Intasc 3

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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards

Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #3 Learning environments. The teacher understands how to develop and provide a
supportive learning environment.

Course Competency: EDU210 6.3 Develop and articulate a personal philosophy of education.

Essential Learning Outcome: #6: Personal Development: Students will understand and develop an
integrated personal identity, sense of self, and code of ethics and values.

Course: EDU 210

Date of Implementation: October 2022

Title of Artifact: Educational Philosophy Statement

(Explain what you did to complete this assignment/artifact and how this artifact best represents
this particular InTASC standard, Course Competency, and Essential Learning Outcome.)

This assignment made me realize the importance of philosophies. I believe that if

teachers have philosophies of their own the classroom will be more successful. When students
get a clear understanding of what is expected of them they are more likely to follow
expectations. I also thought it was very interesting to research education philosophers and
understand not only their similarities and differences but also their different perspectives on
teaching and learning. By researching these philosophers and also coming up with philosophies
of education of our own it shows as a teacher we are able to provide a supportive learning
environment as the InTASC states. By doing this assignment, I was also able to create my own
philosophy of education and my expectation as a teacher which is the exact representation of
Course Competency. I also believe by doing this assignment I was able to better understand
and develop my own personality, expectations, and values into creating my own philosophy as a


(Explain what you gained from completing this assignment/artifact.)

After completing this assignment and artifact I understand the importance of

philosophies of education. I believe a good teacher will hold a philosophy of their own that
benefits them, students, colleagues, and parents. By doing this assignment I now have a clear
understanding of what my expectations are as a teacher and how my values are portrayed in
my philosophy. By completeing this artifact I have analyzed the work I have done and
understand what and why education philosophies are and the importance they hold. Overall I
think this assignemnt will definitely help guide my way through teaching in the future.

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