Chapter 02 - Study Material - Capacitance - (Lakshya JEE 2.0 2023)

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CONCEPT OF CAPACITANCE (iv) If a dielectric medium of dielectric constant K is filled
completely between the plates then capacitance
When a conductor is charged then its potential rises. The K0 A
increase in potential is directly proportional to the charge given increases by K times i.e. C'   C' = KC
to the conductor. (v) The capacitance of parallel plate capacitor depends on
Q  V or Q = CV  1
A (C  A) and d  C   . It does not depend on the
The constant C is known as the capacity of the conductor.  d
charge on the plates or the potential difference between
SI Unit :- coulomb/volt or farad (F) the plates.
(vi) If a dielectric slab is partially filled between the plates
1 farad = 9 × 1011 statfarad (CGS unit).
0 A
 C' 
d  t  K 
When charge Q is given to a spherical conductor of radius + –
R, then potential at the surface of sphere is + t –
+ –
1 Q Q A + –
V   40R
4 0 R V +
K –

+ + Q E
+ + d
+ R (vii) If a number of dielectric slabs are inserted between the
+ + plate as shown.
+ +
+ + +

1 A K1 K2 K3
C  40 R  .R
9  109
If earth is assumed to be a conducting sphere having radius
t1 t2 t3
R = 6400 km. It's theoretical capacitance C = 711 µF. But for all d
particle purpose capacitance of earth is taken infinity and its
potential V = 0. 0 A
C' 
 t t t 
d  (t1  t 2  t 3  ....)   1  2  3  ..... 
(viii) When a metallic slab is inserted between the plates
It consists of two parallel metallic plates (may be circular, 0A
C' 
rectangular, square) separated by a small distance. If A = (d  t)
Effective overlapping area of each plate.
 Q t
(i) Electric field between the plates : E   –
0 A0 –
d –
(ii) Potential difference between the plates : V=E×d= A –
0 –
 A
(iii) Capacitance : C  0
d d


If metallic slab fills the complete space between the If these two spheres are connected through a conducting
plates (i.e. t = d) or both plates are joined through a wire, then alteration of charge, potential and energy takes place.
metallic wire then capacitance becomes infinite. Q'1 Q'2
(ix) Force between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. C1 r1 r2 C2
2 A Q2 CV 2 U'1 U'2
| F |  
2 0 20 A 2d Q'1 = C1 V Q'2 = C2V
(x) Energy density between the plates of a parallel plate (a) New charge : According to the conservation of charge
Q'1 C1 r1
Energy 1
 0 E 2 Q1 + Q2 = Q'1 + Q'2 = Q (say), also Q '  C  r
Energy density = 2 2 2
Volume 2
 r 
ENERGY STORED IN A CHARGED  Q'2  Q  2  and similarly Q '1  Q  r1 
 r1  r2   r1  r2 
(b) Common potential : Common potential
Let C is capacitance of a conductor. On being connected to a
battery, it charges to a potential V from zero potential. If Q is Total ch arg e Q  Q 2 Q '1  Q '2 C1V1  C 2 V2
charge on the conductor at that time then V  1  
Total capacity C1  C 2 C1  C 2 C1  C 2
Q = CV
Let battery supplies small amount of charge dQ to the (c) Energy loss : The loss of energy due to redistribution
conductor at constant potential V. of charge is given by
Then small amount of work done by the battery is C1C2 2
Q U = Ui – Uf = 2(C  C ) (V1  V2 )
1 2
dW  VdQ  dQ
Q 1  Q2  2
W   dQ     W  Q
C C  2 0 2C Example 1: Can a sphere of radius 1 cm, placed in air be given a
This work done is stored by the capacitor in the form of charge of 1 coulomb?
the electric potential energy Sol. Potential of sphere of 1 cm radius is
 energy stored in the charged conductor
q 1
2 1  Q 2 1
2 Vk = 9 × 109 ×  9  1011 volt
1 (CV) 1
 CV 2 =   V = QV r 102
2C 2 C 2 2  V 2 This potential is so high that the surrounding air gets
Q 2
1 1 ionized, thereby charge leaks to the medium. [air gets ionized at
 U  CV 2  QV 3 × 106 volt]
2C 2 2
Ans. [No]
Example 2: Two conductors having capacities 2µF and 5µF and
REDISTRIBUTION OF CHARGES AND LOSS OF potentials 2 volts and 10 volt respectively. The ratio of their
charges after connecting there by a wire will be:
(a) 2 : 5 (b) 5 : 2
When two charged conductors are joined together through
(c) 1 : 5 (d) 5 : 1
a conducting wire, charge begins to flow from one conductor
to another from higher potential to lower potential. q1 2  106 2
This flow of charge stops when they attain the same Sol.  
q 2 5 106 5
potential. Due to flow of charge, loss of energy also takes place
in the form of heat through the connecting wire. Ans. [a]
Suppose there are two spherical conductors of radii r1 and [Charge distributes in the ratio of capacities]
r2, having charge Q1 and Q2, potential V1 and V2, energies U1 and
U2 and capacitance C1 and C2 respectively. CAPACITOR OR CONDENSER
Q1 Q2 (a) A capacitor is a device that stores electric energy or a
C1 r1 r2 C2 capacitor is a pair of two conductors of any shape,
V1 O O V2 which are close to each other and have equal and
U1 U2 opposite charge.
Q1 = C1 V1 Q2 = C2 V2 (b) The capacitance of a capacitor is defined as the
magnitude of the charge Q on the positive plate divided

by the magnitude of the potential difference V between (i) Electric field between the plates in the presence of
dielectric medium is E' = E – Ei where E = Main field,
the plates i.e., C  Q
V E' = Induced field.
(ii) dielectric constant of dielectric medium is defined as
++ –
+ +++ –
– E Electric field between the plate with air
+ + –  K

+ ++ –
– E ' Electric field beween the plates with medium
++ –
– (iii) K is also known as relative permittivity (r) of the
(c) A capacitor get's charged when a battery is connected material
across the plates. Once capacitor get's fully charged, (d) Dielectric breakdown and dielectric strength: If a very
flow of charge carriers stop in the circuit and in this high electric field is created in a dielectric. The dielectric
condition potential difference across the plates of then behaves like a conductor. This phenomenon is
capacitor is same as the potential difference across the known as dielectric breakdown.
terminals of battery. The maximum value of electric field (or potential
(d) net charge on a capacitor is always zero, but when we gradient) that a dielectric material can tolerate without
speak of the charge Q on a capacitor, we are referring it's electric breakdown is called it's dielectric strength.
to the magnitude of the charge on each plate. V
S.I. unit of dielectric strength of a material is but
practical unit is
Dielectrics are insulating (non-conducting) materials which mm
transmits electric effect without conducting.
Dielectrics are of Two Types TRAIN YOUR BRAIN
(a) Polar dielectrics: A polar molecule has permanent
 Example 3: The capacitance of a capacitor is C when the distance
electric dipole moment ( p ) in the absence of electric between the plates is halved, the capacitance will becomes :
field also. But a polar dielectric has net dipole moment (a) half (b) twice
zero in the absence of electric field because polar (c) one-fourth (d) four-times
molecules are randomly oriented as shown in figure. 1
– + Sol. C 
– + d
– + –
+ C1 d 2 d1 / 2 C1 1
– + +     C2  2C1
+ –

+ – C2 d1 d1  C2 2 Ans. [b]

In the presence of electric field polar molecules tends Example 4: If the distance between the plates of a capacitor is
to line up in the direction of electric field, and the made half and the area of plates is doubled, then the capacitance
substance has finite dipole moment e.g. water, alcohol, will become:
CO2, NH3, HCl etc. are made of polar atoms/molecules. (a) Twice (b) Four times
(b) Non polar dielectric: In non-polar molecules, Each (c) Half (d) One-Fourth
molecule has zero dipole moment in its normal state. 1
When electric field is applied, molecules becomes Sol. C  and C  A
induced electric-dipoles e.g. N2, O2, Benzene, Methane A C1 A1 d 2 A1 d1 / 2 1
etc. are made of non-polar atoms/molecules.  C         C  A . d  2A d  4
d 2 2 1 1 1
In general, any non-conducting material can be called  C2 = 4C1 Ans.[b]
as a dielectric but broadly non-conducting material
Example 5: If 50µF be the capacity of a capacitor in air and
having non-polar molecules referred to as dielectric.
110 µF in oil then the dielectric constant of oil will be:
(c) Polarization of a dielectric slab: It is the process of
(a) 0.45 (b) 0.55
inducing equal and opposite charges on the two faces of
(c) 1.10 (d) 2.20
the dielectric on the application of electric field.
C1 K1
Sol. C  K  C  K
– + – + – 2 2
+ – + – +

+ –
E– –
+ +
– 50 106 1
– + – +
 6
 [for air K1 = 1]
+ – 110 10 K
– + – + 2

 K2 = 2.20 Ans. [d]
VARIATION OF DIFFERENT VARIABLE Capacitance is equivalent to the sum of capacitance of
spherical capacitor and spherical conductor i.e.
b2 ab
CAPACITOR WHEN DIELECTRIC IS 40 .  40  4 0 b
ba ba
Quantity Battery is RemovedBattery Remains connected CYLINDRICAL CAPACITOR
It consists of two co-axial cylinders of radii a and b (a < b), inner
cylinder is given charge + Q while outer cylinder is earthed.
Common length of the cylinders is l then
log e  
d d

V b a Q–Q
Capacity C' = KC C' = KC
Charge Q' = Q Q'= KQ
Potential V' = V/K V' = V l
Electric field E' = E/K E' = E
Energy U' = U/K U'' = KU
Spherical capacitor :
It consists of two concentric conducting spheres of radii a and
b (a < b). Inner sphere is given charge + Q, while outer sphere is
earthed Grouping of capacitors
(i) Potential difference : Between the spheres is
Q Q (i) Charge on each capacitor remains same and equals to
V  the main charge supplied by the battery but potential
4 0a 4 0 b
difference distributes i.e. V = V1 + V2 + V3
–Q (ii) Equivalent capacitance
a 1 1 1 1
  
b Ceq C1 C 2 C3
C1 C2 C3
+Q –Q +Q –Q +Q –Q
 ab 
(ii) Capacitance : C = 40   +



 ba  + – + – + –
+ – + – + –
(iii) If outer sphere is given a charge + Q while inner sphere V1 V2 V3
is earthed
Induced charge on the inner sphere + –
(iii) In series combination potential difference and energy
a distributes in the reverse ratio of capacitances i.e.
Q'   .Q and capacitance of
b 1 1
V and U 
(iv) If two capacitors having capacitances C1 and C2 are
a connected in series then
b +Q
C1C2 Multiplica tion
Ceq  
C1  C2 Addition

b2  C2   C1 
the system C'  4 0 . V1   .V and V2   .V
ba  C1  C 2   C1  C2 

(v) If n identical capacitors each having capacitances C
are connected in series with supply voltage V then
2 4 6
Equivalent capacitance Ceq  and potential
n 5
1 3 7
difference across each capacitor V ' 
(vi) If n identical plates are arranged as shown below, they Equivalent capacitance C' = (n – 1) C
constitute (n – 1) capacitors in series. If each capacitor 0 A
where C = capacitance of a capacitor =
0 A 0 A d
has capacitance then Ceq  (vi) This type of combination is used when high capacity
d (n  1)d
is required.
+ – + – +– + – (vii) If C p is the effective capacity when n identical
+ + – + – +– + – – capacitors are connected in parallel and Cs is their
+ – + – +– + – effective capacity when connected in series, then
+ – + – +– + –
In this situation except two extreme plates each plate Cp
 n2
is common to adjacent capacitor. Cs
(vii) Here, effective capacitance Ceq is even less than the
least of the individual capacitance. TRAIN YOUR BRAIN
Example 6: The capacitor of capacitance 4 µF and 6 µF are
(i) Potential difference across each capacitor remains same connected in series. A potential difference of 500 volts is applied
and equal to the applied potential difference but charge to the outer plates of the two capacitor system. Then the charge
distributes on each capacitor is numerically:
i.e. Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 (a) 6000 C (b) 1200 C
+Q1 + – –Q1 (c) 1200 µC (d) 6000 µC
Q1 +– C1C2
+Q2 –Q2 Sol. CR   2.4µF
Q2 + –
– C1  C2
Charge flown through the circuit
Q Q3 +Q3 ––Q3
+– = 2.4 × 500 × 10–6 C
+– = 1200 µC Ans. [c]

Example 7: Three capacitors each of capacitance 1µF are

(ii) Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3 connected in parallel. To this combination, a fourth capacitor of
(iii) In parallel combination charge and energy distributes capacitance 1µF is connected in series. The resultant capacitance
of the system is :
in the ratio of capacitance i.e. Q  C and U  C
(a) 4µF (b) 2 µF
(iv) If two capacitors having capacitance C 1 and C 2
(c) 4/3 µF (d) 3/4 µF
respectively are connected in parallel then
Ceq = C1 + C2 1µF

1µF 1µF 3µF 1µF

 C1   C2  Sol. A A B
Q1   .Q and Q 2   .Q B
 C1  C2   C1  C 2  1µF

(v) If n identical capacitors are connected in parallel, then

Equivalent capacitance Ceq = nC and Charge on each 1 1 1 3
   C  µF Ans. [d]
Q C 3 1 4
capacitor Q'  Example 8: In the circuit diagram shown in the adjoining figure,
the resultant capacitance between P and Q is:
If n identical plates are arranged such that even 12µF
numbered plates are connected together and odd
numbered plates are connected together, then (n – 1) 2µF
capacitors will be formed and they will be in parallel 3µF Q
(a) 47 µF (b) 3 µF 1
Sol. Ceq = 1µF, E = C V2
(c) 60 µF (d) 10 µF 2 eq 0.5µF
Sol. The given circuit can be drawn as
Where C = (3 + 2) µF = 5µF Ceq = C1 + C2
Ceq= 1F 0.5µF
5µF Q E= × 1 × 10–6 × 200 × 200
= 2 × 10–2 = 0.02 J Ans. [b]

1 1 1 1 20 1 Example 11: Four capacitors of each capacity 3µF are connected

     as shown in the adjoining figure. The ratio of equivalent
C PQ 5 20 12 60 3
capacitance between A and B and between A and C will be :
 CPQ = 3 µF Ans. [b] A B

Example 9: Four capacitor each capacity 4µF are connected as 3µF

shown in figure VP – VQ = 15 volts. The energy stored in the 3µF 3µF
system is : 3µF

4µF C
4µF 4µF (a) 4 : 3 (b) 3 : 4
P Q (c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2

4µF A 3µF B

(a) 2400 erg (b) 1800 erg Sol. CA B =4µF

(c) 3600 erg (d) 5400 erg 1µF
4µF 8µF 4µF
Sol. P Q

1 1 1 1 C A C= 3µF
   A C
C eq 4 8 4
1 2 1 2 8
        Ceq  µF  CAB : CAC = 4 : 3 Ans. [a]
C eq 8 5
Example 12: Four plates of the same area of cross-section are
1 joined as shown in the figure. The distance between each plates
Energy stored = C V2
2 eq is d. The equivalent capacity across AB will be :
1 8
= × × 10–6 × 225
2 5 A
= 180 × 10–6 joule
= 180 × 10–6 × 107 erg 2 0 A 3 0 A
(a) (b)
= 1800 erg Ans. [b] d d

3 0 A 0 A
Example 10: Two capacitors each of 0.5 µF capacitance are (c) (d)
2d d
connected in parallel and are then charged by
200 volts. D.C. supply. The total energy stored in the system (in Sol. The arrangement shown in the figure is equivalent to
joules) is : three capacitance in parallel hence resultant capacitance
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.02 3 0 A
 Ans. [b]
(c) 0.04 (d) 0.06 d

Example 13: In the connection shown in the adjoining figure.  C' = 1 F
The equivalent capacity between A and B will be :
This capacitance is in parallel with capacitance of 2 F
6 F
across CD.
Hence CT(AB) = 2 + 1 = 3 F
12 F This capacitance is in series with 3 F capacitance
A B across AB. Hence total capacitance across AB.
9 F 24 F
1 1 1 1
C " = 3 + 3 + 3 = 1;
18 F  C" = 1 F Ans. [a]
(a) 8 F (b) 12 F
(c) 20 F (d) 10 F Example 15: Two capacitor of capacities 2C and C joined in
Sol. Given circuit can be drawn as parallel and charged upto potential V. The battery is removed
and the capacitor of capacity C is filled completely with a medium
Here C, D are equipotential points
of dielectric constant K. The p.d. across the capacitor will now
 24 F capacitor holds no charge as
be :
6 3V 3V
12 (a) (b)
K2 K
A 24
9 18 (c) (d)
K2 K
D Sol. q1 = 2 CV, q2 = CV
V = 0
Now condenser of capacity C is filled with dielectric K,
12  6 9  18 therefore C2 = KC
 Ceq = + = 10 F Ans.[d]
12  6 9  18 As charge is conserved,
 q1 + q2 = (C + 2C)V
Example 14: The resultant capacitance between A and B in the
following figure is equal to : 3CV 3V
 V' = = Ans. [a]
3 F 3 F 3 F K  2C K  2
Example 16: In the following circuit, the resultant capacitance
between A and B is 1 F. Then value of C is :
2 F 2 F 3 F
C 1 F
3 F 3 F 3 F 8 F 6 F 4 F
(a) 1 F (b) 3 F
(c) 2 F (d) 1.5 F
Sol. Total series capacitance across Ef = 3 F
2 F 12 F
Capacitance across EF = 2 + 1 = 3 F 2 F
This capacitor is in series with 3 F capacitance at CD. B
Hence total series capacitance
32 11
1 1 1 1 (a) F (b) F
= + + = 1; 11 32
C' 3 3 3
3 F
3 F
3 F (c) F (d) 32 F
A 32 23
Sol. 12F and 6F are in series and again are in parallel with
2 F 2 F 3 F
Therefore resultant of these three will be
12  6
= + 4 = 8F,,
B D 3 F F 3 F 12  6
3 F
This equivalent system is series with 1F , its Sol. The total energy before connection
equivalent capacitance
1 1
8 1 8 = × 4 × 10–6 × (50)2 + × 2 × 10–6 × (100)2
2 2
= = F ......... (a)
8 1 9 = 1.5 × 10–2 J
Equivalent of 8F , 2F and When connected in parallel
48 8 C1V1  C2V2 4(50)  2(100)
2F = = F ......... (b) V V
48 3 C1  C2   6
(a) and (b) are in parallel and are in series with C.
8 8 32  V Volt(common)
 + = and Ceq = 1
9 3 9 Total energy after connection
32 2
C 1  200 
9 32 32 U  6 106   
= 32    +C= C 2  3 
C 9 9
9 U = 1.33 × 10–2 Joule Ans. [a]
32 32
 C–C= Example 19: Two capacitors of 3pF and 6pF are connected in
9 9 series and a potential difference of 5000V is applied across the
32 9 32 combination. They are then disconnected and reconnected in
 C= × = F Ans. [d] parallel. The potential between the plates is :
9 23 23
(a) 2250 V (b) 1111 V
(c) 2.25 × 106 V (d) 1.1 × 106 V
Example 17: In the circuit shown in the figure, the potential
difference across the 4.5mF capacitor is : 1 1 1
Sol. = +  C = 2pF
1F C 3 6
4.5F Total charge = 2 × 10–12 × 5000 = 10–8 C
The new potential when the capacitors are connected
in parallel is
8F 108
3  6  1012 = 1111 V Ans. [b]

Example 20: Three capacitor are connected in series across a 75
8 volt supply. The voltages across them are 20, 25 and 30 volts
(a) volts (b) 4 volts respectively and the charge on each is 3 × 10–3 C. Find the
(c) 6 volts (d) 8 volts capacity of each capacitor and also total capacity of the
1 1 1 Sol. Here
Sol.  
C eq 4.5 9 Q = 3 × 10–3 C
 Ceq = 3 µF V = 75 V, V1 = 20 V, V2 = 25 V, V3 = 30 V
The charge through the circuit Let C1, C2 and C3 be the capacities of the capacitor
= 3 × 12 = 36 C respectively and C be the capacity of the combination.
 Potential difference across 4.5 F capacitor Q
since C = (In series combination, charge is same)
q 36 V
V= = = 8 volts Ans. [d]
C 4.5
3  103
 C1 = = 1.5 × 10–4 F = 15 × 10–5 F
Example 18: A capacitor 4 mF charged to 50V is connected to
another capacitor of 2 mF charged to 100V with plates of like 3  103
C2 = = 1.2 × 10–4 F = 12 × 10–5 F
charges connected together. The total energy before and after 25
connection in multiples of (10–2 J) is :
(a) 1.5 and 1.33 (b) 1.33 and 1.5
3  103
C3 = = 1.0 × 10–4 F = 10 × 10–5 F
(c) 3.0 and 2.67 (d) 2.67 and 3.0 30

Total capacity of the combination CHARGING AND DISCHARGING OF
= + +
C C1 C 2 C3
(i) Charging : In transient state of charging charge on the
On solving C = 40 µF
capacitor at any instant Q  CE 1  e
 t / RC
  and
Example 21: potential difference across the capacitor at any instant
(a) Two dielectric slabs of dielectric constant K1 and K2
have been filled in between the plates of a capacitor as

VC  E 1  e t / RC 
shown in fig. What will be the capacitance in each (Here Q and V are the instantaneous values of charge
case. and potential difference
+ –

K2 i1

S + –
(b) A capacitor if filled with two dielectric of same E
dimensions but of dielectric constant 2 and
3 respectively. Q0 VC
Q V=V0(1–e–t/RC)

K1 K2 O t
Charge on the capacitor increases 0 t
with time during charging Charging

Sol. (a) The arrangement shown in fig is equivalent to two I

E/R E –t/RC
capacitors joined in series. Let their capacitance be C1 I= R (e )
and C2 respectively. The
C1   0 1 and C2  0 2
d/2 d/2 O t=RC t
1 1 1 d d Charging
Now C  C  C  2 K A  2 K A
1 2 0 1 0 2 (ii) Discharging : After the completion of charging, if
battery is removed capacitor starts discharging. In
d  K 2  K1 
   transient state charge on the capacitor at any instant
20 A  K1K 2  Q = CEe–t/RC and potential difference cross the
capacitor at any instant V = Ee–t/RC.
20 A  K 2 K1 
C   ...(b)
d  K 2  K1  Q0
(b) Let A be the area of each plate of the capacitor and d Q = Q0e–t/RC
be the distance between the two plates. If the
capacitance be C 1 and C 2 respectively, then t O t
K1A / 2 K 2 ACharge
/ 2 on the capacitor increases Charge on the capacitor decreases
C1  0 and C2  0 with time during discharging
d d
Let C be the equivalent capacitance, then C (iii) Time constant () : The quantity RC is called the time
constant as it has the dimension of time During
K1A K A charging if t =  = RC, Q = Q0(1 – e–1) = 0.63
= C1 + C2 =  0  0 2
2d 2d 1 
Q0 = 63% of Q0   0.37  or during discharging it
0 A e 
Cequ  (K1  K 2 ) is defined as the time during which charge on a
2d capacitor falls to 0.37 times (37%) of the initial charge
{ Two condensers are in parallel} on the capacitor.
Sol. The time constant of the circuit is
= RC = 103 × 2500 × 10-6 = 2.5 sec
Example 22: A capacitor is discharged through a 10 MW resistor For charging
and it is found that the time constant is 200s. Then, find the
value of the capacitance. V = V0 (1 – e-t/RC)
Sol. = RC = 200, thus put t = 5sec, and  = 2.5 sec, then
C = 200 / 10 × 106 = 20 F V = 12(1 – e-2) = 12(1 – 0.135)
Example 23: A 2500 mF capacitor is charged through a 1 KW
= 12 × 0.865 = 10.38 volt.
resistor by a 12V d.c. source. What is the voltage across the
capacitor after 5 sec ?

Topicwise Questions
Finding Capacitance, Parallel, Spherical,
1. Eight drops of mercury of equal radii possessing
equal charges combine to form a big drop. Then the
capacitance of bigger drop compared to each individual (b)
small drop is
(a) 8 times (b) 4 times
(c) 2 times (d) 32 times
2. The capacity of parallel plate condenser depends on
(a) The type of metal used
(b) The thickness of plates (d)
(c) The potential applied across the plates
7. Five capacitors of 10 F capacity each are connected to
(d) The separation between the plates a d.c. potential of 100 volts as shown in the adjoining
3. Eight small drops, each of radius r and having same charge figure. The equivalent capacitance between the points A
and B will be equal to
q are combined to form a big drop. The ratio between the
10F 10F
potentials of the bigger drop and the smaller drop is
(a) 8 : 1 (b) 4 : 1
10F 10F
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 8
4. N identical spherical drops charged to the same potential 100 Volt
V are combined to form a big drop. The potential of the (a) 40 F (b) 20 F
(c) 30 F (d) 10 F
new drop will be 8. In the circuit diagram shown in the adjoining figure, the
(a) V (b) V/N resultant capacitance between P and Q is
(c) V × N (d) V × N2/3 P

Equivalent Capacitance (Series & Parallel 2F 3F

5. The condensers of capacity C1 and C2 are connected in 20F
parallel, then the equivalent capacitance is (a) 47 F (b) 3 F
(c) 60 F (d) 10 F
C1C 2 9. The capacities and connection of five capacitors are
(a) C1 + C2 (b) shown in the adjoining figure. The potential difference
C1  C 2
between the points A and B is 60 volts. Then the equivalent
capacity between A and B and the charge on 5 F
C1 C2
(c) (d) capacitance will be respectively
C2 C1 5F 9F
6. Seven capacitors each of capacity 2F are to be so 12F 10F 8F

connected to have a total capacity F . Which will be B
(a) 44 F; 300 C (b) 16 F; 150 C
the necessary figure as shown (c) 15 F; 200 C (d) 4 F; 50 C
10. Three equal capacitors, each with capacitance C are 15. The equivalent capacitance between A and B is
connected as shown in figure. Then the equivalent
1F 1F
capacitance between A and B is

C C C 1F 1F

(a) C (b) 3 C
(a) 2 F (b) 3 F
C 3C (c) 5 F (d) 0.5 F
(c) (d)
3 2
11. Four plates of the same area of cross-section are joined Circuit Analysis
as shown in the figure. The distance between each plate 16. A capacitor having capacitance C is charged to a voltage
is d. The equivalent capacity across A and B will be V. It is then removed and connected in parallel with another
identical capacitor which is uncharged. The new charge
A on each capacitor is now
B (a) CV (b) CV / 2
(c) 2 CV (d) CV / 4
17. Two capacitors of 3pF and 6pF are connected in series
2 0 A 3 0 A
(a) (b) and a potential difference of 5000 V is applied across the
d d combination. They are then disconnected and
3 0 A 0 A reconnected in parallel. The potential between the plates
(c) (d) is
2d d
(a) 2250 V (b) 2222 V
12. The total capacity of the system of capacitors shown in
(c) 2.25 × 106V (d) 1.1 × 106 V
the adjoining figure between the points A and B is
18. Three capacitors of capacitance 3 F, 10 F and 15 F are
2F connected in series to a voltage source of 100V. The charge
A on 15 F is
1F (a) 50 C (b) 100 C
1F 2F (c) 200 C (d) 280 C
19. The charge on any one of the 2 F capacitors and 1 F
capacitor will be given respectively (in C) as

2F 2F
(a) 1 F (b) 2 F
(c) 3 F (d) 4 F
13. Three capacitors each of 6F are available. The minimum 1F
and maximum capacitances which may be obtained are
(a) 6 F, 18 F (b) 3 F, 12 F
(c) 2 F, 12 F (d) 2 F, 18 F
14. The resultant capacitance of given circuit is (a) 1, 2 (b) 2, 1
(c) 1, 1 (d) 2, 2
P 20. In the figure a potential of + 1200 V is given to point A and
2C point B is earthed, what is the potential at the point P


(a) 3 C (b) 2 C
C (a) 100 V (b) 200 V
(c) C (d) (c) 400 V (d) 600 V

21. A condenser has a capacity 2 F and is charged to a 26. An air filled parallel plate capacitor has capacity C. If
voltage of 50 V. The energy stored is distance between plates is doubled and it is immersed in
1 a liquid then capacity becomes twice. Dielectric constant
(a) 25  105 Joule (b)  2  502 J of the liquid is
(c) 25  10 erg (d) 2500  10–6J
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
22. A capacitor of capacitance 6F is charged upto 100 volt.
The energy stored in the capacitor is 27. A parallel plate capacitor with air as medium between the
plates has a capacitance of 10 F. The area of capacitor is
1 divided into two equal halves and filled with two media
(a)  6  1002 Joule (b) 0.06 Joule as shown in the figure having dielectric constant k1 = 2
and k2 = 4. The capacitance of the system will now be
(c) 3 × 10 Joule (d) 0.03 Joule
23. A 40 F capacitor in a defibrillator is charged to 3000 V.
The energy stored in the capacitor is sent through the
patient during a pulse of duration 2ms. The power
delivered to the patient is K1 K2
(a) 45 kW (b) 90 kW
(c) 180 kW (d) 360 kW
24. The energy stored in a condenser is in the form of
(a) Kinetic energy (b) Potential energy
(c) energy (d) Magnetic energy
(a) 10 F (b) 20 F
25. Two capacitors A and B are connected in series with a
battery as shown in the figure. When the switch S is (c) 30 F (d) 40 F
closed and the two capacitors get charged fully, then
2F 3F RC Circuit
28. In the circuit here, the steady state voltage across capacitor
C is a fraction of the battery e.m.f. The fraction is decided
10 V S

(a) The potential difference across the plates of A is 4V C

and across the plates of B is 6V R2
(b) The potential difference across the plates of A is 6V R3
and across the plates of B is 4V
(c) The ratio of electrical energies stored in A and B is
2: 3 (a) R1 only (b) R1 and R2 only
(d) The ratio of charges on A and B is 3 : 2 (c) R1 and R3 only (d) R1,R2 and R3

Learning Plus
1. The radii of two metallic spheres are 5 cm and 10 cm and (a)No change in the electrical energy of the system
both carry equal charge of 75C. If the two spheres are (b)An increase in the electrical energy of the system
shorted then charge transferred is. (c)Always a decrease in the electrical energy of the system
(a) 25 C from smaller to bigger (d)A decrease in electrical energy of the system until
(b) 25 C from bigger to smaller Q1 R2 = Q2 R1
(c) 50 C from smaller to bigger 3. No current flows between two charged bodies connected
together when they have the same
(d) 50 C from bigger to smaller
(a) capacitance or Q/V ratio
2. Two isolated charged metallic spheres of radii R1 and R2 (b) charge
having charges Q1 and Q2 respectively are connected to (c) resistance
each other, then there is: (d) potential or Q/C ratio
4. The capacitance of a parallel plate condenser does not 9. What is the equivalent capacitance of the system of
depend upon capacitors between A & B
(a) the distance between the plates A
(b) area of the plates C C
(c) medium between the plates
(d) metal of the plates
5. Two spherical conductors of capacitance 3.0 F and B
5.0 F are charged to potentials of 300Volt and 500Volt. 7
The two are connected resulting in redistribution of (a) C (b) 1.6 C
charges. Then the final potential is - (c) C (d) None
(a) 300 volt (b) 500 volt 10. Find the equivalent capacitance across A & B
(c) 425 volt (d) 400 volt 23F 7F
6. In the adjoining circuit, the capacity between the points A
and B will be - A 13F 1F B

10F 1F
28 15
(a) F (b) F
3 2
(c) 15  F (d) None
(a) C (b) 2C 11. Three uncharged capacitors of capacitane C 1 = 1F,
(c) 3C (d) 4C C2 = 2F and C3 = 3F are connected as shown in figure to
7. The resultant capacity between the points A and B in the one another and to points A, B and D potential A = 10V,
adjoining circuit will be - B = 25V and D = 20 V, Determine the potential (0) at point


C2 O C3


(a) 20 V (b) 30 V
(a) C (b) 2 C (c) 40 V (d) 10 V
(c) 3 C (d) 4 C 12. Five capacitors are connected as shown in the figure.
8. The equivalent capacitance between the terminals X and Initially S is opened and all capacitors are uncharged.
Y in the figure shown will be–
When S is closed, steady state is obtained. Then find out
potential difference between the points M and N.


4F 2F 4F

6F 1.2F

(a) 100 pF (b) 200 pF (a) 14 (b) 12
(c) 300 pF (d) 400 pF (c) 10 (d) 15
13. If charge on left plate of the 5  F capacitor in the circuit 18. Three capacitors 2  F, 3  F and 5  F can withstand
voltages to 3 V, 2V and 1V respectively. Their series
segment shown in the figure is-20  C, the charge on the combination can withstand a maximum voltage equal to
right plate of 3  F capacitor is :- (a) 5 Volts (b) (31/6) Volts
(c) (26/5) Volts (d) None
19. A capacitor is connected to a battery. The force of
5F 2F attraction between the plates when the separation between
them is halved
4F (a) remains the same (b) becomes eight times
(c) becomes four times (d) becomes two times
(a) +8.57  C (b) –8.57  C
20. A1 is a spherical conductor of radius (r) placed
(c) + 11.42  C (d) –11.42  C concentrically inside a thin spherical hollow conductor
14. A capacitor C1 = 4F is connected in series with another A2 of radius (R). A1 is earthed and A2 is given a charge
capacitor C2 = 1F. The combination is connected across +Q then the charge on A1 is-
a d.c. source of voltage 200V. The ratio of potential across (a) –Q (b) Qr/R
C1 and C2 is - (c) –rQ/R (d) –Q (R–r)/R
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 4 : 1 21. The energy of a charged capacitor resides in
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1 (a) the electric field only
15. In the circuit shown, a potential difference of 60V is applied (b) the magnetic field only
across AB. The potential difference between the points M (c) both the electric and magnetic field
and N is (d) neither in electric nor magnetic field
22. The work done against electric forces in increasing the
potential difference of a condenser from 20V to 40V is W.
A M The work done in increasing its potential difference from
40V to 50V will be (consider capacitance of capacitor remain
60V C constant)
(a) 4W (b)
B N 4
(c) 2W (d)
(a) 10 V (b) 15 V 2
(c) 20 V (d) 30 V 23. A conductor of capacitance 0.5F has been charged to
100volts. It is now connected to uncharged conductor of
16. Five identical capacitor plates are arranged such that they
capacitance 0.2F. The loss in potential energy is nearly-
make capacitors each of 2  F. The plates are connected to (a) 7 × 10–4 J (b) 3.5 × 10–4 J
a source of emf 10 V. The charge on plate C is –4
(c) 14 × 10 J (d) 7 × 10–3 J
24. A parallel plate condenser of capacity C is connected to a
10V battery and is charged to potential V. Another condenser
of capacity 2C is connected to another battery and is
A charged to potential 2V. The charging batteries are removed
B and now the condensers are connected in such a way that
the positive plate of one is connected to negative plate of
C another. The final energy of this system is–
D 25CV 2
E (a) zero (b)
(a) +20  C (b) +40  C 3CV 2 9CV 2
(c) (d)
2 2
(c) +60  C (d) +80  C
25. A 2  F capacitor is charged to a potential = 10 V. Another
17. A capacitor of capacitance 1  F withstands the maximum
voltage 6 kV while a capacitor of 2  F withstands the 4  F capacitor is charged to a potential = 20V. The two
maximum voltage 4 kV. What maximum voltage will the capacitors are then connected in a single loop, with the
system of these two capacitor withstands if they are positive plate of one connected with negative plate of the
connected in series? other. What heat is evolved in the circuit?
(a) 10 kV (b) 12 kV (a) 300  J (b) 600  J
(c) 8 kV (d) 9 kV (c) 900  J (d) 450  J
26. The distance between the plates of a parallel plate 32. A parallel plate isolated condenser consists of two metal
condenser is d. If a copper plate of same area but thickness plates of area A and separation ‘d’. A slab of thickness ‘t’
d and dielectric constant K is inserted between the plates
is placed between the plates then the new capacitance
2 with its faces parallel to the plates and having the same
will become-
(a) half (b) double surface area as that of the plates. If K = 2, for what value of
(c) one fourth (d) unchanged t/d will the capacitance of the system be 3/2 times that of
27. A parallel plate condenser is connected to a battery of the condenser with air filling the full space ?
e.m.f. 4 volt. If a plate of dielectric constant 8 is inserted 1 2
into it, then the potential difference on the condenser will (a) (b)
3 3
(a) 1/2 V (b) 2V (c) (d) 3
(c) 4V (d) 32V 2
28. In the above problem if the battery is disconnected before 33. Hard rubber has a dielectric constant of 2.8 and a dielectric
inserting the dielectric, then potential difference will be- strength of 18 × 108 volts/meter. If it is used as the dielectric
(a) 1/2 V (b) 2V material filling the full space in a parallel plate capacitor.
(c) 4V (d) 32V What minimum area may the plates of the capacitor have
29. A parallel plate condenser with plate separation d is charged in order that the capacitance be 7.0 × 10–2 f and that the
with the help of a battery so that U0 energy is stored in the capacitor be able to withstand a potential difference of
system. A plate of dielectric constant K and thickness d is 4000 volts.
placed between the plates of condenser while battery
(a) 0.62 m–2 (b) 0.32 m–2
remains connected. The new energy of the system will be- –2
(c) 0.42 m (d) 0.52 m–2
(a) KU0 (b) K2U0
34. The area of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is A and
U0 U0 the gap between them is d. The gap is filled with a non
(c) (d)
K K2 homogeneneous dielectric whose dielectric constant varies
30. A metallic plate of thickness (t) and face area of one side with the distance ‘y’ from one plate as: K = sec(y/2d),
(a) is inserted between the plates of a parallel plate air where is a dimensionless constant. The capacitance of
capacitor with a separation (d) and face are (a). Then the this capacitor is
equivalent capacitance is :
(a)  0  A/2d (b)  0  A/d
 A 0 A
(a) 0 (b) ( d x t ) (c) 2  0  A/d (d) None
d 35. A capacitor stores 60  C Charge when connected across
0 A 0 A
(c) ( d  t ) (d) ( d  t ) a battery. When the gap between the plates is filled with a
dielectric, a charge of 120  C flows through the battery..
31. A parallel plate capacitor has two layers of dielectric as
The dielectric constant of the material inserted is
shown in figure. This capacitor is connected across a
battery. The graph which shows the variation of electric (a) 1 (b) 2
field (E) and distance (x) from left plate. (c) 3 (d) None
36. Condenser A has a capacity of 15  F when it is filled with
k=2 k=4 a medium of dielectric constant 15. Another condenser B
has a capacity 1  F with air between the plates. Both are
charged separately by a battery of 100 V. After charging,
(d,0) (3d,0) both are connected in parallel without the battery and the
dielectric material being removed. The common potential
y y now is
(a) 400 V (b) 800 V
(c) 1200 V (d) 1600 V
(a) (b) 37. In the adjoining figure, capacitor (a) and (b) have a
x x
capacitance ‘C’ each. When the dielectric of dielectric
(d,0) (3d,0) (d,0) (3d,0)
constant K is inserted between the plates of one of the
y y capacitor, the total charge flowing through battery is

(c) (d) C C C
(d,0) (3d,0) x (d,0) (3d,0) x 1 2

KCE 2 0 A 2 0 A  K1  K 2 
(a) from B to C (a) (K1 + K2) (b)  
K 1 d d  K1  K 2 
(b) from C to B d 2 0 A  K1  K 2 
K 1 (c) 2 A (d)  
0 d  K1  K 2 
(K  1)CE
(c) from B to C 39. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is 2.5F.
2(K  1)
When it is half filled with a dielectric as shown in the
figure, Its capacitance becomes 5F, the dielectric
(K  1)CE
(d) from C to B constant of the dielectric is
2(K  1)
38. Two dielectric slabs of constant K1 and K2 have been
filled in between the plates of a capacitor as shown below.
What will be the capacitance of the capacitor

(a) 7.5 (b) 3.0

(c) 0.33 (d) 4.0

Advanced Level Multiconcept Questions

1. When a charged capacitor is connected with an uncharged
capacitor, then which of the following is/are correct option/ 1
(d) [(Q1  Q 2 )  (Q 3  Q 4 )]
options. C
(a) the magnitude of charge on the charged capacitor
4. Each plate of a parallel plate capacitor has a charge q on it.
The capacitor is now connected to a battery. Now,
(b) a steady state is obtained after which no further flow
of charge occurs. (a) the facing surfaces of the capacitor have equal and
(c) the total potential energy stored in the capacitors opposite charges
remains conserved. (b) the two plates of the capacitor have equal and opposite
(d) the charge conservation is always true. charges
2. For a charged parallel plate capacitor shown in the figure, (c) the battery supplies equal and opposite charges to
the force experienced by an alpha particle will be : the two plates
C (d) the outer surfaces of the plates have equal charges
B 5. Two capacitors of 2F and 3F are charged to 150 volt and
120 volt respectively. The plates of capacitor are connected
(a) maximum at C (b) zero at A as shown in the figure. A discharged capacitor of capacity
(c) same at B and C (d) zero at C 1.5 F falls on the free ends of the wire. Then
3. In an isolated parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C the
four surfaces have charges Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4 as shown in 15
. F
the figure. The potential difference between the plates is :

Q1 Q3
+ –
150V 2F 3F 120V
– +
Q2 Q4
(a) charge on the 1.5 F capacitor is 180 C
Q1  Q 2
(a) (b) charge on the 2 F capacitor is 120 C
(c) charge flows through A from right to left
(b) (d) charge flows through A from left to right
6. A circuit shown in the figure consists of a battery of emf 10. The two plates X and Y of a parallel plate capacitor of
10V and two capacitors C1 and C2 of capacitances 1.0F capacitance C are given a charge of amount Q each. X is
and 2.0F respectively. The potential difference VA – VB is now joined to the positive terminal and Y to the negative
terminal of a cell of emf E = Q/C.
A B (a) Charge of amount Q will flow from the negative terminal
C1  C2
to the positive terminal of the cell inside it.
(a) charge on capacitor C1 is equal to charge on capacitor (b) The total charge on the plate X will be 2Q
(c) The total charge on the plate Y will be zero
(b) Voltage across capacitor C1 is 5V
(c) Voltage across capacitor C2 is 10 V (d) The cell will supply CE2 amount of energy
(d) Energy stored in capacitor C1 is two times the energy 11. When two identical capacitors are charged individually to
stored in capacitor C2 different potentials and connected parallel to each other,
7. A parallel-plate capacitor is connected to a cell. Its positive after disconnecting them from the source :
plate A and its negative plate B have charges +Q and –Q (a) net charge on connected plates is less than the sum of
respectively. A third plate C, identical to A and B, with
initial individual charges.
charge +Q, is now introduced midway between A and B,
parallel to them. Which of the following are correct? (b) net charge on connected plates equals the sum of initial
(a) The charge on the inner face of B is now  (c) the net potential difference across them is different
(b) There is no change in the potential difference between from the sum of the individual initial potential
A and B differences.
(c) The potential difference between A and C is one-third (d) the net energy stored in the two capacitors is less
of the potential difference between B and C than the sum of the initial individual energies.
(d) The charge on the inner face of A is now Q/2 12. Two capacitors C1 = 4F and C2 = 2F are charged to same
8. The separation between the plates of a isolated charged potential V = 500 Volt, but with opposite polarity as shown
parallel plate capacitor is increased. Which of the following in the figure. The switches S1 and S2 are closed.
quantities will change ?
(a) charge on the capacitor + –
(b) potential difference across the capacitor S1 C1 S2
(c) energy of the capacitor
(d) energy density between the plates
– +
9. Rows of capacitors containing 1, 2, 4, 8, .......... capacitors, C2
each of capacitance 2F, are connected in parallel as shown
in figure. The potential difference across AB = 10 volt, (a) The potential difference across the two capacitors are
then : same and is given by 500/3V
(b) The potential difference across the two capacitors are
same and is given by 1000/3V
A Row1 B (c) The ratio of final energy to initial energy of the system
is 1/9
(d) The ratio of final energy to initial energy of the system
Row3 is 4/9
13. The terminals of a battery of emf V are connected to the
two plates of a parallel plate capacitor. If the space between
the plates of the capacitor is filled with an insulator of
dielectric constant K, then :
(a) Total capacitance across AB is 4F (a) the electric field in the space between the plates does
(b) Charge of each capacitor will be same not change
(c) Charge on the capacitor in the first row is more than (b) the capacitance of the capacitor increases
on any other capacitor (c) the charge stored in the capacitor increases
(d) Energy of all the capacitors is 50 J (d) the electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor
14. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor with no dielectric 19. The instantaneous charge on capacitor in two discharging
are connected to a voltage source. Now a dielectric of RC circuits is plotted with respect to time in figure. Choose
dielectric constant K is inserted to fill the whole space the correct statement(s) (where E1 and E2 are emfs of two
between the plates with voltage source remaining DC sources in two different charging circuits and capacitors
connected to the capacitor. are fully charged).
(a) the energy stored in the capacitor will become Ktimes
(b) the electric field inside the capacitor will decrease to q
(c) the force of attraction between the plates will increase qmax
to K2 – times
(d) the charge on the capacitor will increase to K-times O t
15. A parallel plate air capacitor is connected to a battery. The
quantities charge, electric field and energy associated with R1 C2
this capacitor are given by Q0, V0, E0 and U0 respectively. (a) R1C1 > R2C2 (b) R  C
2 1
A dielectric slab is now introduced to fill the space between
the plates with the battery still in connection. The (c) R1 > R2 if E1 = E2 (d) C2 > C1 if E1 = E2
corresponding quantities now given by Q, V, E and U are 20. In the circuit shown in figure the switch S is closed at
related to the previous one as : t = 0.
(a) Q > Q0 (b) V > V0
(c) E > E0 (d) U > U0
16. A parallel plate capacitor A is filled with a dielectric whose
dielectric constant varies with applied voltage as K = V.
An identical capacitor B of capacitance C0 with air as
dielectric is connected to voltage source V0 = 30 V and
then connected to the first capacitor after disconnecting
the voltage source. The charge and voltage on capacitor.
(a) A are 25 C0 and 25 V (b) A are 25 C0 and 5 V A long time after closing the switch
(c) B are 5c0 and 5V (d) B are 5C0 and 25 V (a) voltage drop across the capacitor is E
17. A parallel plate air-core capacitor is connected across a
source of constant potential difference. When a dielectric (b) current through the battery is
R1  R 2  R 3
plate is introduced between the two plates then :
(a) some charge from the capacitor will flow back into the (c) energy stored in the capacitor is
source 2
(b) some extra charge from the source will flow back into 1  (R 2  R 3 )E 
C 
the capacitor 2  R1  R 2  R 3 
(c) the electric field intensity between the two plate does (d) current through the resistance R4 becomes zero
not change
21. The charge on capacitor in two different RC circuits 1 and
(d) the electric field intensity between the two plates will 2 are plotted as shown in figure.
18. Following operations can be performed on a capacitor
X – connect the capacitor to a battery of emf E Y
– disconnect the battery Z – reconnect the battery with
polarity reversed W – insert a dielectric slab in the capacitor
(a) In XYZ (perform X, then Y, then Z) the stored electric
energy remains unchanged and no thermal energy is
Choose the correct statement(s) related to the two circuits.
(b) The charge appearing on the capacitor is greater after
(a) Both the capacitors are charged to the same magnitude
the action XWY than after the action XYW.
of charge
(c) The electric energy stored in the capacitor is greater
after the action WXY than after the action XYW. (b) The emf's of cells in both the circuits are equal.
(d) The electric field in the capacitor after the action XW (c) The emf's of the cells may be different
is the same as that after WX (d) The emf E1 is more than E2


22. Capacitor C1 of the capacitance 1 microfarad and capacitor Comprehension Type Questions – 2 ( No. 26 to 29)
C2 of capacitance 2 microfarad are separately charged fully The figure shows a diagonal symmetric arrangement of
capacitors and a battery
by a common battery. The two capacitors are then 26. Identify the correct statements.
separately allowed to discharge through equal resistors 4F

at time t = 0. 2F
(a) the current in each of the two discharging circuits is 2F D 4F

+ –
zero at t = 0.
(b) the current in the two discharging circuits at t = 0 are (a) Both the 4F capacitors carry equal charges in opposite
equal but non zero. sense
(b) Both the 4F capacitors carry equal charges in same
(c) the current in the two discharging circuits at t = 0 are
unequal (c) VB – VD > 0
(d) capacitor C1 loses 50% of its initial charge sooner than (d) VD – VB > 0
C2 loses 50% of its initial charge 27. If the potential of C is zero, then
(a) VA = + 20V
Comprehension Type Questions – 1 ( No. 23 to 25) (b) 4(VA – VB) + 2(VD – VB) = 2VB
Capacitor C3 in the circuit is a variable capacitor (its (c) 2(VA – VD) + 2(VB – VD) = 4VD
capacitance can be varied). Graph is plotted between (d) VA = VB + VD
28. The potential of the point B and D are
potential difference V1 (across capacitor C1) versus C3.
(a) VB = 8V (b) VB = 12V
Electric potential V1 approaches on asymptote of 10 V
(c) VD = 8V (d) VD = 12V
as C3 . 29. The value of charge q1, q2 and q3 as shown in the figure are
q1 q2
+ – B + –

A + – + – C
q2 D q1
V + –
C2 C3 E=20V
(a) q1 = 32 C ; q2 = 24 C ; q3 = – 8 C
(b) q1 = 48 C ; q2 = 16 C ; q3 = + 8 C
(c) q1 = 32 C ; q2 = 24 C ; q3 = + 8 C
(d) q1 = 3 C ; q2 = 4 C ; q3 = + 2 C
30. The circuit involves two ideal cells connected to a 1 F
capacitor via a key K. Initially the key K is in position
1 and the capacitor is charged fully by 2V cell. The key
is then pushed to position 2. Column I gives physical
quantities involving the circuit after the key is pushed
from position 1. Column II gives corresponding results.
Match the statements in Column  with the corresponding
values in Column II.
2V 4V

1 2

23. EMF of the battery is equal to: Column  Column 

(a) The net charge (p) 2
(a) 10 V (b) 12 V crossing the 4 volt
(c) 16 V (d) 20 V cell in C is
(b) The magnitude of (q) 6
24. The capacitance of the capacitor C 1 has value:
work done by 4 Volt
(a) 2 F (b) 6 F cell in J is
(c) 8 F (d) 12 F (c) The gain in potential (r) 8
energy of capacitor
25. The capacitance of C 2 is equal to: in J is
(a) 2 F (b) 6 F (d) The net heat (s) 16
(c) 8 F (d) 12 F produced in circuit
in J is
31. In each situation of column-I, a circuit involving two non- (d) The capacitor is (s) current in the circuit can
ideal cells of unequal emf E1 and E2 (E1 > E2) and equal initially uncharged. never be zero After the
internal resistance r are given. A resistor of resistance R is key K is closed. (even
after steady state is
connected in all four situations and a capacitor of
capacitance C is connected in last two situations as
shown. Assume battery can supply infinity charge to the
circuit (r, R  0, E1,E2  0). Four statements are given in
column-II. Match the situation of column-I with statements
in column-II.
32. A parallel plate capacitor contains a mica sheet (thickness
10–3 m) and a sheet of fibre (thickness 0.510–3 m). The
(a) (p) magnitude of potential dielectric constant of mica is 8 and that of the fibre is 2.5.
Assuming that the fibre breaks down when subjected to
an electric field of 6.4106 V/m, find the maximum safe
difference across both voltage in k.V that can be applied to the capacitor.
33. A 4 µF and a 9 µF capacitor are connected in series across
cells can never be same.
a 26 V battery. What is voltage of the battery required to
charge a parallel combination of the two capacitors to the
(b) (q) cell of lower emf absorbs same total energy?
34. A 10 F capacitor is fully charged across a 12 volt battery.
The capacitor is then disconnected from the battery and
energy, that is, it gets connected across an initially uncharged capacitor, C. The
voltage across each capacitor is now 3 volts. What is the
charged up as long as
unknown capacitance C (in µF)?
current flows in circuit 35. What is the force of attraction (in N) between the plates
(c) The capacitor is (r) potential difference of a flat plate air capacitor of area 17.7 cm2, if the voltage
on the plates is 500 V and the distance between them is
initially uncharged. across cell of After the key 8.85 mm?
K is closed lower emf may 36. 2 conducting objects one with charge of +Q and another
be zero. with –Q are kept on x-axis at x = –3 and x = + 4 respectively.
 4
The electric field on the x-axis is given by 3Q x 2   .
 3
What is the capacitance C of this configuration of ob-
jects. Fill (in F–1) in OMR sheet.

JEE Mains & Advanced Past Years Questions


1. A combination of capacitors is set up as shown in the 9μF

figure. The magnitude of the electric field, due to a point

charge Q (having a charge equal to the sum of the charges
on the 4μF and 9 μF capacitors), at a point distant 30 m + –
from it, would equal: 8V

[JEE Mains-2016] (a) 240 N / C (b) 360 N / C

(c) 420 N / C (d) 480 N / C


2. A capacitance of 2 F is required in an electrical circuit 6. A parallel palate capacitor with square plates is filled with
four dielectrics of dielectric constants K1, K2, K3, K4
across a potential difference of 1.0 kV. A large number of arranged as shown in the figure. The effective dielectric
constant K will be:
1 F capacitors are available which can withstand a [JEE Main-2019 (January)]
potential difference of not more t han 300 V.
The minimum number of capacitors required to achieve K1 K2 L/2
this is : [JEE Main - 2017]

(a) 24 (b) 32 K3 K4 L/2

(c) 2 (d) 16 d/2 d/2

3. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 90 pF is connected

to a battery of emf 20V. If a dielectric material of dielectric  K1  K 3  K 2  K 4 
(a) K 
5 K1  K 2  K 3  K 4
constant K = is inserted between the plates, the
3  K1  K 2  K 3  K 4 
magnitude of the induced charge will be : (b) K 
2(K1  K 2  K 3  K 4 )
[JEE Main-2018]

(a) 0.3 n C (b) 2.4 n C  K1  K 2  K 3  K 4 

(c) K 
K1  K 2  K 3  K 4
(c) 0.9 n C (d) 1.2 n C
4. Seven capacitors, each of the capacitance 2F, are to be (d) K 
 K1  K 2  K 3  K 4 
connected in a configuration to obtain an effective 2(K 1  K 2  K 3  K 4 )
 6 7. The galvanometer deflection, when key K1 is closed but
capacitance of   F. Which of the combinations, K2 is open, equals 0 (see figure). On closing K2 also and
 13 
shown in figures below, will achieve the desired value? adjusting R2 to 5 , the deflection in galvanometer
[JEE Main-2019 (January)] 0
becomes . The resistance of the galvanometer is, then,
given by [Neglect the internal resistance of battery]:
[JEE Main-2019 (January)]

K2 R2
R1=220  ( )

( )

5. In the figure shown below, the charge on the left plate of (a) 5  (b) 22 
the 10 µF capacitor is –30µC. The charge on the right (c) 25  (d) 12 
place of the 6µF capacitor is : 8. A parallel plate capacitor having capacitance 12 pF is
[JEE Main-2019 (January)] charged by a battery to a potential difference of 10 V
between its plates. the charging battery is now
6 µF
disconnected and a porcelain slab of dielectric constant
6.5 is slipped between the plates. The work done by the
10 µF 2 µF capacitor on the slab is:
4 µF [JEE Main-2019 (January)]
(a) –12 µC (b) +12 µC (a) 692 pJ (b) 508 pJ
(c) –18 µC (d) +18 µC (c) 560 pJ (d) 600 pJ

9. A parallel plate capacitor is made of two square plates of 13. In the figure shown, after the switch ‘S’ is turned from
side ‘a’, separated by a distance d(d <<a). The lower position ‘A’ to position ‘B’, the energy dissipated in the
triangular portion is filled with a dielectric of dielectric circuit in terms of capacitance ‘C’ and total charge ‘Q’ is:
constant K, as shown in the figure. Capacitance of this [JEE Main-2019 (January)]
capacitor is :
[JEE Main-2019 (January)] A B


d C 3C

1 Q2 3 Q2
2 (a) (b)
K0 a K 0 a 2 8 C 8 C
(a) d K  1 ln K (b) ln K
  d
5 Q2 3 Q2
(c) (d)
K 0a 2 1 K 0 a 2 8 C 4 C
(c) 2d K  1 ln K (d)
  2 d 14. The parallel combination of two air filled parallel plate
10. In the circuit shown, find C if the effective capacitance of capacitors of capacitance C and nC is connected to a battery
the whole circuit is to be 0.5 F. All values in the circuit are of voltage, V. When the capacitors are fully charged, the
in F. battery is removed and after that a dielectric material of
[JEE Main-2019 (January)]
dielectric constant K is placed between the two plates of
C 2 the first capacitor. The new potential difference of the
combined system is :
2 2 1
[JEE Main-2019 (April)]

2 V
2 2 (a) (b) V

B (n  1)V nV
(c) (d)
7 6 (K  n) Kn
(a) F (b) F
11 5
15. Voltage rating of a parallel plate capacitor is 500V. Its
7 dielectric can withstand a maximum electric field of
(c) 4 F (d) F
10 106 V/m. The plate area is 10–4 m2 . What is the dielectric
11. A parallel plate capacitor with plates of area 1 m2 each, are constant is the capacitance is 15 pF ?
at a separation of 0.1m. If the electric field between the
plates is 100 N/C, the magnitude of charge on each plate [JEE Main-2019 (April)]
is: –12
(Given 0 = 8.86 × 10 C /Nm ) 2 2

[JEE Main-2019 (January)]

(a) 3.8 (b) 4.5
(a) 7.85 × 10–10C (b) 6.85 × 10–10C
(c) 8.85 × 10 C (d) 9.85 × 10–10C (c) 6.2 (d) 8.5
12. The charge on a capacitor plate in a circuit, as a function 16. A parallel plate capacitor has 1F capacitance. One of its
of time, is shown in the figure: two plates is given +2C charge and the other plate, +4C
6 charge. The potential difference developed across the
5 capacitor is :
4 [JEE Main-2019 (April)]
q(c) 3 (a) 5 V (b) 2 V
2 (c) 3 V (d) 1 V
1 17. A capacitor with capacitance 5F is charged to 5C. If the
0 plates are pulled apart to reduce the capacitance to 2F,
2 4 6 8
t(s) how much work is done ?
What is the value of current at t = 4 s ?
[JEE Main-2019 (April)]
[JEE Main-2019 (January)]
(a) zero (b) 3A (a) 3.75 × 10 J (b) 2.55 × 10–6 J
(c) 2A (d) 1.5A (c) 2.16 × 10–6 J (d) 6.25 × 10–6 J
18. In the given circuit, the charge on 4 Fcapacitor will be 20. Figure shows charge (q) versus voltage (V) graph for series
[JEE Main-2019 (April)] and parallel combination of two given capacitors. The
capacitances are :
[JEE Main-2019 (April)]


(a) 5.4 C (b) 24 C 80
(c) 13.4 C (d) 9.6 C 10V V(volt)
19. Two identical parallel plate capacitors, of capacitance C
each, have plates of area A, separated by a distance d. (a) 50 F and 30 F (b) 20 F and 30 F
The space between the plates of the two capacitors, is
(c) 60 F and 40 F (d) 40 F and 10 F
filled with three dielectrics, of equal thickness and dielectric
constants K1, K2 and K3. The first capacitor is filled as
shown in figure-I, and the second one is filled as shown in 21.
If these two modified capacitors are charged by the same
potential V, the ratio of the energy stored in the two, would
be (E1 refers to capacitor (I) and E2 to capacitor (II)).
[JEE Main-2019 (April)] A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area A separated by
distance 'd' between them. It is filled with a dielectric which
has a dielectric constant that varies as k(x) = K(1 + x)
where 'x' is the distance measured from one of the plates. If
K2 (d) << 1, the total capacitance of the system is best given
by the expression:
[JEE Main-2020 (January)]

Figure-I A 0 K   2 d 2  AK 0  d 
(a) 1   (b) 1  
d  2  d  2 

K3 2
K1 K2
A 0 K   d   AK 0
 1   1  d 
(c) d   2   (d)

Figure-II 22. A 60 pF capacitor is fully charged by a 20 V supply. It is

then disconnected from the supply and is connected to
E1 9K1K 2 K 3 another uncharged 60pF capacitor in parallel. The
(a)  electrostatic energy that is lost in this process by the time
E 2  K1  K 2  K 3  K 2 K 3  K 3 K1  K1K 2 
the charge is redistributed between them is (in nJ).
[JEE Main-2020 (January)]
E K1 K 2 K 3 23. Effective capacitance of parallel combination of two
(b) 1 
E 2  K1  K 2  K 3  K 2 K 3  K 3 K1  K1K 2  capacitors C1 and C2 is 10F. When these capacitors are
individually connected to a voltage source of 1V, the
energy stored in the capacitor C2 is 4 times that of C1. If
E1  K1  K 2  K 3  K 2 K 3  K 3 K1  K1K 2  these capacitors are connected in series, their effective
(c) 
E2 K1 K 2 K 3 capacitance will be:
[JEE Main-2020 (January)]

E1  K1  K 2  K 3  K 2 K 3  K 3 K1  K1K 2  (a) 4.2 F (b) 8.4 F

(d) 
E2 9K1K 2 K 3 (c) 3.2 F (d) 1.6 F

24. A capacitor is made of two square plates each of side ‘a’ 28. Two isolated conducting spheres S1 and S2 of radius
making a very small angle  between them, as shown in 2 1
R and R have 12µC and – 3µC charges, respectively,,
figure. The capacitance will be close to : 3 3
[JEE Main-2020 (January)] and are at a large distance from each other. They are now
connected by a conducting wire. A long time after this is
done the charges on S1 and S2 are respectively
 [JEE Main-2020 (September)]

d (a) 4.5 µC on both (b) +4.5 µC and –4.5 µC

(c) 6 µC and 3 µC (d) 3 µC and 6 µC
a V2
29. A capacitor C is fully charged with voltage V0. After
disconnecting the voltage source, it is connected in parallel
 0 a 2  a   0 a 2  a  with another uncharged capacitor of capacitance . The
(a) 1   (b) 1   2
d  2d  d  2d 
energy loss in the process after the charge is distributed
between the two capacitors is
 0 a 2  a   0a 2  3a 
(c) 1   (d) 1   [JEE Main-2020 (September)]
d  4d  d  2d 

25. A 10 µF capacitor is fully charged to a potential difference 1 1

(a) CV02 (b) CV02
of 50 V. After removing the source voltage it is connected 4 3
to an uncharged capacitor in parallel. Now the potential
1 1
difference across them becomes 20 V. The capacitance of (c) CV02 (d) CV02
6 2
the second capacitor is
[JEE Main-2020 (September)]
30. In the circuit shown, charge on the 5 F capacitor is
[JEE Main-2020 (September)]
(a) 20 µF (b) 10 µF
(c) 15 µF (d) 30 µF
2 F 4 F
26. A 5 µF capacitor is charged fully by a 220 V supply. It is
then disconnected from the supply and is connected in
series to another uncharged 2.5 F capacitor. If the energy
5 F
change during the charge redistribution is J then value
of X to the nearest integer is _____. O
6V 6V
[JEE Main-2020 (September)]
27. In the circuit shown in the figure, the total charge is 750 (a) 16.36 C (b) 18.00 C
µC and the voltage across capacitor C2 is 20 V. Then the (c) 5.45 C (d) 10.90 C
charge on capacitor C2 is
31. A parallel plate capacitor has plate of length ‘  ’, width ‘w’
[JEE Main-2020 (September)]
and separation of plates is ‘d’. It is connected to a battery
of emf V. A dielectric slab of the same thickness ‘d’ and of
C2 dielectric constant k = 4 is being inserted between the
C1=15µF plates of the capacitor. At what length of the slab inside
plates, will the energy stored in the capacitor be two times
C3=8µF the initial energy stored?
[JEE Main-2020 (September)]
+ –
V  
(a) (b)
4 2
(a) 650 µC (b) 590 µC 2 
(c) 160 µC (d) 450 µC (c) (d)
3 3
32. Two capacitors of capacitances C and 2C are charged to JEE ADVANCED
potential differences V and 2V, respectively. These are then
connected in parallel in such a manner that the positive
terminal of one is connected to the negative terminal of 1. In the given circuit, a charge of +80 C is given to the
the other. The final energy of this configuration is upper plate of the 4F capacitor. Then in the steady state,
[JEE Main-2020 (September)] the charge on the upper plate of the 3F capacitor is :
3 2 9 2 [JEE Advanced-2012]
(a) CV (b)
2 2
(c) Zero (d)
33. Four identical rectangular plates with length, I = 2 cm and
breadth, b   cm are arranged as shown in figure. The
equivalent capacitance between A and C is . The
value of x is . (Round off to the Nearest Integer)
[JEE Main-2021 (March)]
(a) +32 C (b) +40 C
(c) +48 C (d) +80 C
A B C D 2. In the circuit shown in the figure, there are two parallel
plate capacitors each of capacitance C. The switch S1 is
pressed first to fully charge the capacitor C1 and then
released. The switch S2 is then pressed to charge the
capacitor C2. After some time, S2 is released and then S3 is
pressed. After some time.
[JEE Advanced-2013]
d d d
34. A parallel plate capacitor whose capacitance C is 14 pF is
charged by a battery to a potential difference
V = 12V between its plates. The charging battery is now
disconnected and a porcelin plate with k = 7 is inserted
between the plates, then the plate would oscillate back
and forth between the plates with a constant mechanical
energy of………..pJ. (Assume no friction)
[JEE Main-2021 (March)] (a) the charge on the upper plate of C1 is 2CV0
35. In a parallel plate capacitor set up, the plate area of (b) the charge on the upper plate of C1 is CV0
capacitor is 2m2 and the plates are separated by 1m. If the (c) the charge on the upper plate of C2 is 0
space between the plates are filled with a dielectric material (d) the charge on the upper plate of C2 is –CV0
of thickness 0.5 m and area 2m2 (see fig.) the capacitance 3. A parallel plate capacitor has a dielectric slab of dielectric
of the set-up will be 0. (Dielectric constant of the material constant K between its plates that covers 1/3 of the area
= 3.2) (Round off to the Nearest Integer) of its plates, as shown in the figure. The total capacitance
of the capacitor is C while that of the portion with dielectric
[JEE Main-2021 (March)]
in between is C1. When the capacitor is charged, the plate
area covered by the dielectric gets charge Q1 and the rest
of the area gets charge Q2. Choose the correct option/
options, igonoring edge effects.
[JEE Advanced-2014]

E1 E1 1
(a) 1 (b) 
E2 E2 K
d Q1 3 C 2K
2 (c)  (d) 
Q2 K C1 K
4. An infinite line charge of uniform electric charge density 2V0
λ lies along the axis of an electrically conducting infinite voltage is raised to without discharging the capacitor
cylindrical shell of radius R. At time t = 0, the space inside 3
the cylinder is filled with a material of permittivity  and and again maintained for a time T > > RC. The process is
electrical conductivity  . The electrical conduction in repeated one more time by raising the voltage to V0 and
the material follows Ohm’s law. Which one of the following the capacitor is charged to the same final voltage V0 as in
graphs best describes the subsequent variation of the Process 1.
magnitude of current density j(t) at any point in the These two processes are depicted in figure 2.
material? [JEE Advanced-2017]
[JEE Advanced-2016]
Process 1
j(t) V0
Process2 T > > RC
(a) (b) V +– V0/3
t t
(0, 0) (0, 0)

Figure 1 T 2T t
j(t) Figure 2

6. In process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor EC and

heat dissipated across resistance ED are related by :
(c) (d)
t t
(0, 0) (0, 0) (a) E C  E (b) E C  E D ln 2
2 D
5. In the circuit shown below, the key is pressed at time (c) EC = 2ED (d) EC = ED
t = 0. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) true? 7. In process 2, total energy dissipated across the resistance
[JEE Advanced-2016] ED is :
1  11 
(a) E D  3  CV02  (b) E D   CV02 
2  3 2 
40 F 25 k
(c) E D  3CV02 CV02
(d) E D 
V 8. Three identical capacitors C1, C2 and C3 have a capacitance
of 1.0 µF each and they are uncharged initially. They are
A 50 k 20 F connected in a circuit as shown in the figure and C1 is
then filled completely with. a dielectric material of relative
permittivity r . The cell electromotive force (emf)
Key 5V V0 = 8V. First the switch S1 is closed while the switch S2 is
kept open. When the capacitor C3 is fully charged, S1 is
opened and S2 is closed simultaneously. When all the
(a) The voltmeter displays – 5V as soon as the key is
capacitors reach equilibrium, the charge on C3 is found to
pressed, and displays + 5 V after a long time
(b) The voltmeter will display 0 V at time t = ln 2 seconds be 5µC. The value of r .
(c) The current in the ammeter becomes 1/e of the initial [JEE Advanced-2018]
value after 1second
(d) The current in the ammeter becomes zero after a long V0 S2
time S1 C1

Comprehension Type Questions # 1 ( No. 8 to 9) 9. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C has spacing d
between two plates having area A. The region between
Consider a simple RC circuit as shown in figure 1. the plates is filled with N dielectric layers, parallel to its
Process 1: In the circuit the switch S is closed at t = 0 and d
the capacitor is fully charged to voltage V0 (i.e., charging plates, each with thickness   . The dielectric constant
continues for time T >> RC). In the process some  m
dissipation (ED) occurs across the resistance R. The amount of the mth layer is Km = K  1   . For a very large N
 N
of energy finally stored in the fully charged capacitor is
K 0 A 
EC. (> 103), the capacitance C is    . The value of 
Process 2: In a different process the voltage is first set to  dn2 
V0 will be ___. [ 0 is the permittivity of free space]
and maintained for a charging time T > > RC. Then the [JEE Advanced-2019]

Topicwise Questions
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (b)

Learning Plus
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (d) 38. (d) 39. (b)

Advanced Level Multiconcept Questions

1. (a,b,d) 2. (b,c) 3. (b,c) 4. (a,c,d) 5. (a,b,c) 6. (a,d) 7. (a,b,c,d) 8. (b,c) 9. (a,c)
10. (a,b,c,d) 11. (b,c,d) 12. (a,c) 13. (a,b,c) 14. (a,c,d) 15. (a,d) 16. (b,c) 17. (b,c) 18. (b,c,d) 19. (a,c)
20. (b,c,d) 21. (a,c) 22. (b,d) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (b,c) 27. (a,b,c,d) 28. (b,c) 29. (c)
30. (a) p (b) r (c) q (d) p 31. (a) p,q,s (b) p,r,s (c) p,q (d) p,r 32. [5.2] 33. [0012] 34. [0030] 35. [0025]
36. [0119]

JEE Mains & Advanced Past Years Questions

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (Bonus) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (b) 22. (6) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (a) 33. (2) 34. (864) 35. (c)

1. (c) 2. (b,d) 3. (a,d) 4. (b) 5. (a,b,c,d) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (1.50) 9. (1.00)

Topicwise Questions
1. (c) Volume of 8 small drops = Volume of big drop Equivalent capacitance of the circuit CAB = 4 F
Charge given by the battery Q = Ceq V = 4 × 60 = 240 C
4 4 Charge in 5F capacitor
8  r 3  R 3  R = 2r
3 3
As capacity is r, hence capacity becomes 2 times Q   240  50 C
(10  5  9)
K 0 A
2. (d) C  10. (b) The given circuit can be redrawn as follows
d C
3. (b) By using Vbig  n 2 /3 vsmall
Vbig 4  CAB = 3C
  (8) 2 / 3  A
vsmall 1
4. (d) If the drops are conducting, then
11. (b) The given arrangement is equivalent to the parallel
4 3 4  combination of three identical capacitors. Hence
R  N  r 3 
3 3  3 0 A
 R = N1/3 r. Final charge Q = Nq equivalent capacitance = 3C =
Q Nq 12. (b) The given circuit can be simplified as follows
So final potential V   1/ 3  V  N 2 / 3 1F
R N r 2F
5. (a) 6. (a)
7. (d) In the given system, no current will flow through the +
1F 1F
– 1F 2F 
branch CD so it can be removed 1F
5 F
10 10 2F  2F
2F 1F

10 10 5 F 1F 1F  1F 2F

Effective capacitance of the system = 5 + 5 = 10 F B B
8. (b) The given circuit can be drawn as
12F Hence equivalent capacitance between A and B is
where C = (3 + 2) F = 5 F
1 1 1 1 20 1 P 13. (d) Minimum when connected in series and maximum
     5F when connected in parallel
C PQ 5 20 12 60 3 Q
14. (a)
 CPQ = 3 F 2C P 2C P
9. (d) The given circuit can be redrawn as follows 2C 2C
2C 2C
10F C
C 
12F 5F 8F
C C 2C Q
Q Q'
C + C = 2C 2C/ 2 = C
60 V
P P 1 1
2C 2C 21. (d) U  CV 2   2  10 6  (50) 2  25 10 4 J
2 2
2C = 25 × 103 erg
  2C  CPQ=3C

C 2C
1 2 1 6 2
C 22. (c) U  CV   6 10  (100)  0.03 J
Q Q 2 2
C+C=2C 1
CV 2
2F 1F 2F 2 1 40 106  (3000) 2
23. (b) Power =   90 kW
15. (d) A B t 2  2 103
24. (b)
1 1 1 1 1  2 1 4 25. (b) In series combination of capacitors, voltage distributes
     2 on them, in the reverse ratio of their capacitance i.e.
C 2 1 2 2 2
 CAB = 0.5 F VA 3
 ......(i)
16. (b) Charge flows to second capacitor until the potential VB 2
is same i.e. V/2. So new charge = CV/ 2 Also VA + VB = 10 .......(ii)
1 1 1 On solving (i) and (ii) VA = 6V, VB = 4V
17. (b)    C = 2 pF
C 3 6  A
Total charge = 2 × 10–12 × 5000 = 10–8 C 26. (d) C  0 ......(i)
The new potential when the capacitors are connected
in parallel is  KA
C  0 ......(ii)
2 10 8 2d
V  2222 V From equation (i) and (ii)
(3  6) 10 12
C K
1 1 1 1 
18. (c)    Ceq = 2 F C 2
C eq 3 10 15 K
Charge on each capacitor  2  K=4
Q = Ceq × V 2 × 100 = 200 C
k 1  0 A1 k 2  0 A 2
19. (d) Potential difference across both the lines is same i.e. 27. (c) C R  C1  C 2  
2 V. Hence charge flowing in line 2 d d
2F 2F A A
2  0 4  0
Line (2)
 2  2 = 2  10  4  10  30 F
1F d d 2 2
Line (1) 28. (b) In steady state potential difference across capacitor
V2 = potential difference across resistance
 R2 
2V R2   V
 R1  R 2 
2 Hence V2 depends upon R2 and R1
Q     2  2 C . So charge on each capacitor in
2 R2
line (2) is 2 C R1
20. (c) Given circuit can be reduced as follows C R3
In series combination charge on each capacitor remain V1
same. So using Q = CV V2
 C1V1 = C2V2  3 (1200 – Vp) = 6 (VP – VB)
 1200 – Vp = 2Vp ( VB = 0)
 3Vp = 1200  Vp = 400 volt + –

Learning Plus
1. (a) Qt = Q1 + Q2 = 150C 2. (d) Charge is flow until potential are equal and in charge
' flow energy is decrease
Q C1 1
= C =  Q1 = 50C
' Q1 Q2
Q 22 2 =  Q1R2 = Q2R1 .
C1 C2
Q2 = 100C
25C charge will flow from smaller to bigger sphere . 3. (d) Charge / Current flows from higher to lower potential
or Q/C ratio.
k 0 A
4. (d) C = where k = dielectric constant of medium
between the plates
A = Area, d = distance between the plates
5. (c) Q1  900 C Q 2  2500 C
When the two capacitors are connected together let
the common potential is V.
900  2500  (3  5)V
V  425V

Ceq = 200 pF
6. (b) 9. (b) Solving the circuit using following steps
V C x
Ceq = = 2C. C C C

0 0 0
7. (c) C C/2

Ceq = C + + C = 3C. C
2 A

8. (b) A
1 .5C
C 2 .5
Resultant capacitance of the circuit = 1.6C

solving by parallel series combinations, 10. (b) A B
x y

As the resulting circuit is a Wheat stone bridge hence
 current in 13F capacitor is zero. Hence the circuit
now reduces to


35 10 45 1
The resultant capacitance is + = Q2 = × 90 = 30 C
6 6 6 3
15 30C
= F Potential difference across C = = 30 V
2 C
A10V 10V

10V O
B –20 20 0V
O 10V 20 –20
11. (a) 16. (b) C
V 20 –20
D D –20 20 0V
10V E
B 0
From junction law Total charge on plate C = 40 C
(V – 10)1 + (V – 20)3 + (V + 25)2 = 0 17. (d) Maximum charge on 1st capacitor = 6×10–3C.
6V = 120 Maximum charge on 2nd capacitor = 8 × 10–3C.
V = 20 Volt In series the maximum charge they can have is
12. (b) Let q be the charge on all the capacitor 6 × 10–3C
1µF 2µF
–q +q –q +q –q +q
M 6 × 10 C
6 × 10 C

Hence maximum voltage =

7V 31V 6  10 3 6  10  3
N V= + = 9KV
+q –q +q –q
1  10 6 2  10  6
2µF 3µF 5µF
Apply KVL
q q q q q 18. (b) 3V 2V 1V
31 – – – –7– – =0 Max charge 6µC 6µC 5µC
4 2 4 6 12
Hence maximum charge that the series can with stand
 3  6  3  2  10 
24 =  q 31 31
 12  is 5 C. So break down voltage = 5 × = volt
q = 12 µC 30 6
19. (c) We know that force between plates is
q q
Now VN + +7+ = VM 2A Q2 C2V2
6 4 = =
VM – VN = 12 V 2 0 2A 0 2A 0
–q1 q1
5µF 02 A 2 V 2 0 AV 2
3µF = =
13. (a) –20µC 2A 0 d 2 2d 2
+20µC –q2 q2
0 Av 2 0 Av 2  4
4µF Ci  Cf 
q1 : q2 = 3 : 4 2d 2 2d 2
3 20. (c) Let us assume charge on A1 is q and potential of A1
q1 = × 20µC is zero as it is earthed.
A2 Q
1 1
14. (a) V1 : V2  :
C 1 C 2 = C1:C2 A1
V1 C1 1 r
 
V2 C 2 4
Q Q2 R
Potential of A1 is due to charges Q & q. So we can
15. (d) 60V C C/2
write the equation as
V q 0
3 r R
Q= C × 60 = 90C q Q  Qr
2  q
Q1 : Q2 = C1 : C2 = 2 : 1 r R R
21. (a) Charge carries electrical energy so capacitor stores 1 1
electrical energy. Ui = 2(10)2 + 4 (20)2 = 900 J
2 2
1 2 1 2 1 Since connected as shown
22. (b) W = Uf – Ui = CVf – CVi = C (402 – 202) After Qnet = – 20 + 80
2 2 2
W = 600 C Connection =60
1 900 60
W1 = C (502 – 402) = C V= = 10 Volt
2 2 24
900 W 3 1
W1 = .  W Uf = 6(10)2 = 300 J
2 600 4 2
23. (a) Initially Heat generated = –Uf + Ui = 600 J
1 1  A 2 0 A
U i  CV 2   0.5  10  6  10 4  0.25  10 2 J 26. (b) C = 0 = = 2C.
2 2 d/2 d
When the 0.5 F capacitor is connected to an
uncharged capacitor let the common potential is V.
0.5 × 100 = 0.7 V
0.5  100 500
V  V olt
0.7 7 27. (c)
1 500 500
Uf = × 0.7 × 10–6 × ×
2 7 7 Here, Potential difference on the capacitor will depend
= 1.78 × 10–3 J on emf of battery i.e., 4V
Loss = Uf – Ui = 0.72 × 10–3 J 28. (a) Charge or battery = Q = CV = 4 C
24. (c) Now charge remains same, as battery is disconnected
new capacitance = C´ = KC = 8C
C´V´ = Q
Q 4C 1
V´ = = = V
C' 8 C 2
1 2
29. (a) U0 = CV (given)
1 2
Now energy = U´ = C´V
Total charge = 4 CV – CV = 3 CV 2
Now, let it is distributed as shown, potential across C´ = CK
the capacitors is same 1 2
q 3 CV – q U´ = CV K = UoK
So, 2
2C = C
 q = 2 CV
30. (c) For metal k = 
Hence from formula.
Ceq =
0 A
(d  t)
Q12 Q 22 31. (a) Electric field between two plates of capacitor is given
Total potential energy = + 
2 C1 2 C2
by K 
C2 V2 4C 2 V 2 3CV 2 0
= + = 
2C 22C 2
When K = 1 then E = 
+ 10V – 0
+ –
– 
+ –
+ – then K = K then E = K 
– 0
+ –
– On increasing dielectric constant electric field
C = 2µF
– decreases.
– +
25. (b) – +
– + K=2

– + K=4
– 4µF +
– 

20V 0.2
Before connection
Q1 = 2 × 10 = 20, Q2 = 4 × 20 = 80 (d,0) (3d,0)

0 A 37. (d) Initially Finally
32. (b) C = t
dt E E
+ – + –
0 A 3 0 A
Now t = 2 d
 t  2d t 2
d   =  = C CK
 2  3 d 3 C neq = C neq =
2 K 1
33. (a) Vmax = Emax dmax = 4000
4000 CE CEK
d= qi = qf =
18  10 6 2 K 1

0 KA min CEK CE
Now, C = = 7 × 10–2 µf qf – qi = qflown = –
d max K 1 2

7  1 0  2  10  6  400 0 CE(K  1)
A= = 0.63 m2 = 2(K  1)
8.85  1 0  12  2.8  18  1 0 6
34. (a) y
2 K 1
 0 A  sec(  y / 2d) So charge flows from C to B.
dc =
38. (d) The two capacitance C1 & C2 behave as a series
All the elements are in series arrangment as both the capacitors have equal charge
d on them
1 dy  y 
Hence C n =
  A cos  2d 
0 0
C1 = 0
2d   y 
=  A sin  2d  AK2
0   0 C2 = 0
 0 A
Ceq = C1 C 2
2d C eq 
35. (c) As the potential difference is constant hence we can C1  C 2
say that o AK1 o AK 2
Q1 = 60 C = V × C ....(1) 
d/2 d/2 2 A  K K 
Now there is already 60 C on the capacitor.   o  1 2 
More 120 C charge flows from battery. Hence net
 o AK1   o AK 2  d  K1  K 2 
 d / 2  d / 2 
charge on capacitor is    
Q2 = 180 C = V × KC ....(2) 39. (b) Initially
(2) / (1)  3 = K
36. (b) Charge on 15 F capacitor A = 1500 C. oA
C  2.5 
Charge on capacitor B = 100 C. d
When they are connected with dielectric removed from
A the capacitor. The two capacitanes act as a paralllel connection
Capacitance of A now becomes 1 F. o A / 2 Ko A / 2
C'  
 0 A.15 d d
Ci = = 15C = 15µF,,
 o A K o A
0A 1500 + – –1500 5F  
Cf = C = 1µF 2d 2d
Q remains constant 2.5 2.5
5 K
Qnet = Ceq × Vcommon 2 2
100V + –
1500 + 100 = 2V 10
 K 1  K  3
V = 800 Volt 2.5
Advanced Level Multiconcept Questions
1. (a, b, d) + + =0
C1 C2 C3
Magnitude of charge on the charged capacitor
decreases and total charge is conserved. 300  q q 360  q
+ + =0
At V1 = V2  no further flow of charge occurs i.e. 2 1 .5 3
condition of steady state.
In charge flow energy is consumed in heat. 900 + 3q + 4q + 720 + 2q
= 0
2. (b, c) 6
Electric field in the capacitor is same at every where 9q = –1620
which is equal to V/d. so that force at C and B point is q = –180
same. Electric field out side the capacitor is zero so Q1 = 120C
that force at A point is zero. Q2 = 180C
Flow of charge from right to left through A
6. (a, d)
As the capactitance are in series hence charge on both
3. (b, c)
of them will be same. E=
1 1 2
V1 : V2 = : , V1 = × 15 = 10V
1 2 3
V2 = 5V
7. (a, b, c, d) Initially Q -Q
Charge on outer surfaces are equal so 0 A
 C =  0 Q -Q 0
Q1 = Q3 + Q2 + Q4 .........(i) d
and Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = Q4 .........(ii) Q
Q2 Q1 – Q 3 – Q 4
V = C or V = C
Qd d

Q3 Q1 – Q 2 – Q 4 0 A
V = C or V = C
2 0 A
Adding (i) and (ii) Finally C1 = C 2 =
Q1 = Q4 and Q2 = – Q3
4. (a, c, d) Qd
V1 =
When two plates of capacitor are connected to a 2. 2 0 A
battery. The charges get distributed so that the charges
on facing surface are equal & opposite. Also the 3Q d
V2 =
battery does not create or destroy charges it 2.2 0 A Q +Q –Q
distributes it. C1 C2

Q Q Q/2 Q/2 –Q/2 3Q/2

CV –3Q/2 Q/2

CV –CV V1 V2
Q d
V V = V1 + V2 =
Q1 = Q + CV 0 A
Q2 = Q – CV Vf = Vi
1.5µf 8. (b, c) Isolated  Q = constant C 
q -q q
- +
(300+q) V1 q Q2 
+ - -(360+q) Energy =  ,E =  = constant
150V V 2C 0
5. (a, b, c) q– 2 +
–2µf 360+q
–(300+q) 1
q Energy density =  E2 = constant
2 0
9. (a, c) C = 2F
Ceq = C +    + ......
2 4 8 16
15. (a, d)
 1   1 
Ceq = C    2  = 4F Ans
 1 – 1/ 2   1/ 2 
Potential difference = V0 Potential difference = V0
Charge on first row capacitor is q1 = 2 × 10C = 20C
Capacitance = C
Charge on second row capacitor is q2 = 1 × 10C
Capacitance = KC
= 10C
[K is the dielectric constant of Slab K > 1]
1 Q0 = CV0
Charge on third row capacitor is q3 = × 10C = 5C
2 New charge = KC V0
Therefore charge on the capacitor in the first row is 1
more than on any other capacitor. Potential Energy = CV02
1 1
Energy stored in all capacitor is = C V2 = × 4 × 1
2 eq 2 New potential energy = KC V02
10–6 × (10)2 = 0.2 mJ Ans 2
C = 2F Correct options are (a), (d).
16. (b, c) 30C0 = (C0 + KVC0).V
Ceq = C +    + ...... dielectric slab
2 4 8 16
 1   1 
Ceq = C    2  = 4F Ans
 1 – 1/ 2   1/ 2  17. (b, c)
10. (a, b, c, d) Initially
After connecting battery
2Q 0 V = const.
Q -Q  0 kA
C= C  Q = CV
Q 0 0Q V
Q/C e= = const.
Energy supplied by cell = QE = CE2 d
11. (b, c, d) Q1 = CV1 18. (b, c, d)
Q2 = CV2 C x Z
– +
Net charge = const.
[B correct]
2CV = C(V1 + V2) + –
C y
V  V2 V V
V= 1 [C correct]
2 1 1 1
As charge flows energy will certainly be lost. = CV2 = CV2  = CV2
2 2 2
[D correct]
Net charge on the connected plates is equal sum of W
initial charges because charge is conserved.
12. (a, c) 4 × 500 – 2 × 500 = 6 × V
13. (a, b, c) E =  remains constant
d (b) In XWY charge increases
C = KC  Increase
Q’ = KQ  Increase
U = KCV2 = KU  Increase
14. (a, c, d) Battery connected V = constant In XYW
1 CV –CV
U = KCV2 = KU  Increase by K–times
E= = constant Q = const.
Q2 C2V2 K 2C 2 V2
2 0 A
 F =
2 0 A
 F’ =
2 0 A
= K2F Q2
(c) =
 Increase by K2–times 2C
Q = C’V  Q’ = KCV = KQ  Increase by K–times.
k 2C 2 V 2 1 q0 q
= = KCV2 Also q = q0e–t/RC. When q = then 0 = q0 e–t/RC
2 2
2KC 2  e+t/RC = 2.
CV –CV t
2 2 2 2 = n2
= = =  t = RC loge 2
2C 2KC 2 K
 t  C. Therefore time taken for the first capacitor (1F)
Now insert dielectric for discharging 50% of Initial charge will be less.
(b), (d) are the correct options.
CV 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (a)
(23 to 25)
When C3 =  , there will be no charge on C 2
 0 AV 2  1
W.D. = Uf – Ui = – 1   V C1
2d  k
19. (a, c) t1 > t2 As V1 = 10 V therefore V = 10 V
R1C1 > R2C2 for same qmax From graph when C3 = 10 F, V1 = 6 V
q01 = q02  E1C1 = E2C2
IfE1 = E2  C1 = C2  R1 = R2 .
20. (b, c, d) C1 6V
A long time after closing the switch, system comes in 10V
steady state and no current flow through capacitor.. C2 4V 10 F
Circuit : -
Charge on C1 = Charge on C2 + Charge on C3
6C1 = 4C2 + 40 C .... (1)
Also when C3 = 6 F, V1 = 5V
Again using charge equation
C1 5V
E 10V
i= R  R  R
1 2 3
C2 5V 6 F
energy stored in battery= CV2
2 5C1 = 5C2 + 30 C ....(2)
2 Solving (1) and (2)
1  E (R 3  R 2 ) 
= C  C1 = 8  F
2  R1  R 2  R 3  C2 = 2  F.
21. (a, c) 26. (b, c) Let us assume potential at B to be x & D to be y.
qmax = q01 = q02 = Both capacitors are charged up to the 4µF 2µF
same magnitude of charge Bx
t2 > t1
R2C2 > R1C1 2µF
q01 = C1V1 = q02 = C2 V2 A D
20 y
C1  C2 2µF 4µF
So V1  V2 . + –
22. (b, d) During decay of charge in RC circuit
I = I0e–t/RC
(x – 20)4 + (x – y)2 + 2x = 0
where 0  4x – y = 40 .......(1)
RC 2(y – x) + (y – 20)2 + y(4) = 0
q0  4y – x = 20 .......(2)
when t = 0, I =  0 
RC Solving (1) and (2)
x = 12 ; y = 8
4µF 2µF
32 –32
A D 32 –32
20 y=8
Since potential difference between the plates is same 2µF 4µF
initially therefore I same in both the cases at t = 0 and
+ –
is equal to
q0 V 20V
  VB – VD = 12 – 8 = 4 > 0

27. (a, b, c, d) (d) Situation is same as in (b) except current decreases
(a) As from figure VA = 20V E1  E 2
(b) 4(VA – VB) + 2(VD – VB) from to zero.
2r  R
= 4(20 – 12) + 2 (8 – 12) Hence the only option that shall changes is 'current
= 32 – 8 = 24 = 2VB shall finally be zero.'
(c) 2(VA – VD) + 2(VB – VD) 32. [5.2]
= 2(20 – 8) + 2(12 – 8)
A0 k1 A 0 k 2 C 8
= 24 + 8 = 32 = 4VD 33. C1  & C2   1 
d1 d2 C2 5
(d) VB + VD = 12 + 8 = 20 = VA
28. (b, c) VB = 12 VD = 8 8
29. (c) q1 = 4(20 – 12) = 32µC Series v = V
q2 = 2(20 – 8) = 24µC
q3 = 2(12 – 8) = 8µC 8
30. (a) p (b) r (c) q (d) p V 13
E=   6.4  106
The initial charge on capacitor = CV i = 2 × 1C l 0.5  10–3
= 2C
V = 5200 Volt
The final charge on capacitor = CVf = 4 × 1 C = 4C
 Net charge crossing the cell of emf 4V is q Qq  C  C0  Q
qf – qi = 4 – 2 = 2 C 34. [0030] = C  q  CC  = C
C 0  0  0
The magnitude of work done by cell of emf 4V is
W = (qf – qi) 4 = 8 J q
The gain in potential energy of capacitor is q Q C 0 V0
1 2 2 1  = CC = CC +Q – q +q
U = C (Vf  Vi ) = 1 × [42 – 22] J = 6 J C 0 0
2 2 C0 C
–(Q – q) –q
Net heat produced in circuit is H = W – U = 8 – 10
6 = 2 J  × 12 = 3
C  10
31. (a) p, q, s (b) p, r, s (c) p, q (d) p, r
 C = 30
(a) For potential difference across each cell to be same
Q2 c2 v2 0 A
E  E 2   E1  E2  35. [0025] F = = = v2
E1 – ir = E2 + ir or i = 1   2A 0 2A 0 2d 2
2r  2r  R 
Hence potential difference across both cells cannot 8.85  1012  17.7  10 4  500
be same. =
2  (8.85  103 ) 2
Cell of lower emf charges up.
For potential difference across cell of lower emf to be 1016  25 104
zero = = 25µN
E2 + ir = 0 which is not possible. 106
Current in the circuit cannot be zero  E1  E2 . 36. [0119] Q = CV
(b) For potential difference across each cell to be same 4 4
 2 4
E1 – ir = E2 – ir which is not possible V = –   Edx = –20   x   dx
No cell charges up. 3 3
For potential difference across cell of lower emf to be 4
zero  x 3 4x 
V = –2Q   
E2 – ir = 0 and E1 – i (r + R) = 0  3 3 
3 

E1 E
or  2 which is possible.  E1 > E2 . 1 4 
rR r V = –2Q  [64  27 ]  [7]
Current in the circuit cannot be zero. 3 3 
(c) Situation is same as in (a) except current decreases Q 119 
= 3Q 
E1  E 2
to zero.
C  3 
2r  R
Hence the only option that shall changes is 'current = 119 F–1
shall finally be zero.' C
JEE Mains & Advanced Past Years Questions
JEE MAIN 1 1 1 1 1 1
    
12 3C 6
1. (c) VV4µF
F   8  6V Ceq   F
4  12 13 13
V9µF = 2V
–18 +18
K(Q1  Q2 )
E= 6 µF
R2 5. (d)
–12 +12
–30 +30 –30 +30
9 109 (4 106  6  9 10 6  2) 4 µF
= = 420 N/C
4V + 6V = 30
2. (b) To hold 1 KV potential difference minimum four  V= 3
capacitors are required in series
C1C 2 C 3C 4  A/2
1 6. (Bonus) Ceq= C  C  C  C , C1  K1C , C  
 C1  for one series. 1 2 3 4 d/2
So for Ceq to be 2F, 8 parallel combinations are Similarly
required. C2 = K2C
8 parallel C3 = K3C
C4 = K4C

 A   K K K 3K 4   A / 2
K eq      1 2  
 d   K1  K 2 K 3  K 4  d / 2

K1K 2 K3K 4
1KV  K eq  K  K  K  K
1 2 3 4
 Minimum no. of capacitors = 8 × 4 = 32
No option is correct
7. (b) i, Let RG= R
 i1   k  0
3. (d) 220+R
V 5 
 i2    k 0
5R R  5 5
220 
5 R
Q = (kC)V 1 5 1
 220   5  R   5R  1   220  R   5
5 
=   90pF  (20 V)
 3  1 1
= 3000 pC  45R  220  5   220  R 
= 3nC
induced charges on dielectric  R = 22 

 1  3 Q 2 Q2
Qind = Q 1   = 3nC 1   = 1.2 nC 8. (b) W  
 K  5 2C 2CK
6 Q2  1 
4. (b) Ceq  F  1
13 2C  K 
Therefore three capacitors most be in parallel to get 6
in 1  1 
 12 100pJ 1  
2  6.5 
12 100 11
 pJ  507.69pJ
2 13
k1 After fully charging, battery is disconnected
0 k1k 2a 2 ln
9. (a)  Ceq  nC, V
 k1  k 2  d k1 C,V
0 ka ln k2
k Total charge of the system = CV + nCV
 Ceq 
d 1  k  = (n + 1)CV
After the insertion of dielectric of constant K
as k1 = 1, k2 = k
0 ka 2 nC, VC
 Ceq  ln k KC, VC
d  k  1
 4 New potential (common)
1   C
 3   7C  1 total charge
10. (a) Ceq = 0.5 F = 7 7 VC =
C C 2 total capacitance
3 3
14C 7 (n  1)CV (n  1)V
C =  .
 KC  nC Kn
3 3
11 A
q 15. (d)
11. (c) E
 q = EA0 A = 10–4 m2
 q = 100 × 1 × 8.85 × 10–12 Emax = 106 V/m
 q = 8.85 × 10–10 C C = 15 F
12. (a) Current = slope of q – T graph = 0. [at t = 4 sec] k A
C 0
13. (b)  3C Cd
0 A
15  1012  500 10 6
Before switch is shifted : k
Energy stored, 8.86 10 12 10  4
1 15  5
Ui  CE 2   8.465
2 8.86
and charge stored, k  8.5
2 C 4 C
Q = CE
After switch is shifted :
N 16. (d)
C 3C  4C
3 C–1 C 1 C3 C
Charges at inner plates are 1C and –1C
Q CE E  Potential difference across capacitor
VM  VN    q 1C 1 10 6 C
4C 4C 4    = 1V
2 c 1F 1 106 Farad
1 E 1
Energy stored, U f   4C     CE 2 17. (a) Work done = U
2 4 8 = Uf – Ui
3 2
Energy dissipated  Ui  U f  CE q2 q2
8  
2Cf 2Ci
6 2

5 10   1

1 
 6 
C nC 2  2  10 5  106 
14. (c) 15
V   106
= 3.75 × 10–6 J
20. (d) As q = CV
q1 Hence slope of graph will give capacitance. Slope will
be more in parallel combination. Hence capacitance in
q2 parallel should be 50F & in series combination must
18. (b) q be 8F.
Only in option 40 F & 10 F
10V 10V Cparallel = 40 + 10 = 50 F
40  10
So total charge flow = q = 5.4 F × 10V Cseries = = 8 F
40  10
= 54 C
The charge will be distributd in the ratio of capaci- k 0 A
21. (b) Capacitance of element 
tance dx
q1 2.4 4
  
q2 3 5
 9X = 54 C  X = 6  C
 charge of 4 F capacitor K(1  x) 0 A
will be 4X = 4 × 6  C Capacitance of elements C ' 
= 24 C d
1 dx
K1 d/3  C '   K A(1  x)
0 0
19. (a) I.
Given – d << 1
K2 d/3
1 1  2d 2 
  d  
K3 d/3 C K0 A  2 

3 0 AK1 1 1  d 
C1   1  
d C K0 A  2 

30 AK 2 K A  d 
C2  C  0 1  
d d  2 
V0 0
30 AK 3
C3 
1 1 1 1 22. [6]
   V0/2 0
C eq C1 C 2 C3
3 0 AK1K 2 K 3
 C eq  ....(i) V0 = 20 V
d  K1 K 2  K 2 K 3  K 3 k 1 
Heat lost = Ui – Uf
II. 1  1  V 2 
 CV02  2  C  0  
K1 K2 2  2  2  

 0 K1 A (60  10 12 )(20) 2
C1   J
3d 4
0 K 2 A = 6 + 10–9 J = 6 nJ
C2  23. (d) C1
0 K3 A 1V
C3 
3d Given C1 + C2 = 10F .........(i)
C  C1  C2  C3 1  1
eq 4  C1V 2  = C2V2
0 A 2  2
  K1  K 2  K 3  .....(ii)  4C1 = C2 .........(ii)
3d from equation (i) & (ii)
Now, C1 = 2F
1 C2 = 8F
C .V 2 9K1K 2 K 3 If they are in series
E1 2 eq
  C1C2
E2 1 ' 2  K1  K 2  K 3  K1 K 2  K 2 K 3  K 3 K1  Ceq. = = 1.6 F
Ceq V
2 C1  C2
4 F
+q1 – V 0V – +q2 –
x tan  = x

2 F
d + Q
24. (a) x
d 30. (a) –
5 F

a OV
6V 6V
 adx Q = q1 + q 2
dc  0 5V0 = (6 – V0) + 4 (6 – V0)
d  x
 a a V0 = V
 c  0  In(d  x) 0 11
 180
0 a  a  0 a 2  a  Q = 5V0 = C
 In 1   1  
  d  d  2d  1
31. (d) U = CV2
C1V U1
25. (c) Vfinal = C  C  2  C1  2
1 2 U2 C
C2 = 15 µF kx  (  x)
C=5µF 2

26. (d) x=
V0 =220V
4CV  CV
32. (a) Vcommon = V
Q0 = CV0 3C
C, V
C – +
Now battery is disconnected and a capacitor of us
connected to C then
C –+

2C, 2V
Ceq = C + 2C = 3C
1 3
 Uf = × (3C) × V2 = CV2
2 2
Total Charge = Q0
Ceq = A B C D
Q 2 2Q02 Q 20  1  33. (b)
 E = 0  E =   1 2 3 4
2C 3C  2 2C  3 
1 6
 E =  220  220  5  10
d d d
= 4 × 10–2 J 2C  C 2C
 X=4 C ee  
27. (b) Q3 = C3V3 2C  C 3
V3 = 20V 2 A 2 G 0  3  2 0
    2  
Q3 = 160µC 3 d 3  d  2   d
Q = Q2 + Q3 1 2 1 2
34. U i  cu  14  (12) pJ  1008pJ
Q2 = 590 µC 2 2
2R/3 R/3 Q2 (14  12) 2
 Uf    144pJ
2kC 2   14
28. (c) –3µC oscillating energy  U i  U f  1008  144  864pJ
35. (c) C1  K 0  A ; C 2  0  A
Ceq = 3C, Qtotal = 12 – 3 d/2 d/2
= 9µC 1 1 1 d d
    
2C C C1 C2 2K 0 A 2 0 A
 q1 =  9 = 6µC
3C 1 d  K 1 
   
q2 = 3µC C 2 0  A  K 
1 C1C 2 1 20 , AK 2  2  3.2
29. (c) U = V02 = CV02 C  0  3.040
2 C1  C 2 6 d(K  1) 1  4.2
 CV02  CV02 1  
C3  1 5   6  5  1
1. (c) q3 = .Q     CV02   CV02    CV02
C2  C3  3 18   18    18 
3 3  1 1 1
q3 = × 80 = × 80 Total      CV0
3 2 5 18 18 18
= 48 C
2. (b, d) 3
When switch S1 is released charge on C1 is 2CV0 (on
 CV02
upper plate )
3 1  1 1 
When switch S2 is released charge on C1 is CV0 (on E D   CV02    CV02 
upper plate ) and charge on C2 is CV0 (on upper plate) 9 2  3  2 
When switch S3 is released charge on C1 is CV0 (on
upper plate ) and charge on C2 is –CV0 (on upper plate)
K 0 A 2 0 A 8. [1.50]
3. (a, d) C = 
3d 3d
K 0 A
C1 =
C 2K
 Ans. (D) 1µF
C1 K
E1 = E2 =
Applying loop rule
 E  1 Ans. (A) 5 3 3
  0
1 r 1
K0 A
Q1 = C1V = V 3
3d 2
2 0 A
Q2 = C2V = V r  1.50
Q1 K
 Q  2
4. (b) The line charge & cylinder will behave as capacitor Km
filled with conductor i.e. resistance. It will be like a 9. (1.00)
discharging RC circuit.
Hence, (b)
5. (a, b, c, d) x
1 1 d
6. (d) E C  CV02 ; E D  V0 CV0  CV02 d m x
2 2  = dx = & =
1 N N d
 CV02  m
2 Km = K  1  
 EC = ED  N
V CV0 1  V0 
CV02 CV02 CV02  x
 0  Km = K  1  
7. (b) E D1  C.     =  d
3 3 2  3 9 18 18
2 2
K m A 0
2V0  2CV0 CV0   1  2V0  1  V0   C’ =
E D2     C    C.    dx
3  3 3   2  3  2  3   d d
1 dx 1 dx
2V  CV  1  4V V  2 2 
C = K m A 0 KA 0
  1  x 
 0  0  C  
0 0
eq 0 0 
3  3  2  9 9   d 
2 1   2 1  12  9  1 d   x 
   3 CV02     CV02   CV02  n 1 
 9 2  9   9 6  9  6  
Ceq KA 0   d   0
1 1 d
E D2  CV02  C  KA   n2  n(1)
18 eq 0
 2CV02   1 2 1  2V0   KA 0
E D3  V0 CV0     CV0  C    Ceq =  =1
 3   2 2 3   d n 2


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