Strategy For Establishing Environmental Communication in Instruding Environmental Care Behavior at Adiwiyata School, Bekasi 7 Sma Negeri

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Strategy for Establishing Environmental

Communication in Instruding Environmental
Care Behavior at Adiwiyata School,
Bekasi 7 Sma Negeri
Syerli Haryati, Vania Utamie Subiakto,
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana
Abstract:- School as an educational unit that is capable management and waste recycling, e. Wise use of water, f.
of optimizing all environmental learning to build, Participation in environmental maintenance.
strengthen, or continuously improve educational
character processes, including the character of caring Keywords:- Strategy, Formation of Environmental
for the environment as a form of the adiwiyata program Communication, Adiwiyata School, Environmental Care
at SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi. Adiwiyata Program, developed Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior.
based on norms in life which include: togetherness,
openness, equality, honesty, fairness and preservation of I. INTRODUCTION
environmental functions and natural resources. The goal The environmental problems currently faced by
is to create good conditions for schools to become places humans are floods, natural disasters, landslides, waste
of learning and to raise awareness among school problems, water and air pollution and pollution as well as
members to take responsibility for efforts to save the climate change issues. What is faced by humans in relation
environment and sustainable development. The to nature, is closely related to human behavior itself in
principles of Adiwiyata are Educative, Participatory and managing nature and the environment. The behavior of
Sustainable. The purpose of this study was to find out littering, irresponsible cutting of forests, and the narrowing
the strategy for establishing environmental of green land planted with trees for water catchment areas,
communication carried out by the Civitas SMA Negeri 7 often results in problems such as water shortages during
Bekasi in instilling Environmental Care Behavior to all droughts. Human awareness to plant trees is decreasing.
students at this Adiwiyata School. By using the concept Especially in urban areas, many people's houses do not leave
of environmental communication which is linked to the empty land for planting trees, and household waste has piled
Sustainable Development Goals in an effort to instill up mainly dominated by plastic waste.
Environmentally Concerned Behavior among students.
As well as using the theory used is the Theory of Planned Not only that, the above environmental problems are
Behavior from Fishbein and Ajzen. not new, but are the same as the age of our earth, which
according to experts, is around 5 (five) billion years old. The
The research results and conclusions obtained are proof is that thousands of species of animals and plants have
as follows: (1) The environmental communication become extinct. According to Soemartowo in Aziz (2013:
strategy implemented by SMAN 7 Bekasi is monolithic, 1), their extinction may not come suddenly without being
depending on a leader, namely the Principal with a related to the ecosystem. Erwati in Aziz (2013: 7) explains
commitment and heart to maintain cleanliness and that in developing countries environmental problems are no
greenery in the school environment. (2) The less important than in developed countries, but the cases and
Environmental Communication Strategy is also carried causes are not the same. If in developed countries the main
out by placing concern for the environment in the School cause is industrial waste such as mercury, toxic gases, smog
Mission and the School's Motto, "Be Passionate" (3) etc., then in developing countries like Indonesia it is
SMAN 7 Bekasi applies the Adiwiyata Principles in household waste and human waste.
instilling Environmentally Concerned Behavior. These
principles are: a. Educative, b. Participatory, and c. The main environmental problem is being able to
Continuity. (4) SMAN 7 Bekasi has consistently make people aware that they no longer take actions that
implemented the Caring for the environment activity cause a decrease in the quality of the environment, and with
which covers the following aspects: a. Environmental full awareness they stop doing those actions, then turn
Aspects of School Policy b. Aspects of the School around to carry out activities that can preserve the
Curriculum that are based on the environment, c. environment so that the ecosystem is safe and its
Aspects of Management of Environmentally Friendly sustainability is maintained. There are many ways that can
School Support Facilities and Infrastructure, d. Aspects be done to provide a good understanding of the environment
of participatory-based environmental activities in for each individual, such as information, counseling,
schools, (5) Environmental care behavior instilled in guidance, and education (formal and non-formal starting
students includes: a. Energy Saving, b. Mobility and from kindergarten, elementary school to university) (Yafie,
Transportation, c. Waste prevention, d. Waste 2009: 50).

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Seeing the various environmental problems that occur The school community is expected to play an active
in Indonesia, the government expects that the responsibility role in the Environmental Care and Culture Movement in
will not be placed solely on the government, but also be a Schools, hereinafter referred to as the PBLHS Movement,
joint responsibility of all elements of society. What can be which is a conscious, voluntary, networked and sustainable
done is not only trying to take action to save and respond to collective action carried out by schools in implementing
disasters caused by nature and the environment but requires environmentally friendly behavior. This PLHBS movement
collective and participatory awareness from all elements of can be carried out by implementing Environmentally
society to jointly protect the environment. Caring behavior Friendly Behavior (abbreviated PRLH) which is the attitude
and environmentally friendly attitude is a must that can not and actions of school members in maintaining and
be avoided anymore. And caring behavior and an preserving environmental functions. Educational institutions
environmentally friendly attitude do not materialize by such as schools are expected to be able to identify
themselves. But it requires knowledge, coaching and Environmental Potentials and Problems (hereinafter
nurturing. abbreviated as IPMLH).

Environmental issues are one of the pillars of Schools as a place to gain knowledge make it possible
sustainable development called the Sustainable for its citizens to carry out new innovations for the
Development Goals (SDGs) whose ideas emerged at the development of science and knowledge, and schools are also
United Nations Summit in New York in 2015. The required to provide innovative ideas in their role as
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action educational institutions that care about the environment.
plan agreed upon by world leaders , including Indonesia, to Adiwiyata Program, developed based on norms in life which
end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the environment. include: togetherness, openness, equality, honesty, fairness
The SDGs contain 17 Goals and 169 Targets that are and preservation of environmental functions and natural
expected to be achieved by 2030 resources. The goal is to create good conditions for schools
(, nd). to become places of learning and to raise awareness among
school members to take responsibility for efforts to save the
When the community is patterned with the environment and sustainable development.
empowerment process and environmental communication,
the next effort is to instill the SDGs goal values. Integrating environmental culture in students can be
Environmental issues and the importance of environmental trained through various activities. Among other things,
preservation need to be conveyed to the community in a environmental education in the curriculum and learning,
planned manner. There is the reallazing that is built by the character building care for the environment, provision of
society has to be gone up mainly rising the pattern capacity environmental material regarding land conservation,
of communication on giving the communication and protection of natural resources, local wisdom protecting
campaigning the life pattern of healthy from the rubbish of nature and biodiversity. environmentally friendly.
the house (Subiakto, 2020: 56). Environmental Therefore, the teacher is obliged to provide good knowledge
communication activities in disseminating SDGs require and habituation about the environment to each student. So
competent communicators. Also important to note is the that schools must be able to maintain and maintain caring
method used in conveying socialization that is easily behavior towards the environment. Environmental care
accepted by the audience who wants to be educated. behavior or better known as environmental care is a
Socialization activities are carried out in seminars or talk behavior or action that always tries to prevent damage to the
shows that are persuasive, entertaining and motivating. surrounding natural environment and develops efforts to
Various environmental communication activities can also be repair the natural damage that has occurred.
disseminated through the mass media using various self-
made publications such as banners, billboards about the II. THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR
environment or through media coverage that conveys news
related to various environmental problems, environmental This theory was developed by Fishbein and Ajzen and
damage and environmental improvement efforts as well as is an extension of Theory of Reasond Action, which aims to
other aspects. predict behavior from attitudes and to explain which
processes are interrelated. Both theories of planned behavior
Environmental Education as explained in and theories of reasoned action focus on the importance of
REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT intention to perform certain behaviors. The addition of
AND FORESTRY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA variables related to perceived control over behavior, also
NUMBER P.52/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/9/2019 called perceived behavioral control, served to extend the
CONCERNING CARE AND ENVIRONMENTAL theory of reasoned action into the theory of planned
CULTURE MOVEMENT IN SCHOOLS is an effort to behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Based on this theory, behavioral
increase knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the action of intention determines a person's pro-environmental behavior.
individual, community, organization and various parties In TPB theory, there are three variables that determine
concerned about environmental issues for sustainable behavioral intentions, namely attitudes toward behavior,
development for present and future generations. With this subjective norms, and perceptions of behavioral control
Perpu, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry hopes that (Sawitri, 2017).
environmental education can be carried out in schools
starting from the PAUD level to tertiary institutions.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The theory of reasoned action assumes that almost all Behavior. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), was
behavior is under the control of a person's progress to developed in 1967, then the theory was continuously revised
perform certain actions. But in reality there are still many and expanded by Icek Ajzen and Martin Fishbein. In 1980,
behaviors that are not in the person's full control. Some the theory was used to study human behavior and to develop
behaviors that experience deficiencies such as those related more appropriate interventions. In 1988, another thing was
to skills, abilities, knowledge and good planning. In other added behavioral control to the existing reasoned action
behaviors, there may be external obstacles such as time or model, then it was named Theory of Planned Behavior
opportunity that may limit achieving goals, so to (TPB). (Bursan, January 2010) of planned behavior can be
accommodate these inhibiting factors, the model from described as follows:
Theory of Reasoned Action becomes Theory of Planned

Fig. 1: Theory of planned behavior theory

Source : Burslari, Januari 2010

III. THE CONCEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Social problems are a condition that is incarnated where
people feel that there is a threat that involves many people,
Communication Environmental communication social problems stem from poverty or difficulties in meeting
according to Robert Cox entitled Environment basic needs and are often interrelated with other factors such
Communication and Public Sphere in 2010, as quoted by as poor management of natural resources and population
Yenrizal in his book entitled Preserving the Earth with explosion. Third, the human factor, that humans have basic
Environmental Communication (2017) (Yenrizal, 2017, p. needs, certain desires, namely physical needs and social
9) is a pragmatic and constructive medium for educate the needs.
public about the environment. Environmental
communication concerns strategies for packaging messages Fourth, lifestyle factors. There are several lifestyles
in various mediums to raise public awareness and that exacerbate environmental damage, namely (a), a
participation in environmental management. Basically lifestyle that emphasizes enjoyment, partying and
environmental communication aims to raise awareness and debauchery (hedonism), (b) a lifestyle that emphasizes
community participation in managing the environment materialism (materialism) and (c) a consumptive lifestyle,
including forests, the pattern is dialogic, intensive and (d) a lifestyle a secular life that prioritizes worldliness and
occurs more in interpersonal communication and group (e) a lifestyle that is selfish (individualism).
communication, not just providing and disseminating
environmental information. In order for environmental communication to work
effectively, a good communication strategy is needed. This
Meanwhile, according to Alexander G. Flor and is done considering that environmental communication is
Hafied Cangara (Cangara, 2018, p. 3), environmental not an easy thing to implement, it requires the involvement
communication is defined as the use of approaches, of many parties. The program created must be well planned,
principles, strategies and communication techniques for clear, targeted, and involve collaboration and active
environmental management and protection. In the participation of stakeholders (Kadarisman, 2019, p. 7).
environmental program agenda, communication should not
only be seen as an instrument or tool to support the IV. ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION
implementation of environmental management, but rather as STRATEGY COMMUNICATION
an integral part of environmental management itself.
Through environmental communication, it is expected to Strategy which is a combination of communication
raise awareness of the environment from the whole planning and communication management to achieve the
community. Environmental awareness becomes a form of stated goals. The communication strategy must be able to
attitude and behavior of tolerance towards the environment. show how operationally it must be carried out practically, in
the sense that the approach can differ from time to time
According to Neoloka (2008), (Elfiandri, 2018, pp. 62- depending on the situation and conditions. The success or
64) the factors that affect the community environment are failure of effective communication activities is largely
First, the factor of ignorance. Second, the poverty factor. determined by the communication strategy, strategy is
Poverty is one of the problems that cause social problems. essentially planning and management to achieve a goal.
However, to achieve this goal, the strategy does not function

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
as a road map that only shows direction, but must be able to VI. RESEARCH METHODS
show how the tactics are operational (Oepen, Environmental
Communication for Sustainable Development, 1999, p. 5). This research uses a qualitative research approach with
a descriptive type. The qualitative approach sees social
Environmental communication itself is a plan and reality as something that is whole (holistic), complex,
strategy through communication processes and media dynamic and full of meaning. Researchers seek to see
products to support the effectiveness of policy making, phenomena naturally (natural settings) where researchers are
public participation, and its implementation in the key instruments, data collection techniques are carried out in
environment. Manfred Oepen and Winfred Hamacher a triangulation (combined) manner in order to obtain in-
(Oepen, Environmental Communication for Sustainable depth data and emphasize more on the meaning of the
Development, 1999, p. 6) suggested that the steps for phenomenon under study rather than generalization
establishing an environmental communication strategy (Sugiono, 2007: 1-3) . The nature of the research to be taken
consisted of 10 steps, namely: is descriptive. This type of descriptive research was chosen
by the researcher because the researcher wanted to describe
Stage 1 Assessment, namely situation analysis and how the implementation of the environmental care
problem identification, analysis of the parties or actors movement is an effort to increase public awareness of
involved and communication objective (to increase protecting the environment in the Jatisampurna sub-district.
knowledge, influence behavior). Stage 2 Planning, Through analysis of this environmental care movement, it is
namely developing a communication strategy, motivating hoped that researchers can describe and reveal how the
and mobilizing the community, and choosing media. Stage 3 implementation of environmental care activities can increase
Message Production, namely the design of the message to be public awareness in keeping the environment clean in the
conveyed, media production accompanied by a pretest. Jatisampurna sub-district area. Thus this study will describe
Stage 4 Action and Reflection, namely Dissemination the various results and findings in a narrative and descriptive
through the media and its implementation and manner. The subjects of this study included: Mrs. Tri
Documentation, monitoring and evaluation processes. Sumarti, Spd, as Deputy Head of School for the
Environment for the 2006-2014 period, Mr. Edy Sunarya,
V. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGS) Spd, M,pd as Public Relations of SMAN 7 Bekasi., Mr.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Sustainable Mujiono S.Pd, as Extracurricular Guidance Teacher
Development Goals (TPB) is a term that describes a global Environment., Head of Extracurricular Environment. As
development program that is targeted to end in 2030. The well as students of SMAN 7 Bekasi. To determine the
development goals in the SDGs program consist of 17 validity of the data, the researchers carried out a
points, namely: No Poverty, No Hunger, Health, Education, triangulation technique. Triangulation is a data checking
Gender Equality, Sanitation and Access to Clean Water, technique that utilizes something other than research data
Clean and Affordable Energy, Economy and Decent Work, for checking purposes or as a comparison. Denzin
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reducing distinguishes four kinds of triangulation as an examination
Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, technique that utilizes the use of sources, methods,
Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Change investigators and theories (Moleong, 2013, p. 330).
Action, Ecosystems Water, Land Ecosystems, Peace, Justice VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and Strong Institutions, and Partnerships to Achieve Goals.
 Strategies for Establishing Environmental
The principles for implementing the SDGs, as quoted
Communication in Instilling Environmentally
from the page, are: a)
Concerned Behavior at the Adiwiyata School SMA
Universal: implemented by the whole world in relation to
Negeri 7 Bekasi
goals and objectives that are transformative, human-
Environmental communication as described by Robert
centered, comprehensive, and long term b) Integration:
Cox as a pragmatic and constructive medium to provide
implemented in an integrated manner in all social, economic
understanding and awareness about the environment. In
and environmental dimensions (interrelated) c) No-One Left
carrying out the strategy of forming environmental
Behind: Implemented by involving all stakeholders and
communication in instilling Caring for the Environment
providing benefits for all, especially the vulnerable. The
behavior at the Adiwiyata School, SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi,
SDGs are committed to sustainable development that is
several functions are needed to carry out this role. one of
based on integrated social, economic and environmental
which is to carry out a pragmatic educational function in
aspects, which are expected to create global prosperity. In
terms of solving environmental problems. Then carry out,
essence, sustainable development is to ensure that future
a constitutive function that will assist in understanding
generations can enjoy their daily needs like the current
environmental problems and natural representations that
generation (Kadarisman, Environmental Communication:
can form knowledge about nature.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Approach and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 2019, pp. 23-25).

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Carrying out environmental communication is not providing a green and clean school environment
an easy thing, therefore, it is necessary to have a strategy arrangement can be fully implemented if there is someone
carried out in the formation of this communication in who is focused on carrying out this task.
instilling environmentally caring behavior towards the
younger generation, especially for SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi The involvement of the Deputy Principal in the
students. Things that can be done in implementing a Environment field has made environmental activities
strategy for forming environmental communication by increasingly receiving serious attention not only at the
packaging messages are carried out in various media to internal school level but also starting to participate in
raise awareness and community participation in various environmental activities outside of school. Starting
environmental management. This awareness and in 2005, the school took part in cleanliness and greening
participation needs to be carried out by the younger competitions between schools at the sub-district level until
generation, especially students of SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi SMAN 7 Bekasi won an award as an Environmental Culture
to create an Adiwiyata school. Where awareness is made School at the Bekasi City level. Then, in 2006, SMAN 7
to try to eradicate and educate environmental problems. Bekasi was included in the Adiwiyata School Program
representing the City of Bekasi. Adiwiyata School is
The strategy for establishing environmental developed based on norms in life which include:
communication needs to be done with a communication togetherness, openness, equality, honesty, fairness and the
pattern that is dialogical, intensive and occurs more preservation of environmental functions and natural
frequently in interpersonal communication and group resources. The aim is to create good conditions for schools
communication. Environmental Communication Strategy to become places of learning and awareness of school
as the first step in carrying out the process of members to take responsibility for efforts to save the
environmental communication as a form of education or environment and sustainable development. Therefore,
literacy for the younger generation, especially for SMA objective communication is needed to increase knowledge
Negeri 7 Bekasi students. Not only that, in the formation and influence the behavior of school members about the
of communication it is necessary to have a strategy to Adiwiyata Program.
consider as supporting and inhibiting factors in the steps
for forming environmental communication to students IX. ASSESSMENT STAGE
with changes in Environmental Care behavior.
The initial step for SMAN 7 Kota Bekasi in
The stages in carrying out an environmental participating in the Adiwiyata program was to add
communication strategy in instilling environmental care environmental awareness to the mission statement of SMAN
behavior for SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi students include: 7 Kota Bekasi, namely "Growing a spirit of caring in
maintaining the school environment." Furthermore, the
VIII. ASSESSMENT STAGE mission is implemented into the school's motto, which is
known as the word "EXCITED" which is clean, healthy,
At this stage, analyze the situation and identify the independent, fun, safe and orderly. The words clean and
problem as well as analyze who is involved in it and the healthy are the top two mottos that want to be conveyed to
objectives of environmental communication to be achieved. all stakeholders inside and outside the school. Furthermore,
Where in this stage, the formation of communication was schools began to apply Adiwiyata principles consisting of:
carried out by the Principal of SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi for the
period 2005-2007 who played a role in instilling awareness A. Educative Principles.
and love for the environment and implementing go green in This principle emphasizes environmental education
the school environment. The school principal becomes a carried out by schools through various kinds of habituation,
driving force for all school members involved in such as how to educate all school members to carry out
environmental care activities. maintenance, preservation and management of the
environment to change the mindset and behavior of school
Principal of SMAN 7 Bekasi, really loves the members to become human beings who care about the
environment or cares about the environment. environment, to make citizens who aspire to a good
Implementation in structuring the school environment is environment. at school, at home and in the community.
carried out with a high commitment so that the school
becomes a comfortable, safe and green place for all school The educational principle is poured into school
members. The area of the school which reaches 5000 meters policies that are environmentally sound. This aspect is
can be planted with trees and other plants so that the school implemented through various policies such as: School
environment is not arid. The main focus of this school is Policy in developing environmental education. Policies for
maintaining the environment by carrying out tree planting increasing Human Resources (HR) for both educators and
activities and cleaning activities in the school environment. education staff in the field of Environmental Education.
The goal to be achieved from planting trees and cleaning the School Policies in terms of Saving Water Resources. School
school environment is to create a comfortable, safe and Policies that support the creation of a clean and healthy
green learning environment. This program is the school environment. School policies for allocating and using
commitment and seriousness of the school in managing the funds for activities related to the environment.
school environment. Not only that, the involvement of the
Vice Principal for School Environment SMAN 7 Bekasi in

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The environmental education policy is implemented in closing it again. Saving natural resources is also carried out
an environment-based school curriculum in the form of: on electrical energy sources. Students are taught to turn off
First, developing a cross-subject learning model. Caring for the electricity when the classroom is no longer in use.
the environment activities are carried out in a monolithic Posters warning to save water and electricity are displayed
manner which is defined as activities outside of the teaching clearly and at the ceremony, students are always advised to
and learning process but integrated into the school save water and electricity. . Students are asked to remind
curriculum. The cultivation of environmental care behavior each other.
is included in the school curriculum. With integration into
the school curriculum, efforts to identify environmental The school's policy for allocating and using funds for
issues and their application are included in each existing environmental care activities is fully supported by the
subject in the form of both individual and group school. There is a special budget of 20% of the school's
assignments. operational funds allocated for environmental care activities.
Then, there is the participation of the school committee,
For example, art teachers assign poster competitions namely a collection of parents of students in the form of
and create songs with environmental themes. The winner regular donations given every month. Funds are also
will receive a prize and his work will be installed in main obtained from activities carried out by the school such as
rooms such as the principal's room, teacher's room, organizing bazaars, selling compost production and often
administration room. Apart from that, they also put up receiving financial support from individual parents of
posters in each class. Next, the Biology teacher assigns students. So the issue of funding is not a problem. However,
students to bring trees, plant trees and record the Latin they have never received funding from outside parties in the
names of the trees they carry. Tree planting is done in the form of partnerships between schools and corporate
front yard of each class. The Indonesian teacher assigned partners, the government or non-profit organizations. They
her students to write essays about the environment, and one don't know how to get access to partnerships so they really
of the essays made by students was included in an essay hope for assistance in building partnership partnerships with
competition organized by Kompas Daily and won. sponsors. Here, the role of higher education institutions can
be a mediator or intermediary for the school and sponsor
Second, the development of learning methods based on partners.
environment and culture. Environmental and culture-based
learning methods are applied by teaching students to Furthermore, the management aspect of
recognize their surroundings and making caring for the environmentally friendly school facilities and supporting
environment a school culture that guides behavior while at infrastructure is one of the assessments of the adiwiyata
school. The inculcation of discipline in disposing of waste in program. The existence of infiltration wells built by the
its place is accompanied by sanctions for those who violate school makes the water channels not flow outside the school
it. The first sanction, students are asked to make a statement but seep into the ground. Water infiltration into the ground
of regret for the behavior of littering. The next sanction is makes the availability of groundwater sufficient for school
the punishment for cleaning the classroom or school yard. needs. With a large yard, the land that becomes water
Until the final sanction in the form of money. The first absorption is very useful for the environment. Biopori holes
sanction is able to provide a deterrent effect for students so are made in every existing water channel. The arrangement
that it does not continue with the second and third sanctions. of environmental suggestions was also divided based on
themes from extracurriculars in SMAN 7 Kota Bekasi.
Third, exploration and development of existing There is a volleyball court area, basketball for volleyball and
environmental materials and issues through environmental basketball extracurriculars, hydroponic and fish farming
subjects. Lessons about the environment are included in the areas for environmental extracurriculars, as well as other
curriculum. Fourth, Development of extra-curricular areas that are compatible with other extracurriculars. There
activities to increase students' knowledge and awareness are art areas, cultural areas, literacy areas and so on.
about the environment. Students form an Extracurricular
Environment (ELH) fostered by the vice principal of the Education is also carried out for students, especially
environmental field. With ELH, students are taught and students who are members of ELH, who are taught how to
instilled awareness to care about nature conservation and manage waste with the 3R principles, namely reduce, reuse,
maintain a clean and healthy environment through various recycle. The first step, students are taught to separate
school greening and cleaning activities, learning to grow organic and an organic waste. The principle of reduce,
hydroponic plants, cultivating fish, and learning to process students and all school residents are asked to bring their own
waste into compost which is then sold to the community. drink thumbler and food supplies from home. That way, the
around. This activity went well before the pandemic. And use of plastic and plastic waste will decrease. Waste
during the pandemic, the Joint Large-Scale Restrictions management is separated between organic and an organic.
(PSBB) policy which closed schools, various environmental Students are asked to be disciplined in disposing of garbage
activities temporarily stopped. according to the type of waste. Those who violate will be
subject to sanctions. Then, the organic waste is recycled into
Water is an important natural resource for people's compost. The processed compost is marketed to the
lives. Limited water sources must be used wisely by all surrounding community. Plastic waste is converted into
school members. The school always reminds its school crafts that are taught in skills subjects.
residents to save water use by using enough water and

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Environmental extracurriculars have an Instagram shaping environmental care behavior. SMAN 7 Bekasi City
social media channel, namely @elhsman7bekasi. Instagram is a role model for other schools and the surrounding
media is a medium of information and communication of community in the Jatisampurna District area.
their activities. The ELH management manages social media
channels under the guidance of Extra Environmental C. The Principle of Sustainability
Guidance Teachers. During Mrs. Tri Sumarti's tenure as The principle of Sustainability implies that this
Deputy Deputy for Environment, the Instagram social media Adiwiyata Program is planned, continuous and sustainable.
channel was active. He served from 2006-2014 until the With the vice principal for the environmental sector formed
leadership of Principal Mrs. Ida Farida. After releasing this by the Deputy Principal for the Environment Sector, the
position, until now there is no one assigned to hold this sustainability of environmental management continues
special position. Thus, the activity of instilling under the coordination of the Deputy Principal for the
environmental care behavior as an aspect of sustainability is Environment Sector. The role of the Deputy Principal for
not going well. In addition, since March 2020, the COVID- the Environment Sector is very large in encouraging the
19 pandemic hit Indonesia so that the government creation of environmentally caring behavior. Sustainability
implemented large-scale restrictions, schools and colleges in instilling environmental care behavior makes the
were closed. Environmental activities are carried out from principal's initial commitment to maintaining the
home by ELH students with directions from the guidance sustainability of instilling environmental care behavior a
teacher via Zoom or Google Meet. consequence of becoming an Adiwiyata School. This
program is carried out when the Principal of the School is in
B. Participative office for a period of 2-4 years, so his leadership can carry
Principle This principle implies that the implementation out and accommodate environmental care activities very
of the Adiwiyata Program must be carried out in a much depending on the intention and will of the next leader.
comprehensive manner, starting from the government to the
community, through planning, implementation and However, the current problem is that concern for
evaluation that involves the community. Likewise, caring for the environment in schools is stagnant due to lack
participatory activities carried out at schools also involve of support from school principals. After the absence of a
parents and the surrounding community in collaborating in vice principal who handled the special environmental field,
carrying out environmental care activities. The participatory it was considered to be a factor in hampering various
form carried out by SMAN 7 Bekasi City is manifested in environmental activities at this school. Young teachers don't
the participation of various activities related to moments or have the courage to carry out this arduous task so that
celebrations of environmental holidays. In the participative environmental activities at school are mostly carried out by
principle carrying out activities including community the Environmental Extracurricular. The regeneration process
service activities, greening and environmental management did not run smoothly, it is great hope that the young teachers
are carried out together with all school members, namely the who become coaches of ELH can revitalize Care for the
school principal and his leadership, teachers, parents of Environment activities. Ahead of the implementation of
students who are members of the school committee and staff 100% face-to-face learning in the new 2021-2022 school
and students. year.

This activity was routinely carried out every month The strategy in forming environmental communication
before the pandemic hit. During the pandemic, this activity in instilling environmental care behavior in the adiwiyata
was halted and resumed on February 21 2021 as an effort to school at SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi is by holding environmental
prepare schools to welcome 100% face-to-face learning awareness activities to celebrate National Waste Care Day
activities in the new 2021-2022 academic year in July 2021. on February 21, 2022. This environmental activity was the
There is a strong will in carrying out greenery and first to be carried out during the pandemic. All levels of
environmental management that has made this school SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi, both the principal and school
maintain the attitude and behavior of Adiwiyata school committees, carry out greening activities and environmental
residents. Achievement as an Adiwiyata School is difficult management. Students have changes in environmental care
to maintain if it does not have the support of all school behavior that are instilled in school residents at SMAN 7
members. Bekasi City including: Energy Saving, Mobility and
transportation, Waste Prevention, Waste Management and
In motivating and mobilizing school members, the waste recycling, Utilization of Water and Electricity,
school principal and vice principal for the environmental Participation in Environmental maintenance.
sector have a big role. They become the driving force for all
school members to participate in protecting and preserving Of the six indicators, all of them were successfully
the environment around the school. Participatory form instilled in students as well as the entire school community.
carried out by all school members, including the school So that environmental care behavior becomes their daily
committee. Weekly community service activities are carried behavior in the school environment. In the observations of
out by students to clean up their respective classes. Cleaning researchers when visiting this school, the expanse of green,
and greening activities are also carried out together with the clean grass and shady trees in this school, provides an
environment around the school such as RT, RW, Kelurahan illustration of how the behavior of caring for the
and Kecamatan. Through community service, SMAN 7 environment has been well instilled. The school
Bekasi City builds good cooperation with the community in environment is well organized.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
X. MESSAGE PRODUCTION STAGE  Improving the quality of management of
environmentally friendly facilities and infrastructure in
In instilling environmental care behavior, there is schools.
coordination between the Principal and the Deputy Principal
in the environmental field, packaging messages that are This report has been routinely carried out by SMAN 7
tailored to the intended target audience. Messages are Bekasi since it was named the Adiwiyata School in 2019.
conveyed through various existing communication media This annual report is stored neatly in the school library.
such as policies, regulations and appeals written on internal
media such as posters, pamphlets, leaflets and internal XII. CONCLUSION
memos. The message production stage was carried out by
the school with posters made by students with an There are at least five strategies implemented by SMA
environmental theme which contained calls to care for the NEGERI 7 BEKASI in establishing environmental
environment such as disposing of trash in its place, using communication in order to instill caring behavior for the
water and electricity wisely. Not only that, the canteen is environment as an adiwiyata school, including:
also called the "Natural Canteen" where there is a fish pond  The environmental communication strategy implemented
nearby as a place for cultivation for ELH activities, by SMAN 7 Bekasi is monolithic, depending on a leader,
surrounded by shady trees, the beauty of the "natural namely the Principal with a commitment and heart to
canteen" is felt. In the canteen, cleanliness is maintained. maintain cleanliness and greenery in the school
At this school, there is no visible trash scattered about  The Environmental Communication Strategy is also
and the students bring their own drinking and food carried out by placing concern for the environment in the
containers and use environmentally friendly items such as School Mission, namely point 4 which explains efforts to
plates made of bamboo which are placed on banana leaves. foster a caring spirit in maintaining the school
The use of plastic is minimal. In the canteen you can also environment. And also in the School Motto, Clean and
see various posters and pamphlets urging them to maintain healthy are the first and second points in the School Motto
cleanliness. which are known as the word "EXCITED"
 As an adiwiyata school, SMAN 7 Bekasi applies the
XI. EVALUATION Adiwiyata Principles in instilling Environmentally
Concerned Behavior. These principles are: Educative,
Phase This Evaluation Phase was carried out by the Participatory and Sustainability.
Bekasi 7 Public High School for the activities carried out for
 The strategy for forming environmental communication in
the formation of communication in instilling environmental
instilling environmental care behavior at SMA NEGERI 7
care behavior at the Adiwiyata School of Bekasi 7 Public
BEKASI school as an ADIWIYATA school through
High School. As an Adiwiyata school, there is an obligation
consistent Caring for the environment activities until now
to report the results of an annual evaluation of the
which includes the following aspects: Aspects of School
sustainability of Caring for the Environment activities. The
Policy with an Environmental Insight, Aspects of the
evaluation relates to the following matters:
School Curriculum based on the environment, Aspects of
 Environmentally Friendly Policy, has standards;
Management of Environmentally Friendly School Support
 Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) includes
Facilities and Infrastructure, Aspects of participatory-
efforts to protect and manage the environment. based environmental activities in schools.
 RKAS contains programs in efforts to protect and  Environmental care behavior at SMA NEGERI 7
manage the environment.
BEKASI school as an ADIWIYATA school that is
 Implementation of Environment-Based Curriculum, has instilled in students includes: Energy Saving, Mobility
standards; and Transportation, Waste Prevention, Waste
 Educators have competence in developing Management and Waste Recycling, Wise Utilization of
environmental learning activities. Water. Participation in environmental maintenance
 Students carry out learning activities about
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