Unknown Salt-3
Unknown Salt-3
Unknown Salt-3
AIM: To analyse the given unknown salt qualitatively for the presence of acidic and basic
radicals and report the tests.
b) Noted the smell of the given No Characteristic smell NH4+ may be absent
3. Flame Test:
Little amount of salt is taken in
a watch glass and 1 or 2 drops Bluish green colour is observed
of Conc. HCl is added to make a Cu2+ ions may be present
paste. The paste is introduced
into the flame of the Bunsen
burner with the help of a
platinum wire.
3. Test for Independent radicals A white ppt is formed which is Sulphate ion SO42- is present.
(SO42- ion) insoluble in dil. HCl solution
To the salt solution add little
BaCl2 solution
Confirmatory test for sulphate A white ppt is formed which is Sulphate ion SO42- is confirmed.
ion SO42- ion : insoluble in conc. HCl solution
To the salt solution add little
lead acetate solution
A pinch of the given salt is No colourless gas is evolved Ammonium ion NH4+ is absent.
heated with conc. NaOH, with ammonical smell.
Analysis of Group II
The acid radical present in the given salt is : Sulphate SO42- ion
The basic radical present in the given salt is : Cupric Cu2+ ion
The given unknown salt is : Cupric Sulphate CuSO4