TR Protection

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TRANSFORMER PROTECTION The rating of Power transformers used in A.P System. 1. 400/220 KV 315 MVA Auto Transformers 2. 220/132 KV 100MVA Auto Transformers 3. 220/33 KV 50 & 31.5MVA Transformers 4. 132/66 KV 40 & 27.5MVA Transformers 5. 132/33 KV 50, 31.5, 25, 16, 15 MVA Transformers 6. 132/11 KV 16, 15 & 7.5 MVA Transformers 7. 33/11 KV 8, 5, 3.15 MVA Transformers Most of the Power transformers of 132/11KV and above are of Star-Star vector grouping with the neutral solidly earthed. There are a few transformers with delta-star (delta on HV side). The 33/11KV and 11KV/415V Transformers are of delta-star (delta on HV side). 3

The types of faults that the transformers are subjected to are classified as:1) Through Faults:- These are due to overload conditions and external short circuits. Time graded O/C & E/F relays are employed for external short circuit conditions. Fuses are provided for Distribution transformers. 2) Internal Faults:a) Electrical Faults: - Faults which cause immediate serious damage such as phase to earth or phase to phase faults, short circuits between turns of HV&LV windings, etc. b) Incipient Faults: - Which are initially minor faults, causing slowly developing damage. Such as a poor electrical connection of conductors of breakdown of insulation, etc. 4

Conservator Alarm

Transformer Tank


The following relays are employed to protect the transformer against internal faults. 5

i) Buchholz relays ii) Differential relays iii) REF relays. iv) Overfluxing relays i) Buchholz Relays: -

Whenever a fault in transformer develops slowly, heat is produced locally, which begins to decompose solid of liquid insulated materials and thus to produce inflammable gas and oil flow. This phenomenon has been used in the gas protection relay or popularly known as Bucholz relay. This relay is applicable only to the so-called conservator type transformer in which the transformer tank is completely filled with oil, and a pipe connects the transformer tank to an auxiliary tank or " Conservator" which acts as an expansion chamber. Figure shown as Bucholz relay connected into the pipe leading to the conservator tank and arrange to detect gas produced in the transformer tank. As the gas accumulates for a minor fault the oil level falls and, with it a float 'F' which operates a mercury switch sounding an alarm. When a more serious fault occurs within the transformer during which intense heating takes place, an intense liberation of gases results. These gases rush towards the conservator and create a rise in pressure in the transformer tank due to which the oil is forced through the connecting pipe to the conservator. The oil flow develops a force on the lower float shown as "V" in the figure and overtrips it causing it contacts to complete the trip circuit of the transformer breaker. Operation of the upper float indicates an incipient fault and that of the lower float a serious fault. 6

Bucholz relay Operation : Certain Precautions: The Bucholz relay may become operative not only during faults within the transformer. For instance, when oil is added to a transformer, air may get in together with oil, accumulate under the relay cover and thus cause a false operation of the gas relay. For this reason when the 'Gas' alarm signal is energized the operators must take a sample of the gas from the relay, for which purpose a special clock is provided. Gases due to faults always have colour and an odour and are inflammable. The lower float may also falsely operate if the oil velocity in the connection pipe through not due to internal faults, is sufficient to trip over the float. This can occur in the event of an external short circuit when over currents flowing through the windings overheat the copper and the oil and cause the oil to expand. If mal-operation of Bucholz relay due to overloads or external short circuits is experienced it may be necessary that the lower float is adjusted for operation for still higher velocities. In installing these relays the following requirements should be fulfilled. a) The conductor connection the contacts to the terminals on the cover must have paper insulation, as rubber insulation may be damaged by the oil. b) The floats must be tested for air tightness by for example, submerging them in hot oil to create a surplus pressure in them. c) The relay cover and the connection pipe should have a slope of 1.5 to 3 percent and not have any protruding surface to ensure unrestricted passage of the gases into the conservator. 8

Percentage Differential Relay in a Two Terminal Circuit TRANSFORMER I2




Differential Relays: A Differential relay compares the currents on both sides of the transformer. As long as there is no fault within the protected equipment (Transformer), the current circulates between the two CTs and no current flows through the differential element. But for internal faults the sum of the CTs secondary currents will flow through the differential relay making it to operate. Two basic requirements that the differential relay connections are to be satisfied are: a) It must not operate for load or external faults. b) It must operate for internal faults. As on-load tap change facilities are invariably provided in the grid transformers, any departure from the nominal tap position will result in spill currents in the relay circuits. Further, the CTs are often of different types and have dissimilar magnetization characteristics, again resulting in spill current during heavy through fault conditions. To avoid unwanted relays operation under the above two conditions a "Percentage Bias" differential relays is used.


Positive Torque Region

I1-I2 Negative Torque Region



Negative Torque Region The operating characteristics of percentage bias differential relay is shown in the figure. 11

The current flowing through the operating coil of the relay should be nearly zero during normal operating conditions and when external short circuit occurs. While setting the differential relay on a transformer, the (mismatch) current through differential element at normal tap and positive and negative extreme taps are to be computed. Differential element pickup setting and/or bias settings is adopted based on maximum percentage mismatch adding some safety margin. Differential Current = | I1-I2 |

|I1-I2 | Bias Setting = ----------(I1+I2)/2 C.T Ratios and connections for differential relay 1. A simple rule of thumb is that the CTs on any Wye (Star) winding of a Power transformer should be connected in delta and the CTs on any delta winding should be connected in Wye (Star). 2. a) If the CTs are to be connected in Star, the C.T Ratio will be In/1A Where In is transformer full load current. b) If the CTs are to be connected in Delta, the C.T Ratio will be In/0.5775 A. 12






Restricted Earth Fault Protection (REF): This relay is operative only for the internal faults of the transformer and thus fast operating timer can be achieved. 1. An external fault on the star side will result in current flowing in the line CT of the affected phase and a balancing current in the neutral CT and current in the relay is zero and hence relay is stable. During an internal fault, the line current on the line CT gets reversed and hence relay operates. 2. The arrangement of residually connected CTs on the delta side of a transformer is only sensitive to earth faults on the delta side because zero sequence currents are blocked by the delta winding. For external faults no current flows through REF unless a CT gets saturated. Hence minimum pickup current setting is adopted (10% or 20% In) on REF relay. Based on the through fault current, the stabilising resistor is set such that the relay will not operate for external fault when a CT gets saturated.This relay operates only for internal earth faults,instantaneously. 18

Fault current for external fault If = 2500 A (assume) C.T.Ratio (line and neutral) Secondary fault current RCT = C.T.Resistance TL = Lead Resistance = 7.41 Ohms/Km (2.5 sq mm Cu) = 300/1 A 2500 = ------ = 8.33 A (Sec.) 300

Voltage developed across CT (Saturated) (Vk) = If (RCT + 2RL) = 8.33 (5 + 3) = 66.64 Volts = 1 VA = 0.2 A (Set value)

Relay burden Relay Operating Current


Relay Operating Voltage Relay burden VR = ----------------------------Relay Operating Current = 1/0.2 = 5 Volts VK-VR Stabilising Resistor SR = =

ISet 66.64-5.0 ----------0.2 308.2 Ohms 310 Ohms

= Set SR =

If the calculated value of SR exceeds the existing range, the current settings can be raised accordingly and arrived at suitable SR value. 20


Overfluxing Protection 1. Overfluxing condition in a transformer can occur during system over voltage and/or under frequency conditions (V/F). 2. The Overfluxing condition does not call for high speed tripping. The tripping can be delayed depending on the overflux withstand capability of the transformer. 3. Relays with definite time delay (nearly 30Sec.) and inverse characteristic are being employed. Other Protective devices employed Pressure Relief Value (PRV) Winding Temperature Oil Temperature OLTC Buchholz



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