实际计算 Cost of sale (COS) 时,Overhead absorbed = OAR x actual activity level
Advantage ★考点 Disadvantage
Recognize selling prices cover all costs 通过改变生产规模 Manipulate profit
Complies with IAS 2 – accounting for Based on the assumption that overheads are volume
inventory related
Marginal costing
Advantage Disadvantage
适合 decision making as it highlights Danger that products sold on marginal contribution –
contribution fail to cover fixed costs
Fixed cost are treated as period costs Doesn’t comply with IAS 2,需要调整报表
Necessitates analysis of mixed costs between FC and
Profit depends on sales and efficiency
Activity-based costing
★考点 Traditional absorption costing 适用于 ★考点 Activity-based costing 适用于
One or a few simple and similar products Production has become more complex
Overhead costs 占很小比例 proportion Assess product profitability realistically
资源 consumption not driven by volume
Larger organizations & the service sector
Target costing
Cost plus pricing 传统成本法 Target costing
Implications 对企业的启示/意义
1) True costs of product are identified 特点:考虑了 R&D,全面考虑了产品盈利性
2) Price will change according to demand 产品价格随市场需求/竞争情况而调整
3) Assess profitability over product life not by period 从生命周期看利润情况,而非阶段
理论假设 Assumption:
1) Material is the only totally variable cost in the short-term.短期内只有材料是可变成本
2) Direct labor costs are not variable in the short-term. Many employees are usually guaranteed a minimum
weekly wage.短期内工资非可变成本,许多员工是固定工资.
TOC 理论 focuses on factors bottlenecks which are constraints to this maximization.
Bottlenecks management:
1) Identify the binding constraints 确定瓶颈
2) Exploit. 开发,确保瓶颈资源充分利用
3) Subordinate. 协同,其他步骤放慢进度来配合瓶颈资源,关键是不要有 WIP 产生.
4) Evaluate the systems bottleneck.评估+提供 increase sources or improve its efficiency.
5) Return to step 1. 通常,一个瓶颈克服,就会有另一个瓶颈产生.重复步骤提升.
Environmental accounting
from a clear understanding & effective management of environment-related costs
1) 对于某些行业,环境成本 are becoming huge for some companies. 一旦确认了,有助于控制和降低
这部分成本.譬如石油公司 BP.
2) 已逐渐成为 worldwide regulation,譬如 ISO14001,有些规定需汇报 environment cost
3) Ethical issues 道德认知 –企业需要认识到生产对环境的影响(e.g. carbon emissions).
4) Improved brand image 品牌效应 –’green product’ can be selling point.卖点,提高声誉
5) More accurate pricing and improved profitability. 考虑环境成本利于精确定价
Contribution of environmental management accounting (EMA):关注企业和环境互相影响
★考点-论述题(13.Dec.Q1)4 种确认和分配环境成本的方法:
The material inflows are recorded and balanced with outflows. This
Input/ outflow analysis means what comes in, must go out.
流入/流出分析 差额表示 waste,
环境成本必须从 waste(kg)转化到$(可以以材料成本价来计)
Material flow 在企业中以 3 种形态 categories 存在.
Flow cost accounting 这 3 种形态下的 value 和 cost 要分别计算.
1) Material 目的是降低 quantity of materials 来降低 total business costs in the
2) System and delivery long-run 并使其产生 positive effect on the environment & business
3) Disposal long-term cost.
简单来说,合理规划 3 种形态的量,来降低成本和排放.
用 ABC 方式来处理 environment-related costs
Activity-based costing
(原来它是 hidden on general overheads,现在把它找出来)
Life cycle costing
的成本(full environmental consequences).
Break-even analysis
定义:又称 Cost-volume-profit analysis(CVP),公司在盈亏平衡点的利润为$nil.If sales exceed the
break-even point(该点是一个 sales volume),公司才能盈利.
Method 3: The difference between the budgeted level of activity and the break-even level of activity
Margin of safety = Budgeted sales -Break even sales
Chart 1:
Break-even chart
Chart 2:
Contribution Break-even chart
该表是 highlight the importance of contribution and focus on the
variable costs.
(跟 chart 1.没有本质区别)
Chart 3:
The profit-volume chart
(斜率)对利润和盈亏平衡的影响 Depicting clearly the effect on
2. 当企业存在多个限制因素时:建立 2 个变量的线性方程
1) Define the variables (x, y) 可以 let X=units of product A, Y=…
2) State the constraints as linear relationships,例如 10 X +15 Y ≤ 18000,X、Y》0
3) Objective function 目标函数(最大化 contribution) ,如 Maximum : 8X +12 Y
4) Draw the lines on the gragh 绘图
5) Feasible region 可行性区间 & Optimum production point 最佳生产点: C
Slack/Surplus 松弛(input)和过剩(output)
1) Slack is the amount of resource is not fully used and indicates that unused resources can be put into
another use.表示资源没有充分利用,可以将该资源用于其他地方.
2) Surplus is the amount of output over the min requirement 表示产出超过最低要求.
3) Shadow price (dual price): 阴影价格
4) Additional contribution generated from one additional unit of limiting factor.
☆ Shadow price= New total contribution -Original total contribution 可得额外贡献
5) Opportunity cost of not having the use of one extra unit.不使用额外资源的机会成本
6) The maximum extra amount that should be paid for one additional unit of scarce resource.额外购买稀缺
☆如果 shadow price > 额外单位成本,方案可行.
The price elasticity of demand (PED) 价格的需求弹性
补充:MR=0 时,收入最大.
Cost-based pricing
Equation for the total cost (基于成本的 mark up profit):Y=a+bx
其中 a 阶段 FC,b 单位 VC,X 是 activity level,Y 是总成本.
11 June Q2 (a) demand function (b) penetration/skimming pricing
09 Dec Q5 (b) production-line/complementary pricing
10 June Q1 (c) the choice of pricing strategies
1. 属于 relevant cost
1) Opportunity costs–the potential benefit foregone 机会成本,潜在可能收益
2) Avoidance costs –the specific costs of an activity which would be avoided if that activity did not
exist 如果行为不发生可避免的成本
3) Differential costs
2. 不属于 relevant cost
1) Sunk costs–costs have already been incurred. 沉没成本,不满足 further
2) Committed costs–costs under a long-term contract.承诺成本,不满足 incremental,例如:贷款合
3) Notional (imputed) costs–non cash items.名义成本,例如:设备折旧
Outsourcing 部件外采购或工序外包:
需要考量的问题 Issues to consider(大体跟 make or buy 差不多)
Advantage Disadvantage
Free capital 解放资本 Potential loss of confidential information 丢失保
Cost savings 节约成本(when buy cheaper) 密信息
Access to expertise, specialist contractors can Loss in-house skills 丧失技能
offer superior quality and efficiency 获取专业化 Impact on employee’s morale 打击员工士气
Free up labor capacity 释放劳动力
Contractors have the capacity and flexibility to
start production very quickly to meet sudden
variation in demand 灵活性
2012 June Q1: make or buy
2009 Dec. Q5(c): outsourcing
减少 uncertainty 的 research
Desk research Secondary sources Existing data & available resource
Field research primary sources Direct contact with a targeted group
More expensive and time consuming
Focus group Primary sources Small target groups typically
In-depth conversation about a particular topic
*Each of the variables is analyzed in turn to see how much the original estimate can change before the original
decision is reversed.
*The maximum possible change is often expressed as a percentage. 2/6=33.3%
Limitations 局限性
1) Only one variable can be tested at one time.每次只能测试一个变量
2) It does not quantify the probability of a variable.没有考虑变量变动的可能性
3) It does not have decision rule.没有特定的决策规定
Simulation 模拟仿真
A model shows the effect of more than one variable changing at the one time.数学模型,多个变量,同时改
It is often used in capital investment appraisal.经常用于资本市场投资评价
Limitations 局限性
1) Simulation is only for obtaining more information about the possible outcomes.只提供信息,但要自己做
Advantage Disadvantage
1) 将不确定性也考虑进去,通过给每个可能的 1) EV 采用加权平均值,所以只适用于经常性项
产出一个可能性% 目,one-off project 不适用.
2) Easy and relatively simple method 只要看数 2) 不考虑风险偏好,只考虑最有可能性情况.
据,简单易懂,方便决定. 3) 可能性%具有主观性,或许不符合实际
Pay-off table
risk seeker
risk averse
2011.June Q1: Pay off
Decision tree
diagrammatic method to represent a multi-decision problem
方块代表决策点,取更高收益 圆环代表可能性点,及 EV
Planning 计划
Responsibility 责任-规定各部门经理的职责
Integration and co-ordination 整合-协调各部门工作
Motivation 激励-与奖金挂钩,有激励作用的计划更有利于目标完成
Evaluation and control 评估和控制-不断比较,控制和改进
Component 组成:
1) Meaningful target or standard 确立目标/标准
2) Gathering information form a system (sensor) 搜集信息
3) Comparing information to a standard (comparator) 将信息和标准比较
4) Initiate control action (effector) 采取控制行动
Controllable (受 budget holder 影响)vs Uncontrollable costs(给定时间内不受控)
Compare budgeted results against forecast 目的是为了发现差异,采取发措施,并让最终结果与计划一致
鼓励 proactive,问题发生前采取行动
1) 耗时,需要 regularly 有 control report
2) 需要 sophisticated forecasting system 复杂的预测系统
Budgeting systems
Top down budget approach Bottom up budget approach
Advantage Advantage
企业 Strategic plan 也会一并考虑进计划中 Increased motivation
Senior management 会有意识调节各种资源 Increased commitment from managers
高层 manager 的经验丰富 更 多 预 算 制 定 中 的 细 节 会 被 考 虑 进 more
做预算的无效时间相对较少 accurate, more realistic
Disadvantage Disadvantage
员工不满意 Dissatisfaction Senior managers may lose control.失控
员工士气不高 low morale,或抵制计划 Dysfunctional behaviour 功能歧视性行为 (预
团队合作精神 disappear. 算和企业整体目标不一致)
Process is slow.
Managers may set easy targets
Incremental budgeting
今年预算=去年预算或结果+一定增量,考虑 inflation, estimated growth 和其他已知变化.
局限:budget slack, wasteful spending(如果以前有很多浪费,那还是允许继续浪费)
Appropriate for 适用于:
1) 企业经营非常稳定 stable business,预期成本不会有很大变动
2) 目前的运营是 effective 有效的,efficient 有效率的,economic 经济的
3) Certain costs can be estimated based on inflation 成本是可以预计的
Advantage Disadvantage
Quick and Easy Builds on previous information
Unnecessary spending used up budget allowance
Lack of business scrutiny 监督
1 Define the activities/decision package to be evaluated 定义各种行为
2 Evaluate and rank the activities 评估各种行为的等级
3 Allocate resources 分配资源
Advantage Disadvantage
过时和无效的 operation 可以被找到并剔除 Focus on short term benefits 目光短期
预算准确,有很多员工来参与预算制定 Requires high management skills 能力要求高
Responds to changes in 商业环境 Takes manger’s much of time 耗时
分配资源更 efficiently and economically Rank can be difficult for 不同类型的活动
Advantage Disadvantage
利于计划和控制,因为基于更准确的预算 费钱,费时
减少预算中的不确定性 耗费经理很多时间,经理不愿意做
让经理定期重新评估预算 存在风险,经理偷懒,只是简单加加减减
预算会延展至 further(至未来 12 个月) 花在预算时间过多,而减少了结果的控制
Advantage Disadvantage
假设只与 activity 相关
Simple 假设过去的成本可以可靠预测未来 cost
Easy to understand and easy to use 只取了最高和最低点,其他点不在直线上
假设固定成本不变,可变成本 constant.该假设不符合实际
Method 2 - formula :
Y = a Xb
where Y is the cumulative average time per unit taken to produce X units.
a is the time taken to produce the first unit.
X is the cumulative number of units.
b is the index of learning (log LR/log 2 ).
LR = the learning rate as a decimal
Time to produce 10th bath = Total time to produce 10 – Total time to produce 9
计算 Learning rate
方法 1 表格法 Tabular:
累计 output 翻倍,累计平均时间 B=A*X%,由 A 和 B 倒推出 X%.
Learning rate:
176/200 = 88%
154.88/176 = 88%
136.29/154.88 = 88%
Therefore the monthly rate of learning was 88%
Incremental Cumulative
Incremental total Cumulative total Cumulative average
Month number of number of
labour hours hours hours per batch
batches batches
Limitations 局限:
1) 生产中有 breaks 了,那再恢复到原来的状态需要时间,学习曲线要重新建立
2) 机器运行能力限制劳动力速度,学习曲线就受限,尤其 machine intensive 生产环境
3) 当生产不是重复性发生,譬如非标产品,那么没有 learning effect
4) 产品越复杂,需要增加的经验越多,才能有所提高,体现 learning effect
5) 引入新产品时,更容易体现 learning effect
Experience effect
Learning Curve Experience curve
1) Covers all costs 降低且产量提升
technological and managerial learning effects
研究 labor hours 2) 材料价格有 bulk discount
3) 可变成本 follow the pattern of direct labor
4) 加在单个产品的 FC 降低,基于规模经济
Mix variance:
因为产品原料 X:Y 不同,
Yield variance:
实际的 input-output 比和标
准不同,比如相同 output
却消耗更多 input 产生的差
Mix variance
Actual Qty Actual Qty Difference Std cost Variance $
Std Mix Actual Mix
Material A X X X $X X
Material B X X X $X X
1. Mix variance –an adverse total mix variance would suggest that a higher proportion of an expensive
material is being used.
2. Yield variance –an adverse total yield variance would suggest that less output has been achieved for a
given input. The total input in volume is more than expected for the output achieved.(Unproductively)
1) Revised budget may be biased,并需要外部信息
2) 虚弱了原预算的激励作用,因为可以不断修正
3) 给了当前操作人员借口,认为是 poor planning-不合理
4) Budget should only be revised if beyond the control of the organization. 超出可控范围
5) Budgets should not be revised for operational issues 不能因经营问题修正预算(planning)
Information level
Next year
Strategic planning. The process of deciding on objectives of the
organization Resource not only means
Management (or tactical) control. The process by which managers assure
that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the Staff or worker are also the
accomplishment of the organization's objectives. resource of the company
Other controls
1) Locked or password、防火墙 to protect its data from external access
2) 权限:什么级别有资格解除信息 to protect unauthorized internal access.
3) 邮件收发制度
分母可用 E+NCL
= 1-COS/SR
如果该值上升,说明销售库存的能力不足,或 obsolete stock.
可用 COS
应对方式:Credit checks on customer, 有效追债 chase up,及时开发票,或提
分子可用 COS
Financial gearing = debt / equity or debt / ( debt + equity)
Operational gearing = contribution / PBIT
意义:该值高,表示企业有较高的 business risk (有较高的 fixed cost).
Interest cover = PBIT / finance cost
Dividend cover = Net profit / dividend
Limitations 局限:
1) Short- termism 目光短浅:着眼于短期,譬如不愿意投资 R&D.或买材料以次充好,为了短暂的盈
2) Manipulation 人工操纵:譬如通过计提坏账损失的方式,来认为操纵 ratio.
3) Do not convey the full picture:并没有覆盖企业整体的经营情况.
1) 信息过量,overload 分析不过来
2) 不能单独使用,通常需要跟财务指标一起使用
3) 过度关注 detailed operation target, then sacrificing overall company strategy
4) Review and maintain over periods 需要定期审查反馈
1) Focus on external and internal factors and links them to key area of company strategy.
2) Consider financial and non-financial information-convey full picture,避免 short termism
3) Considers customers’ needs and concerns when explore a new product or market.
4) Concentrated on comparing with competitors or industry to set targets.
Dimension 维度
Resource utilization
前 2 是结果+后 4 是决定因素
Standards 标准(支持目标实现)
Rewards 奖励(支持目标实现)
Advantage Disadvantage
克服了 ROI 的 dysfunctional 因为是绝对值,所以不能用于比较
decision making 使用的会计数据可能是 manipulated.
Increase awareness of cost of the
Marginal cost:
买方无利润,且不能 cover FC,仅
★典型考题:11 Dec Q2