In calculating the torque
0.15, metal and cork on oily metal 0.32; the same on dry capacity of a multiple disk clutch, the torque calculated is
metal 0.35; metal on dry metal 0.15; disk clutches having multiplied by the number of mating surfaces.
lubricated surfaces 0.10. The normal pressure between the
disks ranges from 100 to 400 kPa in extreme cases. Mean Friction Radius, rf
New clutch – uniform pressure disk clutch.
Disk or Plate Clutch When a clutch is new, it is perhaps true that the pressure
may be uniform. If the surfaces are relatively rigid, the
Disk or plate clutch are two flanges one keyed outer portion where the velocity is high, will wear more
rigidly to the driving shaft, and the other fitted to the drive than the inner portion. Uniform pressure assumption
shaft. The amount of torque transmitted is dependent would be more appropriate where the plates are flexible to
upon the axial pressure distribution, the dimensions of the permit deflection when wear occurs.
friction surfaces and the coefficient of friction.
Power Transmitted
P = 2πTf – Eq. 1
rf =
2 R3 −r 3
3 R2 −r 2 ) – Eq. 3
r – inner radius, m
P – power, W rf – friction radius, m
T – torque, N-m R – outer radius, m
f – rotation, rev/s
Old clutch – uniform wear disk clutch. The
disc condition of uniform pressure distribution is essentially
correct for new contact surfaces but not on worn clutch.
After the initial wearing-in, it is reasonable to assume that
the curve of the profile will maintain its shape, or, the
r wear thereafter may be considered to be uniform.
area represented by the inner circumference multiplied by disengage of its own accord, the tan θ must be less than
the width of the plate. the coefficient of friction and a force must be exerted to
Pmin = F ax Pave = F ax disengage the clutch. Angle θ typically varies from 7.5° to
(2πR)(R – r) (π)(R2 – r2) 30° depending upon the type of disengagement desired
Pmax = F ax and upon the clutch facing materials. An angle of 12.5° is
(2πr)(R – r) generally considered good practice.
F Problems
The equations for rf and T developed for disk
clutches apply to cone clutches with the exception that the 1. A jaw clutch for a 100 mm shaft has three jaws
pressure must be measured perpendicular to the cone with radial faces. The dimensions are: inside diameter
surface. After the clutch is engaged, and for steady of jaws, 100 mm; outside diameter, 300 mm; axial
operation, the axial force, F, required to produce the height of jaws, 50 mm; key size, 25 mm by 25 mm
normal force, N, is by 160 mm. Assume a 4 mm clearance between the
jaws and a working stress in the shaft of 42 MPa.
F = N sin θ What horsepower can be transmitted at 120 rpm?
Determine the shear and bearing stress on the jaw
The clutch may be designed for free disengage- faces.
ment, in which case the tan θ must be greater than the
coefficient of friction and a spring must be used to keep T = (π/16) d3 Ss
the cone surfaces in contact. If the clutch is not to T = (π/16)(100 mm)3 (42 MPa) T = 8246.681 N-m
Sb = 27.489 kN
(50 mm)(100 mm) Sb = 5.498 MPa 7. The large diameter and face of the disk of a multi-
Ss = (4)(27.489 kN) ple disk clutch are 250 and 25 mm, respectively.
(π)(0.302 – 0.102)m2 (1/6) Ss = 2.625 MPa The helical compression spring used to engage the
clutch has 9 1/2 effective coils of 10 mm steel wire.
The outer coil diameter is 80 mm. The free length of
2. A disk clutch consists of two steel disks in contact the spring is 185 mm. When in place with the clutch
with one asbestos-fabric-faced disk having an outside engaged, its length is 130 mm. Assuming that there
diameter of 250 mm and an inside diameter of 200 are ten pairs of friction surfaces in contact, that the
mm. Determine the horsepower that can be trans- motor runs at 1200 rpm, with the coefficient of fric-
mitted at 1000 rpm if the coefficient of friction is 0.35 tion of 0.15, determine the axial force available for
and the disks are pressed together by an axial force the clutch and the power that the clutch can trans-
of 10 kN. Assume uniform wear. mit.
T= P = 4000 W
2πf (2π)(750/60 r/s) T = 50.930 N-m 11. An engine developing 40 hp at 1250 rpm is fitted with
– capacity of each pair a cone clutch built into the flywheel. The cone has a
Fax = (Pav)(π)(R2 – r2) face angle of 12.5° and a maximum diameter of 360
Fax = (200 kPa)(π)(752 – 402) mm2 mm. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and the normal
pressure on the clutch face is not to exceed 85 kPa.
Fax = 2528.982 N
Determine the face width required. Determine the
rf = (2)(753 – 403)
spring force required to engage this clutch.
(3)(752 – 402) rf = 59.275 mm
T = (0.1)(2528.982 N)(59.275 mm)
T = P = (40 hp)(745.7 W/hp)(60 s/min)
T = 14.991 N-m
2πf (2π)(1250 r/min)
– number of pairs
N = 50.930 N-m / 14.991 N-m N = 3.397 pairs T = 227.869 N-m
– solution 1
Use 4 pairs
– actual operating force and pressure – normal forces
N = (Pav)(2π)(rm b)
– solution 2
– face width (b) and mean radius (rm)
R = r + (b)(sin 12.5°) R = 0.18 m
r = R – (b)(sin 12.5°) – Eq. 1
rm = (1/2)(R + r)
rm = (0.5)[R + R – (b)(sin 12.5°)]
rm = R – (0.5b)(sin 12.5°) – Eq. 2
– normal forces and pressure
N = (Pav)(A); A = (2π)(rm b)
N = (Pav)(2π)(rm b) – Eq. 3
– also for normal force
N = FT FT = T b 12.5
μ rm
r R 180 mm
N= T T = μN rm
μ rm
– substituting Eq. 3 for N:
T = (μ)(2π Pav)(rm b)(rm)
– substituting Eq. 2 for rm:
T = (2πμ)(Pav b)[R – (0.5b)(sin 12.5°)]2
(b)[0.18 – 0.1082 b]2 = 227.869 N-m
(0.2)(2π)(85 kPa)
(b)[0.18 – 0.1082 b]2 = 2133.322E–06
using shift-solve b = 71.929 mm
– from equation 1:
r = 180 mm – (71.929 mm)(sin 12.5°)
r = 164.432 mm
– from equation 2:
rm = 180 mm – (0.5)(71.929 mm)(sin 12.5°)
rm = 172.216 mm
– normal force
N= T N= 227.869 N-m
μ rm (0.2)(172.216 mm)
N = 6615.616 N