Strategy For Establishing Environmental Communication in Instruding Environmental Care Behavior at Adiwiyata School, Bekasi 7 Sma Negeri
Strategy For Establishing Environmental Communication in Instruding Environmental Care Behavior at Adiwiyata School, Bekasi 7 Sma Negeri
Strategy For Establishing Environmental Communication in Instruding Environmental Care Behavior at Adiwiyata School, Bekasi 7 Sma Negeri
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Environmental issues are one of the pillars of Schools as a place to gain knowledge make it possible
sustainable development called the Sustainable for its citizens to carry out new innovations for the
Development Goals (SDGs) whose ideas emerged at the development of science and knowledge, and schools are also
United Nations Summit in New York in 2015. The required to provide innovative ideas in their role as
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action educational institutions that care about the environment.
plan agreed upon by world leaders , including Indonesia, to Adiwiyata Program, developed based on norms in life which
end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the environment. include: togetherness, openness, equality, honesty, fairness
The SDGs contain 17 Goals and 169 Targets that are and preservation of environmental functions and natural
expected to be achieved by 2030 resources. The goal is to create good conditions for schools
(, nd). to become places of learning and to raise awareness among
school members to take responsibility for efforts to save the
When the community is patterned with the environment and sustainable development.
empowerment process and environmental communication,
the next effort is to instill the SDGs goal values. Integrating environmental culture in students can be
Environmental issues and the importance of environmental trained through various activities. Among other things,
preservation need to be conveyed to the community in a environmental education in the curriculum and learning,
planned manner. There is the reallazing that is built by the character building care for the environment, provision of
society has to be gone up mainly rising the pattern capacity environmental material regarding land conservation,
of communication on giving the communication and protection of natural resources, local wisdom protecting
campaigning the life pattern of healthy from the rubbish of nature and biodiversity. environmentally friendly.
the house (Subiakto, 2020: 56). Environmental Therefore, the teacher is obliged to provide good knowledge
communication activities in disseminating SDGs require and habituation about the environment to each student. So
competent communicators. Also important to note is the that schools must be able to maintain and maintain caring
method used in conveying socialization that is easily behavior towards the environment. Environmental care
accepted by the audience who wants to be educated. behavior or better known as environmental care is a
Socialization activities are carried out in seminars or talk behavior or action that always tries to prevent damage to the
shows that are persuasive, entertaining and motivating. surrounding natural environment and develops efforts to
Various environmental communication activities can also be repair the natural damage that has occurred.
disseminated through the mass media using various self-
made publications such as banners, billboards about the II. THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR
environment or through media coverage that conveys news
related to various environmental problems, environmental This theory was developed by Fishbein and Ajzen and
damage and environmental improvement efforts as well as is an extension of Theory of Reasond Action, which aims to
other aspects. predict behavior from attitudes and to explain which
processes are interrelated. Both theories of planned behavior
Environmental Education as explained in and theories of reasoned action focus on the importance of
REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT intention to perform certain behaviors. The addition of
AND FORESTRY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA variables related to perceived control over behavior, also
NUMBER P.52/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/9/2019 called perceived behavioral control, served to extend the
CONCERNING CARE AND ENVIRONMENTAL theory of reasoned action into the theory of planned
CULTURE MOVEMENT IN SCHOOLS is an effort to behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Based on this theory, behavioral
increase knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the action of intention determines a person's pro-environmental behavior.
individual, community, organization and various parties In TPB theory, there are three variables that determine
concerned about environmental issues for sustainable behavioral intentions, namely attitudes toward behavior,
development for present and future generations. With this subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control
Perpu, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry hopes that (Sawitri, 2017).
environmental education can be carried out in schools
starting from the PAUD level to tertiary institutions.
III. THE CONCEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Social problems are a condition that is incarnated where
people feel that there is a threat that involves many people,
Communication Environmental communication social problems stem from poverty or difficulties in meeting
according to Robert Cox entitled Environment basic needs and are often interrelated with other factors such
Communication and Public Sphere in 2010, as quoted by as poor management of natural resources and population
Yenrizal in his book entitled Preserving the Earth with explosion. Third, the human factor, that humans have basic
Environmental Communication (2017) (Yenrizal, 2017, p. needs, certain desires, namely physical needs and social
9) is a pragmatic and constructive medium for educate the needs.
public about the environment. Environmental
communication concerns strategies for packaging messages Fourth, lifestyle factors. There are several lifestyles
in various mediums to raise public awareness and that exacerbate environmental damage, namely (a), a
participation in environmental management. Basically lifestyle that emphasizes enjoyment, partying and
environmental communication aims to raise awareness and debauchery (hedonism), (b) a lifestyle that emphasizes
community participation in managing the environment materialism (materialism) and (c) a consumptive lifestyle,
including forests, the pattern is dialogic, intensive and (d) a lifestyle a secular life that prioritizes worldliness and
occurs more in interpersonal communication and group (e) a lifestyle that is selfish (individualism).
communication, not just providing and disseminating
environmental information. In order for environmental communication to work
effectively, a good communication strategy is needed. This
Meanwhile, according to Alexander G. Flor and is done considering that environmental communication is
Hafied Cangara (Cangara, 2018, p. 3), environmental not an easy thing to implement, it requires the involvement
communication is defined as the use of approaches, of many parties. The program created must be well planned,
principles, strategies and communication techniques for clear, targeted, and involve collaboration and active
environmental management and protection. In the participation of stakeholders (Kadarisman, 2019, p. 7).
environmental program agenda, communication should not
only be seen as an instrument or tool to support the IV. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION
implementation of environmental management, but rather as STRATEGY COMMUNICATION
an integral part of environmental management itself.
Through environmental communication, it is expected to Strategy which is a combination of communication
raise awareness of the environment from the whole planning and communication management to achieve the
community. Environmental awareness becomes a form of stated goals. The communication strategy must be able to
attitude and behavior of tolerance towards the environment. show how operationally it must be carried out practically, in
the sense that the approach can differ from time to time
According to Neoloka (2008), (Elfiandri, 2018, pp. 62- depending on the situation and conditions. The success or
64) the factors that affect the community environment are failure of effective communication activities is largely
First, the factor of ignorance. Second, the poverty factor. determined by the communication strategy, strategy is
Poverty is one of the problems that cause social problems. essentially planning and management to achieve a goal.
However, to achieve this goal, the strategy does not function
This activity was routinely carried out every month The strategy in forming environmental communication
before the pandemic hit. During the pandemic, this activity in instilling environmental care behavior in the adiwiyata
was halted and resumed on February 21 2021 as an effort to school at SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi is by holding environmental
prepare schools to welcome 100% face-to-face learning awareness activities to celebrate National Waste Care Day
activities in the new 2021-2022 academic year in July 2021. on February 21, 2022. This environmental activity was the
There is a strong will in carrying out greenery and first to be carried out during the pandemic. All levels of
environmental management that has made this school SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi, both the principal and school
maintain the attitude and behavior of Adiwiyata school committees, carry out greening activities and environmental
residents. Achievement as an Adiwiyata School is difficult management. Students have changes in environmental care
to maintain if it does not have the support of all school behavior that are instilled in school residents at SMAN 7
members. Bekasi City including: Energy Saving, Mobility and
transportation, Waste Prevention, Waste Management and
In motivating and mobilizing school members, the waste recycling, Utilization of Water and Electricity,
school principal and vice principal for the environmental Participation in Environmental maintenance.
sector have a big role. They become the driving force for all
school members to participate in protecting and preserving Of the six indicators, all of them were successfully
the environment around the school. Participatory form instilled in students as well as the entire school community.
carried out by all school members, including the school So that environmental care behavior becomes their daily
committee. Weekly community service activities are carried behavior in the school environment. In the observations of
out by students to clean up their respective classes. Cleaning researchers when visiting this school, the expanse of green,
and greening activities are also carried out together with the clean grass and shady trees in this school, provides an
environment around the school such as RT, RW, Kelurahan illustration of how the behavior of caring for the
and Kecamatan. Through community service, SMAN 7 environment has been well instilled. The school
Bekasi City builds good cooperation with the community in environment is well organized.