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GCSE Science Chemistry

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Atomic Structure 2
Isotopes 4
The Alkali Metals (Group 1) 5
The Halogens (Group 7) 7
Flame Test / Silver Nitrate Test 8
Ionic Bonding 10
Covalent Bonding 13
Structures 15
Giant Covalent Structures 16
Metallic Bonding 17
Smart Materials 19
Rates of Reaction 22
Fractional Distillation 26
Alkanes and Alkenes 28
Addition Polymerisation 29
Types of plastic 31
Calculations – Energy in Reactions 32
Calculating Mr and % composition 33
Calculating Reacting Masses 34
Calculating simplest formula 35
Calculating % yield 36
Water 37
Dehalination / Distillation 39
Chromatography 40
Types of Drinking Water 42
Solubility Curves 46

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Atomic Structure

Atoms contain a nucleus and electrons

The small central nucleus is made from protons and neutrons.

Around these are orbits (shells) of electrons.

Here is a diagram showing an atom of Lithium




This diagram shows that a piece of Potassium is made up of millions of the

same atom.

A piece of
potassium Formed from
metal atoms

Potassium atom

A nucleus of Orbit of
protons and electrons

Atoms of different elements are different.

The number of protons is always different with different elements.

Element Lithium Potassium

Protons 3 19
Neutrons 4 20
Electrons 3 19

Neutron number for some elements are the same.

Electron number can be the same when the atoms have bonded.

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Atomic Structure

Atoms have no charge.

The number of protons (in the nucleus) is always the same as the number of
electrons (in shells)

Protons are positively charged. (+)

Electrons are negatively charged (-)
Neutrons do not have a charge (0)

Every electron has a charge of -1

Every proton has a charge of +1

Neutrons have no charge

Therefore an atom of lithium has no charge :- +3p + -3e = 0 no charge

Ion has uneven number of protons and electrons

This happens when an electron is lost

Or when an electron is gained

The proton number does not change.

Mass and Charge of atoms

Here are the relative mass of each particle and their electric charge.

mass charge
proton 1 +1
electron 0 -1
neutron 1 0

Protons and neutrons have similar mass.

Electrons have no mass, or extremely little amount.

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Atomic Structure

Atomic Number 7
3 Li
Number on the bottom which means the number of protons or electrons

The number increases across the periodic table

Mass Number 7
3 Li
Number on the top which means the number of protons and neutrons in
the nucleus.

Neutron Number

The number of neutrons in an atom is worked out by subtracting the

number of protons (Atomic number) from the Mass number.

Neutron= mass number –atomic

7-3 = 4 neutron Mass number

Proton + Neutron

Atomic number

Proton or Electron

Isotopes The same element (as it has the same number of protons) but with different
number of neutrons (making the mass number different). Hydrogen

1H 2H 3H
1 1 1

Proton =
Electron =
Neutron =

Proton number = 1 Proton number = 1 Proton number = 1

Neutron number = 0 Neutron number = 1 Neutron number = 2

4 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Metals Physical Properties Non-Metals

Does not
Conduct conduct
Electricity Electricity

Conduct Does not

Heat conduct

High Low
Melting point Melting point
Boiling point Boiling point

Malleable Can be hammered into sheets Not malleable

Ductile Can be pulled into wires Not ductile

Group 1 Alkali Metals 1 electron on the outer shell Physical Properties

All metals look dull on the outside.

Over a short period of time a layer of oxide makes the metal look dull.

The inside of every metal is shiny

It is possible to cut every metal with a knife

They are kept in oil to prevent them from reacting with oxygen and
moisture in the air.

Their density is low therefore most float

The boiling point and melting point are lower than many other metals

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Group 1 Alkali Metals Chemical Properties

They react with oxygen and water.

Alkali metals with oxygen and water

Oxygen causes the surface of the metal to turn dull by

forming a layer of oxide

eg. potassium + oxygen potassium oxide

4K(s) + O2 (g) 2K2O(s)

The oxide layer forms quicker as we go down the group

Alkali metals with water

The metal creates alkali as it reacts water (purple with

universal indicator)

The metal with water creates hydrogen

The metal floats, moves and fizzes.

eg. lithium + water lithium hydroxide + hydrogen

2Li(s) + 2H2O (l) 2LiOH (aq)+ H2 (g)

Sodium In addition this Potassium In addition it

moves quicker moves quickly
and has a ball and has a lilac
shape. flame.

Safety Precautions Use safety goggles

Use a small piece of metal in the water
Use tongs to hold the metal

6 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Group 7 Halogens Physical Properties

They react with group 1 metals and salts

7 electrons on the outer shell State and appearance

Chlorine Yellow Green Gas

Bromine Orange Red Liquid Orange gas

Iodine Shiny Grey Solid Purple gas

With colour

Halogen with group 1 metals

Least reactive

They create white solids.

The halogens become less reactive down the


eg. potassium + chlorine potassium chloride

2K(s) + Cl2(g) 2KCl (s)

Most reactive

Safety Precautions Use safety goggles

Use a fume cupboard
Use plastic gloves

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Group 7 The Halogens Identifying compounds

Metal Flame test Non- Silver

metal Nitrate test
Lithium Red Chloride white
Sodium Yellow-orange Bromide cream
Potassium Lilac Iodide yellow

Flame Test Silver Nitrate Test

(to identify the metal) (to identify non metal ions)


Lithium Red White precipitate

Chloride due to lithiwm due to chloride ions

Sodium Yellow-orange Yellow precipitate

Iodide due to sodium due to iodide ions

Potassium Lilac Cream precipitate

Bromide due to potassium Due to bromide ions

Higher Tier: Silver Nitrate ionic equation:

e.e. Ag+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) AgCl (s)

Atomic Spectroscopy (Higher Tier): This method is used to identify and

show the amount (concentration) of specific atoms/ions present in the

8 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Higher Tier

Alkali Metals Group 1 metals become more reactive down the group.

MORE reactive
Group 1 metals react by losing 1 electron

There are more orbits as you go down the group.

The outer electron becomes further from the nucleus.
Due to less attraction it is easier to lose an electron.

The Halogens Group 7 non-metals become less reactive down the group.

 Group 7 non-metals react by gaining 1 electron

LESS reactive

 As you go down the group there are more orbits, because of

this it is harder to attract an electron, they become less

Displacement reactions
down the group
The reactions become less reactive

This reaction shows the trend in

reactivity down the group

Sodium Sodium
Bromine Bromide Chloride Bromine

Sodium Sodium
Iodide Bromide Iodine

Cl2(g) + 2NaBr(aq) 2NaCl (aq) + Br2(aq)

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Materials and Bonding

Bonding and Structure

When a chemical reaction occurs new bonds are formed. The can form by the
transfer of electrons or by the sharing of electrons.

Ionic Bonding

Charged particles called ions are formed when electrons are transferred
between atoms during chemical bonding.

When sodium chloride (NaCl) forms, one electron is transferred to chlorine.
This will form a full stable outer shell (like noble gasses) for the two particles

Before bonding

Na Cl
After bonding

One electron One electron

lost gained

Proton(+) = 11 Proton(+) = 17
Electron(-) = 10 Electron(-) = 18
Charge = +1 Charge = -1

Strong Electrostatic
attraction between
2,8 the two ions 2,8,8

Covalent Bond

When hydrogen gas(H2) forms electrons are shared between two atoms to
form a molecule. There is no charge on molecules.

Electrons share to
form a full outer shell

10 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Materials and Bonding

Ionic Bonding

Here is the information needed to draw ionic bonding diagrams.

Check the ionic charges by using the ions table at the back of the examination

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Group 1 with Group 7

Before Bonding Transfer

After bonding

Strong electrostatic
charge between the ions
cryf rhwng y ddau ion

Magnesium oxide (MgO) Group 2 with Group 6

Before Bonding Electron


After bonding

MgO has a higher

melting point than
Strong electrostatic NaCl as the charges
charge between the ions are greater – there is
cryf rhwng y ddau ion more attraction
between ions

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Materials and bonding

Lithium Oxide (Li2O) Group 1 with Group 6

Before Bonding


After bonding

Strong electrostatic
charge between the ions
cryf rhwng y ddau ion

Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) Group 2 with Group 7

Before Bonding Electronic


After bonding

Strong electrostatic
charge between the ions
cryf rhwng y ddau ion

12 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Materials and Bonding

Covalent Bonds

Hydrogen (H2)

Electrons share to
form a full outer shell

Chlorine (Cl2)

Electrons share to
form a full outer shell

Water (H2O)

Electrons share to
form a full outer shell

Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)

Electrons share to
form a full outer shell

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Materials and Bonding

Covalent Bonding

Ammonia (NH3)

Methane (CH4)

Covalent examples with double bonds (Higher Tier)

Oxygen (O2) Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Ethene (C2H4)

14 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Materials and Bonding

Simple and Giant structures

Giant ionic structure(e.g. sodium chloride, magnesium oxide),

High Melting and Boiling points

Solubility = Dissolved in water

Simple molecular structure (e.g. carbon dioxide, water)

Low Melting and Boiling points

Solubility = Dissolved in water

CO2 H2O (water) CH4 (methane)

As the forces between molecules are weak the melting and boiling points are

Giant covalent structure (e.g. diamond, graphite),

Very High Melting and Boiling points
Solubility = Does not dissolve in water

Diamond Graphite

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Materials and Bonding

Diamond and Graphite Carbon atoms linked

covalently to three
Carbon atoms
other carbon atoms
Carbon atoms linked
covalently to four
other carbon atoms

Diamond Graphite

Sea of free moving

electrons because
Properties related to uses the fourth electron is

Appearance Grey/black shiny solid

Hardness very soft
Conductivity Conducts electricity
Melting point Very high over 3600ºC

Uses Pensil lubricants

Appearance Transparent/crystalline Gemstones
Hardness very hard Glass cutting, Drill bits
Conductivity Electrical insulator
Melting point Very high over 3500ºC

Carbon nanotubes

 They are roles of carbon

hexagons similar to graphite.
They conduct electricity / used

in semi-conductors
The have a very small
diameter which is about
10,000 times less than a

human hair.

They are extremely strong.

Very low density
They are proposed to be used
in small electronic circuits

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Materials and Bonding


The uses of everyday materials depends on their properties.

Aluminium Ceramic Diamond

Low density Hardness, strength Hardness, lusture

Aluminium Oxide Teflon Glass

Low friction and wear Low friction high Mpt Hardness transmits light

The properties of all materials, are determined by:-

the types of atoms present,

the types of bonding between the atoms,
and the way the atoms are packed together

Metals are giant structures with free electrons

Metallic bonds are strong, so metals can maintain a regular structure and
usually have high melting and boiling points.

Outer shell electrons of metals are free to move.

The strength of bond in a metal is the force of attraction between the metal
ions and free moving electrons.

More free electrons and more protons in the ions increase the strength of a

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Materials and Bonding

Metallic bonding

Free electrons allow electricity to be carried as well as heat energy.

Sodium metal
Outer electron
free to move

These electrons allow metals to conduct electricity and conduct heat.

Metals are also malleable (hit into shape) and ductile (drawn into wires)
because the free electrons allow the metal atoms to slide over each other.

Having more free electrons in the outer shell e.g. Aluminium compared to
sodium above and more protons in each nucleus the forces of attraction for
the free electrons is greater. This makes the metal stronger.

Aluminium metal
More outer
electron free
to move.

More protons in
each ion
attracting more

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Smart Materials

Smart Materials

The term smart material has been given to a range of modern materials.

A variety of smart materials exist which can change shape and colour, retain
shape after bending and can expand greatly with different liquids.

This means that their properties change.

The materials properties change with a change in the surroundings, such as

changes in temperature, light, pH.

Thermochromic Paint

This smart material has the ability to change colour with a change in

The boat seen in this t shirt appears because

thermochromic paint has been used. Under cold
conditions the pigments are white, but when heated
in warm weather, or if the person becomes warmer
the pigments change colour to reviles a picture of a

Photochromic Paint

This material has the ability to change colour with a change in the light

The sunglass lenses become darker when exposed

to strong light and become lighter in weak light

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Smart Materials

Shape memory alloy

This smart material is a mixture of metals (alloy) that retains its original shape
when heated

A mixture of nickel and titanium make up the alloy

called NiTi or nitinol.

This metal can be bent into any shape at low

temperature, but when heated it can remember its
original shape so it bends back very quickly. It can
be used as a coffeepot thermostat.

Stents are metal structures that can be inserted in

veins to prevent them from sticking together. The
stents are cooled to below 37C so they change
shape and become thinner, when inserted into the
vein it warms up to body temperature and changes
shape to open the vein.

This alloy can also be used in super elastic

spectacle frames. These retain their original shape
after bending them.

Shape memory polymer

This smart material is a form of plastic that can retain its original shape when
heated. These could be used for:-

Surgical stutures are threads of smart polymer that

can tighten to the right tension automatically when

Car bumpers could be made from this material. If

the car body such as bumpers were dented, on
heating they would regain their original shape.

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Smart Materials

Polymer gels

This smart material is a form of plastic with cross linkage (see diagram below)
that can swell or shrink with different liquids.

No cross linkage across polymer Cross linkage across polymer

These gels can swell to 1000 times their volume depending on the
temperature or pH.

Artificial snow – this smart material expands

greatly by adding water. It can also shrink by

Nappies – this smart material is similar to

artificial snow and expands greatly when it
becomes wet.

Contact Lens – within these lenses there is a

smart material which prevents them from drying
up. They can then be used for weeks instead of

Artificial muscles – gels can be used to swell

and shrink creating an artificial muscle.

Robot actuators – gels can be used to swell and

shrink creating movement.

Toxic Chemical absorber – gels can be used to

block dangerous chemicals in the body.

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Rates of Reactions It means the speed of a reaction

There are four ways 2 increase the rate of the

reaction on the right..
1. change concentration of the acid (acid strength)
2. change temperature of the acid Magnesium Hydrogen
3. change surface area of the magnesium (crush into
powder) Hydrochloric
4. use a catalyst Acid

magnesium + hydrochloric acid magnesium chloride + hydrogen

Reactants Products

The substances that react together. The substances that are produced.
Mass Mg


Time Time

The reactants are used up The products form

Collision Theory: Particles must collide with enough energy – these are called
successful collisions

Change concentration Strong acid

More H2

If the strength of the acid is weak,

it will take more time for the
hydrogen to be produced. Weak acid
Less H2

Time sec

Acid particles
Weak acid
Strong acid

Mg particles

As there are less acid particles in weak acid the chance of them colliding with
magnesium successfully is lower.

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Rates of Reaction It means the speed of a reaction

Change temperature Higher

– less time to
create H2
If the temperature of the acid is
higher, it will take less time for
hydrogen to be produced
– more time
to create H2

Time sec

More energy

Cold acid Hot acid

Less energy

When the temperature is higher the particles have more energy. As a result the
particles collide more frequently. The collisions have more energy – there are more
successful collisions.

Change Surface Area Large

Surface Area
– less time to
create H2

Small Surface
Area – more
time to create
broken up.

Time sec

If magnesium is cut into little There is more chance for the particles to
pieces, there will be more surface collide successfully if the surface area is
area for the acid to react large.

Small pieces

Small Surface area Large Surface area

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Rates of Reaction It means the speed of a reaction

Using a Catalyst

If a catalyst (e.g. iron) is added to the acid

and magnesium the reaction will be faster.
e.g. iron.


a substance that speeds up a reaction but is not used up

(e.g. if 1g of catalyst is used, there will be 1g of catalyst left)
A catalyst can be reused over and over.

Different catalysts are used for different reactions. e.g. manganese oxide is a catalyst
which is used to create oxygen quickly from hydrogen peroxide.

The development of better catalysts is extremely important as it can lead to new ways of
making materials that may use less energy, use renewable raw materials or use fewer

Using Sensors


Advantages of using sensors

Recording advantages
A number of results per second
can be collected
Acid and
Instant showing of results magnesium
Screen to show results instantly .

Long term collection of

results Types of sensors
(Can collect results day and night
without a break)
Light sensors

Temperature sensors

pH sensors

Gas sensors

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Reaction rates Higher Tier

Calculating rate of reaction

By drawing a tangent to the curve
we can calculate the rate at any
point, the steeper the tangent the
faster the reaction.
Rate = y / x


More about temperature

The energy of a collision is very important, only those collisions that have enough
energy lead to reaction (these are known as successful collisions). The minimum
energy required for a reaction to take place is called the Activation energy.

More about Catalysts

Activation Energy

Reaction without a catalyst

A catalyst reduces the activation
energy, it provides an alternative
pathway for the reaction Reaction with a catalyst



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Fractional Distillation

Crude oil is a mixture of different substances, most of them being hydrocarbons

Example of a H C C C C H
hydrocarbon H H H H

Some other

Hydrocarbons are molecules which contain the elements hydrogen and carbon only.

Fractional Distillation – it is possible to separate hydrocarbons by fractional distillation

because hydrocarbons boil at different temperature ranges

Fractional Distillation in a laboratory

The reaction is carried out in a fume cupboard as poisonous gases such as sulphur
dioxide can form.




As some of the hydrocarbons have similar boiling points a group of them will collect
together. Fraction is the name given to a group of hydrocarbons that collect this way.

The hydrocarbon boiling point increases with the size of the carbon chain.

In the industrial process the crude oil is vaporized. The vapour is let into the column
where it is hot at the bottom an cools up the column. The fractions with shorter chains
have lower boiling points and can condense higher up the column. The longer
hydrocarbons condense at a lower level in the column.

26 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Fractional Distillation

Crude oil is separated into fractions The process is called Fractional Distillation

Number of
Fractionating Boiling point Use
Fraction carbon atoms in
column range / ˚C
a chain

Gas 1–4 -160 to 25 Fuel

Petrol 4 – 12 40 to 100 Car fuel

Naphtha 7 – 14 100 to 150 Chemicals

Kerosene 11 – 15 150 to 250 Jet fuel

Diesel oil 15 – 19 250 to 350 Heating fuel

Lubricating oil 20 – 30 over 350 Car oil

Bitumen C30 – above over 400 Road pitch

Crude oil

Crude oil is separated into less complex mixtures, these are called fractions. Fractions
contain hydrocarbons with boiling points in the same range, e.g. the petrol fraction has
hydrocarbons with boiling points in the range 40-100 ˚C

Long chain hydrocarbons are at the bottom of the column as they do not boil until a
very high temperature.

Some of the fractions are used as fuels (e.g. kerosine – aeroplane fuel) others are further
processed by cracking.

Properties of the fractions

As the length of the chain increases:

1. The colour of the fraction turns

from colourless – yellow - brown.
2. They are harder to ignite.
3. They burn dirtier.
4. They get more viscous

Short Long
chain chain

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Basic Organic Chemistry

Alkanes These are hydrocarbons with single covalent bonds between the
carbon atoms. They are referred to as saturated hydrocarbon for this
reason. Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2

Name Formula Structural Formula

Methane CH4

Ethane C2H6 Single bond

Propane C3H8

Butane C4H10

Pentane C5H12

Alkanes are fairly unreactive, they combust well only.

Alkenes When there are double bonds between two carbon atoms the name
given to the group is alkenes. For this reason they are described as
unsaturated molecules. Alkenes have the general formula CnH2n

Name Formula Structural formula

Ethene C2H4


As a result of the double bond the alkenes are very reactive molecules, the double
bond can be broken to form single bonds with other atoms (addition reaction).

28 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Alkenes – Addition Reactions

Reaction with Hydrogen (Hydrogenation) (Higher Tier) Can you write the
equation for
H H propene?
H H Nickel catalyst
C C + H2 H C C H
High pressure
ethene hydrogen
Reaction with Bromine Water (Higher Tier)

+ Br2 dibromoethane
ethene bromine Br Br

This reaction is a way of identifying

alkenes. Brown bromine water turns

Addition Polymerisation

Creating Plastics

When small reactive molecules such as ethene react together in a chemical

reaction a long chain molecule is formed called a polymer.

Monomer is the name given to small reactive organic molecule



The process whereby monomers link to create a polymer is polymerisation.

The type of polymerisation that happen here is addition polymerisation as

there is only one product formed

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Addition Polymerisation

The process of making poly(ethene) is an example of addition polymerisation. The

unsaturated monomers used are ethene.

ethene polythene
n(H2C=CH2) ( CH2 CH2 ) n

PTFE / Poly(tetrafluoroethene) /Teflon


F F n

Tetrafluoroethene Poly(tetrafluoroethene)

n(F2C=CF2) ( CF2 CF2 ) n

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Cl Cl n

Vinyl chloride Polyvinylchloride

n(H2C=CHCl) ( CH2 CHCl ) n


CH3 CH3 n

propene Polypropene

n(H2C=CHCH3) ( CH2 CHCH3 ) n

30 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Types of Plastics

Plastics are classed on the basis of their reaction on heating, there are 2 types

Thermoplastics – when these are heated they lose their shape. This is
because the hydrocarbon chains are not linked together, as they are heated
the chains slide over each other causing the plastic to melt. Poly(ethene),
polypropylene, PTFE and PVC are examples


e.g. plastic bags, home containers e.g. domestos bottle

Thermoset – these have strong covalent bonds between chains. The cross
linkages make the structure rigid, because of this they do not melt upon
heating. They can only be heated once into shape Bakelite and melamine are

Cross linkages

E.g. saucepan handles, Electrical light fittings;

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Energy in reactions

Changes in temperature happen often during chemical reactions.

Exothermic reactions Endothermic Reaction

A reaction where
A reaction where temperature falls.
temperature rises. e.g. ammonium nitrate
e.g. magnesium and acid and acid

Here is a reaction for making ammonia

Hydrogen + Nitrogen Ammonia

3 H2(g) + N2(g) 2 NH3(g)

To create the product ammonia its is necessary to break bonds between hydrogen and
nitrogen (the reactants).

To break bonds energy in required. Creating bonds releases energy.

388 kJ

388 kJ

388 kJ

388 kJ
388 kJ
388 kJ

Bonds Broken Bonds Made

436 + 436 + 436 + 944 = 2252kJ 388 x 6 = 2328kJ

Overall Energy Change = Bonds broken – Bonds made

Exothermic Reaction
In an endothermic - Because energy is
reaction the number 2252 - 2328 = -76kJ released (negative
would be positive. number)

32 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk

Chemical Calculations

Every atom has different mass. This is determined by the number of protons
and neutrons in the nucleus.

A lithium atom has a mass of 7.

3 protons and 4 neutrons

Relative atomic mass (Ar) is a way of saying how heavy different atoms are
compared to each other.

The Ar of Lithium is 7 and that of Carbon is 12. We use the top number to
determine this; this is called the mass number

Relative formula mass or relative molecular mass (Mr) is the mass for a
compound (e.g. MgCl2) so the masses for each element are

Mg Cl Cl
Mass numbers 24 + 35 + 35 = 94

What is the molecular mass of ammonium sulphate (NH4) 2SO4?

(N=14, S=32, O=16, H=1)
Calculate (NH4) 2 first = 14+1+1+1+1 = 18 x 2 = 36
S= 32
4 oxygen atoms 16 x 4 = 64
Mr= 132

Calculating % composition

After calculating Mr it is possible to calculate % composition, this shows how

much of a specific element is in a compound in percentage form

e.g. % Mg in MgCl2 = total Mr of Mg in MgCl2 x 100

Mr MgCl2

24 x 100 = 25.5 %

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Chemical Calculations

Calculating Reacting Masses

By using relative atomic masses and (Ar) and relative molecular masses (Mr)
it is possible to calculate how much of a product is produced or how much
reactants are needed.

e.g. (product calculation)

What is the mass of magnesium oxide is produced when 60g of magnesium

is burned in air?

Symbol Equation

2Mg + O2  2MgO

Mr = 224 2 (24+16)
48 80

Therefore 48g (or tonnes) will produce 80g

1g 80  48 = 1.67g

60g will produce 60  1.67 = 100.2g

e.g. (reactant calculation)

What is the mass of magnesium needed to produce 90g of magnesium


2Mg + O2  2MgO

Mr = 224 2 (24+16)
48 80

Therefore 48g (or tonnes) will produce 80g

Or 80g of MgO will be produced with 48g of Mg

1g 4880=0.6g

90g will produce 90  0.6 = 54g

34 GCSE Science: Chemistry 2 www.bangor.ac.uk


Determining the formula of a compound from experimental data

When 4 g of copper oxide is reduced in a steam of hydrogen, 3.2 g of copper


1. Work out how much oxygen was contained in the compound

4 – 3.2 = 0.8 g

Cu O

3.2 0.8

Divide with Ar 64 16

0.05 0.05

Divide with smallest 0.05 0.05

Whole number 1 1

1 Cu 1O

Formula = CuO

Example 2

Find the formula of iron oxide produced when 44.8g of iron react with 19.2g of
oxygen. (Ar Fe = 56 and O = 16)

Fe O

Mass 44.8 19.2

Divide with Ar 44.856 19.216

0.8 1.2

Divide with the smallest value 0.80.8 1.2 0.8

1 1.5

A formula must have whole numbers therefore

2 3

Formula = Fe2O3

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Chemical Calculations

Calculating reactants or product masses

Reactants Products

NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O

23+16 + 1 1 + 35 23+35 1+1+16

40 36 58 18

76 76

Units g / tones g / tones

Calculating the percentage yield

When we want to create a chemical, the aim is to work carefully and to

produce the maximum amount possible.

The amount formed or yield is calculated in percentage. It is very unlikely that

100% yield will be achieved e.g. some might be stuck in filter paper,
evaporating dish, the product might react with the air.


Magnesium metal dissolves in hydrochloric acid to form magnesium chloride.

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

24g 95g
(24 + 35.5 + 35.5)
(a) What is the maximum theoretical mass of magnesium chloride which
can be made from 12g of magnesium?

12g 95/2 = 47.5g

(b) If only 47.0g of purified magnesium chloride was obtained after

crystallising the salt from the solution, what is the % yield of the salt
actual amount obtained x 100
% yield = maximum possible

% yield = 47.0 x 100 = 98.9% (to 1 decimal place)


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Water is necessary for life to exist. The quality of life depends on the
availability of clean water. Water in this country is made drinkable by treating

Here are the steps involved in making water drinkable.

Groundwater, rivers
provide water to

Water stored in
reservoir. Solids settle
to bottom

Small particles are

removed by filtration

Chlorination – to kill

Clean water stored in

tanks and water tower

Water passed along

pipes to households

Fluoride ions are added to water to strengthen children’s teeth in some areas.

Fluoride is not added to water supplies in Wales.

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Water Preservation

Although there is ample water on Earth, only a very small fraction is safe for
drinking. With an increasing population and developing industry our need for
water is larger than ever.

The need for water

Water is needed in factories Hygiene – We need water to

for cooling machinery keep clean and wash clothes

Water is needed on farms to

grow food We need drinking water

We use 150 litres of water each on average every day. The water comes from
natural underwater storage, rivers and different reservoirs. During dry
conditions when there is not enough rain there is a strain on the water supply
– areas will experience drought.

Shortage of water problems arise when there is more demand than supply of
water, which is a threat to life and the environment. Water cost may increase
if future climate changes cause shortage of water in the UK. Using less water
in the future is very important.

Here are some ways of decreasing our use of water.

Use washing machines and dish washers only when they are full.

Having a shower instead of a bath.

Use waste water for plants and to wash the car.

Repair dripping taps.
Do not allow the water to run excessively (e.g. when brushing teeth)

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Desalination - It is possible to desalinate sea water to supply drinking


To desalinate sea water distillation of sea water by boiling is used. Boiling

uses large amounts of energy which is costly. Due to this the process is not
viable in many parts of the world.

If a country is to use desaliantion they need to


• a renewable means of creating heat

energy where no carbon dioxde is created
(greenhouse effect)
• sea nearby.

Distillation – Separating water and miscible liquids.

Pure liquids have specific boiling points, e.g. water boils ar 100°C. Ethanol
boils at 78°C. Water and ethanol are miscible (when two liquids mix together
easily without separating into layers.)

Water out

Distillation flask

Cold water in receiving

Bunsen Burner


If a mixture of miscible liquids exist it is possible to separate them by

distilation. In a mixture of ethanol and water, the ethanol would boil and
evaporate first (as it has the lower boiling point) leaving the water behind. The
ethanol would condense on the cold wall of the condeser.

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Pigments in ink can be separated using paper chromatography.

The most soluble substance will be transported furthest by the solvent.

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The distance that a substance travels allows scientists to recognise a

substance. Am Rf value is calculated

Rf Value= distance the substance has traveled

distance the solvent has traveled

e.g. The Rf value for ink B = 4/8 = 0.5

Gas Chromatography (Higher Tier)

This method is very useful as it gives quantitative information -
that is the amount of substance present. Chemical analysts use the method to
identify e.g. the amount of a pollutant in water or air, it is also used to identify
the amount of an illegal drug in blood.

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Types of drinking water.

Depending on the type of rocks a region has, water can be of two types :-

Hard water and Soft water

Hard Water

If rainwater passes along limestone (calcium carbonate) rocks on its way to a

reservoir, calcium ions Ca2+ will collect in the water. Other ions such as
magnesium ions Mg2+can also collect in water. These additional ions make
the water hard.

Soap in hard water does not readily lather, scum is formed

Hardness in water is defined as difficulty in producing a lather with


There are two types of hard water:

Temporary hard water and permanently hard water

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Temporary hard water

Calcium and Magnesium

hydrogen carbonates form
temporary hard water because
when this water is boiled,
hardness is removed.

Hydrogen carbonates are

Lime scale furring up a kettle element
Magnesium and Calcium become
magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate which are insoluble. This lime
scale collects on kettles as ‘fur’.

Permanently hard water

When insoluble calcium and magnesium sulfates or

carbonate exists in water it is called permanently
hard water.
Lime scale clogs up
hot water pipe

Treating permanently hard water.

1. Adding sodium carbonate (washing soda).

sodium + calcium calcium sodium

carbonate sulfate carbonate sulfate

Calcium ions are

removed as solid
making the water

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2. Ion exchange column

When hard water is passed along negatively charged particles within a

container, the positive ions of magnesium and calcium in hard water
are attracted and held there, they are replaced with sodium ions. Water
leaves the container soft.

Advantages and Disadvantages of hard water


1. Strengthens teeth

2. Reduces the risk of heart disease

3. Some people prefer the taste of hard water


1. Lime scale on kettles make them less efficient at boiling water and
therefore waste energy. Hot water pipes can also block up with lime

2. Removing scale can be expensive.

3. More soap is needed with hard water.

4. Ion exchange water softeners release sodium ions which can be

unsuitable for some uses.

5. Ion exchange units need to be ‘cleaned’ out of magnesium and calcium

ions when it has filled up (usually with sodium chloride (salt))

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Experiments to determine the amount of hardness of water.

A buret is the apparatus used to measure the amount of soap solution


The amount of water to be tested is kept the same in the conical flask.

Buret – filled with

soap solution

Conical flask with known

volume of water e.g. hard

Soap solution is added every 1 cm3 to the water and the flask shaken to try
and form lather (bubbles). When lather starts to form the soap solution is
added every 0.5 cm3 until it stays permanently. The amount of soap solution
can be determined using the buret.

Soft water lathers easily therefore little amount of soap solution is used.

Hard water lathers slowly therefore more soap solution is needed.

Experiment to determine if water is permanently hard or temporarily


If two samples of water seem to be hard water from the above experiment,
samples of both types of water could be boiled.

The same experiment as above could then be undertaken.

If the water is still difficult to lather then the water is permanently hard.

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Solubility curves

Soluble solids dissolve more readily when heated.

Every solid has a different rate of solubility. The diagram below shows that
potassium nitrate dissolved more readily than copper sulphate at any
temperature above 0ºC.

The amount of copper sulphate that dissolves at 40ºC is 24 g in 100 cm water.
The amount of potassium nitrate that dissolves at 40ºC is 60 g in 100 cm water.

Notice that the standard amount of water used is 100 cm 3 or 100 g.

This graph shows the maximum amount of solid that will dissolve at any

A saturated solution is the maximum amount of solid that will dissolve at a

particular temperature.
The amount of copper sulphate that dissolves at 60ºC is 107 g in 100 cm water.

If a saturated solution of copper sulphate at 60ºC was to cool down to 40ºC

not as much solid would be able to dissolve.

It is possible to work out how much less would dissolve by subtracting:

107 g – 60 g = 47 g of solid would appear on the bottom of the beaker.

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Name Formula Name Formula

Aluminium Al3+ Bromide Br–

Ammonium NH 4+ Carbonate CO32–
Barium Ba2+ Chloride Cl –
Calcium Ca2+ Fluoride F–
Copper(II) Cu2+ Hydroxide OH –
Hydrogen H+ Iodide I–
Iron(II) Fe2+ Nitrate NO3–
Iron(III) Fe3+ Oxide O2–
Lithium Li+ Sulphate SO42–
Magnesium Mg2+
Nickel Ni2+
Potassium K+
Silver Ag+
Sodium Na+

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1 2 Group 3 4 5 6 7 0

1 4
1 H 2 He

Hydrogen Helium

7 9 11 12 14 16 19 20
3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 9 F 10 Ne

Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon

23 24 27 28 31 32 35 40
11 Na 12 Mg 13 Al 14 Si 15 P 16 S 17 Cl 18 Ar

Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorine Argon

39 40 45 48 51 52 55 56 59 59 64 65 70 73 75 79 80 84
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
GCSE Science: Chemistry 2

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton

86 88 89 91 93 96 99 101 103 106 108 112 115 119 122 128 127 131
37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 40 Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 43 Tc 44 Ru 45 Rh 46 Pd 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb 52 Te 53 I 54 Xe

Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon

133 137 139 179 181 184 186 190 192 195 197 201 204 207 209 210 210 222
55 Cs 56 Ba 57 La 72 Hf 73 Ta 74 W 75 Re 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 79 Au 80 Hg 81 Tl 82 Pb 83 Bi 84 Po 85 At 86 Rn

Caesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
223 226 227
87 Fr 88 Ra 89 Ac

Francium Radium Actinium Key:

Mass number A
X Element Symbol
Atomic number Z

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