Bluetooth and Arduino Uno-Based Voice-Controlled Home Automation System
Bluetooth and Arduino Uno-Based Voice-Controlled Home Automation System
Bluetooth and Arduino Uno-Based Voice-Controlled Home Automation System
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Abstract: People nowadays seek strategies to improve their home automation systems (Internet of things). In recent years,
lifestyles by utilizing the most up-to-date technologies. Also, the wireless technologies like Wi-Fi and cloud networks have
physically challenged find it difficult to do minor tasks alone in progressed, and wireless systems are now utilized daily and
the home. Home automation systems are getting more attention everywhere [4].
coinciding with developments in the Internet of Things. In line
with assistive technology, this project demonstrates the Home automation has grown popular over the last few
implementation of a low-cost home automation system by decades, improving comfort and quality of life [5]. Some
designing and building a microcontroller-based system for people require a home automation system to meet their
controlling and monitoring home devices with the use of a voice
demands and comfort. Integrating speech recognition
remote control system that allows data to be transferred through
wireless media. The technology is simple to use and is built on an
technology for paralyzed people's home automation systems
Android-based smartphone with an easy interface. can make the system more user-friendly and straightforward
Demonstrations reveal that the system makes it easier for the to manage and control.
system's intended users (the elderly and the disabled) to operate
Traditionally, most controlling has been done manually,
lighting, heating, cooling, and security systems in their homes.
such as walking to the switch and turning it on. However, as
Keywords: Arduino, home automation, voice, internet of things, time progressed, the development of remote controls provided
disabled users with an alternate method of controlling such appliances
I. INTRODUCTION without walking to the unit. [6]. As a result of the preceding,
several advancements in the controlling method have been
mathematical and organizational tools for a continuously A noteworthy achievement is using the voice as the
growing range of applications and human activities. As initiating or controlling medium for the appliance. Home
technology and intelligent services have developed, people's automation allows people to save energy, be more convenient,
expectations and ideas about how services should be offered and be more efficient in their homes [11]
and accessed at home have changed significantly. This has This project aims to design and create a home automation
enabled the transformation of the traditional home into a smart system using the Arduino microcontroller that is open-source,
home; thus, the concept of home automation systems has simple to use, and inexpensive. The project is restricted to a
evolved. Home automation refers to integrating all domestic residential mode to allow for prototyping.
amenities and equipment. The term "home automation
system" allows end-users to control and manage their electric II. METHODS
appliances [1]. For instance, a centrally controlled In this project, a speech function to control home devices is
microcontroller panel can handle everything from heating and employed. It makes use of a Bluetooth module and a
air conditioning to security systems, lighting, and other microcontroller. In an embedded system, a microcontroller is
electrical appliances [2]. Controlling components of our home a small integrated circuit that governs a certain operation. The
remotely via a computer or mobile device, programming application is free and easy to use. This project is relatively
electrical items to respond automatically to certain conditions simple to implement in the real world. It may be controlled by
or scenarios, or centralizing the control of a range of the anyone of any age just by uttering the orders. The range of
home's appliances into a single control point are all examples this Arduino-based project is greater than that of Infra-Red
of home automation [3]. Many well-known home automation and PC-based projects.
systems, such as Arduino-based home automation systems,
rely on wired connections. This is not a problem until the 1) Power Supply Unit: Figure 1 shows the 12 V power source
system is developed ahead of time and installed during the used in this project, which is one of the system's relay
building's physical construction. However, the cost of functions. It is to control or switch on and off a much larger
implementation for existing structures is relatively expensive. current with a relatively small current Page 27
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6194
2) Voice Recognition Unit: The voice recognition unit consists When programming the microcontroller from pc, a cable for
of the HC-05 Bluetooth module and the ARM software serial, parallel, or USB communication and an Arduino Uno
application. This unit oversees the voice commands, which board is used with Arduino IDE software. The Arduino IDE
are sent to the microprocessor (Arduino Uno) to be interpreted software is a specialized program in the Windows
and executed with help from the 12V relays. environment for writing programs for the microcontroller. The
program is written in Assembly language. The main work
3) Control Unit: This component manages the general here is to write all instructions so that they should be executed
functionality of the system. It consists of an Arduino Uno sequentially by the microcontroller. For the Assembly
board with an ATMEGA328P microcontroller IC as shown in language compiler to run the program successfully, the source
Figure 2. It contains a non-volatile FLASH program memory file must have the extension ino after its name, for example,
that is parallel programmable. Along with ATMEGA328P, the (automation.ino).
Arduino Uno board consists of other components such as a
crystal oscillator, serial communication, voltage regulator, and The steps for programming the microcontroller are as follows;
so on to support the microcontroller. Arduino Uno has 14 1. Connect the device to pc using the USB serial cable.
digital input/output pins (out of which six can be used as 2. Open and load the written code document.
PWM outputs), six analog input pins, a USB connection, A 3. Click the upload icon to upload the written code to
power barrel jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. the microcontroller through the Arduino Uno board.
Below is the modified code used in this project work and
displayed on the PC screen in Figure 4: Page 28
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6194
We put our system together using the above components. The
Arduino Uno (DUINO1) is the system's main component, as it
has a microprocessor (Atmega328). The Atmega 328 has a
32KB flash memory.
The voice-controlled Arduino system uses a 12 V
output power supply adapter as an input. Relays are attached
to the Arduino Uno's output pins and serve as switches for the
Figure 5: Components on breadboard A Bluetooth module HC-05 is utilized as a remote for the
III. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION wireless communication system, which is attached to the
control unit for sensing the signals sent by the android voice
Figure 6 shows the schematic diagram of the voice application.
recognition home automation system using Arduino. The
figure explained in detail, the function of each component The switchboard was connected to the microcontroller
involved in the circuit. device with the Bluetooth module and relay circuit. Then, on
our smartphone, we launched the android-based program
DUINO1 is the microcontroller that controls the circuit. RL1, AMR voice. Voice commands were given to the appliance
RL2, RL3, and RL4 are 12 V relays. The relay provides using the application. The microcontroller sends a signal to
complete isolation between the low-voltage circuit on the relay board after receiving the command from the
DUINO1 and the high-voltage side controlling the load. It Bluetooth module.
gets activated using 5V from DUINO1, which controls
electrical appliances like fans, lights, and air-conditioners.
The RL1, RL2, RL3, and RL4 are all 1 K resistors attached to
the 12 V relay, and they absorb excess voltage given off when
the relay is activated. This would protect any other
components in the circuit from voltage spikes. The resistors
are connected to pins 9, 10, 11, and 12 on the DUINO1. The
HC1 is the HC-05 Bluetooth module used in the project. It is
connected to pins 2 and 4 on the DUINO1. It aids in sending
commands received by the HC-05 through the ARM software,
the DUINO1, for processing and execution. D1, D2, D3, and
D4 are diodes connected in parallel to the relay coil, Figure. 7: The software application on android device receiving commands
preventing huge voltage spikes from arising when the power
supply is disconnected. Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 are transistors. The application began by looking for a Bluetooth device. It
They are used as the main switching devices. It provides fast starts the voice recognizer module and senses its availability.
DC switching (ON-OFF) control relay coil from an input It reads the voice and turns the audio stream to a string of
source. L1, L2, L3, and L4 are 230 V ac bulbs representing characters as displayed on the smartphone. It assigns a value
appliances controlled by voice commands. The 10 K and 20 K to each appliance that is fed into the microcontroller. The
connected to the RX pin of the HC1 are used as a voltage serial port is used by the microcontroller. It decodes the input
divider because the RX pin can accept only 3.3 V, and the value after receiving the data and sends a signal to the parallel
voltage provided by the DUINO1 is 5 V. port, which activates the relay circuit. The relay then turns on
the bulbs, which represents the load as shown in Figure 8.
L3 L1
230V L2 230V
RL1 RL2 RL3 1N4007
12V 12V 12V
D1 D2 D3
1N4007 1N4007 1N4007
DUINO1 R1 Q1 R2 Q2 R3 Q3
2N2222 2N2222 2N2222 R4 Q4
1k 1k 1k 2N2222
~ PB1/OC1A
A0 ~ PD6/AIN0
PC0/ADC0 5
A1 ~ PD5/T1
PC1/ADC1 4
PC2/ADC2 3
A3 ~ PD3/INT1
PC3/ADC3 2
20k Page 29
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6194
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