Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis
ORIGIN AND BOTANICAL TRAITS Family: Malvaceae English Names: Shoe flower, Chinese hibiscus Common Names: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * China rose China rose plant Dasani Gudhal Gurhal Jaba Joba Mandaar Sadaphool Senicikobia Japaphool Japa Japakusam Jasum Jasunt Jaswand Jia pushpa Kante Mandasa Sambathoo Chedi Senitoa Yaloyalo
Origin and Distribution: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis are native to Tropical Asia. A native of Southeastern Asia (China), the plant is commonly found through out the tropics and as a house plant through out the world. Most ornamental varieties are hybrids. The present wide range of cultivars is considered to be a complex of interspecific hybrids, between 8 or more different species originating from the African East Coast and islands in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Botanical Trait H. rosa-sinensis is, in reality, a highly polymorphic group composed of complex hybrids and their derivatives. While its hybrid origin and the subsequent range of colour and form which may be produced from one cross heighten the interest in hybridizing as a garden hobby, it has also been suggested that it should now be referred to as Hibiscus x rosa-sinensis to represent properly its hybrid nature Hibiscus plants are among the showiest of flowering shrubs, often reaching 30 feet in nature. Glossy foliage varies somewhat in size and texture depending on variety. All parts of the plant, the roots, leaf, stem and flower are studied in great detail by several investigators Roots: Cylindrical of 5-15 cm length and 2 cm in diameter, off white in colour light brown transverse lenticies. Its fracture is fibrous. Roots tastes sweet and ucilagenous. Leaves: Leaves are simple ovate or ovate- lancolate. Leaves are entire at the base and coarsely toothed at the apex. Taste is mucilagenous. Flowers: Flowers are pedicillate, actinomorphic, pentamerous and complete'. Corolla consists of 5 petals, red in colour and about 3 inches in diameter. Fruit: The fruit (very rarely formed) is a capsule about 3 cm long. Varieties: Many varieties exist differing in size and colour, in single (or) double forms. The important colours include Red, White, Yellow, Light Red APPLICATION
Application sector Herbal shampoo/Hair oil for cosmetic Medicinal Beverage Medicinal applications * * * * * *
Root is demulcent and used for Cough A decoction of root is used for venereal diseases and fevers. Fresh root juice is given for gonorrhoea and powdered root for menorrhagia Leaves are emollient, aperient, anodyne and laxative Leaves and Stembark are used for abortion Staminal column is diuretic used for Kidney trouble
Flowers are astringent, demulcent, emollient, refrigerant, constipating, hypoglycaemic, aphrodisiac, emmenagogue and used for treating aloparia, burning sensation in the body, diabetes, and menstrual disorders.
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Buds are used in treatment of vaginal and uterine discharges. Leaves and flowers are good for healing ulcers and for promoting growth and colour of hair.
Traditional Medicinal Uses: Country Part of the plant used Bangladesh Flower China Flower Cook Islands Flower East Indies Flower Fiji Leaf French Guiana Flower Ghana Peeled turg Guadeloupe Flower Guam Leaves Haiti Flowers Hawaii Flowers India Flower India Stems Japan Leaves Kuwait Flowers Malaysia Roots Mexico Bark, Leaves & flowers Nepal Root Peru Flowers
Use Regulate the menstrual cycle Emmenagogue Gonorrhea To regulate menstruation and for abortion Diarrhea Grippe Chewstick Sodorific and antitussive Abscesses Flu and Cough, Stomach pain Lactation Antifertility agent Diuretic Antidiarrheal Aphrodisiac Fever & Venereal diseases Dysentry Cough Contraceptive (for males)
Emmenagogue (for females) Tumors and infianamation Amenorrhea Dysmenorrhea & abortive
CULTIVATION PRACTICES It is of interest to note that in hot tropical climate, the plant rarely sets seed and that most breeding-work has been done and is still being done in subtropical areas such as Mauritius, Hawaii, Fiji, India, California and Florida. General conditions and Soil conditions Climatic conditions Propagation Grows upto the level of 4000 ft Mean Sea Level Grows in all type of soils Can withstand the high temperature Propagated by cuttings, layering or grafting in spring. They can also be grown from seeds, but usually do not come true from seed. Propagated by stems of size 15 cm Length Propagated in the month of June-July. Planting Culture 2500 stems are required for one hectare. Needs a well-drained compost consisting of 2 parts peat moss to 2 parts loam to 1 part sand. The fertilisers should be applied twice monthly with a balanced fertilizer from April through September. To keep mature plants growing vigorously 1/3 of the old wood in spring have to be pruned out. The plants need full sun to partial shade with intermediate to warm temperatures. Water the plants freely during the growing season. Summer. Flowers are 4-8 inches wide, may be single or double. Colours range from white through pink to red, from yellow and apricot to orange depending on variety. Pinching out tips of stems in spring and
summer increases flower production. Harvest Flowering starts from fourth month of planting. Flowering throughout the year. 20 tonnes of flower (or) One tonne of dried flower from one hectare.
The process involves shade drying of the flowers and roots DRIVING FACTORS FOR DEMAND Demand for use in the production of Herbal shampoo and hair oil is likely to increase steadily, in tune with the per capita income growth in the country. Export market for herbal shampoo would be a thrust area.
Demand Assessment Estimated Indian demand for Hibiscus dry flowers is around 300 tonnes per annum