Disease Prevention

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Disease prevention in different stages of growth and development.

1. Infant
- A healthy, full-term pregnancy, birth in a hospital that encourages breastfeeding, and a healthy, secure
home environment are the initial steps in giving infants their best chance of preventing diseases in their first
year of life. This includes rapid diagnosis and treatment of preterm labor as well as handwashing by birth
attendants and equipment sterilization and disinfection. Additionally, early and exclusive breastfeeding,
clean cord care (which includes umbilical applications of chlorhexidine), improved maternal health and
nutrition, maternal and newborn immunizations, and antibiotic prophylaxis are all necessary for infection
2. Toddler
- For toddlers, Immunizations help protect them from vaccine-preventable infections. Teaching them Basic
hygiene at home, daycare, or school. To stop the spread of germs, children under the age of two require the
assistance of a caregiver. To prevent contracting infections, they should routinely wash their hands and
sanitize their shared toys.
3. Pre-schoolers
- Same in toddlers, ways to prevent diseases in preschoolers are immunizations, teaching them basic hygiene
at home, at daycare, or at school, hand washing, cleaning and sanitizing their toys, objects they use, and
surfaces at least daily, and giving them nutritious foods.
4. School-age child
- First prevention of diseases in a school age child is giving them a vaccine. Vaccinations are essential for
protecting your child's health as well as the health of everyone around them, especially the most vulnerable
members of our communities. Give them healthy and nutritious foods, encourage them not to exchange
anything like drinking cups, utensils. Teach them to wash their hands as a courtesy to other people, cover
their mouths when they cough or sneeze, and blow their noses into tissues can also prevent diseases.
5. Adolescents
- Adolescents can prevent the malnutrition and obesity that are very common throughout the adolescent
years and can result in contracting diseases by ensuring a nutritious diet and regular exercise. An adolescent
can also avoid contracting any diseases by regularly washing their hands, eating nutritious foods, getting
adequate exercise, and refraining from tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption.

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