Readings Commentary 2

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A Course In Miracles (ACIM)

Text Readings

Transcriptions of the Channeling Videos

Read by Tina Louise Spalding, Trance Channel
Commentary by “That One That You Know As Jesus”
February 2020
Chapter 1: The Meaning of Miracles
#5: Section I: Principles of Miracles, 12-15
#6: Section I: Principles of Miracles, 16-19
#7: Section I: Principles of Miracles, 20-23

Compiled for personal and educational use only.

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

Table of Contents
#5: Chapter 1, Section I: Principles of Miracles, 12-15 ........................................................................ 3
Video Summary ........................................................................................................................................................3
ACIM Text (T-1.I.12-15) ............................................................................................................................................3
Jesus’s Commentary.................................................................................................................................................3
#6: Chapter 1, Section I: Principles of Miracles, 16-19 ........................................................................ 6
Video Summary ........................................................................................................................................................6
ACIM Text (T-1.I.16-19) ............................................................................................................................................6
Jesus’s Commentary.................................................................................................................................................6
#7: Chapter 1, Section I: Principles of Miracles, 20-23 ........................................................................ 9
Video Summary ........................................................................................................................................................9
ACIM Text (T-1.I.20-23) ............................................................................................................................................9
Jesus’s Commentary.................................................................................................................................................9
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Explanation .............................................................................................................................................................12
Sources ...................................................................................................................................................................12
ACIM Notation .........................................................................................................................................................12

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

#5: Chapter 1, Section I: Principles of Miracles, 12-15

Channeled February 5, 2020

Video Summary
Jesus explains the actual creative process, beliefs and physical ailments, challenges common and
deeply held beliefs, the truth about confession, relinquishing the shadows and facing our fears.

ACIM Text (T-1.I.12-15)

12. Miracles are thoughts. 2 Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience, or the
higher or spiritual level of experience. 3 One makes the physical, and the other creates the spiritual.
13. Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order. 2 They are always
affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back but really go forward. 3 They undo the past in the present,
and thus release the future.
14. Miracles bear witness to truth. 2 They are convincing because they arise from conviction. 3 Without
conviction they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless and therefore destructive; or rather, the
uncreative use of mind.
15. Each day should be devoted to miracles. 2 The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use
time constructively. 3 It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. 4 Time will cease when it is no
longer useful in facilitating learning.

Jesus’s Commentary
You are blessed beings indeed. I am that one that you know as Jesus. Most of you think of miracles as
physical things, but they are the effect of miracle-minded thinking. So your ability to create always
comes from mind. You may see an artist painting a picture and you think that's the creative process, the
physical act of picking up a paintbrush, and putting paint on a canvas. But the actual creative process is
a non-physical and internal one in the mind of the artist. And so it is important for you to understand
Miracles arise in your minds. They arise through miracle-mind thinking.
The physical end results of miracle-minded thinking are what you call miracles, these physical
transformations that seem to defy the physics of your world; something will suddenly disappear that
should take 'time' to disappear.

So, for example, a miracle may be considered an instantaneous healing, where somebody has a a
tumor in their body and they are suddenly relieved of that physical manifestation. Generally, these
things happen when the mind of the patient has been changed significantly. And they desire health,
more than sickness. This is something that's very challenging for many of you who suffer from physical
maladies. This idea that you want to be sick. This idea that you want to suffer. This idea that you want
the sickness rather than the health. But it's important for you to listen to your conversations. Do you
speak about how healthy you are and how much fun you're having living your life in a way that you find
amenable? Or are you whining and complaining about things all the time, talking about what you're
afraid of, talking about what you can't do?

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

This is where the beginning of the miracle happens, it is in you realizing

that you are limited in your thinking and beliefs and becoming aware that
that is where the change needs to happen.
So if you have a physical ailment, for example, and you're doing these what we would call less than
inspiring conversations and beliefs, it is those things that you must become willing to let go of.
You must become willing to let go of sympathy from others because you are suffering.
You must become used to ignoring reality. That means not looking at what is, especially if you don't
want it, but looking at what you would prefer to have and making that part of your spiritual practice.
It is in changing your mind that everything changes.
And these miracle principles are here to give you some insight into the places and locations in which
you can begin to shift your consciousness.
We are here to help you shift your consciousness.
But first of all you must become aware of what your consciousness is up to.
How do you become aware of what your consciousness is up to?
You listen to your guidance system.
Your guidance system will tell you when you are miracle-minded. How? Because you will feel incredibly
inspired. You will be on a creative expansion mode. You will be happy. You will be enthusiastic. We are
not speaking here only of the contentment and peace that comes of having a peaceful mind. We are
speaking here about what a miracle-minded person feels like.
Now many of you are on the pathway from, what we would say, 3D reality into a higher frequency reality
and you are listening to these teachings. But many of you have hundreds and hundreds of beliefs that
have not yet been addressed, that have not yet been eliminated from your minds. Some of your beliefs
about aging for example, really need to be looked at. Most of you assume you will die, and so you will.
Most of you assume you will age badly with wrinkles and sickness, and so you do. These are deeply
held beliefs in your society, and they are not miracle-minded beliefs.
A miracle-minded person will believe that they can transform their body with thought.
They will know that they are creating their body all the time from the frequencies of beliefs and ideas
that they are holding, speaking about, investing in... even hiding.

Sometimes your secrets are places where you are undermining yourselves because you do not want to
let go of your secrets. You feel ashamed, you feel sad, you feel regretful over things from the past. And
so you keep them like little packages of poison in your mind. And whenever the opportunity comes close
where they might be revealed, you go into fear and run away.
One of the most healing things you can do is
share your secrets with a trusted and close friend.
This is important that you really do know these people, because to reveal your deepest, darkest
skeletons to anyone does pose some risk in your less than reliable world. So make sure that you are
doing it to somebody that is highly trustworthy. This is one of the practices in your 12 step programs that

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

helps heal those who are addicted. It is that confession, the idea of confession, which the Catholic
Church took, but it did not really tell the truth about confession.
Confession is about you letting go of your quote-unquote sins
and basically saying you do not want them anymore.
You do not want them anymore.
But once you have released them from your mind, you must not act in the future as if they are true. You
must begin to act as if they have been completely erased from your mind. And then you will begin to feel
the results of that release, of that letting go, of saying "I do not want this shadow in me anymore". And,
of course, this is what's going on right now on your planet. You are all having your shadows shown to
you. You are all having difficulty with old habits, old ideas, old patterning — some of which seems to be
reasserting itself in these days. It is not reasserting itself. It is merely being shown. It is merely rising to
the surface because of the light frequencies that are coming onto your planet.
The light frequencies are higher frequency packages of information
and Love and Intelligence and Knowing.
So, you are all becoming wiser, believe it or not. You are all becoming more connected. And in that
wisdom and in that connection, you must let go of that which does not serve you. And that is why you
are feeling the way you are feeling these days, in the early months of 2020. Because everything that is
not Love must be let go of.
And because of this end of season clarification process, the shadows must be seen,
they must be voluntarily relinquished, and they must be stricken from your behavior routines.
So if you have always been afraid of talking to people, now is the time to heal that. Now is the time to
make yourself, in baby steps, begin to talk to people.
If you have always been afraid of being alone, now is the time for you to practice being alone.
It does not matter what the fear is, it is time to face it.
And that will enhance your ability to work miracles. Because these shadows, these dark and fearful
places that reside beneath the surface of your conscious mind, are the heavy weights that prevent you
from flying high.

I am that one that you know as Jesus, and I will speak to you again soon.

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

#6: Chapter 1, Section I: Principles of Miracles, 16-19

Channeled February 11, 2020

Video Summary
Jesus speaks to timelessness, the realm of the miracle, and suggestions on how to shift into this realm
in your daily life.

ACIM Text (T-1.I.16-19)

16. Miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to give as to receive. 2 They
simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength to the receiver.
17. Miracles transcend the body. 2 They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from the bodily level. 3
That is why they heal.
18. A miracle is a service. 2 It is the maximal service you can render to another. 3 It is a way of loving
your neighbor as yourself. 4 You recognize your own and your neighbor's worth simultaneously.
19. Miracles make minds one in God. 2 They depend on cooperation because the Sonship is the sum of
all that God created. 3 Miracles therefore reflect the laws of eternity, not of time.

Jesus’s Commentary
You are Blessed Beings indeed. I am that one that you know as Jesus and the time element here is
very, very important, at this time.
Many of you become frightened when we speak about the end of a spiritual season. You become
frightened when we talk about the end of a great period in your evolutionary journey, and…
It is important for you to understand that time is only here
for you to learn to be loving.
That is its purpose.
It is here, and it is designed so that you may have experiences in a seemingly linear way to focus on
particular subjects that you need to come to understand.
Simultaneous time is not easy to experience, it is too much. And so you have, in fact, been designed in
a particular way, the body senses, all of these things — your skin, your eyes, your ears, your mouth,
your touch, your smell — these have all been designed to keep you limited and in the physical realm.
Why? Because that is what you have wanted. You have wanted to be separate. You have wanted to be
limited. You have wanted to be, we will say, apart from love, apart from God. Why do you think you are
so afraid of love? If you wanted it, you would not fear it. If you wanted it, you would practice it. But most
of you prefer practicing separation. Most of you prefer practicing judgment and fear, rather than love. So
as a miracle worker, these are areas that we want you to focus on.
Do not focus on time so much.
Take your watches off, stop looking at your phones to find out what time it is. And see if you can get
yourself into a more timeless state.

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

Stop telling people how old you are, pretend you can't remember. Eventually you will forget how old you
are and you will step away from the time-focused programs that are the realm of the ego.
The ego wants to frighten you with time because it emphasizes your mortality.
It emphasizes your limitations, and it emphasizes the problems of living in a body.
The more you focus on being miracle minded, out of time, with plenty of time, trusting that you can be
infinitely patient because you are an Eternal Being, then you are tapping into the realm of the miracle,
The realm of the miracle is not physical.
Even though you've been taught that miracles are physical things, they are in fact, time-erasing, non-
physical ideas.
So the more out of time you can be,
the more aligned with miracle working will you become.
So, for example, the creators in you, those who are musicians or artists or dancers, will know that when
you are in that deeply connected creative place, you forget what the time is. This means that you are
working miracles.
When you forget what the time is, you are out of the ego's realm,
you are in the timeless realm of spirit.
And in that place, you do not age, you do not have fear, you do not compare, you do not judge. You are
merely tuning in to the infinite creativity that is available to all of you.
So one of the things that we would like to bring to mind to you, through these Miracle Principles, is the
idea of finding that thing, those things, that you love to do that take you out of time. This is a way of
training your mind to stop focusing on time. We would like you to, for example, only have clocks in
places where they are important.
Do not have clocks all around the house reminding you of the time, all the time.
Many of you will say, "Well, I have to know what the time is because I have so many appointments."
What we would prefer you to do in that circumstance is to set yourself reminders so that you can
completely forget about time until, let's say, half an hour before your appointment. Let's say an hour
before you have to go somewhere, so that you are not constantly worried about time.
Worrying about time ages the body because time is of the ego, the body is of the ego.
When you want to become ageless, stop thinking about time, know that you have been given a
guidance system that is so accurate, that it tells you when you are in that Eternal Now where you forget
that it's two o'clock in the afternoon, or that it's lunchtime. Do the same with your foods, do not eat
according to time.
Now many of you who are in regular jobs will have more difficulty with this than others because you
have to go for lunch at a certain time. You are not going by your own rules. But for those of you who are
in those positions, we say practice this on your weekends so that you are not doing it 100% of the time.
Do your very best to step out of time on Saturdays and Sundays.

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

For those of you that are self employed, unemployed, independently wealthy, or are on Social Security
or some kind of fixed income, make sure that you do not preoccupy yourself with time throughout the
It seems as if I am really preoccupied with time myself, but we want you to understand that it is one of
the great devices of the lower frequencies, and it is one of those things that frightens the ego.
So make sure that you are paying attention to this advice and…
Do your very best to step out of time as frequently as you can.
I am that one that you know as Jesus, and I will speak to you again soon.

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

#7: Chapter 1, Section I: Principles of Miracles, 20-23

Channeled February 28, 2020

Video Summary
Jesus speaks to the result of a focus on the body vs. the spirit, the body as an effect of the mind,
“choosing the miracle” and how to do so.

ACIM Text (T-1.I.20-23)

20. Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth. 2 This is the
recognition that leads to the healing power of the miracle.
21. Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness. 2 Through miracles you accept God's forgiveness by
extending it to others.
22. Miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hide. 2 You believe
that what your physical eyes cannot see does not exist. 3 This leads to a denial of spiritual sight.
23. Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective. 2 This is healing because
sickness comes from confusing the levels.

Jesus’s Commentary
You are Blessed Beings indeed. I am the one that you know as Jesus, and as we continue on through
these Miracle Principles, it becomes clear that it is Spirit and not the body that must become your focus.
When your body becomes your focus, you are inhabiting the lower reaches
of the frequencies that you can access.
The physical material world is Light slowed down
to such a degree that [it] solidifies into matter.
When you focus on Spirit, leaving the body alone — now this does not mean that you are abusive to it, it
does not mean that you do not do your basic due diligence and caring for it — but what it means is that
you do not ask it to give you anything, it means that you are not using it as bait for lovers. It means that
you are not using it as an self esteem prop.
What you what you are doing as you become accomplished with these Principles, is that you see that
the body is the end result of your mind. And so why would you value the thing that is the 'effect' of that
which you should value, which is your mind? There is no point in baking a cake with bad ingredients.
The cake will not taste very good. So this is one way for you to look at your body — your body is the
cake, and yes, it seems to be the solid end result of a creation process. But if the ingredients to that
cake are bitter or rotten, it does not matter what the cake looks like, the experience of the cake in eating
it would be awful.
So what is mind? Mind is going to be in charge of the ingredients that go into baking the cake of ‘you'.
So if your ingredients are bitterness and guilt and shame and hypocrisy, you are going to bear bitter
fruit. Your cake is not going to be very good, and you will suffer in the physical form. You will become

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

overly identified with the physical because all of those ideas — guilt, shame, etc. — are low frequency
and that will incite you to focus on low frequency things.
The higher frequency your mind's ingredients are — love, forgiveness, happiness,
creativity, joy — the higher frequency the cake you will possess
and the sweeter the experience will be.
The body will be vital, it will be full of health and it will be strong and it will live long.
What does this mean in terms of non-dualistic teachings? Well, the body is the effect of the mind and
eventually your mind will become so loving that the body itself will fade away from the physical and will
cease to exist in the form that you know it.
And that is exactly what happened to me in my last incarnation on Earth, was that my focus became so
dedicated to Love, and to spiritual vision, that the body became my 'plaything', if you will. I was able to
manifest it and de-manifest it at will because I was no longer identified with the physical material world,
and all of the trials and tribulations of that world. I was looking at everyone with love. And even if they
were sick, I was seeing them healthy. If they were vicious and angry, I was forgiving. And in that
absolute and complete transformation of my mind, the body faded away from the necessity of playing
the role of victim. That is what the body generally does when you are not miracle-minded.
When you are worldly focused, the body becomes the place
where your negative expressions manifest themselves.
And this comes through in the form of sickness or decrepitude,
the unfortunate signs of aging, and, of course, finally death — or the seeming death,
because the body never really was alive, you are the animating force of the body.
The body is a corpse, animated by Spirit. So the body never really lives, and it never really dies. It is
inhabited by Love, created by your Spirit's desire to live in this separated form for a little while. And
when you have become tired of your earthly games, you've become very exhausted by your resistance
to what is and your refusal to Love, then the Spirit can no longer maintain the physical form and it
returns back into a non-physical realm. And there you will reassess what you've accomplished and what
you've learned and what you mistakenly valued, and then you will have another go at it, so to speak.
But we don't want you to be concerned about that right now. What we want you to be concerned about
is the idea of choosing the miracle. And what is that? That means that every time you choose Love
instead of fear, you are acting in a miracle-minded way, and you will feel the repercussions of that.
The other thing that miracle-mindedness does is that you do not expect yourself to know which miracles
to perform, which healings to perform — you will be guided.
You will be guided in what to do and how to do it, and what to say and to whom to say it to.
You will be inspired.
That means that you will be guided by Spirit.
That's what inspiration is, being guided by Spirit.
So go about your daily tasks. Do your forgiveness practice, understanding that your forgiveness practice
will transform your world, it has to, because your forgiveness practice is choosing Love over fear. And

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

when you came into separation, you chose fear over Love. So you are undoing the separation. And so
you will see Love coming closer, you will have more connection with the world and other beings, but not
in the sense of valuing the world, but in the sense of caring for it and offering compassion to it.
I am that one that you know as Jesus, and I will speak to you again soon.

2020-02|A Course In Miracles|Text Readings With Commentary|Tina Spalding

Throughout 2019, Tina Louise Spalding created videos of the daily lessons from ACIM (Tina reads,
Jesus comments). Starting in January 2020, she continues with weekly readings of the ACIM Text in
the same format. The ACIM Text is 669 pages long. So far, the first four readings concerned
themselves with just the first two of those pages, one of which was the Introduction. It’s not clear how
long these readings will continue and which portions of the Text they will address.

Official ACIM lesson text: A Course In Miracles Now website (
Jesus’s Channeled Commentary text: Channeling Jesus Membership website
( Copied verbatim, including formatting (bold font, centering, etc.), but
with minimum corrections (e.g., spelling mistakes).

ACIM Notation
Each lesson’s text is identified using the ACIM Annotation System (see
For example, T-13.VII.9:1 means Text, Chapter 13, Section VII, Paragraph 9, Line 1.


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