Task 2 Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBLDR414
Task 2 Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBLDR414
Task 2 Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBLDR414
Full Name
Student ID NCCS Term 1 Year 2023
Student Declaration
1. I declare that this assessment has been completed by me and is my own work
2. This assessment is submitted in accordance with the NCCS Regulations and
Assessment Policy. I also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty (such as
plagiarism) and the penalties attached to being found guilty of committing such
3. No part of this assessment has been copied from any other source without
acknowledgement of the source.
4. No part of this assessment has been written by any other person, except to the extent of
collaboration and/or group work as defined in the assessment.
5. A copy of the original assessment is retained by me and that I may be required to submit
the original assessment to the trainer upon request.
6. I am aware of my appeal rights.
Student Name
Football South Coast (FSC) is a sporting association based in a small town on the NSW South Coast. It
is responsible for the administration and development of soccer for the NSW South Coast region,
coordinating the 12 local men’s soccer clubs and 16 children’s soccer clubs. The association employs a
General Manager, Operations Team Leader, Marketing and Communications Officer, Physical
Performance Coordinator, Administration Manager, Grounds Person, and a Receptionist.
FSC’s Vision is for soccer to be the number one sport played throughout South East NSW.
FSEC’s Mission is to grow football by supporting members and the football community through, strong
leadership, sound communication and the provision of a clear strategic direction that secures the sport’s
long-term prosperity.
● Operating with trust and Integrity with each other, as well as with members and the
● Customer focus through appreciation of interests and passion of our members and the broader
football community.
● Camaraderie through recognising the superior strength and efficiencies of good team work
● Innovation through best practice and change
● Openness and transparency in communicating with our members, customers, and the broader
FSC’s General Manager has asked you, as Operations Team Leader, to develop a teamwork plan that will
include a range of tasks and activities that the association’s staff can carry out over the next twelve
months to achieve the key strategic goals.
In order to develop a plan that will be enthusiastically adopted by the team, you are to conduct a meeting
with the FSC’s staff to inform them of the association’s new key goals, and to workshop innovative ideas
they may have that could help the association achieve them. With the participation of the staff, you are to
translate their ideas into actions that they will then carry out.
The meeting will provide an opportunity for all the association’s employees to contribute to the next
stage of the association’s development. You will be collecting ideas about how the team can fulfil the
association’s objectives.
You are expected to encourage all team members to be innovative and constructive in their participation.
Keep in mind that this unit’s focus is on teams working in an effective way, and you are being assessed
on your ability to encourage and support your colleagues to do this.
Review the case study information and write some notes on your plans for the meeting.
You will know the other meeting participants, so structure the meeting in a way that is appropriate for
these people. Use appropriate language and social references, too.
Write a statement of what the team’s purpose and long-term objectives are, to take to the
meeting with you. This will be just your starting point, though, as these will have to be discussed and
accepted by all the meeting’s participants.
As well as leading the meeting, you will be taking notes, and writing up a report afterwards. Review the
Team Work Plan Template to order the information you receive at the meeting. How do you want to
document the meeting’s proceedings? With a white board, computer and projector, or butcher’s
Create your meeting notes here that you will take to the meeting.
Once you have created your email, please take a screenshot and add your screenshot to this section
of your assessment answer booklet. Keep the written text of the email here as well as the
Team meeting
● This email should summarise the preparations you have made in activity 1 (above notes) and set
out what you hope to achieve at the meeting.
● Inform the manager that you will develop a teamwork plan that will include a range of tasks and
activities that the association’s staff can carry out over the next twelve months to achieve the key
strategic goals.
● Ask for the date, time, and place for the meeting.
● Inform the manager that you have reviewed the company information and done
● some research on the Internet to get some ideas, which should help to stimulate ideas and
discussions in the meeting.
● Write a sentence here to say if they have any questions to contact you.
Please remember to use your real email, take a screenshot and paste it here.
Once you have created your email, please take a screenshot and add your screenshot to this section
of your assessment answer booklet. Keep the written text of the email here as well as the
Team meeting
● This email should list the FSC’s three key strategic goals and invite the recipient to a
meeting to discuss how the team can achieve these.
● This email should summarise the goals of the meeting and its importance and encourage the team
members to start thinking of activities appropriate for meeting the team’s goals, and to bring
these to the meeting.
● Inform the team members of the meeting date, time, and place (ask your trainer for this details)
● Inform the team members they will be encouraged to work innovatively and
collaboratively to achieve the key strategic goals
Please remember to use your real email, take a screenshot and paste it here.
Your next step is to establish, and document, the team’s purpose and long-term objectives. This should
be done in full consultation with the team members. All team members should know why they are
participating in the meeting, and the process of getting all participants to agree to the wording of the
team’s purpose, and long-term objectives will encourage team cohesion and establish team goals.
You are being asked here to roleplay a Team Leader, leading colleagues in thinking up new ways of
doing things, but you are also a student, asking your student colleagues for new ideas and how they can
be translated into actions. Your team members will have played and loved sport as a child and might
continue to do so now. Bring this out at the meeting, getting them to look at their own motivations as a
child, and their current social and physical motivation, and look at how these could be used to motivate
Also, be aware that the other students at the meeting will be conducting a meeting on the same topic
within a short time of you conducting yours. So, try to establish your own meeting leadership style. It
should be uniquely yours, and effective. Be conscious that you will be modelling effective meeting
leadership throughout the meeting. You should consciously behave as a role model for your colleagues,
behaving in a way that encourages team excellence.
Even though you may think that you know what FSC should do, being a leader in this meeting means
that you are responsible for to engaging and motivating the other meeting participants, leading them in
collaboration. Not leading them by telling them what to do.
Discuss (and record) the ideas the participants give, asking the others for input, looking at it practically,
working out what preparation would be necessary, material, personnel, whatever is relevant to carrying
the idea to realisation. Try to find productivity measures for each task that can be used to check whether
it has been performed.
While encouraging the team members to find and develop ideas, you are expected to display the
following leadership skills:
● Lead and support the team members not just to discuss their ideas, but establish the planning,
decision making and operational aspects of the activities that are selected.
● Encourage team members to own their innovative ideas and incorporate them into specific
activities that will achieve the association’s goals.
● Establish who will be responsible for carrying out the planning, decision making and
operational aspects of the activities that are the meeting’s outcomes.
● Encourage and support team members to take responsibility for their own work and to assist
each other carry out their established roles and responsibilities
● Use formal analytical thinking techniques to identify issues and generate possible
solutions, using input from the meeting’s participants as required
● Ask questions and listening to responses to clarify understanding
● Active listening skills
● Use non-verbal communication skills that encourage discussion and feedback, for
example, nodding, smiling, eye contact.
Where issues, concerns or problems arise during the meeting, it is important that you:
● Summarise the ideas and activities to have come out of the meeting.
● The summary should verify the team, and each team member’s, specific goals and
anticipated outcomes.
● Tell the participants that you will lead and support them in meeting the outcomes.
Finish the meeting by thanking the participants and telling them that you will collate the ideas that they
have shared and the activities that they have selected to undertake into a team work plan. with each
person’s roles and responsibilities clearly set out. Tell the participants when they can expect to have the
plan. Give yourself a realistic but challenging time frame for this.
Please take notes during the meeting, as you will need to have meeting minutes notes below. Open your
● Date – add the date you have conducted the meeting with your assessor
o The summary should verify the team, and each team member’s, specific goals and
anticipated outcomes.